BIO: Sears, Adam - Nicholas Co INDIAN CREEK TOWNSHIP, LAWRENCE CO., IN. PAGE 313 ADAM SEARS was born in Nicholas County, Ky., in 1818, son of David and Anna (Kern) Sears, and is of German extraction. The father of Mr. Sears was born in North Carolina in 1792, and when ten years of age removed to Kentucky, and there remained until 1818, when he with his family immigrated to Indiana, and effected a settlement in Lawrence County. Here the father of Mr. Sears resided until his demise. The subject of this mention settled where he now and since has resided in 1839, and this same year was united in marriage to Miss Rebecca Wright, a native of Washington County, Ind. To this marriage were born thirteen children, the following of whom are living: Melissa J., Tabitha E., Peter W., David L., Ambrose K., Nancy E., Arley R., and Ulysses G. Mr. Sears now has 320 acres of well improved land. He is a Republican, but cast his first Presidential vote for the Democratic nominee. Mr. Sears is one of the pioneers of Lawrence County. Mr. and Mrs. Sears are members of the Christian Church. He has been a successful farmer, and is one of the well-to-do citizens of his township. "HISTORY OF LAWRENCE, ORANGE & WASHINGTON COUNTIES INDIANA" GOODSPEED BROS. 1884 Transcribed by: Diana Flynn Date: 25 Jul 1997