From: KyArchives [] Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 10:22 PM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Sebastian.Logan.1950.Breathitt.DEATH Korean Conflict Casualty File Korea U. S. Army Breathitt County KyArchives Military Other Korean Conflict Casualty File Military Service Branch A U S ARMY Country of Casualty KR Korea Casualty Group A3 HOSTILE - Died while missing File Reference Number 22167 Name of Casualty SEBASTIAN LOGAN Processing Date 7911 Service Number 15259838 Military Grade or Rank PFC PRIVATE FIRST CLASS Pay Grade E3 Date Died or Declared Dead 500720 07/20/1950 View Service Component V Reserve (USAR, USNR, USAFR, USMCR, USCGR) Home of Record-City/Town/County BREATHITT Home of Record-State 18 Kentucky Birth Date Year 26 26 Birth Date Month Birth Date Day Cause of Casualty * Undefined Code Air/Non air Casualty * Undefined Code Race C Caucasian Sex M Male Citizenship 1 U. S. Citizen Date Died or Declared Dead 500720 07/20/1950 Last Record Indicator 1 Submitted by: Darrell Warner This file has been created by a form at