BIO: Stackhouse, Hugh Rev. - Breckinridge Co STACKHOUSE, NCNAB, HANNUM "COUNTIES OF MORGAN, MONROE & BROWN, INDIANA. HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL." CHARLES BLANCHARD, EDITOR. CHICAGO: F. A. BATTEY & CO. PUBLISHERS. 1884. F. A. BATTEY. F. W. TEPPLE BROWN TOWNSHIP AND MOORESVILLE, MORGAN COUNTY, INDIANA PAGE 239 REV. HUGH STACKHOUSE, present resident minister of the Methodist Protestant church, Mooresville, Ind., was born in Breckinridge County, Ky., November 9, 1837. His parents, William and Jane (McNab) Stackhouse, natives of England and of North Carolina respectively, came to Indiana in the year 1841, settled in Orange County, and there ended their days. They had eleven children--eight sons and three daughters--and six of the sons and one of the daughters were older than the subject of this sketch. Up to eighteen years of age, Hugh Stackhouse lived upon a farm, and from his father (who was a superior scholar), and through a pretty regular attendance at the public schools, he received a good English education. About this time, he began his theological studies, and in the year 1859 was received into conference at Morristown, Ind., and two years thereafter regularly ordained Elder of the church. After being received into conference in 1859, he was at once assigned to Richland Circuit, which embraced twelve places for preaching, and held this charge three years. The year following he occupied the Monroe Circuit; and on April 29, 1863, he was married at Solsberry, Ind., to Nancy Jane, daughter of William and Mary Hannum, of Ohio, and has had born to him four children--Urbine, Charles H. (deceased), Arthur and Cora May. Since entering the ministry, the Rev. Mr. Stackhouse has been kept constantly on duty, and during the time has held some of the most important charges in the United States. He is a thorough theologian, and ranks high among the many eloquent ministers of the Methodist Protestant Church. In addition to his pastoral duties, he is the occasional correspondent for several Church periodicals, and holds the position regularly of Corresponding Elder for the "Methodist Recorder". He has represented his conference in four General Conferences and two General Conventions; is a Royal Arch Mason, a Republican in politics and a stanch advocate of the cause of temperance. Transcribed by: Diana Flynn Date: 8 Sep 1997