Williams.John.1817.Unknown.BIOS JOHN WILLIAMS, is a native os Shawswick Township, and was born November 27,1842, the third of three children born to NATHANIEL and ROSANNA (OWENS) WILLIAMS, the father a native of North Carolina, and the mother of Kentucky, who came to this county in 1817. Passing youth without noteworthy event and with meager education, John at the age of nineteen years began life's battle for himself. August 17,1865, he married SARAH J. FISH. Three of their five childrn are now living: EMMA C., SADIE M., and MINERVA C., all at home. July 8, 1874, Mrs. Williams died, and July 15,1875, he married MARY A. FISH. The issue is three children - LUTIE M., ELLA J. and ANNA M. Mr. Willims throughout life has followed farming. He now owns 120 acres of good land. He is a Republican, and he and family are members of the Christian Church. August 6, 1862, he enlisted in Company G, Fourth Cavalry, and served for three years, and was mustered out as Corporal July 6, 1865. He was at the battle of Chickamauga, and participated at Reasaca and Atlanta, and in McCook's raid and in minor actions. His military record is a good one. Submitted by: Diana Flynn Date: 25 Jun 1997