LaRue County Herald Obituary Index

Located at the LaRue County Public Library


 Dates  missing

JAN 3, 10, 17---JUL 11, 18, 25---AUG 8, 15, 22, 29

all of SEP, OCT, NOV & DEC


This obit index is for the newspaper date---NOT THE DEATH DATE

Name                                            Age  Paper date   Page/Col.  Spouse or ( Parent )

Abell, Joe, Mrs.                           63     04 JUL         1       2       (maiden name..Shoffner )

Abell, Joe, Mrs.                           63     04 JUL         1       4      

Alvey, Child                                  Inf.   28 MAR      3       2       ( James Alvey )

Avery, Nellie                                18     28 FEB         6       4       Otto Avery

Ballard, J. W.                                        28 FEB         1       6      

Ballinger, Serna                           23     04 APR        1       3       ( H. H. Ballinger )

Beard, Dewey                                       14 FEB         5       1       ( Ben Beard )

Beckanan, J. T., Mrs.                           04 JUL         8       4      

Beeler, Martha                            90     28 FEB         1       3      

Boone, Ben                                            02 MAY       4       5       ( William & Eliza Boone

Borders, Arabella Bogard           83     07 FEB         1       3       J. A. Borders

Bowling, Child (son)                              21 FEB         7       4       ( Harry & Lena Bowling

Braden, Child                               Inf.   11 APR        5       3       ( Harve Braden )

Braden, Daphne                                    21 FEB         7       4       ( Clarence Braden )

Bradley, George Cambron          30     01 AUG        4       4       James Bradley

Bray, Margaret                            83     04 APR        6       4       Henry Bray

Bright, James                               68     14 FEB         7       2       Sallie

Brown, Alva                                  60     02 MAY       1       6       George Brown

Brown, Alva Willian                     64     09 MAY       3       6       George W. Brown

Bryan, Child (son)                        16m  24 JAN        7       3       ( Emanuel Bryan )

Bunnell, Wallace                          59     31 JAN        1       5

Burbee, Jim                                           18 JUL         1       3

Calhoun, Child                                       28 FEB         2       2       ( Joe Calhoun )

Carr, James                                           24 JAN        5       1      

Carr, James                                           24 JAN        8       1

Carr, Jim                                               24 JAN        2       3      

Carter, Bob                                           07 FEB         1       4      

Carter, Phebe                               12     24 JAN        3       3       ( Press Carter )

Castleman, David M.                  70     14 MAR      1       3       Louretta B. Martin

Cessna, Sarah                                       11APR         1       4       ( J. F. Cessna )

Chambers, Jennie                        75+   24 JAN       3       3      

Coy, Steve                                             24 JAN        3       6      

Crady, Felix                                  69     24 JAN        8       3      

Crady, Steve                                         21 FEB         1       1       ( Hillary Crady )

Crouch, Mattie                                      28 MAR      6       2      

Daugherty, Ida Belle                            04 APR        2       4       Joe Daugherty

Dobson, Joe W.                            65     27 JUN        7       5      

Duley, John                                           31 JAN        4       3      

Dunn, Stella                                           04 JUL         8       4       George Dunn

Dyer, Alice                                   56     04 JUL         8       3      

Eads, George                               61     09 MAY       4       4      

Edlin, Tom                                             16 MAY       1       5      

Edlin, Tom                                             23 MAY       8       5      

England, Roy                                         27 JUN        3       6      

Ewing, William                                      07 FEB         4       5      

Ewing, William                                      07 FEB         6       5

Farleigh, J. R.                                       14 FEB         5       2      

Fisher, Dale                                  21     14 MAR      1       1       ( J. C. Fisher )

Fletcher, George                                   14 MAR      2       3       Miss Gardner

Friend, Ida                                             04 JUL         7       3      

Friend, John                                          04 APR        1       6       ( C. C. Friend )

Fulkerson, Blain, Mrs.                35     21 FEB         5       2      

Gibson, Louy Goldsmith              74     25 APR        8       6      

Gibson, Syd, Mrs.                        74     18 APR        5       6      

Hall, May                                              13 JUN        3       2       John Hall

Handley, Allie Brownfield           39     28 MAR      1       1       L. B. Handley

Handley, Daniel S.                       86     02 MAY       1       1      

Handley, L. B., Mrs.                             04 APR        8       3      

Hansbrough, J. F.                                  20 JUN        1       5      

Hardin, Bud                                           16 MAY       4       5      

Harned, Alice                               50     16 MAY       7       5       Lee Harned

Harned, Alice                                        06 JUN        8       4      

Harned, Alice                                        27 JUN        1       3      

Harned, Charles W.                     34     16 MAY       1       6       ( David Harned )

Harned, Lee, Mrs.                                09 MAY       1       4       ( maiden name Uptegrove           

Hatcher, D. A.                              28     14 FEB         6       1      

Helton, Sam                                           09 MAY       4       2      

Hines, Child (twin)                       05     28 FEB         2       5       ( Jim Hines )

Jackson, Ed                                           11 APR        1       6      

Jackson, Edd                                         11 APR        5       3      

Jaggers, Hardy, Mrs.                  71     07 FEB         8       5      

Jaggers, Leslie                             18     21 MAR      1       2       ( Jerry Jaggers )

Jaggers, Virgil, Mrs.                            07 FEB         6       6       (Daug. Of Monroe Pottinger

Jarvis, Child (son)                        Inf.   18 APR        8       3       ( Robert Jarvis )

Johnsey, Sallie                             97     28 FEB         7       3      

Kennedy, Elizabeth                      91     07 FEB         1       3       D. T. Kennedy

Kerrick, Marvin H.                               28 MAR      7       4      

Kerrick, Spencer Marvin            21     28 MAR      3       1       ( W.A. & Sallie Kerrick)

Kincade, Kate                              55     28 MAR      6       3       E. Tabor Kincade

King, Bill                                               04 JUL         5       6      

Lafollette, Squire                                  07 FEB         4       5      

Larimore, Leslie                          28     21 Feb          3       3       ( Lewis Larimore )

LaRue, Mary Finn                                21 FEB         4       5      

Leasor, Virgil C.                          34     23 MAY       7       3       Lillian Wyatt

Lyon, Will R.                                35     02 MAY       2       2      

Macy, Wiley J.                                      21 MAR      1       2      

Marcum, Rosa Agnes                  Inf.   18 JUL         1       5       ( J. R. Marcum )

Martin, Edward E.                       37     30 MAY       1       2       ( P. W. Martin )

Mathers, Robert                          19     09 MAY       2       1       ( Lloyd Mather )

McCubbins, Mrs.                         60     20 JUN        1       5       (mother of Wash & Willie

Morris, Melissa                           65     27 JUN        1       1       T. M. Morris

Munford, William Ball                 75     21 FEB         1       1      

Neal, J. R., Mrs.                                   02 MAY       5       3

Nevitt, Bowling, Mrs.                           02 MAY       4       5       ( William & Eliza Boone

Newton, Ike                                           18 APR        1       5      

Newton, Ike                                           25 APR        7       6      

Newton, Ike                                           02 MAY       1       6       Georgia Ann

O’Conner, J. W., Dr.                            31 JAN        1       4

Orrender, James                          92     21 FEB         1       6      

Orrender, James Henderson       92     21 FEB         5       4       Nancy Phelps

 Owsley, W. B., Mrs.                   73     16 MAY       1       1      

Parish, Frank                                12     02 MAY       2       3      

Penick, Virginia Spencer                      02 MAY       1       4      

Price, George M.                                  18 JUL         1       5      

Prine, William Wallace, Rev.               21 MAR      1       6

Ratliff, Charles W.                                28 FEB         1       2       ( S. G. Ratliff )

Rider, George                                       16 MAY       8       4      

Riney, Theresa Katherine           02     14 FEB         5       1       ( D. E. Riney )

Rodman, Child                             Inf.   23 MAY       7       4       ( Albert Rodman )

Rodman, W. E.                             71     24 JAN        1       6       Mary A. Gore

Roger, Charles                             39     14 MAR      1       5      

Russ, Child (son)                          Inf.   24 JAN        3       2       ( Kelly & Zetta DuncanRuss)

Russell, Wallace, Mrs.                         18 JUL         5       6

Scott, Emily T.                              78     21 FEB         7       3       (2 items, same column)

Scott, Marshall, Mrs.                           21 FEB         7       3      

Shipp, E. F., Mrs.                                  01 AUG        2       4      

Shipp, Fammie Sympson              73     04 APR        3       1       J. H. Shipp

 Shipp, Richard, Mrs.                           14 FEB         5       1      

Sidebottom, Calvin                                14 FEB         8       6      

Simms, Henry                                        25 APR        8       5      

Sims, Gertrude                                      21 FEB         7       4       Albert Sims

Skaggs, Ben                                          25 APR        8       3      

Skaggs, Bob                                          01 AUG        8       5      

Skaggs, R. J.                                63     01 AUG        7       3      

Smith, Child                                  03m  27 JUN        2       4       ( George Smith )

Smith, William Claude                          27 JUN        1       5       ( G. T. Smith )

Smith, William P.                                   27 JUN        1       3      

Spratt, Thelma                             05m  14 MAR      1       4       ( E. H. Spratt )

Spratt, Vanda                               24     07 MAR      1       5       Ed Spratt

Spratt, Vanda Hudgins                24     07 MAR      7       4       E. H. Spratt

Sprowles, Jim                                        04 APR        4       1      

Stamp, Stanley                             02     07 FEB         8       4       (Mrs. Myrtle Johnson Stamp

Stiles, Child                                  05m  01 AUG        4       4       ( Robert Stiles )

Tapscott, William                                  24 JAN        5       1      

Thompson, Chap, Mrs.                         13 JUN        7       4      

Thompson, Charles                               21 FEB         7       4      

Thompson, Charles J.                  73     07 FEB         2       5

Tucker, Aaron                                       14 FEB         1       5       ( Anderson Tucker )

Turner, Tom L.                             42     14 FEB         6       1      

Underwood, Child                         06m  07 FEB         4       4       ( Alfred Underwood )

Underwood, J. L.                                   28 FEB         7       3

Upton, Martha                             76     14 FEB         5       5      

Vaughn, Child                               Inf.   23 MAY       5       3      

Waggoner, L. B.                                    16 MAY       4       5      

Walters, Mary                             87     14 FEB         1       5       ( Joseph Wathen )

Walters, Mary Wathen                        14 FEB         7       2      

Warren, Child                               Inf.   25 APR        3       4       ( Omer Warren )

Warren, Mollie                                     16 MAY       4       4       W. C. Warren

Watkins, Martha                                  14 FEB         5       1       Edward Walters

Weatherton, Miriam                             07 MAR      1       5      

Weatherton, Miriam                             14 MAR      7       2      

Weatherton, Phoebe                    69     06 JUN        1       2       George Weatherton

Webb, Alex                                   102   02 MAY       1       2      

Whitlow, Sam, Mrs.                     46     25 APR        3       5       ( Jim Akin )

Whitlow, Sam, Mrs.                              20 JUN        2       2      

Whitworth, W. U.                                  23 MAY       1       5      

Williams, Joe                                         28 FEB         1       4      

Woods, Marvin R.                                09 MAY       2       1       Mary Duckworth

Wortham, Child                            Inf.   16 MAY       4       3       ( Ray Wortham )

Wright, George B.                       55     18 JUL         1       2