LaRue County Herald Obituary Index

Located at the LaRue County Public Library


The newspaper on the microfilm for 1939 is in very poor condition, dates are not consecutive on the film, dates and page numbers are missing .


A copy of an obituary will not be available for the names marked with (xXx).  I have listed at the bottom of the page the information that was given for that name and each name was given a matching number.


Dates missing

5 JAN, 12 JAN, 19 JAN, 26 JAN, 2 FEB, 9 FEB, 2 MAR, 16 MAR, 30 MAR, 1 JUN, 6 JUL, 13 JUL, 20 JUL, 27 JUL, 3 AUG, 10 AUG, 17 AUG, 24 AUG, 31 AUG,

7 SEP, 14 SEP, 21 SEP, 28 SEP, 5 OCT, 19 OCT, 28 DEC


This obit index is for the newspaper date---NOT THE DEATH DATE

Name                                            Age  Paper date   Page/Col.  Spouse or ( Parent )

Baird, Oma, Mrs. (1.)                           (xXx)                             

Ballinger, Edward                        65     08 JUN        1       6       Carrie

Barnes, Rollie A.                         38     13 APR        8       1       Blanche Leming

Benas, Esther                                        26 OCT        8       3       Henry M. Benas

Bledsoe, Belinda F. (2.)               97     (xXx)                              James Bledsoe

Booker, George                           23     20 APR        1       4       ( Mrs. Altha Booker )

Boone, Harvey                             22     06 APR        8       2       ( Mrs. Baude(?) Boone )

Brown, Lettecia                            72     18 MAY       1       5      

Brown, Rueben M.                      62     29 JUN        1       5       Lula Humphrey / Janie E.

Brownfield, John                          85     30 NOV       1       3       Belle Druin / Mattie Peterson

Carby, Elizabeth Corum                        25 MAY       1       4

Catlett, Samuel Nathan               75     29 JUN        1       4       Rebecca Ellen Routt

Cloud, W. H.                                          18 MAY       8       1      

Creal, Clark                                 60     14 DEC        1       3      

Cruse, Elmer                                32     15 JUN        1       5       ( Lee & Lizzie Cruse )

Cruse, Nora Dixon                                06 APR        1       6       Dube Cruse

Daugherty, Dan H.                      55     06 APR        1       1       Ida

DeFevers, Cad                             75     11 MAY       1       5      

DeSpain, George                                   25 MAY       1       5      

DeSpain, George                                   25 MAY       2       5      

DeSpain, John                              81     16 FEB         1       6      

Dunn, Lizzie M. Basham             58     06 APR        8       1       W. A. Dunn

Edwards, J. F.                               85     06 APR        1       2       Mary

Eich, Paul H.                                 33     16 NOV       1       5       Louise Edlin

Foote, Lorene Thompson            28     12 OCT        1       4       Innes Foote

Ford, Clarissia Pepper                 85     21 DEC        1       3       J. S. Ford

Ford, Thomas J.                           77     16 FEB         1       2      

French, Bobby Joe                                26 OCT        5       5       ( Herman French )

Gardner, Sam, Mrs.                      52     11 MAY       1       1      

Glass, Melvin                               23     14 DEC        1       3      

Godby, Ida                                    89     15 JUN        1       6       William R. Godby

Gollaher, Benjamin                      77     14 DEC        1       6       Martha B.

Goodman, Conrad                                 20 APR        1       2      

Goodman, Conrad                        44     13 APR        8       1      

Gorin, Leonard                             38     25 MAY       1       3       ( H. F. Gorin )

Green, Henry                               81     26 OCT        1       1       Belle H. Boone

Hagan, John Smith                       78     02 NOV       1       1       Addie

Hatfield, Tom, Mrs.                      68     11 MAY       1       4      

Hicks, Dan, Mrs. (3.)                            (xXx)                             

Hoback, Thomas                          83     27 APR        1       5      

Hodge, Cap                                  58     09 NOV       1       5      

Howard, Churchill                        67     07 DEC        1       3       Katherine Farnsworth

Hudgins, Grayson                        80     12 OCT        1       5       Mary

Hudgins, M. L.                             76     04 MAY       1       3      

Hunter, Harvey                            79     14 DEC        1       2      

Jeffries, Hattie                                      13 APR        1       2       R. W. Jeffries

Johnson, Annie Kouwenbergh     74     22 JUN        1       6       Ben Johnson

Keith, W. T.                                  65     23 MAR      1       4      

King, Lizzie Ashcraft                   76     26 OCT        1       3       Rev. G. L. King

Lafollette, Nannie                        83     26 OCT        1       6      

Lanz, Charles J. (4.)                     66     (xXx)           

Lee, W. T. (5.)                              83     (xXx)

Lynch, James, Mrs.                              29 JUN        1       6      

Mabe, Johnson                            72     22 NOV       1       1      

Matherly, T. W.                                    02 NOV       5       3      

McClain, Child (son)                    Inf.   04 MAY       1       1       ( Claude McClain )

McDowell, Robert P.                    33     11 MAY       1       6       ( Mrs. Eugene Waddell )

McFelia, Wood                                     30 NOV       8       3      

McNew, Sylvester                                 11 MAY       1       6      

Meers, D. G., Mrs.                               23 MAR      1       6       (W.H. & Susan Lamkin)

Miller, Child                                 02     02 NOV       1       4       ( Albert Miller )

Miller, Shirley Ann                               06 APR        1       6       ( Raymond Miller )

Moore, Walter                             45     09 NOV       8       1      

Morris, Mary Lizzie                    52     22 JUN        1       5       Hal Morris

Morrison, Sarah Ann Nevitt         87     23 FEB         1       3       T. W. Morrison

Murray, Charles                          76     13 APR        1       4       Mattie

Newton, Herbert                          19     06 APR        8       2

Noe, Charles, Mrs. (6.)                        (xXx)                             

Noe, Ed                                         49     22 NOV       1       2       ( Jim Noe )

O’Bryant, Paul C.                        27     07 DEC        1       5       ( Weller O’Bryant )

Owens, “Aunt Matt”                            26 OCT        1       6      

Peace, Gertrude Gibson               47     18 MAY       1       1       Robert Peace

Perkins, J. F., Mrs.                      71     26 OCT        1       2      

Peterson, Child (son)                   Inf.   09 MAR      1       3       (Hardin & Lena Peterson)

Peterson, Lena Ford                             09 MAR      1       3       Hardin Peterson

Phillips, W. H., Mrs.                     86     11 MAY       1       3      

Philpott, E. H., Mrs. (7.)                       (xXx)                             

Pottinger, Denny                          06m  30 NOV       1       5       ( Raffo Pottinger )

Preyor, Joe                                   73     11 MAY       1       2      

Preyor, Joseph, Mrs.                   60     04 MAY       1       2       ( Moten & Louisa Terrill )

Price, Rhelda Elliott                     76     21 DEC        1       5       James Franklin Price

Purvis, Anna Oakes                     80     11 MAY       1       3       John Thomas Purvis

Ragsdale, Mary                                    09 MAR      1       4       ( John Ragsdale )

Redman, Elizabeth Cissell           79     21 DEC        1       4      

Reynolds, Clarence                      44     04 MAY       1       5      

Reynolds, Irvin                            55     16 NOV       1       6       ( Bob Reynolds )

Rhodes, Hilary Lonza                  79     30 NOV       8       2      

Riley, Robert Thatcher                        29 JUN        1       2       Helen Cruse

Riney, D. E.                                           30 NOV       1       4       Anna B. Stovall

Rock, Ella McCubben                          02 NOV       1       6       William Rock

Seward, Patrick                            67     15 JUN        1       1      

Shipp, Laura Jane Shelton          80     07 DEC        1       6       W. B. Shipp

Skaggs, J. R.                                76     30 NOV       1       1       Mary A.

Slack, Middleton T.                     83     02 NOV       1       4       Mary

Smith, J. Albert                            85     04 MAY       1       5       Margaret Kennady

Spalding, Joseph                          16     22 JUN        1       3       ( Lovel Spalding )

Spratt, John A.                             84     30 NOV       1       2       Mattie Sutton

Stuebing, Edward G.                    71     16 NOV       1       3       Blanche Bowles

Talley, Eliza Weldon                    62     27 APR        1       1       Gude Talley

Taylor, Ed                                              27 APR        1       4       Grace Routt

Thompson, Robert                       98     02 NOV       1       5      

Thurman, Charles Tinker            72     09 MAR      1       2       Florence Lewis / Alice Miller

Uptegrove, John W.                     80     08 JUN        1       2       Isabelle Druien

Vaughn, John                               86     13 APR        1       3      

Walsh, Richard                            71     02 NOV       1       1       Rosa

Walters, Leticia Rogers                       02 NOV       1       3       James Walters

Walters, Leticia Rogers              79     22 NOV       3       5       James Walters

Warfield, T. M. (8.)                      69     (xXx)   

Warren, John                               47     29 JUN        1       1      

Weigel, E. P., Mrs.                      55     09 MAR      1       4      

Wells, C. D., Mrs.                                 14 DEC        1       6      

Willian, C. L., Mrs.                               06 APR        1       4       Dr. Willian

Wilson, Ed                                    32     21 DEC        1       6      

Wilson, Willie, Mrs.                              30 NOV       1       5      

Woodard, Billie                                     04 MAY       1       1       Grace

Woodyard, J. W.                           83     11 MAY       1       6       Grace Dunn

Wright, Dan                                  41     22 NOV       1       3       Dora Dunn


(1.)    Baird, Oma, Mrs.---Funeral at Edlins

(2.)    Bledsoe, Belinda F.---Daughters, Mrs. O. T. Daugherty, Mrs. Sanders, Mrs.      G. W. Weller; son, Newman Bledsoe.  Buried at Valley Creek Cemetery

(3.)  Hicks, Dan, Mrs.---Funeral at New Haven

(4.)  Lanz, Charles J.---Buried at St. James Catholic Church Cemetery

(5.)    Lee, W. T.---Wife, Cynthia; daughters, Mrs. A. R. Rogers, Mrs. R. L.

       Redmon, Mrs. W. R. Lafollette; sons, Jesse Lee, S. R. Lee.  Buried at 

       Elizabethtown City Cemetery

(6.)  Noe, Charles, Mrs.---Funeral at Holly Grove

(7.)  Philpott, E. H., Mrs.---Buried at Sonora, KY

(8.)  Warfield, T. M.---Death: 4 NOV     Buried at Ekron, KY