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Church Record for the Transcribed by Carol Wyatt Constitution October the 3 Sat. 1897 (1) This is to certify that on the 16 day of October 1897 it being the 3 Saturday there being a sufficient number of church member of united Baptist to organize a church at Hytop. Therefore under the directions of Baptist faith and order on the 16 day of October 1897. And set the day for said organization and agreed to meet on the third Saturday of November 1897 at Hytop and organize. (2) November the third Saturday 1897 it being the 20th day of the month we met and imboked our selves to gather for said organization. We then adopted church convent then the rule decorum and articles of faith were read received and adopted by the following members to wit: Rev. James Brewer, Justice Brewer, Sid Hale, Ruben Morgan, Alexander Morgan, Chris Morgan, Mervery Brewer, Alice Hale, Roan Morgan, Gracie Morgan, Mary Harville, Elizabeth Andras, and Rachel Storms all of whom agreed to call themselves by the name Mt. Bethel Church of United Baptist and proceed to the election of our offices where upon Brother James Brewer was elected moderator and Brother Chris Morgan church clerk who was chosen as our officers in that capacity we then was recognized by the committee as a United Baptist church given under our hand day and date. James Brewer mod Chris Morgan CC. (3) December the 3rd Saturday 1897 We the united Baptist church of Christ of Mt. Bethel at Hytop have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit called for and found in peace then preceded to business then no business coming before the church it was ordered that they adjourn till meeting in course. Done to order by the church. James Brewer mod Chris Morgan C C (4) January the 3 rd Saturday 1898 no meeting on account of absence of moderator James Brewer mod Cris Morgan C C (5) February the 3rd Saturday 1898 no church meeting on account of absence of moderator James Brewer mod Cris Morgan C C (6) March the 3 Saturday 1898 no church meeting on account of not being a charrum of members present. James Brewer mod Cris Morgan C C
(7) April the 3rd Saturday 1898 We the united Baptist church of Christ of Mt. Bethel at Hightop have met and after prayer the unity of the Spirit Sought for and found in peace then preceded to business, the clerk being absent it was motioned and Seconded that brother Sid Hale be and was appointed clerk protem for the day it was then motioned and seconded that Sidney G Hale and sister Alice Hale be and was appointed Deacon and Deaconess for the Church, it was ordered that the selecting of our (presbatery?) be at-- (9unreadable)-to next meeting. It was then motioned and seconded to adjourn the business of the day this done to order by the Church James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. S.G. Hale C. Prot. (8) May the 3rd Saturday 1898 No Church meeting on account of a choir of members not being present. James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (9) June the 3rd Saturday 1898 no Church meeting on account a choir of members not being present James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (10) July the 3rd Saturday 1898 No Church meeting on account of not being achourum of members present. James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (11) August the 3rd Saturday 1898 No Church meeting on account of not being a chour of members present. James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (12) Sept. the third Saturday 1898 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought and found in peace. Then members of sister Churches invited to seat with us then proceeded to business, it was then ordered that Bro. W. F. Bray was selected to meet with Church at next meeting for the purpose of ministerial aid in ordaining Deacon and Deaconess. It was then ordered that brother Justis Brewer be and was appointed to see Elder W. F. Bray. No further business was attended to. It was ordered to adjourn the business of the day done to order by the Church James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (13) Oct. the third Saturday 1898 No Church meeting James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (14) November the third Saturday 1898 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer by brother John Brewer and preaching by brother Mahan Clark and Rev. James Brewer, the doors of the Church were open for the reception of members. Received four to wit , Brother John Brewer, Sister Elizabeth Brewer by experience and Brother Mahan Clark and wife Sister Abbey Clark by letter. This done to order by the Church. Rev, James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (15) December the third Saturday 1898 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace, thus proceeded to business, there still being no Deacon or Deaconess, brother Mike Riley being present he was solicited by the Church as Ministered aid for ordaining Deacon and Deaconess then no further business coming before the Church it was Motioned and seconded that we adjourn the business of the day. Then brother Justice Brewer and sister Gracie Brewer was ordained as Deacon and Deaconess for the Church. Done to order by the Church Rev. James Brewer Mod Chris Morgan C. C. (16) December the 21- 1898 It Wednesday, we the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have had sears of meetings held at this place by brother Mike Riley, brother James Brewer, brother James M. Wells and brother David McKey. The doors of the Church were opened for the reception of members and received two to wit, brother Frank Harvel and sister Orlend Johnson by realization. Done to order by the Church Rev. James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (17) January the 3rd Saturday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought and found in peace then the church was solicited to wait till Sunday for the election of a Moderator no further business coming before the Church it was motioned to adjourn the business of the day. Done to order by the Church Rev. James Brewer Mod. Cris Morgan C. C. (18) January the 4th Sunday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after electing brother James Brewer as Mod. For the next year, and after preaching by Brother James Wells and Brother James Brewer the doors of the Church were opened for the reception of members and received two to wit, Brother James M. Wells and wife sister Martha J. Wells by letter. Done to order by the Church. Rev. James Brewer Mod Cris Morgan C. C. (19) February the third Saturday 1899 No Church meeting Rev. James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (20) March the 3rd Saturday 1899 No Church meeting on account of absence of Moderator James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (21) April the 3rd Saturday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace then proceeded to business . No new business coming before the Church except it was ordered the coming meeting be at the regular meeting in June. No further business was attended to, it was ordered to adjourn the business of the day till meeting in course. Done to order by the Church James Brewer Mod Chri Chris Morgan C. C. On Sunday following meeting were held the doors of the Church were opened for the reception of members received and to wit- Brother Frank Anders by experience Bro. Janes Brewer Mod. Cris Morgan C, C (22) May the 3rd Saturday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace. No business coming before the Church at present. After preaching the doors of the Church were opened for the reception of members received 3 to wit, Sarah Anders by (unreadable) and brother Alford Clark and his wife sister Elen Clark by letter. Done to order by the Church. Rev. James Brewer Mod Cris Morgan C. C. Reuben Morgan c. c. Pro. Sunday following after preaching by Bro. Mahan Clark and brother James Brewer, the doors of the Church were opened for the reception of members and received one to wit. Bro. Henry Thompson, by letter. Collection of 90 cents for the papers of preparing necessary preparation for the communion. Done to order by the Church Rev. James Brewer Mod Cris Morgan C. C. (23) June the 3rd Saturday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace then the minutes of last meeting were read and adopted then proceeded to business where upon it was moved that the Church should ordain brother Ruben Morgan to the Ministry of Christ the Church pertaining to Sinking, East Salem and Slate Hill Churches for ministerial for said ordination, it was then moved that Bro. James Wells and Bro. Cris Morgan go as a committee to Sinking Church and Bro Ruben Morgan as a committee to East Salem Church, it was moved that the Church write a letter to Slate Hill Church as a committee to Church for ministerial aid in said Ordination, this being a surplus to that amount of .35 cents left after purchasing said preparations for the (communion?) the money been placed in the hand of the Deacon. No further business coming before the Church it was motioned to adjourn the business of the day. Done to order by the Church. Rev. James Brewer Mod. Cris Morgan C. C. (24) July the 3rd Saturday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace the Church Clerk not being present it was then motioned that Brother Justus Brewer should serve a assistant Church Clerk it was then motioned that the (commutiun?) should be replaced as committees from sister Churches administrated aid was granted form Sinking Church and East Salem Churches the Church received administered aid East Salem Church also Sinking Church Bro. Morgan refused to be ordained under the 14 article of faith, so the brethren from Sinking Church did not participate in Ordination because they believed in the 14 article of faith, we the old United Baptist be in 13 articles of faith, no further business coming before the church it then motioned and second to adjourn the business of the day, this done to order by the Church James Brewer Mod. Justice Brewer assistant C. C. (25) Aug. the 3rd Saturday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Hytop have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace, then proceeded to business. This Church Clerk being absent the Church elected brother Ruben Morgan clerk Brother Mahan Clark and brother David McKey preached. James Brewer Mod. Ruben Morgan C. C. (26) Sept the 3rd Saturday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ of Hytop have met and after prayer by brother Hubbard the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace . No business coming before the Church brother Henry Bruner preached from first Corinthian the 13 -13 Done to order by the Church James Brewer Mod. Ruben Morgan C. C. (27) Oct. no Church meeting (28) Nov the 3rd Saturday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ of Hytop have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace not business coming before the Church it was motioned to adjourn till meting in course. Done to order by the Church Bro. James Brewer Mod Reuben Morgan C. C. (29) Dec. the third Saturday 1899 We the united Baptist Church of Christ at Hytop have met and the Church not called to gather on account of not aquarum of members being present. James Brewer Mod. Ruben Morgan C. C. 1897 - 1899 1900 - 1905 1906 - 1910 1911 - 1915 1916 - 1922 Return to the Laurel County Homepage
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