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Church Record for the Transcribed by Carol Wyatt
(102) Jan 3 Saturday 1906 We the United Baptist
Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and called together and
found in peace (2) membership called for and received none. Motioned
and order that Bro. Mahan Clark be appointed assistant moderator.
Done by order of Church (103) February 3 Saturday 1906 We the united
Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship
the Church called to order and found in peace. Membership called
for received (unreadable) motion and order that Church put Bro.
Sid Hale as Church assistant clerk. (104) March the 3 Saturday 1906 We the United
Baptist of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met after prayer called to
order found in peace. The member call for received none. Motion
and ord. to exclude John Bow for Drunkenness. (105) April 3 Sat. 1906 We the United Baptist
Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the Church
found in peace. (106) May the 3 Saturday 1906 We the United
Baptist Church of Christ have met and after worship called together
and found in peace. The members of sister Churches invited to seats
with us. Then doors of Church open for reception of membership
received none. Then motioned and order that the Church send her
ministerial aid to Rough Creek the second Saturday in June. Done
by order of Church (107) June the 3rd Saturday 1906 WE the United
Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship
the Church called together and found in peace. Done by order of
Church (108) July 3rd the third Saturday 1906 We
a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after
worship the Church called to order and Church found in peace. Church
privileges extended for reception of members received none. (109) August the 3rd Saturday 1906 We a United
Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship
the unity of the spirit called for and found in peace. Then member
of Sister Churches invited to seat with us. Then membership called
for received none. Then motioned and order that the organization
and ordered to prepare a letter to the association and the following
delegates appointed to wit Bro. J. W. McCown John Williams Kelley
Clark Chris Morgan Arnold Brumett Alford Clark John Clark (110) Sept. the third Saturday 1906 We the
United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after
worship the unity of the spirit called for and found in peace.
Then doors of the Church open for the reception of members received
none. Then motion and order to read letter to the association and
received by the Church. Done by order of Church (present memberships
50) R. Morgan moderator Chris Morgan C. C. Sunday following Doors
of Church open for the reception of members received three to wit.
Guss Query and wife Bell Quarry and Corvia Cornet by baptism. The
second Sunday meeting at Cold Rock School House. Doors of Church
open for the reception of members received three to wit James Cornett,
George Nelson and wife Samantha Nelson, also the ordinance of baptism
was c administered to Guss Quarry and wife Bell Quarry, George
Nelson and wife Samantha Nelson, James Cornett and wife Corvia
(111) Oct. the third Saturday 1906 We the
United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after
worship the Church called together and found in peace. Then membership
called for received one to. Bill Brown At a call meeting at Cold
Rock on the second Sunday in Oct. 1906 received by baptism three
to wit Geo. Nelson and wife Smantha Nelson and Jas. Cornett. (124) Oct. the 3rd Saturday 1907 We a United
Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship
the Church called together and found in peace. Membership called
for, for reception of members and received none. (125) Nov. the 3rd Saturday 1907 We the regular
United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after
worship proceeded to business. 1st fellowship called for and found
in peace 2nd We appoint Bro. J. W. McCown Church Clerk protemipt
for the day. 3rd We extended an open door for members received.
None. (126) Dec. the third Saturday 1907 We the
United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after
worship the Church called together and found in peace. Then membership
called for and received none (127) Jam. The 3rd Saturday 1808 We a United
Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship
Church called together found in peace membership called for received
none (128) February Minute lost in hand of Bro.
Williams (129) Mar the 3rd Saturday 1908 We a United Baptist Church
of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship Church called
together and found in peace. Membership called for received none.
3rd Motion and second that the Church listen Bro. Kelley Clark
to preach. (130) April the 3rd Saturday 1908 No Church
meeting for account not being coar of members present. (131) May the third Saturday 1908 We the united Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met and after worship (1) the Church called together and found in peace. (2) Motion order we exclude Lisey Brown for fornication. (3) Motion and order we grant letters of dismission to Bro. Alford Clark and Sist. Ellen Clark. (4) Motion and order we receive the work of arm extended to the neighborhood of Bro. Mahan Clark (and minute put to record. To wit) We the
United Baptist Church of Christ arm being extended to my neighborhood
have received 3 members to wit Bro. France Sears, Sister Amy Sears
and Sister Mandy Sears joined the Church the second Sunday in February
the 9th 1908 and was baptized the second Sunday in May 1908 (132) June the third Saturday 1908 We the
United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after
worship the Church called together and found in peace. No further
business for the day. (133) July the third Saturday 1908 We the
United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after
worship the Church called together and found in peace then motion
and order the Church receive the work of Bro. Mahan Clark to Bro.
Billie Roges and sist. Mandy Roges (Minute of Arm) June the 28, 1908 We the
United Baptist Church of Christ arm being extended to my neighborhood
have received one member to wit Bro. Billie Rodges joined the Church
the fourth Sunday June and was baptized the second Sunday in July.
July the 12, 1908 We the United Baptist of Christ arm being extended
to my neighborhood have received one member to wit. Sister Mandy
Rodges she joined the church the second Sunday on July and was
baptized the same day (134) August 3rd Saturday 1908 We the united
Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met and after worship the
Church called together and found in peace. Then the Church privileges
extended for membership received none. Then the motion and order
that we extend an arm to the neighborhood of Sister Gamble and
Bro. Lawson Campbell and others. Then motion and order we letter
to the association and order the Bro clerk to prepare a letter
for inspections next meeting and the following delegates are appointed
to wit Bro. Jas. McCown, Chris Morgan, John Clark and A Brumett. (135) Sept. the 3rd Sat. 1908 We the United
Baptist of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship Church
called together and found in peace. Then Church privileges extended
for membership received none. Then the letter to the association
read received. Then motion and order to exclude Bro. Henry Perry
and Sister Rachel Storms for joining the Camellites. Then motion
and order to grant the petitions to arm of this Church in Bro.
McCown neighborhood and appoint the following Bro with present
membership (68) R. Morgan and Mahan Clark as committeemen to said
arm to wit Bro. Sid Hale, Kelley Clark, John C. Clark and Chris
Morgan. Then motion and order to grant letters of dissmission to
the following to wit Bro. J. W. McCown, A. Brumett, G. B. Brumett
and W. H. Brumett and wife sister Melvinia Brumett Minute of Arm Aug. 23, 1908 We the United
Baptist Church of Christ arm being extended to my neighborhood
have received two members to wit Bro. Henry Gooden and Bro. George
Rodges joined the Church the fourth Sunday I August and was baptized
the second Sunday I Sept. (136) Sept. the 8, 1908 We the United Baptist
Church of Christ arm being extended to my neighborhood have received
two members Sister Lissie Ping and Sist. Anie Goff joined the Church
the 8 of September and was baptized the second Sunday I Sept. (137) Oct. the third Sat. 1908 We the United
Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship
the Church called together and found in peace. Then Church privileges
extended for membership received none (138) Nov. the 3rd Saturday 1908 We a United
Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship
the Church called together and found in peace Membership called
for and received none. Then motion and order that the Church receive
the work of Mahan Clark of receiving Sist. Sarah Bolton in the
arm being extended in his neighborhood. Motion and order the Church
petition Rough Creek for ministerial aid and appoint Bro. Sid Hale
and Kelly Clark to bare petition to same. Motion and order the
Church hold an election next meeting to elect a moderator. R. Morgan
mod. (139) Dec. the 3rd Saturday 1908 We the United
Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship
the church called together and found in peace. Then the Church
ordained Bro. Kelly Clark as a minister of the gospel. Then the
Church elected Bro. Mahan Clark as Moderator for the next year
membership called for received none. (140) Sept. the 27, 1908 We the United Baptist
Church of Christ arm being extended to my neighborhood have received
one member Sarah Bolton joined the Church the 4th Sunday in September
And was baptized the 4th Sunday in Oct. 1908 (141) Oct. 1908 We the United Baptist of
Church of Christ arm being extended to my neighborhood have received
one member Mary M. Roy joined the Church the 4th Sunday in Oct.
and was baptized the 4th Sunday in Nov. 1908 (142) Jan the 3rd Saturday 1909 No Church meeting coar of member not present (143) Feb. the 3rd Saturday 1909 No Church meeting coar of member not present (144) March the third Saturday 1909 We the
United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after
worship the Church called together 1st visiting brethren invited
to seats fellowship called for and Church found in discord Motion
and order that the Church called in the credentials of Bro. Kelly
Clark and withdrew fellowship from Bro. Kelly Clark and Bro. Josh
Clark for joining the secret order. Motion and order we make and
order to withdraw fellowship from anyone hereafter that joins any
secret order. Church privileges extended for membership and received
none (145) April the 3rd Sat. 1909 We the united
Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met and after worship the
unity of the spirit sought for and found peace. Not further business
come before the Church Sunday following Church service membership
called for and received one by experience to wit Sister Dora Johnson (146) May the 3rd Sat. 1909 No Church meeting not being a chorum of members present Sunday following Baptism of Sist. Dora Johnson (147) June the 3rd Saturday 1909 Minutes lost. (148) July the 3rd Saturday 1909 We the United
Baptist of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship Bro
of Sister Churches invited to seats for (unreadable) the unity
of the spirit called for and Church found in peace. Membership
called for received none. (149) Aug. minute lost (150) Sept the 4th Saturday 1909 We the United
Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met in call session the
Church called to order by the moderator. Church found in order.
It was ordered that the Church letter to the association . The
letter was prepared and adopted. Then adjourned (151) Oct. no minutes (152) Nov. no minutes (153) Dec. no minute (154) Jan not minute (155) Feb. no minute (156) March the second Saturday 1910 We the
United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met and after worship
Church called together and found in peace. Motion the Church take
sister Kate Clark's name from our book. Then doors of Church open
for membership and received 3 to wit Sister Dora Wyatt and Bro.
Alford Clark and his wife sister Ellen Clark all by letter. Done
by order of Church (157) April no minute (158) May no minute (159) June no minutes (160) July the 3rd Sat. 1910 We the United
Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and the Church
called together and found in peace. Motion and order the Church
pass the reference on unfinished business until next meeting day.
Membership called for received none (161) August 1910 No Church meeting (162) Sept. the 4th Saturday 1910 We the
United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met in call
session the Church called to order by moderator and found in peace.
The Church Clerk protem pt for the day. Motion and order we letter
to the association. The letter read and adopted Eld. Mahan (163) Oct. the 3rd Saturday 1910 We the United
Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met and after worship the
Church called together and found in peace. It was ordered that
R. Morgan serve as clerk prot. It was then ordered that the Church
withdrew that order to exclude members without notice. It was ordered
that the Church take the names of Bro's Bill Loveless and Ida Brown
off the Church Book. Done by order of Church. (164) Nov. 3 Sat. 1910 We the United Baptist
Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church
called together and found in peace. It was ordered that Bro. R.
Morgan serve as Clerk Prot. It was ordered that the Church elect
a moderator witch resulted in the election of Rev. Mahan Clark
as Mod. Church privileges extended for members received none. (165) Dec. 3 Sat. 1910 We a United Church
of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the church called
together and found in peace. Motion and ordered that Church grant
one fourth of Bro. Morgan's time to Preach at Bethel membership
called for received none. Return to the Laurel County Homepage
for stopping by!
Wednesday, 15-Jul-2009 1:27 PM |
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