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of Elesander Ping 1828 |
Source: Microfilm of Will Book 1, page 11
This Indenture made the 4th day of February
1828. Witnesseth that Lot P i t m a n, Clerk of the Laurel County Court,
by order of William Smith, Benjamin Catching(?) & Pleasant Parker Gentlemen
Justices of the peace for said County do place & bind Elesander Ping,
orphan of Joanna Ping Dec'd., aged Five years the (blank) day of July last
past apprentice to Jesse Hide with him to dwell & him to serve from
the date hereof untill the sd. apprentice arrive at the age of 21 years
of age. During sd. term the sd. apprentice his sd. Master shall faithfully
Serve on all Lawful business & shall honestly & obediently in all
things demean himself towards his sd. Master and all his lawful commands
obey during sd. term. And the sd. Jesse Hide & William Durham his security
for themselves their heirs &c. doth covenant & agree to & with
the sd. Lot P i t m a n his representatives & successor in office that
he the sd. Eles'r. Ping as an apprentice in the trade & avocation of
a Farmer Shall well instruct during the term afores'd. & provide &
allow the sd. apprentice Sufficient meat, drink, apparel, washing, lodging,
washing & mending & all other things fit & necessary for an
apprentice & shall teach or cause him to be taught reading, writing
& arithmetice including the rule of three and pay him three pounds
ten shillings and a decent new Suit of clothes at the expiration of sd.
term of service. In witness whereof the sd. parties have hereunto Set their
hands & seals the day & date first written.
Jesse Hide (his mark) - Seal
William Durham (his mark) - Seal
Lot P i t m a n, Clk.
Laurel County Sct.
The foregoing Indenture was acknowledged the
4th day of February 1828 in open court & recorded.
Lot P i t m a n, Clk.
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Apprentice Bonds you would like to add to this page please
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Thursday, 11-Sep-2008 1:32 AM