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of Robert Jones 1952 |
Robert Jones
Submitted by: Kathy
Indiana State Board of Health
- Certificate of Death
1. Place of Death
a. County - Clark
b. City or Town - Jeffersonville
c. Length of Stay -
d. Full name of Hospital - Clark County Memorial Hospital
2. Usual Residence
a. State - Indiana
b. County - Clark
c. City or Town - Charlestown, Rural
d. Street Address - R. R. 1
3. Name of Dceased - Robert Jones
4. Date of Death - October 13, 1952
5. Sex - Male
6. Color or Race - White
7. Married
8. Date of Birth - August 18, 1873
9. Age 79
10. Usual Occupation - Retired Boiler Maker IAN R. R.
11. Birthplace - Laurel Co., KY
12. Citizen of what country - USA
13. Father's Name - Sparks Jones
14. Mother's Maiden Name - Ann Brown
15. Was deceased ever in armed forces? No
16. Social Security Number -
17. Informant - Mrs. Reasy Jones, Charlestown, Indiana
18. Cause of Death
Disease or Condition Leading to Death - Cerebral Hemmorhage 2 days
Antecedent Causes - Arteriosclerosis
Other Significant Conditions - Prostate Obstruction with urinary retention
10 days
20. Autopsy - No
22. Attending Physician - I certify that I attended the deceased from 6
Oct., 1952
to 13 Oct., 1952 and that death occurred at 8:15 a.m. from causes
and on the above date.
Cecil L.Patterson, M.D. (address) Charlestown, IND. 13 Oct. 1952
24. Burial on Oct. 15, 1952 Pine Hill Cemetery Corbin, Kentucky
Signature of Health Officer - H. Reeder MD
25. Funeral Director - Kincaid Funeral Home, Corbin, Kentucky
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Laurel County
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