Chestnut - McKee


Deed Index



Submitted by Rick Girtman

Source: Microfilm of Deed Book A, page 8 Laurel County, KY.


This Indenture made this 16th(?) day of September Eighteen hundred & twenty five between William Chesnut, Samuel Chesnut & Rachael his wife, Benjamin Chesnut & his wife Vina, Jesse McFadden and his wife Ruth (late Ruth Chesnut), Edmond Chesnut & his wife Hannah, Jacob Chesnut & his wife Dorcas, Peter Weaver & his wife Anne (late Anne Chesnut) & Chapman Watkins and Sally his wife Relict of Wm. Chesnut Dec'd. of the one part and Wm. H. McKee of the other part, all of the County of Knox & State of Kentucky. Witnesseth, that the said heirs of Wm. Chesnut Dec'd for and in consideration  of the Sum of one hundred and twenty dollars in Silver to them in hand paid the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge hath granted, bargained and Sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain, Sell & Convey unto the said McKee one certain tract or parcel of Land containing by Survey two hundred & forty acres more or less lying and being in the County of Knox and State aforsaid and on the West Side of Little Laurel River and bounded as followeth. (to wit) Beginning at two Maples and Sweet Gum at the mouth of Kings Branch (or Creek) where it empties into Sd. River thence up said branch with the different Meanders thereof two hundred poles when redirected to a Straight line to a Spanish oak, white oak, Hickory and Poplar Corner to Jacob Chesnut (now Daniel Garrard) thence No 25 E. 156 poles to a point in the East line of the Original Survey of four hundred acres thence S. 51 264 poles to two white oaks and hickory on the bank of Little Laurel River thence down Sd. River with the different meanders thereof to the beginning. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land and premises together with ever priviledge and appertenance to the Same belonging or in any wise appertaining, unto him the said William H. McKee and his heirs forever. And the sd. William Chesnut, Samuel Chesnut and Rachael his wife, Jesse McFadden and Ruth his wife late Ruth Chesnut, Edmond Chesnut and his wife Hannah, Jacob Chesnut and his wife Dorcas, Peter Weaver and his wife Anne (late Anne Chesnut), Chapman Watkins and Sally his wife, Relict of William Chesnut Dec'd., doth jointly covenant and agree to warrant unto him the said William H. McKee and his heirs forever, the said tract of Land and premises with the appertenances from themselves or their heirs or any person claiming under or through them claiming the Same or any part thereof. Without recourse to us or our heirs.


In witness whereof we have hereunto Set our hands and affixed our Seals the day and date above written.


Chapman Watkins for(?)

William Chesnut -Seal

Samuel Chesnut -Seal

Rachael Chesnut -Seal

Benjn. Chesnut -Seal

Vina Chesnut -Seal

Jesse McFadden -Seal

Ruth McFadden -Seal

Edmond Chesnut -Seal

Hannah Chesnut -Seal

Jacob Chesnut -Seal

Dorcas Chesnut -Seal

Peter Weaver -Seal

Anne Weaver -Seal

Chapman Watkins -Seal

Sally Watkins -Seal

Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presence of

Jarvis Jackson
Luke Watkins
Thomas Box(?)
as to all except Sam'l Chesnut


State of Kentucky
Knox County to wit
We Jarvis Jackson & David Weaver two of the Commonwealth Justices of the peace for said county do certify that Sally Watkins, Ruth McFadden, Anne Weaver, Dorcas Chesnut, Rachael Chesnut and Vina Chesnut, this day personally appeared before us, who being examined Seaprately and apart from their said husbands as the Law directs, Voluntarily with their own free will and consent Relinquished their right of dower to the premises conveyed by this deed and the same is certified to the Clerk of the Knox County Court for Record. Given under our hands and Seals this 16th day of September 1825.


Mrs. Viney Chesnut not seen by Jarvis Jackson, Esq.


Jarvis Jackson -JP

David Weaver -J. P.


Laurel County Sct.
I Lot P i t m a n Clerk of the County Court of the County aforsaid do certify that the foregoing Indenture of bargain & Sale to Wm. H. McKee with the Certificate of the relinquishment of dower thereto annexed was produced to me on the first day of May last past and proven by the oaths of Jarvis Jackson & Luke Watkins (two of the subscribing Witnesses thereto) to be the act and deed of the parties, whose names are assigned to said Indenture. And the Same is duly admitted to record. Given under my hand the 27th day of July 1826.


Lot P i t m a n -Clk