Mountain Echo Laurel County's first newspaper 1890 |
Reprinted with permission of the Laurel County Historical Society
Feb. 28, 1890--RACCOON-At this writing we have almost a flood. Raccoon creek is all over this section of the country, it being the highest tide that has been known by the oldest men in our county. It is sweeping everything in the valley. The old Evans mill was washed away. It had stood the flood for the last 40 or 50 years, but it is floating down the river now.
Married at the residence of the bride's father, P. M. Evans on last Thursday by Rev. Hiram Johnson, Mr. Ben Links to Miss Mollie B. Evans, which was witnessed by a large crowd. After the wedding we all left for his home where we enjoyed a fine supper. Then of course we had the pleasure of shaking "our little foot." May peace, prosperity and happiness go with them through life.
March 7, --Mrs. W. H. Williaims left last Friday morning for Oregon where she contemplates joining her husband.
Mr. H.C. Broughton has purchased a lot of John Pearl near the depot on which he contemplates soon to erect a commodious residence.
Wm. Jenkins the 14 year old boy who was sentenced to the penitentiary at the last term of our circuit court for stealing, has been pardoned by the Governor. The Governor seems to have taken a great liking to the boy, and we hope he will take him into the bosom of his own family and raise him up and not afflict the people of this place any more with him, for we know that it was not at their solicitation that he was pardoned.
Our Hazel Patch correspondent gives an account of the finding of the remains of an old man near that place a few days ago by Eld. S.Collier. There have been several theories advanced as to the probable cause of the death of this man. One is that he was probably murdered for his money or other valuables, another that he had gotten drunk and rambled off down there and was frozen to death, and still another that he had probably fallen from the train, knocked insensible and crawled off to the place where he was found, and died. It will be remembered that last fall an attempt was made to rob the mail car near Hazel Patch another man was seen to jump from the front end of the mail car who was shot at several times as he made his escape in the darkness and we think this is the most plausible theory yet advanced.
MARCH 21, -Married-Mr. Brownlow Estes to Miss Retta Swanner, Rev. J. E. Wright officiated.
S. J. Moore met with a serious accident last week in the Nickel Plate Coal Co's mines. The slate fell on him severely injuring his leg.
Mr. W. H. Jones of Boreing this county, one of our most industrious and worthy citizens, has been granted a pension.
J. G. Branson and family who went to Texas last December, returned a few days ago. Also Mr. C. A. Branson ahd his wife. Mr. Branson informs us that his father will return next fall.
Mr. William Gee and wife, of Carter county, Ky., have located here and we are glad to have them with us. Mr. Gee is an accomplished gentleman and his wife is an amiable lady. Mr. Gee is a good black smith and a fine carpenter, and his services here were much needed.
Mr. Taylor Centers has six cases of measles at his house.
James Tuttle's youngest son is very low with measles.
Jacob Patterson the old familiar mail carrier between London and Manchester took advantage of the high waters last week and went to see his girl and on his return home he became frightened at an old stump in the fence corner and fell down and sprained his ankle and now he is hardly able for service.
Mrs. Jerry Owens was adjudged a lunatic and sent to the Asylum last week.
April 4, Mr. S. R. Parman has sold his Main Street property to Evan Jones Jr., for $1,500.
Mr. T. J. Johnston is laying the foundation for a residence on the knoll overlooking the town from the west.
Mr. Robert Green son of John Green of Pineville, shot and killed a negro in that place Tuesday night. We have not been able to learn all the circumstances but learn that he did it in his necessary self defense.
The wind storm which passed over this county last Thursday night did considerable damage to property four or five miles South West of London, blowing down a great deal of fencing and unroofing a few houses, among whose was uncle Speed wells, but no one was injured.
April 4, -DIED- At the residence of his brother in Alamoosa, Cal., on the 23rd ult., of consumption, Mr. J. P. Moore, more familiarly know to us all as "Pet" His remains were buried near where he died on the 24th ult. It will be remembered by many of our readers that a few months ago Mr. Moore, though in very delicate health then paid his sister, Mrs. L. J. Williams, of this place a visit of several weeks. The bereaved parents, brothers and sisters have our deepest sympathy in this their sad affleiciton.
HUNG HIMSELF-We are indebted to one of our subscribers, W. B. Wilson, of Tankersly, Clay county for this interesting item. " A hanging took place in this vicinity last night, Old Uncle Levi Davidson hung himself. There was no one present save him and two little children who state that they went to bed early, went to sleep and slept until 11 o'clock and when they awoke and missed their father, they got up and began to search for him. They went into the kitchen and found him hanging by the neck, dead. When he got up he opened the trunk and took out of it a new cotton rope with which he hung himself and left the trunk open. No cause can be given for the crime save insantiy.
Married, Mr. Frank Bentley to Miss Barbara McPhetridge, may their lives be long and useful.
Quite a serious accident happened to Lee Nicholson's wife, on the Manchester road, between the residences of T. J. Russell and J. M. Tuttle. Her horse mired in the mud and threw her off breaking her arm.
Mrs. N. M. Scott, Misses Mattie and Nora Nelson, Minnie Herd, Florence Jett, Myrtie Sandusky and Mollie and Lucy Litton, chaperoned by Mr. Lewis Vance and John Nelson, visited Hazel Patch Sunday. All report a ver pleasant time. The girls say the folks at Hazel Patch are very kind, especially the depot agents.
W. B. Arnold while hunting the other day shot and killed what he thought to be a wild turkey, but imagine his surprise when walking up to the supposed to be turkey and finding it to be a large bald eagle, on whose beak was engraved the following letters and date: "G. W. 1791." Any one doubting the above statement, cna see a feather of the eagle by calling on Mr. Arnold. (Corbin)
G. H. Southard who has been making his home in the Indian Territory for several months, was called home last Friday on account of the serious illness of his father.
The London City Bakery is now in full blast, see their advertisement on third page of this issue. The proprietor Kaufer Brothers are experienced bakers and confectioners, having made this the study of their lives, and are now ready to furnish fresh bread, muffins, cakes, pies, etc., every day to customers. The trade of all points along the railroad is solicited.
Permanent improvements, steady growth and prosperity is the order of the day in London now. In fact, London has before her a brighter future than nearly any town in South eastern Kentucky. She occupies an elevated position and is one of the healthiest towns in the State beside many other natural advantages. Substantial and prominent improvements are rapidly being made and prices of real estate is steadily and permanently advancing, not spasmodically as is the case with some of our neighbors. One of the largest and most desirable industries to be developed here is a large planing mill, steam brick machine and axe handle factory located on the West side of the railroad about 500 feet South
April 11,-STANTON, POWELL COUNTY, James Bryant and brother of Laurel county, have bought out O. C. Laws of this place and gone into business. Success to them.
(Papers Missing)
April 25, -DIED-Of consumption on the 21st inst., at Benge, Ky., Mr. J. C. Reynolds leaving a wife and eight children and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his death.
May 9,- Dr W. S. Burkhart is confined to his bed with measles. Hope he will be out in a few days.
DIED-At the residence of his mother, three miles South of London, Wednesday night of Typhoid fever, Jesse Sparks, son of Mrs. James Sparks.
Miss Maggie daughter of Capt. W. T. Bryant, is very low with consumption. For two years Miss Maggie has been engaged in our county teaching and the news of her serious illness will be received with sadness by all her associate teachers and friends, who are many.
May 16,- MARRIED-At the bride's residence yesterday Mr. Albert Shutt to Mrs. Mary Renner, nee Miss Jane Decker.
Miss Lizzie H. Totten, daughter of D. R. Totten, arrived here on the 15th inst, from Goldwater, Texas.She left this State at three years of age and remained in Texas for elveven years.
Mr. Wm. H. Sandusky, of Missouri, is visiting his parents at this place.
Mr. Geo. L. Jones has returned from Louisville where he has been attending Bryant & Stratton's Business College.
May 23, We are very sad to learn that our old friend, Mr. C. C. Woodward is very low with kidney and heart disease.
DIED-Suddenly yesterday morning at his residence in London, after a lingering illness of several months, Judge W. H. H. Thompson. this bereaved family have our deepest sympathy in their deep affliction.
It is indeed with sadness that we cronicle the death of Elijah Wilson of Jackson county, and one of his two precious babes. The bereaved family have our deepest sympathy in their sad bereavement.
May 23, THE STORM-Just at 12 o'clock noon last Sunday our town and vicinity was visited by one of the most terrific rain and wind storms which we have witnessed for several years. Indeed so severe was the storm that it partook very much of the nature of a cyclone. The rain poured down in torrents for about five minutes and the wind was simply terrific. Much timber was blown down and the railroad track for about one hundred yards, just South of town, was literally covered with timber bearing the telegraph wires to the ground and breaking the wires. Several men were at once put to work and the track was soon cleared and the trains were able to run as usual. One chimney of the courthouse was blown down and a large section of the roof was blown over into Mr. Lovelaces yard. The front door was also literally demolished and two windows crushed. The roof of Mrs. Judge Pearl's house was also considerably damaged. The roof of Mr. J. C. McKee's new barn was demolished and a large apple tree blown against his residence which did considerable damage. One chimney of Mr. Charley Gumbert's residence and his barn was blown down. Considerable other damages were done, such as fences blown down, windows crushed in, etc.
May 30, Born tot he wife of A. P. Loyd, on last Tuesday a girl weight 15 pounds.
Mr. J. T. Hatcher has been quite sick for several days but it is hoped he will soon be up again.
Mr. A. H. McFadden, formerly of this county but who has been living on Big Creek, in Clay county for several years recently sold out there and moved back to Laurel County having purchased his father's old farm.
Mr. Samuel Templin of this county, we are glad to say recently drew a handsome pension, $1,076, which he brought to London Wednesday and deposited in the First National Bank. Mr. Templin's example should be followed by all the other citizens of our county who have any money lying around idle, they should bring it in and put it in the bank where it will be safe from prying hands.
June 13, -Messrs. W. H. Carrier and A. R. Carrier are on the sick list this week.
Miss Mattie Blanvelt has been quite ill during the week with malarial fever.
Dr. R.T. Ramsey was quite sick Friday night and Saturday, but has recovered and is out again as usual.
CORRECTION-In our last issue we stated that Mr. John Lovelace's baby was a girl but have since learned that it is a fine boy-Roscoe Conkling.
Mr. J. O. Phelps and Miss Nannie Davidson of this county, were married at Jellico last Sunday morning. We extend our most hearty congratulations.
Mr. George Mason has begun the erection of a new residence on the lot he recently purchased of Mr. James Dees on Hill street. Let the good work go on.
Mr. James Gibbons and Mrs. Julina Cox were married in the County Clerks office at London, Monday June 9th, by Rev. E. H. Revel. They have our best wishes for a happy life.
DIED-At his residence five miles west of London, last Friday night of apoplexy, Urich Leu, father of John Leu the butcher. He leaves two sons and one daughter to mourn his death.
DIED-Benjamin H. the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Carn, of Lily, aged nine months and ten days, died May 10, 1890 of bold hives. The bereaved father and mother have our deepest sympathy in this their sad bereavement.
Laten Reid, who has been West about three years returned to his home near London last Tuesday evening. During his absence he has been in California, Washington, Oregon and also the cold regions of Alaska. He is looking well.
"Uncle Witten" Faris as he is familiarly known, celebrated his seventieth birthday last Wednesday. He is hale and hearty and leads an active life. We congratulate him and hope his days may be many more. He cast his first vote in 1840, for William Henry Harrison for President.
June 13, -The funeral of B. F. Hunt, of H. H. Scoville Post No. 52, G. A. R. will be preached by Revs. T. P. mcCrackin and W. T. Bryant, Past Chahplins, Sunday June 22nd, 1890 at Old Liberty five miles west of London, on the Somerset road. All comrades and everybody else invited.
Some bargins offered by Lovelace & Co. Clothes pins, 2 doz. 5 cents, Large blueing 5 cts. 2 boxes blueing 5 cts. Pearline 5 cts. Apple butter 8 1/4 cts, 7 1/2 by bucket, Jellies 10 cts, Country hams 12 1/2 cts, Canvased hams 12 1/2 cts. Axle Grease 5 cts, Smoking tobacco 20 cts, per pound, Chewing tobacco 25 cts, per pound.
The ice cream festival at the courthouse Wednesday night for the benefit of the Methodist Parsonage was quite a success. There was a good crowd present and everybody seemed well pleased. The ladies presided over the tables and served ice cream, sherbert, cake &c. Music was furnished by the "London String Band," and several of our sweetest and most lovely young girls supplied refreshing lemonade and beautiful bouquets. The little "bouquet girls" especially made themselves useful and realized quite a handsome sum from the sale of their flowers.
CUT HIS EYE OPEN-Bout one year ago Jacob Freeman, the eight year old son of Mr. G. P. Freeman, living three miles southwest of London was kicked in the face by a mule inflicting a ghastly wound, knocking all the skin off his face under one of his eyes and in healing up the upperlid grew tight to the lower one rendering that eye almost worthless to him. Last Thursday his father and mother brought him to London and had a surgical operation performed upon him, the upper lid cut loose from the lower one, thus partially at least restoring to him the use of that organ. The physicians performing the operation were Drs. Ramsey, Matson and Caldwell.
The train killed a ver fine cow last Saturday for Mr R. R. Ewell, of Fariston.
The pulpit at the Methodist Church will be filled next Sunday, morning and evening by Rev. D. McDonald former pastor at this place. Everybody is invited to come out to hear him.
GONE TO EUROPE-Dr. D.Stevenson, pastor of the M.E. Church at this place, sails from New York today for Europe, and contemplates being absent three months. Before leaving he made arrangements to have his appointments filled regularly as follows: Third Sunday in June (next Sunday) by Rev. D. Mcdonald, Fourth Sunday by Dr. J. L. McKee, of Danville; Third Sunday in July by Rev. L. P. Hanks, of Williamsburg and Fourth Sunday by Rev. G. F. Whitman, P. E. the Third Sunday in August by Rev. J. Scott Jones, and the Fourth Sunday by Rev. V. Boreing.
Dr. Coldwell is happy in the possession of a new baby at his house in the person of a new lady who made her appearance some two weeks ago but has managed to escape, until now the notice of the ECHO.
On last Saturday night Mrs. Lees had a cow
killed by a train, near her house. H. C. Broughton also had a fine cow
killed on Sunday night near the crossing of Sublimity Street, and T. F.
Province had a calf knocked off the
track on Tuesday night. The railroad seems
to be doing a good business.
The Board of Health of Laurel County gave notice,
a short time since, that the yards, streets and alleys of the town of London
should be thoroughly cleansed and all privies disingected. In the course
of a few days the
members of the Board will make a tour of inspection
through the town and every one should see to it that they have obeyed the
first notice and are ready for the inspection.
The town was somewhat taken by surprise on
Sunday afternoon by the announcement that the marriage of Miss Bettie Phelps,
of this place and Mr. George Golden of Barbourville, had just taken place
at the residence of the
bride's father, on Main street. Rev.
R. L. Ewell performed the ceremony, and the happy couple left on the evening
train for Barbourville. We are sorry to lose Miss Bettie from London and
our best wishes for a long and
happy life follow her to her new home.
On Monday morning Jim Renner, a deaf and dumb boy who lives with his mother on the road between London and Pittsburg, was struck by a South bound freight train and badly injured. He was walking down the track meeting the train, not seeming to notice it until it was almost upon him and being deaf he could not hear the whistle, which was blown several times. He turned around a time or two just as the train approached him, seeming to be bewildered. He was knocked entirely from the track and his head badly cut and bruised. He vomited severly and seemed very badly hurt., though yesterday it was reported that he was better and able to walk about.
Geo . L. Jones visited friends at Boreing Saturday and reports a pleasant time.
Sam Whitaker was married last week to Miss Sarah Ann Conken.
Mrs. Cimmie Strong left Tuesday morning for her home in Oklahoma City. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Eliza Jones, who is in very bad health.
June 20,--W. H. H. Thompson, one of our most intelligent and cultivated citizens departed this life on the 22nd day of May last in the 74th year of his age. the cause of his death was heart disease. Mr. Thompson was a member of the bar and was born in Fredrick Co, Va., but removed to the State of Ohio while young and was married to Miss Caroline Hackney daughter of the late Jacob Hackney, dec'd., one of the first settlers of this county in 1855. To their marriage was born one daughter, now Mrs. Ida Harman surviving widow of the late Sam Harman of Williamsburg, Ky. Mr. Thompson was a brother of Jas. S., L. W., John S. and B. F.Thompson, of Toledo, Ill., who built the railroad from Yarbro to New Boston, Ill. He confessed the Savior under the preaching of the Rev. Geo. O. Barnes along with Gen. Jarvis Jackson and Col. R. M. Bradley, two distinguished and reputable citizens of Laurel And Garrard counties, who also have beeen called to their reward. Mr. Thompson was a newspaper man by profession and at different times in the history of this paper has rendered service and a compositor in this office. He learned the printing business under his brother-in-law, John B. Simmons, at Fafayette, Ind. the deceased, while he was quiet and unassuming, was one of the most prudent, orderly and intelligent citizens of the town and bore his prolonged illness and affliction with much christian patience and fortitude. He leaves a wife, widowed daughter and two grand children to mourn their irreparable loss. His body is buried on Cemetery Hill, which overlooks the town while his sperit has gone to its reward.
Mrs. W. R. Hardin has been right sick for the past week, but is improving.
Uncle Simpson Tipton of this county is very low with old age and general debility and is expected to survive bur a short time.
The children of A. P. Moore who have been attending the Deaf mute Institute at Danville for the past year returned home Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Sallie Craft is quite ill with chills and fever. She was attacked over a week ago. It is hoped by all that a change for the better will soon take place.
June 20,--Mr. W. H. Carrier an account of whose illness was given in these columns in our last issue is still very sick with high fevers and strong typhoid symptoms.
Capt. J. H. McNeil, of Carthage, Mo., is in town.
Mrs. Geo. Abstain still remains very low with heart disease.
Aunt Charlotte Miller is quite ill at her home at Mrs. E. H. Brown's.
Mrs. T. Q. Carter, of Rpwland is visiting her mother Mrs. Lucy Moore who is quite sick.
Miss Abba King who is living with her grandfathere, John Abstain, is very low with little hopes of her recovery.
John Felson is suffering terribly with wound erysipelas his limb having never fully healed since it was amputated.
Bushes Store-Mr. Jones Bodkins was married to Miss jane Magee on last Sunday morning by Rev. S.W. Owsley.
A little son of T. J. Russell was watering a mule last Tuesday evening when the mule became frightened, throwing the boy and very near killing him.
Christopher Pearl has been quite sick during the week. His sickness has been attended by high fevers, but his disease has not taken any definite form yet.
Mr. Dave Jackson has had a smile all over his face for the past two weeks. It is a big hearty girl and Dave is certainly the happiest man this side of Australia.
We are sad to announce the death of another child of Mr. S. W. Hodges of Lily, who died last week of measles. This is the second child he has lost in the past three weeks twin brothers.
James M. Parsley while unloading some heavy lumber at the depot last Saturday evening had one of his hands badly mashed, one or two bones of his hand were broken just above the knuckle joint.
THE FIRE FIEND-The residence of Mr. James McHargue, "Button Jim" was totally destroyed by fire last Tuesday night together with all his household and kitchen furniture and nearly all the wearing apparel of the family some of the family escaping with only their night clothes on. The fire was probably caused by a defective flue in the kitchen.
DESTROYED BY FIRE-The residence of A. B. Sparks, of Manchester together with its entire contents were destroyed by fire last Sunday night and the fire was discovered just in time for the family to escape with their lives. It is not known what caused the fire, but it is believed it caught from a lamp left burning in the room.
DOG BITTEN-Little Elmer the two year old son of Dr. R.T. Ramsey was pretty badley bitten in the face and through the ear last Monday by his father's bird dog. Mrs. Ramsey was preparing to throw the dog a bone which he was very anxious to get hold of and was standing by closely watching her when the child came up to him and placed its hand on his head, whereupon he whirled and snapped the child on the cheek and through the ear inflicting a very painful wound. The dog was killed.
June 27,--Uncle Billy Miller, 105 years old, and a soldier in the was of 1812, died in Pulaski county last week.
C. H. Moses, of Pittsburg, left last Tuesday morning on a visit to Knoxville. He contemplates bringing his mother back home with him.
A social party was given to Doak Denham at the residence of his mother on last Friday night. Thirty-six couples were present. The evening was spent pleasantly. An ice cream supper was served in the latest and most handsome style at 7:30.
In a difficulty a few days ago four miles East of London between Matt Steele and Sam Webb and his brother, Steele was badly cut up and bruised and when fairly drenched in blood. The wounds however were not serious and we understand he will be out again in a few days.
DIED-Last Monday at his residence four miles North east of London of a complication of diseases, principally measles, George Lusk, aged about 38 years. We have known Mr. Lusk from his boyhood, but only knew him to respect and admire him. He leaves a wife and several children to shed tears over his grave.
JAIL ESCAPE-Late last Tuesday evening Jailer Phelps took Hugh Jackson, one of the inmates of the jail to help carry some water and by some means failing to lock the door, the other two prisoners confined in the jail, Henry Millis and James Wilson walked out and made their escape. They had been gone but a few minutes when their escape was discovered and hot pursuit given. Wilson was recaptured in the woods on Cemetery Hill, but Millis made good his escape. Wilson was only serving out a term of imprisonment for selling a little whisky, which only wanted a few days of being out while Millis was in under the charge of murder. Millis is an Italian, has no hair on his head and Jailer Phelps offers a liberal reward to any one who will arrest him.
DIED-Sunday, June 22, Miss Abbie King, aged about 15 years.
Mrs. Nancy Austin who lives with her son near Old Bethel Church, is very low.
William Moberly the handsome depot agent at Hazel Patch, was in town Sunday.
DIED-June 23, Mrs. Abstain, she leaves a husband and two small children, one a little babe of one month who is very sick.
MARRIED-Yesterday, Rev. A. B. Belvin to Miss E. Johnspn, and L. C. Ely to Miss Jane Carrier.
DIED-At her home on Raccoon, this county last Friday, Mrs. Buckles, wife of Levi Buckles. She was an aged and respectable lady and leaves a husband and a number of children to mourn her death.
July 4, --R. G. Ward and family now occupy his new residence. Mr. Ward's residence is certainly one of the most handsome and conveniently constructed houses there is in London and the little family is certainly enjoying it.
The Methodist Sunday school now sports a novelty in the way of a Deaf mute class, Miss Kate Brown, teacher. Miss Brown has had several years experience in teaching a class of deaf mutes in Little Rock, Ark., and we bespeak for her success.
Miss Mary White and Miss Flora Gibson of Richmond, but who have been visiting relatives in Clay county several days, returned to London yesterday evening and will leave this morning for Rockcastle Springs, accompanied by Messrs. W. B. Neal and R. C. Ford.
We were mistaken in our last issue in saying that Jailer Phelps had left the door of the jail unlocked by means of which the two prisoners escaped.The fact was the prisoners had made a key to the door and improved the opportunity offered by Mr. Phelps absence, unlocked the door and walked out.
MARRIED-Last Tuesday at the residence of the bride's father, one and a half miles East of London by Rev. R. L. Ewell, Mr. John E. Wyatt to Miss Josie Mullins. the happy couple left immediately upon the train for Powell county where Mr. Wyatt is engaged in teaching, may the sunshine of peace, prospertiy and happiness ever lighten their pathway through life.
The weather has been quite warm in London for the past two weeks. So intense was the heat last Sunday that an unknown lady while passing through town was overcome by the heat and fell upon the street. she was picked up and carried to W. S. Jacksons a physician was summoned and she was soon restored to consciousness and able to pursue her journey. After recovering sufficiently to talk she said she had been traveling all day without anything to eat and it is probable that her prostration was due as much to this as to heat.
MARRIED-At the residence of the bride's father on June 21, Mr. J. W. Van Winkle, of Pineville, to Miss Martha Gaines, of this place.
Uncle Harvey Williams is not expected to live long.
Mr. Jacob Patterson the well known mail carrier between London and Manchester, thought the weather too hot for him last Saturday evening and went to see his girl, thinking he could find a cooler place.
Quite an excitement was raised among the neighbors on last Thursday night, but on examination it was found to be W. F. Brock with his jack-o-lantern hunting catnip for a fine girl that arrived at his house during the night.
July 11,--Thad Elliott left for Annville, Jackson county, a few days ago. He is engaged in the stock business.
Mrs. Wm. Gee has about recovered from her recent spell of sickness and was able last Sunday to take charge of her class in the Sunday School.
The Perry County court house was burned by an incendiary last Monday.
Mr. William Miller, who has been engaged in surveying lands in the mountains for the past seven or eight montys, was in London Sunday visiting his sister Mrs. C. E. Faris.
DIED-At her residence on Raccoon last Monday, Mrs. Margaret Singleton daughter of W. M. Moren and niece of Judge W. T. Moren. She leaves a child two years old to mourn her loss.
On the night of Saturday the 19th there will be given by the ladies of London an Ice Cream Supper, at the Court House, for the purpose of paying the expenses of some little children to the Home Mission School at Lexington. This is a worthy object and all Christian people should give it their hearty support. From 7:30 to 11.
Bob Spears and John Evans were arressted and brought before Squire Baker on Tuesday for misconduct, while drunk on the north bound passenger train last Saturday. Spears was fined for carrying concealed weapons, and Evans was fined $10 for shooting from the platform of the cars. Spears claimed that the pistol he had was one he had taken from Evans to stop him from shooting.
KILLED BY AN ENGINE-Last Saturday evening Mat Pedigo, the weakminded and only son and support of a widowed mother, of East Bernstadt was run over on the Queen City side track by a freight engine, and killed. If any inquest was held over his remains we have not learned of it and if so we have not learned the result, who was responsible for the accident.
Stephen Hunley was brought to town by Alex Parsley on Sunday charged with stealing a horse from H. K. Mullins, of this county. He took the horse from the field of Mr. Mullins on Thursday night and rode him to Richmond, where he sold him to a liveryman for $10, but had not left the stable when Parsley rode up and arrested him. When brought before the Police Judge he waived examination and his bail was placed at $500. He failed to give bond and is in jail.
July11,--DEMENTED-Among the passengers who stepped off at the depot here last Saturday evening, was Mr. Wm. G. Dunn, of Garrard county on his way to Rockcastle Springs. On alighting at the depot he went to the bakery of Antonio Vogliotte, handing him a check for $200, telling him that if it was not convenient to pay him all on the check at that time if he would let him have $25 he would leave the check with him and collect the remainder as he returned from the Springs. This Mr. Vogliotte did and the young man boarded the stage for the Springs. no sooner had he gone than Vogliotte instituted an investigation and soon learned that his check was worthless, and among other defects it was not dated. He secured a warrant for the arrest of Mr. Dunn and placed it in the hands of Sheriff Pearl, who followed the stage, overtaking it a few miles out of town arrested Dunn and brought him back. It was soon developed that he was demented and not responsible for anything he did and upon refunding the money was released. He remained till Sunday evening when he left for Middlesborough.
Matt Jones and M. Stanberry of Boreing, Ky., were in town last week the guests of Geo. L. Jones.
Jesse Thompson is visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. B.Ragan, in Danville.
July 18,-We understand that Sol Kuhn is matrimonially disposed and has his eye turned towards Tennessee.
The fever patients in London are all improving and will soon be able to be about, except Chris Pearl, who has been considerably worse for several days.
Mrs. Emily Moore, who has made her home for the last eighteen years with her brother-in-law, Judge W. T. Moren, is very sick and it is feared she will not recover.
Little Harry, son of Mr. S. A. Lovelace, has been very low during the week from Teething and congestion of the brain, but we are glad to be able to say that he is now much better.
A party composed of W. B. Neal and Miss Ella Tinsley, of Barbourville James Boreing and Miss Kitty Jackson, R. B. Craft and Miss Lizzie Faris passed last Sunday at Rockcastle Springs.
July 18,--Our town was very agreeably surprised on the 9th by the arrival of Mr. Delbert Brownlie and wife, nee Miss Effie Smith ofCora City, Ky. An ice cream supper was given at the residence of the groom's father in honor of the wedding party and in celebration of the grooms 20th birthday, for which the young people disire to return many thanks.
July 25,--W. C. Dun who it will be remembered passed a bogus check in London not long since, has been adjudged a lunatic by a jury of inquest at Stanford, and sent to the Asylum. This is the fourth time he has been pronounced inssane.
The butcher shop of John Leu was broken into on Tuesday night and a lot of bottled beer which he had in his ice box was stolen.
Will Carrier has about recovered from his recent attack of typhoid fever and his many friends are glad to meet him on the streets.
Mrs. Sallie Leak of Pine Hill is visiting her son Joe Leak, in this county. Mrs. Leak is 100 years of age and is a hale and hearty old lady.
The children of Mrs. Jane B.Rogers, who are inmates of the Widows and Orphans Home at Louisville are now at home on a visit to their mother.
Stephen Hunley who on examining trial a few days ago was held for trial in the circuit court on charge of horse stealing, and in default of bail committed to jail made an attempt to escape on Sunday about sunset. Jailer Phelps had him out in the yard carrying a bucket of water when he set the bicket down and hurriedly jumped the fence and struck for the woods and liberty. The jailer having his pistol convenient, drew it and fired the boys say at the moon-but at any rate with such effect as to bring Hunley to a halt and cause him to give himself up to a gentleman who came meeting him. The firing of a pistol on a quiet Sabbath evening drew quite a crowd to the streets and caused some excitement, but it soon subsided and Hunley was again put under lock and key.
Dr. N. M. Scales little daughter, Fannie met with an accident last Sunday morning which might have resulted seriously but, we are glad to say the danger is now past. On that morning Miss Mattie Scales with Fannie in her lap, was being driven, in a road cart, to Rough Creek meeting house by her uncle, Mike Magee, when from some cause the cart turned and they were thrown to the ground. Miss Mattie managed to retain her hold on her little sister, but fortunately Fannie's head struck the end of a projecting rail, hurting her badly and it was thought for a day or two seriously, but Dr. Scales informs us that the danger is past and the little child will soon be entirely recovered.
July 25,--A very sad accident occurred on the railroad track a short distance South of London on Monday last, which resulted in the death of Mr. Chas. M. Chesnut, of Woodbine. Mr. Chesnut has for some time had a contract for delivering ties on the road as far down as Jellico. On the day mentioned he was on the work train taking up ties, and about 2 o'clock in the afternoon the train backed out from the London Depot, going South. About a mile below town the speed of the train was suddenly checked to prevent its running over a cow that was crossing the track. The sudden checking of the train threw Mr. Chesnut, who was standing on the rear platform of the caboose, onto the ground and the train passed over his body, mangling it terribly and causing injuries from which he died within two hours. He was placed on the train and immediately brought to London and Dr. J. T. Matson callled to investigate his injuries, but it was soon evident that nothing could be done for the unfortunate -----????? Squire----????Baker impaneled a jury of inquest to investigate the circumstances attending his death and a verdict was rendered in accordance with the facts as above stated. After being neatly dressed and placed in a casket his body was taken on a special train to his home for burial. Mr. Chesnut was one of the most energetic and industrious citizens of Whitley county. he was strictly a sober and an honest man and his death will be sincerely regretted not only in the community in which he lived, but by many friends in other parts of the State.
DEATH'S DOING Mrs. Jane Bodkin, living in the neighborhood of Rough Creek meeting house, died on Saturday last and was buried at that place on Sunday. Mrs. Bodkin was a daughter of Henry Magee, of this county and we understand had been married but about three weeks at the time of her death.
Mrs. Robert Yadon, living in the same neighborhood, also died on Saturday and was buried at the same time and place.
James L. Slaughter, formerly a citizen of this place, died at his home in Paint Lick, Garrard County, on the 14th inst. and was buried on the following day. Mr. Slaughter was a brother of Mrs. W. H. Randall and well known to the older citizens of Laurel county, having spent a large portion of his life in the county, and being for a number of years properietor of the hotel on the corner of Main and Manchester street, now owned by Wm. Lovelace. He was about sixty-five years of age and had been in feeble health for sometime.
August 1,--E. H. Burnside, Mayor of Stanford, and for many years proprietor of the Myers House in that city, died on Saturday at Cumberland Falls, of Bright's disease. He was born in Garrard county and was fifty-two years of age. He at one time owned the Rockcastle Springs and was well know to many citizens of London. His remains were taken to Lancaster and buried in the cemetery at that place on Sunday.
The pension of Francis B. Linville of Hazel Patch, has been increased.
Mrs. Marilla Littleton who lives in Indiana, is in Laurel county visiting her son, the Rev. Bruce Littleton, of this county.
James M. Tipton an old citizen of Laurel County, but now a resident of Danville, Ky., has been in the county for several days, visiting the sick bed of his father, Simpson Tipton.
DIED-At the residence of his father, Elder John A. Karr, aged 19 years, of typhoid fever, on Saturday, the 26th inst., and was buried the following day at Locust Grove in the Newcomb district.
Mr. Andy Johnson, of Pineville has been in London during the week and informed us that a regular battle took place in Pineville last Monday night, that they fought continuously from 9 o'clock p.m. until 1 o'clock a.m. during which time two hundred or more shots were fired, but only one man was wounded and none killed. All were under the influence of whisky. No names were given.
Robert Lovelace, the thirteen year old son of Mr. Jesse Lovelace, had the misfortune to break one of his legs yesterday morning. With some other boys he was playing in the yard at Johnson School house, about one mile from London on the Manchester road, when the body of a small tree, which had been cut down but left with the butt resting on the stump, fell on him breaaking his leg just above the ankle. Dr. Coldwell was called in to set the bone and he was removed to his father's.
Mrs. John Arnold took an overdose of Laudanum Monday night which came very near resulting in her death.
Our Clever Circuit Court Clerk, A. B. Brown, is all smiles. He is the possessor of a bran new baby. Another girl, who made her appearance on Sunday, August 3, besides, his older daugher Stella is rapidly recovering from a spell of fever, and taking all things together Achilles is proud and happy.
Charlie Baker who has been with a surveying party since May, in the counties of Leslie and Perry, reached home unlooked for by his friends, on Saturday evening having walked all the way from Perry county to vote on Monday. It was Charlie's first vote and he could not resist the temptation. He made a good beginning by voting the straight Republican ticket.
ANOTHER HARLAN KILLING-Sunday evening last on Clover Fork, in Harlan county, some twenty miles above Harlan Court House, Bascom Bailey son of John Bailey, who Will Jennings is accused of killing. engaged in a difficulty with John Hensly, of Virginia, in which Bailey was shot and killed, while Hensly made good his escape into Virginia before arrest.
On last Sunday evening about 4 o'clock Bob Spears was killed near the depot at Pittsburg by Jim Mullins, a colored miner. Mullins was brought before Judge Boreing and after an examination of the case, was discharged from custody, the Judge not considering the testimony adduced sufficient to hold him for action of the grand jury. The facts in the case have been hard to get at and the rumors in regard to the killing have been conflicting. Both of the men were under the influence of whisky and had stopped, with other parties between some piles of tan bark on the side of the railroad track to talk and drink. the two got into a dispute when Spears drew his pistol and offered it to Mullins, telling Mullins to shoot him. this Mullins refused to do and begged for peace. Spears continued to flourish his pistol, cursing Mullins and threatening to kill him. A scuffle ensued and Mullins getting possession of the pistol shot Spears in the head and killed him. Spears was under indictment for the killing of Robt. C. Miller at Pittsburg on the 24th of December last, and at the May term of the Circuit court his trial was continued to the Special August term and would have been called this morning had he not have been killed.
The special term of the Circuit Court, called for the purpose of trying Wm. Jennings for the murder of John Bailey in Harlan and moved by a change of venue from Harlan to Laurel county, Robt. Spears for the killing of Robt. C. Miller, in this county last December, and some dozen other minor cases, convened here on Wednesday morning. The Jennings case being the first one called was on motion of the Commonwealth's Attorney continued until the regular term in November, the death of Robert Spears was suggested and that case stricken from the docket, and the other cases continued till the regular term and the court adjourned.
Mrs. Susan McFerran, of Pine Hill, visited her relatives during the week.
Master Guy Fain has returned from a pleasnat visit with his relatives in North Carolina.
Mrs. Clara Lucy is in London this week attending the Methodist Centennial.
Miss Annie V. L. Brown was in Pittsburg during the week.
Chas Baker of London, was in town Tuesday
August 8,--Murdered last Monday evening as James T. Middleton, better known as "Rocky Mountain Jim," Harlan County, was coming to Harlan Court House from the election in company with James Giles preparatory to coming to London as a witness in the Jennings case and when he had reached a point about four or five miles from the town on Catrons Creek, he was fired on from behind trees in the woods by unknown parties and instantly killed. He was shot through and through five or six times with 44 Winchester balls, judging from the wounds. Mr. Giles escaped without injury, the parties probably not having any feeling against him and making the dash to get away as soon as the firing began. Enos Hensley, Wm. McGraw and James Howard were arrested, charged with the murder, but it is the general impression that they were not guilty. they were arrested in consequence of some ill feeling which was engendered between the men at the election, while others we learn suspect friends of Wils Howard as doing it. Mr. Middleton was one of the best known men of Harlan county, and known to be a brave and daring fellow.
DIED-On the 19th of July, 1890, Jane Yadon. the deceased and her husband had been married about 25 years, which time was spent in mutual happiness. She joined the United Baptist Church at Rough Creek, in Laurel County, Ky., about 20 years since and lived a faithful member and Christian life until her death. She was afflicted for several months before her death, but she bore her affliction with that fortitude and patience that becomes a Christian, fully realizing she must soon die. But she had that abiding faith that after death she would be with angels where sickness and death never come. Though it was hard to leave her dear husband and children, she seemed anxious to go and leave this world of care and sorrow. She leaves a dear husband, one son, four daughters, and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. All who knew her knew her to love and respect her. But she has gone to that haven of rest where the weary will ever be at rest. May the bereaved husband anad children,, though it be hard to give her up, become reconciled and fully realize that our Heavenly Master does all things well. May the kind hand of some guardian angel comfort the orphan children who have lost their best earthly friend, is the sincere desire of A FRIEND.
August 15,-Charles Loring, arrested at Chicago, accused of having five wives and only thirty years old.
Mrs. Graves, of Mt. Olivet, Tenn., is the grandmother and greatgrandmother of one hundred and ten living people. She is ninety four years of age.
A poor washerwoman of Fayetteville, Ark., on being notified that she had been granted a pension and would recieve $5,000 back pay, was so overcome with joy that she died.
Following is a list of Magistrates and Constables
elected in Laurel county at the recent election; London Precinct, Larkin
Brewer and D. Y.Brock, magistrate and T. C. Norville, constable; Raccoon,
W. T. Evans and J. H.Vaughn, magistrates, and Wm. Philpot, constable; Bush's,
M. Gregory and T. J. Russell, magistrates, and G. P. Johnson, constable:
McHargue, J. M Scalf and T. H. Jones, magistrates and J. B. Champling,
constable; Newcombs, J. N. Covington and Ira Stanberry, magistrates and
G. W. Delph,
constable;. Rock House, P. L. McFadden and
F. C. Dunn, magistrates and W. H. Reynolds, constable; Stepping Rock, Ed
Scholk and J. M. Sams, magistrates, and Henry Whitaker, constable; Kempers,
J. M. Adams, and N. S. Southard, magistrates, and B. F. Adams, constable;
Independence, D. D. Bales and Tandy Bolton, magistrates and J. N. Bradly,
constable: East Bernstadt, Ed Vance and Wm. Moore, magistrates.
The population of London is 584, according to the census report.
MARRIED-At the Jackson House, in London, August 7,by the Rev. R. L. Ewell, Mr. Wallace Steele and Miss M. L. Minks, both of Lincoln county.
W. S. Burkhart and family, who have made London their home for several months, left Tuesday night on the north bound train for Cincinnati, where they will make their future home. Dr. Burkhart was a good friend of the ECHO while in London, and we regret his departure.
MARRIED-At the home of the bride's father by the Rev. R. L. Ewell on Sunday, August 10, Mr. Stephen R. Jackson and Miss Julia C. Lovelace, eldest daughter of Mr. Jesse Lovelace, of this county. May many years of happiness be theirs.
August 15,--Mrs. Emily Moore is lying at the
point of death, at the residence of her brother-in-law, Judge W. L. Moren.
Mrs. Moore had a stroke of paralysis about a month ago, from which she
had partially recovered.
Yesterday she suffered from a second attack,
and there now seems to be no hopes for her recovery.
DIED-At the home of her son-in-law, Mr. H. C. Broughton, near the depot, in London, August 13, Mrs. Sarah Allen, wife of Mr. Enos Allen, of this county. Mrs. Allen's age was sixty-three, and she had been an invalid for several months, suffering with something like consumption of the bowels. Her remains were taken to Hazel Patch yesterday for burial.
A company of Gypsies passed through town on Tuesday and as is their custom, stopped on the main street awhile, drawing quite a crowd of the curious around them. Two little Shetland ponies-one very small-attracted much attention from the youngsters. Mr. R. M. Jackson is now the owner of a pair of large, gray work-horses, which he obtained from them.
DIED-At his father's home in London, on Monday night, August 11, Harry R. son of Sid A. and Ellen Lovelace, aged fourteen months and ten days. Little Harry's sufferings were long and painful. He was tenderly watched and cared for, and many prayers went up for his recovery, but his Father called him home, and his fond and loving parents, while weeping for his loss, can live in hopes of once more meeting him upon the other shore.
On Sunday a difficulty occurred between Andy and Pleas Storm, cousins, in the Independence district of this county, in which both were hurt. We understand they were involved in a quarrel, when Pleas struck Andy on the head with a club, and Andy, drawing his knife, cut Pleas, though not seriously. He might however, have done Pleas greater injury, had he not been taken hold of and drawn away by his friends, as he evinced a dispositon to continue the use of his knife. A warrent has been issued for Pleas, who is said by those present to have been in the wrong in the matter.
August 15,--C. M. Randall met with a painful, though not serious accident, on the road near Mr. James Moore's last Sunday. He had been to Short's distillery to place stamps on a lot of whiskey, which was to be taken out of bond, and as he was driving back to town, his horse became frightened and ran away. The buggy was overturned and he was thrown out, his face striking against the fence and making quite a painful wound. For a moment he was unconscious, but on coming to himself, he made his way to Mr. Moore's and there was furnished a horse and sent to town. He left for Richmond on Monday..
Ben and Bert Tolliver who formerly worked at
Pittsburg, in this vicinity were killed at Oliver's Springs, in Anderson
county, Tenn., a few days ago. From the Knoxville papers we gather the
circumstances as understood there. The two Tollivers, who were brothers
were in company with Joe Emory and James Brummett, when Emory and Bert
Tolliver sat down to a game of cards. Ben Tolliver and Emory had a misunderstanding
in regard to a bet on the game, very rough words were passed and both drew
their pistols, but Brummet interfered, and the difficulty having been settled
the game was resumed. Shortly Ben started to leave the house, when Bert
seeing Emory in the act of drawing a pistol, called to his brother to look
out, but the warning came to late. Emory fired and the bullet struck Ben
in the back of the head, and after running a few steps he fell to the ground
a corpse. Emory then turned on Bert, who drew his pistol and also fired,
but Emory's shot struck him in the left side and passed clear through his
body, causing almost instant death. During the shooting Brummett was hit
in the leg by a stray ball, but the wound is not considered serious.
Emory remained a few minutes after doing his bloody work and then made
his escape. Some claimed that Emory was shot in the back, and that
the blood was seen running from
the wound, but the general impression is that
he escaped unhurt.
LANGNAU, J. S. Johnson who has been sick with fever for some time is, we are glad to say, able to be out again.
BORN-To the wife of T. L. Gill Sr. a fine boy. Have not learned its name yet.
Mrs. Lafayette McDaniel was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Moore Sunday.
Pensions have been allowed Dier Collier of East Bernstadt, and Richard Marcum, of Green Hall.
The Sunday School at Old Salem is progressing finely.
What is the matter? The Macedonia girls seem to be all smiles.
The little boys seem to be taking the day at the Sunday schools.
August 22, STATE NEWS:
Milton M. Mardis of Raywick, a school teacher
sixty-five years old eloped with Miss Bertie Thompson, a former pupil.
He leaves a wife and four children, three of whom are married.
We learn that at a church on Sexton Creek, in Clay County, last Sunday, a Mrs. York stabbed another woman whose name our informant did not know, three times in the back, and then made her escape. The wounds are considered dangerous and may prove fatal. We could gather no further particulars.
The town on the Tennessee side of the moutain at Cumberland Gap has been going to the name of Dillwyn Springs, but at an election held a few days ago, as to the name to be given the place, the people voted by a big majority, to call the town Cumberland Gap, and by that name the place will be hereafter known.
In a difficulty at Corbin, on Sunday evening, between Wm. Mitchell and his brother on one side, and J. R. Petree, an L. & N. brakeman on the other, Mitchell was shot in the abdomen and mortally wounded. It seems that Mitchell and a younger brother of Petree's had a difficulty a few days before at a school house near Corbin, which was renewed when the older brother met Mitchell on Sunday. Some words passed and both parties commenced shooting. Twelve or fifteen shots were exchanged resulting as above stated, and in the wounding of Petree slightly in the shoulder. Mitchell's little eleven year old brother stood by him emptying his pistol at Petree.
Mrs. Sallie Stillings wife of Mr. Jarvis Stillings, who moved from Laurel county to Iowa twenty one years ago this summer, and her daughter Miss Ida, are in the county visiting friends and relatives. They will return to Iowa about the last of September.
Died-At his home near Lily, Mr. Standifer Elam, an industrious and clever citizen of Laurel county. Mr. Elam was taken sick while working at Middlesborough, and upon his return home his case was pronounced typhoid fever by his physician. After lingering one month he died on Monday the 18th inst., and was buried the following day.
Wm. Parker, Deputy United States Marshal, met with a painful accident on Friday last which has caused him to resort to the use of a crutch. As he was driving into town his horse became frightened near Riley's Hotel and ran away. Seeing the buggy was about to upset, he jumped and fell, hurting his left hip so as to make walking very painful.
Wm Graybeal, who moved from this county with his family to Iowa several months ago, has returned to his first love. He says Iowa does not suit him and in fact we doubt if Bill could be suited any where outside Laurel county. At any rate he will give Laurel county another trial and we opine, it will be a long one.
August 22,--Our recently elected jailer, D. H. Loville, has moved to town and assumed the duties of his office, our old jailer, M. Phelps, having gracefully yielded his place, has moved his family to his farm about ten miles from London on the Manchester road. Mr. Phelps says he has a tender feeling for the people of London on account of their kind treatment of him while a resident of the place and that he leaves with regret.
DIED-At the residence of her brother-in-law, Judge W. T. Moren, near London, on Saturday evening, August 16, Mrs. Emily Moore, aged 68. Mrs. Moore was stricken with paralysis about seven weeks before her death, which was followed by a second stroke on Tuesday before she died. From the time of the second stroke she seemed unconscious and neither moved or spoke until the hour of her death. She was a good woman loved by those who knew her and mourned by the orphan children to whom she was a mother. Her remains were taken on the 4 o'clock train Sunday evening to Corbin and from there to Lynn Camp Church grave yard, in Knox county, where they were laid beside her husband who has been dead for forty years and her only daughter, who died when a child, many years ago.
Mrs. Dorthula Early, wife of Robt. Early, of this county is very sick with bronchitis.
Mr. Chance Revel is very low with typhoid fever. Mr. Revel had the fever several weeks ago and getting better went out, probably too soon, and took a relapse, from which it is feared he will not recover.
East Bernstadt,-Robert Rader is quite sick with fever.
Mrs. Charity Cross, colored and infant , died Sunday night. They were both buried in one coffin Tuesday.
Misses Georgia and Mattie McFerran of Pine Hill, who have been visiting their relatives here, returned home Tuesday.
Geo. Bailey, W. A. Landrum, Harry Brownlie; of East Bernstadt, and D. N. Nelson of Pittsburg, visited Solomon's Cave, at Cumberland Gap, Sunday.
August 22, --A dispatch from Burnside says
there was a fight between the police judge and town marshal on one side
and Ben Chesnut and his two sons, John and Hiram, on the other. There
was an old feud between P. F. Smith, the police judge and Ben Chesnut.
Chesnut said when Smith was elected that he would never submit to arrest
under warrant from him. Monday John Chesnut was arrested and gave bond.
His father caused his bondsmen to surrender him and then with his son Hiram,
started to take John Away from Marshal Coomer and Judge Smith. In the fight
that followed John Chesnut and Judge Smith
received several wounds, but Smith is not
dangerously hurt. The Chesnuts have long presecuted Smith in very cowardly
ways, such as shooting at his house at night, wounding his stock, &c.
John Chesnut died from effect of his wounds.
At Paris George Jones shot Alfy Nutter because she did not have his supper ready for him.
Bob Ferguson and Boss Hamilton shot and killed each other at Rowland on Monday. The difficulty originated in remarks made by Hamilton about Ferguson's wife. Eight shots were fired. Hamilton emptied his pistol and Ferguson shot three time. They died within fifteen feet of each other.
Mr. James D. Smith is rapidly recovering from his attack of chills and fever and will soon be able to be in his office.
Cort Brown is again to be seen on the streets of London. He has moved his family here and will both live and do business in the house recently vacated by Misses McWhorter & Fernie.
Henry Young son of Pleas Young, Sr. of this county, who has resided in Saticoy, Cal. for the last two years, has been on a visit for some time to his relatives and friends in Laurel County. On Monday he left for his home in California.
August 29, -Craig Gragg was before Police Judge Baker on Wednesday, charged with the malicious stabbing of Wm. Lerwill at Pittsburg last week. On examination of the case Gragg was held to circuit court and allowed to go on his own recognizance.
DIED-August 26, at the residence of his father, on Tuesday, August 26th, John Jones, son of John H. Jones, of this county. His remains passed London Wednesday on the 10 a.m. train for Altamont, from which place they were taken to the McNeill grave yard for burial.
DIED-August 26, at the residence of her father, Bettie, daughter of Levi Watkins, this county. She was about twenty-three years of age and had been a cripple from her birth. While building a fire, some two weeks ago, she fell in a faint or fit and burned her feet very badly, which resulted in lockjaw, causing her death, as stated Tuesday night. She was buried Wednesday evening at Rough Creek meeting house.
George L.. Jones has gone to his father's near London to see his brother who is very sick.
P. L. Brower and wife, George J. Jones and John Ed. Brownlee, went to Cumberland Gap Sunday.
Capt. James McNeil, of Catthage, Mo., who is
visiting friends here, was taken suddenly ill on last Saturday evening
as he was on his way to his brother's but is recovering now and thinks
he will be able to go to his
home the first of September.
September 5,--A desperate battle was fought
at Middlesborough on Wednesday, Aug. 27th, bethween Marsh Turner, of the
famous Turner gang, and Steve Warrick another desperado of that place.
Turner and Warrick met and angry words passed between them in regard to
a former trouble which resulted in one of the fiercest fights ever witnessed,
Turner using a revolver and Warrick a large knife. The combat lasted fifteen
minutes, and when over it was found that a bullet had struck Warrick in
the breast, passing entirely
through his body and that Turner had received
eleven knife gashes, one of which penetrated his abdomen. Neither of the
men can live.
On Monday night, George Maupin, jailor of Madison
county, shot and instantly killed Ballard Bronston, son of Thos. S. Bronston
late Collector of the Eighth Kentucky District, in the court house yard
at Richmond.
Bronston was unarmed. Maupin and Bronston
were brothers in law: having married sisters. Some two years ago Bronston
killed Gilbert Dudley, Deputy Sheriff of Madison county, charging Dudley
with having been too intimate with his (Bronston's ) wife. Upon the trial
for the killing Bronston was acquitted. Having obtained a divorce from
his wife they lived apart until Monday, but having recently become reconciled
they were on that day married the second time, and that night about nine
o'clock Bronston was killed by
Report has reached town of the killing of George Wilson by one of the Forbush, in the edge of Jackson County.
DIED-At her home near Lily, in this county on Sunday August 31, Mrs. Milly Ann Hodge, wife of Squire Fleming T. Hodge , of cancer in the breast.
September 5, --Mrs. E. H. Brown was taken down with a very serious billious attack on Sunday night, from which she has not entirely recovered, though she is much better.
DIED-On Monday September 1, of consumption, Miss Miranda Andes, daughter of Mr. Abner Andes, an old citizen of Laurel county, living near Altamont.
Warren Scoville left for Danville Tuesday morning, riding Sheriff Pearl's fine pacing horse, which he left with Wm. Rue & Son, of that place for training.
Robert P. Brown had been very sick with neuralgia in his left side, at Mrs. Posey's. On Wednesday he was better and able to be taken to his home, about three miles from town.
Mr. George Mason has had two children sick with what was pronounced scarlet fever, though in a very slight form, and they are now rapidly recovering. Dr. Coldwell has no fears of the fever spreading, as Mr. Mason's residence is quite a distance from any other house and other children will not be allowed to come near the sick ones.
Drowned on the 27th ult. Mrs Owen Allen, of Rockcastle county went out to the field a considerable distance from the house to pick some beans and during her absence her little boy started to follow her, but having to cross the creek on a footlog, he lost his balance fell into the creek and was drowned.
September 5, --A difficulty occurred at the
Fair grounds last Saturday evening a few minutes after the Fair closed,
between Dale Reid, of Manchester, and Lee Johnson, of this county, in which
Johnson was shot
through the calf of the leg inflicting only
a very slight flesh wound. Reid was arrested, waived an examination
and filled a bond of $250 for his appearance in our next circuit court.
MORTALLY WOUNDED-On the 15th of August at the residence of James Jones, of Rockcastle county, Mug Adams, daughter of Granville Adams, was shot by some unknown party with a rifle gun, the ball taking effect in the side of the head producing what may prove to be a mortal wound. Circumstances, we are reliably informed, point to Mr. Adams himself as the guilty party, he having fled the county immediately after the shooting.
September 12,--Jim and Con Wren, who have been spending their Summer vacation at home with their mother, Mrs. Mary Wren, have returned to the Widow and Orpans Masonic Home at Louisville.
Ike Parman who was arrested during the Fair for selling "Moonshine," and has since been an inmate of the county bastile, made his escape at noon yesterday, but was immediately recaptured and returned.
Miss Nannie Sparks, daughter of James Sparks, of Lily, and Columbus L. Troutman were married at the Lovelace House by Squire B. R. Baker on Saturday the last day of the Fair.
September 12,--Mrs. Martha Randall was taken very sick on Sunday night, and was so ill that her physician, Dr. W. T. Ramsey, thought it best to send for her son, C. M. Randall who was in the mountains on revenue business. The many friends of Mrs. Randall will be glad to learn that she is now much better and in a fair way to recover.
We learn that on Tuesday Jake McFadden cut and very severly wounded George B. Wilburn, who is his brother-in-law, at the home of the latter in the Rock House precinct of this county. Our informant states that, as he heard it McFadden went to the house of Wilburn and was cursing and very boisterous, when Wilburn, who was on the top of his house doing some repairing, came down and ordered him to leave. McFadden pulled his gun down on Wilburn, but the latter got it away from him and having fired it off gave it back to him, telling him to go off and behave himself. McFadden then drew his knife and made at Wilburn, when Wilburn struck him with a hatchet he had in his hand and run, McFadden followed and overtaking him cut him in the left shoulder with a large Barlow knife, inflicting what may prove to be a very serious wound.
September 19,--Larkin Jackson of the county was married on Thursday the 17th, to Mrs. Elizabeth Whitehead.
Dan Williams , son of our worth fellow citizen Mr. J. T. Williams is very sick with typhoid fever at his home in Barbourville.
We learn that on Thursday, Sept. 11, Thomas Gregory shot Henry Woods, at the mouth of Otter Creek, in Clay county with a double barreled shot gun and killed him. The men had quarreled on a previous occasion.
September 19,--W. B. Catching has returned from Oklahoma. He left Dr. H. S. Pitman and family at Oklahoma City, from which place they will go to Texas to visit friends. Mr. Catching is much pleased with the new Territory.
Fanny an old colored woman who was raised by Mrs. Martha Randall and was for many years a servant in the family, arrived in London Wednesday morning. She has come from her home in Garrard county to see once more her old mistress before her death, and to contribute what comfort and encouragement she can in her dying hours to one whom she has always looked upon as a friend.
We find the Pineville Messenger the notice of the marriage of a young lady fromerly a resident of this county; "Mr. J. P. Smith, who looks after there composing rooms of the Messenger office, and Miss Mattie Donaldson, daughter of Mr. J. T. Donaldson, a prosperous farmer of Laurel County, were married last Saturday afternoon in the parlors of theVirginia House, Rev. W. C. Benson officiating. The wedding was a very quiet affair, only a few intimate friends being present. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will reside at the Virginia House.
The town was stirred up yesterday morning by
a report that a young couple had taken the early train for Jellico for
the purpose as all supposed, of uniting their fortunes together for life.
The report set Mrs. L. J.
Williams and Johnson & Smith to calling
the roll of their popular and fascinating clerks, and all the mothers in
town to looking up their marriageable daughters. It was soon discovered
that Miss Mattie Blauvelt, step-daughter of Mr. D. R. Totten, was the missing
lady and that Joe Farmer was absent from his instrument at the depot.
On the arrival of the 10 o'clock train from Jellico the happy couple alighted,
and Mose Parsley, who accompanied them to Jellico is authority for the
announcement that they were married soon after their arrival at that place.
They have taken rooms at the Riley House.
September 19,--Roy Brower is very low with malarial fever.
Emery Faris of London was in town Sunday.
Captain J. H. McNeil has returned to his home in Missouri.
The census man who was assigned the enumeration
of the Sea Island coast of South Carolina, made a wonderful discovery.
Kiwha Island some miles down the coast, is owned by two families of the
antibellum Sea Island barons. The enumerator to his surprise, found there
a black colony of about 150 souls, and struck a region, the only one in
the world, where all the inhabitants were English speaking, reading and
writing negroes. Every child of a suitable age could also read and write,
and the women were just as
intelligent as the men. All were prospering
under the wise rule of a mulatto caique named Qush Stephens, whose wife
was responsible for the education of the people.
October 24,--Died, at his residence near Fariston last Monday of consumption Mrs. Jane Hilton wife of Dock Hilton.
Mr. W. H. Sasser, a native of Laurel county, who has been living for seven or eight years in far away Oregon is again in Laurel county on a visit.
Mr. George Edwards, who left this county in 1847 and now lives in Indiana, is back among his old friends and neighbors.
Tuesday, Oct. 21st, was the twenty-ninth anniversary of the battle of Wild Cat, a day well remembered by many citizens of Laurel County.
The case of Hugh Jackson, convicted in the Laurel Circuit Court, of shooting and wounding with intent to kill, is set for argument in the Court of Appeals, Oct. 30.
The Rev. J. C. Gill who suffered a stroke of paralysis about two weeks ago, as mentioned in last weeks ECHO still lingers between life and death. Dr. Coldwell informs us that he does not think he can live more than forty-eight hours.
We learn that the house of Mr. Wm.L. Storm, in the south-western portion of the county, was destroyed by fire Monday morning about 11 o'clock. Mr. Storm was absent from home, leaving his wife and three little children alone. When Mrs. Storm discovered the fire she rang the dinner bell and Gabe Barnett, a neighbor hearing the alarm hastened to her relief, reaching the house in time to save a portion of the house hold goods.
October 24, --Judge Barnett says they will marry, and in proof of it gives us the following item-Tobias Queen, of this county, aged 92 years, and Mrs. Marinda Reynolds, of Knox County, took the train at Gray's Station, Tuesday morning, Oct. 21st, for Jellico, at which place they were married and returned home that evening to enjoy their honey-moon. Neither of the parties had ever traveled on a railroad train before and nothing short of a desire to marry would have induced them to run the risk.
We clip from the Paint Lick correspondent of
the Lancaster Record the following notice of the birth-day celebration
of a worthy old citizen of that place, well known to many of our citizens,
and the father of Mrs.
Judge Pearl of our town: Mr. Willis Adams,
sr. celebrated his 72nd birthday on the 3rd, several of his children and
grandchildren were present to partake of the bountiful dinner prepared
by his estimable wife, who is skilled in the culinary department. Mr. Adams
has twelve children; thirty-eight grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.
The Times-Union of Jacksonville, Fla., has
this to say in regard to the fishing experiences of Dr. J. W. Jackson,
formerly of this place; "While fishing in the surf Saturday, Dr. Jackson,
of Eustis, had an experience which will not be soon forgotten. He hooked
a fish just as a heavy breaker came rolling in and the two combined to
down the ardent fisherman. Dr. Hastings of Georgetown, was fishing near
by and rushing to Dr. Jackson's assistance, together they landed a monster
sea bass, weighing fifty-six and
one-fourth pounds, it being the largest ever
taken at Orman beach. In the afternoon of the same day Miss Zu Tavern hooked
a saw-fish from the Ormond bridge, which when gaffed and brought to shore
measured over eight feet, with a three foot saw."
October 24,--Married, at the residence of Mr. J. R. Azbill by Elder S. Collier, Mr. F. James of Pineville, to Miss Laura B. Azbill, formerly of Altamonnt. After the ceremony and congratulations dinner was served. After they departed for East Bernstadt where they boarded the South bound train for Pineville, where they contemplate making thier future home.
October 31,--Mens Suits at $3.50 to $5.00 at CHEAP JOHN'S.
Sheriff M. A. Moore, of Williamsburg shot and mortally wounded John Thomas, Marshal of that town, last Monday evening.
THREE DOLLARS REWARD-There was lost on the show grounds last Tuesday a lady's gold watch, Elgin works. It had attached to it a short mourning chain with a half-moon dangle. A reward of $3.00 will be paid for the return of the abvoe described watch to the Echo office.
DIED-At his residence in this little city last
Sunday evening at 2 o'clock, of paralysis, Rev. J. C. Gill. Brother Gill
was born in Newburn, N. C. in 1835 and was left an orphan at the age of
4 years and early in youth
attached himself to the Methodist Church.
At the age of 16 he moved to Baltimore, Md. and became a sailor, making
several voyages at sea; moved to Louisville in 1858 and was soon afterwards
married to Miss Mattie Connell. In 1861 he enlisted as a Union soldier
under Gen's Lovell H. Rousseau and served as a brave soldier until the
battle of Shiloh, when he lost an arm, on account of which he was honorably
mustered out. Soon afterwards was elected and served one term as Coroner
of Jefferson county. He was licensed to preach in 1872 and soon afterwards
became a member of the Kentucky Conference and in 1883, at his own request
was located. Was then placed upon the superanuated list and has ever since
made his home in London. Upon the organization of the H. H. Scoville Post,
No. 52, G. A. R. at this place
some three years ago, he became a member,
of which organization he was a member in good standing at the time of his
death. He was first stricken with parlysis about three years ago, from
which he only partially
recovered. On Monday, the 13th inst. he was
stricken down the third stroke, but survived until the 26th inst. when
his soul took its flight to God who gave it and his mind and body found
sweet rest and repose in death. The funeral exercises were performed at
the Methodist Church Monday morning at 8 o'clock by Dr. Stevenson his pastor.
and his remains were taken to Louisville for interment. "Brother Gill,
" as he was familiarly known to everybody, was a kind hearted, sympathetic
and loving Christian gentlemen as we ever knew, and in his death the bereaved
wife loses a loving and affectionate husband, the church and society a
dutiful and Christian member, whose place can never be filled. The bereaved
family and friends have our deepest sympathy.
October 31,-- Captain John R. Boreing a prominent
and highly respectable citizen, and leading business man of Magnolia, Columbia
county, Ark., was struck on the head with a hammer by some unknown party
on the night of the 16th inst and died from the effects of the wound on
the 24th inst. The deceased was reared in Laurel county, Kentucky, and
is a brother of Judge Vincent Boreing, of London, and the Rev. Amon Boreing,
of Covington, Kentucky. he went from here to Pike's Peak when a young man
and volunteered
in the Confederate Army from the state of
Mo., and served with the rank of Captain, until the close of the war, when
he located in Columbia county, Ark..where he married Miss Maggie Gladny
and where he has since resided. Captain Boreing is prominently known in
South Eastern Ark., and Northern La., as a live stock dealer, and has in
a measure furnished and supplied the farmers of that section of the country
with horses and mules for a number of years, was also a merchant in the
town where he lived and is regarded as a valuable citizen of his county.
In fact he has so long supplied hundreds of farmers with farm stock and
other supplies in the Spring and bought their cotton in the fall, that
the common saying now is : "We don't see how many of our people can live
without John Boreing." His death has created a real vacancy in the business,
social and religious circles of that town. He was a highly appreciated
member of the Methodist
church, and a most generous and hospitable
gentleman. He leaves a very intelligent and highly respected family, consisting
of a wife and six children. The oldest Charles W. is in his 22nd year a
promising business young man, who has promptly taken his place at the head
of the grief stricken family, and pursuant to his fathers request
has administered upon his estate. All classes of people unite in their
expressions of sympathy and deepest regret that such a man should come
to his death by such means.
A strange and worthless negro from Louisiana
is suspected as the guilty party and has been lodged in jail, and but for
the protests of Mr. Boreings brother Vincent and other relations he would
be promptly lynched after the custom of the South, but the sons taking
advice from their uncle are determined to find out with certainty the guilty
party and have the penalties of the cold law appleid. The wound at first
was not considered at all dangerous either by the deceased or his physicians.
It seems that the rationality and cheerfullness of the patient entirely
threw the Drs. off their guard, and they took the view of the matter
that the wound was the effect of a glancing blow. So the relations in Kentucky
and Texas were not notified until the day before his death, which fell
like a thunder bolt from a clear sky to everybody. The autopsy revealed
the fact that the skull was badly fractured and that the patients life
might have been saved if the proper diagnosis had been made in the beginning
Judge Boreing, of this place, left on the first train after the critical
condition of his brother was made known to him, but he reached Magnolia,
just after the funeral services had been preached by Dr. Harvey, of the
Methoddist church and his body interred in the cemetery, and the grave
beautifully covered with most lovely Southern roses as a token of their
estimation of their
distinguished fallen townsman, and his bereaved
October 31,-- John Bryan of Findlay, Ohio deserted his bride of three weeks and ran away to California with her sister.
John Hanson Craig, of Danville, Ind., stands six feet five inches in his stocking feet and weighs 907 pounds. When two years of age he weighed 206 pounds.
The Apache Indians, who murdered two herdsmen about twenty miles from Silver City, NM defeated the U. S. troops that pursued them and attempted their capture.
At Chickamaunga, Ga., a train runing out from Chattanooga, struck a covered wagon, which was standing on a crossing, killing J. W. Jenkins, his wife and baby and Mrs. James bowman, all of Walker county, Georgia.
December 5-Nannie Coker, John Bryant, Will Davis and his wife, John Lucas and John Jones were lodged in jail at Barbourville, last week for violation of the liquor law.
George K. Branham, who killed Joseph Faults, a youth of nineteen, at a dance at Branham's house in Pike county, Nov. 18, has been captured in Letcher county.
Born to the wife of Sam Caudill a daughter, Dec. 4th.
Thos H. Mitchell an old citizen of this county, died Wednesday night.
On Thursday night of last week in Harlan county Hiram Lewis shot and killed Alex Estep.
Our Annville correspondent gives an account of the death of an old friend, Lieut. W. B. Johnson. Our hear was indeed sad to learn of Mr. Johnson's sudden death.
DIED-At the resiedenc of his son, Aaron Phillips, John B. Phillips in his 87th year. He has been a citizen of Laurel county for over 50 years and left no enemies behind.
December 5, --James H. Farris, Jr. left Monday for Burgan, Mercer county, where he has been assigned as a Goverment Store keeper. His family will follow him in a short time to remain with him during the winter.
Mr. James R. Cook of Rockcastle county, and Miss Blanche Wolfe, of Mitchell, Ind., were married at the residence of the bride's father last Tuesday the 2nd inst. They will make their home at Richmond, Ky after the 15th inst. May the fondest anticipations of this happy couple be fully realized.
BORN- On Tuesday night, Nov. 2 to the wofe of R. E. Province, a son and Ray is happy.
Will Hackney who cam home for Thanksgiving, returned to his studies in the State College, at Lexington, Monday.
MARRIED-At the home of the bride's father. A. J. Barnett, Esq. in this county on Thanksgiving day, Nov. 27, by the Rev. John Balir, Mr. George Silas Crawford and Miss Mary Malvina Barnett.
After the jury in the Lue case had returned a verdict of guilty, in the Circuit Court, Saturday night R. L. Ewell, one of Lue's attorney's moved to set aside the verdict, for the reason that it was rendered after the hour of final adjournment of the term. The motion was overruled. The town clock had not struck 12, but Mr. Ewell stated that it was past 12 by sun time and contended that the Court should be governed by that time.
Circuit Court adjourned at 12 o'clcok Saturday
night. The case of John Lue, indicted for the stealing of a heifer belongiing
to james Kitts, was on trial and the jury did not come in until a few minutes
before that hour. A verdict of guilty was returned and Lue was given two
years in the State prison. The court suspended the Lue, judgement for sixty
days and an appeal wiill be taken. On Friday Lue, associated with Jake
Bill, Jr. was tried and acquiteted on the charge of burning the butcher
shop of Charles Grumbort
last February. J. N. Griffin was convicted
of manslaughter for killing Eli Mitchell at East Bernstadt, and his punishment
fixed at two years in the penitentiary at Frankfort. A motion was made
in this case for a new trial, which was granted and Griffin allowed to
go on a bond of $1,000. Wm. Jennings and B. P. Martin were ordered to the
Stanford jail.,but the Court, after Martin had been taken to Stanford,
ordered that he be allowed bail in the sum of $5,000 which he expects to
give in a few days.
December 5,--Death has visited the families of Christopher and Perry Evans and taken from them their two little boys, Cannon and Willie, but "God giveth and God taketh away" Dear brothers do not weep for the loving little ones, for they are at rest now. They cannot come to you but you can go to them. Will you meet your dear little boys in that bright world above, and by the grace of God I will meet you in Heaven above.
Miss Alice Evans was called home from visiting friends in London, Pittsburg and East Bernstadt to the deathbed of her little nieces.
Elias Hatfield, the brother of "Devil Anse" and his son Greenway were tried at Charleston, W.Va. for monshining and acquitted.
Johnnie Bryant in Rockcastle county, swallowed one of the whistles so popular with boys. He was alive when last heard from but suffered intense pain.
George Lockridge, a Webster county farmer left Henderson for home with two companions in a wagon. All three were drinking and after driving a short distance Lockridge was missed by the others, who on returning found him lying in the road in a dying condition. He had fallen from the wagon and the wheels had run over his chest.
In October 1878 Wm Smith shot and killed Robert Saunders in a corn field in madison county and then fled the country, and for twelve years his whereabouts was unknown. but a few days ago he was held in Cincinnati for a misdemeanor and there confessed the killing of Saunders, which fact was immediately telegraphed to the authorities at Richmond.
December 12,--While Mrs. J. Harry Brent was sitting quietly at her home in Paris conversing with her children, the muscles of her right leg suddenly contracted with such force as to break the thigh, causing her to suffer intense pain. While a physician was attending the fractured limb the muscles of her left leg also contracted breaking her left thigh. The pain was so terribly agonizing it seemed for hours that lock-jaw would set in and put an end to her suffering by death. There is little hope of her recovery.
Charlie Baker now has a positiionat the depot, having taken the place just vacated by Mr. H. A. Roundtree.
DIED-At the residence of his father, Mr. P. L. Young, Jr. of McWhorter in this county, on Friday, the 5th inst., James A. Young age 18, of typhoid fever.
We did not think the Jackson House would be allowed to remain unoccupied very long, and we are glad to say it has been opened again. Mr. Jackson has rented the house to Mr. H. A. Roundtree, who has taken possession and will we have no doubt run it in a way to sustain its former reputation.
DIED- At the residence of Mrs. Martha J. Faris, in London, on Friday, Dec. 5th, Miss Mary Farius in the seventy-fourth year of her age. Funeral services were held in the Methodist church on Saturday evening and she was buried on Cemetery Hill followed to her last resting place by a number of sorrowing friends and neighbors.
We were glad to meet Miss Amanda Moore on the street last Friday. She was looking a little thin after her rencent illness, but she has recovered so rapidly that we are led to doubt her case having been one of genuine typhoid fever. She was probably afflicted with what is called "Walking Typhoid." and we know so long as Manda can walk and talk there is no danger of her dying.
I have established The London Cemetery on
what is known as Cemetery Hill, which in the future will be devoted
alone for burying the dead, and will sell lots cheap for that purpose.
Dec. 10, 1890
Three distinct shocks of earthquake, the last a very violent one, were felt at Lockwood, Mo., on Friday, the 5th inst.
While Miss Dora Jones, of Brazil, Ind., was asleep, some one entered her room and cut off her tresses, which were of luxuriant growth. A reward of $50 has been offered for the arrest of the scoundrel.
Charles Miller, fifteen years old, has been
convicted of murder in the first degree at Cheynene, Wyoning, for the killing
of Ross Fichbaugh and Waldo Emerson, of St. Joe, Mo., while stealing
a ride with them in a
box-car last September.
A man calling himself Bill Joplin killed five persons near Fort Smith, Ark. and then blew his own brains out. After killing the first one, he gave a man $2 to telegraph to his uncle in Kentucky that he was in trouble and to come to him.
Sitting Bull, the famous Indian Chief is dead.
He was captured, Monday morning, by the Indian Police forty miles northwest
of Fort Yates. His followers attempted his rescue and a terrible fight
ensued. The police held their ground until the troops arrived, when the
warriors fled, leaving their women and children prisoners in the hands
of the whites and their Chief dead upon the ground. Sitting Bull's son
Crow Foot and six other
warriors and five of the police were also
killed in the fight.
Mr. George Melven we learn is quite sick and typhoid is feared.
December 19,-- The ground was covered with snow Wednesday and it looks now like Christmas.
W. H. Jackson & Co. would like to have a little spending money for Christmas. Come in and pay your account.
Bob Jacksons kids want Christmas presents. Stop in at Jackson's Drug store pay your account and help a fellow in a tight place.
Mr. James A. Yates left yesterday as he said for Lexington, to spend the Holidays. but from the company he was in, it looks as if Somerset might be his destination.
Mr. Eugene K. Wilson left yesterday for Williamstown, his former home and will be away two or three weeks. He may visit Washington City before his return to London.
Dick Harbin has bought a piece of ground from W. B.. Catching, near the residence of S. R. Parman, and is building a nice dwelling house upon it. The boys are watching this movement of Dick's with suspicion and are keeping their eye on Dick.
We are sorry that "Aunt Louisa" McKee has been so unwell for several days that she is in bed. We hope that her illness will be of short duration and that she may be up and in her accustomed health in a few days.
December 19,--A very distressing accident occurred at the Province House in London, last Friday, which resulted in the death of Elmer Cottingim. the four year old grandson of Mr. Province the proprietor of the House. John Cottingim the father of the child is living with Mr. Province and while the family was at dinner on Friday the little boy was left in another room by himself. He was heard to cry and another child started to learn what was the matter met him at the door with his clothes all in a blaze. The flames were extinguished as soon as possible but the little fellow was so badly burned that he died in about twelve hours. It is supposed he stood too near the open grate and his clothes catching on fire he started to find his mother, who was in the dining room.
Mr. John Jones and Mr. chesnut will be home Christmas. We wish them a pleasant time.
Married at the residence of the bride last week, by Rev. Reed, Mrs. Martha Martin to John Kenney.
MIss Myrtle Sandusky has returned home from a visit to Burnside, Ky. She was accompanied home by her sister Mrs. Whitten.
Miss Mamie Morris has accepted a position as teacher at the Rawlings Academy, at Burning Springs, Ky.
Mr. J. C. Prichard is in Lily this week..
Mrs. P. L. Brower is visiting her mother, Mrs. Saunders at Verona, Ky.
December 26,--MARRIED-At my residence in London
last Saturday evening, at 6 o'clock, by Judge Barnett, Mr. Willie Jones
to Miss Mollie Mullins. Their waiters were Mr. W. D. Weaver and Miss Emily
Wilburn, Mr. J. C. Brown and Miss Leila Jones. When supper was over they
enjoyed themselves around the
fire for a couple of hours and then the Happy
couple made their way through the muddy streets to the residence of Mr.
A. P. Moore, where they remained the rest of the night. Sunday morning
they were up bright and early, preparing to go to the residence of the
groom's father and bye and bye, as luck would have it, Mr. R. M. Jackson
furnished them a good spring wagon and two very nice gray ponies. They
also had a nice cart which the groom and his friend, Mr. Brown, came to
London in, and to be sure the happy ones must go alone in the cart, leaving
Mr. Richard Harbin, Miss Nannie Swinney, Mr. J. C. Brown, Miss Leila Jones,
and Miss Maude Jones to be carried by the ponies. Miss Maud's horse must
go, so said I, I will ride the horse, but then came the part of the wedding
that I didn't enjoy, for you know as the horse was Miss Maud's the saddle
was also and it was hard to tell which was bruised up the worst, the horse
or I, for the saddle and I did not correspond at all, but we worried along
until finally Miss Maud must leave us and so she took the horse and off
she went, the old fellow going all the gaits at the same time. I got on
the wagon and we had not gone far until the driver shouted at the top of
his voice , "Jump off and catch us!" And of course we jumped off and it
took three of us to hold the right side of the wagon on the ground, but
the wheels didn't make many more revolutions until we arrived at our journey's
end, where we found one of the best of dinners prepared for us, which I
enjoyed very much and I now say to them: "May their joys be as deep as
the ocean, Their sorrows as light as it's foam."
J. E. W.
December 26,--General News
Four Indians were hanged for murder
at Maisouda, Mont, They all died game.
Arthur Hoyt Day, who murdered his wife last July by pushing her over a cliff at Niagara Falls, was hanged at Wellant, Ont.
Miles Ogle, the notorious king of conterfeiters, was convicted at Memphis and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment at Columbus, Ohio.
Daniel Salisbury celebrated his 103d Birthday Dec. 14th. His wife was 101 years old Christmas day. They were maried Jan. 12th, 1811.
A Mrs. Littleton was granted a divorce from her husband, at Flemingsburg, and in ten minutes afterwards was married to one of her farm hands.
Local Items
Mrs. Rachel Herron is sick with pneumonia, at her home just beyond the depot.
Sheriff Pearl had the misfortune to fall through his hay loft Tuesday evening, and sprained his ankle.
Willis Pearl, who has been for several months at the Masonic Widow and Orphans Home, at Louisville is at home with his mother, for a few days, looking as pert as a cricket.
The Echo as well as all friends of Uncle Joe Frisbee, is glad to learn that he has at last been granted a penison by the Department at Washington, He has waited a long time for this act of justice and is to be congratulated that it has come at last.
We learn from Mt. Vernon that Frank Denham was struck by a passing frieght, on Sunday night near the Sinks in that county and instantly killed. He was intoxicated and went to sleep lying across the track. His head was severed entirely from his body.
December 26,--Wm Johnson of color is now in jail awaiting the action of the grand jury at the next term of Circuit Court on a charge of breaking into the store of H. H. & W. B. Sandusky, at East Bernstadt. He was allowed bail in the sum of $300, but was not able to make a bond.
Deaths-Mrs. Mollie Chappell, wife of Henry Chappell, of Pittsbuty died at the residence of her father, Mr. Henry Chandler, in this county of consumption on Wednesday, the 17th inst. On the same day Lula, daughter of Jesse Ponder, about one year of age died at Pittsburg. both were buried Thursdeay at the burial ground near the residence of Judge W. T. Moren.
On Saturday night Jailer Lovill was so unfortunate
as to lose one of his jail birds, but was lucky enough to get him in his
clutches the next day. When Mr. Lovell locked the door of the cage for
the night, he supposed the prisoners were all inside but as it turned out
John Anderson, held to Circuit Court on the charge of stealing an overcoat
out of the dwelling house of H. C. Broughton, near the depot, was on the
out side behind the cage. When Mr. Lovill left the jail he failed
through negligence, to lock the iron door leading into the office, and
Anderson waiting until everything was quiet, opened the door raised a window
in the office and made his escape. Another prisoner waking about 12 o'clock
noticed the door open and called the jailer. Lovill finding Anderson gone
went immediately to the depot and telegraphed the news of his escape up
and down the line of the road. He soon received a telegram stating that
the conductor of a freight train had discovered the fugitive in an empty
box car and locked him in. The conductor was directed to take the prisoner
on to Rowland where Lovill following on the passenger found him and
returned with him on the
evening train, had him in his old quarters
before night.