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Pension Application of Elijah Clark |
Submitted by Rick Girtman
Source: National Archives Microfilm
Series 804, Roll #552
1st page
Elijah Clark
*au**** in the State of Kentucky
who was a private in the Com commanded
by Captain Henson of the regt. commanded
by Col. Tobb in the Maryland
line for 6 months
Inscribed on the Roll of Kentucky
at the rate of 20 Dollars 0 Cents per annum
to commence on the 4th day of March, 1831
Certificate of Pension issured the 25 day of
1834 and **** *
**** **
Arrears to the 4th of March
Semi-anl. allowance ending *****
Revolutionary Claim,
Act June 7, 1832
Recorded by Danl. Boyd Clerk
Book E?(might be C) Vol. 7 page 42
Statement of Elijah Clark
State of Kentucky
Laurel County )S.S.
On this first day of Oct'r. 1832 personally
appeared before the Justices of the County Court of Laurel aforesaid in
the State aforesaid Elijah Clark a resident of said County & State
aged 79 years, who being duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath,
make the following dictation, in order to obtain the benefit of the provision
made by the Act of Congress, passed June the 7th, 1832. That he enlisted
in the army of the United States the year he does not recollect, with Samuel
Jones, and served in a regiment of the Maryland line, he does not recollect
the number, under the following named officers. General George Washington,
Samuel Adkinson Col., John Tabs Maj'r., Thomas Henson Capt., Sam'l. Jones
& William Henson(?) Leftenants, William Adams Ensign, John Grant Sergeant,
William Tiler(?) Second Sergeant. He enlisted for the term of 6 months
and served it out and was discharged in Philadelphia but cannot recolect
the date, and his discharge ****t in his house which was burnt about 20(?)
years ago on Indian Creek in Knox County Kentucky. He was in a small engagement
with the Brittish at the White Plains. the enemy fired upon with their
field pieces. and we were ordered to retreat by Genl. Putnam. He resided
when he enlisted in Charles County State of Maryland about 8 or 10 miles
from a small town called Portabacco(?). After his enlistment they first
marched to Annapolis on the Potomac River. Made a short stand & then
took water & went to the head of Ell*. then landed & marched to
Philadelphia thence to York Island and then joined Genl. Washington and
were stationed there the most of our time. When we left there we marched
to Philadelphia & were discharged. He hereby relinquishes every claim
whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and he declares that
his name is not on the pension roll of any agency of any State. Sworn to,
and subscribed the day & year aforesaid.
Elijah Clark
And the Said Court do hereby declare their opinion, that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier, and served as he states.
State of Kentucky
Laurel County Sct.
I Lott P i t m a n Clerk of the County Court
for the County aforesaid, do hereby certify that the foregoing contains
the Original proceedings in the matter of the application of Elijah Clark
for a pension. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & private(?)
Seal, no publick Seal having been yet procured for my office this 3d day
of Decr. 1832.
Lott P i t m a n Clk - Seal
Additional statement of Elijah Clark
State of Kentucky
Laurel County Sct
On this 8th day of Apl. 1834 personally appeared
in open court before the Justices of the Laurel County Court, Elijah Clark
who being duly sworn according to law upon his oath made the following
an indent(?) to his original declaration made before said Court on the
first day of Oct. 1832 to obtain the benefit of the provisions of the Act
of June 1832. He states that he enlisted into the army of the Revolution
as he has stated in his original declaration, and he believes it was in
the 1777 and in August. He belonged to the Maryland line to Colo. Atkinsons
Regiment and his service was called the Flying Camp Service. He lived in
Charles County State of Maryland when he entered the Service where he was
also born, in the year 1754. He has no record of his age. He does
not know whether he was a regular or not. He was called one of the Flying
Camp Company. After the war he moved to the state of Va.(?) from there
to E. Tennessee from there to Kentucky Knox County (now Laurel) where he
now lives. He knows of no person living by whom he can prove his service
except his wife. He **** to Benj. Kitchens Esqr & the Reverand James
Storm who can speak of his character. He was well acquainted with Genl.
Putnam and Genl. Bell, regular officers. Putnam made his escape at
the White Plains wonderfully(?) by riding down a hill so steep that
the enemy could not follow him. Sworn and subscribed this day & year
Elijah Clark
And the said applicant produced into Court James Storm (a clergy man) & Benjamin Kitchens Esqr. both citizens of Said County who stated upon oath that they had been acquainted with the applicant for many years, that he was a man of Good moral character and that they had no doubt but he had stated the truth in this and his original Declaration. and that it was reputed and believed in the neighborhood of Applicant that he was a Revolutionary Soldier and Served as he states and that they concurred in that opinion.
And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary and served as he States and further certify that the above mentioned James Storm is a clergy man living in Said County, and that the said Benjamin Kitchens is a credible person.
State of Kentucky
Laurel County Sct.
I Lot P i t m a n Clerk of the Court for the
County aforesaid do certify that the foregoing two sheets of paper attached
by me Contain the original and amended proceedings in the matter of the
application of Elijah Clark for a pension.
In testimony whereof I have hereto affixed the Seal of my office and Set my name this 8th day of April 1834.
Lot P i t m a n Clk.
Pension office Statement
Pension Office)
June 5, 1850 )
To what time has Elijah Clark, who was a pensioner
on the Kentucky Roll, under the act of June 7, 1832, at the rate of $20
per annum been paid?
Ans. to his death
January 22, 1837.
you have a Pension or other Military Record
would like to add to the
County KyGenWeb page please