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Pension Application of Solomon Stansberry |
Submitted September 30, 2001
Source: National Archives Microfilm
Series 804, Roll #2270
1st page
Stansbury, Solomon
N. C.
or Jane
B. L. Wt. 26103-160-55
2nd page
Solomon Stansbury of Laurel in the State of
Ky who was a Pri. in the company commanded by Captain Wiley of the Regt.
commanded by Col. Talby Md. & N. Car. line for 11 months from 1777.
Inscribed on the Roll of Kentucky at the rate of 36 Dollars 66 Cents per annum to commence on the 4th day of March, 1831.
Certificate of pension issued the 19 day of Feby. 1833 and Sent? Hon. R. P. Lether?, House of Reps.
Arrears to 4th of Sept. 1833
Semi-anl. allowance ending 4 Mar 33
Revolutionary Claim Act June 7, 1832
Received by Nathan Rice Clerk.
Book D Vol. 9 page 63
State of Kentucky
Laurel County Sct.
On this 1st day of October 1832, personally
appeared in open court, before the Justices of the Court of Laurel County
now siting Sollomon Stansbery a resident of Laurel County State of Kentucky
aged 77 the 26 of last month who being first duly sworn according
to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to
obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832. That he
entered the service of the United States, the year forgotten, as a private
as a mallitia soldier for the term of three months in Baltimore State of
Maryland, the year that the British sailed up the Chesapeake Bay to the
head of Elk in the company commanded by Luke Wiley, Lt. Joshua Wiley, Ensign
forgotten, Maj'r. Joshua Stephison, Lt. Darby Luse? in the Regt. commanded
by Col'o. Talby. This enlistment took place shortly before the Battle of
Brandywine. During this term of service he marched only eight miles to
Baltimore where he was stationed untill the expiration of his term of service
when he was dismissed and rec'd. no written discharge. This service was
in the malitia of the State of Maryland in the service of the U. States.
He does not remember(?) there was any regular officers in the Army which
was Gen'l. Buckhannan of Baltimore. The fall before the seige of Charleston
in South Carolina in the County of Caswell County State of North Carolina
he vollunteered in the mallitia as a private for five months in the line
of the State of North Carolina in the company commanded by Capt. Hardin,
Lt. Thomas Barnett(?), Hugh Barnett Ensign, the company was directly marched
to Hillsborough where Capt. Hardins company was placed in the Regt. commanded
by Col'o. Robt. Mabin who was called a regular officer of the line of the
State of North Carolina on Continental establishment of the Regt. Lt. Col'o.
Archibald Lytle the Major he does not recollect. The Regt. then marched
Peede(?) in south Carolina, thence directly to Charleston in state State
where we remained untill his aforesaid term of service five months from
the time of Rendivous at Hilsborough, when he was discharged during the
siege (and shortly before the surrender by Gen'l. Lincoln(?)) by Capt.
Hardin afsd. On this company he recollects his Col'o. Lytle a regular officer,
also Col'o. Mabin, who commanded the Regt., Lytle being the Lt. Col'o.
Also Gen'l. Lincoln. After the surrender of Charleston this discharge as
afsd. he vollunteered in the Mallitia for three months as a private Soldier
in the County of Caswell North Carolina in the Company commanded by Capt.
John Graves, (Lt. & Ensign forgotten) then marched to Hillsborough
in North Carolina and placed in the Regt. Commanded by Col'o. Colyer (the
other field officers forgotten) in the Brigade commanded by Gen'l. Butler,
all being of the Mallitia of North Carolina in the service of the United
States. Shortly the Regt. marched to Peedee in South Carolina, thence to
Rudsly's(?) Mill, where they joined Gen'l. Gates under whose command they
remained untill Gates defeat, and after the defeat his company commanded
by Capt. Graves afsd. joined the Regt. commanded by Col'o. ONeal of the
Mallitia of North Carolina under whom he remained under his term of Service
had expired when he was dismissed at Hillsborough by Capt. Graves but got
no written discharge. On this trip he remembers regular officers Gen'l.
Gates & many other officers whose names he has forgotten who were said
to be regular officers. He does not know of any person in this state by
whom he can prove his service as stated by him as afsd. The written discharge
from Hardin he has long since lost. He hereby relinquishes any claim whatsoever
to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is
not on the Pension Roll of this Agency of State nor has ever been. He was
in Gates defeat, the siege of Charleston and in many skirmishes with the
Tories. He was born in Baltimore in Maryland and his age he has given.
He has no record of his age. He lived near Baltimore the first service,
the next two times in Caswell County N. Carolina when vollenteerd and enterd
the service. He never was a substitute and as to the manner of entering
the service he has explained. He has told all he remembers as to Officers
& Regt. and the Gen'l. Circumstances of his service and the country
through which he marched. As to his discharge he has explained. As to his
character for verasity & the belief of his services he refers to Jesse
Hide and Isaac Farris. All his neighbors. Sworn ********** to this day
& year afsd.
Sollomon Stansbury
State of Kentucky
Laurel County Court
Oct. term 1st day 1832
Isaac Faris aged 82 and Jesse Hide about 72
or 3 both being sworn in open court who upon their oath declare that they
have known the afsd. Stansbury who subscribed the foregoing **** in this
pension for about 25 or 30 years past. That they believe him about 77 years
of age, they reside in Laurel & near neighbors od Sd. Stansbury. From
his gen'l. reputation as a man of truth and ****** in the neighborhood
as to his being a Soldier in the Revolution they have no doubt his sd.
statement is correct. And it is further ordered to be certified as the
opinion of the court that said witnesses are respectable and to be believed
and they concur in the opinion that he served in the Revolution War as
stated by him.
Seal - Private Seal - Lot P i t m a n of the
Laurel County, Ky Court
E. Smith at Mt. Vernon Ky
I know Lot P i t m a n to be clerk the Clerk
of the Circuit and County Court of Laurel County Ky, and I know his signature
as clerk to the within certificate is genuine.
1st day Feby. 1833
R.? P.? *******
State of Kentucky Laurel County Sct.
On this the 10th day of March 1849 Before
Me an acting Justice of the peace in and for the county and State aforesaid
personally appeared Jane Stansbury a resident of the County of Laurel &
State of Kentucky aged about seventy three years who after first being
duly sworn according to law doth on her oath make the following Declaration
in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed 2nd February
1848 Granting Pensions to the Widows of Persons who served during the Revolutionary
war. To wit: That She is the widow of Solomon Stansbury deceased late of
Laurel County Kentucky and that she is the Identical widow who drew
a pension under the act 17th June 1844 at the rate of $36.66 per anum.
She further declares that she is still a widow never having inter married
since the death of her said husband. She now asks that her Certificate
of Pension May be enclosed to her Attorney Isaac *. ***** of Frankfort
Kentucky. Sworn to and subscribed before me on the day and year afsd.
Jane Stansbury -her mark
John H. Slaughter J. P.
I the Just subscribed Justice of the peace in and for the County Certify that the foregoing Declarant is personally known to me and known to be the widow of Solomon Stansbury deceased and the Identical widow who drew a pension under the act of Congress passed 17th June 1844 at the rate of $36.66 per anum. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name on this 18th day of March 1849.
John H. Slaughter J. P.
State of Kentucky Laurel County Court Sct.
I William Randall Clerk of the County Court
of the County and State aforesaid do certify that John H. Slaughter is
a Justice of the peace in and for the sd. County. That his commission was
dated on the 24th day of April 1839 and continues during life or good behavior
and that his Signatures above written are genuine. In testimony whereof
I have hereunto Subscribed My name and affixed My Seal of office on this
the 10th day of March 18**
W. H. Randall Clerk
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