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Shelby "Travellers Rest" Burying Ground Cemetery
Located off Hwy 300 about one mile from Junction City

Photos and cemetery submitted by Yvonne Lay Logue unless otherwise stated
All photos have to be taken over the fence as the gate is locked


The Marker was erected by Kentucky Legislature in 1826

Stone flat on ground 3' x 6'  says:
In Memory of five of the nine children of Susanna Preston Shelby  and John Warren Grigsby
All were born at Travelers Rest exceptAlfred Shelby who was born in Florence Italy
All five died and are buried here. There names below
Lillie Shelby  12-02-1860  /  12-27-1860
Alfred Shelby  10-12-1851  10-1862
Susah Shelby 12-01-1852  /  10-1862  ( this is how you spell her first name)
Mary Ashley Shelby  2-28-1855   /  10-1862
Letitia Wallace  11-25-1861  /  10-1862
The parents and their children who lived to maturity are buried in the Lexington Cemetery (Lex. Ky.)
Virginia Shelby - Hart Preston - Louisiana Grigsby Arkell
Erected by the surviving child Susanna Preston Shelby Grigsby in 1953
Lois Carson
Nicholasville, Ky
McDowell, Alfred  
died 8/10/1827 age 2
Lois Carson
Nicholasville, Ky
McDowell, Margaret
6/27/1820 - 4/3/1821
Lois Carson
Nicholasville, Ky
McDowell, Sally Ann  
no date
McDowell, Sarah L. 
died May 5, 1827  age 8
Lois Carson
Nicholasville, Ky
Nelson, Mrs. Nancy
died 8/27/1815 - age 25
Lois Carson
Nicholasville, Ky
Shelby, Alfred 
Nov. 12, 1831 - Feb. 24, 1848
The only sons of Alfred & Virginia Hart Shelby
Lois Carson
Nicholasville, Ky
Shelby, Catherine (Infant)
b: April 19, 1801
aged 1 mo 15 days
Footstone C.S.
there is nothing on this stone that can be seen but is on the roster outside the fence which was put up by the state in 1939
Yvonne Lay Logue

Shelby, Issac
9/1750 - 6/1821
Lois Carson
Nicholasville, Ky
Shelby, Isaac 
died June 15, 1827  age 17 
(Son of Evan Shelby)
Lois Carson
Nicholasville, Ky
Shelby, Isaac 
Dec. 11, 1750 - July 18, 1826 
(Expired without a pang Full in Hope of Immortality)
Lois Carson
Nicholasville, Ky
Shelby, Isaac 
April 25, 1828 - Dec. 2, 1848
Lois Carson
Nicholasville, Ky
Shelby, John
3/5/1807 - 10/11/1825
Lois Carson
Nicholasville, Ky
Shelby, John Mark
no date
Lois Carson
Nicholasville, Ky
Shelby, Joseph Weisiger  died  April 23-1852  son of Evan & Nancy
Lois Carson
Nicholasville, Ky
Shelby, Letitia 
2/12/1827 - 2/20/????
Lois Carson
Nicholasville, Ky
Shelby, Mrs. Susan
March 18, 1761 - June 19, 1833
Lois Carson
Nicholasville, Ky
    Lois Carson
Nicholasville, Ky

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