From: "Randy Stockman" Date: Thursday, April 05, 2007 9:42 AM My name is Randall Stockman and I live in Cincinnati,Ohio. My Grandparents were James H.Poynter and Ida Belle Middleton. They are buried in Preachersville Cemetery. I have totally hit a brick wall on trying to find out anything further on my Grandfather James H. Poynter's line. I do know that his father was James Poynter and his mother was Susan Moody. Anything beyond that gets mind boggling with all the James and William Poynter/Pointer's in Lincoln and Garrard Counties. Just wondering if you may have any ideas or information on where to find some solid information on the Poynters,or at least someone who may have it all figured out. Thank You, Randall Stockman Cincinnati,Ohio