Submitted ByDebra Clark

John Patterson and Phoebe
to Stephen McKinney
Deed - 13 Nov 1787



Lincoln County Kentucky Vol. A, Book of Deeds p. 338-340

This Indenture made the thirteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven 
hundred and eighty seven. Between John Patterson and Phoebe his wife of the county of Fayette and 
Commonwealth of Virginia of the one part and Stephen McKinney of the county of Lincoln and 
Commonwealth aforesaid of the other part. Witness that the said John Patterson and Phoebe his wife 
for and in consideration of the sum of eighty pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid, 
the Receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and forever acquit and discharge the said Stephen 
McKinney his Heirs executors and Administration have granted; bargain, sell, Alien, and confirm unto 
his the said Stephen McKinney his heirs and afoiges? forever all that tract of , Situate lying and being 
on the waters of the Hanging Fork Dicks River, in County of Lincoln and bounded as follows, ? 
Beginning at a large Beech, thench North Sixty three degrees West , two hundred and ten poles to a 
Hickory thence 0 North Twenty five degrees east Seventy nine poles to a Sugar tree and Beech 
thence South Sixty three degrees East one hundred and ninety four Poles to a Mulberry and Beech 
eye, thence North fourteen Degrees East Eighty Poles to the Beginning containing one hundred 
Acres it being part of a Tract of Land granted to said Patterson on a Treasury Warrant located to 
serve his Pre-emsion Together with all improvements, water courses profits and appartenances 
whatsoever to the said Premise belong or lay any wise appartaining and the Revisions~ remainders 
and profits thereof, and all the Estate, Right, titles, Interest property claim and demand of them the 
said John Patterson and Phoebe his Wife of in and to the same To have and To hold the lands 
hereby conveyed with all and fingular the premises and every part and parcel thereof with every of 
the appartenances unto the said Stephen McKinney And the said Jno Patterson and Phoebe his Wife 
for their Heirs, Executors and Adminestrators do covenant promise and agree to and with Stephen 
McKinney his Heirs and Afigns by these present that the premise before said mentioned now are and 
forever hereafter remain free of and from all other Gifts, grants, Bargains, Sales Dowers, right and 
title of Dowers, judgements and executions, Title troubles, charges and incumbrances what so ever 
done or suffered to be done by them the said John Patterson and Phoebe his wife, or any other 
person or persons whatever. And the said John Patterson and Phoebe his Wife and their Heirs all and 
Singular do promise hereby bargained and sold with the appartenances unto the said Stephen 
McKinney his Heirs afigns against them the said John Patterson and Phoebe his wife and their Heirs 
and all every other person whatsoever and their Heirs doth and will warrant and forever defend by 
these present. In Witness whereof they the said John Patterson and Phoebe his wife have unto set 
their hands and Seals the day and year first above written.

Signed sealed and delivered. John Patterson
In the Presence of Phoebe X Patterson

John Jones
John Steel
James Feland

The Commonwealth of Virginia To Robert Johnson gentleman greeting Know ye that whereas John 
Patterson and Phoebe his Wife by their certain ~ Indenture of Bargain and Sale , bearing date the 
thirteenth day of December last past, have sold and Conveyed unto Stephen McKinney the Fee 
Simple Estate of one hundred acres situate in the County of Lincoln, and whereas the said Phoebe 
cannot conveniently travel to our Court of our said County of Lincoln to make acknowledgments of the 
said Conveyance. Therefore we do give unto you or any two or more of your power to receive the 
acknowledgments which she shall be willing to make before you of the conveyance aforesaid 
containing in the said indenture which is hereunto annexed and we command you that you 
personally do go to the said Phoebe and examine her privately and apart from the said John her 
husband whether she doth the same freely and voluntarily without his persuations or threats and 
whether she be willing that the same should be recorded in our said county court. And when you 
have received her acknowledgment and examined her as aforesaid That you distinctly and openly 
certify us thereof in our said County Court sending there the said Indentures and this Writ. Witnefs 
William Green, Clerk of our said Court at the Courthouse the 10th day of December 1787. And in the 
twelveth year of the Commonwealth.

Willi Green

Fayette County Pursuant to a Denemus E? From the Worshipful Court of Lincoln County. We Robert 
Johnson and William McConnell personally went to the within mentioned Phoebe Patterson and rec'd 
her acknowledgment apart from the faid John her husband and the said Phoebe said that she does 
freely and voluntarily acknowledge her right of Dower to the said one hundred acres of land 
mentioned in the said indenture without the pursuasions or treats of the said John her husband and 
that she is willing the same shall be Recorded in your said County Court. Given under our hands and 
Seals this 5th day of April 1788.

John Johnson (LS)
Wm. McConnell (LS)

At a court continued and held for Lincoln County the 21st day of November 1787.

This Indenture wa proved to be th Action and Deed of the said John Patterson by the oaths of John 
Jones and James Feland, two the fubsribing Witnefess thereto and ordered to be certified. And at a 
Court held for the said County th 20th day of May 1788. The fame was proved by the oath of John 

Steel another of th Witnefess thereof,. And with connection thereto annexed for a taking the 
acknowledgment and privy examination of Phoebe and a cetificate of the Execution thereof, thereon 
endorsed was ordered to be Recorded.

Ex dd Teste Wm Green

Date: Saturday, December 13, 2003 2:59 PM