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Welcome to Lincoln County, Kentucky GenWeb Project

During the June of 1780 Virginia General Assembly, Kentucky County, Virginia was divided to establish Lincoln County along with Fayette and Jefferson counties. Lincoln County, Kentucky became one of nine original counties created on June 1, 1792, when Kentucky became the 15th state to enter the Union. Lincoln County was named in honor of Benjamin Lincoln who was born January 24, 1733 in the Province of Massachusetts Bay and served as a general in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.

Kentucky County, Virginia 1780

Lincoln County Genealogical Contributions

The current Lincoln County Coordinator, Les Jones, invites you to use these Lincoln County genealogy notes and data in your genealogy research as well as perhaps share research you might have with fellow Lincoln County researchists. In doing so, please acknowledge the work of fellow contributors when appropriate. If you wish to share genealogy information regarding Lincoln County, please feel free to contact Les Jones.

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