submitted By:  Carole French D

These were copied from the Stanford court house records.

Lincoln County Kentucky Marriage Bond

Bond:   Book 20 page 315
Henry James as principal and John James as surety, between
Henry James and Sarah Adams this 18 Dec. 1888.  Signed; Henry James
                                                                                       John A. James
                                                                                       H. B. Cooper, Clerk
Lincoln County Kentucky Marriage License 

Book 20 pg 314
Name of Groom;  Henry James; Residence, Lincoln Co., age 22, 1st marriage, farmer
                          Birthplace of Groom; Lincoln Co.
                          Grooms father, born in Lincoln Co.
                          Grooms mother, born in Lincoln Co.
Name of Bride; Sarah Adams, Residence, Lincoln Co. age 19 1st marriage
                          Birthplace of Bride; Garrard Co. Ky
                          Brides father, not known
                          Brides mother, Lincoln Co.
 To be married at John McKinney's on the 19 Dec, 1888, witness my hand
 this 18 Dec 1888,  signed; Henry James              Attest; H. B. Cooper, Clerk
Lincoln County Kentucky Marriage Certificate

Book 20 pg 314;
 I certify that on the 19 Dec 1888 rites of matrimony were legally solomnized by me,
between Henry James and Sarah Adams at John McKinney's in the County of Lincoln   
in the presence of John James and Thomas Mannel, signed: J.G. Livingston