Submitted By:  Leah Routien

William M. Ends

From the Civil War Pension File of William M. Ends, Company G., 4th KY Mounted Infantry  


On this the 29th day of August, 1892 at Maywood, County of Lincoln, State of Kentucky, before me, James C. Fox, a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared Ashford Jackson, M.D., who, being by me first duly sworn to answer all interrogatories propounded to him during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says:

I am 72 years old.  My Post Office is Pleasant Point, Lincoln Co., Ky.  I am a graduate of the New Orleans Medical College and have practiced medicine 50 years.  I had seen Wm. M. Ends before the war but never treated him until 1865 when he came to me to examine him and I made a very thorough examination and found him suffering with hydrothorax dropsy and sciatica rheumatism.  These diseases had become chronic at the time of this first examination and I told him at this time that this dropsy might become cellular dropsy which afterward happened.  I treated him once or twice a year for these troubles from this examination, which was about one month after he was discharged, until his death, which occurred Jan. 22, 1872.  I take this time of death from my books.  The immediate cause of his death was heart disease and dropsy.  The sciatica rheumatism was not a causing factor in his death.  The date of my first examination of soldier was about August 1865.  I told him then he could never be cured.  I told him at this time that exposure or excitement would kill him at any time.  I treated him in his final sickness.  I think it probable from the history of the case that exposure in the army was the cause of the above mentioned  troubles and the soldier told me that he considered this the origin of his troubles.  I am no relation to the claimant.  I have no interest in this claim.  I have no doubt from my treatment of the case that his troubles originated as he claimed they did.

                                                                    Ashford Jackson M.D.

                                                                    August 29, 1892