Submitted By:  Fran Cutrell Rutkovsky


George S. Miller, War of 1812 Pension File


America A. MILLER Widow Pension, Davidson Co., TN, 9 May 1878. America A. MILLER, aged 70 years, a resident of Nashville, Tenn, widow of George S. MILLER, dec'd. George S. MILLER was a soldier in the Ky. Vols. commanded by Col. HARRISON (she thinks) in the War of 1812. He volunteered at or near Stanton, Ky in 1812, and she doesn't remember the discharge date. He was out twice and served both times 6 months. He was about 5 ft. 10 in high, dark hair, blue eyes, sallow complexion. She married George S. MILLER near the town of Winchester in the county of Franklin, and State of Tennessee on 14th January 1831 by Rev. Wm. SIMMONS who was a Minister of the Gospel and her name before marriage was America A. HILL and that she has not remarried. The Soldier's first wife Parmelia WADE died in Dec. 1828 at or near Winchester, Tenn. Claimant was not previously married. Her husband died at Nashville, Tenn. on 16 Jan. 1865. They resided since the date of his discharge from the army in Franklin, Rutherford and Davidson Co. Tenn. A.W. WILLS of Nashville Tenn was her attorney. She thinks her husband had a Land Warrant. Her residence is 103 Carroll Street, Nashville, Davidson Co., Tenn. /S/ America A. MILLER. Attest: C.C. OVERMAN; Frank JOHNSON.


Witnesses: W.B.H. CLEMENTS aged 68 years, residing at 176 Fillmore Street in Nashville, Tenn and J.M. MILLER aged 42 years residing at Cor. Fillmore & Maury Street in Nashville Tenn has known America A. MILLER for 27 years and 40 years respectively and knew she was married to George S. MILLER a soldier in Ky Vols. We knew both parties intimately and often heard the soldier speak of his service in the War of 1812. /S/ W.B.H. CLEMENTS; J.M. MILLER. 9 May 1878. James T. BELL Clerk, Davidson Co., Tenn.


Application states George died 16 Jan. 1865.


Davidson Co., Tenn. America A. MILLER aged 70 years, a resident of No 103 Carroll St. Sth [South?] Nashville Tenn and applicant for Pension under Act of Mch 9, 1878 as widow of George S. MILLER being duly sworn states as follows, vis reply of letter of Hon. Commissioner of Pensions dated Feb. 1st & 17th 1879 respectively and herewith respectfully returned. "I have made every known effort both by correspondence & by inquirying of those who probably might know to learn of the name of the Captain under whom my husband served in the War of 1812 and I have been unable to get the information. I do not know the number of the Land Warrant that might have been drawn by my husband nor the name of the attorney that might have prosecuted the case. I have consulted Hon. Mr. TURNEY of our Supreme Court, Col. A.S. COLYER and other prominent attorneys who knew my husband well, but they cannot inform me. In fact as stated in my original application for pension 'I think my husband drew a Land Warrant'. I do not know positively that he did. I never heard him say that I recollect of that he drew a Land Warrant. My husband moved about considerably - as I best recollect, he lived in Franklin Co., Tenn. near Winchester from 1849 to 1854. In 1854 and 1855 we lived near Murfreesboro, Rutherford Co., Tenn. In Dec. 1855 we moved to Nashville Tenn. My husband continued to live here with me until his death and I still live here. In further answer report of letter of Hon Coms dated Feb. 17th 1879, I would state that my husband was always known by the name of George S. MILLER, it so appears in the Family record written by himself. The omission of the letter "S" in those Auditors reports must be an oversight or error. I cannot otherwise explain it. My husband was a school Teacher and a good scribe. We were married near Winchester Franklin Co., Tenn. Jan. 17th 1832. I was in error in my original declaration. I gave the date from memory without reference to the Family record. My husband procured his marriage license in Franklin Co., Tenn and it appears that all of the records of the Franklin Co. Court previous to 1838 were destroyed by fire. We were married by the Rev. Wm. SIMMONS who is long since dead. I know of but one living person who was present at our wedding. Henry HILL of Nashville Tenn. I do remember one other, George HOCKERSMITH who last fall was living in Texas. I have not heard from him since. I am the custodian of our Family record contained in our Family bible which is dated Philadelphia Pa. 1856. The following are true copies of extracts there from.


Geo. S. MILLER married the 2nd time on Tuesday Jan. 17 A.D. 1832. Sally Ann MILLER born 31st Oct. 1832. Thos. H. MILLER born Jany 18th 1834. James M. MILLER born Oct. 7th 1835. Robert F. MILLER born Sept. 18th 1837. Edward H. MILLER born Jany 25th 1842. Joseph MILLER born Sept. 18th 1844. All of the above entries are in the original and genuine handwriting of my late husband. /S/ America A. MILLER. 1 Mar. 1879. J.R. MCCANN Clerk Davidson County court by G.W. EASTMAN Dep Clerk (the Clerk being absent)


[note: Frances E. Miller, the youngest daughter born about 1841, was left off this list by America A. Miller]


Davidson Co., Tenn.: M.C. COTTON aged 50 years and M.S. MARSHALL aged 69 years both residents of Nashville Tenn. being sworn: I, M.C. COTTON first met George S. MILLER late of Nashville Tenn & formerly a Soldier in the War of 1812 in the yr. 1838. I, M.S. MARSHALL first knew him about the year 1848. From the time of our first acquaintance with him until his death we knew him intimintely. We did not live far from him. He was a school Teacher. I, M.S. MARSHALL sent my children to his school. He died in Nashville Tenn Jan. 16th 1865. We both remember distinctly of his death and of his burial. We both first met his wife America A. MILLER now his widow about the same time that we first made his acquaintance and have known her ever since. We lived near them. They lived in Davidson Co. Tenn. from the time we first knew them until his death with the exception of a few years that they lived in Franklin & Rutherford Counties Tenn returning to Davidson Co., Tenn where they continued to live until his death as aforesaid and where the Widow still resides. During our entire acquaintance with them they lived together as man and wife, were so known and recognized. Since the death of the husband as aforesaid the widow America A. MILLER has remained in continuous widowhood. They were highly respected people. We have no interest in the Claim. /S/ M.C. COTTON; E.S. MARSHALL. 3 Oct.1878. J.R. MCCANN Clerk, Davidson Co., Tenn.


Winchester, Tenn June 18th 1878. Letter to A.W. WILLS Esqr. Dear Sir I received yours of 10th inst requesting a marriage Certificate of George S. MILLER to America A. HILL. We have no marriage record of an older date than 1838. The records previous to that time having been destroyed by Fire. Consequently I Cannot furnish you the desired Certificate. Very Respf. Clem ARLEDGE Clk Per Deputy.


George S. MILLER. Widow America A. MILLER. wid. Orig. 23,048 Wid. Ctf. 21,333. Service Pvt. Capt. George MURRELL'S Co., KY Mil. Pvt. Capt. John L. FINK'S Co., 13th Regt. U.S. Inft. Enl. Sept. 18, 1812. Dis. Oct. 30, 1812. Enl. Sept. 23, 1814, Dis. May 15, 1815. Bounty 5589-40-50 Cancelled Land Warrants 12031-160-55.


Residence of Soldier 1850 Franklin Co., Tenn, 1855 Rutherford Co., Tenn. Residence of Widow 1878, Nashville, Davidson Co., Tenn. Soldier's 1st wife Parmelia WADE. Maiden Name of Widow America A. HILL. Marriage of Soldier and Widow Jan. 14, 1831, Franklin Co., Tenn. Death of Soldier Jan. 16, 1865, Nashville, Tenn. Death of Widow About 1882. Soldiers discharge certificate filed in the brief Cancelled B.L.W. #5,589-40-50 filed in the brief.

Rutherford Co., Tenn. 2 Apr. 1855 personally appeared George MILLER aged sixty six years, a resident of Rutherford County in Tenn. who declares he is the identical George MILLER who was a private in the Company commanded by Captain MURRELL in the Regiment of Tennessee Mounted Volunteers in the war with Great Britain, he volunteered in Lincoln County Kentucky September 1812 for three months and continued three months and was honorably discharged at Slaker/Koker? Tenn December 1812 that he made application for Bounty land under the act of September 23, 1849 and received a Land Warrant No 5589 for 40 acres which is herewith returned. He made application for purpose of obtaining additional Bounty Land. /S/ Geo. MILLER. Witnesses were William WILSON and J.M. LEATHERMAN residents of Rutherford County Tenn. James KELLOGH Justice of the Peace. 2 Apr. 1855.


Note from George MURREL Captn. states that George MILLER served as Private in his company of Mounted Volunteers Commanded by Majr. Genl. Saml. HOPKINS, in the Months of Sept. & October last and was legally Mustered and Discharged. 24 Feb. 1813. 53.786


Franklin Co., Tenn. 9 Nov. 1850 personally appeared George MILLER aged 62 years, a resident of Franklin County Tenn. declares he is the identical George MILLER who was a private in the Company commanded by Captain George MURREL in Company of Mounted Volunteers Commanded by Major General Samuel HOPKINS in a Tour of Service against the Indians in the North West, that he volunteered in Lincoln County Kentucky, on or about the 15 of August 1812 for the term of three months and continued for term of two months and was discharged at Shaker Town in Kentucky on the last day of October 1812. /S/ Geo. MILLER. John T. SLATTER, J.P. for Franklin Co., Tenn. William E. TAYLOR Clerk. 9 Nov. 1850.


Discharge within George MILLER Bounty Land Claim No 18228 Nov. 18/50 George MILLER Ky Vol. Act Sep 28/50. 1812. Land. Hu Francis Winchester Tenn. 18,228 Nov. 18/50 George MILLER Private. Capt. MURREL Tenn Mtd Vols. Genl HOPKINS. War 1812 Discharge within. Warrant 5389 Isd. April 29 1851 & Sent to Hu FRANCIS Winchester , Tenn. Vol? 60 Page 52. 1812 Pension Wid 23048. H. FRANCIS (Clms no inc) Sepr 16 ‘53.


53.786} Act Mar. 3 53 18.228} April 9 /53   George MILLER Pvt. Capt. MURREL. Enl Sept. 1812 Dis Decr 1812. Wart. No 12031 is Dec. 8/53. 160 acres Nov 30/55. Vol.m 2 page 35. James M. AVERET Murfreesboro Tenn.


State of Massachusetts County of Suffolk. I George MILLER do declare that I was late a private in the company commanded by Capt. Harry FINK of the 13th Regiment of Infantry that I was enlisted at Albany N.Y. by officer not remembered about Aug. or Sept. 1814 for the term of During the War and served faithfully until April or May 1815 when I was Honorably discharged at Sacketts Harbor by Capt. FINK on account of close of the war and was last paid by unremembered. My discharge, which duly testified all these particulars, was lost by losing pocket book containing it in Hudson River on passage from Albany to New York. /S/ George MILLER. 2 October 1852, William ROGERS, Justice of the Peace.

[Notes:   The document included from the state of Massachusetts could have been a mistake.

America Ann Hill Miller died in Nashville, TN, 1882]