From: Date: Saturday, July 31, 2004 2:29 PM Will of Margaret Logan, dated April 20, 1808 probated January 15, 1810 Lincoln County, KY (Information collected by Clayton Simmons it seems to have been complied about 1940) His wife, Mattaleen Lane, was the 2nd great grand daughter of William Logan, brother of Margaret Logan. Ellen Kerley In the name of God, Amen, I Margaret Logan of Lincoln County, do make and declare this my last will and testament. First, I will that my executors do cause me to be buried decently and grave to be posted and railed or walled in. Second, I will that my land and the appertainances thereto belonging shall be vesten in my executors during the life of David Logan, son of my brohter Benjamin and that my executors shall apply the proceeds from the said place, and the rents fom the tan yard thereon, to the use and support of the said David for his life, after deducting all reasonable repairs upon the said place in the meantime. And after the death of the said David, my will is, tha the said land and tan yard shall be sold by executors for the best price that can be got on a reasonable credit, and the purchase money therefrom to be divided equally between my said brother Benjamin's sons living at the death of said David and myself. Third, I will and bequeath that all the residue of my estate of negroes and personal property shall be sold, executors giving also a reasonalbe credit; and divided among the following persons equally, except Talitha Logan, to who I will two shares, and to my brother Hugh to whom I will one equal shares; over what he has already now in his hands, and to the other I will equally, to wit; To Hannah Logan, my sister Molly's daughter; to Peggy Wilson, my sister Betty's daughter; to Betsy Logan, my brother Ben's daughter; to David Logan, my brother John's son and to Hugh Logan, my brother William's son. And I do appoint William Logan, my brother's Benjamin son and Hugh Logan husband of the within named Hannah, executors of this will. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 20th day of April, 1808. Margaret Logan Teste: William Floyd Obadiah Finley