From: "Kenneth Smith" Subject: Wills Date: Sunday, May 04, 2003 5:26 PM Written April 15, 1815 Will book C , Page 20 Reuben Smith -Last Will & Testament ( copied from original in Lincoln Co. Ky. , Stanford, Ky. Court house July 8, 2001) In the name of God. Amen. I Reubin Smith of Lincoln County Kentucky, being weak in body, but of perfect mind of memory, thanks by given unto Almighty God ; calling to mind the mortality of my body, and that it is appointed for all men once to all, do make and order this my last will and testament ? Principally, and first of all I give and recommend my soul unto the hand of Almighty God that garish? and my body I recommend to the earth , to be buried in a decent Christian burial at the discretion of my executor; nothing doubling but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again , by the mighty power of God, and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with in this life. I give , divide & dispose of the same in the following, and form I will and desire my dearly beloved wife Judith Smith may have all my estate, both real & personal during her natural life on the term she remain my widow. I give and bequeath to my beloved son William Smith one hundred & fifty dollars lawful money of Kentucky, to be raised out of my estate after my wife decease, also I give & bequeath unto my beloved son Ephraim Smith one hundred and fifty dollars lawful money of Kentucky to be raised out of my estate after decease of my wife. Also I give my beloved son Weeden Smith one bed and furniture, one cow and calf, and two ewes & lambs -where? be go? To housekeeping, or whenever he calls for them .Also I give my well/ beloved daughter Nancy Smith one gray mare one feather bed & furniture , fifty dollars cash, one cow & calf & two ewes & lambs to have them whenever she calls for them as those have had which have married before except the fifty dollars which I give her on account of her arm being hurt and touching the remaining part of my estate, after, the above money legally And paid I will and desire the whole may be sold and the money thereby wishing to be equally divided between my will beloved children Hubbard, Elias & Weeden Smith, Nancy Smith, Francis Elliott & Peggy Wilhoit - and I also constitute make or ordain my will beloved son Hubbard and Elias Smith Executors of this my last will & testament. And I hereby utterly disallow , revoke dismiss? all , and any other former will testaments and execution ratifying, confirming this as no other to be my last will & testament In witness whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal, this fifteenth day of April A.D. one thousand eight hundred & fifteen. Signed sealed published and prom? By the said Reuben Smith to be last will and testament . Ephraim Berry Reuben Smith L. S. John Withers John Stone