Marion County Birth Records

1911 - 1920

The following Birth Records were generously Contributed by Nancy Trice & Sherri Bradley


John Aball  -  J. Abell

James Abell  -  Lusele Abell

Mary Abell  -  Rex Abell

Richard Abell - Fannie Acsee

Albert Adams - Will Aleyn

Agnes Alfred - Mary Alvry

Anne Anderson - Maxie Avritt


Mary Badgett - Joseph A. Ballard

Joseph C. Ballard - Sarah Banister

Lucill Bannister - James Beaudford

Johnson Beavan - Luckett Bertrand

Walter Beswick - Edith Black

Lillin Black - Sebastean Blanford

Mary Blangley - Jennie Bowers

Taylor Bowling - Mary Bradshaw

Charles Brady - Mary Brothers

Andrew Brown - Theresa Buckman

Birtie Buckner - Virginia Byrnside


Annie Cabbell - Elsie Carlisle

Charles Carpenter - William Cecil

Robert Cenggish - Joseph Cissell

Mary Cissell - Joseph Coldwell

John Coleman - Virginia Cooley

John Coomer - Walter Cowherd

Aleane Cox - James Cyrill


William Dallis - Lottie Dezarn

Roscoe Dickett - Sarah Downs

Lonnie Drake - Dortha Dye


Luvena Eads - Thomas Egan

Burdict Eldas - William Ewing


Marcel Fabius - Francis Fernwick

Joseph Ferrell - William Fowler

Davis Foxworthy - Zeta Furman


Albert Gabehart - Georga Gertin

Carl Gibson - Mary Gootee

Richard Gootee - Mattie Green

Nancy Green - Joseph Guthrie


Iva Hafley - Mary M. Hamilton

John Hamon - George J. Harmon

George T. Harmon - Mable Hasty

Hazel Hatcher - Samuel Helen

Clifton Helm - Joseph Hobbs

Robert Hocker - Addie Hudson

Gilbert Hudson - George Hutton


Sarah Ingram - Marthie Isoccs


Thas Jackson - Charles Johnson

David Johnson - Geraldine Jupin


Charles Kaufman - Mildred Kirkland

Iona Kittle - Arlin Krummen


John Lake - Richard Langford

Aellie Lanham - Robert T. Lanham

Ruth Lanham - Stephen Lay

Will Leachman - Thresa Lee

Joseph Leffew - William Love

Alice Loy - Thomas Luckett

Fred Lucks - Mary Lyvers


John Macken - Irvin Mann

James Mann - Audrey Matherly

Mary Mathew - Henry L. Mattingly

Hubert Mattingly - Lillian Mattingly

Lloyd Mattingly - Mary T. Mattingly

Orville Mattingly - Wilfred May

Lucy Mayden - William McCauley

Joseph McCauly - Francis McNally

Bea McNear - John T. Miles

Joseph Miles - Joseph T. Mills

Julian Mills - Joseph Monroe

Charles Monroe - Alis Moss

Charles Mothers - Myrtle Mullins

Pauline Mullins - John B. Myers, Jr.


Beetnus Nail - Marcum T. Neill

Anna Nelson - Mary D. Newton

Mary E. Newton - William E. Norton


Mary Oakes - Willie Orberson

Ila Orbinson - Mattie Owens

P & Q

Alvin Padgett - Mary Peak

Mary Peake - Thomas Phillips

Edgar Philpot - Sarah L. Powell

Cecil Power - Annie Queen


Joseph Radcliff - Welby Raley

Viola Ramsay - Joseph Reed

Alfred Reeves - Kathleen Riedel

Alma Riggs - Mary Roberts

Nadine Roberts - Elizabeth Rollins

James Rolpheal - Wm. Russell

Clifford Rutherford - Mike Ryons


Sidney Salle - Robt. Sapp

Theodore Sapp - Margaret Sherrill

Henry Ship - William Siegel

Dennis Simms - Francis L. Smith

George B. Smith - Nanie O. Smith

Nora Smith - Hazel Smothers

Iva Smothers - Anna E. Spalding

Anna R. Spalding - John W. Spalding

Joseph Spalding - Teresa C. Spalding

Thomas M. Spalding - Roy Stayton

Nora K. Steele - Dorothy Swift


George M. Tandy - Margaret Tharp

Marie Tharp - Mary Thomas

Mary A. Thomas - Cynthia M. Thompson

Daniel Thompson - Mary A. Thompson

Mary B. Thompson - Mary Thornton

George W. Thorp - Geneva Tungate

Irene Tungate - Mary L. Tyree

U & V

Frances Uckles - Drucillia Vratch


Charles J. Wade - Kendrick Warren

Lionel Warren - Trembie Weatherford

Charles R. Webb - Willie W. Wheeler

Annie White - Wm. C. Whitehouse

Felix L. Whitfield - William Wilkinson

James A. Will - Eugene Wilson

Grace G. Wilson - Junior Wourigoin

Catherine Wren - Joseph Wuerth

X, Y & Z

(There are no "X" Surnames)

Corinne Yankey - Joseph Zoeller




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