Marion County Cemeteries

Lebanon National Cemetery

Contributed By: Sherri Bradley  


Abbitt to Allison Allnutt to Austin Babbage to Bartonwaper Bartram to G. Bennett W. Bennett to J. Bland
L. Bland to A. Bradford C. Bradford to Brockus Broll to Bruce Brummer to C. Burns C. Burns to Byrd
Cain to Carter Case to Chips Chisholm to Collins

Colomb to Harold D. Cox

Hubert I. Cox to Curtsinger

D'Aniello to John Decker

Steven G. Decker to Downs

Drake to Dyer Easley to Elliott Ellis to Ewing
Faleide to Flynn

Foley to Fykes

Gaddis to Goemmer Goff to Gray Grayson to Gwinn
Hack to Hardesty Hardin to Haussler Hawkins to Helms Helton to Hillman Hilton to Horton
Horwatt to Hume Humphress to Hyde Ikner to Issac J. W. J.  to Emil W. Johnson, Sr. George F. Johnson to Justice
Kaas to Kimball Kimbro to Kuzniar

Lackey to Lea

Leach to Lister Little to Lucas
Luckett to Lyons MacDonald to Markwell Marlin to Benedict Mattingly Bernard Mattingly to McCafferty McCaffrey to McGill
McGivens to Meyers Middleton to Granville Mills Jackie Mills to Moran Morehead to Munson Murley to Myhue
Nagy to Oldham Olin to Patterson Patton to Pike Pineo to Puryear Quarels to Reenders
Reeves to Ernest Robinson Harvey Robinson to Sames Sanders to Shackelford Shaffer to Sizemore Skaggs to Ralley Smith
Richard Smith to Spears Spencer to Sterling Stevens to Szabo Taber to Thomas Thomason to Tomlinson
Tompkins to Tyler Ulmer to Waldrop Walker to Washburn Washington to Welsh Wentzell to Wight
Wilburn to Reamus Williams Richard Williams to Witherspoon Withrow to Johnie Wright L. Wright to Zoll  





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