
Marriage Abstract 1, 1789-1805 - Bride Index


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Mason County Marriage Abstract 1, 1789-1805, Bride Index
Records abstracted and contributed by Gail Childress; prepared for submission by Kathy Hines, December 29, 2002

ID Date Groom Given Groom Surname Bride
Bride Surname Notes
645 8 March 1799 Joseph McKibben Ann
Whereas Joseph McKibben and my daughter Ann has one intention of joining with each other in wedlock this is to certify that I have no objection against him obtaining license for that purpose as witness my hand and seal. ; Signed: Andrew (?) Linn
679 2 April 1799 George Spurlock Zelpha -- I do hereby certify that I am willing that George Spurlock shall be joined in marriage to my daughter Zelpha. ; Signed: George Garrard ; Witness: Charles Spurlock
675 16 April 1799 James Davis Nancy -- Mason County- State of Kentucky. ; This is to certify that I have given my consent for James Davis to marry my daughter Nancy. ; Signed: Albright Flory ; Witness: John Flory - Daniel Davis
670 no date given - listed among the early 1799 entries Samuel Bush -- -- I do certify that I Asa Reeves has nothing against my daughter marrying Samuel Bush.
986 20 May 1802 James Dun Nancy -- This is to certify that Joseph & Deborah Willson does give their free consent that their daughter Nancy may be James Dun'' Lawful wife. ; Signed: Joseph Willson ; Witness: Elias Willson & Moses Willson & Micha Willson & Jesse Carrington
250 1796 John McIntire -- -- This is to certify that Aaron Freeland and Nancy Freeland has no objections against John McIntire. Signature unreadable.
648 25 March 1799 Thomas Keith -- -- To this County Clerk of Mason. This to certify that myself and wife has no objection to our daughter and Thomas Keith therefore you will issue a license for the same given under my hand and seal this 25 of March 1799. ; Signed: James Key ; Witness: Peyton R. Key & Thomas Key
301 25 October 1796 Hugh Jones Sarah -- I do hereby certify that my wife and self are satisfied that our daughter Sarah be joined in wedlock to the bearer- Hugh Jones for which purpose you may grant a license. ; Signed: Richard Boucher
647 2 March 1799 -- -- Martha -- I hereby certify that Matilda Higgins has been heretofore married- given under hand & seal this 2 March 1799. ; Signed: John Higgins
976 1 May 1802 Levi Hains Nancy -- I do hereby certify that I have give my consent that Levi Hains may have my daughter Nancy for a wife. ; Signed: William Rush
1250 3 July 1804 William Stockdale Elizabeth -- This is to certify that my daughter Elizabeth is of age & has my consent to enter into bonds of Matrimoney with William Stockdale. ; Signed: Sarah Blair ; Witness: Joseph Allen & James Stockdale
282 19 August 1796 Isaac Chancelor -- -- Please to let the bearer Isaac Chancelor have license and you will oblige your friend Frances Purcell. For I am unwell and can't come and don't disappoint him by your leave. This from under my hand. ; Signed: Frances Purcell.
641 5 March 1799 William Wallace Annie -- This Sir is to certify that I freely give my consent to the marriage of my daughter Annie to William Wallace and you may issue your license accordingly. Witness my hand and seal. ; Signed: Andrew McFarren ; Witness: Pleasant Williams & James Wright
291 17 September 1796 Sampson Talbott Jane -- Sir: The bearer Mr. Sampson Talbott will apply this day for a marriage license to a daughter of mine named Jane. I have no objections your complying. ; Signed: William Kenton
1005 27 August 1802 Robert Thomas Temperance -- Sir - you will issue license to Robert Thomas to marry my daughter Temperance. ; Signed: Jonathan Hiatt ; Witness: Alexander Hatton
1242 15 June 1804 Jacob Metz Judy -- This is to certify that I have no objections against Jacob Metz marrying my daughter Judy. ; Signed: Harry Martin ; Witness: Field Martin
721 10 March 1799 Amos Irvine Elizabeth -- James Wilson gave permission for his daughter Elizabeth to marry Amos Irvine ; Witness: George Wilson & Samuel Wilson
997 August 1802 John Oliver -- -- Sir - my daughter is of age and I am free and willing that she should marry John Oliver. ; Signed: Richard Ross ; Witness: George Mitchell & Samuel Staggs
964 no date given - listed among the April 1802 entries Henry Feagon -- -- I give my son Henry Feagon the liberty to get license to get married and request you to grant him license for the same. ; Signed: Elizabeth Feagon ; Witness: John Feagon & Gerrard Fagan
718 30 July 1799 Edmond Lucas -- -- Sir- This is to certify that I make no objections to the marriage of Edmond Lucas and my daughter. ; Signed: Samuel Lucas ; Witness: Samuel Lucas & Robert McCullough
716 4 July 1799 Edmond Lucas -- -- Sir - This is to certify that I make no objections to the marriage of Edmond Lucas and my daughter. ; Signed: John Burks ; Witness: Samuel Lucas & Robert McCullough
711 16 July 1799 Hezekiah Vanschiack Sarah -- Sir: This is to certify that I am perfectly willing that Hezekiah Vanschiack should have my daughter Sarah. ; Signed: John Clark
953 1 February 1802 John Dicks Elizabeth -- Mason County - This is to certify that John Dicks has proposed marriange to my daughter Elizabeth and will apply to you for license that me and my wife is satisfied for the match. ; Signed: James Fegans & Mary Fegans ; Witness: Samuel Reeves
956 1 February 1802 Stace Reeves Sarah -- Mason County - This is to certify that Stace Reeves has proposed to my daughter Sarah and will apply to you for license. That me and my wife agree. ; Signed: Gilbert (?) Laurence ; Witness: Jacob Youngman & John Dicks
1304 5 January 1805 Walter Lacey Betsy -- Sir - I hereby certify that Walter Lacey may marry my daughter Betsy. ; Signed: Benjamin Clarke ; Witness: Susannah Clarke & Walter Leake
226 20 February 1796 John Hugraw -- -- Benjamin Frazee and Susanna Frazee gave consent for their daughter to marry John Hugraw.
697 14 September 1799 John Mahin Susannah -- I Mary Tillitt of the State of Kentucky and County of Mason do hereby freely give my consent for John Mahin and my daughter Susannah to be lawfully joined in wedlock. She being of full age as witness my hand. ; Signed: Mary Tillitt ; Witness: Abner Wood & Joseph Wood
980 15 May 1802 Leavy Rouze Sally -- I do certify that I have no objections to Leavy Rouze receiving license to marry my daughter Sally. ; Signed: Robert Barns ; Witness: John Rouz & Hugh Barns
696 28 September 1799 Thomas Nichols Dully -- This is to certify that I am satisfied for Thomas Nichols to marry my daughter Dully. ; Signed: William Berry
686 27 February 1799 Nathaniel Moore Nancy -- This is to certify that I- James Walsh of the county of Mason
1291 13 November 1804 Daniel Thompson Mary -- Sir - you will please to issue a marriage license to Daniel Thompson to marry my daughter Mary they have my free consent to intermarry ; Signed: Benjamin Hiatt ; Witness: Shadrack Hiatt & John Dowden
191 3 November 1795 Daniel Figgins -- -- John Adamson gave permission for his daughter to marry Daniel Figgins
198 8 February 1795 Humphrey -- -- -- Sir: My Negro man Humphrey applied to me today and requested that I would give him liberty to get married and also that I would certify you to let him have license for said marriage. If you see cause to grant him license I have not the least objection. - Signed: Thomas Brooks: 8 February 1795
684 9 February 1799 William Shackleford Sabine -- Sir: I request that you will grant Mr. William Shackleford license for the purpose of joining together in the state of matrimony my daughter Sabine as witness my hand this 9th of February 1799 ; Signed: Charles Metcalfe ; Witness: Christopher Metcalfe & James Metcalfe
1222 5 March 1804 John Vance Sally -- I do hereby certify that you may grant Mr. John Vance license to marry my daughter Sally. ; Signed: James Boyd & George Feans
958 no date given - listed among the early 1802 entries David Watkins -- -- This is to certify the approbation of myself and wife with regards to issuing license to David Watkins for the marriage of our daughter. ; Signed: Jonathan Glover ; Witness: Joseph Watkins & William Riley
1145 12 April 1803 John Calvin -- -- John Salisberry made oath before a Justice of the Peace that John Calvin is above 21 years.
372 13 December 1797 Benjamin Leech Tabia -- I do hereby certify that Benjamin Leech has obtained my consent to a contract of marriage between him and my daughter Tabia. Given under my hand and seal this 13 December 1797. ; Signed: Samuel Tenis
1174 25 September 1803 Silas Duvall -- -- Bondsman: James Berry & Charles Dobyns
538 no date given - listed with the April/May entries 1798 Falcard Dow Jean -- Sir - there is an intention of marriage betwixt Falcard Dow and my daughter Jean. This is to certify they have my consent. ; Signed: William McCord
1058 no date given - listed among the late 1802 entries Moses Dimmets -- -- Rachel Soward gave permission for her daughter to marry Moses Dimmets
527 February 1798 Silas Rodcliff Nancy -- Sir: this shall authorize you to issue a license between Silas Rodcliff and my daughter Nancy ; Signed: Thomas Pinson ; Witness: J. Gooding Tycan & Benjamin Perry
1154 10 August 1803 Thomas Cushman Polly -- Sir - you are at full liberty to issue license of marriage to Thomas Cushman with my daughter Polly he having my full consent for the same. ; Signed: Stephen Hiatt
629 10 October 1799 Thomas Hickman Rachel -- Sir: Mr. Thomas Hickman has applied to me for leave to git license to git married to my daughter Rachel. Please to grant them to him and you will ablige you humble servant. ; Signed: Samuel Jenkins ; Witness: Benjamin Hixson & Amos Corwine
411 no date given - entered in February of 1797 David Erins -- -- This is to let you know that you will be safe in granting of David Erins License. This is to let you know now this girl has no parents. No ? than a sister and she has gave consent. ; Signed: Sary Combess ; Witness: Susanna Collins
548 12 November 1798 Samuel Harmon Elizabeth -- I hereby give consent for a license to issue a contract of marriage between my daughter Elizabeth and Samuel Harmon. ; Signed: Ralph Robinson
1139 11 April 1803 Jame Colvin Cat (?) -- Sir - This I send to inform you that I give my full consent unto Jame Colvin to marry my daughter Cat (?). ; Signed: Lewis Gidding ; Witness: John Salisbury
1091 15 November 1803 Samuel Givens Lusey -- This is to certify that I give my consent for my daughter Lusey and Samuel Givens. ; Signed: Judah Taylor
1130 5 February 1803 Elijah Houghton Charlotte -- This is to certify that I have given my consent to a marriage between Elijah Houghton and my daughter Charlotte ; Signed: Nathaniel Hart ; Witness: Charles Houghton & Zephaniah Hart
1126 12 February 1803 Noble Grimes -- -- Noble Grimes made oath before a Justice of the Peace that he is over and above the age of 21.
447 8 May 1797 -- -- -- -- This may certify that neither of us has any objections against your granting his license to be married to my daughter. ; Signed: Richard Green & Elezebeth Green ; Witness: John Liny & John Rees
450 23 June 1797 Robert Armstrong Polly -- Sir: Be pleased to procure license for my son Robert the bearer
455 7 July 1797 Abraham Watson Mary -- Here do certify that I have no objections against Abraham Watson marring my daughter Mary. Given by my hand. ; Signed: Joseph Moore ; Witness: Aron Moore
516 12 January 1798 Jeffery Cox Ann -- I- Mary Tillett of the state of Kentucky and County of Mason do hereby agree and freely consent that Mr. Jeffery Cox and my daughter Ann shall be lawfully joined.
351 no date given - listed with April 1797 entries Ezekel Arrowsmith Elizabeth -- Sir: Please to grant a marriage license to Mr. Ezekel Arrowsmith to a daughter of mine named Elizabeth. Your complying on the same will greatly oblige your friend. ; Signed: William Kenton ; Witness: James Jones and Peter Light
626 Washington 7 June 1797 -- -- -- --
625 7 June 1797 Thomas Williams -- -- Dear Sir - The bearer of this ? Thomas Williams goes to your house for a marriage license as it may be

that he should

-security if it should be so good to place my name as one which will much oblige. ; Signed: David Bell
332 29 April 1797 Isaac Wamsly bride's name not readable -- Bondsman: William Ginn
624 5 June 1799 James Ashir Sarah -- B. Clanshee came before me one Justice of the Peace of Mason County and made oath that Sarah

-her daughter that is now about to enter into the bonds of wedlock with James Ashir was 21 years of age the 28th day of October 1798 ; Signed: Jonathan Stout
613 12 January 1799 John Morgan Pursilla -- This is to certify that I Marshall Parker do hereby give my full consent that John Morgan may have my daughter Pursilla to join in the holy bonds of matrimony. Given under my hand. ; Signed: Marshall Parker & Anne Parker
611 10 November 1799 Samuel Logan Pheby -- I do certify that I am fully satisfied with my daughter
609 7 November 1799 John Higgins -- -- I do hereby certify John Higgins has permission from me to obtain a license from the Clerk to join in holy matrimony with my daughter. ; Signed: Archid Wiggins
1178 28 September 1803 Vincent Cleaney Elizabeth -- Margaret Wheatley gave permission for her daughter Elizabeth to be married to Vincent Cleaney.
1025 no date given - listed among the September 1802 entries Peter Tevis Jane -- Sir - this will certify that I am willing for a license to issue from your office for a marriage to be solomized between Peter Tevis and my daughter Jane. ; Signed: George Purcell
547 no date given - listed with the November entries 1798 Moses Burton Mary -- Sarah Lindsey gave permission for her daughter Mary to marry Moses Burton.
352 27 April 1797 James Cann Uree -- This is to certify that I have no objections against my daughter Uree to be married to James Cann. ; Signed: John Popkin
355 26 December 1797 George Rankin Nancy -- Mr. Marshall: You will please to let George Rankin have license to marry my daughter Nancy as I am agreed to the match. Given under my hand and seal this the 26 day of December 1797. ; Signed: William Higings ; Witness: Solomon Dill and Joseph Knott
568 14 December 1798 James Taylor Elizabeth -- This is to certify that you are at liberty of issue a marriage license for my daughter Elizabeth to Mr. James Taylor. ; Signed: William Roach ; Witness: Thomas Young - Robert Roach
1192 17 April 1804 Jese Cooper Fanie -- This is to certify to the Clerk of our said County that we, John Cooper & Susannah Cooper do grant & give Consent to said clerk to issue license to Jese Cooper to join with our daughter Fannie in marriage. Signed: John Cooper Susannah Cooper Witness: Lewis Cooper Geconias (?) Cooper
360 25 December 1797 -- Mahan -- -- Sir: This is to inform you that the ? Mr. Mahan is on is agreeable to my will. ; Signed: Henry Asberry ; Witness: John Ungles
552 7 March 1798 Pillip Wiggins Comfort -- This is to certify that I have gave Phillip Wiggins my free consent to have my daughter Comfort. God as my witness my hand and seal. ; Signed: Tabith Preston ; Witness: Any Miler
656 27 March 1799 William Shervill Milly -- Sir: This is to certify that I am willing you should grant William Shervill license for my daughter Milly to be married this given under my hand & seal this 27th of March 1799. ; Signed: Lucy Botts ; Witness: Samuel Hedges & Nancy Botts
1211 12 March 1804 James Ruggles -- -- This is to certify that I- William Ruggles do give full consent that my son James Ruggles should have full privilage to receive marriage license. ; Signed: William Ruggles ; Witness: Charles Roe
830 no date given - listed among the May 1800 entries George Corwine Elizabeth -- I do certify that I have giving my consent to the marriage intended betwixt my daughter Elizabeth and George Corwine. ; Signed: Samuel Wilson ; Witness: Zephaniah Hart & John Wilson
86 7 May 1792 Edward Mills -- -- (Bride not named)
891 22 April 1801 Abel Reece Elizabeth -- I hereby certify that I give consent for my daughter Elizabeth to join in marriage with Abel Reece. ; Signed: James Purdon
71 14 November 1792 W. Henry Lutz Molly -- Washington - Sir: W. Henry Lutz is in want of surety to obtain marriage license. If you will agree the ? and enter me as his surety I will sign the bond ? ? ? at some other time or you may sign my name yourself and you must credit him for your fee is you please. He will pay you shortly. Pray don't disappoint him as all thing will be in order for the marriage tomorrow. Signed: John Dupray - All parties are hereby agreed to the match- Molly is of full age.
744 4 March 1800 Elijah Mastin Mary -- This is to certify that I have no objection to Elijah Mastin marrying my daughter Mary. ; Signed: Simon Taylor
790 17 December 1800 John Glover -- -- Dear Sir - you will please to grant John Glover license to marry my daughter. ; Signed Pearce (?) Lamb
21 22 July 1790 John McClatchey bride not named -- Bondsman: David Broderick and John Kenton
4 5 October 1789 Jonathan Conrey Nancy -- Sir - This is to certify that I give my consent that Jonathan Conrey should marry my daughter Nancy the Fifth October 1789. Signed: John Downing Witness: Absolon Thomas
101 8 March 1793 James Latersfield -- -- David Livingston gave permission for his daughter to marry James Latersfield.
1350 16 October 1805 William Crosley Polly -- This is to certify that I Thomas Kelsy of Mason County have given my consent for William Crosley and my daughter Polly to join in the ties of matrimony. ; Signed: Thomas Kelsy ; Witness: Joseph Kinnett
930 29 February 1801 James Johnston -- -- Dear Sir - The bearer ? of James Johnston and one of my daughters has agreed to get married and you may give license. ; Signed: Joseph Coryell ; Witness: Cornelious Coryell & Adam McCormack
925 11 June 1802 Willson Bullett -- -- Mason Co. Ky. - This day came before me one of the Justice of Peace for said County- Willson Bullett and was duly sworn according to Laws of oath that he was 21 years of age the 26 day of August 1801. ; Signed: Samuel Baldwin
872 15 January 1801 Samuel Clark Rachel -- Sir - This is to inform you that my daughter
1346 9 October 1805 Robert Craig Elizabeth -- This given from under my hand to certify that the marriage likely to take place between my daughter Elizabeth and Robert Craig. ; Signed: John Peddicord ; Witness: Abel Peddicord
992 26 June 1802 Robert Bradley -- -- Bondsman: Jonas Wright
759 6 August 1800 Andrew Jackson Phebe -- Know all man that I Ephrain Thomas of the county of Mason and State of Kentucky I do hereby certify by that I give consent of Andrew Jackson to marry my daughter Phebe. ; Signed: Ephrain Thomas ; Witness: Phineas Thomas & James Jackson
804 October 1800 Joseph Johnston -- -- Bondsman: William Pittenger
881 16 March 1801 William McNab Sarah -- Sir: this is to certify that you may grant William McNab license to marry my daughter Sarah. ; Signed: Joseph Coryell ; Witness: James Johnston & Cornelius Coryell
844 30 January 1800 Adam Fisher Sarah -- I John Thomas of the county of Mason and state of Kentucky- I do hereby certify by that I give consent to Adam Fisher to marry my daughter Sarah. ; Signed: John Thomas ; Witness: Henry Small & Phineas Thomas
1340 23 September 1805 Joseph Davison Edieth -- This is to certify that I have agreed to a marriage between Joseph Davison and my daughter Edieth. ; Signed: John Davison
815 9 April 1800 Ed w Collins Sally -- I hereby certify that I am guardian to my daughter Sally. I have no objection to you issue license for Ed w Collins ; Signed: Elizabeth Canton
1406 26 February 1805 Joseph Williams Caty -- This is to certify that I Elizabeth Mires to willing for her daughter Caty to marry Joseph Williams. ; Signed: Elizabeth Mires and Henry Mires
82 25 July 1792 George Martin -- -- (Bride not readable)
906 no date given - listed among the early 1801 entries Jesse Jones Jane -- This is to certify that I do agree and consent that Jesse Jones has got my consent to be married to by daughter Jane. ; Signed: Queen Brown ; Witness: Phillip Elbert & John Knight
821 no date given - listed among the April 1800 entries Co? Carter Rhoda -- Sir- this is to inform you that we have no objection against Co? Carter and Rhoda our daughter getting married. ; Signed: Daniel Goble & Elender Goble
1341 15 September 1805 William Smally -- -- Sir - this is to let you know that my son William Smally has consent to marry Daniel Cook's daughter. ; Signed: Andrew Smally ; Witness: Andrew Smally Jr. & Lucy Samlly & Daniel Cook
5 12 August 1789 George Headly Bride's name is unreadable -- Bondsman: Joseph Gaines
798 29 December 1800 James Alexander Mary -- This is to testify that I am willing for James Alexander to marry my daughter Mary. ; Signed: Ruebin Payne ; Witness: Daniel O'Banian & Daniel Payne
888 9 September 1801 John Ritchey -- -- This is to certify that I agree you shall grant John Ritchey my son license to be married to William Maddux daughter. ; Signed: Niel Ritchey ; Witness: Thomas Proffitt & George Franklin & Zavobabel Maddux
802 29 December 1800 Nathan Smith -- -- This day came Nathan Smith before me a Justice of the Peace of said county and made oath that Nathan Smith is 21 years old. ; Signed: Benjamin Bayles
838 6 January 1800 Christian Snider Elizabeth (no last name) Bondsman: Christian Williams
62 November 1791 Thomas Hatfield Sarah (unreadable) --
750 23 April 1800 Edward Dobyns Lucy (unreadable) Bondsman: Alex K. Marshall
217 19 January 1796 Thomas Yates Esther ? Bondsman: John Tevis
594 19 March 1798 Phillip Wiggins Comfort ? Bondsman: William Palmer
376 31 March 1797 Calvin Crowill Margaret Acklin Bondsman: Moses Fowler
214 28 June 1796 Burgess Eliot Sarah Acklin Bondsman: Josiah Records
377 27 March 1797 Calvin Crowall Margaret Aclen Samuel Aclen gave permission for Margaret Aclen to marry Calvin Crowall.
823 26 March 1800 Absolem Brown Sarah Acton Bondsman: Richard Acton
1233 10 September 1804 Aaron Wells Mary Adams Bondsman: Andrew Adams
498 20 September 1797 Paul Overfield Polly Adamson Bondsman: Robert Smith
190 4 November 1795 Daniel Feagins Patty Adamson Bondsman: Samuel Stroud
633 2 November 1799 Isaac Pollock Elizabeth Addamson Bondsman: Thomas Kenton
318 11 December 1796 Robert Vanskiex Elizabeth Allen Bondsman: Roburd S. Allen
1276 10 January 1804 Reubin Vanchoiack Fanny Allen Bondsman: Robert Vanchoiack
151 30 November 1795 Burgess Mason Elizabeth Allen Bondsman: John Shackleford
481 29 August 1797 Jonathan Watkins Clary Allen Bondsman: Jeremiah Allen
1407 23 February 1805 William Peppers Elizabeth Allen Bondsman: William Allen
367 25 December 1797 John Hollow Mary Allen Bondsman: Richard Tenant
97 29 March 1793 Henry Stansel Elizabeth Allen Bondsman: Jeremy Allen
20 No Date 1790 Thomas Hatfield Sarah Allen Note from Sarah Allen stating she is 21 years of age Witness: Silvanno Allen.
343 18 April 1797 John Smith Lucretia Allison Bondsman: James Allison
1171 6 September 1803 Enoch Rose Lucy Anderson Bondsman: Charles Anderson
157 16 December 1795 Abraham Duzan Elizabeth Anno Bondsman: George Mitchell
362 30 December 1797 Richard Ritter Sarah Anno Bondsman: John Marshall
503 5 September 1797 John Ellis Mary Anquir Bondsman: Thomas Haynes
1148 25 August 1803 Samuel McDonald ? Applegate Bondsman: Jacob Applegate
276 3 August 1796 Richard Tarvin Sarah Armstrong Bondsman: George Tarvin
603 3 March 1798 Henry Anno Elizabeth Arrowsmith Bondsman: Ezekial Arrowsmith
505 3 March 1798 Harvey Anno Elizabeth Arrowsmith Mr. Marshall please to grant a marriage license to Harvey Anno for my daughter Elizabeth Arrowsmith and in so doing you will much oblige your friend. ; Signed: Samuel Arrowsmith ; Witness: Ezekial Arrowsmith and John Anno
1237 15 September 1804 George McKinley Agnes Arthur Bondsman: Mathew Arthur
306 10 October 1796 William Gow Mary Arthur Bondsman: Matthew Arthur
1159 21 March 1803 Samuel Pepper Brittania Artus Bondsman: Zachariah Thompson
1164 21 March 1803 Samuel Pepper Jr Brittania Artus This may certity that I- Matthew Artus do give my full free and voluntary consent that Samuel Pepper Jr. should take out a License of marriage with my daughter Brittania Artus. ; Witness: ? Thompson & Pearce Lamb
449 17 June 1797 John Ungles Depha Asberry Bondsman: Henry Asberry
358 25 December 1797 James McMahan Lettie Asberry Bondsman: Benjamin Moor
1065 18 December 1802 Alexander Jackson Charlotte Asberry Bondsman: William Asberry
300 6 October 1796 William O'Bannon Susanna Asberry Bondsman: Hezekiah Glasscock
1074 8 July 1803 Peter Ingles Netty Aten Bondsman: Henry Gunsalus (?)
963 3 April 1802 John Bird Abigail Atter Bondsman: Peyton R. Key
222 11 January 1796 Thomas Strode Elizabeth Backster Bondsman: Samuel Strode
464 24 July 1797 Thomas Lewis Fanny Bagby Bondsman: Tobert Bagby
564 25 October 1798 Francis Wells Susanna Baild Bondsman: William Hendleson
1316 18 November 1805 Dennis Pickrel Sally Bailey I do hereby certify that I am willing that Dennis Pickrel my son should obtain license for a marriage with Sally Bailey. ; Signed: Samuel Pickrel ; Witness: Josiah Drake & Philip Harbough
1313 18 November 1805 Dennis Pickrel Sally Bailey I hereby certify that Sally Bailey my daughter is of full age
1312 19 November 1805 Dennis Pickrel Sally Bailey Bondsman: Philip Hurbough
728 4 December 1799 James Wilson Hannah Bailey Bondsman: Charles Gallagher
537 14 April 1798 John Gallagher Betsy Baird Sir: Please to let John Gallagher have marriage license
- me daughter Betsy Baird and you will oblige your humble servant. ; Signed: Daniel Beard ; Witness: Joseph Laggis
1207 16 May 1804 John Horton Letita Ball Bondsman: Thomas Marshall
1215 5 March 1804 James Reynolds Sophia Bane Bondsman: Richard Bane
1094 29 November 1803 Benjamin Bell Mary Bannon (?) Bondsman: Elijah Bell
1162 8 March 1803 James Rowland Dorcas Barkly Bondsman: James Barkly
529 28 February 1798 Hugh Verdon Phebe Barnaby Bondsman: George Barnaby
979 15 May 1802 Levi Rouse Sally Barns Bondsman: Hugh Barns
331 26 April 1797 Andrew Chew Mariah Barthist Bondsman: James Cain
380 16 March 1797 William Downing Milly Barton Bondsman: James Barton
761 9 July 1800 Joseph Combs Milly Baxter Bondsman: Lewis Craig
130 11 December 1795 Robert Hail Deborough Beall Bondsman: Thomas Beall
501 20 September 1797 James Staggs Sally Beard Bondsman: Caleb Hizer
493 16 April 1797 John Gallagher Elizabeth Beard Bondsman: Michael Dougherty
555 28 November 1798 Robert Spates Nancy Beeding I do hereby certify that I consent and agree to the marriage of my daughter Nancy Beeding and Robert Spates. ; Signed: Tabitha Beeding ; Witness: Thomas Beall - George Taylor Jr.
535 22 November 1798 Robert Spateis Nancy Beeding Bondsman: Thomas Beall
737 15 February 1800 John P. Donavan Milley Bell Bondsman: Alex McCoy
1329 9 August 1805 James Graham Sally Bell Bondsman: Edward Bell
1283 22 November 1804 James Morris Nancy Bell Bondsman: Claiborne Fox
144 8 September 1795 Josiah Jones Catherine Bell Bondsman: Jacob Burke; John Bell and Jane Bell sign permissive note for their daughter to marry.; Witness: Nancy McClaine
770 30 September 1800 William Summers Junior Elizabeth Bell Bondsman: William Summers Sr. - Charles Bell
1325 8 August 1805 James Graham Sally Bell This is to certify that I am agreed to the marriage proposed between James Graham and my daughter Sally Bell. ; Signed: Elizabeth Bell ; Witness: Edward Bell & James McClain
730 21 January 1800 Silas Roberts Lydia Belyew Bondsman: John Belyew
1314 20 November 1805 John West Mary Bennet Bondsman: Clark Casaunders
1315 19 November 1805 John West Mary Bennett This is to certify that I am willing for a license to issue from your office for a mariage to be had & solomized between John West and my daughter Mary Bennett. She being under my guardian and she has no other guardian. ; Signed: Elizabeth Bennett ; Witness: William Parker
1122 4 February 1803 John Hull Rebecca Bennett Bondsman: William Bennett
1000 28 July 1802 John Cox Sally Berkalow Bondsman: Derrick Berkalow
73 15 November 1792 Henry Sites Mary Berry Bondsman: Robert Rankins
1160 8 March 1803 Jeremiah Maddin Sary Berry Bondsman: William Berry
116 28 March 1793 Henry Berry Mary Berry Bondsman: William Berry - William Berry gave permission for his daughter to marry.
692 29 September 1799 Thomas Nichols Dolly Berry Bondsman: Weathers Berry
1273 23 January 1804 Enoch Dobyns Elizabeth Berry Bondsman: John Kercheval
150 4 November 1795 Joseph Wells Franky Berry This is to certify that Joseph Wells may marry my daughter Franky Berry.; Signed: Henry Berry
155 14 September 1795 Moses Rankin Nancy Berry --
156 12 September 1795 Moses Rankin Anne Berry Mason In Kentucky; Sir: The bearer hereof Moses Rankin waits on you for a license for marriage to take place between him and my daughter Anne Berry. The may certify that my daughter is of full age and that he is. Moses Rankin has my free consent for that purpose. Give under my hand this 12 September 1795.; Sir: Henry Berry Sr.; Witnessed: Lashariar? Thompson
846 14 November 1801 Nathaniel Harling Elizabeth Berry Bondsman: George Thompson
59 21 June 1791 Dixon Loyd Clary Berry Bondsman: Elijah Berry (Signed by Richard D. Berry).
149 4 November 1795 Joseph Wells Franky Berry Bondsman: John Peck
1196 24 April 1804 Robert Howard Mary Black Bondsman: Rudolph Black
1195 24 April 1804 Robert Howard Mary Black I do hereby certify that where as my daughter Mary Black and Robert Howard has choosen each other for a companion for a life therefore it is my request that you grant license. ; Signed: John Black ; Witness: Edward Walton
1062 7 December 1802 William Eubanks Elizabeth Blainer Bondsman: Joseph Blainer
1249 3 July 1804 William Stockdale Elizabeth Blair Bondsman: James Stockdale
345 29 April 1797 John Holton Nancy Blasengame Bondsman: John Sowder
8 9 November 1789 Daniel Sparks Sarah Bogand Bondsman: Jacob Bogand
55 14 April 1791 William Dixon Mary Bohannon Bondsman: James Bohannon
91 20 June 1792 Alex Walker Rebecca Bonard --
768 30 September 1800 Soloman Foreman Sarah Boon Bondsman: George Kieser
126 14 September 1794 Simon Reeder Elizabeth Boone Bondsman: Edward Gallagher
437 12 May 1797 Henry Lancaster Sally Boothe This is to certify that I have arrived to mature age lawfully to dispose of myself in marriage and this is indemnity the clerk of this court to issue license to Henry Lancaster of said County. ; Signed: Sally Boothe ; Witness: Soloman S. Collins & Elizabeth Lancaster
440 13 May 1797 Henry Lancaster Sally Boothe Bondsman: Soloman Collins
375 27 March 1797 William Shovill Milly Bott Bondsman: Jesse Hord
311 16 November 1796 William Campbell Jane Botts Bondsman: Richard Botts
1241 12 June 1804 Jack Campbell Lucy Botts Bondsman: Richard Botts
974 14 April 1802 Thomas Parker Nancy Botts Bondsman: Alex P. Stubblefield & George W. Botts
227 11 February 1796 Rowland Parker Elinor Botts Bondsman: Murdock Cooper
310 6 November 1796 William Campbell Lucy Botts I here certify that I am willing you should issue a license for the espousal of my body to William Campbell all parties being well agreed come properly authorizes you do as ? My hand. ; Signed: Lucy Botts ; Witness: William King and Richard Botts and Jane Botts
1239 12 June 1804 Jack Campbell Lucy Botts Jr. This is to certify Jack Campbell has liberty to get married to Lucy Botts Jr. by consent of her mother. ; Signed: Lucy Botts ; Witness: Richard Botts
302 27 October 1796 Hugh Jones Sarah Boucher Bondsman: William Morris
483 18 November 1797 Jonathan Ruggles Elizabeth Bouden Bondsman: James Ruggles
476 4 August 1797 John Heald Sally Bowen Bondsman: James Heald
453 23 June 1797 Robert Armstrong Polly Bowen Bondsman: Anthony Bowen
1203 20 May 1804 John Summermon Susan Bowen Bondsman: Lewis Bowen
316 15 November 1796 Daniel Fox Nancy Bowman Bondsman: Gasper Bowman
414 14 February 1797 John Masen Agnes Bowyles Bondsman: Henry Bowyles
662 25 August 1799 John -- Betsy Boyd This is to certify that I am agreed that my daughter Betsy Boyd should join in marriage with John. ; Signed: William Boyd ; Witness: Samuel Boyd & Edward Chany
1138 16 April 1803 John Wilson Nancy Boyd Bondsman: William Boyd
665 5 August 1799 John Neil Betsy Boyd Bondsman: Samuel Boyd
836 25 January 1800 Walter Davis Polley Boyd Bondsman: Jamis Boyd
1219 7 March 1804 John Vance Sally Boyd Bondsman: George Fearis
1201 8 May 1804 Amos Kebby Sidney Bragg Bondsman: Thomas Bragg
1110 27 December 1803 James Phillips Harriet Bragg Bondsman: Thomas Bragg
858 17 November 1801 Charles N. Lewis Betsy Bragg Bondsman: Joseph McDowell
950 6 February 1802 William Carr Susanna Brandenburgh Bondsman: Christopher Brandenburgh
978 14 May 1802 Charles Shepherd Catherine Brandenburgh Bondsman: Christopher Brandenburgh
1010 31 August 1802 Ruebin Waits Peggy Brannenburg Bondsman: John Thompson
1008 30 August 1802 Francis Baker Mary Brannenburgh Bondsman: Charles Shepherd
1280 5 January 1804 James Layton Mary Breeze Bondsman: John Berry
103 13 January 1793 Hugh McIlvain Mary Brent Bondsman: Thomas Young
1076 15 January 1803 Morgan Williams Betsey Briant Bondsman: Peter Briant
221 1 January 1796 Joseph Gray Hannah Bright Bondsman: Ebenezer Bright
1024 15 September 1802 Thomas Plummer Sally Brinton Bondsman: Robert Brinton
566 19 October 1798 John Murphy Margaret Briton Bondsman: Wallace Briton
1227 8 December 1804 Bermrell (?) Evans Margaret Brodrich Bondsman: David Brodrich
138 5 March 1795 Charles Carty Nancy Brookes Bondsman: James Earl
1135 22 June 1803 John Ellis Kesiah Brooks Bondsman: William Brooks ; (The signature of William Brooks was cut off and sent to Liman C. Draper at Madison Wisconsin who is writing the life of Daniel Boone
961 no date given - listed among the April 1802 entries John Allen Betsy Brooks In this is to certify as my son John Allen is under the years of 21 that I have no objections to his marriage with Betsy Brooks. ; Signed: Hugh Allen ; Witness: John Larew & Sam'l Lucas
993 9 June 1802 David Montgomery Sarah Brooks Bondsman: Jacob Boone
1054 26 March 1802 John Allen Elizabeth Brooks Bondsman: John Lerew
107 26 February 1793 Benjamin Fitzgerald Patience Brown Bondsman: Michael Ryan
1187 8 February 1804 Thomas Haughey Ann Brown Bondsman: James S. Lion ; John Brown wrote a note asking Clerk of Courts to grant license to Mr. Haughey.
1183 15 February 1804 -- -- Anna Brown James Clark made oath before a Justice of the Peace that Anna Brown was 21 years of age. ; (A penciled note said To Wm. Lyon)
905 28 June 1801 Jesy Jones Jane Brown Bondsman: Phillip Elbert
143 5 November 1795 David Duncan Margaret Brown Bondsman: James Brown
1380 9 April 1805 Thomas Robinson Elizabeth Brown Bondsman: Solomon Brown - Thomas Morford
939 10 February 1801 William Lyon Ann Brown Bondsman: James Clark
800 5 December 1800 Thomas Case Mary Browning Bondsman: Shederick Case - Jeremiah Browning
275 30 August 1796 Thomas Wells Mary Brucebank Bondsman: John Johnson
885 27 October 1801 Phillip Peed Nancy Brumly Bondsman: John Brumly
937 13 February 1801 Benjamin Brumly Caty Bryant Bondsman: Henry Putman
936 no date given - listed among the February 1801 entries Benjamin Brumly Caty Bryant I hereby certify that I give consent for Benjamin Brumly to marry my daughter Caty Bryant. ; Signed: Peter Bryant ; Witness: Henry Putman & John Bryant
659 1 August 1799 John Smith Violet Buchannon Bondsman: William Jones
463 15 July 1797 John Conrad Miller Hannah Burchett Bondsman: Lewis Wood
174 22 December 1795 Adam Bravard Mary Burk Bondsman: John Burk
551 19 December 1798 John Rogers Abigail Burke Bondsman: James McKay
602 26 March 1798 Robert Long Sally Burke Bondsman: William Burke
717 5 July 1799 Edmond Lucas Kisiah Burks Bondsman: Samuel Lucas
85 11 April 1792 Ezra Lamb Anna Burman Bondsman: Solomon Phelps
1165 29 March 1803 Robert Grimstedd Elizabeth Burn Bondsman: Horatio Blanchard
1375 1 May 1805 John Glascock Susanna Burnett Bondsman: Samuel McDonald
907 4 June 1801 Israel Carter Agnes Burnett Bondsman: John Flemming
1374 1 May 1805 John Glascock Susanna Burnett Sir - this is to certify that I am willing in regards to issue a license for a marriage to be solomized between John Glascock and my daughter Susanna Burnett. ; Signed: Elizabeth Burnett
1153 11 August 1803 Samuel Staggs Malisa Burns Bondsman: Joseph Staggs
1009 31 August 1802 Andrew Mefford Susannah Burris Bondsman: Bartlett Burris
627 4 October 1799 William Raymon Rispay Burrs Bondsman: John Hickman
193 25 August 1795 George Kilge Zilpha Buscum Bondsman: Charles Roe
536 14 November 1798 Six Bargrover Polly Butler I hereby certify that Polly Butler was bound to me when a child and that I hereby we consent for her to marry Six Bargrover and conceive myself authorized to do so given under in my hand & seal this 14 day of November 1798; Signed: Don Holmes; Witness:
909 12 June 1801 John Flemming Mary Butler Bondsman: Berry Wallingford
558 14 November 1798 Six Bangrover Polly Butler Bondsman: Donald Holmes
1098 9 May 1803 Evan Campbell Peggy Byers Bondsman: Jeremiah Martin
1090 May 9 1803 Evan Campbell Peggy Byers Maysville - Sir: there appears to be ? of marriage between my daughter Peggy Byers and Evan Campbell. ; Signed: W. Byers
749 15 December 1800 Jeremiah Martin Hannah Byers Bondsman: William Byers
942 18 January 1802 Charles Maddox Sally Cahoe I hereby certify that I give my consent for Charles Maddox to marry my daughter Sally Cahoe. ; Signed: Mary N. Cahoe ; Witness: James Hughes & Polly Cahoe
943 18 Jan 1802 Charles Maddox Sally Cahoe Bondsman: James Wiley
288 14 September 1796 Elijah Heffeline Elizabeth Cain Bondsman: John Hammons
982 20 May 1802 Henry Feagan Fanny Calbert Bondsman: Abadiah Feagan
1107 13 October 1803 Amos Donovan Martha Caldwell Bondsman: Joseph Caldwell
1087 13 October 1803 Amos Donovan Martha Caldwell This day came Joseph Caldwell before me a Justice of the Peace of said county and made oath that the father & mother of Martha Caldwell his sister is dead and that he is the only brother she has got and that he is willing she should be married to Amos Donovan.
478 28 August 1797 Richard Tenants Elizabeth Cale Bondsman: Laurence Cale
1204 ? May 1804 Thomas Blackburn Nancy Callan Bondsman: William Callan
1117 30 May 1803 Robert Bartley Rachel Callen Bondsman: William Helm - Joseph Walker
1088 30 May 1803 Robert Bulley Rachel Callon This is to certify that I have no objection against Robert Bulley and my daughter Rachel Callon joining in marriage. ; Signed: William Callon
13 15 February 1790 John Conray Sarah Calvin Bondsman: Luther Calvin
904 18 May 1801 Joseph Miller Mary Camiron Bondsman: Abraham Camiron - David Greathouse
865 24 November 1801 Aquilla Donovan Peggy Campbell This is to certify that I have raised Peggy Campbell and that her parents are not now living. That I am her nearest relative in the state & do hereby consent that she marry Aquilla Donovan. ; Signed: George Hians
1052 31 March 1802 Jacob Parker Jemima Campbell Bondsman: John Campbell
920 12 August 1801 Samuel Parent Jane Campbell Bondsman: John Campbell
1319 24 December 1805 Thomas Rogers Mary Campbell Bondsman: Jese Campbell
705 7 June 1799 Edward Harris Junior Elizabeth Campbell Bondsman: Robert Campbell
572 7 December 1798 William Rush Lydia Campbell Bondsman: James Bailey & John Campbell
1147 6 April 1803 -- -- Ester Campbell Jese Campbell made oath that Ester Campbell is over 21.
695 23 September 1799 Richard Soward Nancy Campbell Bondsman: John Campbell
1143 6 April 1803 Clement Rigg Esther Campbell Bondsman: Jese Campbell
1347 14 October 1805 William Bell Margaret Cannon Bondsman: Thomas Gash
935 14 February 1801 Sampson Furr Sally Cantwell Bondsman: John Lee
261 18 April 1796 Samuel Cresswell Dolly Capp Bondsman: Michael Ryan
260 18 April 1796 Samuel Cresswell Dolly Capp Sir - Please to issue license for Samuel Cresswell and my daughter Dolly Capp to join in marriage; Signed Jacob Capp
945 27 January 1802 Daniel O'Neil Milly Carr Bondsman: William Carr
428 3 February 1797 Stephen Calvin Lucinda Carr Bondsman: Luther Calvin
1220 5 March 1804 William Bronaugh Fanny Carrell Bondsman: Joseph Eubank
210 21 June 1796 William Connal Sally Carrell Bondsman: Dempuy Carrell
1270 no date given - listed among the January 1804 entries William Bronough Fanny Carroll Sir: Mr. William Bronough is fully authorized by consent to take out license to marry my daughter Fanny Carroll. ; Signed: Dempsey Carroll ; Witness: Joseph Eubanks
520 February 1798 Albert Terhune Nancy Carter This is to certify that Albert Terhune and Nancy Carter has concluded a marriage with free consent of her parents. ; Signed: Henry Carter.
514 28 March 1798 Stephen Adamson Fanney Carter George Carter gave consent for his daughter Fanney Carter to marry Stephen Adamson.
506 28 March 1798 Stephen Adamon Fanney Carter Bondsman: : Henry Carter
1069 23 December 1802 James Adamson Sally Carter Bondsman: George Carter
524 February 1798 Albert Terhune Nancy Carter This is to certify that Albert Terhune and Nancy Carter has concluded a marriage with free consent of her parents. ; Signed: Henry Carter
929 17 February 1801 Truston Wallen Hannah Carter Bondsman: David W. Davis
1137 24 June 1803 Barnett Terhune Ruth Carter Bondsman: Albert Terhune
1136 24 June 1803 Barnett Terhune Ruth Carter Mason County - This day cam Albert Terhune before me a Justice of the Peace in and for said county and made oath that Ruth Carter is over the age of Eighteen and that both her parents are both dead and that he is the only guardian and protector that she has and that it is agreed by all parties that license issue to celebrate the rite of matrimony between her and Barnett Terhune.
83 25 May 1792 Aquilla Combess Sarah Carter Bondsman: Elijah Chenoweth - Henry Carter granted permission for his daughter to marry.
1019 9 August 1802 Joseph Cox Rebecca Carter Bondsman: Caleb Carter
775 21 November 1800 Thomas Owings Molly Carter Bondsman: George Carter
1384 2 April 1805 Benjamin Wheeler Mary M. Carter Bondsman: William M. Carter
528 6 February 1798 Albert Terhune Nancy Carter Bondsman: William Cole
1021 24 September 1802 John Moore Sarah Cartes (?) Bondsman: Caleb Carter
508 22 January 1798 John Lee Mary Cartwell Bondsman: George Berry
1089 10 May 1803 Abraham Hillis Peggy Carver Sir - you will please to issue license for the nuptials of my daughter Peggy Carver and Abraham Hillis. ; Signed: Ann Carver ; Witness: Samuel Hillis & Edward Bell
1046 10 March 1802 Jacob Thomas Elizabeth Case Bondsman: Thomas Case
1043 10 March 1802 Jacob Thomas Elizabeth Case Shadrick Case gave permission for his daughter Elizabeth Case to marry Jacob Thomas. ; Witness: Thomas Case
1186 2 February 1804 Philip Bean Mary Case Bondsman: James Case
811 30 April 1800 William Watkins Rebecca Case Bondsman: Shedrich Case
756 28 August 1800 William Wheatly Mary Casleman Bondsman: Edward Carrell
816 30 April 1800 Samuel Stephens Margaret Chamberlain Bondsman: John Chamberlain
142 30 June 1795 Bernard Jackson Milly Chamberlain Bondsman: Robert Stewart
1080 27 January 1803 Edward Armstrong Jane Chamberlain Bondsman: John Chamberlain
1240 7 June 1804 Benjamin Fitzgerald Sally Chamberlin Bondsman: John Chamberlin
1229 5 September 1804 Thomas Beatty Susannah Chaney Bondsman: Isaiah Chaney
392 17 January 1797 Kirk Plummer Polly Chapman I do hereby certify that Kirk Plummer of Mason County has my consent to get license for the marriage of Polly Chapman of the aforesaid county witness my hand and seal this 17 day of January 1797. ; Signed: William Chapman ; Witness: Benjamin Plummer and George Muse
98 3 April 1793 William Plumer Tabitha Chapman Bondsman: Benjamin Plumer
395 12 January 1797 Kirk Plummer Polly Chapman Bondsman: Thomas Brian
339 24 April 1797 Ruebin Gil l - Elizabeth Chapman Bondsman: John Chapman
26 31 July 1790 John Curtis Elaner Clark Bondsman: William Clark
709 12 July 1799 Hezekiah -- Sarah Clark This is to certify that I am perfectly willing that my son Hezekiah should have Sarah Clark. ; Signed: John Vanschiack
708 16 July 1799 Hezekiel Vanschiack Sarah Clark Bondsman: Samuel Clark
1302 5 January 1805 Walter Lacy Betsy Clark Bondsman:
532 24 February 179 (Rest of date is blank; Listed with 1798) John Whaley Charity Clarke Bondsman: William Clarke & John Baker
864 10 November 1801 John Shackleford Susan Clarke Bondsman: William Parker
899 22 April 1801 James Gallant Polly Clay Bondsman: Patrick Gallant - Nathan Clay
325 31 December 1796 Basil Burgess Hannah Cleaney Sir: I hereby certify that Basil Burgess has my permission to obtain a license to ? a marriage between the said Basil Burgess and my daughter Hannah Cleaney. ; Signed: William Cleaney ; Witness: Vincent Cleaney
867 1 ? 1801 Frances Wells Orpha Cleneay Bondsman: Joseph Cleneay
934 5 February 1801 Joseph Arrowsmith Sally Cleneay Bondsman: Vincent Cleaneay
601 12 March 1798 John Taylor Rachel Cole Bondsman: Joseph Cole
541 28 May 1798 Calib Watkins Hannah Cole Bondsman: Ephran Cole
338 26 April 1797 Andrew Caldwell Margaret Colins Bondsman: James Shares
404 18 January 1797 Richard Robnet Ruth Collier Bondsman: Joseph Collier
171 15 December 1795 Thomas Davis Mary Collins This is to certify that Thomas Davis has obtained the consent of Edmon Collins and Elizabeth Collins to marry their daughter Mary Collins in the holy matrimony. Given under our hand. - Witness: William Stewart
1364 21 June 1805 Jonathan Kinnard Betsy Collins Bondsman: Edmund Collins
897 18 April 1801 George Faulkner Elizabeth Collins Bondsman: Aaron Collins
1321 3 December 1805 James Donovan Mary Ann Collins Bondsman: Thomas Collins
292 11 September 1796 Samuel Thompson Anne Collins Edmund Collins gave permission for his daughter Anne Collins to marry Samuel Thompson.
289 12 September 1796 Samuel Thompson Anne Collins Bondsman: William Helm
173 16 December 1795 Thomas Davis Mary Collins Bondsman: William Stewart
396 20 January 1797 David Evans Susanna Collins Bondsman: Thomas West
1032 1802 - No other dates Joshua Watkins Nancy Colvin Bondsman: Jeremiah Allen - Henry Covin
11 17 November 1789 Thomas Stout Margaret Colvin Bondsman: Charles Watkins
762 29 July 1800 Henry Small Rebeecah Colwill Bondsman: David Colwill
1397 26 February 1805 Joseph Lyons Mary Conover Bondsman: John Conover
234 23 Feb 1796 Randal Sargent Sarah Constant Bondsman: John M. Tullough - A note gave permission for Randal Sargent to have Sarah Constant for his wife. Note was signed by: John Constant
792 17 December 1800 Jacob Drake Rebecca Conway Bondsman: William Conway
1212 15 March 1804 James Ruggles Sarah Conway This is to certify that I- Richard Conway do give free consent that James Ruggles receive license to be joined in marriage to my daughter Sarah Conway. ; Signed: Richard Conway ; Witness: Charles Roe
1214 17 March 1804 James Ruggles Sary Conway Bondsman: Charles Roe
1342 20 September 1805 William Smally Catharine Cook Bondsman: Daniel Cook
441 4 May 1797 Adam Mantck Elizabeth Cook Bondsman: Daniel Cook
1388 18 March 1805 James Mattox Elizabeth Cooper --
1395 18 March 1805 James Mattox Elizabeth Cooper Bondsman: Jaconias Cooper
1093 23 November 1803 Jese Cooper Elizabeth Cooper Bondsman: Jaconas (?) Cooper
1193 17 April 1804 Jese Cooper Fanny Cooper Bondsman: Lewis Cooper
1190 2 February 1804 James Blimcoe Sarah Cornett Bondsman: Joseph Currell
1115 12 May 1803 Abraham Hillis Peggy Corvan (?) Bondsman: Samuel Hillis
1031 30 October 1802 Derrek Berkelow Rachel Corwine Bondsman: Richard Corwine
1059 2 December 1802 Luther Calvin Ruth Corwine Bondsman: James Turner
880 16 March 1801 William McNab Sarah Coryell Bondsman: James Johnston
308 30 November 1796 Edward McDermitt Martha Coryell Bondsman: Frances McDermitt
931 24 February 1801 James Johnston Kesiah Coryell Bondsman: Adam McCormack
410 6 February 1797 James Finny Mary Coughran Bondsman: Robert Coughran
690 26 June 1799 Joseph Tarvin Martha Cowgill This is to certify that we the (unreadable) are willing that Joseph Tarvin and Martha Cowgill should be joined in matrimony. ; Signed: Elisha Cowgill & George Tarvin
703 26 June 1799 Joseph Tarvin Martha Cowgill Bondsman: Thomas Tarvin
146 29 July 1795 Moses Harling Sary Cowlick Bondsman: James Lawson
553 5 September 1798 Jonathan Rumford Elizabeth Cox Bondsman: Joseph Cox
1294 9 January 1805 David Martin Pagge Cox Cox I am hereby satisfied that my daughter Pagge Cox shall join in matrimony with David Martin; signed: John Cox
704 1 June 1799 John McIlvain Margaret Cox Bondsman: Jacob Cox
1293 14 January 1805 James Martin Peggy Cox Bondsman: John Cox ; (Groom's name is given as James and David)
898 21 April 1801 Nicholas Peddicord Cynthia Craighead This may certify that I am willing and you are at liberty to issue license for Cynthia Craighead to be joined in marriage with Nicholas Peddicord. ; Signed: Peddicord ; Witness: Eljah Hayden & Robert Craighead Jr.
895 22 April 1801 Nicholas Peddicord Cynthia Craighead Bondsman: Robert Craighead
968 21 April 1802 Samuel Cotterell Jane Craighead This may certify that I am willing and you are at Liberty to issue license for Jane Craighead to be joined in marriage with Samuel Cotterell. ; Signed: Robert Craighead ; Witness: Elijah Hayden & Robert Craighead Jr.
967 21 April 1802 Samuel Cotterell Jane Craighead Bondsman: Robert Craighead
298 27 September 1796 Lindsey Hurst Mary Crane Bondsman: Jesse Jones
1077 16 July 1803 John M. Casey Isabel Crawford This is to certify that I am fully satisfied that you wrote issue out license for John M. Casey and Isabel Crawford. ; Signed: William Crawford ; Witness: Samuel Crawford & James Crawford
1073 16 July 1803 John McKinzey Isabella Crawford Bondsman: James Crawford
621 16 January 1799 Thomas Beath Elizabeth Crawford Bondsman: Samuel Crawford
691 5 December 1799 Nicholas Gilbert Susannah Crine Bondsman: William Crine
81 21 July 1792 William Skidmore Mary Criswell Bondsman: James Lawson
80 17 July 1792 William Skidmore Mary Criswell Mary Criswell certifies she is of full age and without father or mother in this district and wants license issued to William Skidmore for marriage. Witness: William Price and James Lawson.
406 11 February 1797 Henry Plummer Polley Cruize Bondsman: John Cruize
241 19 March 1796 John Housh Elizabeth Cruson Bondsman: John Cruson
462 28 July 1797 Samuel Danner Margaret Cumings Bondsman: Anthony Cumings
458 27 July 1797 Samuel Danner Margaret Cumings This is to certify that I James Cumings am satisfied to the marriage of Margaret Cumings my daughter to Samuel Danner. ; Signed: James Cumings.
237 4 March 1796 Enos Currey Sarah Cushman To Whom It May Concern: ;To certify I am agreed that Enos Currey and my daughter Sarah Cushman be joined in marriage contract. ; Signed: William Cushman
78 27 November 1792 Zebulon Stout Hulday Daniels Bondsman: Stephen Bunnell
76 26 November 1792 Benjamin Daniels Hulday Daniels Note from Benjamin Daniels giving his permission for his daughter Hulday Daniels to marry Benjamin Daniels (This is not a typo
433 24 March 1797 Joseph Yeats Jane Daugherty Bondsman: Robert Daugherty
34 21 January 1790 Frances Baker Ann Davis Bondsman: John Machir NOTE: I do certify that my sister- Ann Davis is of age and at liberty to marry whom she will. Signed: David Davis Witness: Tarow Davis
385 31 March 1797 John Dye Christian Davis Bondsman: James Dobyns
491 3 November 1797 Will Watkins Polly Davis Bondsman: Noah Shipley
33 16 November 1790 Joshua Sweet Jemimah Davis Bondsman: David Davis
108 21 March 1793 Benjamin Whiteman Catherine Davis Bondsman: George Lewis
805 24 August 1800 James Whips Elizabeth Davison Bondsman: Aron Lebar
797 10 September 1800 John Lemar Mary Davison Bondsman: Robert Davison
754 20 August 1800 James Whips Elizabeth Davison Sir - I desire that you would grant a license for a marriage between James Whips and Elizabeth Davison and these certify it is by mutual consent. ; Signed: John Davison ; Witness: John Whips
1339 23 September 1805 Joseph Davison Edeth Davison Bondsman: Andrew Davison
189 22 Oct 1795 John Trumble Nancy Dawn Bondsman: James Trumble
135 14 September 1975 Edward Boland Ann Dawson Bondsman: Nathaniel Dawson
517 29 January 1798 Samuel Craycraft Mary Dawson Bondsman: Joseph Tarvin
136 1 September 1975 Edward Bolan Amy Dawson It is the desire of Edward Bolan and Amy Dawson to enter into bonds of matrimony. I desire that you will grant them license as all parties be agreed. Signed: Joseph Dawson
515 13 January 1798 Samuel Cracraft Mary Dawson Sir: This is to certify that we
521 29 January 1798 Samuel Craycraft Mary Dawson Bondsman: Joseph Tarvin
847 26 December 1801 Alexander Key Elizabeth Dawson Bondsman: Peyton R. Key
346 25 April 1797 Jacob Newland Anne Day Bondsman: Isaac Day
977 15 May 1802 Henry Johnston Clary Day Bondsman: Joseph Ross
747 5 March 1800 John Armstrong Leticia Day Bondsman: Roger M. Waring
178 10 April 1795 Thomas Marsh Mary Day Isaac Day gave permission for Thomas Marsh to marry his daughter Mary Day.
471 28 August 1797 Isaac Ellis Mary Day Bondsman: Mark Day
175 11 April 1795 Thomas Marsh Mary Day Bondsman: Samuel Reeves
752 5 March 1800 John -- Leticey Day Sir - you will please to grant license for my son John and Leticey Day from you office. ; Signed: James Armstrong ; Witness: Elizabeth Armstrong & John Armstrong
1155 28 March 1803 Stephen Hiatt Mary Day Bondsman: Jese Pepper
604 20 March 1798 Allen Davis Sarah Dean Bondsman: Michael Dean
1299 19 January 1805 Jonathan Cornse Rebecka Dean We do hereby certify that we do consent that our daughter Rebecka Dean should join in marriage with Jonathan Cornse ; Signed: Michael Dean & Mary Dean ; Witness: Jonathan Ruggles
877 23 September 1801 Moses Wilson Nancy Dean Micah Dean gave permission for his daughter Nancy Dean to marry Moses Wilson. ; Witness: James Dean & Jonathan Ruggles
876 24 September 1801 Moses Mason Nancy Dean Bondsman: Jonathan Ruggles
965 6 April 1802 John Reed Rebeca Deaver Bondsman: Robert Bellorton
1016 20 August 1802 Charles Black Sally Delaney Bondsman: John Craig
592 30 July 1798 John Roberson Sarah Delap Bondsman: George Gillgees
177 17 July 1795 Thomas Lock Mary Demoss Bondsman: Jacob Hunsaker - Mary Demoss gave her permission for her daughter to marry Thomas Lock - Witness: John Henry and Isaac Constant.
1381 25 April 1805 John Jacob Elizabeth Dent Bondsman: Laurence Dent
1144 4 April 1803 Joseph Shepherd Clemmy Devin Bondsman: Michael Devin
271 24 November 1796 Daniel Henry Frany Devore Bondsman: Joseph Washburn
209 20 June 1796 Robert Tevis Elizabeth Devosse Bondsman: John Devosse
32 29 September 1790 John Cornwell Jemimah Dexter Bondsman: Robert Rankins; Jules Dexter gave permission for his third daughter Jemimah Dexter to marry.
39 16 Jan 1790 John Wood Martha Dexter Bondsman: John Cornwell
166 9 May 1795 Peter Hotts Polly Dexter Bondsman: Silas Dexter
869 20 January 1801 William Crawford Nancy Dickson James Dickson gave permission for his daughter Nancy Dickson to marry William Crawford.
870 26 January 1801 William Crawford Nancy Dickson Bondsman: William Kinnard
366 19 December 1797 Johnston Ross Jane Dike Bondsman: Francis Doughterty
477 14 August 1797 Gideon Minor Nancy Dill Bondsman: Edward Robertson
951 13 February 1802 John Thompson Easter Dixon Bondsman: Robert Dixon
1184 6 February 1804 James Brown France Dobyns Bondsman: John Kercheval
504 11 April 1798 John Duvall Frances Dobyns Bondsman: George Wood
1150 25 September 1803 Silas Duvall Betsy Dobyns As there is a contract taken place between Silas Duvall and Betsy Dobyns. I do certify that they have my consent. ; Signed: Thomas Dobyns ; Witness: James Berry & Charles Bobyns
1269 4 January 1804 Thomas Perry Mary Dobyns Bondsman: William Perry
1185 No date given - listed with the early 1804 entries Thomas Perry Mary Dobyns This is to certify that I have given free consent for Thomas Perry and my daughter Mary Dobyns to join in marriage. ; Signed: Frances Dobyns ; Witness: Charles Dobyns & Enoch Dobyns
1236 1 September 1804 Augustus Richards Fanny Doggett Bondsman: Field Martin
1258 1 September 1804 Augustus Richards Fanny Doggett This is to certify that I have given my assent to a (?) of matrimony between Augustus Richards & my daughter Fanny Doggett. ; Signed: Elizabeth Doggett ; Witness: Newton Doggett & Field Martin
1061 22 December 1802 Kenner Calle Delilah Donivan Bondsman: Gilbert Donivan
575 7 May 1798 Archibald McFarland Charlotte Donnivan Bondsman: James Best - Gilbert Donovan
1048 29 March 1802 William Sullivan Hannah Donovain Bondsman: William Donovan
63 14 November 1791 Jacob Chord Mary Mitchell Donovan I have no objection of Jacob Chord and my daughter Mary Mitchell Donovan marrying. Signed: Philip Donovan.
61 15 November 1791 Jacob Chord Mary Mitchell Donovan Bondsman: John Brewer
1378 16 July 1805 William Johnston Fanny Donovan Bondsman: Marshall Key
1037 21 October 1802 James Parker Susannah Donovan Bondsman: Jacob Donovan
1311 12 November 1805 William Shearer Milly Donovan Bondsman: Philip Donovan
1060 22 December 1802 Kenner Cralle Delilah Donovan Jacob & Susanna Donovan gave permission for their daughter Delilah Donovan to marry Kenner Cralle.
1030 27 October 1802 William Rigdon Elizabeth Donovan Bondsman: William Donovan
95 12 March 1792 William Owens Jane Dowden Sarah Campbell granted permission for her daughter Jane Dowden to marry William Owens. Witness: William Berry and George Berry Junior.
94 12 March 1792 William Owens Jane Dowden Bondsman: William Berry
1257 1 August 1804 Henry McClune Betsy Downie Bondsman: John Bender
784 6 October 1800 Jacob Stack Delilah Downing Bondsman: Joseph Downing
47 25 May 1791 John Campbell Elizabeth Downing Bondsman: Robert Wiley
92 2 February 1792 Ellis Downing Dorcas Downing Bondsman: Timothy Downing
1343 3 September 1805 Joseph Perrine Susannah Downing Bondsman: Thomas Downing
378 28 March 1797 Sylvester Hall Annie Downing Bondsman: Benjamin Downing
1265 4 October 1804 William Barclay Dorcas Downing Bondsman: James Wharry
1267 24 October 1804 James Wharry Catharine Downing Bondsman: William Barclay
374 28 March 1797 Thomas McConnel Polly Downing Bondsman: Joseph Downing
1261 7 August 1804 William Canney Susannah Downing Bondsman: Thomas Downing
595 6 July 1798 James McConnel Sarah Downing Bondsman: Joseph Downing
1333 2 September 1805 Joseph Perrine Susanna Downing To the Clerk of the County of Mason you are hereby authorized for and directed to grant a license to Joseph Perrine to be married to Susanna Downing daughter of Timothy Downing. ; Signed: Daniel Perrine ; Witness: George Applegate & James Perrine
1308 12 November 1805 James Hooten Nancy Downing Bondsman: Thomas Downing
164 14 March 1795 Thomas Earl Rebecca Dowty Bondsman: Ellis Downing
1279 17 January 1804 Meredith Helm Elizabeth Drake Bondsman: Ralph Drake
1113 No date given - listed in 1803 Robert Taylor Jun. Osee Drake I certify that I consent to the marriage of my daughter Osee Drake to Robert Taylor Jun. ; Signed: Abraham Drake ; Witness: Cornelius Drake & Anne Drake
90 18 October 1792 James Carter Hannah Drake --
1111 8 December 1803 Robert Taylor Osee Drake Bondsman: John Chambers
1194 18 April 1804 Isaac Glenn Elizabeth Drake Bondsman: Isaac Drake
1120 14 February 1803 Ely Chinn Poley Drake Please to let Mr. Ely Chinn have license to enter into marriage with my daughter Poley Drake. ; Signed: Cornelius Drake
1149 8 August 1803 Edward Chaney Martha Drake Bondsman: Wm. Rickells
1124 17 February 1803 Elijah Chinn Polly Drake Bondsman: Jacob Drake
335 11 April 1797 Zephemiah Burns Millice Drinnin Bondsman: Joseph Earley
337 10 April 1797 Zephaniah Burns Millice Drinnin Sir: Please to let the bearer Zephaniah Burns have license to marry our daughter Millice Drinnin you compliance will greatly oblige ; Signed: Joseph Stagg and Mary Stagg ; Witness: Edward Mills and David Wood
184 21 February 1795 Samuel Hughey Charlotte Driskell Bondsman: Elijah Driskell
757 2 August 1800 Levi Boone Sarah Duling Bondsman: Furdinando Truman
755 August 1800 Levi Boone Sarah Duling I hereby give consent as guardian to Sarah Duling for a license to issue for Levi Boone to marry Sarah Duling. ; Signed: Ed Martin
873 7 January 1801 James Campbell Mary Duncan Bondsman: David Duncan Ser
131 23 June 1795 Robert Stewart Rebecca Dunleavy Bondsman: Anthony Dunleavy
853 1 December 1801 Joshua Stockton Pheby Duritt Bondsman: William Murphy
1070 22 December 1802 Samuel Tebbs Sally Durrett Bondsman: Thomas Marshall
852 no date given - listed among the December 1800 entries Joshua Stockton Phebe Durritt I hereby certify that I am willing a license to be issued for Joshua Stockton to be married to my daughter Phebe Durritt. ; Signed: Richard Durritt ; Witness: William Murphy & Paul Durritt
18 24 July 1790 Archibald Bennett Martha Duvall Bondsman: Jesse Worthington
349 13 April 1797 Robert Glenn Ruth Dye Bondsman: Mounteer Dye
353 29 December 1797 Jacob Rye Margaret Dye Bondsman: John Dye
1403 20 February 1805 Charles Moorfield Phebe Dye Kenneth Dye gave permission for Charles Moorfield to marry his daughter Phebe Dye.
1402 20 February 1805 Charles Moorfield Phebe Dye Bondsman: Nathan Shotwell
1161 1 March 1803 John Shotwell Jr. Rachel Dye Bondsman: John Shotwell
267 30 May 1796 Joseph Farman Polly Dye Bondsman: Henry Wiggins
50 21 June 1791 Benjamin Collins Sarah Dye Bondsman: Thomas Lawnsdale
1213 12 March 1804 Lewis Sentenay Lydia Dye Bondsman: John Dye
204 4 June 1796 Isaac Day Sarah Dye Bondsman: John D. Dye
765 1 July 1800 Daniel Ellis Susannah Dyer Bondsman: John Dyer
242 7 March 1796 George Taylor Mary Early Sir - Please to grant license for my daughter Mary Early to be married to George Taylor. In doing so you will oblige. ; Signed: Thomas Early
439 29 May 1797 William Jones Euphane Early Sir: Please to grant license for my daughter Euphane Early to be married to William Jones. ; Signed: Thomas Early ; Witness: William Early
438 29 May 1797 William Jones Euphine Early Bondsman: Thomas Earley Jr.
733 18 February 1800 James Johnson Sarah Early Sir - Please to grant license for my daughter Sarah Early to be married to James Johnson. ; Signed: Thomas Early
243 7 March 1796 George Taylor Mary Early Bondsman: Will Early
738 19 February 1800 James Johnston Sarah Early Bondsman: George Taylor
1181 27 February 1804 Simon Baker Mary Edwards Bondsman: James Curtis
225 4 January 1796 Jacob Burk Nancy Edwards Bondsman: John Scott
720 17 December 1799 John Hurst Milly Edwards Bondsman: James Curtis
129 21 September 1795 John Allison Sally Elis Bondsman: John Ellis
771 23 September 1800 Robert McCullock Marth Ellison Bondsman: Joseph Allison
38 9 April 1790 Spencer Records Nancy Elrod Bondsman: John Cornwell
36 23 December 1790 Peter Dusan Elizabeth Eukley Bondsman: Edward Cottey
451 23 June 1797 James Symmonds Sally Evans Bondsman: John Wallingford
560 24 September 1798 George Willson Saphire Evans Bondsman: James Berkly
523 5 February 1798 Rawlins Rogers Hannah Evans Bondsman: Frances Evans
563 24 September 1798 George Willson Saphire Evans Sir - This is to certify that I am willing for a license to issue from your office for a marriage intended to be solomized between George Willson and my daughter Saphire Evans. This shall be your warrant for the same. Given under my hand & seal this 24 day of September 1798. ; Signed: Hugh Evans ; Witness: Amos Evans - Dan Evans
519 5 February 1798 Rawlins Rogers Hannah Evans Bondsman: Frances Evans
878 3 March 1801 William Beare Easter Ewing Bondsman: Samuel Ewing
632 11 November 1799 James McKane Jenny Ewing Bondsman: Zacheus Kay
879 3 March 1801 -- -- Easter Ewing This day Robert Ewing came before me a Justice of the Peace and made oath Easter
1221 24 March 1804 Adam Calderwood Nancy Farron Bondsman: John Scott - Jeremiah Browning
954 2 February 1802 John Dicks Elizabeth Fegans Bondsman: Samuel Reeves
1322 25 December 1805 James Whitaker Cordelia Fields Bondsman: William Cole
1392 19 March 1805 John Higgins Nancy Fife Bondsman: John Fife
743 18 March 1800 Abraham Baker Elizabeth Fife Bondsman: Abijah Fife
723 23 December 1799 Thorton Wilson Elizabeth Fife Bondsman: Jonathan Fife
735 24 February 1800 Samuel Clark Sarah Fife Bondsman: Abijah Fife
105 2 April 1793 John McCoy Nancy Finch Bondsman: John Finch
719 30 July 1799 William Whips Celia Finch This is certify that William Whips has got my consent to obtain license to marry my daughter Celia Finch given under my hand & seal. ; Signed: James Finch ; Witness: James Whips & John Whips
781 11 November 1800 William Wright Susanna Finch Bondsman: James Finch
636 30 July 1799 William Whips Celia Finch Bondsman: James Whips
274 16 July 1796 Thomas Harrison Margaret Finn Bondsman: James Reed
413 27 February 1797 Alexander Taroggs Martha Finney Bondsman: James Finney
[User Note: Surname is Scroggs; info from Charlotte C. Smith, a Scroggs descendant.]
412 27 February 1797 Alexander Torogs Martha Finney I do hearby gave from under my hand that I am satisfied with Alexander Torogs to marry my daughter Martha Finney gaven under my hand this 27 day of February 1797 in presence of us. ; Signed: Thomas Finney ; Witness: James Dryden James Finney [User Note: Surname is Scroggs; info from Charlotte C. Smith, a Scroggs descendant.]
386 18 March 1797 William White Sarah Fisher Bondsman: George Fisher
1260 29 August 1804 James Cownouer (?) Polly Fitch Bondsman: Joseph Fitch
1309 18 November 1805 Benjamin Devore Nancy Fitzgerald Bondsman: John Lawrence
650 15 March 1799 John Fagins Lydia Fleming This is to certify that I am willing that my son
652 16 March 1799 John Fagins Lydia Fleming Bondsman: Obediah Fagins
651 15 March 1799 John Fagins Lydia Fleming This is to certify that I am perfectly satisfied that John Fagins should be married to my daughter Lydia Fleming. ; Signed: Stephen Fleming ; Witness: William Ginn
1170 26 September 1803 Thomas Allen Elizabeth Fletcher Bondsman: George Fletcher
106 14 Jun 1793 James McKoy Nancy Flood Bondsman: Timothy Collins
356 28 December 1797 John Chance Elizabeth Flora Bondsman: John Flora
674 16 April 1799 James Davis Nancy Flory Bondsman: John Flory
796 24 December 1800 -- -- Mary Ford This day came Joseph Ford before me a Justice of the Peace and made oath that Mary Ford is 21 years of age. ; Signed: Benjamin Bayles
795 24 December 1800 Frances Stephenson Mary Ford Bondsman: John Stephenson
200 19 August 1795 Henry Camril Barbary Ford Bondsman: William Baird
706 5 June 1799 James Asher Sarah Ford Bondsman: Jacob Beeling
813 10 April 1800 John Everman Mary Forgey Bondsman: John Forgey
465 7 August 1797 Edward Choat Elizabeth Forman Bondsman: Robert Gill
277 23 August 1796 Philip Main Susanna Forman Bondsman: No
347 7 April 1797 Robert Gill Elizabeth Forman I do hereby certify that Elizabeth Forman has been living with me on year and has left her parents and been acting for herself Four or Five years. I believe she is of age given under my hand. ; Signed: Robert Gill ; Witness: Martin Marshall
814 23 April 1800 Levi Wheeler Mary Foster Bondsman: Joseph Curry
487 29 November 1797 William Shropshire Betsy Foster Bondsman: Jesse Foster
489 29 November 1797 William Shropshire Betsy Foster My daughter Betsy Foster has consent to marry William Shropshire therefore I desire you to deliver the marriage license. ; Signed: Jeremiah Foster
60 22 November 1791 Tunis Bennet Rachel Fowler No Bondsman
89 20 June 1792 Richard Ross Elizabeth Fowler Bondsman: Robert Stewart - Richard Ross and Elizabeth Fowler signed a note stating they were of no relation and had no obligation of interfere with marriage.
1168 1 September 1803 Richard Graham Elizabeth Fox Bondsman: Alfred W. Grayson
494 7 June 1797 Thomas Williams Mary Fox Bondsman: David Bell
169 8 December 1795 Henry Lee Mary Fox Bondsman: William Kennon
249 7 April 1796 John McIntire Casey Frieland Bondsman: Henry Valentine
1292 25 January 1805 John Whitaker Betsy Fugate Bondsman: Corander Fugate
1099 16 May 1803 Jeremiah Ward Polly Fugua Bondsman: Moses Fugua
77 26 December 1792 John Kiser Christina Fuss Bondsman: Lewis Rogers
408 21 February 1797 John Oats Nancy Gardner Bondsman: Abraham Gardner
680 2 April 1799 George Spurlock Zelpha Garreth Bondsman: Georg Garrard
866 19 January 1801 John West Sarah Gash Bondsman: Thomas Gash
1191 2 April 1804 James Norris Nancy B. Gates Bondsman: William Gates
329 23 April 1797 John Wharton Nelleay Gault Sir: ? inform you that John Wharton and my daughter Nelleay Gault has agreed in state of marriage to which I have not any objections against there being married - you may grant him license. ; Signed: Edward Gault ; Witness: William Bradford and Benjamin Wharton
448 10 May 1797 John Wharton Nelly Gaults Bondsman: Benjamin Wharton
1141 12 April 1803 James Calvin Catron Gidding Bondsman: John Salisberry
794 5 December 1800 Samuel Hardy Letty Gill Bondsman: Edward Gill
170 14 November 1795 Moses Rankin Molly Gill Bondsman: Edward Gill
826 28 April 1800 John Purvis Sarah Ginn Bondsman: William Shirrel
445 20 May 1797 Thomas Morris Mary Givins Bondsman: John Franklin
803 23 January 1800 Christopher Man Lynned Glaze Bondsman: Nicholas Devore
511 9 March 1798 Francis Vannoy Ailise Glenn Bondsman: Robert Glenn
452 30 June 1797 Alexander Clark Sarrah Glenn Bondsman: Archibald Glenn
574 11 December 1798 Mounteer Dye Elsey Glenn Bondsman: Robert Glenn
957 10 February 1802 David Watkins Sarah Glover Bondsman: Joseph Watkins
835 9 April 1800 Cornelius Carter Rhoda Goble Bondsman: Charles Carty
820 22 April 1800 Hugh Reed Hannah Goble Bondsman: William Shields
819 no date given - listed among the April 1800 entries Hugh Reed Hannah Goble Sir - Please to grant license for Hugh Reed and Hannah Goble to get married as we have no objections. ; Signed: Daniel Goble & Elender Goble ; Witness: Cornelius Canton & William Shields
373 18 December 1797 John Pitts Susanna Goddard --
294 4 September 1796 William McCorkell Jane Gooding Bondsman: James Gooding
903 23 May 1801 Jacob Flemming Niomey Goodwin Bondsman: Caleb Carter
808 29 April 1800 Levi Carter Catherine Graham Bondsman: John Graham
1123 14 February 1803 Samuel Gray Catherine Gray Bondsman: Alex Gray - (There is a penciled note on microfilm saying "This should be Catherine Heflin
354 12 December 1797 John Long Mary Gray Bondsman: Moses Gray
1252 2 July 1804 Adam Beatty Sally Green Bondsman: William Murphy
499 4 September 1797 Gabriel Peede Betsy Green Bondsman: Richard Green
446 8 May 1797 William Peede Caroline Green Bondsman: John Green
1245 no date given - listed with June 1804 entries John Cleneay Eliza Green Bondsman: Marshall Key
1112 ? December 1803 Samuel Moore Sarah Griffith --
1206 14 May 1804 Samuel Boyd Betsy Grimes Bondsman: Robert Robinson
573 31 December 1798 John Row Sally Guffin Bondsman: Andrius Guffin
1075 23 July 1803 Daniel Brown Mary Guilgeace Bondsman: Phineas Thomas
556 11 September 1798 James Lowry Catharine Gutridge Bondsman: John Gutridge
145 4 November 1795 George Barnaby Lusanna Hack John Hack and Catharine Hack sign permissive note for their daughter to marry.; Witness: John Aiken
474 26 August 1797 Ephrain Brown Hannah Hale Bondsman: David Fairfield
296 16 September 1796 Robert McMichael Jane Hamilton Bondsman: Joseph Young
1390 6 March 1805 William Whitaker Elizabeth Hammond Bondsman: Thomas Coleman
1389 5 March 1805 -- -- Elizabeth Hammond Charles Hammond gave permission for his daughter Elizabeth Hammond to marry the bearer of this note.
1297 19 January 1805 Abner Devore Nancy Hamrick Bondsman: Gilson Hamrick
1210 22 May 1804 Robert Smith Susanna Handcock Bondsman: Martin Marshall
829 6 May 1797 Robert Miller Elizabeth Hanson This May be sufficent to certify we have no objection to the

-betwixt Robert Miller and my daughter Elizabeth Hanson. ; Signed: Rebeccah Hanson & Samuel Hanson ; Witness: Nathan Miller & John Miller
637 6 May 1799 Robert Miller Elizabeth Hanson Bondsman: Nathan Hill
1303 8 January 1805 Elijah Craig Catherine Harget Bondsman: Peter Harget
581 7 June 1798 John Hurst Elizabeth Harper Bondsman: Charles Harper
669 6 June 1797 John Hurst Elizabeth Harper This to certify that I have no objections against my daughter Elizabeth Harper be married to him John Hurst. ; Signed: John Harper ; Witness: Charles Harper & John Harper
849 20 December 1801 Hezekiah Madden Rhoda Harris Bondsman: George Harris
1163 22 March 1803 Robert Wilson Elizabeth Harris Bondsman: Samuel Baldwin
620 30 January 1799 William Devin Mary Harris Bondsman: Charles Stewart
892 13 April 1801 Absolom Vanmetre Tabby Harris Bondsman: Joseph Vanmetre
1281 19 November 1805 David Cope Sarah Harrison Bondsman: Joseph Cope
1083 15 January 1803 William Ambrose Isabella Harrison Bondsman: Lewis Hawkins
423 13 February 1797 Isaac Marand Rachel Harrod Bondsman: Samuel Harrod
1131 5 February 1803 Elijah -- Charlotte Hart This is to certify that I have given my consent to the marriage intender between my son Elijah and Charlotte Hart. ; Signed: Aaron Houghton ; Witness: Zeph Hart & Charles Houghton
1121 5 February 1803 Elijah Houghton Charlotte Hart Bondsman: Zephaniah Hart
995 31 July 1802 Nathan Briton Patsy Hatfield Bondsman: Thomas Hatfield
314 1 November 1796 George Maranden Sally Hathaway Bondsman: John Lillis
3 24 November 1789 William Sommers Mary Havens Sir- You are permitted to issue license for my marriage with William Sommers. Witness by hand and seal this 24 November 1789. Signed: Mary Havens Witness: Robert Taylor & Mary Taylor
7 24 November 1789 William Sommers Mary Havens Bondsman: Robert Rankins
683 11 February 1799 John McIlvain Jane Heard Bondsman: Edward Heard
928 19 February 1801 Baldwin B. Stith Jane Heddleston --
1129 14 February 1803 Samuel Gray Catherine Heflin James Gray made oath that Catherine Heflin who is joining in matrimony with Samuel Gray is of the age of 21.
1132 14 February 1803 Samuel Gray Caty Heflin Martha Gray gave consent for Samuel Gray to marry Caty Heflin ; Witness: John Gray & Alexander Gray
839 2 January 1800 John Havens Nancy Hefling Bondsman: George Summers
1001 6 July 1802 Thomas Herbert Sarah Helm Bondsman: Josiah Herbert
947 13 January 1802 Peter Abetts Elizabeth Helm Bondsman: William Helm
54 15 June 1791 James Harmon Maryanne Helms Bondsman: William Campbell
502 15 September 1797 James Leeper Margaret Henderson Bondsman: David Henderson
998 29 July 1802 William Wilson Judith Henly Bondsman: William M. Viers
991 11 June 1802 Willson Bullett Bettsy Henly Bondsman: William M. Viers
1256 27 August 1804 James Crawford Polly Henry Bondsman: David Henry
917 24 July 1801 John Judd Nancy Hernon Bondsman: Alexander Nowers
1286 17 November 1804 John Tenis Elizabeth Heydon Bondsman: John McNary - Elijah Heydon
1084 25 January 1803 John Hiatt Kisiah Hiatt Stephen Hiatt gave permission for his daughter Kisiah Hiatt to marry John Hiatt.
1152 10 August 1803 Thomas Cushman Polly Hiatt Bondsman: John Hiatt
1015 27 August 1802 Robert Thomas Temperance Hiatt Bondsman: Jonathan Hiatt
1078 25 January 1803 John Hiatt Kisiah Hiatte Bondsman: John Dowden
192 15 July 1795 Thomas Justice Anna Hickerson Bondsman: John Frazer
712 22 July 1799 Joseph Freeman Elizabeth Higgins Bondsman: Phenias Thomas
649 no date given - listed with March 1799 entries Joseph Freeman Elizabeth Higgins This is to certify that I have given consent to Joseph Freeman to marry Elizabeth Higgins whose guardian I am. ; Signed: Phillip Davis ; Witness: Peter Tivis and ? Thomas
488 8 November 1797 Joseph Knott Elizabeth Higgins Bondsman: George Rankin
490 no date given - listed among the November 1797 entries Joseph Knott Elizabeth Higgins Sir: Mr. Joseph Knott will apply to you for license to marry my daughter Elizabeth Higgins which you may grant. ; Signed: William Higgins ; Witness: Solomon Dill and George Rankin
361 26 December 1797 George Rankin Nancy Higgins Bondsman: Joseph Knott
653 2 March 1799 Jeremiah Lawson Mathilda Higgins Bondsman: John Higgins
180 15 Jul 1795 Joshua Delaplain Mary Higgs Bondsman: Benjamin Delaplain
1103 29 October 1803 Nathaniel Thomas Peggy Highfield Bondsman: Thomas Nichols
818 7 April 1800 John Miller Elenor Highfield Bondsman: Levi Davis
49 12 November 1791 Isaac Grey Catherine Hill Bondsman: Nathan Fitch
785 14 October 1800 James Louendale Polly Hillman Bondsman: Daniel Hillman
317 23 November 1796 John Carpenter Rachelle Hinton --
350 6 April 1797 Laurence Dent Dorcus Hobbs Bondsman: William Thomas
786 5 October 1800 Benjamin McAtee Sarah Hodge Bondsman: Joseph Cox
783 no date given - listed among the October/November 1800 entries Benjamin McAtee Sarah Hodge I certify that I have been informed that Sarah Hodge has neither Father or mother and she has been living with me sometime. I conceive myself authorized to give consent for her to join in matrimony with Benjamin McAtee. ; Signed: Joseph Cox ; Witness: Joseph A Dare & Nancy Cox & Marshall Key
655 19 December 1799 Frances Waring Mary Holiday Bondsman: Thomas Waring
1197 2 April 1804 Walter Calvert Elizabeth Holland Bondsman: Levi Davis
932 21 December 1801 Robert Watson Elizabeth Holton Bondsman: Jesse Holton
197 17 July 1795 John Dowden Rebecca Holton Bondsman: Thomas McGinnis
1114 25 May 1803 Peter Hoover Isabella Hoover Bondsman: James Graham
1399 19 February 1805 Thomas Perry Mary Hopper Bondsman: John Hopper
1205 24 May 1804 Henry Miers Sarah Hord Bondsman: John Cooper ; John Cooper gave permission for his daughter Sary to marry Henry Miers
921 9 August 1801 William Palmer Drusilla Hord Bondsman: William McDaniel
736 1 February 1800 Charles Riley Catherine Houghton Bondsman: Aron Houghton
725 3 December 1799 -- -- Elizabeth Howard This day came Henry Howard before me a Justice of the Peace for said county and made oath that Elizabeth Howard his sister is upward of twenty one years of age.
724 3 December 1799 Henry Spay Elizabeth Howard Bondsman: Henry Howard
1012 7 August 1802 Sylvester Pattie Polly S. Hubbard Bondsman: Jese B. Thomas
1004 5 August 1802 Sylvester Pattie Polly S. Hubbard This shall indemnify the Clerk of Mason County to issue a license for the marriage of Sylvester Pattie and my daughter Polly S. Hubbard. ; Signed: Thomas Hubbard ; Witness: ? Hubbard & Jesse B. Thomas
664 20 August 1799 William Miller Susannah Hughes Bondsman: Peter Makir
660 13 August 1799 William Miller Sussannah Hughes William Hughes gave permission for his daughter Sussannah Hughes to marry William Miller.
668 8 June 1799 John Miller Anne Hughes Bondsman: John Hughes
427 15 February 1797 Hugh McKibben Susanna Hughes Bondsman: Allen Hughes
206 2 June 1796 John Stephenson Jane Hughey Bondsman: Joseph Pollock
1100 6 May 1803 Jeremiah Prator Lucy Hull Bondsman: Isaac Hull
509 18 January 1798 Nicholas Denvonport Polly Hull (?) Bondsman: Christian Colgazer
988 25 June 1802 Samuel Dalltin Jane Hurst This is to certify that I have consented that Samuel Dalltin and Jane Hurst my daughter be joined together in holy estate of matrimony. ; Signed: Sarah Hurst ; Witness: Moses Baxter & Charles Morgan
985 8(?) May 1802 Samuel Dalltin Jane Hurst Bondsman: Moses Burton
731 8 January 1800 John Maddox Nancy Hurst Bondsman: James Hurst
791 17 December 1800 James Key Nancy Ireland Bondsman: Samuel Drummond
1072 25 July 1803 Jese Holton Jane Ireland Bondsman: James Key
466 7 August 1797 Joseph Taylor Jane Irvin Bondsman: Jarrad Irvin
1033 8 October 1802 Henry Baker Mary Jack Bondsman: Gabriel Aiment (?)
788 24 December 1800 William Burns Sarah Jackson Bondsman: John Brown
926 17 June 1801 Abraham Blumhoop Lidia Jackson Bondsman: John McKey
87 10 January 1792 John Shrofe Sally Jackson Bondsman: Robert McMahan
1051 8 March 1802 Edward Harris Ser. Margaret Jackson Bondsman: William Murphy
72 9 January 1792 John Shrote Sally Jackson Richard Jackson gave his permission for his daughter to marry.
924 17 June 1801 -- -- Lidia Jackson This day came John McKey before me a Justice of the Peace of said county and made oath that Lidia Jackson who was bound to James Wilson has served her time with said Wilson (I believe this say dec'd) and he believes she has no relations in this state. ; Signed: Benjamin Berry
832 27 May 1800 John Seeley Jane B. Jamieson Bondsman: John Adairson
1287 16 November 1804 Edward Riley Elizabeth Jarvis Bondsman: Boswell Calvert
628 28 October 1799 Thomas Hickman Rachel Jenkins Bondsman: Amos Corwine
495 4 October 1797 Burwill Calvert Ann Jervice (or Service) Bondsman: Joshua Jervice (or Service)
812 22 April 1800 Levi Wheeler Mary Joffen Sir - Offer my compliments to you from the bearer Levi Wheeler license to marry my daughter Mary Joffen. ; Signed: Jeremiah Joffen
1264 4 October 1804 George Brown Hannah John Bondsman: John John
9 12 November 1789 Charles Bingham Margaret Johnson --
753 20 August 1800 John Ross Mary Johnson Bondsman: William Johnston & James Ross
319 21 December 1796 James O'Brian Patsy Johnston Bondsman: James Johnston
401 21 January 1797 Isaac Peterson Anne Johnston Bondsman: Johnston Ross
1041 22 March 1802 Benjamin Bean Farineta Johnston Bondsman: William Bean - Archibald Johnston
896 1 April 1801 Richard Waters Nancy Jones Bondsman: James Jones
941 6 January 1802 Elijah Glover Catherine Jones Bondsman: Sarah Glover
1327 20 August 1805 Valentine McDonald Sally Jones Bondsman: Isaac Free
916 21 July 1801 William Hodges Permelia Jones Bondsman: Richard Waters
132 16 November 1795 Rueben Soward Ann Jones Bondsman: Ezekial Maston - Richard Soward gave permission for the marriage.
122 11 October 1794 John Soward Susannah Jones Bondsman: Ignatius Jones
946 5 January 1802 Elijah Glover Catherine Jones This is to certify that I have no objections to Elijah Glover & Catherine Jones obtaining license to be joined in Holy Matrimony. ; Signed: Griffith Jones ; Witness: Thomas Jones & Samuel Glover
859 10 November 1802 Lewis Lea Catherine Jones Bondsman: Elijah Craig
482 18 November 1797 Parker Sutton Priscilla Jones Bondsman: William Bowen
119 27 February 1793 Valentine Leonard Polly Jones Bondsman: John Lindly - George Jones signed permissive note.
1055 10 November 1802 -- -- Catherine Jones James Jones gave permission for his daughter Catherine Jones.
322 27 December 1796 William Fields Elizabeth Jones Bondsman: William Bennet ; Griffith Jones gave permission for Elizabeth to marry.
436 12 January 1797 John Salmon Mary Journey Bondsman: Peter Journey
417 9 January 1797 John Salman Mary Journey This is to certify - to whom it may concern we do give and consent and agree and have no objections why our daughter Mary Journey and John Salman not wed or it is agreed on between them. ? this from under our hands this 9th day of January 1797. ; Signed: Joseph Journey & Margaret Journey ; Witness: Peter Journey
420 13 February 1797 Solomon Wells Mary Judd Bondsman: Robert Wells
125 2 April 1794 James Hiland Mary Judd Bondsman: William Donovan
124 22 December 1794 George Calvin Christina Justice Bondsman: James Jones
84 24 October 1792 Henry Rippy Anne Kallen --
614 29 January 1799 Joseph Berry Nancy Kay Bondsman: Leroy Giffin
163 7 February 1795 John Marshall Nancy Kees Sir: I wish to inform you the circumstances of the your woman. She has no people in this county except a bother-in-law
66 11 February 1791 William Fitzjarel Elizabeth Keiger Bondsman: John Keiger
333 4 April 1797 Owen Humphreys Isabella Keith Bondsman: Robert Gile
513 28 January 1798 John Johnston Polley Kelley Bondsman: Henry Stansilare
1096 30 November 1803 George Mills Amy Kelly Bondsman: Adam Shroop ; Thomas Kelly gave permission for his daughter Amy Kelly to marry George Mills
1349 16 October 1805 William Crosley Polly Kelsey Bondsman: William Kelsey
1344 16 August 1805 William Crosley Polly Kelsy I certify that I hereby give consent for my son William Crosley to obtain a license to be married to Mis. Polly Kelsy. ; Signed: Moses Crosley ; Witness: Joseph Kinnett & George Powell
137 11 May 1975 Henry Hardisty Susannah Kemper --
444 10 May 1797 Nathan Porter Catherine Kenedy Bondsman: Jacob Bean
825 31 March 1800 Thomas Blackburn Hannah Kennard Bondsman: Joseph Kennard
910 7 July 1801 Jacob Cooper Sally Kenner Bondsman: William Kenner
342 5 April 1797 Ezeial Arrowsmith Elizabeth Kenton Bondsman: Henry Anno
293 17 September 1796 Sampson Talbott Jane Kenton Bondsman: Simon Kenton
96 16 March 1792 Caleb Asberry Elizabeth Kenton Bondsman: John Rains
817 9 April 1800 Edmond Collins Sally Kenton Bondsman: Samuel Dunham
1013 23 August 1802 Henry Plummer Francas Kercheval Bondsman: Joseph Berry
1377 4 May 1805 William Marshall Elizabeth Kercheval Bondsman: James Kercheval
35 26 May 1790 Abraham Chenoweth Rebecca Kerr Bondsman: Richard Chenoweth
654 25 March 1799 Thomas Keith Judith Key Bondsman: Peyton R. Key
161 9 February 1795 John Marshall Nancy Key Bondsman; Moses Fowler
889 10 September 1801 Harmonious Dills Betsy Kinnard --
70 12 June 1791 John Evans Rachel Knight Note to certify that Rachel Knight is of lawful age to marry John Evans. Signed: Rachel Knight Witness: Henry Baily
780 23 November 1800 Stephen Pangbourn Nancy Knox Bondsman: John Knox
442 12 May 1797 James Fee Ellender Lakin Bondsman: Samuel Lakin
640 8 May 1799 Ephraim Minor Rachel Lamb Bondsman: John Sargent
312 22 November 1796 John Sergant Polly Lamb Bondsman: Abraham Norris
559 20 September 1798 -- -- Sarah Lamb Charlie Evans this day made oath before me a Justice of the Peace that Sarah Lamb (daughter of Pearn Lamb) is 21 years of age. ; Signed: Benjamin Baylis
561 20 September 1798 Michael Crusan Sarah Lamb Bondsman: Charles Evans
789 17 December 1800 John Glover Prudence Lamb Bondsman: Charles Evans
472 4 August 1797 William Young Susanna Lancaster Bondsman: Thomas Thomas'
430 no date given - listed with March 1797 entries William Young Susanna Lancaster Sir you'll be pleased to grant to the bearer William Young license for marriage between him and my daughter Susanna Lancaster is being agreeable to her parents and this shall indemnify you for so doing. ; Signed: William Lancaster
468 8 August 1797 Joseph Boothe Elizabeth Lancaster Bondsman: Robert Lancaster
1359 1 June 1805 John Baker Nancy Latham Bondsman: Richard Latham
827 no date given - listed among the April/May 1800 entries William Adams Ann Laurence You will please to issue license for William Adams to marry my Daughter Ann Laurence ; Signed: Michael Laurence (?)
1105 17 October 1803 John Herbert Elizabeth Laurence Bondsman: Josiah Herbert
834 18 May 1800 William Adams Ann Laurence Bondsman: Jacob Young
955 ? February 1802 Stace Reeves Sarah Laurence Bondsman: Samuel Reeves
1235 10 September 1804 Anthony Strop Polly Laurence Bondsman: Stacy Reeves
890 24 September 1801 Jonathan Grant Elizabeth Lawnsdale Bondsman: James Lawnsdale
886 no date given - listed among the late 1801 entries Jonathan Grant Elizabeth Lawnsdale This is to certify that I request you to grant license for Jonathan Grant and my daughter Elizabeth Lawnsdale to be marryed. ; Signed: Thomas Lawnsdale; Witness: Samuel Lawnsdale
1376 no date given - listed with May 1805 entries Elijah O'Brien Eleanor Leachman Sir you will please to let Elijah O'Brien have license for himself and my daughter Eleanor Leachman to be married. ; Signed: William Leachman ; Witness: Amos Leachman & James Leachman
1372 27 May 1805 Elijah O'Brien Eleanor Leachman Bondsman: Amos Leachman
1274 30 January 1804 Joseph Reed Susannah Lee Sir - this will authorize you to grant license for the marriage of my daughter Susannah Lee to Joseph Reed. ; Signed: Stephen Lee
1332 15 August 1805 William Armstrong Sally Lee Bondsman: James Hampton
583 16 June 1798 Enoch Berry Anne Lee This may certify that I have assented to the marriage of Enoch Berry and my daughter Anne Lee she being of lawful age. ; Signed: Lenis ? Lee ; Witness: George Berry Junior and Thomas Dobyns and Eljah Berry
593 16 June 1798 Enoch Berry Anne Lee Bondsman: George Berry
1336 13 August 1805 William Armstrong Sally Lee John Lee granted permission for his daughter Sally Lee to marry William Armstrong.
1198 9 April 1804 Thomas Reed Elenor Lee Bondsman: Henry Smith
1275 30 January 1804 Joseph Reed Susannah Lee Bondsman: Berryman Lee
778 18 November 1800 Winston Parker Junior Sally Lee This will certify that I am willing for a license to issue from your office for a marriage intended to be had & solomized between Winston Parker Junior and my daughter Sally Lee. She being willing and of lawful age. ; Signed: Stephen Lee ; Witness: John Rankin & Frances Burton
779 18 November 1800 Winston Parker Jr. Sally Lee Bondsman: William Stubblefield
324 27 December 1796 Henry Smith Elizabeth Lee Bondsman: Aquilla Smith
1371 4 May 1805 George Brown Polly Lee Bondsman: Elijah Berry
981 17 May 1802 Aaron Burrow Rebecca Lemon Bondsman: John Adamson & Samuel Strode
307 27 November 1796 Rune Drake Jenny Lemon Bondsman: Shadrack Northcutt
29 2 June 1790 Joshua Baker Susannah Lewis Bondsman: George Lewis
30 1 September 1790 William Beckley Sarah Lewis There is an agreement of marriage between William Beckley and my daughter
19 1 September 1790 William Bukley Sara Lewis Bondsman: George Lewis
57 2 December 1791 Thomas Lewis Jemima Lewis Bondsman: William Galloby
37 27 December 1790 Joseph Wright Sally Lewis Bondsman: John Lewis
344 12 April 1797 Edward Gualt Bridget Lewis Bondsman: John Lewis
456 24 July 1797 Andrew Caldwell Mary Lights Bondsman: Bartholomew Fitzgerald
546 5 November 1798 Moses Burton Mary Lindsey Bondsman: James Hurst
927 26 June 1801 John Wilks Elizabeth Linn Bondsman: Joseph Wilks
644 8 March 1799 Joseph McKibben Ann Linn Bondsman: William Robinson
1282 9 November 1804 Samuel Wilson Susannah Linn Bondsman: John Boyd
102 2 March 1793 Gabriel Redmon Hally Livingston Bondsman: Richard Marshall
154 28 May 1795 Walter Burgess Martha Logan --
793 23 December 1800 Obediah Feagins Jane Logan Bondsman: John Logan Sr.
266 4 May 1796 Thomas Treacle Anne Logan Bondsman: Samuel Logan
1081 27 January 1803 Eyra Ellison Jane Long Bondsman: Berryman Long - John Spencer
987 1 June 1802 Ebenezer Martin Sidney Long Bondsman: Benjamin Long
1023 29 September 1802 James Kercheval Nancy Longly Sir - you will please to issue license for my son James Kercheval to be married to Nancy Longly. ; Signed: Winney Kercheval
1022 30 September 1802 James Kercheval Nancy Longly Bondsman: Henry Plummer
1020 29 September 1802 James Kercheval Nancy Longly Sir - if you will please to issue license for James Kercheval to be married to my daughter Nancy Longly. ; Signed: Thomas Longly
554 15 September 1798 Adam Ritchey Ester Loudon Bondsman: William Goforth
162 14 January 1795 Nelson Clift Nancy Lowry --
591 11 June 1798 Hampton Pangburn Margaret Luckie Bondsman: Joseph Luckie
128 9 June 1795 James Ward Peggy Machir Bondsman: Elijah Richards
739 9 February 1800 Nathaniel Kirk Dorcas Maddin Bondsman: Benjamin Kirk
1254 5 July 1804 Lewis Gilbert Gash Nancy Maddox Bondsman: Thomas Gash
933 21 October 1801 George Harris Patsey Maddox Bondsman: Hezekiah Maddox
887 11 September 1801 John Ritchey Mary Maddux Bondsman: Zovobabel Maddux
196 7 March 1795 Joseph Washburn Elizabeth Man Bondsman: John Moses
245 19 March 1796 David Devois Eleanor Mann Bondsman: Joseph Washburn
279 19 August 1796 John Blair Martha Marcus Bondsman: John Clark
263 30 May 1796 John Warwick Elizabeth Markwill Bondsman: Richard Wood
1396 12 February 1805 James West Rachel Marsh Bondsman: James Marsh
715 17 July 1799 William Gillaspie Frances Marshall Bondsman: John Marshall
714 7 July 1799 William Gilleaspie Frances Marshall Sir - Please to grant license for William Gilleaspie and my daughter Frances Marshall. ; Signed: Thomas Marshall ; Witness: Richard Sharp & John Marshall & Samuel Marshall
960 24 April 1802 George Kile Anne Marshall Bondsman: Alex Marshall
1231 24 September 1804 Micajah Blan Milly Martin Bondsman: Elijah Martin
115 19 July 1793 Thomas Ragan Elizabeth Martin --
1244 15 June 1804 Jacob Metz Judith Martin Bondsman: Finch Martin
1232 24 September 1804 Micajah Blan Milly Martin To the clerk of Mason County this is to let you now that I have given my consent that Micajah Blan might get license from your court for to be married to my daughter Milly Martin. ; Signed: Elijah Martin ; Witness: Levi Boone & Edmund Martin Jr.
64 7 May 1792 Edward Mills Mary Martin Mills Station - Permission granted for daughter Mary Martin to marry Edward Mills. Signed: Afeal Martin.
323 16 December 1796 Elias Oliver Elizabeth Martin Bondsman: David Wood
822 2 April 1800 Jonathan Reece Rachel Martin --
1017 9 August 1802 Samuel Cumings Nancy Martin Bondsman: James Martin
862 25 November 1801 Samuel Fitch Elizabeth Martin Edmond Martin gave permission for his daughter Elizabeth Martin to marry Samuel Fitch. ; Witness: Jeremiah Martin & Hugh Cunningham
1018 no date given - listed among the August 1802 entries Samuel Cumings Nancy Martin David Martin gave consent for his daughter Nancy Martin to marry Samuel Cumings
861 25 November 1801 Samuel Fitch Elizabeth Martin Bondsman: Jeremiah Martin
203 24 February 1795 Henry Woolry Ann Masters On the 24th day of February 1795 William Masters gave permission for his daughter Ann Masters to marry Henry Woolry. - Witness: Timothy Mayhall and Nancy Howard
1167 2 September 1803 Jeremy Harvey Charity Masters Bondsman: Richard Masters
914 20 July 1801 Joseph Davis Sarah Masters Bondsman: Richard Masters
202 25 February 1795 Henry Woolry Ann Masters Bondsman: Timothy Mayhall
912 no date given - listed among the June 1801 entries Samuel Ewing Rachel Masterson Masterson gave permission for his daughter Rachel Masterson to marry Samuel Ewing. ; Witness: Aaron Masterson
911 22 July 1801 Samuel Ewing Rachel Masterson Bondsman: Robert EwingJohn
1358 10 June 1805 Joseph Abbott Rhoda Masterson Bondsman: Aaron Masterson
1158 28 March 1803 Michael Waters Ester Mattox Bondsman: John Waters
1156 28 March 1803 Michael Waters Ester Mattox This is to certify that John Waters Sen. Does give leave for his son Michael Waters to be married to Ester Mattox.
1157 No date given - listed with the March 1803 entries -- -- Ester Mattox This is to certify that Luke Mattox does give leave for his daughter Ester Mattox to be married. ; Signed: Luke Mattox ; Witness: John Mattox ; Signed: John Waters
1379 17 April 1805 John Dennison Jane Maxwell Bondsman: William Maxwell
1284 24 November 1804 Thomas Downing Sally Mayhall Bondsman: Joseph Perrine
1285 no date given - listed with the November 1804 entries Thomas Downing Sally Mayhall Sir - you are hereby authorized to grant a license to Mr. Thomas Downing to be married to my daughter Sally Mayhall. ; Signed: Timothy Mayhall ; Witness: James Downing & Joseph Perrine
578 5 June 1798 Michael Wallace Charity McCane Sir: you may grant the license for Mr. Michael Wallace & Charity McCane as it is agreed to her father and mother. ; Signed: William McCane & Marey McCane ; Witness: James McCane & William Young
579 30 June 1798 Michael Wallace Charity McCane Bondsman: James McCane
272 26 January 1796 William McCormmick Jane McCann Bondsman: John McCann
269 1 July 1796 Jacob Bun Rachel McClune Bondsman: James Creswell
387 18 January 1797 Samuel Rubart Mary McClure Bondsman: James Whaley
390 13 January 1797 Samuel Rubart Mary McClure This is to certify that Samuel Rubart and Mary McClure doth join in the lawful bonds of matrimony having gained full consent of me Sarah McClure widow. ; Signed: Sarah McClure ; Witness: Isaac Rubart
419 12 January 1797 Samuel Hills Jane McConkey Bondsman: Archibald McConkey
93 9 November 1792 William Stapleton Mary McCord Bondsman: Joseph Utler
512 16 January 1798 Fulcord Dow Jane McCord Bondsman: William McCord
363 29 December 1797 John Hunter Mary McCord Bondsman: Michael McCord
295 9 September 1796 William Hillis Elizabeth McCorkel Bondsman: James Gooding
148 8 December 1795 John McClary Margaret McCorkel Bondsman: John Gooding
147 December 1795 John McClary Margaret McCorkel This is to certify that I- the parent of Margaret McCorkel am willing that she should join in marriage with John McClary.; Signed: Eliza McCorkel; Witness: John McCorkel and William McCorkel
1366 7 May 1805 Robert Wilson Margaret McCoy Bondsman: Alexander McCoy
259 22 April 1796 Peter Hauns Mary McDaniel Bondsman: Elisha Rawlins
23 27 December 1790 -- -- Mary McDonald Valentine McDonald certified that Mary McDonald is of lawful age.
24 27 December 1790 John Philips Mary McDonald Bondsman: Valentine McDonald
429 22 March 1797 Nathaniel McCarty Rachel McDonald Bondsman: Valuntine McDonald
1177 27 September 1803 William Usleton (?) Druscilla McDonald Bondsman: Peter Goslin
948 15 January 1802 Isreal Hunt Elizabeth McDonald Bondsman: Nathan Darner
901 2 May 1801 Walter Davis Betsy McDowell Bondsman: John Y. McDowell - Jonathan Kerrigan
727 25 December 1799 Zacheas Key Catharine McDuffie Bondsman: Robert McDuffie
22 3 April 1790 Christian Smith Elizabeth McDuffie Bondsman: John Machir
1226 10 December 1804 Samuel Deliplane Jane McFadden Bondsman: Ceirly (?) McFadden
68 20 January 1791 William McDonald Charity McFaden Bondsman: William Biddle
902 22 May 1801 James Johnston Nancy McFarland Bondsman: James McFarland
1398 23 February 1805 Joseph McKibben Ester McFarland Bondsman: James McFarland
486 9 November 1797 Elias Cowgill Jane McFarlin Bondsman: Archibald McFarlin
643 5 March 1799 William Wallace Emily McFarren Bondsman: Pleasant Williams
1295 11 January 1805 Benjamin Griffith Alley McGinnis Bondsman: William McGinnis
176 16 October 1795 Robert Clark Priscilla McGinnis Bondsman: Thomas McGinnis
139 11 February 1795 Robert Barker Mary McGinnis Bondsman: Thomas McGinnis
810 1 April 1800 James Lamarr Rose McGloghlin Bondsman: Barney McGloghlin
1305 17 January 1805 Ledford Thompson Elizabeth McGowen Bondsman: William Jinkens
1300 17 January 1805 Ledford Thompson Elizabeth McGowen I certify that I give consent for my son Ledford Thompson to obtain License to be married to Elizabeth McGowen. ; Signed: Sary Brittain ; Witness: William Jenkins
1104 10 October 1803 -- -- Mary McIlvain John McIlvain made oath before a Justice of the Peace that Mary McIlvain 21 years old.
596 14 March 1798 Gerrard Calvert Susannah McIlvain Bondsman: Thomas Webb
597 19 March 1798 Girrard Calvert Susannah McIlvain William McIlvain gave permission for his daughter Susannah McIlvain to marry Girrard Calvert. ; Witness: John McIlvain - Thomas Webb
109 13 August 1793 David Ritchie Mary McIntire Bondsman: Meredith Helm
1085 ? October 1803 William Haughton Ann McKay Bondsman: Aaron Haughton - James McKay
1166 13 September 1803 Joseph McGlone Rebecca McKee Bondsman: Joseph McKee
304 25 October 1796 Benjamin Fout Sarah McKee --
264 30 May 1796 Henry Porter Polly McKee Bondsman: Patrick Bennet
1268 4 January 1804 Robert Jack Rachel McKee Bondsman: Joseph McKee
421 11 February 1797 Erasmus Prather Betty McKibbins Bondsman: Hugh McKibbins
425 1 February 1797 James Gutridge Hannah McLauclin Bondsman: Barney McLauchlin
432 9 March 1797 John McKee Betsy McLeace Bondsman: Thomas McLeace
459 20 July 1797 Josiah Winnans Elizabeth McLean Bondsman: Jacob Tharp
484 2 November 1797 Isaac Low Margaret McLees Bondsman: Daniel McLees
67 20 January 1791 William Wormald Charity McLeon --
940 18 January 1802 Samuel Crawford Nancy McMachen Bondsman: Johnston Ross
1066 4 December 1802 Robert Flora Freelove McMachern Bondsman: Johnston Ross
492 16 October 1797 John Burriss Elizabeth McMickell Bondsman: George Moore
273 26 January 1796 James Barton Hannah McNamarra Bondsman: James Water
1320 7 December 1805 Jonathan Smith Elizabeth McPike Bondsman: Joseph McPike
806 11 June 1800 Jonah Perclum Betsy McTiny Bondsman: Thomas McTiny
874 14 September 1801 Jacob Myers Nancy Means Bondsman: John Means
393 23 January 1797 Robert Dixon Phebe Means Bondsman: John Means - Moses Wood
1 1 August 1789 Absolom Thomas Katherine Meeks Bondsman: William Goforth
672 24 April 1799 Thomas T G. Waring Nancy Mefford You are hereby permitted to issue license of marriage between Thomas T G. Waring and Nancy Mefford daughter of George Mefford. ; Signed: T. W. Waring
673 no date given - listed among the early 1799 entries T. G. Waring Nancy Mefford I do hereby consent to the marriage of my daughter Nancy Mefford to Thomas T. G. Waring. ; Signed: George Mefford
671 24 April 1799 Thomas Waring Nancy Mefford Bondsman: Roger W. Waring
287 23 September 1796 Charles Mahan Elizabeth Meir Bondsman: John Mahan ; Jacob Meir gave consent for his daughter Elizabeth to marry.
809 17 April 1800 Samuel Reeves Elizabeth Melton Bondsman: Austin Reeves
120 9 March 1793 William Sweet Elizabeth Mershon Permissive note signed by Nathaniel Mershon.
111 9 March 1793 William Sweet Elizabeth Mesahan Bondsman: Joshua Sweet
619 3 January 1799 William Oden Sarah Metcalf I do certify that there is to be a marriage between William Oden and Sarah Metcalf and she is of full age given from under my hand. ; Signed: John Metcalfe ; Witness Thomas Metcalfe & Meredith Helm Junior
623 10 January 1799 William Oden Sarah Metcalfe Bondsman: John Baker
525 9 February 1798 William Shackelford Sabina Mettalfe Bondsman: John Shackelford
368 11 December 1797 Archibald Maconkey Nancy Mickey Bondsman: Samuel Hillen
371 11 December 1797 Archibald Maconkey Nancy Mickey Sir: This is to certify the bearer Archibald Maconkey hath obtained my consent in marriage with my daughter Nancy Mickey. ; Signed: Daniel Mickey
1360 19 June 1805 Joseph Thompson Mary Miller Bondsman: Zebulon Applegate
1296 26 January 1804 John Wisner Elizabeth Miller Bondsman: Jacob Wisner & Thomas Halett
426 ? February 1797 Richard Wood Catharine Mills Bondsman: Thomas Mills
65 22 June 1791 Amos Wilson Anna Mills Bondsman: George Wilson
187 6 December 1795 George Barror Abigail Mills This is to certify I- Thomas Mills have no objection against my daughter Abigail Mills getting married to George Barror.
188 17 December 1795 George Barror Abigail Mills Bondsman: Evan Mills and Amos Wilson
315 13 November 1796 Thomas Allen Caty Mires Bondsman: William Mires
280 20 August 1796 William Faulkner Any Mitchell this so certify that for myself and wife doth agree that William Faulkner and Any Mitchell my daughter by mutual consent shall be married. ; Signed: David Mitchell ; Witness: Thomas Furgenson
565 8 December 1798 Samuel Culberson Martha Mitchell This is to authorize Mr. Thos. Marshall to issue a license for Samuel Culberson and my daughter Martha Mitchell as they have my consent to be married. ; Signed: Samuel Mitchell ; Witness: Charles Gallagher & John Rogers
281 22 August 1796 William Faulkner Annie Mitchell Bondsman: David Mitchell
569 8 December 1798 Samuel Culberson Martha Mitchell Bondsman: John Taylor
228 9 February 1796 John Calloway Peggy Mitchell Bondsman: David Mitchell
383 30 March 1797 Samuel McCullock Elizabeth Mitchell Bondsman: Richard Applegate
545 no date given - listed with the November entries 1798 James Rice Sarah Mofford I hereby certify that I am willing a marriage license should issue to join in holy marriage
369 19 December 1797 Thomas Savage Elizabeth Mofford Bondsman: Daniel Mofford
542 19 November 1798 James Rice Sara Mofford Bondsman: John Mofford
1328 8 August 1805 Henry Hillman Hariot Monohan Bondsman: John Monohan
1071 1 July 1803 Samuel Johnston Nancy Monohan Bondsman: John Monohan
863 25 November 1801 John W. Shilock Sarah Monroe Bondsman: Will McGlochlin
253 21 April 1796 -- -- Margaret Montgomery Sir: This is to certify that Margaret Montgomery is of age and she is ? to make choice in life. Signed: James Montgomery
254 23 April 1796 John Rouse Margaret Montgomery Bondsman: Frances Vannoy
774 13 September 1800 Fred H. Allison Rebecca Moody Bondsman: Jacob M. Ham
454 8 July 1797 Abraham Watson Mary Moore Bondsman: Aron Moore
1255 3 July 1804 John Fitch Pheby Moore Bondsman: George Moore
856 21 December 1801 William Stubblefield Jane Moore If you will oblige me to issue a license for a marriage between William Stubblefield & my daughter Jane Moore. ; Signed: William Parker
1368 21 May 1805 William McLaughlin Mary Moore Bondsman: Barry McLaughlin - George Moore
763 30 July 1800 Thomas C. Turner Rachel Moore Bondsman: Elijah Moore
1253 2 July 1804 -- -- Pheby More I do hereby certify that I have no objections to my son marrying Pheby More a daughter of George More alth I do hereby certify that he of age of Twenty One years. ; Signed: Joseph Filch
1234 25 September 1804 James McLin Elenor Morgan Bondsman: Thomas Morgan
1310 14 November 1805 Moses Feagin Elizabeth Morris Bondsman: John Morris
41 22 March 1792 Nathaniel (?) Anna Morris Permission given by David Morris; Witnessed by John Shotwell
1175 20 September 1803 James Gill Elizabeth Moss Bondsman: Withers Berry
100 1 March 1793 John Bartle Lydia Moulds Bondsman: Frances Taylor
75 22 March 1792 Nathaniel Hinson Anna Muis (?) Bondsman: Stephen Flemming
766 3 July 1800 James Miles Elizabeth Murphy Bondsman: Vincent Cleaneay
699 9 September 1799 Henry Rippy Mary Murphy Bondsman: Elijah Haydon
1405 26 February 1805 Joseph Williams Caty Myers Bondsman: Charles Williams
1383 4 April 1805 Archibald Frissel Ailne Nance Bondsman: David Kilgour
1382 3 April 1805 Archibald Frissil Elly Nance I do hereby certify that I am fully satisfied with Archibald Frissil and willing he should have my daughter Elly Nance. ; Signed: William Nance
389 24 January 1797 William Rickets Lucinda Nash Edward Nash & Lizabeth Nash give permission for their daughter Lucinda Nash to marry William Rickets.
405 24 January 1797 William Rickets Lucinda Nash Bondsman: Bartholomew Fitzgirrad
497 15 September 1797 Samuel Little Mary Newcomb Bondsman: William Newcomb
843 6 January 1800 James Judd Polley Newland Bondsman: Samuel Jackson
1199 17 April 1804 John Butler -- Nibbs Bondsman: John Reardon
224 30 January 1796 Daniel Thrailkill Delila Nichols Bondsman: Thomas Nichols - John Nichols gave permission for marriage.
283 9 August 1796 Jeremiah B. Proctor Mary Nichols Bondsman: Thomas Nichols
769 13 September 1800 John Thrailkill Sarah Nichols Bondsman: Daniel Thrailkill
807 19 June 1800 Henry Howes Ann Nichols Bondsman: Simon Nichols
457 13 July 1797 Alexander Holton Sally Niett Bondsman: John Dowden
435 6 March 1797 James Stockwell Elenor Noble Bondsman: John Garvin
1209 no date given - listed among the May 1804 entries William Armstrong Nancy Norris Aquilla Norris gave permission for his daughter Nancy Norris to marry William Armstrong.
693 5 September 1799 John Hieatt Molly Norris Sir: you are hereby authorized to issue a marriage license for our two children John Hieatt & Molly Norris ; Signed: Stephen Hieatt & Acquilla Norris ; Witness: Alexander Holton & William Robinson
1259 16 August 1804 William Armstrong Naomi Norris Bondsman: James Norris & Thomas Robinson
205 listed among the June 1796 entries; No date given Robert Wells Sally Norris Joseph Norris and Elizabeth Norris gave permission for their daughter Sally Norris to marry Robert Wells; Witness: Richard Wells and John Wells; No date given.
694 9 September 1799 Jonathan Hiett Patty Norris Bondsman: Thomas Robinson
207 26 June 1796 Robert Wells Sally Norris Bondsman: John Wells
255 19 April 1796 John Quillin Elizabeth Not Bondsman: Joshua Mannen
229 11 February 1796 Daniel Judd Rachel Nower Bondsman: Alex Nower
1101 11 January 1803 Morgan Williams Betsy O'Briant This certificate certifies that I Peter O'Briant and have given leave that Morgan Williams may have my daughter Betsy O'Briant ; Signed: Peter O'Briant ; Witness: Baly O'Briant & George O'Briant
782 11 November 1800 Benjamin North Martha Odell Bondsman: Thomas Odell
43 13 December 1792 Nathan Fitch Anne Oliver Bondsman: Peter Oliver
403 31 January 1797 David Clarke Margaret Oliver Bondsman: William Boland
1225 15 December 1804 Jese Cooper Susannah Oliver Bondsman: John Black
1318 21 December 1805 Nathaniel Campbell Rebecca Orme Bondsman: Moses Orme
851 9 December 1801 James Davis Susannah Orme Bondsman: Elijah Davis
850 9 December 1801 James Davis Susannah Orme I certify that I give my consent for James Davis for my daughter Susannah Orme given my hand. ; Signed: Mosly Orme ; Witness: Elijah Davis
1362 28 June 1805 Aaron Lewman Martha Osburn Bondsman: John Ruggles
1361 26 June 1805 Aaron Lewman Martha Osburn You will issue a license for my son Aaron Lewman to be married to Martha Osburn. ; Signed: John Lewman ; Witness: Thomas Plummer & John Ruggles ; Jane Osburn gave consent for her daughter Martha Osburn to be married to Aaron Lewman.
2 1 July 1789 John Deshay Rebecca Overfield Bondsman: Abner Overfield
868 26 January 1801 James Best Sally Overfield Bondsman: Abner Overfield
1086 11 January 1803 James Ellis Betsy Overfield Bondsman: Abner Overfield
15 29 January 1790 Matthew Smock Charity Owings Bondsman: John Hooks
114 7 June 1793 Silas Hathaway Rebecca Owings Bondsman: Matthew Smock
53 18 July 1791 Richard Grigson Sarah Ownings Bondsman: Isaac Grey
1068 27 December 1802 Thomas Longly Jane Ozburn Bondsman: Lewis Sepeteney (?)
134 29 April 1975 George Harrison Mary Paines Marriage Date - Gideon Forman asked for marriage license.
133 24 April 1795 George Harrison Mary Paines Marriage Bond - Gideon Forman asked for marriage license.
74 8 May 1792 Joseph Russell Mary Parish Bondsman: John Keiger
726 23 December 1799 Thomas West Elizabeth Parker Bondsman: Jacob Parker
729 23 December 1799 -- -- Betsy Parker Jacob Parker made oath that his sister Betsy Parker is 21. ; Signed: J. Machir
776 27 November 1800 James Johnson Elsy Parker This is to certify a consent of marriage betwixt James Johnson & Elsy Parker my daughter. ; Signed: Peter Parker ; Witness: Robert Wright & Samuel Harlon
617 14 January 1799 John Morgan Priscilla Parker Bondsman: Thomas Morgan
461 5 July 1797 Alexander Myers Rebecca Parker Bondsman: Jacob Nonsaker
1363 26 June 1805 Elias Newkirk Lydia Parker Bondsman: Jonathan Ruggles
1367 28 May 1805 Alexander P. Stubblefield Mary Parker Bondsman: Winslow Parker Jr.
848 21 December 1801 William Stubblefield Jane M. Parker Bondsman: William Murphy
777 27 November 1800 James Johnston Alse Parker Bondsman: Robert Wright
549 27 Sept 1798 John Gutridge Margaret Parkinson Bondsman: James Lowry
45 13 January 1791 John Kiger Sarah Parrish Bondsman: Joseph Parrish Jr.
258 11 April 1796 Thomas Soward Sally Patten Sir - this is to certify that Mr. Thomas Soward had my consent for you to let him have license to be married to my daughter Sally Patten. ; Signed John Patten
199 22 December 1795 John Craig Catherine Patten Bondsman: Thomas Howard
246 1 March 1796 Nathan Norris Martha Patterson Bondsman: Joseph Norris
172 21 June 1795 Samuel Reed Elizabeth Patterson Bondsman: Augustine Choat
140 2 January 1795 Richard Thomas Franky Pattie Bondsman: William Worthington
141 18 May 1795 Richard S. Thomas Franky Pattie Sir - I do hereby certify that I am willing for you to let Mr. Richard S. Thomas have license to marry my daughter Franky Pattie as witness my hand this 18th day of May 1795 Signed: John Pattie
40 18 July 1791 Henry Cochran Rachel Patton Permission note signed by Elinor Patton
69 19 July 1791 Henry Cochran Rachel Patton Bondsman: Thomas Boone
215 8 June 1796 John Eads Elinor Patton Bondsman: Thomas Patton
732 13 September 1800 Isaac Smith Martha Patton Bondsman: James Patton
1036 11 October 1802 Richard Hammons Catherine Payne I hereby certify that Mr. Richard Hammons has my consent and approbation to obtain marriage license for the purpose of marriage with my daughter Catherine Payne. ; Signed: William Payne ; Witness: Thomas Payne & Thomas Hammons
799 29 December 1800 James Alexander Mary Payne Bondsman: Daniel Payne
999 5 July 1802 Richard Hughbanks Ailse Peachy Bondsman: Benjamin Peachy
1118 26 May 1803 John Patton Mary Peck Bondsman: James Patton & Thomas William
642 11 March 1799 Joseph Downing Sary Peddicord Please to grant to Joseph Downing license to Sary Peddicord and in doing so you will oblige your friend John. ; Witness: Thomas Gallagher & Jonathan Runford
1345 10 October 1805 Robert Craig Elizabeth Peddicord Bondsman: Abel Peddicord
646 11 March 1799 Joseph Downing Sarah Pedicord Bondsman: John Pedicord
284 8 August 1796 Isaac Chancelor Rebeccah Percel Bondsman: William Purcell
1002 10 July 1802 Charles Hammons Anna Perkins Bondsman: Sylvester Pattie
893 21 April 1801 Nathaniel Chanller Charity Peterson Bondsman: Thomas Waring
1035 11 October 1802 Richard Hammon Katharine Peyton Bondsman: Thomas Hubbard
918 27 July 1801 Thomas Raynolds Sally Philips Bondsman: William Williams
1365 18 December 1805 George N. Davis Harriot Philips Bondsman: George Ramsey
1248 6 July 1804 Benjamin Davis Milla Philips Bondsman: Gerrard Davis
1246 6 July 1804 Benjamin Davis Milla Philips Sir-you will grant Benjamin Davis a license to be married to my daughter Milla Philips with consent given under our hand. ; Signed: George Philips & Lilla Philips ; Witness: Gerrard Davis
962 7 April 1802 George Rogers Susanna Phillips Bondsman: George Phillips
285 7 September 1796 Edmund Phillips Milly Phillips Bondsman: George Phillips
500 9 September 1797 Thurston Thomas Martha Phillips Bondsman: George Phillips
919 27 July 1801 Thomas Reynolds Sally Phillips If you will please to grant to Mr. Thomas Reynolds license of marriage to my daughter Sally Phillips - North Fork of Licking - Mason County ; Signed: George Phillips & Salley Phillips ; Witness: Thurston Thomas & William Williams
875 10 September 1801 Thomas Wakefield Mary Pickerl Bondsman: Samuel Pickerl
1216 22 March 1804 Philip Horbough Jenny Pickrel Bondsman: Samuel Pickrel
533 12 February 1798 Silas Radcliff Elizabeth/Nancy Pinson Bondsman: James Harris
183 17 August 1795 Philip Marshall Margaret Pitts Bondsman: John Pitts
588 27 June 1798 Moses Moss Mary Pitzer Bondsman: James Monnohan
605 26 March 1798 John Wilson Rachel Plumer Sir- This is to certify that I George Plumer and Mary my wife is willing that John Wilson should have my daughter Rachel Plumer inlawful marriage. ; Signed: George Plumer
600 17 March 1798 John Willson Rachel Plumer Bondsman: Jeremiah Plumer
1324 15 August 1805 -- -- Nelly Plummer Mason Co. - Thomas Plummer personally appeared before the subcriber a Justice of the Peace of Mason and made oath that his sister Nelly Plummer is upwards of 21 years of age.
220 16 January 1796 John Wilcox Comfort Plummer Bondsman: John Riggen
321 16 December 1796 John Cruzen Rebecca Plummer Bondsman: Henry Plummer
1326 15 August 1805 Elijah Pixley Nelly Plummer Bondsman: Thomas Plummer
402 11 January 1797 Allen Wood Airy Poiter Bondsman: John Finard
582 2 August 1798 Leonard Simmons Elizabeth Pollard Bondsman: Benjamin Pollard
1108 7 December 1803 William Anno Rebecca Pollard Bondsman: Benjamin Pollard
915 17 July 1801 James Walker Cynthe Pool This is to certify that I am willing that James Walker and my daughter Cynthe Pool should join in the bounds of matrimony. ; Signed: John Pool ; Witness: John Pool Jr. & William Helm
658 26 August 1799 Patt Baylis Anne Pool Bondsman: James Walker ; John Pool Gave permission for his daughter Anne to marry Patt Baylis.
913 18 July 1801 James Walker Cinthe Pool Bondsman: William Helm
348 28 April 1797 James Cann Uree Popkin Bondsman: Andrew Chew
340 5 April 1797 John Garrard Elizabeth Porter Bondsman: Nathan Porter and Rob Smith
262 12 April 1796 Thomas Howard Sally Porter Bondsman: Hugh Jones
1176 No date given - listed with the September 1803 entries Charles Dobyns Betsy Porter As a marriage contract entered into between Charles Dobyns and Betsy Porter and we as gaurdians of Betsy Porter do certify that we are willing to give consent. ; Signed: Jean Porter & William Pepper ; Witness: Roly Porter & Joseph Pepper
270 30 July 1796 Thomas Wood Nancy Porter Bondsman: Evan Lloyd
1173 6 September 1803 Charles Dobyns Betsy Portor Bondsman: Thomas Dobyns & John Craig
469 3 August 1797 Willibay Stewart Sarah Powell This is to certify that Willibay Stewart has my consent in marriage to my daughter Sarah Powell given under my hand. ; Signed: John Powell ; Witness: Jacob Honsaker
1029 2 September 1802 Thomas Purcell Elizabeth Powell Bondsman: William Powell
1039 24 March 1802 John Stevenson Polly Prather Reginald Prather gave permission for his daughter Polly Prather to marry John Stevenson. ; Witness: Thomas Prather & John Prather & Benjamin Small
1040 26 March 1802 John Stevenson Polly Prather Bondsman: Benjamin Small
1109 26 December 1803 Stephen Collins Patsy Prator Bondsman: Jeremiah Prator
970 22 April 1802 Zepulon Applegate Sabitha Preston Bondsman: Robert Vanskike
959 22 April 1802 -- -- Sabitha Preston This day came Robert Vanskike before me a Justice of the Peace and made oath that Sabitha Preston is a widow.
857 1 December 1801 Aaron Horguson Kepiah Price Bondsman: Vezey Price
1116 6 May 1803 William Israel Martha Price Bondsman: Vezey Price
239 19 March 1796 David Bunnel Elizabeth Price Bondsman: Thomas Price
576 18 December 1798 William Greenard Milley Price Bondsman: Thomas Price
1290 29 November 1804 Isaac Proctor Catharine Proctor Bondsman: Jeremiah Proctor
580 27 June 1798 John Nichols Anne Proctor Bondsman: William Proctor
1026 1 September 1802 Peter Tevis Jane Purcell Bondsman: Leonard Cole
713 9 July 1799 Robert Bratton Betsy Purcell I hereby certify that I gave my consent for license to issue for my daughter Betsy Purcell to be joined in matrimony to Robert Bratton. ; Signed: Frances Purcell ; Witness: Thomas Tarvin & Robert Cracraft
707 29 July 1799 Robert Bratton Betsy Purcell Bondsman: Jesse Purcell
1289 14 November 1804 Daniel Thompson Mary Purdon Bondsman: John Dowden
894 22 April 1801 Abel Reece Elizabeth Purdon Bondsman: Jonah Purdon
1288 16 November 1804 Joseph Stableton Mary Purdon Bondsman: James Hurst
240 7 March 1796 Richard Botts Margaret Putnam Bondsman: George Berry
212 10 June 1796 Joseph Bouttinhaus Nancy Quick Bondsman: Charles Hughey
409 27 February 1797 Mercer Beeson Catherine Rains Bondsman: George Stockton
17 31 July 1790 John Lucas Frances Rains Bondsman: John Reins Permission granted by Cornelius Rains witnessed by Abner Lucas
182 14 October 1795 Stephen Colvin Susanna Ralston Bondsman: Josiah Davison
687 25 February 1799 Thomas Scott Matty Ralston Bondsman: George Ralston
860 5 November 1801 John Gray Rachel Ralston Bondsman: James Ross
767 6 September 1800 George Percell Peggy Randolph Bondsman: John Williams
1217 19 March 1804 William Walker Mary Rankin Bondsman: Moses Rankin brother to Mary Rankin proved she was over the age of 21
1038 13 March 1802 Ignatius Burris Margaret Rankin Bondsman: Lewis Lee
1272 18 January 1804 Richard Hornbuckle Margaret Rawlings Bondsman: Joseph Rawlings
1247 24 July 1804 Jeremiah Fenton Susannah Records Bondsman: John Haughey
772 10 September 1800 John Woods Catherine Records I hereby certify that I give my consent for license to issue for John Wood to be married to my daughter Catherine. ; Signed: Charity Records
460 12 July 1797 William Cromwill Blackman Polley Records Bondsman: John Records
56 30 November 1791 John Hughey Elizabeth Records Bondsman: Charles Hughey -Josiah Records gave permission for his daughter to marry.
10 12 August 1789 Charles Hughey Nancy Records (?) Bondsman: Tobias Wood
734 10 September 1800 Abraham Shockey Nancy Rector Bondsman: Charles Rector
48 28 January 1791 Eli Reeves Sally Redman Bondsman: Spencer Reeves
232 February 1796 Andrew Johnson Lydda Reed Bondsman: Hambleton Reed
681 4 April 1799 Cornelius Short Deliverance Reed Bondsman: Hamilton Reed
678 3 April 1799 Cornelius Short Deliverence Reed I Cornealius Short - I hereby certify that Cornelius Short My son - my consent to marry Deliverence Reed. ; Signed: Cornelious Short ; Witness: John Short & John

1338 10 September 1805 John Higgonbottom Jane Reed Bondsman: William Shields
1335 10 September 1805 John Higginbotom Jean Reed We do hereby certify that John Higginbotom has our consent to join in matimony with our daughter Jean Reed. ; Signed: Hulkam Reed & Margaret Reed ; Witness: William Shields
230 5 February 1796 Noah Shipley Ann Reed Bondsman: Samuel Shipley
1042 15 March 1802 Benjamin Smalls Ann Reese Bondsman: Thomas Parish
88 28 January 1792 Eli Records ? Reeves Permission granted by Daniel Redmon and Sarah Redmon. Witnessed by Benjamin Reeves and Spencer Reeves.
179 11 April 1795 Mathew Mahon Sarah Reeves Bondsman: Charles Mahon - Asa Reeves and Sarah Reeves gave permission for Mathew Mahon to marry their daughter Sarah Reeves.
52 20 January 1791 Benjamin Reeves Nancy Reeves Note from Elijah Reeves giving permission for his daughter to marry. Also signed by Margaret Reeves - witnessed by Spencer Reeves.
667 8 June 1799 Samuel Burke Peggy Reeves Bondsman: Samuel Gallagher
16 6 November 1790 Spencer Reeves Susanna Reeves Bondsman: Samuel Jones Permission granted by Elijah Reeves witnessed by William Reeves.
663 24 August 1799 Joseph Chilton Nancy Reeves Bondsman: Burgess Mason
28 3 November 1790 Samuel Jones Elizabeth Reeves Bondsman: Spencer Reeves ; Permission granted by Elijah Reeves
443 8 May 1797 Mathew Eaclins Rebecca Rice Bondsman: Spencer Reeves
635 18 November 1799 Samuel Logan Pheby Richards Bondsman: Michael Daugherty
1067 22 December 1802 William Gooden Elizabeth Rigdon Bondsman: French Martin
470 14 August 1797 John Walton Sarah Rise Bondsman: Job Walton
467 15 August 1797 John Walton Sarah Rise Rebeka Rise gave permission for Sarah Rise to marry John Walton. ; Witness: Matthew Gray and Alex & Jeri Gray
570 14 December 1798 James Taylor Elizabeth Roach Bondsman: Thomas Young
1006 24 August 1802 Edward Taylor Nancy Roach Bondsman: James Taylor
1007 29 August 1802 Edward Taylor Nancy Roach I do hereby certify that I have given my free consent that Edward Taylor may have my daughter Nancy Roach for a wife. ; Signed: Charles Roach ; Witness: James Bailey & James Taylor
1097 6 May 1803 Thomas McIlvain Polly Robb Bondsman: Robert Robb
1224 24 December 1804 John Larue Elizabeth Robertson Bondsman: Richard Robertson
1179 21 March 1804 Elijah Rush Elizabeth Robertson Bondsman: George Robertson
479 12 August 1797 Gideon Minor Nancy Robertson Sir - Mr. Gideon Minor will apply for license to marry my daughter Nancy Robertson which you may grant as I am consentive to the match. ; Signed: Edward Robertson
118 June 1793 Hayden Rolph Nelly Robertson James Rolph consented to the marriage of his son - Hayden Rolph to Nelly Robertson. Witness: James Lawson.
587 28 August 1798 Arthur Watson Tempy Robertson Bondsman: Richard Robertson
531 13 November 1798 Samuel Harmon Elizabeth Robin Bondsman: ? Davis
473 August 1797 William Nevin Mary Robinson James Robinson gave permission for his daughter Mary Robinson to marry William Nevin.
475 10 August 1797 William Nevin Mary Robinson Bondsman: Joseph Mulliday
1353 12 October 1805 James Miller Nancy Robinson Bondsman: John Lerew
526 12 February 1798 Ezekiel Doddy Margaret Rodcliffe Bondsman: John Harris
1095 21 November 1803 John Forman Catharine Roe Bondsman: William Roe
399 26 January 1797 John Hurst Patty Roe Bondsman: Josiah Carnes
400 10 January 1797 John Dixon Rachel Rogers Bondsman: Moses Wood
248 4 April 1796 Jacob Platter Nancy Rogers Bondsman: John Rogers
577 11 December 1798 Hugh Fulton Jane Rogers Bondsman: John Rogers
571 11 December 1798 David Starke Martha Rogers Bondsman: John Rogers
1356 22 June 1805 Joseph Yorke Nancy Rose Bondsman: Enoch Rose
388 10 January 1797 Samuel Cox Hannah Rose Bondsman: Nathanial Hixson
379 4 March 1797 Richard Ross Mary Ross Bondsman: Richard Dunn
994 18 July 1802 John Oliver Polly Ross Bondsman: Samuel Staggs
764 30 July 1800 Archilbald Williams Mary Ross Bondsman: Johnson Ross
1243 28 June 1804 Elijah Standiford Rebecca Rouse Bondsman: Wilden Rouse
773 25 September 1800 Daniel Evans Mary Rowland Bondsman: James Rowland
309 14 November 1796 Vachel Hinton Nancy Roy Bondsman: Samuel Hinton
507 28 January 1798 John Shehan Ruth Rubart Bondsman: John Clarke
630 8 December 1799 William McCarty Martha Rubart Bondsman: Chris Main
550 22 September 1798 -- -- Jane Ruggles Mason County Clerk - Johnathan Ruggles this day personally appeared before me a Justice of Peace and made oath that Jane Ruggles is above the age of 21. ; Signed: Benjamin Baylis
567 22 September 1798 Thomas Plummer Jane Ruggles Bondsman: Jonathan Ruggles
787 8 December 1800 Elijah Bell Susannah Runyan Bondsman: Daniel Runyon
244 22 March 1796 Shadrach Northcutt Ruth Runyon Bondsman: Abraham Shockey
247 22 March 1796 Shadrach Northcutt Ruth Runyon This is to certify that I have given my consent that my daughter Ruth Runyon should be married to Shadrach Northcutt.; Signed: Daniel Runyon; Witness: Abraham Shockey.
973 ? May 1802 Levi Haines Nancy Rush Bondsman: Thomas Webb & Jeremiah Prater
278 8 August 1796 Vincent Colvin Christina Ruth Bondsman: James Colvin
113 29 February 1793 Humphrey Hughey Lyn Sanders Bondsman: Thomas Brooks and Simon Kenton and William Brooks
984 3 May 1802 Clement Walter Susanna Sanders Bondsman: John Howard
1357 20 June 1805 Nathaniel Hurst Martha Sanders Bondsman: Clement Walker - Sarah Hurst
330 4 April 1797 Peter Journey Eleanor Sargent Bondsman: John Salmon
326 no date given Peter Journey Elenor Sargent Sir: This is to inform you that we have no objections to the marriage of Peter Journey and Elenor Sargent our daughter Please to grant the said Journey license for that purpose and oblige yours.; Signed: James Sargent and Philenia Sargent ; Witness: John Salmon and Silas Sargent.
117 26 March 1793 James Edwards Nancy Scott --
1223 27 December 1804 Benjamin Bowman Sally Scott Bondsman: Edward Scott
1027 7 September 1802 William Pepper Polly Scroggs Bondsman: Whitfield Craig
6 12 December 1789 David Milner Margaret Selick Bondsman: David Broderick
268 30 May 1796 Alexander Bushan Polly Sellers Bondsman: James Buchannon
223 2 January 1796 Christopher Mitciff Sally Shackelford Bondsman: John Shackelford
1251 9 July 1804 John Owens Elizabeth Shaw Bondsman: Marshall Key
833 27 May 1800 John Rairdon Catherine Shaw Bondsman: Robert Jack
341 18 April 1797 John Linville Elizabeth Shehan --
1056 16 November 1802 William Dye Jemima Shelley Bondsman: John Dye & Joshua Shelley
741 24 March 1800 Benjamin Plummer Polly Shepherd Bondsman: Solomon Shepherd
233 18 February 1796 Aquilla Wood Jane Shepherd Bondsman: John Shepherd
1189 21 February 1804 William Gentle Elizabeth Shepherd Bondsman: John Merrick
194 6 July 1795 Bazil Foat Sally Shepherd Bondsman: John Shepherd [Ed.Note: Researcher Evelyn Wirick reports that the groom's name is Basil Tout.]
194 6 July 1795 Basil Tout [See Bazil Foat] Sally Shepherd Bondsman: John Shepherd
1188 21 February 1804 -- -- Elizabeth Shepherd Mason County - This day came John Merrick before me a Justice of the Peace for said county and made oath that he has always understood that the father and mother of Elizabeth Shepherd who now lives with him has been dead for this several years.
598 2 March 1798 William Givens Mary Shields Bondsman: William Shields
1331 10 August 1805 Charles Bagby Maron Shirderron Bondsman: Marshall Key
634 3 June 1797 Abraham Welch Margaret Shirly Bondsman: John Deya
616 19 January 1799 John Wise Mary Shortwell I do hereby certify all that it may concern that I give my consent to the marriage of my son. John Wise to Mary Shortwell. ; Signed: Adam Wise ; Witness: Henry Jackson & John Shotwell
966 6 April 1802 Thomas Webb Ann Shotwell Bondsman: John Shotwell
25 16 August 1790 Richard Tennant Lydia Shotwell Bondsman: Jonathan Stout
121 5 February 1793 Sandford Mitchell Lidea Shotwell --
12 26 September 1789 Abraham Wood Charlotte Shotwell Bondsman: John Shotwell
618 19 January 1799 John Wise Mary Shotwell Bondsman: John Shotwell
357 28 December 1797 James Scott Margaret Simms Bondsman: John Simms
496 132 September 1797 John Callan Anney Simpson Bondsman: John Boiles
160 5 November 1795 George Barnaby Susanna Slack Bondsman: Joseph Adams
1298 14 January 1805 John Hewlett Sarah Slack Bondsman: John Slack
1180 1 February 1804 Henry Sidwell Casandra Slack Bondsman: John Slack
1082 26 January 1803 Samuel Howe Isabella Smith Bondsman: Hezekiah Peak
1079 26 January 1803 Samuel Howe Isabella Smith This may certify that my daughter Isabella Smith is of full age of maturity and has my free consent to unite herself in marriage with Samuel Howe. ; Signed: Margaret Smith
1354 10 June 1805 Samuel Westover Ruth Smith Bondsman: William Wood
167 30 November 1795 Joseph Kilgore Margaret Smith --
110 5 August 1793 Arthur Allason Sarah Smith Bondsman: Samuel Smith
586 8 August 1798 Elijah Moss Polly Smith Bondsman: Uriah Glasscock
584 8 August 1798 Elijah Moss Polly Smith This is to certify that I- Andrew Smalley and Susannah Smalley of being her stepfather and my wife being her mother - we do certify that we have no objections against our daughter Polly Smith being married to Elijah Moss. ; Signed: Andrew Smalley & Susannah Smalley ; Witness: William Moss & Peter Glasscock
722 11 December 1799 John Egnew Margaret Smith Bondsman: James Best
1271 13 January 1804 Barton Lee Ruth Smith Bondsman: Henry Smith
235 5 March 1796 Abraham Stow Amy Smith This is to certify that I Margaret Smith am fully satisfied to have my daughter Amy Smith wedded to Abraham Stow in marriage as given under my hand.; Signed: Margaret Smith; Witness: Robert Dougherty
855 2 December 1801 Samuel Forman Margaret Smith Bondsman: Samuel Smith
883 14 March 1801 John Logan Jr. Ruth Smith Bondsman: Waller Burgess
231 22 February 1796 Benjamin Brevard Catherine Smith Bondsman: Henry Smith
480 1 August 1797 John Davidson Mary Smithfield Bondsman: Christian Long
422 6 February 1797 John Wilson Polly Smoot Bondsman: John Kellaman
424 6 February 1797 John Willson Polly Smoot I herby certify that John Willson has my permission to obtain a License to celebrate marriage between the said John Willson and my daughter Polly Smoot. Given under my hand and seal this 6th day of February 1797. ; Signed: John Smoot ; Witness: Stephen Vicars
238 22 March 1796 William Rees Ruth Snider Bondsman: Erza Luntz
42 2 March 1792 Nehemiah Bennington Elisabeth Sotherland Note signed by Angus Sotherland states he has no objection to his daughter to marry and she is of full age.
1057 23 November 1802 Moses Dimmets Sally Soward Bondsman: Elisha Soward - James Dimmets
1172 11 September 1803 Thomas Peters Mary Sparling Bondsman: George Sparling
606 14 March 1798 James Hurst Elizabeth Stableton Sir -This is to let you know I have given consent for James Hurst to marry my daughter Elizabeth Stableton ; Signed: William Stableton
1400 16 February 1805 William McGlone Mary Stagg Bondsman: James Marshall - Joseph Stagg
944 30 January 1802 Walker Ailer Rebecca Stalcup Bondsman: Seth Curtis
599 12 March 1798 James Hurst Elizabeth Stapleton Bondsman: Robert McCullock
384 8 March 1797 Vachel Weldon Peggy Staton Bondsman: Peter Staton
328 16 April 1797 Nevill Redmon Charlotte Stephenson Bondsman: John Redmon
854 7 December 1801 Christopher Murphy Elizabeth Stevenson Bondsman: Thomas Stevenson
1387 2 April 1805 James Griffith Ary Stevenson Bondsman: Thomas Stevenson
1050 2 March 1802 Thomas Prather Ann W. Stewart Bondsman: Charles Stewart
585 30 August 1798 John Records Sarah Stewart Bondsman: William Stewart
1262 18 October 1804 John Green Amy Stewart Bondsman: William Stewart
418 9 February 1797 John Gray Mary Stewart Bondsman: Matthew Gray
539 no date given - listed with the April/May entries 1798 Joseph Killgore Margaret Stith Sir - you have my approtation (?) to issue marriage license for my daughter Margaret Stith who is underage and about to join in wedlock to Mr. Joseph Killgore. ; Signed: Samuel Stith
44 No Date - 1792 John Justus Mary Christina Stizletts Bondsman: Thomas Marshall
631 19 June 1799 Benjamin Bassett Anne Stout Bondsman: David Stout
1370 17 May 1805 Thomas Donovan Catherine Stout Bondsman: William Donovan
657 26 August 1799 William Powell Penellopy Stout Bondsman: David Stout
416 24 February 1797 Nicholas Resner Mary Stout Bondsman: Zebulon Stewart
1369 no date given - listed with May 1805 entries -- -- Catharine Stout Sir: The ill state of my health prevents my call with Mr. Thomas Dunevin at your office in order to obtain a license for marriage to my daughter Catharine Stout which I fully give my consent. ; Signed: John Stout ; Witness: William Donovan & Elisabeth Hart
415 24 February 1797 Nicholas Rezner Mary Stout I do hereby certify that I have not any objections to a marriage intended between my daughter Mary Stout to Nicholas Rezner. Given under my hand and seal this 24 day of February 1797 ; Signed: David Stout ; Witness: Susanna Basset & Zebulon Stout
1064 21 December 1802 David Smith Polly Strano (?) --
1125 23 February 1803 Jonathan Kenyon Sarah Stratton Bondsman: John Shults
1140 13 April 1803 William Lawry Elizabeth Stratton Bondsman: Jacob Koins (?)
1146 13 April 1803 William Lawry Elizabeth Stratton Marriage is intended between William Lawry and Elizabeth Stratton daughter of Josiah Stratton and Catherine Stratton. Consent was given.
1127 23 February 1803 -- -- Sarah Stratton This is to certify that I have given you liberty of marrying my eldest daughter Sarah Stratton. ; Signed: Aaron Stratton ; Witness: John Shults
1355 3 June 1805 James McLaughlin Jemima Streach Bondsman: William Streach
540 28 May 1798 Robert Killgore Rachel Strode Bondsman: Samuel Strode
256 20 April 1796 Benjamin Rankin Catherine Stubblefield Sir - Please to issue a license to Mr. Benjamin Rankin to be married to my daughter Catherine Stubblefield. This from your most humble servant. Signed: Robert Stubblefield; Witness: Thomas Hedges
252 20 April 1796 Benjamin Rankin Catherine Stubblefield Bondsman: George Rankin
607 30 November 1798 Frances Preston Elizabeth Stubblefield Bondsman: Benjamin Rankins
612 30 November 1799 Frances Preston Elizabeth Stubblefield Sir - I have no objection to your issuing of license for the marriage of Mr. Frances Preston & my daughter Elizabeth Stubblefield. ; Signed: Robert Stubblefield ; Witness: Benjamin Rankins & Winslow Parker
685 16 February 1799 Richard Dogget Elizabeth Sullivan Bondsman: John Sullivan
382 20 March 1797 John Cooper Nancy Summers Bondsman: Micajah Cooper
882 7 March 1801 Thomas McCollester Lydia Summers Bondsman: John Waters
949 5 January 1802 John Fuller Polly Summers Bondsman: John Cooper
990 9 June 1802 James Gray Agnes Summers This is to certify that there is no objection on neither side against my son James Gray and Agnes Summers being lawful married. ; Signed: Matthew Gray ; Witness: David Wood & Simon Hefflin
989 9 June 1802 James Gray Agnes Summers Bondsman: David Wood
46 3 December 1792 William Helm Elizabeth Sunman Hans Ireland gave permission for his daughter to marry.
313 1 November 1796 Nathaniel Busby Sarah Sutton Bondsman: Charles Gallagher
1351 7 October 1805 John Tomson Jenny Swart This is to certify that I- Henry Swart is agreed to marriage contracted between John Tomson and Jenny Swart my daughter. ; Signed: Henry Swart
1352 9 October 1805 John Thompson Jenny Swart --
195 13 March 1795 James Hall Elizabeth Swisher Bondsman: Richard Crosure
1238 19 June 1804 Luke Terhune Francis Tabb Bondsman: John Tabb
1306 8 January 1806 James Flora Sary Tarvin Bondsman: Thomas Tarvin
702 29 June 1799 Thomas Cracraft Elizabeth Tarvin Bondsman: George Tarvin
1092 14 November 1803 Samuel Givens Lucy Taylor Bondsman: Elijah Mastin
1208 15 May 1804 Robert McIlvain Jane Taylor Bondsman: John Taylor
265 7 May 1796 John Scott Jane Taylor Bondsman: Daniel Ray
1301 17 January 1805 Samuel Mefford Elizabeth Taylor Bondsman: John Walker ; George Mefford gave consent for his son Samuel Mefford to be married to Elizabeth Taylor.
1028 20 September 1802 William Asbury Sarah Taylor Bondsman: Elijah Martin
365 29 December 1797 Jarod Irwin Eleanor Taylor Bondsman: William Taylor
1133 15 June 1802 -- -- Margaret Taylor France Taylor this day came before me a Justice of the Peace and made oath that he believe that his sister
1134 16 June 1803 John Chambers Margaret Taylor Bondsman: William Murphy
884 28 October 1801 John Littlejohn Ann Taylor Bondsman: Robert Taylor
824 25 March 1800 Elijah Mastin Mary Taylor Bondsman: James Nichols
334 5 January 1797 Eli Whiley Elizabeth Teals Bondsman: Simon Pritchart
359 13 December 1797 Benjamin Leech Tavis Tenis Bondsman: John Baker
510 19 January 1798 John McNary Sarah Tennis Bondsman: Samuel Tennis
1323 20 December 1805 Elisha Gifford Anna Tennis Bondsman: John McMary
562 29 August 1798 Jesse Wood Keturah Tharp Bondsman: William Wood
938 25 February 1801 John Johnston Jane Theramoud (?) Bondsman: Thomas Theramron(?)
431 no date given - listed with March 1797 entries William Jones Joanna Thomas Sir - to grant William Jones a license to be married to my daughter Joanna Thomas. ; Signed: Richard Thomas ; Witness: Benjamin Thomas
615 8 January 1799 Lewis Hawkins Lucy Thomas Sir-you are hereby otherwise to grant license to Lewis Hawkins to join him and Lucy Thomas together as man and wife. I being guardian to said Hawkins and the other my sister and under my care. My father and mother being deceased - given under my hand. ; Signed: Phileman Thomas
58 28 February 1791 William Herbert Margaret Thomas Bondsman: Thomas Pettit
972 6 May 1802 Garlan Chiles Frankey Thomas Sir - you are at liberty with my consent to grant Mr. Garlan Chiles license to be married to my daughter Frankey Thomas. ; Signed: Philemon Thomas ; Witness: Jesse Bowles & Whit Craig
622 9 January 1799 Lewis Hawkins Lucy Thomas Bondsman: Thomas Thomas
434 3 March 1797 William Jones Joanna Thomas Bondsman: Benjamin Thomas
837 30 January 1800 Adam Fisher Sarah Thomas Bondsman: Phinheas Thomas
841 17 January 1800 Stephen Bowles Ann Thomas Bondsman: Thomas Thomas
758 6 August 1800 Andrew Jackson Phebe Thomas Bondsman: Phineas Thomas
975 7 May 1802 Garlen Chiles Frankey Thomas Bondsman: Whitfield Craig
908 30 June 1801 John Logan Sr. Mary Thompson Bondsman: Walter S. Burgess
165 9 March 1795 William Laughlin Polly Thompson Bondsman: Matthew Thompson
391 3 January 1797 James Brown Nancy Thompson Sir: This is to certify that I have no objections to James Brown marrying my daughter Nancy Thompson
185 13 February 1795 David Denman Sarah Thompson Bondsman: Rice Thompson
397 3 January 1797 James Brown Nancy Thompson Bondsman: David Duncan
153 27 February 1795 Thomas Patterson Rosana Thompson Bondsman: Nathaniel Morris
745 18 March 1800 Robert Dickson Elizabeth Thomson I do hereby certify that I - William Thomson is agreed to all the conclusions betwixt Robert Dickson and Elizabeth Thomson my daughter. ; Signed: William Thomson ; Witness: Benjamin Ellis & John Thomson
742 18 March 1800 Robert Dickson Elizabeth Thomson Bondsman: John Thompson
746 4 March 1800 Abraham Dodge Sally Thomson Bondsman: Nathan G. Norris
1063 14 December 1802 James Watson Mary Thorn Bondsman: William Thorn
842 13 January 1800 William Ginn Sary Thoroman This is to certify that I- William Thoroman of the county of Mason- State of Kentucky do please the clerk of said county to grant William Ginn of said county license to be wedded to my daughter Sary Thoroman. ; Signed: William Thoroman ; Witness: Charles Thoroman & James Ginn
751 13 January 1800 William Ginn Sally Thoroman Bondsman: James Ginn
1373 28 May 1805 Jacob Metz Mary Thoroughman Bondsman: William Thoroughman
661 15 August 1799 James Brown Betsy Thorton Bondsman: James Thorton
219 15 January 1796 Evan Mills Lydia Threkill Bondsman: James Threlkill
407 25 December 1797 Henry Bower Eleanor Thrilkeld Bondsman: John Thrilkeld
518 12 January 1798 Jeffrey Cox Ann Tillett Bondsman: Edward Bright
522 12 January 1798 Jeffrey Cox Ann Tillett Bondsman: Edward Bright
698 14 September 1799 John Mahin Susannah Tillitt Bondsman: John Mahin
1202 30 May 1804 Ellis Dwier Elizabeth Tinnis Bondsman: Samuel Tinnis & John McNary
760 13 August 1800 John Jones Mary Treese Bondsman: Thomas Jones - John Treese
290 10 September 1796 Elias Hord Ann Triplett Bondsman: Robert Triplett
236 29 March 1796 John Tomkins Rachel Tunis Bondsman: Hugh J. Marshall
257 4 April 1796 William Jackson Prissy Twoel Bondsman: John Twoel
208 6 June 1796 Thomas Moore Rhody Underwood Bondsman: George Hutton
1228 8 October 1804 George Nebzer Sally Valentine Bondsman: Henry Valentine
1263 8 October 1804 Abraham Dawson Phoebe Vancamp Bondsman: Isaac Dawson - Garret Vancamp
1391 5 March 1805 Jacob Vanchoyke Molly Vanchoyke Bondsman: Archibald Wiggins
336 3 April 1797 Joseph Rulan Ruth Vanmeter Bondsman: Joseph Vanmeter
299 23 September 1796 William Purcel Polly Vanskiex Bondsman: Robert Vanskiex
1142 6 April 1803 Marshall Brown Elizabeth Vantreece Bondsman: Frederick Vantreece
1317 24 January 1805 Francis Dennis Polly Vorhes Bondsman: James Porter
394 19 January 1797 Lewis Coryell Sarah Voshal Bondsman: Aaron Haughton
1003 14 August 1802 William Hesler Catherine Waits This is to certify that I Elizabeth Thomas who am the mother of Catherine Waits have no objection against her marrying William Hesler. ; Signed: Elizabeth Thomas ; Witness: James Waits & Ephramin Thomas
1011 14 August 1802 William Hesler Catherine Waits Bondsman: James Waits
1334 14 September 1805 -- -- Sarah Walker This day came before me a Justice of the Peace for said county and made oath that Sarah Walker has been a widow for 4 years last. ; Signed: John Walker
682 16 February 1799 Joseph Meyers Margaret Walker Bondsman: Jacob Meyers
286 3 September 1796 James Thrilkill Any Waller Bondsman: Thomas Waller
251 25 April 1796 Durey Ragsdale Sophia Waller Bondsman: Thomas Waller
639 27 May 1799 James Small Elizabeth Waller Bondsman: William Helm
1386 15 April 1805 Daniel Boone Mary Wallingford Sir: As there seems to be real intentions of marriage between my son Daniel Boone and Miss Mary Wallingford a daughter of Nicholas Wallingford I do hereby give my consent. ; Signed: Jacob Boone
1385 16 April 1805 Daniel Boone Mary Wallingford Bondsman: Thomas Nicholson
952 3 February 1802 John Pollard Elizabeth Wallingford Bondsman: Thomas Currey
1230 24 September 1804 Samuel Bickett Prudence Wallingford Bondsman: Nicholas Wallingford
530 26 February 1798 James Callan Ann Wallis Bondsman: William Vansickle
688 27 February 1799 Nathaniel Moore Nancy Walsh Bondsman: Phinehas Thomas
677 8 June 1799 William Jones Sinai Walters I certify that I freely consent to the marriage of William Jones & my daughter Sinai Walters. Witness my hand 8 June 1799. ; Signed: Levy Walters ; Witness: Robert Taylor Sen.
676 8 June 1799 William Jones Sinai Walters Signed: Robert Taylor
327 8 April 1797 Edward Robertson Betsy Walton Bondsman: John Winn
1307 14 January 1805 William Walton Barbary Walton Bondsman: John Walton
748 29 December 1800 Nathan Smith Ester Waterman Whereas the parents of Ester Waterman an infant under the age of 21 are long since dead and she has no relations now living in this county and has been living with me and under my protection for sometime. I do therefore give consent that she the said Ester marry Nathan Smith of Mason County which I conceive myself authorized to do and do hereby request the clerk of the County of Mason to issue a license accordingly. Given under my hand and seal this 29 day of December 1800. ; Signed: Nathan Smith ; Witness: John Chambers & Peyton R. Key
213 28 June 1796 Samuel Hanson Rebecah Waterman Bondsman: Joseph Goddard
801 29 December 1800 Nathan Smith Ester Waterman Bondsman: Nathan Smith
1047 12 March 1802 Lewis Cooper Mary Waters Bondsman: James Barton
1044 no date given - listed among the March 1802 entries Lewis Cooper Mary Waters John Cooper gave consent for his son Lewis Cooper to marry Mary Waters.
1045 no date given - listed among the March 1802 entries Lewis Cooper Mary Waters John Waters gave consent for his daughter Mary Walters to marry Lewis Cooper. ; Witness: James Waters & James Barton
1200 23 April 1804 James Major Hannah Watkins Bondsman: William Millikin
1034 20 October 1802 James Campbell Hannah Watkins Bondsman: Hugh Rankin
305 15 October 1796 Aaron Moore Sarah Watson --
543 November 1798 Samuel Helm Phebe Watson Sir - This is to certify that I have no objection against your issuing marriage license for Samuel Helm and my daughter Phebe Watson as I have no objection against their joining in marriage. ; Signed: John Watson
1337 3 September 1805 Samuel Pollard Ruth Watson Bondsman: Michael Watson
1119 14 May 1803 James Vickers Polly Watson Bondsman: John Watson
922 13 August 1801 John Highsong Elizabeth Watson Bondsman: Elkanah Watson
1151 31 August 1803 Edward McDaniel Mary Watson Bondsman: Mary Watson
923 13 August 1801 -- -- Elizabeth Watson Elkanah Watson went before a Justice of the Peace and made oath that his sister Elizabeth Watson is twenty-five years of age.
534 17 November 1798 Samuel Nelm Phebe Watson Bondsman: John Clarke
1348 14 October 1805 John Grover Sarah Weaver Bondsman: Robert Hill
186 14 April 1795 John Rogers Elizabeth Webb Bondsman: John Webb
1330 18 August 1805 Samuel Stephen Elly Welch Bondsman: John Welch
1218 14 March 1804 Daniel Byce Rachel Wells Bondsman: John Collins
840 4 January 1800 Elijah Galloway Nancy West Bondsman: Thomas Price
845 3 January 1800 Elijah Galloway Nancy West I do hereby give from under my hand and seal this 3rd day of January 1800 that Michal West has not the least objection against the said Elijah Galloway having his daughter Nancy West to wife. ; Signed: Michal West ; Witness: Thomas Rice & Thomas Myers
1014 31 August 1802 James Nichols Nancy Whaley Bondsman: John Whaley
1102 23 May 1803 Mark Wallingford Mary Whaley Bondsman: William Baker Whaley
104 8 January 1793 John Williams Sabra Whaly Bondsman: John Taylor
1169 28 September 1803 Vincent Cleany Elizabeth Wheatly Bondsman: Marshall Key
638 27 May 1799 Thomas T. Worthington Lydia Whips Bondsman: James Whips
1266 1 October 1804 Thomas Foley Worthington Airy Whips (Signature says Thomas Wheaton) ; Bondsman: John Whips
485 7 November 1797 William Cole Mary Whitaker Bondsman: Harmon Hill
27 28 January 1790 James Brooks Mary White Bondsman: Thomas Brooks; William White gave permission for his daughter- Mary to marry. Witness: William Brooks and Thomas Brooks.
381 23 March 1797 Amos Durbin Susanna White Bondsman: David White
666 8 June 1799 John Lakin Sarah White Bondsman: David White
996 20 July 1802 Alexander Carter Margaret White Bondsman: William Ratcliff - James West
1053 16 March 1802 Samuel Hanks Nancy Wiatt Bondsman: Johah Pardum
589 26 Jan 1798 William Wamsley Sarah Wickoff Bondsman: John Wickoff
31 20 July 1790 Aaron Wells Ruth Wiggins Bondsman: John Flowers
710 31 July 1799 John Kile Rachel Wiggins Bondsman: James Kile
610 19 November 1799 John Higgins Ruth Wiggins Bondsman: Jeremiah Lawson
127 29 April 1795 John Shepherd Nancy Wiley Bondsman: William Wiley
608 26 November 1799 Adam Wise Margaret Wiley Bondsman: John Wiley
201 8 September 1795 James Mullin Esther Wilkinson --
1128 12 February 1803 Noble Grimes (first name not given) Willett Bondsman: Charles Willett
689 1 February 1799 John Wallace Prudence Willett Bondsman: Benjamin Applegate
1404 Date is unreadable - 1805 Soloman Forman Elizabeth Willett Bondsman: Charles Willett
320 15 December 1796 Thomas Bainfield Prewdy Williams Bondsman: William Parkinson
158 2 March 1795 Stephen Burnett Freelove Williams Bondsman: Archibald Williams
216 8 June 1796 John Dinsmore Mary Wills Bondsman: James Wills
544 17 November 1798 Amos Evans Elizabeth Willson Bondsman: Charles Gallgher
1277 24 January 1804 Joseph Ross Elenor Wilson This is to certify that I have given my consent to marriage intended between Joseph Ross and my daughter Elenor Wilson. ; Signed: Samuel Wilson
983 20 May 1802 James Dun Nancy Wilson Bondsman: Jese Carrington
831 7 May 1800 George Corwine Elizabeth Wilson Bondsman: Zephannah Hart
123 18 October 1794 Thomas Parks Ann Wilson Bondsman: James McCullock
969 27 April 1802 John Boyd Sarah Wilson Bondsman: William Wilson
159 6 March 1795 Biah Martin Sarah Wilson Bondsman: George Wilson
1182 18 February 1804 John Houston Mary Wilson Bondsman: John McKee
971 no date given - listed among the April/May 1802 entries John Bird Sarah Wilson This is to certify that I am guardian to Sarah Wilson daughter of John Wilson deceased. She is going to contract marriage with John Bird. It is with my consent and likewise her mother's. ; Signed: William G. Wilson
1278 31 January 1804 Joseph Ross Elenor Wilson Bondsman: John Gray
828 17 May 1800 George -- Elizabeth Wilson I hereby certify that I have no objection to the intended marriage between my son George and Elizabeth Wilson. ; Signed: Richard Corwine ; Witness: Zephamiah Hart & Rachel Corwine
364 9 December 1797 William Taylor Catherine Wise Addam Wise gave consent for his daughter Catherine Wise to marry William Taylor; Witness: Dolly Wise
370 29 December 1797 William Taylor Catherine Wise Bondsman: Jarod Irwin
297 16 September 1796 Andrew Robertson Anne Wishard Bondsman: William Wishard
218 30 Jan 1796 Robert Courtney Jane Wishard Bondsman: William Wishard
1106 19 October 1803 Cornelius Drake Fanny Witherspoon Bondsman: James Witherspoon
152 16 February 1795 Ebenezer Lucas ? Wood Bondsman: Jeremiah Wood
871 13 January 1801 Samuel Clark Rachel Wood --
181 3 October 1795 William Ritchey Esther Wood Bondsman: George Wood
14 17 September 1790 Samuel Heath Polly Wood Bondsman: William Wood
1401 2 February 1805 William Dye Charlotte Wood Bondsman: John Wise
99 29 March 1793 George Meranda Sarah Wood Bondsman: John Strobe
79 3 March 1792 David Tarl Margaret Wood Bondsman: Mills Stevenson
168 8 May 1795 Jeremiah Shannon Phoebe Wood Bondsman: William Goforth
590 28 June 1798 William Coleman Ann Wood Bondsman: William Goforth
557 25 September 1798 Benjamin Baylis Elizabeth Wood Bondsman: George Wood
51 31 November 1791 William Goodin Susannah Wood Bondsman; Michael Ryan Note from Richard Wood giving his permission for his daughter to marry.
112 29 June 1793 Levi White Elizabeth Wood Bondsman: Adam Shrofe
700 16 September 1799 James Lees Mary Wood Sir: As James Lees and Mary Wood my daughter has agreed to join in the bonds of matrimoney. ; These are to request you to give him license. ; Signed: Richard Wood ; Witness: Allen Wood
1394 14 March 1805 Elijah Sargent Betsy Wood Bondsman: Benjamin Wood
701 16 September 1799 James Hays Mary Wood Bondsman: Thomas Wood
303 6 October 1796 Alexander Montgomery Mary Worthington Bondsman: John Worthington
1049 16 March 1802 Samuel Hanks Nancy Wyatt This is to certify that to all who it may concern that we have no objection to the married of our daughter Nancy Wyatt and Samuel Hanks. ; Signed: Elisha Wyatt & Nancy Wyatt ; Witness: Abel Reese
900 16 May 1801 John Trusell Mary Yancey Bondsman: Ludwill Yancey
211 21 June 1796 Jesse Talman Dorothy Young Bondsman: Reuben Young
740 19 March 1800 Joseph Hillman Polly Youngman Bondsman: Daniel Hillman
1393 16 March 1805 John Hines Charity Youngman Bondsman: Berry Hines - Jacob Youngman
398 20 January 1797 Samuel Gotlig Susanna Zorns Bondsman: Martin Zorns

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