
Marriage Abstract 2, 1806-1817 - Groom Index


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Mason County Marriage Abstract 2, 1806-1817, Groom Index
Records abstracted and contributed by Gail Childress; prepared for submission by Kathy Hines, February 8, 2003

ID Date Groom Given Groom Surname Bride
Bride Surname Notes
1 12 February 1817 -- -- Frances Thornton Elias Neale of the county of Mason and state of Kentucky has my permission to marry my daughter Frances Thornton Clerk of the County will please grant a license. Signed: Elizabeth Thorton Witness: Richard Lee; Thorton Byram
2 15 January 1814 -- -- Mary Small Thomas Small this day came before me a Justice of the Peace and made oath that his sister Mary Small is over 21 years. Signed: Samuel Baldwin
3 15 November 1815 -- -- Elizabeth Allison Mason County. This day came Joseph Allison before me Samuel Baldwin a Justice of the Peace for the County aforesaid and made oath that he does believe his sister Elizabeth Allison is of the age of Twenty one years.
4 16 November 1815 -- -- Mary Robertson This day Mary Robertson came before me and made oath that she is of the age of twenty one. Signed: Samuel Baldwin
5 17 February 1810 -- -- Mary Moke This day came John Dye before me a justice of the Peace for said county and made oath that he believes Mary Moke (a girl that lives with him) is over the age of Twenty one years
6 19 April 1817 Tommy -- Miss Francis -- NOTE: This letter was written to Doctor A. Doniphan of Germantown 19 April 1817 - Belle Air Near Lexington. Esteemed Friend Tommy has called on me for liberty to close a marriage contract with Miss Francis as he expresses a firm attachment for her and I have every reason to believe he is worthy of a better husband if it meets your approbation I have not any objection to it. I must confess he is young yet but as it is his wish I will by no means attempt to cross any of my children in their choice; he has sense enough to know whether he is right or wrong in entering so early into a matrimonal state therefore I have not the least objection provided that you are willing it should be so it is probable it will cause him to be more attentive to his studies and also incline him a more serious turn than he has hitherto had I mean to do by him as I have done by his brothers and sister. I have none others to inherit what I have got. If you wish to make any communication to me by letter or otherwise please direct to me. Lexington Ky. My Friend I am truly sorry that I could not call on you when I was in Bracken County the cause was a recent misfortune of breaking my let. I should really have been happy to have the pleasure of a little chat with you but I hope to have no such excuse next time. I go that course I can assure you I am delighted with my present situation my plantation is elegantly situated good water rich land and a very good neighborhood. Any only three miles from Lexington. I hope if business should chance to drive you this route you will give me a call I should be glad to hear from you. In wishing you every happiness I remain your sincere Friend & Well Wisher. Thomas Strony (Last name cannot be clearly read)
7 2 February 1808 -- -- Eleanor Ernes This day Nicholas Ernes before a Justice of the Peace and made oath his sister Eleanor Ernes is twenty one years old at this time.
8 20 December 1813 -- -- Nancy Harper This day John Harper came before me a Justice of the Peace for Mason County & made oath that Nancy Harper is above the age of Twenty-One years
9 23 March 1807 -- -- Ann Wheat Mason County. This day came Samuel Drake before the ? a Justice of the Peace for said county and made oath that Ann Wheat has been raised with his mother and the said Ann Wheat was never known to have a lawful father to the best of said Samuel Drakes recollection.
10 24 May 1817 -- -- Sarah Overfield Whereas there is a marriage contract taken place between my daughter Sarah Overfield and William Eubank here declare that I have no objection to their being joined in the sacred bonds of matrimony. Signed: Mary Hainets (?) Witness: B.W. James; Joseph Adamson
11 29 April 1816 Robert -- -- -- This is to certify that I am willing for my son Robert to get license for to marry and this shall be your _______ for the same. Signed: Thomas Burns Witness: Jacob Burns; Peter Burriss
12 3 April 1817 -- -- Lucy -- Sibe Lawson gave permission for her daughter Lucy to Marry
13 4 November 1815 -- -- Elizabeth -- Maysville. This is to certify that my daughter Elizabeth is twenty one years of age and at Liberty to ____(?) for herself. Signed: Sarah Corwine Witness: John Roe
14 5 March 1810 -- -- Mary McGehe This day Overton Corby personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace for said county and made oath that Mary McGehe by this information of father is over the age of twenty one years.
15 6 December 1815 -- -- Jemima Levi This day personally appeared Willis Levi before me the subscriber a justice of the Peace for said county and made oath that he believes Jemima Levi to be over and above Twenty-one years of age. Signed: Samuel Baldwin
16 8 November 1815 -- -- Ann M. Phillips Henry D. Bell this day came before me Samuel Baldwin a Justice of the Peace and made oath that he believes Ann M. Phillips to be of the full age of Twenty-One years.
17 9 January 1808 -- -- Sarah Pool Mason County Ky. This day came Luther Calvin before me the subscriber a Justice of the Peace of said county and made oath that Sarah Pool daughter of John Pool is of full age past twenty one.
18 9 October 1815 -- -- Hulda Parker Mason Co. Alexander Parker personally appeared before a Justice of the Peace of and made oath that Hulda Parker the daughter of Richard Parker is above the age of Twenty one years.
19 no date - listed with March 1817 entries -- -- Celak Chandler Mason Co. Ky. Nathaniel Chandler of the said county came before me James Ellis a Justice of the Peace of the county aforesaid and made oath that Celak Chandler his sister is of the age of 21.
20 no date given - listed with the 1809 entries -- -- Matilda Spires I do hereby certify that Mrs. Polly Spires this day personally made oath before me a Justice of the Peace for Mason County that her daughter Matilda Spires was Twenty One Years of age.
21 no date given - listed with the early 1808 entries -- -- Elizabeth Ellis Sir - My daughter Elizabeth Ellis being of full age and my approbation you will please issue a license. Signed: Elizabeth Ellis Witness: James Ellis
22 12 October 1815 Robert Adams Lucretia Smith Bondsman: Mahlon Collins
23 14 may 1817 Joseph Adamson Sarah Rudd Bondsman: John Robinson
24 4 April 1814 George Adamson Phebe Feagen Bondsman: Moses Feagens
25 9 February 1814 Thomas Adamson Betsy Judith Bagby Bondsman: Robert Bagby
26 4 April 1816 James Alexander Frances L. Durrett Bondsman: Leaken D. Stockton
27 4 April 1816 James Alexander Francis L. Durrett This certificate of my assent there to my authorize you to issue a license for James Alexander to marry my daughter Francis L. Durrett. Signed: Richard Durrett Witness: Joshua Stockton; L.D. Stockton
28 6 March 1815 Archibald Alexander Sally -- Mr. Marshall - you will please to grant license for Archibald Alexander to my daughter Sally as she is of full age. Signed: Benjamin Bledsoe Witness: John M. McGee
29 6 March 1815 Archibald Alexander Sally Bledsoe Bondsman: John M. McGee
30 11 February 1806 James Allen Mary Wheatley Bondsman: William Allen - Thomas Wheatley
31 18 October 1810 Benjamin Allen Miss Rebecca Padgett This is to certify that I Robard Allen and Louisa Allen my wife sanction the union between our son Benjamin Allen and Miss Rebecca Padgett. Signed: Robard Allen & Louis Allen Witness: William W. Pagitt - Thomas Allen
32 18 October 1810 Benjamin Allen Rebecca Pagitt Bondsman: William W. Pagitt
33 20 December 1811 John Allen Anne Bell Bondsman: William Allen
34 20 March 1810 James Allen Mary Heizer You are hereby authorized to grant a license for the marriage of James Allen to Mary Heizer my daughter. Signed: Jacob Heizer Witness: Joseph Allen - Samuel Heizer
35 20 March 1810 James Allen Mary Hizer Bondsman: Daniel Hizer
36 30 January 1817 William Allen Jemima Moore Bondsman: Daniel Moore
37 24 September 1807 Isaac Ambrose Ruth Peddicord Bondsman: Abel Peddicord
38 23 April 1817 William Anderson Catherine Tinnally (?) Widow Bondsman: Richard Pickerel
39 26 July 1806 William Anderson Susannah Payne Bondsman: Ruebin Payne
40 26 July 1806 William Anderson Susannah Payne You are hereby authorized to grant a license to William Anderson to be married to my daughter Susannah Payne. Signed: Ruebin Payne Witness: William Ginn Jr.
41 27 December 1817 John Anderson Mary Vancamp Bondsman: John Vancamp
42 29 August 1814 Elias Anderson Sally M. Runyon Bondsman: Joseph Norris
43 29 August 1814 Elias Anderson Sally M. Runyon Minerva - Mason County Kentucky. Sir - this is to certify that I wish you to grant Elias Anderson marriage license to marry my daughter Sally M. Runyon. Signed: Daniel Runyon Witness: James M. Runyon
44 29 December 1817 John Anderson Mary Vancamp This is to authorize the clerk of the County Court of Mason and State of Kentucky to grant to John Anderson at his request a license for the purpose of a marriage between said Anderson and Mary Vancamp who is my daughter. Signed: Garret Vancamp Witness: John Vancamp
45 6 April 1815 James J. Anderson Nancy R. Allen Bondsman: John Allen
46 8 December 1817 William Anderson Eleanor Patterson Bondsman: Francis Patterson
47 8 May 1815 William Anderson Amy Dye Bondsman: John McKee
48 1 January 1839 William Anno Mary Brewer I a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church License for the purpose by the County Court of Greenup County Kentucky do certify that I performed the marriage ceremony of William Anno & Mary Brewer.
49 19 March 1816 James Applegate Nancy Tolle Bondsman: James Tolle
50 19 March 1816 James Applegate Nancy Tolle To the worshipfull Clerk of Mason County of Kentucky - This is to certify that I am willing that you will grant license to James Applegate for my daughter Nancy Tolle. Signed: James Tolle Witness: Laban Tolle Nancy Tolle; William Tolle
51 25 February 1814 John Applegate Elizabeth Mafford Bondsman: Jacob Applegate
52 26 January 1810 (Date is not a mistake) George Applegate -- -- Mason County Ky. This day came George Applegate before me a Justice of the Peace of said county and made oath that he believes himself to be forty-six years old the 10th day of November Last 26 January 1810 (Date is not a mistake)
53 30 August 1815 Benjamin Applegate Rebeckah Wall Bondsman: John Smith
54 30 August 1815 Benjamin Applegate Rebeckah Wall Bondsman: John Smith
55 30 August 1815 Benjamin Applegate Rebeckah Wall I do hereby certify to the Clerk of the County of Mason to give license to Benjamin Applegate and Rebeckah Wall. Signed: Lydia Wall Witness: John Smith & Perry Fyffe
56 8 January 1816 Peter Applegate Elinor Tennis Bondsman: Samuel Tennis
57 10 July 1806 John Armstrong Sarah Norris Bondsman: Nathan Norris
58 22 December 1806 Thomas Armstrong Elizabeth Von Dyke Bondsman: Dominicas Von Dyke
59 25 February 1809 James Armstrong Sarah M. George Bondsman: John Merrick
60 18 February 1817 James G. Arnold Margaret Strain Bondsman: Joseph H. Hudnut
61 20 December 1815 Samuel Arnold Catherine Day Bondsman: Henry Johnson
62 25 December 1815 Samuel Arnold Catherine Day I do hereby certify that I do agree to the marriage of Catherine Day and Samuel Arnold Signed: Morgan Day; Henry Johnson; Winney Day
63 10 March 1817 James Arthur Mary Beale Bondsman: Thomas A. Beale
64 18 February 1817 Charles Arthur Margaret -- This may certify that I am Polly Gow of Mason County and State of Kentucky do empower Marshall Key to issue license for the marriage of my daughter Margaret to Charles Arthur. Signed: Polly Gow Witness: Derthenes Gow; James Arthur
65 18 February 1817 Charles Arthur Margaret Gow Bondsman: James Arthur
66 6 December 1813 James Arthur Rachel Flint This is to certify that the father and mother of Rachel Flint is both deceased and she is now and has been for several years in my care I am her aunt and I believe her to be Twenty-one and I am the only person that is likely to make any objection. I therefore give consent that James Arthur & her shall enter into the bonds of Matrimony. Signed: Nancy Wiggins Witness: E.M. Wiggins
67 6 March 1817 James Arthur -- -- Know all men by these present that I William Pepper of the county of Mason and state of Kentucky do hereby grant James Arthur ? ? license for marriage I being his guardian. Signed: William A. Peppers Witness: Charles Arthur
68 7 December 1813 James Arthur Rachel Flint Bondsman: John Flint
69 24 June 1815 Mr. James Artis Harriott -- It's with my knowledge and approbation that Mr. James Artis applys for marriage license for himself and my daughter Harriott. Signed: John Green
70 24 June 1815 James Artis Harriet Green Bondsman: Edward Prentiss
71 24 March 1812 John Artis Martha Sanridge Bondsman: Robert Lurtey
72 27 February 1813 Squire Asberry Maranda Whittaker Bondsman: William Cole
73 6 September 1810 Landman Asberry Nancy Warringford Bondsman: Nicholas Warringford
74 8 August 1815 Benjamin Asberry Elizabeth Dawson Bondsman: Abraham Dawson
75 10 December 1807 Nathaniel Ayers Mary Weatherspoon Bondsman: James Weatherspoon
76 28 February 1815 Abner Bagby Elizabeth Park Bondsman: Samuel Park
77 11 December 1810 James Baldwin Sally Harris Bondsman: Joshua Owens
78 11 December 1810 James Baldwin Sally Harris This may certify that I the subscriber give my consent to James Baldwin of this town marry my daughter Sally Harris. Signed: Edward Harris Washington Ky.
79 8 October 1817 Pleasant Baldwin Mary James Bondsman: Beverly M. James
80 8 October 1817 Pleasant Baldwin Mary James Whereas there is a marriage contract between Pleasant Baldwin and Mary James my daughter. I certify that I have no objection to there being married according to law in witness whereof I do hereby put my hand and seal. Signed: Thomas James Witness: Beverly W. James; Pleasant W. James
81 20 March 1808 William Ballenger Violet Craig Bondsman: Darrell Hillman
82 20 October 1807 Willis Ballenger Sarah Collins Bondsman: Edmund Collins
83 26 August 1816 Samuel Bantham Elizabeth Ginn Bondsman: Laurence Ginn
84 28 December 1816 James Barcalow Lydia Canby Bondsman: Amos Corwine Jr
85 10 February 1816 Arthur Bard Ann Lorton Bondsman: James Lorton
86 19 January 1809 Simon Barnes Jane Griffiths Bondsman: James Thompson
87 21 February 1806 Mr. Samuel Barnes Anny Waller Mr. Marshall - it is out of my power to see you today I have sent my hand write by the bearer certifing that I wish you to grant license to Mr. Samuel Barnes and my daughter Anny Waller you will oblige your friend Signed: Thomas Waller
88 25 February 1808 Robert Barnes Anne Nichols Bondsman: James Ellis
89 20 November 1813 James B. Barr Parthenia Dimmitt Bondsman: John Preston
90 20 November 1813 Mr. James Barr Parthenia Dimmitt This is to certify that I have this day given Mr. James Barr liberty to marry my daughter Parthenia Dimmitt Signed: James Dimmitt
91 1 April 1811 Richard Barten Nancy -- Sir - Please to issue license for Richard Barten to marry my daughter Nancy. Signed: Joseph Cumber Witness: Daniel Paul
92 1 April 1811 Richard Barten Nancy Cumber Bondsman: Daniel Paul
93 16 October 1813 Elijah Bassett Pheobe Dye Bondsman: Kenneth Dye
94 2 February 1808 Elijah Bassett Eleanor Ernes Bondsman: Nicholas Ernes
95 21 October 1809 Stephen Baylis Mary Hart Bondsman: Nathaniel Hart
96 5 August 1812 Eyra Baylis Ann York Bondsman: Joshua York
97 9 May 1808 David Beatty Emla Pickerell Bondsman: Samuel Pickril
98 14 January 1811 Willis Bell Polly Earley Bondsman: Joseph Earley
99 19 February 1811 Rawleigh Bell Jane Carrell Bondsman: Sandford Carrell
100 22 September 1806 Charles Bell Milla Porter Bondsman: Charles Dobyns
101 22 September 1806 Mr. Charles Bell Milla Porter Sir - Please to grant marriage license to Mr. Charles Bell and Milla Porter Signed: Jean Porter Signed: Willam Porter Guardian Witness: Roly S. Porter
102 31 March 1806 John Bell Polly Shepherd Bondsman: Green H. Smith
103 31 March 1806 John Bell Polly Shepherd I do hereby certify that I have no objection for you to grant marriage license for John Bell and my daughter Polly Shepherd to join in matrimony. Signed: Soloman Shepherd Witness: Green H. Smith
104 6 November 1816 Fielden Bell Jane Bell Bondsman: Aaron Mitchell
105 9 June 1817 Carter Bell Sarah Mefford Bondsman: John Mifford
106 9 June 1817 Carter Bell Sarah Mifford This does certify that I Malinda Duncan late Malinda Mifford has given my consent to the marriage between Carter Bell and my daughter Sarah Mifford. Signed: Malinda Duncan Witness: John Mifford; Ellis Shofield
107 15 November 1808 John Bennett Elizabeth Hopper Bondsman: Benjamin James
108 28 February 1816 Elijah Bennett Lucinda Thornberry Bondsman: Zachariah Thornberry
109 23 April 1811 James Bently Milly Willoughby Bondsman: John Willoughby
110 25 October 1817 Mr. John N. Bereman Phoebe -- Sir - this may certify that Mr. John N. Bereman and my dauther Phoebe has entered into a marriage contract this therefore may justify you in granting license as they have my consent. Signed: Aaron Houghton Witness: Robert Vanderventer & Abram Golden
111 25 October 1817 John Bereman Phoebe Houghten Bondsman: Robert Vanderventer
112 10 October 1817 Arthur Berry Lucy Stapp Bondsman: Bunberry Berry
113 17 March 1814 Darhlington Berry Susan Lord Bondsman: Duncan Lord
114 2 October 1817 Mr. Arthur Berry Lucy Stapp Sir - This shall authorize you to issue marriage lacense to Mr. Arthur Berry to marry my daughter Lucy Stapp. Signed: James Stapp
115 20 October 1807 James Berry Elizabeth Lamb Bondsman: William Lamb
116 23 May 1808 William C. Berry Nancy Musgrove Bondsman: Asael Owens
117 5 May 1817 William Berry -- -- Sir - I authorize you to issue license to William Berry to marry my daughter. Signed: James Stapp Witness: George Berry Jr.; D. Berry
118 5 May 1817 William Berry Nancy Stapp Bondsman: George Berry Jr.
119 6 April 1808 William F. Berry Ann Berry Bondsman: Enoch Berry
120 27 August 1817 Enoch Bettes Fanny Bettes Mason County. Sir - this day Enoch Bettes came personally before me a Justice of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid and made oath that Fanny Bettes his sister is upwards of Twenty Four years of age.
121 10 March 1817 John Biddle Prudence Wiley Boyd Bondsman: Abel Wiley
122 6 December 1814 Joseph Bigelow Nancy Chaney Bondsman: Richard L. Waters
123 23 January 1814 William Blackburn Elizabeth Stagg Bondsman: Joseph Stagg
124 24 November 1813 Benjamin Bland Mary Rolf Bondsman: Nathaniel Rolf
125 17 October 1817 James Blizzard Phebe Atchison Bondsman: Silas Atchison
126 17 October 1814 Rice Bolton Eliza Pepper Dear Sir - I have given Rice Bolton my consent to marry my daughter Eliza Pepper which you will please grant him license. Signed: Jese Pepper
127 29 March 1815 Levin Boniwell Eleanor Pierce Bondsman: John Pierce
128 15 October 1814 Mr. Hartwell Boswell Rachel Desha Sir - it is with my approbation that Mr. Hartwell Boswell apply for license to marry my daughter Rachel Desha. Signed: Joseph Desha
129 6 December 1814 Hartwill Boswill Rachel Desha Bondsman: Joseph Taylor
130 22 April 1817 John Botts Frances Laurence Bondsman: John Laurence
131 7 November 1807 George Boucher Betsy Jones Bondsman: Lewis Lee
132 no date given - listed with the Nov. 1807 entries George Boucher Betsy Jones Sir - You please to grant a license for the marriage of George Boucher to my daughter Betsy Jones. She is of maturity the which Mr. Lewis Lea can qualify to as well as my consent. Signed: James Lea Witness: Lewis Lea; Richard Boucher
133 18 October 1814 Rice Boulton Elizabeth Pepper Bondsman: Robert Wattors
134 12 October 1812 Andrew Bowen Anne Summers Bondsman: William Summed - William Bowen
135 20 January 1817 Christopher Bowers Temperance Little Bondsman: Jacob Freeborn
136 23 January 1808 Abraham Boyce Elizabeth Collins Bondsman: William Collins
137 1 July 1817 James Boyd Matilda Water Bondsman: Nathan Shotwell
138 22 January 1816 Elias Brammel Rebeckah Moran Bondsman: Jonathan Moran
139 1 February 1806 John Bray Dorothy Calvert Bondsman: James Calvert
140 1 February 1806 John Bray Dorothy Colvert I do hereby certify that I give John Bray leave to take out license for my daughter Dorothy Colvert. Given now my hand this day above written. Signed: Zeal Colvert Witness: James Colvert - Bazzil Colvert
141 7 February 1812 William Bray Susan Fitzgerrald Bondsman: Thomas Fitzgerrald
142 17 June 1814 Thomas Breeze Hannah Bennett Bondsman: John Hull
143 9 March 1816 George Brierly Mary Garrison Bondsman: Samuel Brierly
144 3 August 1814 William Brittain Sally Malott Bondsman: Thomas Malott
145 9 October 1816 James Brockman Sarah B. Leak Bondsman: Walter Leak
146 10 February 1808 Samuel Broderick -- -- This is to certify that you have my ? approbation to grant a license to Samuel Broderick for a ? between him and my daughter. Signed: John Corwine
147 13 February 1808 James Broderick Abi Corwine Bondsman: Ezekial Forman
148 22 May 1815 Mr. James Brodrick -- -- This is to certify that it is with my knowledge and consent that Mr. James Brodrick will apply to you for license to marry my daughter.Signed: Joseph Forman Witness: Benjamin Wood; David Wood
149 24 May 1815 James Brodrick Phebe -- Bondsman: Benjamin W. Wood
150 11 October 1806 Zodak Brooks Elizabeth Ricketts Rulf Ricketts gave permission for Elizabeth Ricketts to marry Zodak Brooks Witness: Alexander Young; Evin Ricketts
151 14 March 1814 Alphonso Brooks Sally Stout Bondsman: Peter Grant
152 14 October 1806 Zodok Brooks Elizabeth Ricketts Bondsman: Alexander Young
153 29 June 1806 Boaz Brooks Mary Laurence Bondsman: John Laurence
154 no date -- Brooks -- Beatty Defents with assent of the Plts making his election to take the land at it valuation which units to and the parties agreeing that the plts is entitled to $39.37 for rent Deft_________ Judg't for $363.37 in cents with interest from this day until paid and cost. Signed: William B. Brooks & Sally Brooks; James Beatty & Thomas Bay (?)
155 1 February 1815 John Brown Charity Johnston Bondsman: Thomas Small
156 21 August 1812 David Brown Sarah Reed Bondsman: Thomas Marshall
157 23 March 1833 Charles S. Brown Nancy Ann Reed I a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church License for the purpose of Greenup County Kentucky do certify that I performed the marriage ceremony between Charles S. Brown & Nancy Ann Reed.
158 28 December 1814 Archibald Brown Elizabeth Cahill Bondsman: William Cahill
159 10 October 1816 Mr. Edward Browning Eliza Gordon To the Clerk of the County of Court of Mason.Sir - you have my permission to issue a license for the marriage of my daughter Eliza Gordon to Mr. Edward Browning. Signed: George Gordon Newport - October 10. 1816 - Witness: James W. Moss
160 22 October 1810 Mr. Wesley Browning Sally Shephard Sir - Mr. Wesley Browning of Clark County this day applied to me for a certificate of you to obtain license to marry my daughter Sally Shephard. I therefore have granted to said Browning this certificate having conversed with my daughter on the subject and she being of lawful age you will therefore grant the license. Signed: George Shephard Witness: Flemming P. Rodgers - George Shephard Jr.
161 4 November 1816 Edmund Browning Eliza Gordon Bondsman: David Morrison
162 October 1810 Wesley Browning Sally Shephard Bondsman: Fleming P. Rogers
163 18 January 1814 John Brush Mary Beaty Bondsman: William Beaty
164 6 March 1813 Thomas Bryam Betsy Cooper Bondsman: John Lee
165 13 February 1817 John R. Bullock Nancy W. Morton Bondsman: Peyton R. Key
166 20 December 1816 William J. Bullock Elizabeth Phillips Bondsman: Gabriel Phillips
167 28 September 1816 Robert Buress Margaret Arthur Bondsman: Peter Buress
168 20 December 1809 Osgood Burgess Abigail Hiat Bondsman: Stephen Hiat
169 15 January 1815 George Buroughs Harriet Bell Bondsman: Thomas Bell
170 13 May 1816 Jacob Burress Levina Arthur Bondsman: James Arthur
171 8 January 1810 George Burress Patsy Dye Bondsman: Kenneth Dye
172 8 May 1816 Jacob Burress Lavina Arthur Mason Co. Ky. This will signify my consent to the clerk of Mason County Kentucky that the rites of matrimony maybe solomized between my daughter Lavina Arthur and Jacob Burress and that a license issue to authorize the same. Signed: Margaret White Witness: James Arthur
173 30 June 1812 John Burton Sally Hermon Bondsman: William Curtis Jr
174 7 June 1814 Garrard Burton Rachel Jemison Bondsman: John Burton
175 14 September 1814 Samuel Byerly Margaret Logan Bondsman: Thomas Marshall
176 19 December 1815 James Byers Ann Maria Johnston Bondsman: John M. Morton
177 7 April 1810 John Cahil Ruth Cahil Bondsman: Oliver Cahil
178 11 December 1816 Ellison Cahill Margaret Journey Bondsman: John Solomon
179 26 May 1816 Samuel Callan Mary Kirk Bondsman: Thomas Kirk
180 22 June 1809 William Callen Betsy Cain Bondsman: Dennis Cain
181 15 April 1816 Jese Calvert Harriet Davis Bondsman: Levi Davis
182 18 January 1813 William Calvert Polly Calvert Bondsman: Walter Calvert
183 21 August 1815 Mansfield Calvert Jane Triplett Bondsman: Linnet Triplett
184 21 August 1815 Mansfield Calvert Jane Triplett Bondsman: Linnet Triplett
185 29 January 1813 William Calvert -- -- This is to certify that I give you full power to issue license for my son William Calvert and in execution the same. Signed: Zeal Calvert
186 5 February 1816 Allason Calvert Catherine Brammel Bondsman: Jonathan Brammel
187 10 February 1813 James Calvin Nancy Cooper Bondsman: William Calvin
188 10 February 1813 Fielding Calvin Elizabeth Whipps Bondsman: William Calvin
189 9 January 1808 Vincent Calvin Sarah Pool Bondsman: Luther Calvin
190 13 April 1812 Samuel Campbell Izabella Rogers Bondsman: Thomas Rogers
191 2 July 1813 Sergeant John Campbell Sally Ocley To The Clerk of Mason County - Sergeant John Campbell of my company W state R of Riflemen wishes to a woman of this neighborhood Sally Ocley who is known Twenty-four he is Twenty-Six years of age. Mr. Marshall will run no risk in granting a license. Signed: H. R. Grassam Mason County between the E & W forks of Bracken Creek
192 3 June 1813 John Campbell Sally Oakley Bondsman: Thomas Marshall
193 6 September 1817 John Campbell Elizabeth Batson Bondsman: Theophilus Page
194 9 August 1809 Mr. James Campbell Sary McClewer I do hereby certify that it is with my consent that Mr. James Campbell applys to you for marriage license to join in Holy estate of Matrimony to my daughter Sary McClewer. Signed: Sarah McClewer Witness: Richard Soward
195 9 August 1809 James Campbell Sary McClure Bondsman: John Burkett
196 9 October 1806 William Campbell Caroline Cahil Bondsman: Marshall Key
197 8 September 1814 Thomas Canby Lydia Corwine Bondsman: Richard Corwine
198 6 October 1808 William Candal Poley -- This is to certify that I give my consent for my daughter Poley and an William Candal to get married. Signed: John Laney Witness: Elijah Martin
199 20 November 1813 Mr. Robert Cannady Kitty Remey This is to certify that I have given Mr. Robert Cannady Liberty to marry my daughter Kitty Remey. Signed: Debby Remey Witness: John Preston
200 27 February 1816 George Carmack Martha Mackoy Bondsman: James Mackoy
201 14 March 1807 James Carnahan Susannah Hunt Bondsman: John Hunt
202 26 February 1810 Robert Carr Rachel Pool Bondsman: Joseph McNut
203 ? January 1811 John Carter Susannah Hughey Bondsman: William Proctor
204 2 January 1811 John Carter Susanne -- I do certify that I agree for you to give license to John Carter to get married to daughter Susanne. Signed: John Hughey Witness: William Proctor - Spencer Hughey
205 26 April 1808 John Carter Ellender Jr -- Given from under my hand this 26 day of April 1808 that I am well agreed for you to grant John Carter marriage license for my daughter Ellender Jr. Signed: Ellender Moris Witness: Moses Frazee & Elizabeth Frazee
206 26 April 1808 John Carter Ellenor Moris Bondsman: Moses Frazee
207 14 March 1815 James Case Elizabeth Johnston Bondsman: Jacob Johnston
208 25 March 1816 Walter Case Nancy Senteney Bondsman: John Senteney
209 9 April 1813 William Case Rebecca Calland Bondsman: William Calland
210 27 December 1808 John Cash Betsy Burroughs Bondsman: Benjamin Burroughs
211 16 December 1814 Thomas Chalfant America Coburn Bondsman: Christian Shultz
212 12 December 1807 James Chalk Fanny Hughet Bondsman: William Hughet
213 17 April 1814 John Chambers Martha Bennett Bondsman: Joseph Forman
214 17 June 1815 Walter Chandler Sophiah Wallingford Bondsman: Joseph Wallingford
215 29 August 1816 Williamson Chandler Margaret Purcell Bondsman: Thomas Ross
216 23 March 1807 James Chaney Ann Wheat Bondsman: Samuel Drake
217 12 May 1808 William Cheesman Mary Berry Bondsman: John Senety
218 9 July 1813 James Chiles Maria Payne Bondsman: William Payne
219 5 October 1814 Dudley Chinn Mary Purkins Bondsman: John Crain
220 11 December 1809 Lorimer Chowning Sally Smith Bondsman: James O'Cull
221 2 January 1815 Thomas R. Chun Sarah Shelby Bondsman: Joshua Selby
222 13 March 1817 Daniel Clark Ednah Pepper Bondsman: William H. Pepper
223 20 April 1815 John Clark Jane Mitchell Bondsman: John Mitchell
224 16 March 1808 John Clarke Nelly Ryan Bondsman: Michael Ryan
225 12 November 1810 Newton Cleft Peggy Robinson Bondsman: George Robinson
226 13 July 1816 Kennedy Clift Elizabeth Pede Bondsman: Richard Pede
227 21 December 1811 Abner Clift Nancy Robinson Bondsman: George Robinson
228 29 January 1811 Henry Clift Lucy Richardsan --
229 17 March 1814 Nathaniel Clifton Feby Pry Bondsman: Josiah Wright
230 24 March 1814 Nathaniel Clifton Pheby Pry Harrison County. To the Clerk of Mason County - This is to certify that I Margaret Pry are perfectly satisfied that my daughter Pheby Pry and Nathaniel Clifton should go together in the lawful bonds of Matrimony. Signed: Margaret Pry & John Pry Witness: Jos. Wright - My Son; Thomas McCarty
231 15 September 1812 Nathan K. Clough Clarissa Hempstead Bondsman: John R. Bullock
232 23 August 1817 Enos Clutter Nancy Runford Bondsman: Henry Clutter
233 28 August 1817 Enos Clutter Nancy Rumford The Clerk of the County Court of Mason is hereby authorized to grant license for Enos Clutter to marry my daughter Nancy Rumford. Signed: Elizabeth - Last name is unreadable Witness: William Clutter; Henry Clutter; Nancy Rumford
234 1 April 1815 Wilson Coburn Ann Wood Bondsman: George Wood
235 4 September 1809 James N. Coburn Susan J. Doniphan I hereby certify that I have given my consent and am willing to solomize the marriage between James N. Coburn and my daughter Susan J. Doniphan. Signed: Anderson Doniphan
236 5 September 1809 James Coburn Susan Doniphan I consent that the Clerk of the County Court of Mason should issue a license to solomize the marriage of James Coburn with Susan Doniphan.Signed: John Coburn
237 5 September 1809 James W. Coburn Susan Doniphan Bondsman: Vincent Cleany
238 21 April 1811 William Collins Susannah Combass Bondsman: Jacob Combass
239 23 March 1808 Thomas Collins Peggy Kennard Bondsman: Jonathan Kennard
240 11 April 1806 William Colvert Margaret Boucher Bondsman: James Boucher
241 11 April 1806 William Colvert Margaret Boucher Sir-Please to grant a license for the Banns of marriage between the bearer William Colvert and my daughter Margaret Boucher; Signed: Richard Boucher Witness: James Boucher; Lewis Lee
242 28 September 16 William Combess Rebecca Collins Bondsman: Aquilla Collins
243 21 March 1814 John Conner Elizabeth Lilliston Bondsman: John W. Lilliston
244 23 May 1817 Miles Conway Dulcebella Berry Bondsman: Bunberry Berry
245 11 April 1812 Littleton Cook Margaret Young Bondsman: Duval Payne
246 18 December 1810 Henry Cook Patsey Biggers Bondsman: Gabriel King
247 18 December 1810 Henry Cook Patsy Biggers Sir - please to issue out license for Henry Cook and Patsy Biggers. Signed: Mason Biggers Witness: Gabriel King and William King
248 11 January 1813 Nicholas Cooper Anne Judd Bondsman: John Bullock
249 14 April 1814 John Cooper Catharine Day Bondsman: Stephen Cooper
250 16 June 1806 Jese Cooper Mary Applegate Bondsman: Jacob Applegate
251 16 June 1806 Jese Cooper Mary Applegate Sir - you are hereby authorized to grant license to Jese Cooper & Mary Applegate who is by our consent about to inter the bonds of matrimony. Signed: Jacob Applegate Signed: Elizabeth Applegate Witness: Jacob Applegate
252 21 May 1810 Isaac Cooper Mary Valentine Sir - You are requested to issue a license of solomization from your office to Isaac Cooper to take place with my daughter Mary Valentine Both of Lawful Age and of this County. Signed: Henry Valentine Witness: John McQueen
253 21 May 1810 Isaac Cooper Mary Vallentine Bondsman: John A. L. McQueen
254 26 June 1815 John Cooper Rebecca Bearneid Bondsman: Richard Bearneid
255 6 August 1814 Lot Cooper Mary Lucas Bondsman: Robert Lucas
256 9 March 1808 Samuel Cooper Mary Maxwell This is to certify that I request the clerk of the county of Mason and State of Kentucky to grant license for my son Samuel Cooper and Mary Maxwell to be married. Signed: John Cooper Witness: James Lawndale
257 9 March 1808 Samuel O. Cooper Mary Maxwell Bondsman: James Lawndale
258 2 October 1817 John Cordingly Mary McCarty Bondsman: Joseph McCarty
259 25 February 1810 William Cordiuce Margaret Reeves Bondsman: Horiatia Cordiuce
260 14 May 1806 Daniel Cornelius Judith Huff Bondsman: Paul Overfield
261 1 January 1817 William C. Cornett -- -- I Benjamin Bean Guardian for William C. Cornett do authorize the Clerk of Mason County to issue him matrimonal license. Given under my hand this First day of January 1817 in the presence of Signed: Benjamin Bean Witness: Phenton W. Bean; Phantly R. Bean; Eleazer Pool
262 1 January 1817 William C. Cornett Matilda -- Williamsburg Ky. Sir - you will receive these lines as my sanction to a matrimonal union between William C. Cornett and my daughter Matilda. You are hereby authorized on my part to issue the license accordingly. Signed: Elyah Thornberry Witness: John Thornberry; Thomas Thornberry
263 2 January 1817 William C. Cornett Matilda Thornberry Bondsman: Phantley R. Bean
264 24 September 1806 Cornelius Correll Rachel Gorsuch Charles Gorsuch gave permission for his daughter Rachel Gorsuch to marry Cornelius Correll. Witness: James Dimmitt
265 1 Febr 1812 Amos Corwine Polly Merrell Bondsman: Dan Merrell
266 1 February 1812 -- Corwine -- -- Sir - I do hereby certify that you have nothing to fear from my objections as to granting to the bearer license for marriage Signed: Richard Corwine
267 11 January 1812 Amos Corwine Polly -- You will please to grant license to Amos Corwine for marrying my daughter Polly. Signed: John Merrill
268 18 January 1811 J.H. Corwine Miss E. Lucas I do certify that my son J.H. Corwine has my approbation and consent and he is by this authorized to obtain from the Clerk of the county court of Mason license or bonds of union for marriage between himself and Miss E. Lucas. Signed: Amos Corwine
269 19 January 1811 Jacob Corwine Elizabeth L. Lucas Bondsman: Samuel Lucas
270 No Date - listed in 1808 Amos Corwine Sary ? Bondsman: James Chambers
271 24 September 1806 Cornelius Coryell Rachel Gorsuch Bondsman: James Dimmitt
272 24 September 1806 Cornelius Coryell Rachel Gorsuch Bondsman: James Dimmitt
273 14 May 1816 Edward Cottey Margaret Valentine Bondsman: Thomas Dyson
274 14 May 1816 Edward Cotty Margaret Valentine Mason County Ky. I do hereby verify that I have this day given Edward Cotty permission to take out license for himself and my daughter Margaret Valentine. Signed: Harvey Valentine Witness: Thomas Dyson
275 18 July 1807 Joseph Covert Catherine Tharp Bondsman: Andrew Tharp
276 27 August 1810 Enoch Cox Izabelle Logan Bondsman: John Logan
277 15 February 1806 Thomas Cracraft Margaret Eguers Bondsman: Thomas Morgan
278 26 February 1808 Whitfield Craig Charlotte Lambkin Bondsman: Jesse Pepper
279 11 March 1807 John Green Crapson Nancy Dennis Bondsman: John Dennis
280 24 January 1807 William Crawford Mary Fenton Bondsman: John Fenton
281 25 March 1817 Crozzer Crawford Lavina Reynolds Bondsman: Benjamin Reynolds
282 9 June 1810 Edmund Crawford Nancy Applegate Bondsman: Jacob Applegate
283 12 March 1807 Ruebin Craycraft Malinda Watson Bondsman: Thomas Tarvin
284 17 May 1817 Joseph Craycraft Sarah Watson Bondsman: Elkena Watson
285 28 November 1814 Samuel Crihfield Elizabeth Holady Bondsman: Joseph Hollady
286 28 November 1814 Samuel Crihfield Elizabeth Holladay Know all men by these present that I Polly Holladay of Mason County in state of Kentucky am willing and agreed that license shall be issued to Samuel Crihfield and Elizabeth Holladay to be married. Signed: Polly Holladay Witness: Abraham Dawson; Joseph Holladay
287 5 June 1817 Mr. Andrew Crookshank -- -- Sir - you are hereby authorized to issue license of marriage for Mr. Andrew Crookshank. Signed: B. Burgess Witness: John R. Bullock; Syntha Burgess
288 8 June 1817 Andrew Crookshank Julia Burgess Bondsman: John R. Bullock
289 21 January 1816 John Crosby Nancy Calvin Bondsman: Luther Calvin
290 25 July 1810 Moses Crosley Jr Mary -- Sir - This is to certify that I give in marriage to Moses Crosley Jr. my daughter Mary. Signed: Griffith Jones
291 25 July 1810 Moses Crosley Jr Mary Evans Bondsman: Moses Crosley Sr
292 25 May 1808 King Cruson Orphy Browning Bondsman: Jacob Peddicord
293 14 October 1807 John Crutchen Lucretia Bean Bondsman: Leonard Bean
294 12 November 1810 William Crutchfield Betsy M. Wood Bondsman: Peyton R. Key
295 12 November 1810 William Crutchfield Betsy M. Wood Bondsman: John Ward
296 10 January 1810 Robert Culburtson Nancy Hunter Bondsman: John Hunter
297 17 February 1810 James Cullums Betsy Dillan This is to certify that I am perfectly willing that James Cullums should obtain license from the county court office to be married to my daughter Betsy Dillan. Signed: William Dillan Witness: Benjamin Hudlin
298 18 March 1811 Mr. James Cumber Caty -- Sir - Please to let Mr. James Cumber have license to marry my daughter Caty and I will be yours. Signed: Sarah Hurst Witness: Moses Hurst - Daniel Paul
299 18 March 1811 James Cumber Catherine Hurst Bondsman: Moses Burton
300 19 December 1815 Robert Cummings Polly Duff Bondsman: Abraham Wilson
301 18 February 1813 James Cummins Elizabeth Dillan Bondsman: Benjamin Hudnil
302 16 April 1806 Joseph Curry Sarah Rogers Bondsman: John Dickson
303 19 May 1806 John Curtis Nancy Hower Bondsman: James Nichols
304 19 November 1816 Maurice Cushman Sally Holaday I Polly Holaday do certify that I have given my aprobation in behalf of my daughter Sally Holaday - Maurice Cushman as a husband. Signed: Polly Holaday Witness: Joseph Holaday; Drury Ragsdale
305 20 November 1816 Maurice Cushman Sally Holaday Bondsman: Joseph Holaday
306 9 October 1816 William Dailey Nancy Frazee Bondsman: Aaron Frazee
307 8 November 1816 Taipin Daughters Nancy Pollard Clermont County - State of Ohio. Washington Township. I do hereby certify that as my son Taipin Daughters hath agreed with Nancy Pollard to be joined together in Holy Martimony I do hereby give free consent for license to be issued accordingly. Signed: James Daughters Witness: John Daughters
308 9 November 1816 Turpin Daughters Nancy Pollard Bondsman: William Pollard
309 21 March 1815 James Daulton Naomi Wakerman Bondsman: Arthur Mitchell
310 8 June 1814 George W. Daulton Margaret Lucas Bondsman: Thomas Carty
311 20 January 1807 Michael David Cealey Tharp Bondsman: Peyton R. Key
312 16 April 1806 George Davidson Mary Marsh Bondsman: Robert Davidson - James Marsh
313 17 April 1809 Samuel Davidson Nancy Thornton Bondsman: Joseph Thorton
314 19 September 1809 George Davidson Elizabeth Pangburn Bondsman: Samuel Pangburn
315 28 September 1807 Robert Davidson Elizabeth Hawkins Bondsman: John Leman
316 6 December 1810 William Davidson Polly McSheily Bondsman: George Davidson
317 12 January 1808 Charles Davis Clarisa Viers Bondsman: Edward Viers
318 19 December 1810 Walter Davis Kitten Putman I do certify that I am willing for license to lssue for a marriage to be had between my daughter Kitten Putman and Walter Davis. Signed: Henry Putman Witness: Joseph Groover & Nancy Putman
319 19 November 1810 Walter Davis Kittey Putman --
320 23 December 1809 John Davis Kitty Woolford Bondsman: William L. Thompson
321 27 May 1808 Thomas Davis Margaret McIlvain I do certify I do give the privelidge to the the Clerk of Mason County and State of Kentucky to issue license to Thomas Davis & Margaret McIlvain. Signed: Polly McIlvain Witness: Amos G. Davis
322 27 May 1808 Thomas J. Davis Margaret McIlvain Bondsman: Amos G. Davis
323 28 December 1809 John Davis Kitty Woolford This certifies that I Mary Newman hath given my daughter Kitty Woolford free privilege of obtaining marriage license to join in matrimony with John Davis Signed: Mary Newman
324 20 January 1815 John Davison Jr. Charity Cain Bondsman: Joseph Davison
325 30 December 1808 Robert Dawson Jane Lucas Bondsman: Samuel Lucas
326 6 July 1808 Samuel Denham Betsy Pickrell This is to certify that I have given my consent to Samuel Denham to marry my daughter Betsy Pickrell. Signed: Samuel Pickrell Witness: John Smith - Josiah Drake
327 7 July 1808 Samuel Denham Elizabeth Pickrell Bondsman: Josiah Drake
328 10 February 1817 Benjamin Desha Mary Bickley Bondsman: William Bickley
329 19 April 1813 Archibald Dickson Catherine Tewill Bondsman: John Tewill
330 23 November 1810 William Dillen Betsey Owens Bondsman: Peyton R. Key
331 17 June 1809 James Dimmitt Elizabeth Remey Bondsman: James Gorsuch
332 17 June 1809 Mr. James Dimmitt Elizabeth Remey This is to certify that I have given Mr. James Dimmitt consent to marry my daughter Elizabeth Remey. Signed: Debby Remey
333 30 December 1817 Peter Disher Polly Linville Bondsman: Thomas Kenton
334 15 November 1813 Berry Dobyns Mary Porter Bondsman: Charles Bell
335 15 November 1813 Mr. Berry Dobyns Mary Porter Sir - Please to grant Mr. Berry Dobyns & Mary Porter marriage as witness our hand. Signed: William Pepper & Jane Porter - guardian for the heirs of John Porter Dec'd. Witness: Charles Bell
336 3 September 1811 Benjamin Dobyns Nancy Porter Bondsman: Roley L. Porter
337 No Date Benjamin Dobyns Nancy Porter You will please to grant to Benjamin Dobyns and Nancy Porter marriage license. Signed: Jane Porter; William Pepper - Guardian for the heirs of John Porter deceased. Witness: Roley T. Porter - Silas Duvall
338 30 September 1817 William Dodd Jane Scott Bondsman: William Scott
339 7 July 1814 Thomas Doen Rebecca Norris Bondsman: Burnett Doen
340 13 December 1809 Newton Doggett Mary Mitchell Bondsman: John Mitchell
341 29 December 1816 Mr. Payton Doggles Fanny Shepard Mr. Marshall. Sir - as Mr. Payton Doggles has obtained leave from me to get license of matrimony to marry my daughter Fanny Shepard For the sames as I have given him my consent. Signed: George Shepard Witness: James Cooper; George Shepard Jr.
342 5 April 1813 William Donaldson Jane Marshall Bondsman: Leroy Griffin
343 6 August 1817 William Doniphan Margaret Whips Bondsman: Samuel Whips
344 11 February 1806 William Donovan Elizabeth Ross Bondsman: Richard Ross
345 14 April 1808 Gilbert Donovan Fanny Crawle Bondsman: Kenner Crawle
346 7 February 1806 Alexander Donovan Hannah Whips Bondsman: John Whips Sr.
347 6 March 1812 Charles Donoven Malinda Hitt Bondsman: Aaron Hitt
348 3 January 1808 Ezekial Dooran Eve Hardbargain Bondsman: Mary Buckner
349 23 No Month 1807 David A. Dougherty Sarah Moss Bondsman: John Johnston
350 30 March 1814 Charles Dougherty Delilah Calvert Bondsman: Bassil Calvert
351 28 December 1816 Peyton Douglas Francis Shepard Bondsman: James Cooper
352 2 September 1812 Thomas Downing Mary Downing Bondsman: John Downing
353 17 February 1810 John Drake Mary Moke Bondsman: Ralph Drake
354 17 June 1806 John Drake Sarah Fitch Bondsman: Joseph Fitch
355 4 January 1810 Stout Drake Hulday Pangburn Bondsman: Samuel Pangburn
356 9 August 1808 John Drake Sophia Cosby Bondsman: Robert Cosby
357 5 October 1813 John Driden Emily Brooks Sir-Please to issue a marriage license to John Driden & Emily Brooks Signed: William Brooks
358 28 March 1809 Peter Driskill Betsy Reeves Bondsman: Benjamin Reeves
359 7 June 1810 William Driskill Mary Whips Bondsman: Samuel Whips
360 6 October 1813 John Dryden Emily Brooks Bondsman: Wm. Beaty
361 23 September 1816 Enis Duncan Malinda Mefford (widow) Bondsman: Asthelton Owens
362 5 June 1816 Mr. James Duncan Nancy -- Sir -his is to inform you that whereas Mr. James Duncan is about applying to you for license in order to marry my daughter Nancy that I have gave my consent to the same. Signed: John Hunt Witness: Thomas Hunt
363 5 June 1816 James Duncan Nancy Hunt Bondsman: Thomas Hunt
364 15 June 1817 William Duzan Sarah Williams Bondsman: Peter Duzan
365 13 September 1817 John Dye Perthena Gow Bondsman: Jonathan Roff
366 13 September 1817 John Dye Perthena Gow This is to certify that I am perfectly willing for my daughter Perthena Gow to marry John Dye. Signed: Mary Gow Witness: Jonathan Roff; David Dye
367 16 September 1815 Kenneth Dye Pheby Dye Bondsman: Jonathan Roff
368 18 March 1817 David Dye Susan Burroughs Bondsman: William Burroughs
369 3 May 1813 Robert Dye Sarah Wells Bondsman: Thomas Wells
370 5 October 1814 Mr. Thomas Dyson Casander -- Sir - you will please to issue marriage license between my daughter Casander and Mr. Thomas Dyson. Signed: Henry Valentine Witness: Isaac Cooper
371 5 October 1814 Thomas Dyson Casander Valentine Bondsman: Isaac Cooper
372 28 December 1816 William Eades Elizabeth Copp Maysville. I do hereby certify that I am willing that my son William Eades shall be married to Elizabeth Copp altho he is underage. Signed: John Eads Witness: Phillips Copp
373 31 December 1816 William Eades Elizabeth Kopp Bondsman: Philip Kopp
374 28 December 1816 William Eads Elizabeth Kopp I do hereby certify that I am willing that my daughter Elizabeth Kopp shall be married to William Eads. Signed: Jacob Kopp Witness: Phillip Kopp; William Murphy
375 11 September 1806 James Edwards Anna Durye Bondsman: John Durye
376 17 September 1810 Jesse Ellis Sabbina Brooks Bondsman: Mason Brooks
377 7 September 1816 Casper Elsmir Sarai Rains Maysville. I do hereby certify that it is by my consent that Casper Elsmir and Sarai Rains my dauther whall be joined in a married state and this shall be your warrant for giving of same to that effect. Signed: John Rains Witness: Henry Rains
378 6 September 1816 Casper Elstmir Sarah Rains Bondsman: Henry Rains
379 14 January 1809 Charles Enness Betsy Teul Bondsman: William Teul
380 5 June 1812 Charles Este Mary Anderson Bondsman: Ely Anderson
381 24 May 1817 William Eubanks Sarah Overfield Bondsman: Beverly W. James
382 17 April 1806 Thomas Evans Mary Mefford Bondsman: Samuel Mofford; To All To Whom it may concern: Them are to certify that George Mefford and Melinda his wife of Mason County and State of Kentucky has granted unto Thomas Evans of the county of Adams and the State of Ohio free priveldge to join in marriage with their daughter Mary Mefford. Signed: George Mefford & Melinda Mefford Witness: John Mefford & Samuel Mefford
383 27 August 1817 William Evans Fanny Bettis Bondsman: Enoch Bettis
384 29 December 1806 Samuel Evans Tabitha Bagby Bondsman: David Bagby
385 29 December 1806 Samuel Evans Tabitha Bagby This is to certify that I have no objections to Samuel Evans and my daughter Tabitha Bagby to be joined in matrimony and wish you to issue license. Signed: Robert Bagby Witness: David Bagby & Shelby Bagby
386 7 December 1814 David Evans Lacy Hamrick Bondsman: Abner Bagby
387 19 November 1807 Michael Farmer Rachel Hartley --
388 1 January 1814 Joseph Farrow Mary Waugh Bondsman: John C. Waugh
389 19 August 1816 Fielder Feagens Charity Harvey Bondsman: Richard Masters
390 3 September 1810 Daniel Feagins Margaret Martin Bondsman: Richard Martin
391 20 October 1817 John Fee Jane -- I do hereby certify that I have given my consent to the marriage of John Fee to my daughter Jane. Signed: Elizabeth Gordon Witness: William Gordon; John Gordon
392 20 October 1817 John Fee Jane Gordon Bondsman: John Gordon
393 14 April 1808 John Fenton Sally Field Sir - You will please to grant marriage license for my daughter Sally Field. I have given my approbation for her to be married to the bearer John Fenton. Signed: William Field Witness: Michael Fenton - Enoch Fenton
394 16 April 1808 John Fenton Sally Field Bondsman: Enoch Fenton
395 13 December 1817 Ambrose Fields Ann Nower Bondsman: Alexander Nower
396 24 January 1807 William Fields Cecily Anderson Bondsman: Stokes Anderson
397 10 November 1809 James Fife Nancy Rankins Bondsman: James Porter
398 23 September 1812 Perry Fife Sophia Wall Bondsman: Lydia Wall
399 28 October 1807 James Fife Elizabeth Johnston Bondsman: Archibald Johnston
400 29 January 1812 Jonathan Fife Catharine Thornton Bondsman: James Thornton
401 5 December 1806 Thomas Fife Esther Mills Bondsman: Thomas Mills
402 25 December 1812 John Finch Mildred Shelton Bondsman: Austin Shelton
403 29 December 1812 John Finch Mildred -- This is to certify that I do hereby agree that John Finch and my daughter Mildred may join in wedlock. Signed: William Shelton
404 9 June 1810 James Finch Rachel Applegate Bondsman: Jacob Applegate
405 28 December 1811 Moses Fitzgerald Nancy Henderson Bondsman: James Henderson
406 27 August 1811 Charles Fitzpatrich Anny Chenoweth Bondsman: William Chenoweth
407 29 October 1817 Stephen Fleming Jane Kerr Bondsman: Thomas Kerr
408 29 October 1817 Stephen Fleming Jr. Jane Kerr I have no objection to my son Stephen Fleming Jr. marrying Jane Kerr. The Clerk of the county court of Mason will please issue license. Signed: Stephen Fleming Witness: Elizabeth B. Logan; Joseph Logan
409 29 January 1809 John Fletcher Elenor Burroughs Bondsman: John Cash
410 29 January 1810 John Fletcher Eleanor Burroughs The bearer hath applied for a marriage to a daughter of mine by the name of Eleanor Burroughs and this may be a sufficent authority to grant a marriage license for John Fletcher and Elenor Burroughs. Signed: William Burroughs Witness: John Cash
411 9 August 1810 Benjamin Flinn Sally Bagby Bondsman: Thomas Lewis
412 17 February 1808 Ezekial Forman Dolly Wood Bondsman: Marshall Key
413 16 June 1813 John Forsythe Mildred Mitchell Bondsman: John R. Bullock
414 14 June 1814 Arthur Fox Lucretia Taylor Bondsman: Francis Taylor
415 14 June 1814 Arthur Fox Lucretia Taylor To the Clerk of Mason County has my consent to issuing a license for the marriage of Lucretia Taylor to Arthur Fox. Signed: Francis Taylor; Lucretia Taylor
416 29 January 1807 Claiborne Fox Nancy Pepper Sir - Please to grant marriage license to Claiborne Fox to my daughter Nancy Pepper. Your compliance will greatly oblige your friend. Signed: William Pepper
417 30 January 1807 Claiborne Fox Nancy Pepper Bondsman: Daniel O'Bannon
418 14 March 1807 John Foxworthy Betsey Colvert Bondsman: Zeal Colvert
419 15 April 1815 James Frazer Elizabeth Spillar Bondsman: Samuel W. Holloway
420 15 April 1815 James Frazer Elizabeth Spillar Washington. I John Fristoe guardian to Elizabeth Spillar do freely consent to a marriage being had and solomized between James Frazer and the said Elizabeth Spillar. Signed: John Fristoe Witness: Reubin Ringo
421 20 July 1816 Ephraim Frazer Susan Doniphan Bondsman: James M. Coburn
422 17 December 1806 Jacob Freeland Patty Lashley Bondsman: George Lashley
423 31 July 1817 William Freeman Betsy Moore Bondsman: John Freeman
424 24 November 1815 William Fuller Nancy Cole Bondsman: Benjamin Cole
425 18 April 1810 William Fullington Elizabeth Norman Bondsman: John Norman
426 25 January 1808 Joseph Fulton Elizabeth Bennett Bondsman: Jesse Bennett
427 20 August 1817 Benjamin Fyffe Matilda Wall Bondsman: Perry Fyffe
428 20 August 1817 Benjamin Fyffe Matilda Wall To the clerk of the Mason County Court you are hereby authorized to grant license to Benjamin Fyffe and Matilda Wall. Signed: Lydia Wall Witness: Perry Fyffe; Solomon Dill
429 31 March 1813 James Fyffe Jr Martha Eleanor Jinkins I do hereby certify that you have my entire approval to the issuing a license authorizing the union of James______Fyffe Jr.. with Martha Eleanor Jinkins. Signed: Zephriah Watson Witness: Benjamin Applegate
430 31 March 1813 James Fyffe Jr Martha Eleanor Jinkins Bondsman: Benjamin Applegate
431 18 August 1817 Thomas Gaither Elizabeth Shelton Bondsman: James Gillman
432 2 September 1809 John Gallager Mary Monohon Bondsman: William Monohon
433 16 August 1809 Michael Gash Milly Riggins Bondsman: Thomas Gash
434 27 June 1809 James Gates Margaret McMichael Bondsman: Robert McMikel
435 2 September 1809 John Ghaleger Mary Monohon This is to certify that I ? you to grant license for John Ghaleger and my daughter Mary Monohon to be married. Signed: John Monohon Witness: Henry Hillman & William Monohan
436 27 September 1815 James Gibbons Hannah Allen This is to certify that my daughter Hannah Allen has liberty to get license for marriage to James Gibbons. Signed: Hannah Allen Witness: John Hunter & Henry McCardell
437 27 September 1815 James Gibbons Hannah Allen The Clerk of the County of Mason is requested to issue a license for my son James Gibbons to be married to Hannah Allen His father being dead I am his guardian. Signed: Margaret Gibbons Witness: John Hunter & Henry McCardell
438 29 September 1815 James Gibbons Hannah Allen Bondsman: John Hunter
439 10 December 1810 Elisha Gifford Pre?y Lee Bondsman: Barnabas Allen
440 19 December 1814 George Gilgase Elizabeth McLaughlin Bondsman: Harmon Hurst
441 20 May 1815 George Gilkison Margaret Purcell Bondsman: Charles Purcell
442 20 May 1815 George Gilkison Margaret Purcell This is to certify that I am willing that George Gilkison shall have my daughter Margaret Purcell for his companion as I live in Mason County which this is from. Signed: Margaret Purcell Witness: Charles Purcell; Thomas Oliver
443 16 May 1816 John Gill Polly Wiser Bondsman: James Gill
444 29 March 1814 John B. Gilliam Sally Finch Bondsman: John Finch
445 10 Febr 1812 William Gilmore Letitia Chrishell Bondsman: James Wilson
446 18 February 1811 John Ginn Margaret Zerris Bondsman: John McNary
447 20 November 1815 Gabriel Ginn Hannah Wood I do hereby give consent of license to issue to Gabriel Ginn to marry my daughter Hannah Wood. Signed: Susanna Steel Witness: Soloman Stewart; Samuel Bantham
448 20 November 1815 Gabriel Ginn Hannah Wood Bondsman: Solomon Stewart
449 25 November 1806 William Glenn Nancy Dye Bondsman: John Dye
450 19 February 1807 John Glover Polly Gaither Bondsman: Cornelius Gaither
451 26 September 1809 Jese Goddard Rebbecca Hill Bondsman: Joseph Goddard
452 21 February 1807 William Goff Elizabeth Jenkins Bondsman: Joseph Downing
453 6 November 1806 Abraham Golden Sarah Houghton This is to certify that I have no objections to you granting license to Abraham Golden to marry my daughter Sarah Houghton. Signed: Aaron Houghton Witness: William Houghton; Charles Houghton
454 6 November 1806 Abraham Golden Sarah Houghton Bondsman: Charles Houghton
455 24 August 1810 Charles J. Gooch Tabitha Walton Bondsman: John Walton
456 10 September 1816 John Gordley Isabella Bettes Bondsman: James Peck
457 30 July 1806 John Gordly Polly Blickerstaff Bondsman: Jacob Shofstall
458 21 March 1815 John Gordon Sarah Leach Know all men by those present that I Charlotte Leach of the County of Mason and State of Kentucky do acknowledge my satifaction to the marriage between Sarah Leach my daughter and John Gordon both of the aforesaid state and county. Signed: Charlotte Leach Witness: John McCarthey; Allen Jones
459 3 March 1815 John Gordon Charlotte Leach Bondsman: John McCarty
460 16 November 1806 Nathan Goslin Betsy Southard Sir - you are hereby authorized and requested to grant license for Nathan Goslin and Betsy Southard my daughter to join together in marriage. Signed: Hezekiah Southard; Rachel Southard Witness: Vincent Southard; Uriah Southard
461 17 November 1807 Nathan Goslin Betsy Southard Bondsman: Vincent Southard
462 15 November 1815 William Grant Elizabeth Allison Bondsman: Joseph Allison
463 22 October 1811 George Grant Jane Lashbrook Bondsman: William Lashbrook
464 22 October 1811 George Grant Jane Lashbrooke Mr. Thomas Marshall has liberty to grant license to George Grant to marry Jane Lashbrooke. Signed: John Lashbrooke
465 6 March 1816 James Grant Elizabeth Wise Bondsman: William Grant
466 12 June 1812 Elijah Gray Mary Davis Bondsman: Joseph Davis
467 19 December 1816 Alason Gray Ruth Cowgill Bondsman: Elisha Cowgill
468 9 August 1815 Joseph Gray Lely Willett Bondsman: Richard Willett
469 1 August 1815 William Greathouse Jane Lewis To the clerk of Mason County you are hereby authorized to issue license for the purposed joining in wedlock William Greathouse and my daughter Jane Lewis Signed: Mary Lewis Witness: Isaac Lewis
470 1 August 1815 William Greathouse Jane Lewis Bondsman: Thomas Marshall
471 27 March 1811 Nathaniel Green Sarah Peachy The clerk of Mason County will issue license for the marrying my daughter Sarah Peachy and Nathaniel Green. Signed: Benjamin Peachy
472 27 November 1811 Nathaniel Green Sarah Peachy Bondsman: Samuel Davis
473 23 September 1806 Isaac Grey Jane Rolstone Bondsman: John Gray
474 6 January 1817 William Griffith Sophia Waller Bondsman: Richard Waller
475 13 January 1815 David Grimes Elizabeth Mitchell Bondsman: Robert J. Scott
476 13 June 1815 David Grimes Elizabeth -- This is to certify that David Grimes has my approbation to get license to be marry my daughter Elizabeth giving under my hand Signed: George S. Mitchell Witness: Robert J. Scott
477 23 October 1810 John Hackerd Margarett Doniphan Bondsman: Thomas Doniphan
478 21 June 1807 Elisha Hall Nancy True Bondsman: Benjamin True
479 26 May 1810 John Hall Elizabeth Rankins Bondsman: William Rankins
480 14 March 1814 Samuel Halloway Patience Johnson To the Clerk of Mason County Clerk.Sir - this do certify that I am willing for you to grant license for marriage for Samuel Halloway and Patience Johnson Signed: William Johnson
481 14 March 1814 Samuel W. Halloway Patience Johnson Bondsman: Thomas Marshall
482 2 June 1810 Samuel Hammatt (?) Mary Overfield Bondsman: Thomas Adamson
483 28 February 1815 Richard Hammett Hannah Adamson You are hereby authorized to issue a license for the marriage of Richard Hammett and Hannah Adamson. Signed: Ruth Adamson Witness: Joseph Adamson; Sara (?) Hammett
484 28 February 1815 Richard Hammett Hannah Adamson Bondsman: Joseph Adamson
485 28 February 1817 James Hampton Sarah Froman (widow) Bondsman: Lewis Bridges
486 9 March 1813 Harry Hampton Eleanor Ginn Bondsman: James Ginn
487 2 April 1810 George Hancock Milly Boone Bondsman: Jacob Boone
488 2 June 1814 Evin Hanny Ruthey Staton To the Clerk of Mason County Court - you are authorized to issue license to join in holy marriage Evin Hanny and my daughter Ruthey Staton. Signed: Martha Stayton Witness: James West & Joseph E. Staton Dated: 2 June 1814
489 2 June 1814 Evin Hany Ruth Staton Bondsman: James West
490 13 January 1806 John Harington Mary Ann Wilson I do certify that Mary Ann Wilson made oath before me that she believes herself to be of the age of nineteen years by 29 this just January 1806 and that she believes herself to be with child to John Harington & she has no guardian or parent but her mother and she lives in Harrison Cty.
491 18 January 1806 John Harington -- -- Sir - this is to inform you that John Harington who was bound apprentice to me by the court is his own master and has a right to act for himself. This from your friend and well wishes. Signed: John Boyd Witness: Edward Bell & Alexander McKisey & John Tomson
492 2 September 1807 William Harl Anne Hubbard This is to authorize the Clerk of Mason County to issue a license for marriage of William Harl and Anne Hubbard given from under my hand. Signed: Thomas Hubbard
493 2 September 1814 Mr. Baldwin Harl Polly Gates Sir - Mr. Baldwin Harl and my daughter Polly Gates is about to enter into a marriage contract. Please to grant Mr. Harl a license for marriage and obligh you humble servant. Given under my hand this 2nd day of September 1814. Signed: William Gates Witness: James Norris
494 8 September 1814 Baldwin Harl Polly Gates Bondsman: James Norris
495 2 September 1807 William Harle Anne Hubbard Bondsman: Sylvester Pattie
496 13 December 1813 Thomas Harod Jeane -- I do certify that I am willing for you to give Thomas Harod license to get married to my daughter Jeane. Signed: John Hughey Witness: Henry Riley & James Bridges
497 13 December 1813 Thomas Harod Jane Hughey Bondsman: Henry Riley
498 24 January 1816 Robert Harper Nancy Warring Bondsman: Joseph Finch
499 21 May 1808 Robert Harris Malinda Dennis Bondsman: John Dennis
500 30 July 1813 Richard B. Harrison Jane Turbyfill Bondsman: William Turbyfill
501 6 October 1812 John Harrison Mary Triplett Bondsman: Thomas Marshall
502 3 September 1810 Thomas Havens Leah Davis Bondsman: John Davis
503 1 December 1810 Richard Haydon Sarah T. Collins Bondsman: John Tenis
504 23 January 1813 Richard Haydon Mary Curtis I hereby certify to the Clerk of Mason that he may issue marriage license in favor of Richard Haydon and Mary Curtis. Signed: George Curtis
505 25 January 1813 Richard Haydon Mary Curtis Bondsman: Henry Vance
506 26 April 1811 Nathan Heath Emse Bland Bondsman: Samuel Forman
507 26 April 1811 Nathan Heath Emse Bland Know that I Margaret Bland am willing for Nathan Heath to marry my daughter Emse Bland and wish you to grant license for same. Signed: Maragaret Bland Witness: Samuel Forman
508 5 March 1810 Daniel Heiser Mary McGehe Bondsman: Overton Cosby
509 8 November 1815 Samuel Helms Ann M. Phillips Sir - you will with the consent of the signers _______ grant unto Samuel Helms license to enter into the holy estate matrimony with my daughter Ann M. Phillips and this shall be your warrant for the same. Signed: George Phillips; Ann M. Phillips
510 9 November 1815 Samuel Helms Ann M. Phillips Bondsman: Henry D. Bell
511 21 February 1808 Peter Helvay Mary Hunt Bondsman: Thomas Marshall
512 30 December 1816 John Henry Nancy Ellis Bondsman: James Ellis
513 22 February 1816 William Herdon Catherine Stout Bondsman: Thomas Herclon
514 2 April 1806 John Hessler Mary Thomas Bondsman: Ephrain Thomas
515 27 May 1811 Samuel Hiatt Fanny Bell Bondsman: Daniel Bell
516 18 March 1817 William Hickman Mary L. Tureman Bondsman: Maurice Langhorne
517 2 March 1817 Elias Hickman Sarah Marshall Bondsman: Veazey Price
518 22 December 1817 Adam Hickman Rachel Prater Bondsman: Solomon Simpson
519 22 December 1817 Adam Hickman Rachel Prather Sir - you are hereby permitted to grant a license to Adam Hickman to marry with Rachel Prather. Signed: William Reed - guardian for Rachel PratherWitness: John Stevenson & Thomas Prather
520 24 March 1817 Elias Hickman Sarah Marshall Mayslick. Whereas a marriage is intended to be solomized between Elias Hickman and Sarah Marshall my daughter this is to therefore to certify that I give my consent to the said marriage and do not object to its taking place. Given under my hand this day and date written. Signed: Dolly Marshall - guardian for Sarah Marshall Witness: Veazey Price; William Marshall
521 7 March 1817 William Hickman Mary L. Tureman I William Tureman hereby give my consent to William Hickman marrying my daughter Mary L. Tureman Signed: William Tureman Witness: William M. Tureman; M. Langhorne
522 1 April 1810 William Higgins Mary Brookbank Bondsman: Abraham Brookbank
523 21 February 1814 Samuel Higgins -- -- Sir - This is to certify that I have no objections against Samuel Higgins and my daughter. Signed: Margaret Briarly
524 21 February 1814 Samuel Higgins Libby (?) Briarly Bondsman: Richard Higgins
525 7 May 1810 Richard Higgins Hannah Logan Bondsman: John Logan
526 11 February 1814 Thomas Hill Betsey Douglass Bondsman: Asa Watson [Note: A website visitor indicates that the groom's name is Thompson Hitt.]
527 16 February 1814 Thompson Hill Betsey -- This is to certify that I am willing for a license to issue to Thompson Hill to marry my daughter Betsey. Signed: George Douglass Witness: Asa Watson - Joseph Cracraft [Note: A website visitor indicates that the groom's name is Thompson Hitt and the bride's is Betsey Douglass.]
528 22 September 1817 Joseph Hill Mary Purcell Bondsman: William Chandler
529 5 November 1816 Othia Hill Matilda Leach Bondsman: Benjamin Leach
530 7 November 1812 John Hill Nancy Curtis Bondsman: John Curtis
531 18 May 1812 John Hillman Mary Ann Donipon Bondsman: James Lawnsdale
532 18 May 1812 Mr. John Hillman Mary Ann Donipon I do certify that I have granted to Mr. John Hillman liberty to obtain a license for marriage with my daughter Mary Ann Donipon. Signed: John Donipon Witness: James Lawnsdale
533 2 October 1816 James Hillman Nancy Maria Wheelock Bondsman: Eli R. Wheelock
534 20 January 1815 Matthias Hinman Mary January Maysville. You are hereby authorized to grant license to Matthias Hinman to intermarry with Mary January. Signed: Samuel January Witness: Christian Shultz; Thomas M. January
535 1 May 1812 Abner Holton Mary Ann Blackerby --
536 18 February 1813 James Hook Elizabeth Stout Bondsman: David Stout
537 23 August 1817 Thomas Hopkins Mary Willit Bondsman: Charles Willit
538 11 March 1816 McMukin Hopper Lydia Summers Bondsman: William Summers
539 20 February 1814 Mr. Thomas Hord Sarah Conway Captain Thomas Marshall - Please to grant to Mr. Thomas Hord license to marry my daughter Sarah Conway. Signed: Keilso (?) Conway
540 3 February 1814 Thomas Hord Sarah Conway Bondsman: Weather Conway
541 31 August 1807 Jese Hord Jr Polly Triplett This is to certify that I am the only parent or guardian for Polly Triplett of Mason County do hereby request the Clerk of Courts to issue license for Jese Hord Jr. and said Polly Triplett. Signed: Elizabeth Triplett Witness: Thomas Hord; Thomas Triplett
542 31 August 1807 Jese Hord Jr Polly Triplett Bondsman: Thomas Hord - Francis Triplett
543 15 January 1815 Mr. Alford Hornbuckel Jane -- Sir - you can give license to Mr. Alford Hornbuckel as he and my daughter Jane are disposed to be married and I have no objections. Signed: Nattley Duvall Witness: Thomas Gohagan
544 16 January 1815 Alfred Hornbuckle Jane Duvall Bondsman: William Duvall
545 30 September 1816 Hardin Hornbuckle Sarah McAdo Bondsman: John McAdo
546 20 September 1807 Daniel Horner Elizabeth Lee Bondsman: Peter Tait
547 30 September 1807 Daniel Horner Elizabeth Lee This is to certify I have given my consent to Daniel Horner to marry my daughter Elizabeth Lee. Signed: Nancy Lee Witness: George Tait & Peter Tait
548 13 November 1809 Charles Houghton Badesentie -- Bondsman: James McKay
549 13 November 1809 Joab Houghton Abigal Wood Bondsman: William Dye
550 9 December 1811 Anthony G. Houston Doshea Phillips Bondsman: Samuel Hillman
551 9 December 1811 Mr. Anthony G. Houston Doshea Phillips Sir - please at my request to grant unto Mr. Anthony G. Houston license to enter unto the holy state of matrimony with my daughter Doshea Phillips and this shall be you warrant. Signed: George Phillips & Doshea Phillips
552 24 February 1806 Zediciah Howard Harriet Collins Bondsman: David Evan
553 26 November 1817 John Howard Elender Hieatt Bondsman: Thomas Prather
554 26 November 1817 John Howard Ellenor Hyatt This will certify that I grant leave to John Howard to obtain marriage license to Ellenor Hyatt. Signed: John Howard Sr. Witness: Thomas Prather; John Johnson
555 5 August 1816 Henry Howard Sarah Douglass Bondsman: George Douglass
556 no date - listed with Nov. 1816 entries Samuel Howard Market Disher Bondsman: Christopher Disher
557 26 November 1817 John Howard Elinder -- This is to certify that I Mary Hiatt doth give free consent for her daughter Elinder to join in wedlock with John Howard. Signed: Mary Hiatt Witness: William Cole
558 28 February 1814 William Howell Mary Tenis Bondsman: John McHay (?)
559 3 April 1816 John Howell Sarah Dawson Bondsman: Samuel Cracraft
560 29 July 1815 Joseph H. Hudnut Catherine Daulton Bondsman: Moses Daulton
561 16 June 1814 Bailey Hudson Susannah Grant Bondsman: Peter Grant
562 27 August 1814 John Hukhill Jane Roach Bondsman: Daniel Hukhill
563 12 April 1813 John Hukill Nancy Roach Bondsman: Daniel Hukill
564 10 October 1816 Thomas Hukins Christian Hukins Bondsman: Daniel Hukins
565 22 May 1810 Samuel Hull Sarah Wallingsford Bondsman: Nicholas Wallingsford
566 18 December 1813 Abedinego Hunt Neomy Dredding Bondsman: John Dredding
567 20 May 1805 John Hurst Nancy West Bondsman: James West
568 11 February 1806 Zephariah Hurt Mary Arms Bondsman: Elijaha Houghton
569 11 February 1806 Zephariah Hurt Mary Arms This is to certify that I have given my consent to marriage intended between my daughter Mary Arms and Zephariah Hurt Signed: Sarah Arms Witness: Daniel Roe & Elijah Houghton
570 13 November 1817 Lewis Hutchinson Eleanor Adams Bondsman: Johnston Armstrong
571 13 November 1817 Mr. Lewis Hutchinson Eleanor Adams The Clerk of the Mason County Court is requested to issue license for the solomnization of marriage between Mr. Lewis Hutchinson and my daughter Eleanor Adams and oblige your humble servant. Signed: James Adams Witness: John Armstrong; Johnston Armstrong
572 ? August 1808 George Hutton Lydia Downing Bondsman: John Downing
573 21 February 1809 Thorton Jackson Sophia Short Sir - On sight of this you will please to issue license in the name of Thorton Jackson & Sophia Short and you will oblige your friend. Signed: John Short Witness: William Taylor
574 22 February 1809 Thorton Jackson Sophia Short Bondsman: Sandford Tewel
575 25 March 1816 Edward Jackson Hannah Wiggins Bondsman: Joseph Wiggins
576 9 July 1814 James Jackson Elizabeth Day Bondsman: Willis Day
577 10 January 1814 Beverly James -- -- I do hereby certify that I am of Lawful age agreeable to my father's register and that I am willing that license of marriage may be issued between myself and Beverly James therefore I place my hand and seal. Signed: Mary Eubanks
578 12 January 1814 Beverly James Mary Eubanks Bondsman: George E. Moore
579 15 January 1810 Berryman James Polly Kenton Bondsman: Carr Bailey
580 15 November 1817 Beverly W. James Matilda Day Bondsman: Stephan Hiatt
581 17 December 1806 Thomas James Catherine Druggett Bondsman: Thomas Ackerman
582 30 December 1816 Thomas James Harriet McNary I do hereby authorize the clerk of this county to grant to Thomas James at his request license for the purpose of a marriage between said James and Harriet McNary my daughter. Signed: John McNary Witness: Beverly W. James; John Anderson
583 31 December 1816 Thomas James Jr. Harriet McCarty Bondsman: John Anderson Jr.
584 1 May 1813 Mr. Thomas January Polly -- This is to certify my full approbation to your issuing license for the marriage of Mr. Thomas January and my daughter Polly. Signed: William Martin
585 1 May 1813 Thomas January Mary Martin Bondsman: Wilson Coburn
586 15 February 1814 Samuel A. January Pamela -- Maysville. Mr. Thomas Marshall Sir - you will please grant to the bearer Samuel A. January license to marry my daughter Pamela. Signed: Samuel January ; P.S. If the following deed have been ______ please find them by the bearer.; McKinney & Wife Lotts 26 27; McKinney & Wife 85 86 87 88; Thomas January & Wife - glassworks land. Relinquishment Montgomery & wife to 105 a owes land adjoining glassworks land.
587 15 January 1814 Samuel A. January Pamela January --
588 16 July 1814 Parker Jarvis Patty Gator Bondsman: Cornelius Gator
589 27 October 1814 Reason Jarvis Elizabeth Heath Bondsman: James Peachey (NOTE: Reason's last name is given as Jarvis and Peachey in the body of the marriage license. It is signed Jarvis)
590 1 May 1810 Samuel Jefferson Margarette Sanders Bondsman: John Stephenson
591 10 May 1810 Samuel Jefferson Margaret Sanders This is to certify that we do give our free consent for Samuel Jefferson to marry our daughter Margaret Sanders. Signed: Clement Walter & Susana Walter Witness: John Stevenson
592 24 March 1817 Perry Jefferson Nancy Small Bondsman: Thomas Morgan
593 11 July 1816 William Jennings Nancy Marchelle Anderson Bondsman: Stoker Anderson
594 13 May 1810 Thomas Jeremiah Margarette Thomas Bondsman: Ephraim Thomas
595 9 September 1811 David John Rebecca Thomas Bondsman: Nathaniel Thomas
596 3 June 1817 Abel Johns Maria Clark Bondsman: George Clarke
597 18 January 1812 John Johnson Marcy Harvard Bondsman: John Harvard
598 2 October 1816 Jacob Johnson Ann Shields Bondsman: William Shields Jr.
599 21 October 1816 Mr. Elijah Johnson Harriett Shackleford Sir - you authorized to grant Mr. Elijah Johnson a License to get married to my daughter Harriett Shackleford. Signed: George Shackleford Witness: Moses Phillips; Alexander Shackleford
600 23 October 1816 Elijah Johnson Garnett Shackleford Bondsman: Moses Phillips
601 25 March 1812 William Johnson Jane Caldwell Bondsman: Joseph Caldwell
602 26 June 1811 Zibalon Johnson Rachel Lorbers Bondsman: James Lorbers
603 14 March 1814 Abraham Johnston Sally Small Bondsman: John Vancamp
604 19 April 1808 Jacob Johnston Anna Masterson Bondsman: Jonathan Masterson John Masterson gave permission for his daughter Ann to marry Jacob Johnston.
605 22 April 1816 Hiram Johnston Mary Fitzgerald Bondsman: David Fitzgerald
606 22 April 1816 Hiram Johnston Miss Mary Fitzgerald Mason County State of Kentucky. To the Clerk of said County this is to certify that Hiram Johnston hath obtained oral consent from me to a marriage intended between him and Miss Mary Fitzgerald (for her I'm guardian). Signed: Richard Tilton Witness: Nancy Tilton; Daniel Fitzgerald
607 23 December 1816 William B. Johnston Asenith Craig Bondsman: John Craig
608 24 June 1806 Archibald Johnston Mary McDonald Bondsman: Samuel M. McDonald
609 4 November 1807 James Johnston Clemmey Donovan Bondsman: William Donovan
610 13 March 1807 John Jones Sally Roach Bondsman: James L. Taylor
611 18 July 1814 Richard Jones Jane Pall Bondsman: James M. Wilson
612 2 September 1809 William Jones Lucy Ginn Sir - Please to issue marriage license between my daughter Lucy Ginn and William Jones and in doing so you will oblige your humble servant. Signed: Thomas Ginn Witness: Joseph Brady
613 2 September 1809 William Jones Lucy Ginn Bondsman: Joseph Brady
614 21 May 1810 Allen Jones Rebecca Pritchet This is to certify that I am willing that Allen Jones should marry my daughter Rebecca Pritchet. Signed: Atley Pritchet
615 22 May 1810 Allen Jones Rebecca Pritchet Bondsman: Richard Kirk
616 24 October 1808 Thomas A. Jones Martha Sullivan Bondsman: John Sullivan
617 25 August 1806 Thomas Jones Nancy Fields Bondsman: William Fields
618 26 October 1808 Thomas A. Jones -- -- This day John Sullivan came before me and made oath that Thomas A. Jones son of Griffith Jones of the county of Mason is over the age of Twenty-One.
619 28 December 1808 Samuel C. Jones Phoebe Coon Bondsman: John Shotwell
620 28 January 1811 Jesse Jones Rachel Wood Bondsman: Nicholas Wood
621 6 January 1817 John Jones Margaret Johnson (widow) Bondsman: Abram Wilson
622 6 May 1811 Asberry Jones Mary Saunders Bondsman: John Reed
623 6 May 1811 Asberry Jones Mary Saunders This is to certify that I Susan Walters Late Susan Saunders have given my consent for Asberry Jones to Marry my daughter Mary Saunders. Signed: Susan Walters
624 no date given - listed with March/April 1807 entries John Jones Sally Roach To the Clerk of Mason County Court of Mason I hereby give my consent for you to grant a license of marriage for my daughter Sally Roach & John Jones. Signed: Charlot Roach Witness: James L. Taylor; Susan Roach
625 17 February 1814 Thomas Jordan Polley -- To the Clerk of Mason County - This is to certify that I have no objection to my daughter Polley and Thomas Jordan joining in wedlock. Signed: Mary Tolle
626 17 February 1814 Thomas Jordan Polly True Bondsman: James True
627 11 October 1806 Henry Judd Sarah Campbell Bondsman: John Campbell
628 9 October 1806 William Judd Jr. Margaret Sconce Bondsman: Kenner Cralles You are hereby authorized to issue license for my son William Judd Jr. to be married to Margaret Skonce. Signed: William Judd Sr.
629 10 October 1808 William Kandall Polley Laney Bondsman: Elijah Martin
630 10 ? 1811 George Keith Agnis MacKay Bondsman: James Mackay
631 28 October 1808 Anderson Keith Mary Doniphan Bondsman: Marshall Key
632 10 September 1810 Isaac Kelsey Polly Taylor Bondsman: Thomas Kelsey
633 12 November 1811 Thomas Kelsey Elizabeth Miles Bondsman: George Kirk
634 12 November 1811 Elnathan Kemper Eleanor Linn Bondsman: John Naylor
635 27 November 1816 Joshua Kemper Nancy Fox (widow) Bondsman: Lysander West
636 20 December 1809 William Kenard Jenny Hunter Bondsman: Joseph Kilgour
637 20 November 1813 Robert Kennady Catherine Ramey Bondsman: John Preston
638 28 January 1809 Joseph Kennard Margaret Thomas Bondsman: Squire Frazee
639 1 July 1815 John Kennedy Catherine Houghton Bondsman: James D. Hogshead
640 18 February 1815 Abraham Key Mary White Bondsman: John W. Franklin
641 7 October 1816 Adam Kile Sally Martin (widow) Bondsman: Thomas Peak
642 29 December 1812 Robert Kilgour Ann Drum (?) Bondsman: James Key
643 29 May 1813 David Kilgour Sarah Taylor Bondsman: Marshall Key
644 3 February 1817 Anthony Kilgour Ann Adamson Bondsman: John Anderson
645 3 February 1817 Anthony Killgore Ann Adamson I do hereby certify the clerk of this county to grant to Anthony Killgore at his request license for the purpose of a marriage between said Killgore and Ann Adamson my granddauther to whom I am guardian. Signed: Joseph F. Adamson Witness: James Adamson; John Anderson
646 6 November 1811 Charles Killgore Lucy Ficklin Bondsman: Robert Killgore
647 7 November 1811 Charles Killgore Lucy -- Be so kind as to grant license of marriage to Charles Killgore and my daughter Lucy. Signed: Judith Ficklen
648 25 February 1808 Hugh Kilpatrick Mary Henson William Pead
649 13 November 1808 David King Nancy Mayhall Bondsman: Timothy Mayhall
650 18 November 1808 David King -- -- I do certify that my son David King was born in Greenbren County in the State of Virginia on the 22nd day of April 1785 as witness my hand this 18 day of November 1808. Signed: Nancy King Witness: Timothy Mayhall
651 7 October 1810 James King Lydia Tilton Bondsman: Richard Tilton
652 21 September 1816 James Kirby Judah Grigsby Bondsman: Taliaferro Grigsby
653 12 December 1814 Nelson Kirk Sarah Applegate Bondsman: Benjamin Applegate
654 16 December 1811 George Kirk Nancy Reeve Bondsman: Daniel Reeve
655 3 March 1810 William Kirk Elizabeth Fife Bondsman: Benjamin Kirk
656 3 March 1810 William Kirk Elizabeth Fyffe This is to certify that as there is a union about to take place between William Kirk of Benjamin and my daughter Elizabeth Fyffe they have my approbation therefore you are requested to issue a license for the said union. Signed: James Fyffe Jr
657 no date given - listed with the late 1814 entries Nelson Kirk Sarah Applegate I do hereby certify that I am willing that you should grant license to Nelson Kirk and Sarah Applegate. Signed: Richard Applegate Witness: Abraham Applegate; Benjamin Applegate
658 26 November 1814 William Kirlin Mary Durye Bondsman: John Durye
659 18 August 1814 Andrew Knalzer Mary Welson Bondsman: Richard Doggett
660 14 June 1806 William Knowles Rebecca McCleland Bondsman: James Wilson
661 13 December 1808 Uriah Lafter Barbary Kopp Sir - Please to let license issue for Uriah Lafter and Barbary Kopp Signed: Jacob Kopp
662 13 December 1808 Uriah Lafter Barbary Kopp Bondsman: Charles Rogers
663 14 September 1809 William Lain Polly Anderson I do hereby certify that I am willing and have given my consent that my son William Lain of Harrison County shall have license granted him to marry Polly Anderson of Mason County. Signed: John Lain Witness: William Anderson & Betsy Anderson
664 16 September 1809 William Lain Polly Anderson Bondsman: Robert Anderson
665 3 May 1806 David Lain Drusilla Swearingin Bondsman: Samuel Wilson
666 4 March 1817 Thomas Lain Priscilla -- This is to certify that I give consent for Thomas Lain to have my daughter Priscilla and for you to grant a license. Signed: Jane Downing Witness: William McKenzie; James Downing; Robert Downing
667 4 March 1817 Thomas Lain Perscilla Downing Bondsman: Robert Downing
668 11 December 1815 John Lamb Lucy Porter Mason County Kentucky. We whose names are hear unto ______ do authorize the Clerk of the County Court of Mason to issue marriage license for John Lamb and Lucy Porter. Signed: William Pepper & Jane Porter Witness: Berry Porter
669 11 December 1815 John Lamb Lucy Porter Bondsman: Berry Dobyns
670 28 November 1811 Basil Lamb Sally Daugherty --
671 8 Sept 1810 William Lancaster Sally Smith Bondsman: Zadoh Blades
672 22 November 1815 John T. Langhorn Eliza B. Payne Bondsman: John Payne
673 22 November 1815 Mr. John T. Langhorn Eliza B. Payne Sir - you are hereby authorized to issue license to celebrate the rites of matrimony between Mr. John T. Langhorn and my daughter Eliza B. Payne. Signed: John D. Payne Witness: John Payne & Susan C. Payne
674 14 December 1809 James Lansbury Sally -- It is agreeable to me that James Lansbury and my daughter Sally should be married. Signed: Nicholas Devore Witness: Albert Devore
675 14 December 1809 James Lansbury Sally Devore Bondsman: William Taylor
676 9 February 1814 William Lashbrooke Ann Preston Bondsman: Charles Wood
677 16 September 1816 Thomas Launder Charlotte Parker Bondsman: Winslow Parker
678 28 Augut 1811 Jeremiah Lawson Hannah Chancelor Bondsman: Enoch M. Wiggins
679 19 December 1807 Lewis Lea Betsy Chaney Bondsman: John Craig
680 4 November 1809 James Leak Elizabeth Vermilion Bondsman: Marshall Key
681 14 May 1817 Francis Lee Ellender Gerton Bondsman: John Jackson
682 16 August 1814 Stephen Lee Mary Sumral Bondsman: Wilson Coburn
683 16 August 1814 Mr. Stephen Lee Mary Sumrall Maysville. Sir - Application will be made to you this day by Mr. Stephen Lee for marriage for him and my daughter Mary Sumrall. It is my request that you will grant the same. Signed: John Sumrall
684 20 December 1815 Mr. Benjamin Lee Susen Parker Sir - Please to let Mr. Benjamin Lee have a license from your office to marry my daughter Susen Parker and oblige your humble servant. Signed: Richard Parker
685 21 December 1815 Benjamin Lee Susan Parker Bondsman: Alexander Parker
686 24 August 1813 Edward S. Lee Mary Morison Bondsman: Orange Pickerell
687 26 April 1806 Andrew Lee Catherine (last name unreadable) Bondsman: Ignatius Mitchell
688 26 December 1806 Andrew Lee Catherine Hamilton I do hereby certify that I agree and grant privilege for you to issue license to Andrew Lee to my daughter Catherine Hamilton. Signed: Elizabeth B. Hamilton Witness: Ignatus Mitchell ; William Hamilton
689 30 October 1808 Mr. Daniel Lee Polly Byers Sir - the bearer Mr. Daniel Lee will call on you for a marriage license. He propose joining in the Holy Bonds of matrimony with my daughter Polly Byers to which he has my inline approbation. Signed: William Byers Witness: Jeremiah Martin
690 7 November 1808 Daniel Lee Mary Byers Bondsman: Jeremiah Martin
691 4 November 1809 James Leek Lezebeth Vermilion This is to authorize the clerk of Mason County to grant license for my daughter Lezebeth Vermilion to be married to James Leek of Bracken County. Signed: Edward Vervilion Witness: Horatio Vermilion
692 16 December 1816 Richard Lemar Elizabeth Merrill Bondsman: Andrew Merrill
693 2 August 1808 Ezekial Level Nancy Wood Bondsman: Moses Wood
694 12 March 1810 James Levi Mary Overfield Bondsman: Judas Levi
695 29 November 1811 John Levi Hannah Scott Bondsman: John Scott
696 12 December 1814 Thomas Lewis Elizabeth J. Anderson I do hereby certify that my daughter Elizabeth J. Anderson is _____ the age of 14 and it is my wish that you will grant license to Thomas Lewis to take her in marriage. Signed: Worsham Anderson
697 13 December 1814 Thomas Lewis Elizabeth J. Anderson Bondsman: John W. Anderson
698 19 September 1814 David Lindsey Lucy Parker Bondsman: William Parker
699 25 July 1806 James Lindsey Nancy Duncan Bondsman: David Duncan
700 5 March 1814 Hugh Linn Mary Wilson Bondsman: John Houston
701 9 December 1816 Joshua Linthicum Lydia Johnston Bondsman: James M. Runyon
702 13 September 1811 Aaron Linville Sally Burton Bondsman: James Case
703 18 December 1809 Charles Lion Elizabeth Tabb Bondsman: John Tabb
704 9 June 1810 John Littles Cintha Nibbs Bondsman: Gilbert Donovan
705 29 July 1811 John Loe Polly Myers Bondsman: Henry Myers
706 25 May 1811 Joseph Logan Mary Morris Bondsman: John Fleming
707 24 March 1806 Frederick Lohring Polly Hayden Bondsman: John Tenis
708 17 November 1808 James Lomar Mary Brush Bondsman: Isaac Brush
709 3 June 1816 Thomas Longely Mary Wright I do hereby certify to the Clerk of Mason County that Thomas Longely has applied to me for my daughter Mary Wright as a compaion for him. This is therefore to authorize you to issue license for him. Signed: Rebekah Doing Witness: Pearce Lamb; Hannah Lamb
710 3 June 1816 Thomas Longely Mary Wright Bondsman: Pearce Lamb Jr.
711 15 April 1807 John Looman Leah Esham Bondsman: Benjamin Kirk
712 21 January 1815 Joseph Looney James Wiley Bondsman: Elizabeth Riley
713 31 January 1815 Joseph Looney Elizabeth -- I do certify that I am agreed that my daughter Elizabeth and Joseph Looney should enter into a bond of matrimony. Signed: Ester Wiley Witness: James Wiley
714 12 November 1808 William Lorton Lovey Riggen Bondsman: James Lorton - John Riggen
715 27 December 1813 Alexander Low Laney Cutright Bondsman: Thomas Marshall
716 23 May 1817 Robert Lucas Mary Grimes Bondsman: Bernard Grimes
717 16 March 1816 John Lurton Rachel Donavan Bondsman: William Donovan
718 25 April 1809 Robert Lurty Mary Sandridge Bondsman: Joseph Eubanks
719 12 March 1806 Charles Lyon Rebecca Anderson Bondsman: Charles Anderson
720 19 March 1814 Henry Machir Martha Woodson Bondsman: John Machir
721 19 March 1814 Henry Machir Martha Woodson Sir - you are hereby authorized to issue license directing a marriage to be solomized or made between my daughter Martha Woodson and Henry Machir and this shall be your certification therefore given under my hand this date above. Signed: Jonah Woodson Witness: H. Coburn
722 5 April 1813 Levi Madden Frances Dye Bondsman: John Dye
723 22 August 1808 Peter Malott Sary McGowen Bondsman: Haskey McGowen
724 27 July 1814 John Mannen Charity Crihfield Bondsman: William Crihfield
725 12 July 1815 Mitchell Markham Elizabeth Hughkins Bondsman: Daniel Hughkins
726 23 October 1816 Mr. William Marshall Salley C. Lucas Will please let Mr. William Marshall have a license for to marry my daughter Salley C. Lucas and oblige your friend. Signed: Samuel Lucas Witness: (?) Payne; Stanilaus Mudd
727 23 October 1816 William Marshall Sarah C. Lucas Bondsman: Stanilaus Mudd
728 1 July 1807 Elijah Martin Barbary Lancy Bondsman: James Nichols
729 10 April 1809 Samuel Martin Letha Mahoney Bondsman: Samuel Frazee
730 16 October 1810 Harry Martin Johannah Gunnalice Bondsman: Peter Ingles
731 12 May 1808 David Massie Lucretia Smith Bondsman: James W. Moss
732 12 May 1808 David Massie Lucretia Smith Sir -You are hereby requested to issue or grant a license authorizing ? marriage between David Massie & Lucretia Smith by the consent of the friends in general. Signed: Margaret Smith
733 1 October 1814 Jeremiah Masterson Frances Reeves Bondsman: Benjamin Reeves
734 6 August 1810 Henry Mathingly Sara Larlly Bondsman: George Larlly
735 24 August 1817 James Matlock Jemima Frostow (?) Bondsman: Reubin Ringo
736 25 May 1814 Gawin Maxwell Hannah Monohon Bondsman: John Monohon
737 23 March 1810 John May Prudence Freeland Bondsman: Aaron Freeland
738 23 March 1810 Mr. John May Prudence Freeland I certify that I am willing that my daughter Prudence Freeland should be married to Mr. John May and that license issue for same. Signed: Aaron Freeland Witness: Thomas Tuggles & Aaron Freeland Jr.
739 14 December 1816 Michael Mayhugh Elizabeth Fleming Bondsman: William G. Mayhugh
740 14 December 1816 Michael Mayhugh Elizabeth Fleming You will please to grant license to Michael Mayhugh for my dauther Elizabeth Fleming. I do certify this to be my free act and will. Signed: Stephen Fleming Witness: William Mayhugh
741 7 September 1813 William Mayhugh Ann Fleming Bondsman: John Fleming; Stephen Fleming gave permission for his daughter Ann Fleming to marry William Mayhugh
742 17 July 1817 William McAunally Hannah Dever Bondsman: Henry McAunally
743 30 December 1809 Henry McCardle Polly Newby Bondsman: Robert Gibson
744 24 April 1812 Joseph McCarty Eleanor Osborne Bondsman: John Pearce
745 24 November 1817 David McCarty Margaret Heath I hereby authorize the clerk of Mason County to issue license for myself and David McCarty of Fleming County in Kentucky. Signed: Margaret Heath Witness: Nathaniel McCarty; John Jarvis
746 no date - listed with Nov. 1817 entries David McCarty Margaret Heath (Widow) Bondsman: Nathaniel McCarty
747 30 December 1811 Francis McClain Fenton Burton Bondsman: John Burton
748 30 December 1811 Samuel McClellan Katrin -- Sir - Please to give Samuel McClellan license for marriage to my daughter Katrin. I and my wife are agreed. Signed: Charles Larsh
749 27 December 1807 Samuel McCling Jenny Henderson Bondsman: James Henderson
750 11 April 1810 William McClure Eliza Derrough Bondsman: John Derrough
751 18 July 1809 John McCormack Polly Anderson Bondsman: Martin Marshall
752 1 November 1814 John McCready Joanna Conner Bondsman: Charles Cooper
753 20 May 1807 Henley McDaniel Mary Smith Sir I give liberty to my son Henley McDaniel to get license to marry Mary Smith and in doing so you will oblige me. Signed: Walter McDaniel Witness: John Reid
754 20 May 1807 Henley McDonald Mary Smith Bondsman: John Reid
755 25 May 1812 William McDonald Ruth McFadden Bondsman: William McDonald
756 2 January 1817 Thomas McDowell Milly Donavan Bondsman: William Donavan
757 11 November 1812 John McGee Polly Bledsoe Bondsman: Simeon Lloyd
758 11 November 1812 John N. McGee Polly Bledsoe You are hereby authorized to issue license for solomize holy marriage for my son John N. McGee to Polly Bledsoe. Signed: David McGee Witness: Simeon Lloyd
759 20 December 1815 David McGee Nancy Harget Bondsman: Peter Harget
760 31 August 1816 Jese McGehee Sarah McCrackin Bondsman: John McCrackin
761 27 July 1807 John McGinnis Susanna Wisner Bondsman: Jacob Wisner
762 17 December 1817 John McGraw Elizabeth Stevenson Bondsman: Nathan Stevenson
763 2 October 1811 Dora McGruder Elizabeth Mattox Bondsman: William Tarlson
764 20 September 1814 John P. McKay Rebecca Vansyke Bondsman: James McKay
765 26 December 1809 William McKay Sarah Jeremiah Bondsman: Thomas McKay
766 11 February 1817 Robert McKee Letitia McKee Bondsman: Oliver Anderson
767 14 September 1807 John McLaughlin Elizabeth Clemmons Bondsman: Barnabase McLaughlin
768 10 October 1817 William McLin Nancy Boyds Bondsman: Thomas Morgan
769 21 December 1810 John McQuean Clarisey Biram This is to certify that my son John McQuean has obtained full grant from me to apply to your office for license of matrimony to marry Clarisey Biram of Said County. Signed: James McQuean Witness: Thomas H. McQuean
770 25 December 1810 Mr. John McQueen Clarisey Bryam Whereas Mr. John McQueen hath made application to me for to join in matrimony to my daughter Clarisey Bryam you are therefore justifiable to grant license. Signed: William Bryam Witness: Thomas McQueen
771 26 December 1810 John McQueen Clarissa Bryam Bondsman: George Shepherd
772 12 August 1817 John Mefford Jane Blair Bondsman: Joseph Blair
773 9 May 1809 John Melott Becky Brittain Bondsman: Andrew Brittain
774 14 September 1811 Reubin Merrell Sarah Helm Bondsman: William Helm
775 3 February 1810 Daniel Merrell Ann Bayles Bondsman: Ezra Bayles
776 6 May 1817 Isaac Millburn Lear Mitchell Bondsman: Levin Mitchell
777 1 December 1813 Martin Miller Ellen Hunter Bondsman: James Thompson
778 25 February 1817 Peter Miller Aehireth Duncan Bondsman: Ennis Duncan
779 15 March 1807 Leonard Mitchell Elizabeth Hamilton Bondsman: George Hamilton
780 19 March 1816 Aaron Mitchell Elizabeth Bell Bondsman: Levi Vancamp
781 19 March 1816 Mr. Aaron Mitchell Elizabeth Bell Mayslick. To the Clerk of this County Court - Sir whereas a marriage intended between Mr. Aaron Mitchell and my daughter Elizabeth Bell both of this place. There are these fore to certify to you that the said marriage meets with my entire approbation and you will therefore please to issue the license accordingly. Signed: Daniel Bell Witness: Levi Vancamp
782 29 May 1809 Mr. Arthur Mitchell Nancy -- Sir - I have no objection to Mr. Arthur Mitchell obtaining a license from you for the purpose of marrying my daughter Nancy. Signed: Mary Daulton
783 29 November 1809 Arthur Mitchell Nancy Daulton Bondsman: William Porter
784 23 January 1808 William Monahan Elizabeth Patterson Bondsman: James Patterson
785 23 August 1811 Henry Moody Rebecca Stevenson Bondsman: Thomas Stevenson
786 10 April 1809 Daniel Moor Polly -- Sir - this may certify to you that Daniel Moor has my consent to a marriage with my daughter Polly. Signed: John Willoughby Witness: Mason Griffith; Jacob Hizer
787 31 March 1815 Calvin Moor Ann Bland Bondsman: Daniel Moor
788 no date given - listed with the 1809 entries Daniel Moore Polly Willoughby Bondsman: Jacob Hizer
789 10 November 1808 John Moran Hannah Rigdon This is to certify that I am willing that John Moran may marry my daughter Hannah Rigdon as witness my hand and seal this 10th day of November 1808. Signed: James Rigdon Witness: Thomas Goodson & Edward Norris
790 20 November 1808 John Moran Hannah Rigdon Bondsman: Edward Norris
791 7 June 1808 Edward Moran Esther Thorn I the subcriber do sanction and agree to the intermin marriage of Edward Moran and my daughter Esther Thorn. Signed: Hillman Thorn Witness: William Knowles - Joseph Wallingford
792 30 March 1815 Mr. Calvin More Ann Bland Clerk of Court - Washington. This is to certify that I have gave consent that license should be issued marriage of Mr. Calvin More and my daughter Ann Bland. Signed: Margaret Bland Witness: Daniel Moor & Calvin Moor
793 21 November 1816 James Morey Sally Wasling Bondsman: William Wasling
794 6 June 1808 Edward Morin Esther Thorn Bondsman: Joseph Wallingford
795 1 July 1808 David Morris Charity Day Bondsman: William Johnston
796 13 October 1813 Joseph Morris Mary Overfield Bondsman: Elias Anderson
797 16 December 1816 William V. Morris Lemire Warder This is to certify that I have given my aprobation that license should be issued for the intermarriage of William V. Morris to my daughter Lemire Warder. Signed: John Warder Witness: James Runyon
798 16 December 1816 William V. Morris Lumeri Warder Bondsman: James M. Runyon
799 2 September 1817 David Morris Maria Day Bondsman: Stephen Hieatt
800 22 December 1810 John Morris Polly Payne Bondsman: Thomas Young
801 28 November 1810 John Morris Polly Payne I authorized to grant John Morris license to be united in marriage to my daughter Polly Payne. Signed: D. Payne Witness: Hugh Payne
802 no date given - listed with the 1808 entries Mr. David Morris Charity Day Sir - I Mary Hiatt formerly Mary Day have no objection to my daughter Charity Day being joined in the bonds of matrimony with Mr. David Morris. Signed: Mary Hiatt Witness: William Johnston
803 12 March 1817 David Morrison Mary Whittington Bondsman: William P. Payne
804 4 February 1807 Edward Morrison Patsy Chamberlain Bondsman: John Chamberlain
805 2 October 1816 John M. Morton Lucy B. Morton You are hereby authorized to grant a license to John M. Morton for his intermarriage with my daughter Lucy B. Morton. Signed: George Morton Witness: Thomas M. Morton; Julia M. Burgess
806 3 November 1812 Thomas M. Morton Anne B. Morton You are hereby authorized to grant license to Thomas M. Morton for his intermarriage with my daughter Anne B. Morton. Signed: George Morton Witness: George B. Morton - Mary M. Murphy
807 30 October 1816 John M. Morton Lucy B. Morton Bondsman: Doney K. Stockton
808 4 November 1812 Thomas Morton Anne B. Morton Bondsman: James Byers
809 23 November 1809 James Moss Anne Spuiries Bondsman: Joseph Spuiries
810 25 December 1806 Levi Moss Lydia Applegate Bondsman: Zebulon Applegate
811 30 June 1814 Thomas Mountjoy Maria Mortan Bondsman: George B. Mortan
812 30 June 1814 Thomas Mountjoy Junior Maria Morton I hereby give my consent for license to issue for Thomas Mountjoy Junior to marry my daughter Maria Morton Signed: George Morton Witness: George B. Morton
813 2 September 1812 Thomas Mullen -- -- This is to certify that you are to grant license to Thomas Mullen and this shall be your receipt for so doing. Signed: Timothy Downing Witness: John Downing
814 7 February 1809 Thomas Mullen Rachel Downing Bondsman: John Downing
815 15 September 1817 James Murphy Susanna McLinn Bondsman: John McLinn
816 2 December 1810 William Murphy Margarett Coop Sir - You are hereby authorized to issue license for the purpose of joining in hold marriage William Murphy and my daughter Margarett Coop. Signed: Jacob Coop Witness: Philip Coop
817 2 December 1810 William Murphy Margarett Coop Bondsman: Phillip Coop
818 20 June 1815 William Murphy Lucy Morton Bondsman: Athelstan Owens
819 26 January 1815 John Murphy Elizabeth McClin Bondsman: John Macklin
820 26 March 1816 John Murphy Elanor Dawson Bondsman: Abraham Dawson
821 5 March 1806 William Murphy Mary W. Morton I do hereby authorize you to issue a marriage license for my daughter Mary W. Morton & William Murphy. Signed: George Morton
822 6 March 1806 William Murphy Mary W. Morton Bondsman: Marshall Key
823 9 March 1810 Thomas Murphy Polly Penner Bondsman: Revel Roach
824 23 April 1816 Michael Murray Delphia Garrison Bondsman: James Adams
825 8 April 1812 David Murray Elizabeth Naylor Bondsman: Thomas Naylor
826 3 March 1809 Joseph Murrow Margit -- Sir - this is to let you no that I am willing that my son Joseph Murrow shall have Margit. Signed: James Murrow Witness: Mark Wallingford & George Dyar
827 3 March 1809 Joseph Murrow Margaret Ramey Bondsman: Mark Wallingford
828 31 May 1808 Samuel Murrow Frances Ramey Bondsman: James Murrow; James Whaley
829 13 February 1816 George Myars Elizabeth Sawyers Bondsman: John Low
830 30 October 1813 John Myer Sally Drake Bondsman: Samuel Drake
831 23 November 1815 William Neal Catherine Mannen Bondsman: John Mannen
832 13 February 1817 Elias Neale Frances Thornton Bondsman: Thorton Byram
833 20 May 1817 Thomas W. Nelson Frances Doniphan Bondsman: James W. Coburn
834 20 September 1815 Robert Nelson Giney True Bondsman: James True
835 14 July 1810 William C. Newdigate Hannah Stroud Bondsman: Samuel Stroud
836 7 August 1810 James B. Nichols Sarah Whaley Bondsman: James Nichols
837 16 November 1815 Ebenezer Noland Mary Robertson Bondsman: Joseph Craycraft
838 23 February 1808 James Norris Elizabeth Ellis Bondsman: James Ellis
839 24 July 1809 Aquilla Norris Rebecca Wright Bondsman: Elisha Norris
840 29 March 1814 John Norris Elizabeth Dowden Bondsman: John Dowden
841 4 February 1808 Elisha Norris Elizabeth Burk Bondsman: Richard Barton
842 6 January 1813 Joseph Norris Susan Crosby Bondsman: John Pickett
843 5 January 1813 Joseph Norris Jr Susan Crosley I authorized John Pukett to take out license for the _________of a marriage between my daughter Susan Crosley to Joseph Norris Jr. Signed: Robert Crosley Witness: John Pukett
844 10 November 1808 Thomas Oliver Betsy Jarvis Bondsman: Solomon Jarvis
845 2 January 1816 Domonic O'Neel Ann Pinckard Bondsman: Enoch Barr
846 17 February 1813 Alexander Osborn Henrietta Higgins Bondsman: John Osborn
847 8 July 1816 Benjamin Osburn Eliza Pinckard Bondsman: Joseph McCarty
848 10 August 1814 Joshua Owens Nancy Bryam Bondsman: George Frazer
849 18 October 1806 John Owens Elizabeth Cantwell Bondsman: George Berry
850 20 November 1810 Maxamilean W. Owens Elizabeth Durrett This will authorize a marriage license Elizabeth Durrett to Maxamilean W. Owens . Signed: Richard Durrett
851 20 November 1810 Maximilian M. Owens Elizabeth Durrett Bondsman: Richard Durrett
852 26 July 1808 Asael Owens Anne Jones Bondsman: John Owings
853 4 September 1811 Joshua Owens Eleanor Buress Bondsman: George B. Morton
854 4 September 1811 Mr. Joshua Owens Eleanor Buress This is to certify that Mr. Joshua Owens has my consent to marry my daughter Eleanor Buress. Signed: B. Burres Witness: George B. Morton - John Samuel
855 8 August 1814 Mr. Joshua Owings Nancy Bryam Captain Marshall - you will be perfectly justifiable in giving license to Mr. Joshua Owings for his purpose of joining in matrimony with my daughter Nancy Bryam in as much as she is of age and has got my approbation. Signed: William Bryam
856 21 April 1811 James A. Packer Maria Marshall I do hereby authorize the Clerk of the County Court of Mason to issue license for the marriage of my daughter Maria Marshall to James A. Packer. Signed: A.K. Marshall
857 25 August 1816 John Padgett Elizabeth Hickman Bondsman: Solomon Simpson
858 12 August 1814 Robert Parish Elizabeth Atchison Bondsman: Silas Atchison
859 18 April 1815 Aaron Parker Francis Levi Bondsman: Judas Levi
860 18 June 1816 Samuel Parker Ollietha Tilton Bondsman: Richard Tilton
861 28 January 1812 Winslow Parker Malinda Lashbrooke Bondsman: William Parker
862 10 December 1811 William Parkerman Elizabeth Levi Bondsman: Elias Levi
863 16 December 1811 William Parkerson Elizabeth -- This is to certify that I Judas Levi give in marriage to William Parkerson my daughter Elizabeth. Signed: Judas Levi Witness: Elias Lane
864 12 May 1810 James Patterson Elizabeth Monohon Bondsman: John Monohon
865 30 December 1812 John Patterson Sally Monohan Bondsman: John Monohan
866 6 August 1808 Francis Patterson Margaret Ross Bondsman: John Ross
867 20 November 1808 Mr. Daniel Paul Betsy Cumber Sir - Please to issue marriage license between Mr. Daniel Paul and my daughter Betsy Cumber as I am willing for them to marry. Signed: James Cumber Witness: John Kenton & James Cumber Jr.
868 3 November 1808 Daniel Paul Betsy Cumber Bondsman: Richard Barton
869 no date given - listed with the Nov. 1808 entries Daniel Paul Miss Betsy Cumber Sir - Please to issue license between my son Daniel Paul and Miss Betsy Cumber as it is my wish for them to marry and this is your sufficent authority for issuing the license. Signed: Sary Paul Witness: R. Barton
870 8 May 1811 James A Paxton Anna Maria Marsh Bondsman: Marshall Key
871 12 June 1811 Mr. James Peachy -- -- This is to certify that I have no objection to Mr. James Peachy marrying my daughter. Signed: James Rigdon Witness: William Goodwin
872 19 June 1811 James Peachy Mary Ridgon Bondsman: William Goodwin
873 29 September 1813 James Pearce Elizabeth Bryan Bondsman: Thomas Bryam
874 17 April 1810 John Peed Dolly Marshall Bondsman: Thomas Marshall
875 9 October 1817 Richard Peed Nancy Rankin Richard Peed this day came before me James Ellis a justice of the Peace and made oath that he believes Nancy Rankin daughter of John Rankin is of the age of Twenty-One years. Signed: James Ellis
876 No date 1806 John Peirce Abigail Osborn --
877 16 March 1807 Mr. John Pepper Elizabeth Duvall Sir - I request you to grant license to Mr. John Pepper and Elizabeth Duvall as for marriage. Signed: Nolly Duvall
878 8 October 1813 Samuel Pepper Anna Walton Bondsman: John Walton
879 2 January 1816 Martin Perket Mary Bell Bondsman: William Bell
880 13 June 1814 James K. Perkin Elizabeth Murphy Bondsman: Duncan Murphy
881 11March 1816 William Perrine Elizabeth Baldwin Bondsman: Henry Baldwin
882 26 April 1807 James Perrine Anna Applegate Bondsman: Daniel Perrine
883 16 March 1813 Joseph Phillips Sarah Jackson Bondsman: Samuel Jackson
884 20 March 1813 John Phillips Leonard Dennison Bondsman: John Shotwell
885 20 March 1813 John Phillips Leonard Dennison This is to certify that I have given my consent that John Phillips to marry my daughter Leonard Dennison & to obtain license out the county clerk office to marry her. I also do certify that she is of lawful age. Signed: Rachel Dennison Witness: John Shotwell
886 30 April 1813 William B. Phillips Mary Chambers Bondsman: James Chambers
887 10 May 1808 Richard Pickerell Barbara Cook Sir - Please to grant Richard Pickerell to be married to my daughter Barbara Cook I am your humble servant. Signed: Daniel Cook Witness: Benjamin Bledsoe; Andrew Cook
888 10 May 1808 Richard Pickerell Barbara Cook Bondsman: Benjamin Bledsoe
889 28 December 1809 Samuel Pickerell Mary Ann Drake This certifies that I have given my son Samuel Pickerell free Liberty to obtain marriage license to Mary Ann Drake daughter of John (?) Drake of Mason County. Signed: Samuel Pickerell
890 29 December 1809 Samuel Pickerell Jane Drake Bondsman: Peter Nubaugh
891 6 April 1812 Dennis Pickerell Dorcas Jacobs I do hereby certify that I am fully satisfied that my daughter Dorcas Jacobs should be married unto Dennis Pickerell. Signed: Mordaci Jacobs
892 7 April 1812 Dennis Pickerell Dorcas Jacobs Bondsman: Elijah Master
893 22 December 1812 William Pickett Nany Cash Bondsman: Benjamin Burroughs
894 30 March 1806 John Pierce Abigail Osborn I do certify that John Pierce has applied to me for my daughter Abigail Osborn in way of marriage and this is to request the Clerk of Mason County to issue license. Signed: William Osborn Witness: Thomas Longley
895 25 April 1807 Alexander Piper Elizabeth Douglas Bondsman: William Douglas
896 18 December 1797 (not a mistake) John Pitts Luckey Goddard This is to certify that I John Goddard and Mary his wife is willing that John Pitts shall have my daughter Luckey Goddard in lawful marriage. Witness: Benjamin Plummer; Henry Conrad
897 12 March 1806 James Plummer Ann Higgins Sir-This is to inform you that my son James Plummer and Ann Higgins is wanting to join together in matrimony for which I will thank you to grant them license. Signed: Jonathan Plummer Witness: John Philips; Thomas Plummer
898 12 March 1806 James Plummer Anne Higgins Bondsman: Thomas Plummer
899 18 August 1812 John Poague Mary Hopkins State of Ohio - Clermont County. That my daughter Mary Hopkins is upwards of twenty years of age and has my consent to be joined in marriage to John Poague of this State and County Signed: Archibald Hopkins
900 19 August 1812 John C. Poague Mary Hopkins Bondsman: John Hopkins
901 12 February 1809 Brittian Poe Alley McArthur Bondsman: Patrick Poe
902 21 July 1808 Greg Poe Elizabeth Ann Wilson Bondsman: William A. Wilson
903 24 March 1814 Thomas Poe Sarah Latham Bondsman: Richard Latham
904 4 August 1817 John Poe Sally Friend Bondsman: Jese Friend
905 8 December 1807 Josiah Pollack Hannah Frazer Bondsman: Samuel Frazer
906 4 November 1811 Benjamin Pollard Rachel Merrill Bondsman: Andrew Merrill
907 9 November 1816 Nancy Pollard Turpin Daughters Mason Co. Ky. I do hereby certify that as it has been on agreement between my daughter Nancy Pollard and Turpin Daughters to join in holy matrimony. This is to certify that I give free consent that there will be license issued accordingly. Signed: Nancy Pollard
908 22 September 1811 Nehemiah Pollett Jane Hopper Bondsman: Leoern ? Pollett
909 8 December 1807 William Pollock Elizabeth Hiatt Bondsman: Stephen Hiatt
910 8 December 1812 John Poole Patsey Dawson Bondsman: John Bullock
911 8 December 1812 John Poole Patsy Dawson This is to certify that I have hereby give leave to the Clerk of Mason County to issue marriage license to the bearer hereby John Poole & Patsy Dawson daughter of Francis ? Dawson dec'd. Signed: Sibble Dawson - wife of Francis Dawson Witness: Abraham Dawson - Ellender Dawson
912 12 September 1806 William Porter Hannah Martin Bondsman: Edmund Martin
913 15 April 1809 John Porter Sarah M. West Bondsman: William Taylor
914 15 April 1809 John Porter Sarah M. West This is to certify that I give my consent that my daughter Sarah M. West should be married to John Porter and wish the license to issue accordingly. Signed: Simeon West Witness: William Taylor
915 4 May 1816 John Porter Rebecca Johnson We whose names are hereunto annexed do authorized the Clerk of the County Courty of Mason to issue a marriage license to John Porter and Rebecca Johnson. Signed: William Pepper; Jane Porter Witness: Charles Dobyns; William C. Pepper
916 4 May 1816 John Porter Rebecca Johnston Bondsman: Charles Dobyns
917 9 April 1813 John Porter Mary Higgins Bondsman: Samuel Higgins
918 10 December 1817 Jacob Powers Sarah Mitchell Bondsman: George Mitchell
919 8 November 1816 Joseph Powers Chloe Willet Bondsman: Charles Willet
920 23 March 1815 Thomas Prather Phebe Bosin Bondsman: Thomas Williams
921 3 September 1808 Thomas Prather Sary Wells Bondsman: Samuel Wells
922 16 December 1809 John Preston Jane Rermey Bondsman: James B. Barn
923 21 May 1808 Veese Preston Winniford Marshall Mayslick. This is to certify that my daughter Winniford Marshall wishes to be married to Veese Preston to which I have given my consent. Signed: William Marshall Witness: David Bunnell
924 24 May 1808 Veazy Price Winniford Marshall Bondsman: David Bunnell
925 16 April 1808 Joseph Prichard Elizabeth Kirk Sir - you may issue license from your office in favor of the union of Joseph Prichard and Elizabeth Kirk both of Mason County. They have my approbation for the same. Signed: Benjamin Kirk Witness: Richard Kirk
926 18 April 1808 Joseph Prichard Elizabeth Kirk Bondsman: Richard Kirk
927 5 October 1816 Harmon Prichard Nancy Purcell --
928 6 July 1816 Harmon Prichard Nancy Purcell Bondsman: John Goddard
929 21 January 1806 Jese Printy Mary York Bondsman: Joshua York
930 20 September 1815 James Pritchard Jane Tevis Bondsman: Alexander Hawes
931 25 November 1813 William Proctor Mary Driskill Bondsman: Nathaniel Whipps
932 14 April 1806 Nathaniel Puckett Ann Bell Bondsman: Richard Bell
933 26 July 1814 Charles Purcel Nancy Dryer Bondsman: John Dryer
934 24 March 1806 John Purcell Mary Bland You are hereby requested and authorized to grant a license to John Purcell to be married to my daughter Mary Bland as I give my consent for said marriage. Signed: Hardin (?) M. Bland Witness: Andrew Wood; Benjamin Blard
935 24 March 1806 John Purcell Mary Bland Bondsman: Benjamin Bland
936 26 December 1808 James Quaintance Sary Logan Bondsman: John Logan
937 16 September 1817 Harry Rains Elizabeth Curtis Bondsman: James Curtis
938 16 January 1815 John Ramsy Margaret Huston Bondsman: John Huston
939 28 July 1813 James Rankin Sary Rankin Bondsman: William Rankin
940 4 May 1809 James Rankin Hannah McIlvain Bondsman: Richard Soward
941 8 October 1817 John Rankin Miss Nancy Rankin Sir - this is to certify that this application made to you by my son John Rankin for license to wed with Miss Nancy Rankin daughter of John Rankin. It is by my aprobation. Signed: Moses Rankin
942 9 October 1817 John Rankins Nancy Rankins Bondsman: Richard Peed
943 4 October 1815 Lee Ray Griffin Letty Clift Bondsman: Moses Fowler
944 14 March 1814 John Records Rachel York Bondsman: Joshua York
945 26 April 1814 Joseph Redman (?) Prudence Young Bondsman: William Young
946 6 October 1812 John Reed Judith Leakey Bondsman: Walter Leakey
947 5 May 1806 W. Austin Reeve Lisey Dill Mason County. This is to inform you that I have given my consent to W. Austin Reeve to take to wife my daughter Lisey Dill. Signed: Soloman Dill Witness: Gideon Minor
948 7 May 1806 Austin Reeve Lisey Dill Bondsman: Samuel Reeve & Gideon Minor
949 13 May 1816 Samuel Reeves Nancy Whight This is to certify whom it may concern I give my consent to marriage my daughter Nancy Whight to Samuel Reeves. Signed: Priscila Whight Witness: George Whight; John Reeves
950 14 June 1816 Samuel Reeves Nancy Whight Bondsman: George Whight
951 21 February 1807 John Reeves Sarah Fenton Bondsman: Michael Fenton
952 22 October 1816 Stacey Reeves Sarah Dicks I do hereby certify that I George Dicks of Mason County have given my approbation to Stacey Reeves to get marriage license to marry my daughter Sarah Dicks. Signed: George Dicks Witness: John White; Samuel Reeves
953 22 October 1816 Stacey Reeves Sarah Dicks Bondsman: John White
954 27 November 1813 Calib Reeves Ann Vansickle Bondsman: John Henry
955 4 March 1812 Benjamin Reeves Nancy Reeves Bondsman: William Holton
956 21 January 1817 William Reid Cynthia Howard Bondsman: John Reid Henry Howard made oath that Cynthia Howard was over the age of 21. No relationship was mentioned.
957 24 October 1808 Walker Reid Ann Tebbs Bondsman: Marshall Key
958 6 February 1816 Isaac C. Reynolds Hannah Cox Bondsman: Benjamin Reynolds
959 6 May 1807 Edward Reynolds Sally Longly Bondsman: Thomas Longly
960 18 April 1817 James R. Rheubart Mary Masters Bondsman: Richard Masters
961 18 April 1812 Jacob Richards Anne Ealey Bondsman: Joseph Wallingford
962 27 September 1815 John Richards Prudence Murrah Bondsman: James Murrah
963 1 August 1816 Thomas Richardson Hannah Silvors Bondsman: John Silvors
964 10 October 1806 John Riely Sarah Smith Bondsman: Marshall Key
965 13 January 1812 John Riggins Elizabeth Kelly Bondsman: John Riggins
966 17 December 1813 James Riley Judith Berry Bondsman: Alexander Harris
967 24 July 1811 James Riley Rachel Bell Bondsman: William Bell
968 11 July 1811 Reubin Ringo Nancy Coram Bondsman: Armstead Fant
969 3 July 1811 Reubin Ringo Nancy Coram You are hereby authorized to grant marriage license for my daughter Nancy Coram to Reubin Ringo. Signed: Rhoda Coram Witness: Mary Cleany & Armstead Fant
970 5 April 1808 George Rinker Rebecka -- This is to certify that I have no objection to George Rinker having my daughter Rebecka in matrimony. Signed: Thomas Craycraft
971 5 March 1810 Jonathan Rinker Elizabeth Cracraft This is to Certify that I am agreed that Jonathan Rinker shall have my daughter Elizabeth Cracraft. Signed: Thomas Cracraft Witness: Rueben Cracraft & Samuel Cracraft
972 5 March 1810 Jonathan Rinker Elizabeth Cracraft Bondsman: Samuel Cracraft
973 no date given - listed with the April 1808 entries George Rinker Rebecca Craycraft Bondsman: Ruebin Craycraft
974 1 April 1817 David Robbins Elizabeth Vickers Bondsman: David Bagby
975 16 November 1815 Ebenezer Robertson -- -- This day Ebenezer Robertson came before me and made oath he believes he is of the age to twenty one. Signed: Samuel Baldwin
976 1 April 1817 Daniel Robins Elizabeth Vickers Sir-this is to certify and authorize you to give license in the name and for the use of Daniel Robins and Elizabeth Vickers and oblige. Signed: Judith Vickers Witness: David Bagby; James Bagby
977 14 November 1806 Thomas Robinson Peggy Neeley Bondsman: Thomas Mofford
978 24 April 1809 William Robinson Sary Owens Bondsman: Bethel Owens
979 28 June 1815 William Robinson Elizabeth Porter Bondsman: James Porter
980 6 December 1816 John Robinson Nancy Dixon Bondsman: Harmon Hurst Marriage was performed by Jonathan Wilson
981 6 February 1815 Nathaniel Robinson Rebecca Dobyns Bondsman: Daniel Dobyns
982 22 March 1816 William A. Rofs Jane Drake Bondsman: William Hannah
983 6 December 1813 Hector Rofs Jane Ryan Bondsman: John R. Bullock
984 30 January 1811 James Rogers Susan Helin Bondsman: Meredith Helin
985 16 February 1807 James Roland Constant Philips This day came James Roland before me a Justice of the Peace and made oath Constant Philips is a widow and over 21 years of age.
986 27 September 1809 John Ross Hannah Miller Bondsman: William Johnson
987 no date given - listed with the September 1809 entries John Ross Hannah Miller Sir - this is to certify that I have no objections to the marriage of my daughter Hannah Miller and John Ross. Signed: Tabitha Applegate Witness: William Johnston; Hambleton Miller
988 10 December 1817 Thomas Rowland Newton Bailey Bondsman: Bowdaine Bailey
989 13 June 1814 Thomas Rudd Permelei Robirtson Bondsman: John Robirtson
990 26 December 1809 Abraham Rue Nancy Dawson Bondsman: Isaac Dawson
991 1 December 1817 James M. Runyon Mary M. Johnson Bondsman: Presley Day
992 24 February 1814 Asa R. Runyon Mary Morris Bondsman: Jasper L. Morris
993 25 May 1812 Daniel Runyon Ruthy Robinson Bondsman: Richard Robinson
994 5 October 1815 Peter Runyon Sarah Fitzgerald Bondsman: Elia Hord
995 no date given - listed with the late 1815 entries Mr. Peter Runyon Sally Fitzgerald As there is a marriage intended between Mr. Peter Runyon and my daughter Sally Fitzgerald of the county of Mason and the State of Kentucky - I hereby give my full and free consent that the marriage rights should be performed between the same and do hereby request the Clerk of the County of Mason to issue a License to that affect. Signed: Peter Fitzgerald Witness: William Stewart; Elias Hord
996 19 November 1806 James Rush Barbara Barngrover Bondsman: William Bennett - John Shotwell; State of Ohio - Highland County; This is to certify that I give my daughter Barbara Barngrover leave to marry James Rush of Kentucky. Signed: Sir Barngrover Witness: John Shotwell
997 23 December 1807 Joel Rush Margaret Ellison Bondsman: Joseph Ellison - James L. Taylor
998 29 September 1807 William Russell Sally Fribby Bondsman: John Fribby
999 23 October 1812 William Sampels Prudence Prather I do certify that I gave leave for William Sampels to get license to have my daughter Prudence Prather. Signed: Rachel Prather Witness: John Stevenson
1000 23 October 1812 William Samples Prudence Prather Bondsman: John Stevenson
1001 19 October 1807 Clarke Sanders Polly Putman Henry Putman gave permission for his daughter Polly Putman to marry Clarke Sanders.
1002 19 October 1807 Clarke C. Sanders Polly Putman Bondsman: Daniel K. Putman
1003 20 January 1812 William B. Sanders Catherine Gallant Bondsman: Basil Lamb
1004 23 February 1816 Mr. Christian Schultz -- -- Mr. Christian Schultz has my approbation to obtain a marriage intended to be solomenized between himself and my daughter. Signed: N. Lee Witness: William Lashbrook & William M. Poyntz
1005 24 February 1816 Christian Schultz Charlotte Lee Bondsman: William Lashbrook
1006 13 February 1815 Mr. Samuel Scott Elizabeth Morgan Mason County State of Kentucky. The Clerk of Mason County Court you are hereby authorized to issue license to Mr. Samuel Scott to be given to Elizabeth Morgan in the State of Matrimony. Signed: Thomas Morgan Sr. Witness: Thomas Morgan Jr.; Richard Morgan
1007 13 February 1815 Samuel Scott Elizabeth Morgan Bondsman: Thomas Morgan
1008 24 March 1806 William Scott Lydia Metcalfe Bondsman: Charles Metcalfe
1009 26 June 1816 William Scott Mary Thorton Bondsman: James Scott
1010 6 December 1815 John Scott Jemima Levi Bondsman: Willis Levi
1011 4 November 1809 Samuel Sealy Mary Norman Bondsman: John Norman
1012 23 October 1815 James Seison Elizabeth -- To all whom it may concern. This is to inform you that I have given my daughter Elizabeth to James Seison in marriage. Signed: W. Waddell Witness: William Waddell
1013 29 September 1814 Solomon Selby Elizabeth Brush Bondsman: Henry Taylor
1014 5 May 1812 Thomas Sentenay -- -- I do hereby certify that I have no objection to you granting marriage license to my son Thomas Sentenay. Signed: John Sentenay Witness: Benjamin Marrell
1015 6 May 1812 Thomas Sentenay Nancy Kirby Bondsman: Jesse Campbell
1016 5 August 1816 Jacob Senteney Elizabeth Doing Bondsman: Thomas Doing
1017 3 October 1814 Andrew Senteny Hannah McKay Bondsman: James McKay
1018 23 December 1815 James Sesson (?) Elizabeth Waddell Bondsman: William Waddell Jr
1019 21 June 1809 Isaac Sevails Charlotte Duzan Bondsman: William Kelly
1020 20 January 1814 (this date is double checked) Dempsey Seybold Elizabeth Kerr Bondsman: James Kerr
1021 20 January 1815 (this date is double checked) - Mr. Dempsey Seybold Elizabeth -- Mason County. Sir - Mr. Dempsey Seybold and my daughter Elizabeth having contracted a friendship for each other and you there by have my consent to issue license for their marriage. Signed: Thomas Kerr Witness: James Kerr
1022 12 December 1817 John Shackleford Nancy Hord Bondsman: Edward Hord
1023 18 October 1817 Josiah Shanklin Eliza Fant Bondsman: Armstead Fant
1024 20 December 1813 David Shelby Jane McCaffery Bondsman: Moses Wood
1025 5 August 1811 Austin Shelton Betsy Gaither Bondsman: William Stewart
1026 9 July 1811 William Shelton Rebecca Steward Bondsman: William Steward
1027 13 December 1808 John Shepherd Rachel Wells Bondsman: John Burkett
1028 20 April 1809 Joseph Shepherd Betsy Pryce Bondsman: Josiah Wright
1029 6 October 1811 John Shepherd Polly Claton Bondsman: Josiah Wright
1030 12 September 1808 Jonathan Shields Sally Dailey Bondsman: John Dailey
1031 18 May 1816 Elias Shipley Sally Cutter Bondsman: Reason Shipley
1032 29 November 1816 Rezin Shipley Faithful Bryarly Bondsman: Noah Shipley
1033 5 October 1816 Elias Shipley Sally Clutter Married by John Wilson
1034 8 May 1816 Elias Shipley Sally Henry Clutter has no objection against licensing for his daughter Sally and Elias Shipley. Signed: Henry Clutter Witness: William Clutter and Enos Clutter Presented in the office 18 May 1916. A. Owens
1035 5 June 1810 Toliver Shirley Agnes Collins Bondsman: Zachariah Putnam
1036 5 July 1806 Samuel Short Frances Tewell Please let Samuel Short have license for marriage and you will much oblige me. Signed: John Short & Mary Short
1037 5 July 1806 Samuel Short Frances Tewell Sir - please to let Samuel Short have license for Frances Tewell. Signed: John Tewell & Nelley Tewell.
1038 5 July 1806 Samuel Short Francis Tewell Bondsman: Robert Blackman
1039 13 January 1806 Nathan Shotwell Margaret Dye Bondsman: Kenneth Dye
1040 13 July 1816 Nathan Shotwell Mariah Bland I do hereby give my consent Nathan Shotwell shall marry my daughter Mariah Bland. Signed: Margaret Bland Witness: William Easely; Calvin Moor
1041 13 July 1816 Nathan Shotwell Mariah Bland Bondsman: Calvin Moor
1042 20 November 1809 John Shotwell Sally Burroughs Bondsman: Kenneth Dye
1043 23 November 1809 Mr. John Shotwell Sally Burroughs Sir - I take this method to inform you that you may with safely grant a marriage license for Sally Burroughs to Mr. John Shotwell. Signed: Benjamin Burroughs Witness: George Burroughs
1044 29 December 1808 Caleb Shrever Ann Slack Bondsman: John Slack
1045 11 November 1811 Nathan Sidwell Annie Carter Bondsman: James Carter
1046 15 March 1814 John Sidwell Susannah Pool These few lines are to certify to whom it may concern that I Rachel Pool are satisfied with my daughter Susannah Pool proceeding in marriage with John Sidwell Signed: Rachel Pool Witness: Rolly Colvin and Benjamin Applegate
1047 16 March 1814 John Sidwell Susannah Pool Bondsman: Benjamin Applegate
1048 17 February 1808 Solomon Simpson Nancy Johnston Bondsman: Hugh Johnston
1049 21 March 1815 James W. Singleton Ailsy Parker Bondsman: Richard Parker
1050 no date given - listed with the 1808 entries John Slack Mary Keyhoe This is to certify that I am agreed that you would grant marriage license for my daughter Mary Keyhoe to be married to John Slack. Signed: Margaret Keyhoe
1051 7 September 1808 John Slack Jr. Mary Keyhoe Bondsman: Henry Sidwell
1052 8 February 1812 David Small Eleanor Waller Bondsman: Cornelius Waller
1053 12 July 1806 Green H. Smith Frances Rankin Bondsman: Moses Rankin
1054 14 March 1807 Jonathan Smith Abigail Smith Bondsman: James Smith
1055 22 May 1810 Samuel Smith Porthena Prather This is to certify that I do give consent for Samuel Smith to get license for to marry Porthena Prather Signed: Racheal Prather Witness: John Stevenson
1056 28 December 1813 Richard Smith Caroline Anderson Bondsman: Stokes Anderson
1057 28 May 1810 Samuel Smith Porthena Prather Bondsman: John Stevenson
1058 29 January 1807 Samuel Smith Margaret Wheatly Bondsman: Marshall Key
1059 31 August 1808 Benjamin Smith Elizabeth McFadden Bondsman: Connelly McFadden
1060 7 May 1812 Henry D. Smith Permilia Anderson Bondsman: Stokes Anderson
1061 9 March 1811 Reubin Smith Patsey Coyle Bondsman: Elisha Coyle
1062 9 March 1816 Jemima Smith Mr. Jacob Whisner I hereby certify my consent to the marriage of my daughter Jemima Smith to Mr. Jacob Whisner. Signed: Gideon Smith Witness: Samuel Smith; Samuel Boling
1063 14 February 1813 Daniel Solsberry Luan Alcorn Bondsman: Edward Hanna
1064 17 September 1807 Elijah Soward Mary Wallingford Bondsman: Benjamin Wallingford
1065 25 October 1817 Joseph Spurrier Catherine Rankin (widow) Bondsman: Benjamin Davis
1066 26 November 1817 George Spurrier Fanny Williams Bondsman: Samuel Williams
1067 26 November 1817 George Spurrier Fanny Williams Sir - you are required to issue license of matrimony to be solomized between George Spurrier & my daughter Fanny Williams. This shall be your warrant for so doing. Signed: Catherine Williams Witness: Samuel Williams; Patsy Williams
1068 1 April 1815 Amos Sroufe Elizabeth Collins Bondsman: John Collins
1069 5 August 1806 Joseph Stagg Sarah McGlone Bondsman: John McGlone
1070 28 April 1806 Elias Stalcup Sarah Voiers Bondsman: Robert Voiers
1071 3 February 1812 Mr. Wiatt Stapp Lucinda -- Sir - with this you have my consent to issue marriage license to Mr. Wiatt Stapp and my daughter Lucinda. Signed: William Berry Witness: Elijah C. Berry & George Berry
1072 3 February 1812 Wiatt Stapp Lucinda Berry Bondsman: James Dougherty
1073 4 April 1817 Joseph Stayton Ann Biers Sir - please to issue license to marry Joseph Stayton and Ann Biers and your compliance will oblige yours. Signed: Martha Stayton Witness: Moses Thomas; Thomas West
1074 5 April 1817 Joseph Stayton Ann Bairs Bondsman: Thomas West
1075 4 March 1813 John Stephenson Alice Morrison Bondsman: Walker Reid
1076 9 March 1816 William Stewart Abigail Shotwell Bondsman: Aaron Mitchell
1077 9 March 1816 William Stewart Abigail Shotwell Sir - this is to certify that I am willing that license should be issued for the marriage of William Stewart to my daughter Abigail Shotwell given under my hand. Signed: John Shotwell Sr. Witness: Jabez Shotwell & John Shotwell Jr.
1078 6 November 1815 Garrard Stewier (?) Maria Hopper Bondsman: John Hopper
1079 27 January 1810 William Stillwell Pheby Dye Bondsman: John Dye
1080 5 October 1816 Samuel H. Stitt Anna Clarke Bondsman: Joseph H. Clarke
1081 10 April 1806 William Stivers Nancy Coon Bondsman: John Shotwell
1082 22 August 1809 John D. Stockton Matilda Spires Bondsman: Peyton R. Key
1083 10 September 1816 John Stott Jane Grant Bondsman: Daniel Grant
1084 11 November 1815 John Stout Elizabeth L. Arms Bondsman: John Roe
1085 2 August 1815 Samuel Stout Sara Corwine Bondsman: Richard Corwine
1086 3 August 1815 to Samuel Stout Sarah Corwine This is to certify that I have granted my approbation to Samuel Stout to take unto himself in the bonds of matrimony my daughter Sarah Corwine. Signed: Sarah Corwine Witness: Richard Corwine
1087 25 July 1811 Mr. John Strain Peggy -- This will certify that I have no objection to the issuing license for the purpose of joining in hold matrimony my daughter Peggy with Mr. John Strain. Signed: Moses Daulton
1088 27 July 1811 John Strain Peggy Daulton Bondsman: William Porter
1089 6 January 1817 John Strode Ann Owens Bondsman: Bethel Owens
1090 24 January 1811 Willis Strother Elizabeth Maclin Bondsman: John McLen
1091 12 March 1810 James Strothers Sarah Cracraft Bondsman: Thomas Cracraft
1092 17 August 1812 Samuel Stroud Sally -- Sir - this is to certify that I freely give my consent to a marriage contract between my daughter Sally and Samuel Stroud and on this application I wish you to issue license. Signed: Polly Holliday Witness: Daivd Small
1093 17 August 1812 Samuel Stroud Sally Holliday Bondsman: William C. Newdigate
1094 27 December 1817 John Stuart Elizabeth Henderson Bondsman: James Henderson
1095 9 October 1815 Beverly P. Stubblefield Hulda Parker Bondsman: Alexander Parker
1096 2 January 1810 Samuel J. Sturges Clarrisa Brooks I certify that I am willing that a marriage license should be granted Samuel J. Sturges and my daughter Clarrisa Brooks. Signed: William Brooks
1097 2 January 1810 Samuel J. Sturges Clarrisa Brooks Bondsman: James Alcorn
1098 29 March 1817 Stephen Suitor Celak Chandler Bondsman: Nathaniel Chandler
1099 no date given - listed with the 1809 entries Lues Sulevan Elizabeth -- I do here certify that I have consented and have given my daughter Elizabeth to Lues Sulevan to be his wife. Signed: Tunis Bennett
1100 24 August 1812 Gabriel Sulivan Judey -- This is to certify that I am willing for Gabriel Sulivan and my daughter Judey to be joined in the holy matrimony. Signed: Mary True Witness: Elisha Hall
1101 24 August 1812 Gabriel Sulivan Judith True Bondsman: Elisha Hall
1102 6 April 1809 Lewis Sullavan Elizabeth Bennet Bondsman: Henry Clift
1103 15 Sept 1809 John Sullivan Sary Donaven Bondsman: William Donaven
1104 6 August 1815 Randolph Sullivan Abigail Hyler Bondsman: Christopher Hyler
1105 16 May 1806 William Summers Deborah Hale Bondsman: Thomas Bell
1106 20 June 1809 Michael Summers Clarissa Bell Bondsman: Charles Bell
1107 28 January 1817 Elijah Summers Priscilla Robinson Bondsman: Richard Robinson
1108 4 May 1808 Jese C. Summers Sally Griffith Bondsman: Abraham Huff
1109 8 March 1813 Thomas Summers Mary Hixson This is to certify that I have given my consent to a marriage contract between Thomas Summers and Mary Hixson. Signed: Nathaniel Hixson
1110 8 March 1813 Thomas Summers Mary Hixson Bondsman: James Morris
1111 9 August 1808 James Swain Hannah Williams Bondsman: Utey Combess
1112 9 August 1808 James Swain Hannah Williams Sir - You are hereby authorized to issue a license to James Swain to be married to my daughter Hannah Williams.Signed: Archable Williams Witness: Utey Combess
1113 18 July 1806 Duke Swearingin Mary Stratton Sir - upon application of W. Swearingin to you for marriage license for Duke Swearingin and my daughter Mary Stratton. Signed: Aaron Swearingin Witness: Captain David Lane
1114 21 July 1806 Marmaduke Swearingin Mary Stratton Bondsman: David Lane
1115 30 June 1813 Edward Tabb Luce Gill Bondsman: Erasmus Gill
1116 16 October 1806 Regin Talbert Jane Whaley Bondsman: John Whaley
1117 17 September 1814 Elias Tapp Jane Coulter Bondsman: Thomas Nicholson
1118 9 October 1806 William Tarleton Delilah Magruder Bondsman: Ruebin Tolle
1119 29 July 1811 John Tarlton Nancy Prater Bondsman: Thomas Prater
1120 6 March 1812 Caleb Tarlton Elizabeth Hill Bondsman: Benjamin Hill
1121 6 March 1812 Caleb Tarlton Elizabeth Hill This is to certify that I Robart Hill are willing that marriage license shall be granted for my daughter Elizabeth Hill to be married to Caleb Tarlton. Signed: Robart Hill Witness: John Merrick - Benjamin Hill
1122 10 September 1807 John Taylor Phoebe Drake Daniel Drake gave permission for his daughter Phoebe Drake to marry John Taylor
1123 11 November 1816 Samuel Taylor Juliet Tennis Bondsman: John Ginn
1124 12 September 1807 John Taylor Phoebe Drake Bondsman: Marshall Key
1125 20 March 1817 James L. Taylor Jane Ross (Widow) Bondsman: William Yates
1126 20 May 1817 Robert Taylor Jr. Sarah Dewees Bondsman: Marshall Key
1127 18 June 1807 Samuel Tebbs Sarah Tebbs Bondsman: Marshall Key
1128 6 September 1815 James Tebbs Elizabeth Carter Bondsman: Walker Reid
1129 no date given - listed with the 1815 entries James Tebbs Elizabeth Carter James Tebbs has his certificate in the words of the law permitting the clerk to issue license to his marriage to Elizabeth Carter but I know all hands are agreed and I promise and bind myself and heirs and to pay all damages cost and charges which may accrue and conveyance of issuing a license and at the same time I give my hand. Signed: Walker Reid Witness: Thomas Kennan
1130 20 April 1813 James Teeples Philadelphia Sandridge Bondsman: Joseph Eubanks
1131 7 December 1810 William Tewell Cloe Fife Bondsman: Abijah Fife
1132 1 December 1811 William Tharp Elizabeth Laurence Bondsman: John Laurence
1133 9 May 1812 John O. Tharp Anne Tharp Bondsman: Andrew Tharp
1134 19 August 1816 Evan Thomas Rebeckah Masters Bondsman: Richard Masters
1135 21 May 1809 Isaac Thomas Sarah -- This is to certify that myself and family are satisfied with the marriage between Isaac Thomas and my daughter Sarah. Signed: Rudy Ricketts Witness: Zadok Brooks - John Ricketts
1136 24 May 1809 Isaac Thomas Sarah Ricketts Bondsman: Zadok Brooks
1137 24 May 1809 Isaac Thomas Sarah Ricketts You are hereby authorized to grant a license to my son Isaac Thomas to be married to Sarah Ricketts Signed: David Thomas Witness: Zadok Brooks & John Ricketts
1138 26 February 1816 William Thomas Elizabeth Mannen Bondsman: John Mannen
1139 4 March 1813 John Thomas Priscilla Highfield (?) Bondsman: Nathaniel Thomas
1140 6 August 1806 Henry Thomas Sally Jones Bondsman: Marshall Key
1141 10 August 1816 James K. Thompson Louisa Key Bondsman: Alexander Key
1142 12 August 1809 Lovel Thompson Polly Sanders Bondsman: Joshua Sanders
1143 15 February 1815 John Thompson Elizabeth Cole Bondsman: Benjamin Cole
1144 2 February 1815 Matthew Thompson Margaret Boyd Bondsman: Daniel Hillman
1145 24 September 1817 William R. Thompson Sarah Stethem Bondsman: Samuel Lucas Sr
1146 25 December 1815 Robert Thompson Elizabeth Downing Bondsman: Robert Downing
1147 27 April 1811 Andrew Thompson Elizabeth Pepper Garrard County. I do hereby certify that I am willing and consenting to a matrimonial connection between my son Andrew Thompson and Elizabeth Pepper of Mason and this shall justify the clerk of Mason County to grant him license. Signed: James Thompson Witness: Daniel Hammon & William B. O'Bannon
1148 28 September 1817 William R. Thompson Sarah Stethem Maysville. Sir - There is to be a marriage performed between William R. Thompson of this town to my daughter Sarah Stethem of this place also. You will please let him have a license for the same. Signed: Mary Stethem Witness: Sam Lucas Sr.
1149 3 October 1816 Raphel M. Thompson Nancy M. Owens Bondsman: John Owens Sr.
1150 30 April 1811 Andrew Thompson Betsy -- I do hereby certify that I am willing & consent to a matrimonial contract between my daughter Betsy and Andrew Thompson. Signed: William Pepper Witness: Samuel Lassly
1151 30 April 1811 Andrew Thompson Elizabeth Pepper Bondsman: Samuel Lashley
1152 2 December 1815 George Thornton Fanny Clift Bondsman: Nelson Clift
1153 28 January 1811 Joseph Thornton Judy Asberry Bondsman: Walter Duncan
1154 10 November 1817 Samuel Thoroman Mary Ann Bettis I do hereby grant my daughter Mary Ann Bettis to join in wedlock with Samuel Thoroman as witness my hand. Signed: John Bettis Witness: Thomas Thoroman
1155 11 November 1817 Samuel Thoroman Mary Ann Bettis Bondsman: William Thoroman
1156 24 January 1810 John Thoroughman Elizabeth Finch Bondsman: John McKay
1157 27 July 1815 Thomas Thoroughman Martha Beatty Bondsman: John Beatty
1158 14 May 1810 Stephen Tolle Mary Hume Bondsman: Elijah Hume
1159 16 June 1807 Jonathon Tolle Henrietta Harn Bondsman: Elijah Harn
1160 18 March 1816 James Tolle Lovey H. Tolle Bondsman: Reuben Tolle
1161 15 December 1810 Joseph Tolles Charlotte Bean Bondsman: Leonard Bean
1162 no date given - listed with the 1815 entries Robert Tompson Lissabeth Downing Sir Clark This is to certify that I am willing to this match betwixt Robert Tompson and Lissabeth Downing. Signed: Jane Downing Witness: Robert Downing
1163 20 December 1816 William Toule Rosanna Leimas (Widow) Signed: Bernard M. Laughlin
1164 13 October 1817 Hedgeman Triplett Catherine Calvert Bondsman: Zelia Calvert
1165 16 December 1814 William Triplett Mary Hannah Bondsman: William Hannah
1166 7 March 1811 John Triplett Susannah Rollins Bondsman: Joseph Rawlings
1167 13 January 1806 Benjamin True Susannah Edinburgh Bondsman: James Key
1168 15 May 1815 James True Phebe Nower Bondsman: Alexander Nower
1169 21 December 1814 Henry True Harriet Trummel Bondsman: Evan Trummel
1170 3 October 1816 Thomas Truelow Margaret L. Laurence Bondsman: John Lawrence
1171 23 February 1812 Eli Truitt Elizabeth Reeves Bondsman: Austin Reeves
1172 8 March 1814 Elias Truitt Libby Reeves Bondsman: Austin S. Reeves
1173 ? January 1806 Jese Tucker Sarah McFadden Bondsman: David Thomas
1174 15 October 1814 John Tucker Sarah Downing Bondsman: Robert Downing
1175 15 October 1814 John Tucker Sarah Downing State of Kentucky - Mason County. To all whom know ye that the bearer hereof John Tucker hath my consent to intermarry with my daughter Sarah Downing and to apply to the office for the license accordingly. Signed: Jane Downing
1176 16 March 1816 Thomas Tucker Matilda Garrison Bondsman: James Adams
1177 27 April 1813 William Tuel Hannah Judd Bondsman: Thomas McGinnis
1178 5 April 1814 Ebenezer Tuggle Elizabeth Perrick Bondsman: William Perrick
1179 26 January 1810 Peter Tulite (?) Elizabeth Calvert Bondsman: Jesse Calvert
1180 26 April 1813 John Turner Catherine Lewis Bondsman: Lewis Lewis
1181 22 March 1811 Henry Vallentine Sarah Gill Bondsman: Edward Gill
1182 15 January 1814 John Vancamp -- Small Bondsman: Thomas Small
1183 26 October 1811 Levi Vancamp Phebe Shotwell Bondsman: Jabez Shotwell
1184 26 October 1811 Levi Vancamp Phebe Shotwell Mayslick. I hereby certify that I have gave consent that license should be issued at your office authorizing my daughter Phebe Shotwell and Levi Vancamp to marry. Signed: John Vancamp Witness: Jabez Shotwell
1185 24 March 1806 Peter Vandemeter Lucy Knight Bondsman: Charles Knight
1186 17 December 1817 Robert Vandermeter -- Rodgers Bondsman: John Rodgers
1187 30 October 1815 Ralph Vandike Minir Runyon Bondsman: Vincent Runyon
1188 31 December 1809 John Varner Elizabeth McNight Bondsman: John McNight
1189 25 March 1809 Edward Vawter Elizabeth Smith Bondsman: Marshall Key
1190 4 June 1813 Horatio Vermillion Polly Atchison Bondsman: Jerry Atchison
1191 17 November 1806 Daniel Vetner Penelope Payne Bondsman: Duvall Payne
1192 4 January 1806 Emanuel Vince Mary Cole Bondsman: Benjamin Cole
1193 24 December 1814 John E. Vincent Elizabeth B. Rudd Bondsman: John Robertson
1194 10 November 1817 William Waddell Nancy Peed Bondsman: Richard Peed
1195 14 December 1813 James W. Waddell Nancy Bailey This is to certify that I have this day granted permission unto James W. Waddell to obtain license from the clerk's office of Mason County to join him and my daughter Nancy Bailey in holy wedlock. Signed: James Bailey Witness: Carr B. Bailey
1196 15 December 1813 James W. Waddell Nancy Bailey Bondsman: Carr B. Bailey
1197 30 April 1817 John Waddell Nelly Triplett Bondsman: William Shotwell
1198 21 April 1817 Mr. John Waddle Nelly Triplett This is to certify that I Laurence Triplett have given my free consent that my daughter Nelly Triplett and Mr. John Waddle may get married. Signed: Laurence Triplett Witness: William Shotwell
1199 2 August 1808 Henry Waldren Priscilla Thoroughmon Bondsman: David J. Waldren
1200 31 August 1816 William Walker Susannah H. Perrick Bondsman: William Perrick
1201 27 January 1807 William Wallace Sarah Hawke Bondsman: John Hawke
1202 3 April 1816 John Wallace Sarah Sidwell Bondsman: Thomas Wallace
1203 22 January 1812 Simean Walton Elizabeth A. Walton Bondsman: Edward Robertson
1204 22 March 1813 Simon Walton Lucy Anderson Bondsman: Stokes Anderson
1205 6 June 1816 Nicholas Warfield Susan Orr Bondsman: Vincent Cleaneay
1206 4 February 1814 Francis Warring Sarah Wallingford Bondsman: Joseph Wallingford
1207 18 November 1810 Nicholas Warringford Polly Ginn Bondsman: Laurence Ginn
1208 11 April 1809 Michael Water Burlinda Bridges Bondsman: John Bridges
1209 11 April 1807 Michael Watson Catherine Valentine Bondsman: Henry Valentine
1210 2 July 1817 James Watson Sarah Whipment Bondsman: Frederick R. Green
1211 21 September 1814 Asa Watson Elizabeth Jefferson Bondsman: Justinian (?) Jefferson
1212 29 July 1813 Benjamin Watson Susan Summers Bondsman: David Ritchie
1213 3 February 1813 John Watson Deborah Johnson Bondsman: Zachariah Johnson
1214 31 January 1817 Michael Watson Rebeckah Johns (widow) Bondsman: Nathaniel Watson
1215 10 February 1806 William Watts Hannah Bean Bondsman: Philip Bean Sr.
1216 18 January 1814 James Weaver Charlotta Smith Bondsman: Reubin Smith
1217 7 November 1815 John Weaver Nancy Suit Bondsman: Nathaniel Suit
1218 19 December 1808 John K. Weiniger Sary Baird Bondsman: David Baird
1219 19 January 1807 Thomas Welch Elizabeth Jacobs This is to certify that I Caty Jacobs do willingly agree and give my consent that Thomas Welch and my daughter Elizabeth Jacobs shall get married. Signed: Caty Jacobs & Elizabeth Jacob Witness: Samuel Stephens
1220 20 January 1807 Thomas Welch Caty Jacobs Bondsman: Samuel Stevens
1221 19 June 1811 Thomas Wells Nancy ? Bondsman: Richard Soward
1222 3 September 1810 Samuel Wells Anne Flint Bondsman: Ovid Flint
1223 30 September 1808 John Tillery Wells Margaret McFadden Bondsman: Connelly McFadden
1224 7 July 1814 Henry Werick Hetty Corwine Bondsman: Amos Corwine
1225 16 August 1809 Thomas West Rebecca -- This is to certify that I have no objections to Thomas West marrying my daughter Rebecca. Signed: Martha Staton
1226 16 August 1809 Thomas West Rebecca Staton Bondsman: James West
1227 10 March 1810 Samuel Wheat Margaret Moss Bondsman: Meredith Moss
1228 17 March 1814 John Wheeler Polly Craycraft Bondsman: Thomas McGinness
1229 21 July 1806 Levi Wheeler Rachel Dawson Bondsman: Abraham Dawson
1230 22 October 1806 Joseph Wheeler Nancy Parker Bondsman: Marshall Parker You are hereby authorized to grant license to my son Joseph Wheeler to be married to Nancy Parker. Signed: John Wheeler
1231 5 April 1806 Laurence Wheeler Sibbel Dawson Bondsman: Isaac Dawson
1232 28 March 1814 John Wherton Polly -- This is to certify that I do give my free consent to John Wherton that he may have my daughter Polly in Lawful matrimony. Signed: Samuel Cracraft Witness: Thomas McGinness & Joseph Cracraft
1233 23 September 1807 John Whips Sarah Hiatt Sir - you are permitted from me to grant license of marriage in favor of John Whips and Sarah Hiatt.
1234 23 September 1807 John Whips Sarah Hiatt Bondsman: Alexander Donovan
1235 6 August 1817 Samuel Whips Margaret Whips Personally appeared Samuel Whips before me William Beard a Justice of the Peace of Mason County & made oath according to the law that from the best information he could get he believes his sister Margaret Whips was over the age of 21 years.
1236 10 January 1814 Samuel D. Whisman Mary Smith Bondsman: Samuel Smith
1237 21 September 1816 John White Rebecca Dicks Bondsman: Jese Youngman
1238 24 September 1816 John White Rebecca -- I do hereby certify that I have given my aprobation for John White to get a marriage license to marry my daughter Rebecca. Signed: George Dicks Witness: George White
1239 4 August 1817 Jese White Sally Friend Mason Co. This day personally appeared before the subscriber a justice of the Peace in and for said County Jese White and made oath that Sally Friend daughter of Andrew Friend deceased is of the age to Twenty-one years of age. Signed: James Ellis
1240 4 August 1817 Jese White Patsey Williamson Bondsman: Jacob Williamson
1241 6 September 1816 John White Rebecca Dicks I do hereby certify that I have given my approbation for my son John White to get a marriage license to marry Rebecca Dicks. Signed: Priscilla White Witness: George White & Jese Youngman
1242 29 September 1808 Thomas White Jones Mary Pritchell Bondsman: Joseph Pritzhett
1243 20 April 1814 Joshua Whittington Rachel Handcock Bondsman: Jacob Outten
1244 13 December 1809 Uriah Wiggins Margaret Adamson Bondsman: Joseph Adamson
1245 22 November 1811 Benjamin Wiggins Elizabeth Tewell Bondsman: John Tewell
1246 5 May 1807 Archibald Wiggins Sarah McMahan Bondsman: Phillip Wiggins
1247 2 May 1817 Charles Wilkerson Susan French Bondsman: Charles Soward
1248 2 May 1817 Mr. Charles Wilkerson Susan French Mr. Charles Wilkerson has by permission to obtain a license to marry my daughter Susan French Signed: James French
1249 ? September 1812 William Williams Mary McCracken Bondsman: John McCracken
1250 14 September 1807 William Williams Betsy Finch Bondsman: John Finch
1251 18 November 1815 William B. Williams Euphema Jones Bondsman: John Merrick
1252 9 April 1813 William Williams Susan Sullivan Bondsman: John Sullivan
1253 18 August 1810 Robert Willson Lydia Lucas I James Willson of Mason County and state of Kentucky do hereby certify that I have issued my consent and agree that my son Robert Willson shall enter into the Bond of Matrimony to and with Lydia Lucas daughter of Robert Lucas. Signed: James Willson Witness: John Robert & Robert Lucas
1254 18 August 1810 Robert Wilson Lydia Lucas Bondsman: Robert Lucas
1255 23 May 1810 Jesse Wilson Mary Pinkerman Bondsman: William Shields
1256 25 June 1812 Robert Wilson Hannah True Bondsman: Elisha Hall
1257 26 February 1811 Augustus N. Wilson Caroline Woodson Dear Sir - You are hereby authorized to issue license authorizing an intermarriage between Caroline Woodson & Augustus N. Wilson. Signed: James Wimoss - guardian of Caroline Woodson. Witness: William Lashbrooke
1258 27 February 1811 Augustus N.C. Wilson Caroline Woodson Bondsman: William Lashbrooke
1259 28 December 1811 Ephraim Wilson Nancy Wheatley Bondsman: Thomas Wilson
1260 30 April 1810 John Wilson Sarah Tilton This is to certify to the Clerk of Mason County that my consent is given to a marriage intended between John Wilson and my daughter Sarah Tilton. Signed: Richard Tilton Witness: Elias Covest - Enoch Tilton
1261 30 April 1810 John Wilson Sarah Tilton Bondsman: Enoch Tilton
1262 no date given - listed with the early 1812 entries Robert Wilson Hannah True To the clerk of Mason County you are hereby authorized to issue license for the joining in holy matrimony my daughter Hannah True and Robert Wilson. Signed: Mary True Witness: Elisha Hall - Henry True
1263 10 February 1807 Joseph Wilty Constant Phillips Bondsman: James Rowland
1264 30 November 1815 Matthias Winnans Mary January Bondsman: Christian Shultz
1265 27 January 1816 Jacob Winters Nancy Ward To the Clerk of Mason County. Sir-you are hereby authorized to grant a license to the bearer for the bonds of Matrimony between my daughter Nancy Ward and Jacob Winters and this shall be your full indemnification for so doing. Signed: John Ward
1266 27 January 1816 Jacob Winters Nancy Ward Bondsman: George B. Morton
1267 7 November 1806 James Winters Harriot Parker Bondsman: Harry Parker
1268 9 March 1816 Jacob Wisner Jemima Smith Bondsman: Samuel Smith
1269 20 September 1806 John Withers ? Carrington Bondsman: William Carrington
1270 13 May 1815 James S. Wood Rebecca Drake Bondsman: Andrew Sentney
1271 15 December 1810 Andrew Wood Matilda Fox Bondsman: Benjamin Baylis
1272 16 December 1810 Mr. Andrew Wood Matilda Fox Sir - Mr. Andrew Wood has my consent to obtain a marriage license intended to be solomized between himself and Matilda Fox for whom I am guardian. Signed: Unreadable Witness: Henry Lee
1273 18 December 1815 William Wood Rebeccah Hill Bondsman: Harmon Hill
1274 20 August 1816 Henry Wood Myram Reeves Bondsman: William Holton
1275 21 August 1816 David Wood Emma Scudder Bondsman: Athelstan Owens
1276 22 October 1816 Daniel Wood Mary Wells Bondsman: Basil Lamb
1277 31 October 1814 Charles Wood Achsa Taylor Bondsman: Robert Taylor
1278 6 August 1810 John Worthington Sophia Gaither Bondsman: Cornelius Gaither
1279 14 April 1810 Matthew Wright Elizabeth Bennett Bondsman: Jesse Bennett
1280 14 February 1806 Robert Young Nancy Calvert Bondsman: Ezekial Calvert
1281 29 June 1814 John Young Casandra Ginn Bondsman: James Ginn
1282 30 May 1814 William Young Frances Thomason Bondsman: Jacob Williamson
1283 26 November 1808 Jese Youngman Amy Dicks Sir - you will let Jese Youngman have marrying license to marry my daughter Amy Dicks as I have give my approbation. Signed: George Dicks Witness: John New & John Monohan
1284 26 November 1808 Jese Youngman Anny Dicks Bondsman: ? Reeves

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