
Marriage Abstract 4, 1827-1837 - Bride Index


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Mason County Marriage Abstract 4, 1827-1837, Bride Index
Records abstracted and contributed by Gail Childress; prepared for submission by Kathy Hines, June 2, 2003

ID Date Groom Given Groom Surname Bride
Bride Surname Notes
1 9 January 1833 -- -- -- -- Mr. Marshall Key- I want you to let him have license and you will oblige me; Signed: Daniel ?
2 10 December 1837 -- -- -- -- Returned by J. A. Clarke- 25 January 1838 Recorded;This is to certify that on the 10th day of December 1837- I married the within married couples according to the rites of the M. E. Church of which I am a legally authorized minister . Given under my hand the day and date above written; Signed: J. A. Clarke; (No list was given with this marriage return.)
3 no date - listed with March 1830 entries -- Bratten -- -- Sir- please let my son have license and oblige your friend; Signed James Bratten; Witness: Otha Suit & William Hodges
4 no date -- Clarke -- -- The Auditor of public accounts will please pay Charles Clarke Esq my two last quarter' salary. (This is the only thing written on this note)
5 8 April 1833 James Collins -- -- To the clerk of Mason County-Sir-This is to show that you have my consent to issue license to James Collins; Signed: Sarah Taylor
6 2 December 1833 -- Cook -- -- I- Lotty Weaver doThis 2nd day of December 1833- gave from under my hand for you to grant Mr. Cook license to marry my daughter. I here set my hand and seal; Signed: Lotty Weaver; Witness: Alfred Padgitt;
7 13 September 1837 William Crittenden -- -- Maysville- Dear Sir- Permit me to introduce you to Mr. William Crittenden. Mr. Crittenden is one of our citizens and a member of my church. As he is a stranger to you and wishes an ? in regard to which he won't very much dislike to meet with any hesitancy on you part- I have given him these few lines for your satisfaction should they be necessary. I am very respectfully your; Signed: Robert C. Grundy
8 5 July 1837 -- Dobbins -- -- Maysville-The clerk of the Mason County Court will please grant licenseTo the bearer Mr. Dobbins to unite himself and the daughter of the undersigned in the bonds of holy matrimony; Signed: John Armstrong
9 18 ? 1830 Harvey Engles -- -- Mr. Marshall Key- please to let Harvey Engles have license and oblige you friend; Signed: Phoebe Dawson; Witness: Wilfred Ball
10 5 November 1827 James Haden -- -- Kentucky- Bourbon County- To all whom these present may come whereas my son James Haden is under the age of 21 years and proposes getting married shortly.These are therefore to certify my consent to the same and the clerk of any court in the commonwealth may issue license accordingly. Given under my hand this 5th day of November 1827; Signed: Nathaniel Hayden.
11 25 December 1830 Benjamin Henson -- -- I do hereby certify that my son Benjamin Henson is not 21 years old till the 12 day of April- next 1831- but that shall make no difference. I wish you Mr. Key to issue license and in so doing you will oblige me and so forth; Signed: Jese Hinson; Witness: John J. Burton & William J. Burton
12 November 1830 Jacob H. Jackson -- -- Mr. Key-I do authorize Jacob H. Jackson to get license for I was twenty three the 3rd day of October last; Signed: Rebecca Jefferson; Witness: George Watson
13 no date - listed with 1837 entries J. P. Lapsley -- -- Mr. M. Key- please to let J. P. Lapsley have license and you will oblige your friend; Signed: Thomas Lane; Witness: Reason Khenny
14 21 December 1829 William Mastin -- -- Mr. Marshall Key- I gave from under my hand for William Mastin to get license to marry my daughter; Signed: William Dilling
15 14 January 1833 Thomas Prather -- -- Mr. Marshall Key- please to let Thomas Prather have license and oblige your friend; Signed: Phebe Dawson
16 7 June 1831 Paul Price -- -- This is to certify that I am willing and hereby give my consent for my son Paul Price to be married; Signed: John Price; Witness: Barnett West
17 18 May 1834 Daniel Rees -- -- Mr. M. Key- you will please give to Daniel Rees the authority to marry my daughter and oblige your;Signed: Elijah Hayden
18 12 June 1837 Nicholas Shaw -- -- Marshall Key- Esq. Clerk of the Mason Circuit Court-This is to certify that I have given Mr. Nicholas Shaw my consent to call on you for license to marry my daughter. Given under my hand; Signed: George Boucher; Witness: B. L. Hieatt
Researcher Note: Bev Graver, who researches this family, reports that the groom's surname for this entry is correctly Nicholas SHANE. [3/18/2013]
19 27 (Jan.?) 1829 Joseph Wallingford -- -- This is to certify that I am willing that my son Joseph Wallingford shall have license to get married to Samuel Hull daughter. Given under my hand this 27th day of 1829; Signed: Joseph Wallingford
20 4 August 1829 James Tanner Julian -- Sir- you will please to issue license of marriage between my daughter Julian and James Tanner and this shall be your authority for so doing; Signed: Gerrad Calvert
21 10 January 1832 Jacob T. Duzan Sarah -- I do hereby certify that prior to the death of George J. Easton the intended union of his daughter Sarah with Jacob T. Duzan met with his approbation; Signed: Edward Easton
22 10 November 1830 John W. Boyd Adeline -- To Marshall Key Esq.- Dear Sir: Mr. John W. Boyd and my daughter Adeline has agreed to be joined in wedlock bonds and my daughter being of lawful age and having my consent to the same you will therefore grant a license for the above purpose; Very Respectfully yours Thomas Donovan
23 12 August 1833 H. N. Maquire Amy Jane -- Mayslick-To the clerk of the county court of Mason.- Whereas Mr. H. N. Maquire and Amy Jane- my daughter are disposed to unite in marriage.I hereby certify they have my cordial approbation and consent and wish a license may be granted for the purpose aforesaid. Given under my hand and seal the day and date above mentioned; Signed: James Fitch; Witness Present: Chister H. Fitch
24 9 December 1833 William Browning Catharine -- To the clerk of Mason County Court:Sir- you can grant license to William Browning to marry my daughter Catharine as witness this 9th day of December 1833; Signed: John Reeves
25 29 August 1829 Samuel C. Swarts Charlotte -- To the clerk of the Mason County Court:This is to show that I am willing for the union in marriage my daughter Charlotte to Samuel C. Swarts being unable to go to town is the cause I send these lines; Signed: Joab Houghton
26 16 October 1833 John E. Jackson Eliza Ann -- East Maysville:Mr. Marshall Key- Sir I am willing you should grant license in marriage to John E. Jackson and my daughter Eliza Ann; Signed: J. V. Lovely
27 13 October 1837 W. H. Robertson Eliza Ann -- Minervia- Col. Key- you will please issue license for my daughter Eliza Ann and Dr. W. H. Robertson; Oblige your friend- Signed: Dan'l Runyon
28 25 November 1837 John Flemming Elizabeth -- To the clerk of the Mason County Court-This is to show that I give approbation to John Flemming to get license to marry my daughter Elizabeth; Signed: John G. Graham; Witness: Hiram Graham
29 7 April 1833 John Moris Emily -- I do hereby certify that my consent is given to a marriage intended between John Moris and my daughter Emily. You will therefore at his request issue license accordingly. Given under my hand and seal this 7th day of April 1833; Signed: Walter Warder; Witness: Joseph Warder & Ann Warder
30 22 August 1827 John Midleton Eveline -- Maysville Kentucky- I give my consent for my daughter Eveline to be given in marriage to John Midleton- son of James Midleton of this place; Signed: Peter Bayar; Witness: Micejah Altig & James Middleton
31 18 June 1827 Thomas Devin Eveline Jane -- I do hereby certify that I do agree and grant for the clerk of Mason County Court-State of Kentucky to give and grant to Thomas Devin license to marry with Eveline Jane Morgan. Given under my hand this the 18th day of June 1827; Signed: Thomas Morgan; Witness: Perry Jeferson
32 22 July 1830 Edward Grove Frances Jane -- I hereby give my consent to the marriage of my daughter Frances Jane to Mr. Edward Grove and require that the clerk of the Mason County Court grant a license for that purpose as the law requires. Given under my hand and seal this 22nd day of July 1830; Signed: John Kercheval
33 16 May 1836 John T. Mackoy Francis -- Minervia-To the Clerk of the Mason County Court-Sir- you will be so kind as to grant unto John T. Mackoy and my daughter Francis license to join in the holy bonds of matrimony. Witness my hand and seal this day and date as above; Signed: Mary Craig; Witness: Wm. P. Thomas
34 7 December 1832 Thomas M. Grigsby Henrietta -- The clerk of the Mason County Court- Will grant to Thomas M. Grigsby marriage license to marry my daughter Henrietta; Signed: Richard Parker; Witness: Alexander Hord
35 13 September 1831 Stephen Griffin Julia -- Maysville- Dear Sir- you will please accept these lines as an acknowledgment of my assent to the union of my daughter Julia with Stephen Griffin; Signed: Henson Waugh; Witness: Milton Culbertson
36 16 April 1831 John P. Patton Julia Ann -- The clerk of the county court of Mason will grant a license to Mr. John P. Patton to marry my daughter Julia Ann and for so doing this shall be his justification; Given under my hand this the 16th day of April 1831; Signed: Clayborne Anderson; Witness: Peter S. Anderson
37 5 October 1835 Garrett Perrine Julia Ann -- Col. Key-This is to authorize you to issue to Garrett Perrine a license to marry my daughter Julia Ann; Signed: Charles Killgore; Witness: John Killgore
38 23 May 1837 Joseph Leach Julia Ann Lee -- Dear Sir-This is to certify that Mr. Joseph Leach has my approbation to obtain marriage license to be united to my daughter Julia Ann Lee on the 24th; Signed: Christian Shulby
39 no date listed in 1832 Ludwell S. Browning Juliann -- Sir- you are hereby authorized to grant license to Ludwell S. Browning to marry my daughter Juliann and given under my hand this 16th of June.1832. My hand wright wants no witness in the CN KY; Signed: William Reed
40 30 August 1830 James Wilson Levinia -- I do hereby certify that I am agreed that James Wilson and my daughter Levinia shall obtain license; Signed: Thomas Cracraft; Witness: Jacob Y. H. Jackson
41 no date- listed with early 1835 entries Horace Anderson Louann -- Mr. Key- My consent is give to a marriage between Mr. Horace Anderson and my daughter Louann. You are therefore authorized upon his application to issue license; Signed: Walter Warder; Witness: Joseph Warder & John Moring
42 3 November 1833 -- Hannah Louisa -- Maysville Ky- Col. Key- Dear Sir- Dr. Hannah will call at the clerks office this day to obtain marriage license for himself and my daughter Louisa.This is to authorize you to issue them as it is with my entire consent that he calls for them; Signed: R. W. Thompson
43 10th day of December 1832 John Atchinson Margaret -- To the clerk of Mason County court-Mr. Marshall Key-These lines will inform you that I am willing to the union of my daughter Margaret to Mr. John Atchinson this 10th day of December 1832; Signed: Joab Houghton
44 July 1833 Wright Hallen Margaret -- Mason County-I hereby- Margaret Thomas Sen(ior) do give consent that my daughter Margaret is at liberty to marry Mr. Wright Hallen if she see proper as witness my hand and seal; Signed: Margaret Thomas Sen; Witness: Richard Wells
45 4 July 1837 George W. Bauta Martha Ellen -- Maysville- Marshall Key Esq.- Clerk of Mason County Court-Sir-I hereby authorize you to issue a license of marriage between my daughter Martha Ellen and George W. Bauta both of this County; Signed: John Evans; Witness: R. Peckover
46 2 January 1835 David Crawford Mary -- To the clerk of Mason County Court-This is to certify that I am perfectly willing for you to give David Crawford license for him and my daughter Mary to marry; Signed: John Eades; Witness: Daniel Eades & Samuel Eades
47 no date - listed with June 1830 entries Amos Oliver Mary -- This is to certify that I have no objection that my daughter Mary should be married to Amos Oliver; Signed: Margaret Outten
48 3 October 1829 Robert Helms Maryann -- This is to certify that Robert Helms has obtain consent of parties to marry my daughter Maryann and this shall be your authority for issuing license for the same; Signed: Jesse Holton
49 28 November 1837 D. J. Chambers Nancy -- Dear Sir- It is with my approbation that D. J. Chambers wishes to marry my daughter Nancy. Please grant him a marriage license; Signed: Christian Hiles;Bondsman: Nic' Shane
50 27 March 1833 Bennett Collins Nancy -- Mason County-I do hereby certify that I am perfectly agreed to a union with my daughter Nancy and Bennett Collins and wish the clerk of Mason County to issue marriage license; Signed: Mary Collumby; Witness: Jesse Combess
51 1 day of November 1830 Joseph Nower Nancy -- This is to certify that I have no objection to Joseph Nower and my daughter Nancy being married. Given under my hand this 1 day of November 1830; Signed: Margaret Fulton; Witness: James True
52 18 May 1834 John Queen Nancy -- I hereby consent that Mr. John Queen may marry my daughter Nancy and that the clerk may issue license to that effect and I fur ther state that my same daughter Nancy is upwards of twenty one years of age. Given under my hand this 18th day of May 1834; Signed: Mary Mooke; Witness: Robert Humphreys
53 8th December 1834 Lorenzo D. Green Patsy -- I do hereby assent that I am willing that Lorenzo D. Green and my daughter Patsy may get married. Given under my hand and seal this 8th December 1834; Signed: Moses Lunsford; Witness: Moses Pursell
54 12 February 1834 John Johnson Phidella -- The Clerk of the county of Common Pleas of Mason County Ky- You are hereby authorized to grant a license to John Johnson as empowered by law to solemnize in marriage the said Johnson and my daughter Phidella now in the town of Dover and State aforesaid said. Given under my hand and seal this 12th day of February 1834; Signed: Joseph Reynolds; Witness: William Abbots
55 15 August 1829 Elijah Dulaney Polley -- Mason County Kentucky-Mr. Marshall Key- Clerk of the Court-I do hereby certify that I am ? willing for my daughter Polley to have Elijah Dulaney- I want you to grant him the license as witness my and seal this the 15th day of August 1829; Signed: Margaret Thomas; Witness: Nathaniel Thomas
56 19 January 1834 H. B. Hornbuckle Polly -- I-This day give under my hand to you that I have no objection for to issue license for my daughter Polly marrying to H. B. Hornbuckle; Signed: John Mcdow
57 13 March 1830 Eli Bratten Polly Mary -- Bondsman: Otha Suit
58 3 December 1836 John W. Osborn Salina -- Col. Key-Sir- please to let Mr. John W. Osborn license to marry my daughter Salina; yours with esteem; Signed: Simeon Walton
59 25 September 1828 Landen Nuft Sally -- This is to certify that my daughter Sally is more than eighteen years old and has free consent to marry Landen Nuft. Witness my hand 25 September 1828; Signed: Ann; Witness: Jesse Jones
60 28 February 1831 George Youngman Sally Ann -- Sir-I do certify ___ that I am willing for Mr. George Youngman to marry my daughter Sally Ann. I wish you to let him have license. I am your with respect; Signed: George Henson; Witness: James M. Goldsberry & William Henson
61 3 August 1837 William Proctor Sarah -- Mr. Marshall Key-Sir-This is to certify that I have given my consent for William Proctor to obtain license to marry my daughter Sarah. Given under my hand this 3rd day of August 1837; Signed: Ellender Hawkins
62 29 December 1827 Isham Marshel Susan -- Sir- I wish you to give Mr. Isham Marshel license to marry my daughter Susan and you will oblige me; Signed: Walter Leake
63 27 July 1828 Edward Williams Synthanna -- This is to certify that my daughter Synthanna is past twenty one and that I have no objections to her union with Edward Williams. Given under my hand this 27h day of July 1828; Signed: Rachel Fennan; Witness: Dudley Chinn & Samuel Chaney
64 11 May 1837 Robert W. Rudd Caroline Adamson Bondsman: George M. Strode
65 22 September 1828 Abijah Welch Caroline Adamson Bondsman: Thomas Adamson
66 30 August 1834 Nathan Williams Eleanor Adamson Bondsman: Junior Adamson
67 2 February 1830 Richard Loyd Elizabeth Adamson Bondsman: Joseph Adamson
68 4 June 1827 Thomas Wiggins Polly Adamson Bondsman: James Adamson
69 21 February 1829 Joseph Eubank Ruth Adamson Bondsman: Joseph Adamson
70 14 September 1831 Blair McCroskey Elizabeth W. Alexander To the clerk of Mason County Ky-I do certify that I have no objections to my daughter Elizabeth W. Alexander entering into the bonds of matrimony with Blair McCroskey. Witness my hand and seal; Signed: Ayeh Alexander; Witness: Abraham Bledsoe
71 14 September 1831 Blair McCroskey Elizabeth W. Alexander Bondsman: Abraham Bledsoe
72 24 October 1835 Zachariah Robinson Louisa Allen Bondsman: Samuel Allen
73 26 October 1835 James Spenser Rachel Allen Bondsman: Samuel Allen
74 25 June 1827 Daniel Worley Deborah Allen Bondsman: Benjamin Allen
75 18 March 1830 Ethanon Hite Mary Ann Allison 26 March 1830-I do hereby certify that I did on the 11th day of March 1830- celebrate the rites of marriage between Augustus Dillen and Elizabeth Hite and on the 18th of the same month between Ethanon Hite and Mary Ann Allison in presence of license and from the clerks office at the County Courthouse of Mason according to the rule and ceremonies of the Methodist Episcopal Church; Signed: H. L. Duke
76 16 March 1830 Elhanan Hitt Mary Ann Allison Bondsman: William Allison
77 16 November 1833 Coleman B. Heflin Susan Altig Was married by me in accordance with a license issued from you office being date 16th day of November 1833- Coleman B. Heflin to Susan Altig. Also on the 16th day of October 1833- John E. Jackson to Eliza Ann Lovely. Also on the 26th day of February 1834 Wilburn Harover to Matilda Sandidge. Also on the 6th day of March Manuel Martin to Janetta Reed. Also on the 20th day of March Abel Crispin to Mary Ann Wilson- 1834; Signed: John Jacobs- April 9th 1834;This ends the list of John Jacobs
78 22 January 1829 James Chanslor Aesah Anderson Bondsman: George Anderson
79 10 December 1827 Thomas Jackson Eliza W. Anderson Bondsman: John W. Anderson
80 4 August 1834 John T. Brooks Elizabeth Branch Anderson Mason County- I Susan Anderson do hereby certify to the clerk of the Mason County court that I have consented and do hereby consent to give my daughter Elizabeth Branch Anderson in marriage to John T. Brooks and request the said clerk to issue a license accordingly to the said John T. Brooks and Elizabeth Branch Anderson. Witness my hand this 4th day of August 1834; Signed: Susan L. Anderson
81 16 April 1831 John P. Patton Julia Ann Anderson Bondsman: Peter S. Anderson
82 19 November 1827 Thomas A. Reader Lucy S. Anderson Bondsman: Charles W. Anderson
83 15 August 1831 Nicholas Watkins Margaret Anderson Bondsman: Alexander Anderson
84 29 May 1827 John Latham Nancy Anderson Bondsman: Joseph Carter
85 25 July 1834 Walter Small Rachel Anderson Bondsman: Elias Anderson
86 20 February 1830 George Eaton Rebecca Anderson Signed: Alexander Anderson
87 8 May 1832 William Fowler Elizabeth Andrews Bondsman: James Thompson
88 no date - listed with early 1832 entries William Fowler Elizabeth Andrews Mr. Key-This is to certify that I am willing for William Fowler to have my daughter Elizabeth Andrews; Signed: Sally Seed
89 20 May 1833 Anno Ritter Elizabeth Anno Bondsman: William Anno
90 8 March 1830 Henry L. Jordan Jane Anno Bondsman: William Roe
91 1 January 1829 Samuel S. Simmons Nancy Anno This is to certify that rites of matrimony was duly celebrated between William Anno and Sarah Spurrier and Samuel S. Simmons and Nancy Anno- John W. Campbell and Mary Ann Wheat- Elijah Marshall and Mary Ann Crupper by me a Minister of the Gospel authorized to celebrate the rites of matrimony. January 1st 1829; Signed: Samuel Helms
92 8 June 1829 Benjamin Wallingford Hannah Applegate Bondsman: Strauder Lamb
93 12 December 1832 Garrett Applegate Rebecca Applegate Bondsman: Vincent Applegate
94 10 February 1834 John Downing Rebecca Applegate Bondsman: Nathaniel Kirk
95 8 November 1837 Abner Hall Jane Arms Bondsman: William Hall
96 25 June 1836 James B. Bruce Eliza Armstrong Bondsman: Francis C. Coburn
97 17 September 1830 John Brayfield Elizabeth Armstrong Bondsman: William Armstrong
98 5 July 1837 Richard G. Dobyns Emily Armstrong Bondsman: James N. Morrison
99 5 July 1837 Richard G. Dobyns Emily Armstrong To the clerk of the county court of Mason County I do certify that I joined in Matrimony the following person upon the dates therein certified. Witness my hand 29 September 1837; G. W. Bush
100 13 April 1833 John Layman Kasiah Armstrong Bondsman: Isaac Helvey
101 23 May 1831 William Little Nancy Armstrong Bondsman: Edward Stephenson
102 6 July 1831 Richard Henry Lee Eliza Armstrong Bondsman: John Armstrong
103 7 November 1832 David Arnold Fenton Arnold Mason County Kentucky-I do hereby certify that I ?The rites of matrimony (being duly authorized by law and administer of the Gospel) between the following persons George M. Moss and Rebecca L. Duke; David Arnold and Fenton Arnold; Alfred Soward and Rachel Brewer; George D. Tolle and Lucinda Staggs. Given under my hand this 7th November 1832; Signed: Samuel Helms
104 15 December 1831 David Arnold Fenton Arnold Bondsman: Samuel McAdow
105 24 March 1829 John Miller Susan Atchison Bondsman: Peter Miller
106 11 April 1831 William Eakins Isabella Athinson Bondsman: Samuel Athinson
107 4 September 1836 Squire Vandergrift Margaret Isabella Atkins Bondsman: John Shackleford
108 November 1833 Coleman B. Heflin Susan Atlig Bondsman: Alfred Soward
109 16 November 1833 Coleman B. Heflin Susan Atlig Maysville- Clerk of Mason County Court will please grant Coleman B. Heflin license to marry Susan Atlig and oblige yours; Signed: Vanoy Atlig; Witness: Francis Atlig
110 25 October 1830 William C. Holton Elizabeth R. Bacon Bondsman: Orlando Parker
111 21st day of October 1830 William C. Holton Elizabeth R. Bacon I do hereby authorize you to issue a license for the purpose of solemnizing a marriage between my daughter Elizabeth R. Bacon and William C. Holton. Given under my hand this 21st day of October 1830; Signed: John G. Bacon
112 2 January 1836 B. C. Pickett Mary L. Bacon I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
113 18 January 1836 Benjamin O. Pickett Mary L. F. Bacon Bondsman: Robert T. Blanchard
114 11 January 1836 Benjamin O. Pickett Mary L. F. Bacon The Clerk of Mason C. court is hereby authorized to issue license for the solemnization of a marriage between my daughter Mary L. F. Bacon and Benjamin O. Pickett. Given under my hand this 11th day of January 1836; Signed: John G. Brown
115 15 February 1837 Edward Grimes Amanda Bailey Bondsman: Cornelius Drake
116 17 April 1832 James M. Shackleford Margaret Baird I do certify that I joined together in matrimony: Witness my hand 5 July 1832; Littleton Fowler
117 14 April 1832 James M. Shackleford Margaret S. Baird Bondsman: John T. Brooks
118 10 September 1835 Reason Lamar Amanda Baker Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
119 9 September 1835 Reason Lemar Amanda Baker Bondsman: Lawson Baker
120 27 January 1827 Edward Lewis Bullock Frances Rice Baker Bondsman: Simon R. Baker
121 18 November 1835 William L. Pollette Lucinda C. Baker Bondsman: Landon D. Farrow
122 15 May 1837 Ephraim Boulden Mary Baker Bondsman: William Massey
123 15 May 1837 Ephraim Boulden Mary Baker Mason County Kentucky- Clerk of the County Court- Dear Sir- if you please you will let Mr. Ephraim Boulden have license for him and my daughter Mary Baker; Signed: Nancy Baker; Witness: Nathan Boulden & Wm. Massey
124 13 September 1837 William Crittenden Electa Balden Bondsman: Harvey G. Mersick
125 15 October 1827 Marshall Cooper Elizabeth Baldwin Bondsman: John Baldwin
126 8 February 1831 Sylvanus J. Bragg Margaret H. Baldwin Bondsman : Samuel Baldwin
127 1 August 1829 John Summers Matilda Ball Bondsman: Daniel Ball
128 14th day of November 1832 William Green Nancy Ballenger To the clerk of the county court of Mason- you are hereby authorized to issue a license to my son William Green to marry Miss Nancy Ballenger and this shall by your authority. Given under my and this 14th day of November 1832; Signed: Mat thew Hawkins
129 15 November 1832 William Green Nancy Ballenger Bondsman: Mat thew Hawkins
130 21 December 1829 Joseph F. Thompson Nancy Ballenger Bondsman: William Ballenger
131 17 August 1832 Buckner L. Morris Evaline Barker Bondsman: John N. Barker
132 27 April 1833 Thomas Linley Mariah Barker Bondsman: Edmund Barker
133 20 March 1835 James Thomas Charity Barns Bondsman: Randolph Sullivan
134 22 March 1835 James Thomas Charity Barnus I do hereby certify that I joined together in the Holy bonds of matrimony the below named person according to laws and at the named day below written: Given under my hand this 21st day of June 1825; Signed: F. A. Savage.
135 17 June 1834 Benjamin Jacobs Perlina Barr Bondsman: Abijah Castoe
136 17 June 1834 Benjamin Jacobs Perlina Barr The clerk of the Mason Circuit court is hereby authorized to issue license to Benjamin Jacobs to be joined in marriage with my daughter Perlina Barr. Given under my hand the 17th day of June 1834; Signed: Mary Bartholmew
137 26 December 1832 Joseph V. Burgess Lucinda Bassett Bondsman: David Basset
138 2 April 1827 Elijah Summers Elizabeth Batman Bondsman: Joseph H. Earley
139 22 August 1827 John Middleton Evelina Bayar Bondsman: James Middleton
140 6 November 1833 Paschal McGlasson Caroline L. Bayles Bondsman: John Bayles
141 7 November 1833 Paschal McGlassen Caroline Bayless I do hereby certify that the following named person were joined together in holy bonds of matrimony by me on the day and date mentioned; Given under my hand this 18th April 1834; Signed: F. A. Savage
142 1 March 1837 Henry R. Reeder Elizabeth Bayless Bondsman: Benjamin Bayless Jr.
143 2 March 1837 Henry Reeder Elizabeth Bayless Given under my hand this 6th day of July 1837. Robert C. Grundy
144 20 July 1830 Angus T. Donovan Mary Beal This is to certify that I solemnized the rites of matrimony between:
145 28 July 1830 Angus L. Donovan Mary Beal Bondsman: William Gibson
146 28 July 1830 Angus L. Donovan Mary Beal Maysville- To Marshall Key- My son Angus L. Donovan will make application to you for a license to be married to Mary Beal. He being yet underage you are fully authorized by me to grant said license to him; Very Respectfully yours Thomas (?) M. Donovan; Witness: J. Corwine & William Gibson
147 11 April 1836 Daniel P. Wallingford Elizabeth Bean Bondsman: Benjamin Bean
148 14 April 1836 Daniel P. Wallingford Elizabeth Bean Also between Daniel P. Wallingford and Elizabeth Bean; April 14 1836; Signed: Joel Morehead- Minister of the gospel- May the 26th 1846
149 7 April 1831 Samuel McAdow Juliann Bean Mason County Kentucky- June 15 1831-I do hereby certify that I have united in the solemn bonds of matrimony according to legal authority the following persons on the severally annexed to them; All in Mason County Ky; Signed: Samuel Y. Garrison
150 4 April 1831 Samuel McAdow Juliann Bean Bondsman: Benjamin Bean
151 18 April 1833 John P. Austin Mary C. Beatty This is to certify that I joined in the holy bonds of matrimony John P. Austin and Mary C. Beatty this 18th of April 1833; Signed: Martin L. Eads
152 17 April 1833 John P. Austin Mary C. Beatty Bondsman: Isaac Watkins
153 28 June 1836 William Hiles Eliza S. Beaty Dover-I do hereby certify that I am perfectly agreed that my daughter Eliza S. Beaty should enter into the bonds of matrimony with William Hiles for which you will please to issue license. Witness my hand-The day and year above written; Signed: Robert Beaty; Witness: Christian Hiles
154 28 June 1836 William Hiles Eliza S. Beaty Bondsman: Christian Hiles
155 17 April 1833 John P. Austin Mary C. Beaty I Robert Beaty hereby certify to the clerk of Mason County court that I do consent to the marriage of my daughter Mary C. Beaty to Mr. John P. Austin and request that license shall issue accordingly. Witness my hand at Maysville this 17th day of April 1833; Signed: Robert Beaty
156 15 January 1825 William Painter Alse Becket A list of marriages celebrated by me the subscriber in abidance to license from the clerk of Mason County; Signed: William Bellop
157 29 October 1827 Jacob Hays Catharine Bell Bondsman: Thornton Bell
158 8 April 1833 Asahel Bell Mary Ann Bell Bondsman: John B. Gibson
159 5 May 1834 Tunis Eubanks Rachel Bennet Bondsman: David Bell
160 no date in 1833 David Bell Agnes Bennett Bondsman: William Roe;This marriage bond had no date but was included in the ones dated 1833
161 15 March 1827 Eli Sargeant Elizabeth Berry Bondsman: Pearce Lamb
162 1 April 1830 John M. Gallagher Lucinda Berry Bondsman: James M. Berry
163 1 April 1830 John D. Gallagher Lucinda Berry Mason County Kentucky-The clerk of Mason County Court will please issue license for the joining together in the bonds of matrimony John D. Gallagher and my daughter Lucinda Berry and in so doing you will much oblige your friend; Signed: Mary Ann Berry; Witness: James M. Berry
164 9 October 1832 James D. Taylor Mary Ann Berry Mason County I hereby certify that I joined together in holy marriage the following persons: Signed: Walter Warder- June 8 1833-This ends the list of Walter Warder
165 5 October 1832 James D. Taylor Mary Ann Berry Bondsman: James M. Berry
166 8 November 1830 Franklin Kercheval Matilda Berry Bondsman: Elsey Berry
167 9 March 1830 Andrew S. Fugate Elizabeth Bess Bondsman: Charles A. Donophan
168 19 February 1835 Grandison G. Reynolds Ellen Best Bondsman: James Best
169 25 April 1829 Francis A. Savage Martha Best Bondsman: James Best
170 1 February 1837 William Galbrath Catherine Bettis Bondsman: Marshall Bettis
171 3 November 1831 Abner Bettis Eveline Bettis Bondsman: Benjamin Palmer
172 1 November 1831 Abner Bettis Eveline Bettis This is to certify that I give my consent for my daughter Eveline Bettis to be married to Mr. Abner Bettis. Given under my hand this 1st day of November 1831; Signed: Benjamin Palmer
173 21 December 1831 Samuel R. Martin Caroline Bishop Bondsman: William Bishop
174 28 December 1836 Henry Case Ellen M. Bishop Bondsman: William Bishop
175 28 January 1836 Henry Case Ellen Marian Bishop I- a minister of the Methodist E. church licensed for the purpose by the county court of Greenup County Kentucky do certify that the marriage according was performed by me between Henry Case and Ellen Marian Bishop on the 28th of January 1836 according to the rites and ceremonies of said church- Maysville Kentucky; Signed: Thomas Waring
176 18 December 1836 Lawson Wiggins Es ther S. Bishop Bondsman: William Bishop
177 20 December 1836 Lawson Wiggins Esther L. Bishop To the clerk of the county court of Mason County I do certify that I joined in Matrimony the following person upon the dates therein certified. Witness my hand 29 September 1837; G. W. Bush
178 21 February 1827 James Ellis Mahala Blacks tone Bondsman: James Blacks tone
179 29 December 1828 James C. Collins Sally Ann Blades Bondsman: Thomas J. Waters
180 29 December 1828 James L. Collins Sally Ann Blades Mason County Kentucky-This is to certify that there are no legal objections to the clerk of said county issuing of license to join together in holy matrimony Mr. James L. Collins and my daughter and ward Sally Ann Blades. Given under my hand this day and date above; Signed: Zadock Blades
181 2 August 1830 William Allison Eliza Blair Bondsman: William Gordon
182 22 January 1833 Francis M. Cleneay Caroline Bland Bondsman: Andrew M. January
183 27 February 1828 John Cockrell Pamelia Bland Bondsman: Peter Grant
184 22 November 1835 James Drake Isabella T. Bledsoe Bondsman: Abraham Bledsoe
185 1 November 1837 Jacob Outten Mary Bolinger Bondsman: Robert T. Blanchard
186 20 January 1829 Henry Martin Mary Ann Boone State of Kentucky-Mason County-I- Marshall Key- clerk of the county court of said county do hereby authorize any license minister of the gospel of said state to join in holy marriage Henry Martin and Mary Ann Boone according to the rites and ceremonies of the church to which he may belong and for so doing this shall be your authority. Given under my hand this 20th day of January 1829; Signed: Marshall Key
187 20 January 1829 Henry Martin Mary Ann Boone Bondsman: Daniel Boone
188 12 June 1837 Nicholas Shaw Stalira (?) Boucher Bondsman: Benjamin Hieatt
Researcher Note: Bev Graver, who researches this family, reports that the bride's given name for this entry is correctly STATIRA Boucher. [3/18/2013]
189 15th day of April 1837 -- -- Eliza Bowman Mason County-This day A. A. Winter personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace for said county and made oath that Eliza Bowman of Mason county is in her twenty third year. Given under my hand this 15th day of April 1837; Signed: C. W. Owens
190 15 April 1837 Abner Hawkins Eliza Bowman Bondsman: A. A. Winter
191 13 March 1833 James Baly Elisa Boyd I Elizabeth Boyd certify that you have my entire approbation to issue a license to join in matrimony my daughter Elisa Boyd with James Baly. Given under my hand this 13 day of March 1833; Signed: Elisabeth Boyd; Witness: William Dickey & Edmund F. Matthews
192 14 March 1833 James Bailey Eliza Boyd Bondsman: Charles Humphreys
193 15 March 1832 James G. Bailey Eliza Boyd I do hereby certify that I have joined the following person if the holy bond of matrimony on the date; This ends the list of Samuel G. Garrison; Signed: Samuel G. Garrison
194 29th day of September 1830 Edmond P. Matthews Mary Boyd The clerk of Mason County court-Sir-This will authorize you to issue a license to join in matrimony my daughter Mary Boyd with Edmond P. Matthews as they have my entire approbation. Given under my hand this 29th day of September 1830; Signed: Elizabeth Boyd; Witness: Lary (?) A. Boyd & William A. Cotton
195 30 September 1830 Edmund P. Matthews Mary S. Boyd Mason County Kentucky- June 15 1831-I do hereby certify that I have united in the solemn bonds of matrimony according to legal authority the following persons on the severally annexed to them; All in Mason County Ky; Signed: Samuel Y. Garrison
196 29 September 1830 Edmund P. Matthews Mary S. Boyd Bondsman: Lary (?) A. Boyd
197 16 March 1836 Gideon W. Kirk Susanna Bradshaw Bondsman: William Winter
198 8 April 1837 Thomas C. Anderson Margaret J. Bragg Sir- Please to grant Thomas C. Anderson license to marry with my daughter Margaret J. Bragg and this order shall stand good against any impediment whatever; Signed: Joel Bragg
199 11 April 1837 Thomas C. Anderson Margaret J. Bragg Bondsman: Madison Robertson
200 31 March 1829 John N. Browning Catherine Bramel Bondsman: Samuel Bramel
201 January 1832 Joseph Peed Drucilla Bramhall Bondsman: Samuel Bramhall
202 5 August 1834 John T. Brooks Elizabeth Branch Anderson Bondsman: James M. Shackleford
203 7 August 1834 John T. Brooks Elizabeth Branch Anderson I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
204 25 January 1830 Otho Suits Nancy Bratton daughter of Josiah (?) James;Bondsman: James Bratton
205 2 May 1837 Stro ther Bradley Eliza Brayfield Bondsman: Obed Brayfield
206 23 November 1829 John Perry Elizabeth Brayfield Bondsman: Obed Brayfield
207 23 October 1830 Kenneth D. Wise Julia Ann Brayfield Bondsman: Abel Brayfield
208 15 January 1834 William Johnson Hannah M. Brewer Bondsman: James W. Brewer
209 29 December 1832 William Anno Mary Brewer Bondsman: James H. Brewer
210 7 November 1832 Alfred Soward Rachel Brewer Mason County Kentucky-I do hereby certify that I ?The rites of matrimony (being duly authorized by law and administer of the Gospel) between the following persons George M. Moss and Rebecca L. Duke; David Arnold and Fenton Arnold; Alfred Soward and Rachel Brewer; George D. Tolle and Lucinda Staggs. Given under my hand this 7th November 1832; Signed: Samuel Helms
211 30 April 1832 Alfred Soward Rachel Brewer Bondsman: James Brewer
212 23 December 1835 Solomon Shockley Eliza Bridges Maysville-Mason County Kentucky-To the clerk's office-The object of this is to inform you that Solomon Shockley and Eliza Bridges have agreed to join in matrimony and I have consented to the marriage; Yours with respect- Signed: Elizabeth Bridges; Witness: Francis B. Kelly
213 23 December 1835 Solomon Shockley Elizabeth Bridges Bondsman: Frances B. Kelly
214 16 July 1828 Mordica Levi Mary Bridges This is to certify that I am willing for my daughter Mary Bridges to marry Mr. Mordica Levi. Given under my hand at Maysville this 16th day of July 1828; Signed: Elizabeth Bridges; Witness: James Devine
215 16 July 1828 Mordica Levi Mary Bridges Bondsman: James Devin
216 5 January 1830 William Heddelson Elizabeth Brockman Bondsman: Peter A. Pepper
217 13 May 1829 George Vaughan Ann C. Brodrick Bondsman: Orange Pickren
218 29 April 1834 Austin L. Bronaugh Sarah A. Bronaugh Bondsman: David Bronaugh
219 13 August 1831 Marcus Shackleford Sarah Ann Brook Bondsman: John H. Brook
220 10 October 1833 William Corwine Amanda Brooks Bondsman: John T. Brooks
221 11 October 1833 William Corwine Amanda Brooks I hereby certify that the clerk of the Mason County Court that I consent to the marriage of my daughter Amanda Brooks to William Corwine and request same clerk to issue a license accordingly; Signed: Elizabeth Brooks
222 10 October 1833 William Corwine Amanda Brooks I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
223 12 December 1835 Samuel Miner Araminita (?) Brooks I- Elizabeth Brooks do hereby consent to a marriage between my daughter Araminita (?) Brooks and Samuel Miner and request the clerk of the county court of Mason to issue a license accordingly; Signed: Elizabeth Brooks
224 12 December 1835 Samuel L. Miner Araminta Brooks Bondsman: John T. Brooks
225 12 December 1835 Samuel S. Miner Arminta Brooks I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
226 17 December 1836 James Chamberlain Mary Brooks Bondsman: Nelson Clift
227 4 September 1827 William Kennedy Lallias Brough Marshall Key- Clerk;Sir- you are hereby authorized to grant William Kennedy license to marry my daughter Lallias Brough; Signed: Peter Brough
228 5 September 1827 William Kennedy Lillias Brough Bondsman: John Brough
229 9 July 1828 John Green Abi Brown Now ye that I- Joseph Brown by these presence give my daughter Abi Brown in a marriage contract to John Green. Given under my hand this 9 day of July 1828; Signed: Joseph Brown; Witness: Joseph How & ? Simmons & Thomas Peck Junior
230 16 May 1836 Benjamin B. Throop Ann R. Brown Bondsman: Richard Soward
231 19 August 1834 Elisha D. Hyde Anne M. Brown Bondsman: Thomas Y. Payne
232 17 December 1834 Joseph Scholl Catherine Brown Bondsman: John Smith
233 13 August 1832 Joseph Glenn Charlotte Brown Bondsman: David Brown
234 10 March 1837 William M. Bell Hannah Ann B. Brown Bondsman: Henry B. Bascum
235 23 October 1834 John Love Margaret Brown Bondsman: Nathan Coon
236 27 August 1834 William Whipps Martha Brown Bondsman: Thomas J. Reed
237 28 August 1834 William Whipps Martha Brown This is to certify that the following person were joined together in the holy estate of matrimony by me according to the rules of the Methodist Episcopal church on the date mentioned: Given under my hand this 21st of July 1835; Signed: James Savage
238 18 May 1829 Richard Soward Mary Brown Bondsman: David Brown
239 29 December 1836 Marshall King Rachel Brown Bondsman: David Brown
240 29 December 1836 Marshall King Rachel Brown To the clerk of the county court of Mason County I do certify that I joined in Matrimony the following person upon the dates therein certified. Witness my hand 29 September 1837; G. W. Bush
241 no date listed Edwin Forman Rebecca L. Brown The clerk of the Mason County Court- Is hereby permitted to issue the license for solemnizing the marriage of Mr. Edwin Forman to my daughter Rebecca L. Brown.I hereby give my consent; Signed: R. Brown
242 6 April 1829 Orson D. Farrow Elizabeth P. Bruer Mr. Marshall Key-Sir-This is to certify that I have no objection to give Orson D. Farrow and Elizabeth P. Bruer license to get married being from under me and as witness; Signed: John Bruer; Witness: Thomas D. Bruer & Johnson Bruer
243 6 April 1829 Orson D. Farrow Elizabeth R. Bruer Bondsman: Johnson Bruer
244 10 April 1830 George Waddell Caroline Bryam Bondsman: Milton J. Bryam
245 no date - listed with 1836 entries Daniel D. W. Clarke Emeline C. Bryan Bondsman: Wm. D. Coryell
246 31 July 1827 Harlow Yancey Ann M. Bullock Bondsman: James W. Bullock
247 1 September 1835 John R. Key Sytha R. Bullock Bondsman: William G. Bullock
248 11 February 1832 Daniel Phillips Achsa Burgess Bondsman: Ripton Burgess
249 7 March 1836 Calvin Holton Maria Burgess Bondsman: Osgood Burgess
250 9 March 1836 Calvin Holton Maria D. Burgess I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
251 7 October 1834 Thomas Newman Sarah Burgess Bondsman: William Lashbrooke
252 4 September 1835 William Dean Mrs. Rebecca Burris I Robert C. Grundy a regularly authorized and ordained minister of the gospel do hereby certify that by virtue of a license issued by the clerk of the Mason County Court for that purpose- I married the following individuals at the times specified
253 3 September 1836 William Dean Rebecca Burris Bondsman: William Kenedy
254 30 November 1829 James Craig Elizabeth Burroughs Bondsman: Jonathan Roff
255 23 June 1832 John Curtis Mary Ann Burton Bondsman: William Curtis & John Burton
256 10 September 1832 Sebastian L. Sroufe Mary Ann Buskirk Bondsman: John Peck
257 29 April 1835 Clarendon E. Dix Ann E. Byers Bondsman: John McClung
258 2 August 1837 Milton Culbertson Margaret Bynne Bondsman: Thomas K. Ricketts
259 3 August 1837 Milton Culbertson Margaret Bynne To the clerk of the county court of Mason County I do certify that I joined in Matrimony the following person upon the dates therein certified. Witness my hand 29 September 1837; G. W. Bush
260 14 July 1828 George McAdow Milly Byram I do hereby certify that I have no objection to my daughter Milly Byram joining in matrimony with George McAdow; Signed: William Byram; Witness: Col. McKee
261 14 July 1828 George McAdow Milly Byram Bondsman: Milton J. Byram
262 29 December 1828 William B. Waddell Susan C. Byram Bondsman: Milton J. Byram
263 8 January 1834 George W. Soward Harriet A. Cahill Bondsman: Oliver H. Cahill
264 31 August 1831 John Rigg Nancy Cain Bondsman: Samuel Cain
265 19 September 1828 James Barclay Isabella Callen Bondsman: Abel Downing
266 28 November 1836 James Griffin Amanda Calvert Bondsman George L. Forman
267 6 August 1829 James Tanner Julia Ann Calvert Bondsman: Archibald Calvert
268 28 June 1837 Walter Clarke Mary Calvert Bondsman: Basil Calvert
269 20 August 1833 Alfred Peed Mary Calvert Bondsman: James Peed
270 7 January 1832 Edward B. Moran Nancy Calvert Bondsman: William F. Calvert
271 18 December 1834 Walter Calvert Pamela Calvert Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
272 8 December 1834 Walter Calvert Pamela Calvert Bondsman: James Peed
273 26 November 1833 Roberson Rolls Caroline Campbell Bondsman: Orly Campbell
274 26 November 1833 Roberson Rolls Caroline Campbell Maysville-Mr. Marshall Key- Clerk of the Court of Mason County Registry- your to grant a license to Roberson Rolls to marry Caroline Campbell- daughter of William Campbell of Maysville agreeable to my consent; Signed: William Campbell
275 4 January 1830 Orly Carpenter Elizabeth Campbell Bondsman: William Campbell
276 6 January 1834 Thomas Holland Mary Ann Campbell Bondsman: Arthur Campbell
277 November 1833 Marshall Rogers Charlotte Carell Bondsman: Dempsey Carrell
278 November 19 1833 Washington Rogers Charlotte Carrell The rites of marriage confirmed between Washington Rogers and Charlotte Carrell November 19 1833; Signed: Joel Morehead Minister of the Gospel
279 31 March 1832 Orlando M. Parker Julian Carroll Bondsman: A. A. Wadsworth
280 27 January 1836 George Mosely Ann M. J. Carter I a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church licensed for the purpose by the county court of Greenup County Ky do certify that the marriage ceremony was performed by me between George W. Mosely and Miss Ann M. J. Carter on the 27 January 1836- according to the rites and ceremonies of said church. Maysville Ky; Signed: Thomas Waring
281 25 January 1836 George Mosely Ann M. J. Carter Maysville-The clerk of the Mason County court is hereby authorized to issue a license to any authorized Minister of the gospel to unite in matrimony my daughter Ann M. J. Carter with George Mosely Esq.The bearer of this letter of consent; Signed: James B. Carter
282 24 January 1835 George W. Moseby Annah J. Carter Bondsman: W. O. Clarkson
283 2 April 1829 James Foley Martha Carter Bondsman: Marshall Key Junior
284 9 April 1827 Marshall Key Junior Rebecca Carter Bondsman: James Carter
285 9 April 1827 George McLaughlin Sarah Carter Bondsman: James Carter
286 27 December 1837 John Tucker America Case Bondsman: James Case
287 26 January 1831 Richard Thornton Catharine Cash I do hereby certify that the clerk of Mason County Kentucky is authorized by consent to issue license to Mr. Richard Thornton to marry my daughter Catharine Cash; Signed: Elizabeth Cash; Witness: John Cash
288 28 January 1831 Richard Thornton Catharine Cash Bondsman: John Cash
289 8 April 1829 Caleb White Elizabeth A. Catlett Bondsman: David Catlett
290 no date - probably 1830 or 31 Paul O. Strode Mary Chamberlain The clerk of the Mason County Court is hereby authorized to issue license to Paul O. Strode to marry my daughter Mary Chamberlain as I have given my consent to the same; Signed: John Chamberlain
291 22 September 1835 John Chamberlain Sally Ann Chamberlain Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
292 16 September 1835 John Chamberlain Sally Ann Chamberlain Bondsman: Nelson Clift
293 14 February 1832 Samuel Strode Emilia Chamberlin Bondsman: John Chamberlin
294 27 December 1830 Paul Strode Mary Chamberlin Bondsman: Aquilla Chamberlin
295 24 June 1829 John Coburn Ann Chambers State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any licensed minister of the Gospel in the State of Kentucky: You are hereby authorized to join the holy bonds of matrimony John Coburn and Ann Chambers according to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you may be a member and this shall be your authority for so doing. Given under my hand This 24th day of June 1829; Signed: Marshall Key
296 24 June 1829 John Coburn Ann Chambers Bondsman: John Armstrong Junior
297 24 June 1829 John Coburn Ann Chambers Maysville -Col. Marshall Key-Sir- my daughter Ann Chambers who is under age has my approbation to be married to Mr. John Coburn and request that a license may issue for that purpose under my hand; Signed: Ann Chambers
298 28 September 1831 John W. Henry Hannah Chambers Bondsman: John Chambers
299 4 July 1833 Shelby Campbell Mary Chambers 6 July 1833-Maysville-I do hereby certify that Shelby Campbell and Mary Chambers were married by me agreeably to license on Thursday the 4th day of July 1833; Signed: L. D. Howell Minister of the Gospel
300 2 July 1833 Shelby Campbell Mary Chambers The clerk of the Mason Circuit Court is hereby authorized to grant license to Shelby Campbell to marry my daughter Mary Chambers. Witness my hand the 2nd day of July 1833; Signed: David Chambers; Witness: M. A. Hutchins
301 2 July 1833 Shelby Campbell Mary Chambers Witness: Morris A. Hutchins
302 February 10 1835 Charles L. Brent Matilda Chambers Charles L. Brent & Matilda Chambers were by me united in marriage February 10 1835.
303 10 February 1836 Charles Brent Matilda Chambers Bondsman: Joseph L. Chambers
304 10 January 1835 William R. B. Lawson Phoebe Chancellor Bondsman: Marshall Key
305 16 February 1836 Isaac Miller Elizabeth Chandler Bondsman: Walter S. Chandler
[Researcher remarks: Mike Hébert reports a conflict between this transcription and information he has from other secondary sources. The careful researcher will want to contact the Mason County Clerk to verify what is in the original record. Mike says that Isaac's last name was actually Willett (or Willet) instead of Miller. He was born 10 Dec 1811, in Mason County, Ky., son of James Willett and Nancy Walker. Also, some sources put the marriage in 1835 instead of 1836. Their first son, William Walker Willett was born on 17 Jun 1836. It is unclear if the original record actually says 1836 or if later family records were 'fudged' a bit for appearances sake. Elizabeth died in 1848 and Isaac is living in Scioto Co, OH in 1860 with a new wife.]
306 6 May 1833 Edmund Palmer Elizabeth Chandler Bondsman: Thomas Ensor(Signature on marriage bond is Edmund Palmer Junior)
307 9 May 1833 Edmund Palmer Elizabeth Chandler I do hereby certify that I have joined the following person if the holy bond of matrimony on the date; This ends the list of Samuel G. Garrison; Signed: Samuel G. Garrison
308 10th January 1835 William R. B. Lawson Phoebe Chanslor Mason County KY-I do hereby authorize the clerk of Mason County Ky to issue license for the marriage of William R. B. Lawson to Phoebe Chanslor my daughter and for your so doing this shall be your warrant. Given under my hand and seal this 10th January 1835; Signed: Elizabeth Chanslor; Witness: Ruth Chanslor
309 31 July 1837 William Dryden Mary Chenoweth Bondsman: Isaac Whaley
310 11 April 1837 John R. Runyon Lydia Chinn Bondsman: Cornelius Chinn
311 27 May 1834 William H. Jackson Penelope Chinn Bondsman: Elijah Chinn
312 no date - listed in 1836 entries George W. Dunbaugh Sarah Chowning Dr.Sir- you will please to grant Mr. George W. Dunbaugh license of marriage to my daughter Sarah Chowning. I am not able to come up to Washington myself by so doing- you will much oblige; Signed: Lorimer Chowning
313 16 July 1836 George W. Dunbaugh Sarah Chowning Bondsman: David Wood
314 23 August 1828 Theodore Palmer Poley Choyle Bondsman: Peter Howard
315 26 June 1847 Jeremiah McNally Nancy Clark Maysville-This will certify that on the 30th of June 1847 I joined together in holy wedlock Mr. Jeremiah McNally and Miss Nancy Clark; Signed: M. F. Stewart
316 2 March 1837 Asa R. Bateman Ann Clarke Bondsman: Charles Bolinger
317 31 December 1827 John Triplett Virginia Clarke Bondsman: Thomas Clarke
318 19th April 1836 Asa L. Baker Elizabeth L. Claybrook Mr. Marshall Key- you will let Asa L. Baker have license for the purpose of marrying Elizabeth L. Claybrook as it is out of my power to leave home atThis time from the rush of my farming business; Signed: Edward Claybrook
319 12 November 1832 David Frazee Par thena Claybrook Bondsman: Peter Claybrook
320 21 April 1836 Asa J. Baker Elizabeth Claybrooke I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
321 3 November 1831 Darius Berry Mary Cleneay Bondsman: F. W. Cleneay
322 29 October 1833 James Calvert Amanda M. Clift Bondsman: Nelson Clift
323 9 April 1831 Archibald Calvert Caroline Clift This is to certify that Archibald Calvert has my consent to obtain license to marry my daughter Caroline Clift. Given under my hand this 9th day of April 1831; Signed: Malinda Griffen; Witness: Samuel Dobyns
324 9 April 1831 Archibald Calvert Caroline Clift Bondsman: Samuel Dobyns
325 20 February 1834 Joseph Galbreath Cornelia Clift Bondsman: Hensley Clift
326 17 December 1827 Samuel Dobyns Eliza Clift Bondsman: Charles Dobyns
327 17 December 1827 Samuel Dobyns Eliza Clift This is to certify that Mr. Samuel Dobyns has my leave to obtain license to marry my daughter Eliza Clift as witness my hand and seal this 17th day of December 1827; Signed: Malinda Griffin; Witness: Charles Dobyns
328 7 July 1829 John Griffin Hannah Clift Bondsman: Charles Dobyns
329 22 August 1831 Leroy Peed Harriet Clift Bondsman: Hensley Clift
330 30 July 1834 William Chamberlain Sarah Ann Clift Bondsman: Nelson Clift
331 9 February 1837 James Bramble Sarah Cobb Bondsman: John Cobb
332 9 February 1837 James Bramble Sarah Cobb To the clerk of the county court of Mason County I do certify that I joined in Matrimony the following person upon the dates therein certified. Witness my hand 29 September 1837; G. W. Bush
333 8 September 1837 Charles Gibbons Isabella Coburn Germantown- Dear Sir- Mr. Charles Gibbons who hands you this contemplates a matrimonial union with my daughter Isabella Coburn- you will considerThis note as evidence of paternal consent; Respectfully your friend; Signed: Jas. W. Coburn
334 11 September 1837 Charles M. Gibbons Isabella Coburn Bondsman: John N. Barker
335 26 December 1833 John Shackleford Mary Ann Coburn Bondsman: John Armstrong Jr.
336 10 September 1831 John Pollard Milly Cockrell Bondsman: Samuel Cockran
337 2 January 1827 William Jeremiah Margaret Coe Bondsman: Moses Thomas
338 7 March 1831 Hervey Menrick Elizabeth Colburn Bondsman: Oliver Colburn
339 21 May 1834 William Eughbanks Elizabeth Collins Bondsman: Aquila Collins
340 24 January 1832 James Drew Priscilla Collins Bondsman: Daniel Wood
341 25 July 1832 Zadock Be ther Sarah Collins Mason County I hereby certify that I joined together in holy marriage the following persons: Signed: Walter Warder- June 8 1833-This ends the list of Walter Warder
342 25 July 1832 Zadock Bethers Sarah Collins Bondsman: Jakery (?) Shotwell
343 9 July 1832 Aaron L. Abbott Sarah Ann Collins Bondsman: John Mastorson
344 28 March 1833 Bennett Collins Nancy Collumby Bondsman: Jesse Combess
345 30 June 1835 John Mesk (?) Sarah Conaway I certify I married John Barr & Mary Dulaney together on 27th day of March 1836. Also John Mesk (?) and Sarah Conaway the 30th day of June 1835- together in the holy bonds of matrimony. Given my hand this 6th day of August 1836; Signed: J. O'Cull
346 6 September 1832 Thomas K. Hord Elizabeth Constant Bondsman: Thornton Hord and Peter Lashbrooke
347 25 March 1828 James Curtis Elizabeth Conway Bondsman: Joseph Wallingford
348 25 March 1828 James Curtis Elizabeth Conway 22 December 1828- Commonwealth of Ky- To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that acting under the authority of license issued from Mason- I solemnized the rites of matrimony on the 25th of March 1828 between James Curtis and Elizabeth Conway and on the 6th of November between Moses Chambers and Henrietta Knott; Signed: B. L. Abernathy- Legally authorized Minister of the Gospel
349 19 December 1836 Isaac Adair Sarah Conway Bondsman: Miles Conway
350 22 December 1836 Isaac Adair Sarah Conway The rites of marriage confirmed between the following couples by Jacob Morehead Minister of the Gospel.
351 22 October 1835 Bernard Howson Mary Cook I a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church licensed for the purpose by the county court of Greenup County Ky do certify that the marriage ceremony was performed by me between Bernard Howson and Mary Cook on the 22nd October 1835- according to the rites and ceremonies of said church. Maysville Ky January 6th 1836; Signed: Thomas Waring
352 21 October 1835 Bernard Howson Nancy Cook Bondsman: Henry Cook
353 6 October 1831 Marcus Brittain Sarah Cook Bondsman: Christopher Cook
354 23rd day of June 1830 Henry Howard Duvall Alicia L. Cooke The clerk of Mason County Court is hereby authorized to issue license to Henry Howard Duvall and Alicia L. Cooke- my daughter as I have given my consent to same should take place. Given my hand this 23rd day of June 1830; Signed: Margaret Cooke; Witness: Willoughby Young
355 29 June 1830 Henry H. Duvall Alicia L. Cooke Bondsman: John L. Luke
356 October 1831 Marcus Boltain Sarah Coon In accordance with a license from your office Marcus Boltain and Sarah Coon;Was married by me in October 1831; Signed by John Jacobs;This ends the lists of marriage by John Jacobs
357 18 August 1836 Harrison Foster Ailer Coons Bondsman: Joseph Coons
358 11 March 1835 Henry Fresh Druzilla Coons State of Kentucky Mason County- To any license Minister of the Gospel of the State of Kentucky. You are hereby authorized to join the holy bonds of matrimony Henry Fresh and Druzilla Coons and for so doing this shall be your indemnity. Given under my hand this 11th day of March 1835; Signed: Marshall Key
359 11 March 1835 Henry Fresh Duzella Coons Bondsman: Joseph Coons
360 12 March 1833 Jacob Thomas Amanda G. Cooper To the clerk of Mason County Ky-Sir- you are hereby requested to issue out of your office a marriage license to joint together in the holy state of matrimony Jacob Thomas of Fleming County of this state and Amanda G. Cooper of this County my daughter for which this shall be your sufficient warrant; Signed: Mary Cooper; Witness: John Farrar & Nelson Cooper
361 12 March 1833 Jacob Thomas Amanda M. Cooper Bondsman: Nelson Cooper
362 28 October 1836 James Pollett Doshea Ann Cooper Bondsman: James Cooper
363 21 July 1828 William Frazer Eliza Cooper Bondsman: Jesse Cooper
364 18 September 1832 Alfred Willson Eliza Jane Cooper Bondsman: William A. Waters
365 15 December 1828 William Crupper Elizabeth Cooper Bondsman: Samuel Cooper
366 January 1830 John Wallingford Ellen Cooper Bondsman: Jesse Cooper
367 31 August 1829 Thomas Cumbert Emily Cooper Bondsman: Thomas Briarly
368 30 March 1830 William A. Waters Frances Cooper Bondsman: Alexander McIntire
369 23 May 1829 Jacob Richards Mary Cooper Bondsman: Jesse Cooper
370 4 February 1833 Nathan Davis Maryann Cooper Bondsman: John Brooks
371 27 October 1828 Samuel Cooper Susan Cooper Bondsman: Jesse Cooper
372 6 July 1833 John A. Clark Cynthiann Coryell Bondsman: Charles G. Coryell
373 13 November 1834 Asher Sexton Delia Coryell Bondsman: Charles Coryell
374 17 January 1836 Joseph C. Gale Elizabeth Coryell I- a minister of the Methodist E. Church- licensed for the purpose by the county court of Greenup County Ky do certify that the marriage ceremony performed by me between Joseph C. Gale and Elizabeth Coryell on the 17th day of January 1836 according to the rites and ceremonies of said church; Signed: Thomas Waring- Maysville Kentucky.
375 13 January 1836 Joseph C. Gale Elizabeth Coryell Bondsman: James Gorsuch
376 14 January 1832 George Tarvin Mary T. Cowgill Bondsman: Elisha Cowgill
377 2 March 1829 Lucius R. Chapin Sally Cowgill Bondsman: Elisha Cowgill
378 6 April 1834 George Herbert Es ther Cox Bondsman: Edward Cox
379 19 February 1834 Richard Mattingly Rebecca Cox Bondsman: William Cox
380 31 August 1830 James Wilson Lavinia Cracraft Bondsman: Jacob Y. H. Jackson
381 28 June 1837 Richard W. Johnson Par thena Cracraft Bondsman: George Douglass
382 28 December 1832 John Reed Phebe Cracraft Bondsman: Samuel Cracraft
383 20 September 1830 Benjamin Caywood Eliza Craig Bondsman: James Craig
384 14 May 1836 John T. McCoy Francis Craig Bondsman: Wm. P. Thomas
385 30 December 1829 John Wherry Anna Crosby Bondsman: Reason Downing
386 13 September 1834 John Crosby Mary Crosby Bondsman: Jacob Crosby
387 15 September 1834 John Crosby Mary Crosby I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
388 17 March 1836 Jesse Martin Eliza Crowell I a minister of the Methodist E. church licensed for the purpose by the county court of Greenup County Ky do certify that the marriage ceremony was performed by me between Jesse Martin and Eliza Crowell on the 17th day of March 1836 according to the rites and ceremonies of said church; Signed: Thomas Waring
389 17 March 1836 Jesse Martin Eliza Crowell Bondsman: Samuel Crowell
390 23 January 1833 George W. Orr Massy Crowell Bondsman: Calvin Crowell
391 22 September 1828 Elijah Marshall Mary Ann Crupper Bondsman: John Crupper
392 1 January 1829 Elijah Marshall Mary Ann Crupper This is to certify that rites of matrimony was duly celebrated between William Anno and Sarah Spurrier and Samuel S. Simmons and Nancy Anno- John W. Campbell and Mary Ann Wheat- Elijah Marshall and Mary Ann Crupper by me a Minister of the Gospel authorized to celebrate the rites of matrimony. January 1st 1829; Signed: Samuel Helms
393 21 September 1830 John Adamson Sarah Susanna Cruse Bondsman: Thomas S. Killgore
394 22 September 1830 -- -- Susan Cruse Mr. Key-This is to certify that Susan Cruse is in her 22 year of her age; Elijah Hayden & Thomas S. Killgore (Both names are signed on this note. It is not clear which is signing and which is witness)
395 3 July 1832 French C. Thomas Matilda Cummings I certify that I joined in matrimony Henry Ginn & Susan Ann Hudson on the 26th of June 1832. Also French C. Thomas & Matilda Cummings of the 3rd of July 1832. Also John Wisenall and Eleanor Rudy on the 5th of September 1832. Also Robert Burns and Caroline Knoulds on the 13th of September 1832. Also Isaac H. Price and Mary Ann Oliver on the 18th of September 1832; Witness my hand George W. Brush- October 4 1832.
396 2 July 1832 French C. Thomas Matilda Cummings Bondsman: Adna A. Wadsworth
397 24 February 1835 George Dodson Ellen Curtis Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
398 26 February 1835 George Dodson Ellen Curtis Bondsman: Marshall Curtis
399 6 December 1836 Benedict Kirk Ellen Curtis Bondsman: John Curtis
400 October 1831 Nelson Knight Letitia M. Curtis Was married by me in October 1831; Signed by John Jacobs;This ends the lists of marriage by John Jacobs
401 9 January 1828 Thornton W. King Mary Curtis Bondsman: James Curtis
402 March 1833 George W. Wells Narcissa Curtis Bondsman: James Curtis
403 24 December 1835 Campbell King Sarah Emily Curtis Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
404 23 December 1835 Campbell King Sarah Emily Curtis Bondsman: John M. Curtis
405 17 October 1831 Nelson Knight Setitia M. Curtis Bondsman: James Curtis
406 4 December 1833 Charles Kilgour Diadema Cushman Bondsman: Thomas Kilgour; Name is signed: Killgore
407 20 October 1828 William Hurst Sally Daulton This is to certify that the rites of matrimony were duly celebrated between William Hurst and Sally Daulton & also Henry Morrison and Eliza Gash by me minister of the gospel duly authorized to celebrate the rites of matrimony; Signed: Samuel Helms
408 21 July 1828 William B. Mooklar Susan W. Daulton Bondsman: Joseph H. Hudnut
409 14 January 1829 David Ryan Charlotte David Bondsman: Sylvanius C. Bascom
410 14 January 1829 David Ryan Charlotte David Col. Key is authorized to issue license for Mr. David Ryan to marry my daughter Charlotte David; Signed: Miford David; Witness: D. Bronaugh
411 10 April 1835 James Quaintance Mary David Bondsman: Peter B. Jones
412 7 January 1833 Evan Evans Susan David Bondsman: John David
413 5 November 1827 Charles C. Beatty Hetty E. Davis Bondsman: John Summrall
414 5 November 1835 Henry H. Porter Margaret W. Davis I do hereby certify that I have solomized the following marriage in a legal manner in Mason County Kentucky: Signed: Samuel Y. Garrison
415 20 July 1835 Henley McDaniel Jane Dawson Bondsman: Conquest W. Owens
416 14 January 1832 Thomas Prather Lucinda Dawson Bondsman: Harvey Engles
417 20 September 1835 Joseph S. Ray Rachel Dawson Bondsman: Wilfred Ball
418 21 September 1835 Joseph Ray Rachel Dawson Mr. Marshall Key-I do hereby authorize you to let Joseph Ray have license for my daughter Rachel Dawson; Signed: Phebe Dawson- guardian for Rachel Dawson
419 18 December 1830 Harvey Engles Sarah Dawson Bondsman: Wilfred Ball
420 31 May 1837 Francis Cobb Ellen DeAtley Bondsman; Henry DeAtley
421 1 June 1837 Francis Cobb Miss Ellen DeAtley Given under my hand this 6th day of July 1837. Robert C. Grundy
422 24 September 1827 Andrew Mitchell Lavonia Degman Bondsman: Peter Degman
423 11 April 1832 Thomas Simpson Mary Degman Col. M. Key- Dear Sir-This will be handed you by Mr. A. F. Mitchel he goes to you to procure matrimonial license for Thomas Simpson and Mary Degman. Every confidence may be ______ in Mr. Mitchell and any thing he may tell you I have conversed with Mrs. Degman-The mother of Mary and she tells me that Mary is of Lawful age and has the right of self disposal the character of Mrs. Degman is such as to remove all doubts on the subject The ______ of the old lady's going to your place will be ___ no apology for this _____ as I shall only add that you need have no doubts on the subject; Believe Yours Respectfully James Blair
424 6 February 1835 Richard C. Rickets Cornelia Desha Bondsman: Benjamin O. Picket
425 16 December 1836 William Hill Susan Dever I do hereby authorize the clerk of Mason County to grant William Hill license to marry my daughter Susan Dever. Given under my hand and seal this 16th day of December 1836; Signed: Marshall Dever; Witness: John Richardson
426 16 December 1836 William Hill Susan Dever Bondsman: Leonard March
427 24 November 1830 Thomas Urie Elizabeth Devine The clerk of the Mason County Court is hereby authorized to issue license to Thomas Urie to marry my daughter Elizabeth Devine; Signed: William Devine & Mary Devine; Witness: John Bland
428 24 November 1830 Thomas Urie Elizabeth Devine Bondsman: John Bland
429 25 November 1830 Thomas Urie Elizabeth Devine Marriage solemnized by the undersigned with the following parties and their respective dates. Signed by James Blair (Elder in the Methodist Protestant church)- 20th April 1832.
430 1 June 1831 Ephriam Williams Ellen Devine Bondsman: Joseph Comwell
431 29 March 1836 Jacob White Nancy Dews Bondsman: Caleb White
432 9 February 1828 John Reeves Eliza Dicks Ky-To the clerk of Mason County Court-Sir-This is to indemnify you in the right to grant to my son John Reeves a license to wed Miss Eliza Dicks to which matrimony I give my full consent and this shall be sufficient warrant for so doing; Signed: Stay Reeves; Signed in the presence of: J. T. Scott and Lewis J. Reeves
433 18 February 1828 John Reeves Eliza Dicks This is to certify that I have give my approbation to John Reeves to obtain a marriage license to marry my daughter Eliza Dicks. Given under my hand this 18th February 1828; Signed: George Dicks
434 25 April 1832 Charles G. Case Elizabeth Dicks Bondsman: John Dicks
435 18 February 1828 John Reeves Elizabeth Dicks Bondsman: John Dicks
436 30 July 1830 Perrin R. Ward Margaret Dicks Bondsman: George Monihon
437 15 April 1832 Thomas Simpson Mary Digman I do certify that I joined together in matrimony: Witness my hand 5 July 1832; Littleton Fowler
438 April 1832 Thomas Simpson Mary Digman Bondsman: Andrew Mitchell
439 4 September 1835 Richard Soward Euphanie Dikson Bondsman: John Dikson
440 23 December 1829 William Martin Lucinda Dilling State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any licensed minister of the Gospel in the State of Kentucky- You are hereby authorized to join the Holy Bonds of matrimony William Martin and Lucinda Dilling according to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you may be a member and this shall be your authority for so doing. Given under my hand this 23rd day of December 1829; Signed: Marshall Key
441 23 December 1829 William Mastin Lucinda Dilling Bondsman: Augustus Dilling
442 2 March 1833 John Robertson Elizabeth A. D. Dimmitt Bondsman: Charles E. Dimmitt
443 2 March 1833 John Robertson Elizabeth D. Dimmitt This is to certify that I- Elizabeth Dimmitt- mother of Elizabeth D. Dimmitt her only living parent have this day given my consent that John Robertson & her may be united in marriage. Given from under my hand this 2nd day of March 1833; Signed: Elizabeth Dimmitt
444 7 December 1836 Benjamin Hixson Leticia Dobins Bondsman: Enoch Dobbins
445 18 December 1834 John E. French Elizabeth Dobyn I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
446 5 June 1829 John Chamberlain Amelia Dobyns Col. Marshall Key-I do hereby authorize you to grant Mr. John Chamberlain license to marry my daughter Amelia Dobyns. Given under my hand this 5 June 1829; Signed: Enoch Dobyns; Witness: Thomas J. Dobyns
447 15 June 1829 James Chamberlain Amelia Dobyns Bondsman: Thomas J. Dobyns
448 18 July 1836 Joseph T. Littlejohn Eliza Dobyns Bondsman: Charles Dobyns
449 21 July 1836 Joseph S. Littlejohn Eliza Dobyns Also between Joseph S. Littlejohn and Eliza Dobyns; July 21 1836; Signed: Joel Morehead- Minister of the gospel- May the 26th 1846
450 17 December 1834 John E. French Elizabeth Dobyns Bondsman: Benjamin Dobyns
451 14 December 1830 Walter Warder Elizabeth Dobyns Bondsman: Thomas Larue
452 14 December 1830 Walter Warder Elizabeth Dobyns Sir- on the application of Mr. Walter Warder you will please to issue license for a marriage intended between him and myself. Given under my hand and seal this 14th day of December 1830; Signed: Elizabeth Dobyns; Witness: Thomas Larue
453 9 April 1832 James M. Kennan Frances Ann Dobyns Bondsman: Walter Warder
454 9th of April 1832 James M. Kennan Frances Ann Dobyns I do hereby certify that my consent is given to a marriage intended by my daughter Frances Ann Dobyns and James M. Kennan. Given under my hand and seal this 9th of April 1832; Signed: Elizabeth Warder; Witness: Walter Warder and Jane P. Kirk
455 1st day of December 1836 Benjamin Hixson Letitia B. Dobyns State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any licensed minister of the gospel in the State of Kentucky- you are hereby authorized to join in the holy bonds of matrimony Benjamin Hixson and Letitia B. Dobyns according to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you may be a member. and this shall be your authority for do doing. Given under my hand this 1st day of December 1836; Signed: Marshall Key
456 no date - listed in 1837 Thomas J. Dobyns Margaret A. Dobyns Bondsman: Edward D. Parry
457 4 September 1837 Thomas J. Dobyns Margaret N. Dobyns Mr. Marshall Key- you are hereby authorized and directed to give Mr. Thomas J. Dobyns license to marry my daughter Margaret N. Dobyns; Signed: Leroy Dobyns
458 17 August 1829 George Washington Bliss Mary Dobyns Bondsman: John Dobyns
459 26 October 1833 David Roff Sarah Dobyns Bondsman: Enoch Dobyns
460 6 April 1830 Alexander Cahill Margaretta Dollas Bondsman: Edward Wilson
461 5 April 1830 Alexander Cahill Margirate Dollas Mr. Marshall Key-Sir-This is to certify that I am willing that Alexander Cahill shall marry my daughter Margirate Dollas and you are hereby authorized to issue license to that effect. Given under my hand and seal this Fifth day of April 1830; Signed: Henry Dollas; Witness: Walter Lacy
462 4 October 1831 Alfred Johnson Margaret Dollis Bondsman: Emmens Johnson
463 11 April 1832 James Thompson Telitha Dollis Bondsman: Alexander Cahill
464 4 April 1832 James Thompson Telithy Dollis Mr. Marshall Key-Sir-This is to inform you that I am willing for James Thompson to marry my daughter Telithy Dollis. You are therefore at liberty and requested to issue license to that affect. Given under my hand and seal the day and date above mentioned; Signed: Henry (?) Dollis; Witness: Walter Lacy
465 10 February 1830 William Reid Dorothy Donaldson Bondsman: William Donaldson
466 7 January 1833 Edward P. Thompson Matilda Doniphan Bondsman: Silas M. Johnson
467 10 November 1830 John W. Bayor Adaline Donovan This is to certify that I solemnized the rites of matrimony between:
468 10 November 1830 John W. Boyd Adeline Donovan Bondsman: Riley McGuire
469 12 November 1837 Benjamin Davis Eliza Donovan Bondsman: Henry L. Davis
470 10 February 1829 William Beard Margaret Donovan Bondsman : John Gilgeese
471 20 July 1829 Thomas L. Mackoy Perlina Donovan Bondsman: Sidney S. Donovan
472 25 July 1829 Thomas L. MacKoy Perlina Ann Donovan The clerk of the Mason County Court is authorized to issue a marriage license for Thomas L. MacKoy and my daughter Perlina Ann Donovan; Signed: Alex Donovan; Witness: S. S. Donovan
473 4 March 1831 John Worthington Rachel Donovan To the Clerk of Mason County Ky- Please to issue marriage license for John Worthington and Rachel Donovan and oblige your; Signed: Alexander Donovan
474 4 March 1831 John T. Worthington Rachel Donovan Bondsman: Sidney S. Donovan
475 18 October 1836 William L. Tunistan Ann Dorsey Bondsman: Corbin Gallagher
476 18 October 1836 William L. Tunistan Ann Dorsey State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any licensed minister of the Gospel of the State of Kentucky- you are hereby authorized to join in the holy bonds of matrimony William L. Tunistan and Ann Dorsey according to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you are a member and this shall be your authority for so doing. Given under my hand this 18th day of October 1836; Signed: Marshall Key; Executed on the 19th of October 1836
477 9 June 1828 Levi Wheeler Julian Douglass I do certify that I am willing for license to be given to my son Levi Wheeler and Julian Douglass- both of Mason County for marriage; Signed: Lawrence Wheeler
478 9 June 1828 Levi Wheeler Julian Douglass Bondsman: George Douglass
479 1 January 1827 Amos Miles Malinda Douglass Bondsman: Edward A Hannigan
480 1 January 1827 Amos Miles Malinda Douglass I do hereby authorize Mr. Amos Miles to get license for Malinda Douglass being ?; Signed: George Douglass; Witness: Abraham Cracraft
481 7 September 1829 Isaac D. Cracraft Parthena Douglass This is to certify that I am willing for license to be issued to Isaac D. Cracraft to marry my daughter Parthena Douglass giving under my hand and seal this 7th day of September 1829; Signed: George Douglass; Witness: Thompson Hitt & Jeremiah Cracraft
482 8 September 1829 Isaac D. Cracraft Parthena Douglass Bondsman: Jeremiah Cracraft
483 28th of December 1830 Joseph H. Bowler Priscilla Douglass This is to certify that I am willing that Joseph H. Bowler can obtain license to marry my daughter Priscilla Douglass given under my hand and seal this 28th of December 1830; Signed: George Douglass; Witness: Thompson Hitt & Jeremiah Cracraft
484 28 December 1830 Joseph Bowler Priscilla Douglass Bondsman: William J. Lawson; Note at bot tom: Priscilla Douglass is over 21 years of age as proved by Wm. J. Lawson
485 3 March 1835 Benjamin Moran Cornelia Downing Bondsman: Robert Downing
486 5 March 1835 Benjamin Moran Cornelius Downing Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
487 3 March 1834 Joseph Scott Julia Ann E. Downing Bondsman: Thomas Downing
488 17 September 1836 Stephen Barclay Sarah Downing Bondsman: John James Key
489 31 October 1836 Grandison Pinckard Sarah Downing Bondsman: Reason Downing
490 11 September 1827 Charles Downing Susan Downing Bondsman: Joseph Downing
491 21 March 1836 Uriel C. Singer Agnes Downtain Bondsman: William Downtain
492 30 June 1847 Robert Brooke Catherine Dowtain Maysville-This will certify on the 24th of December 1846 I joined together in holy wedlock Mr. Robert Brooke and Miss Catherine Dowtain; Signed: M. F. Stewart
493 31 March 1832 Washington Ellis Aris Drake The clerk of the Mason county court is hereby authorized to issue a license to Mr.Washington Ellis to marry Miss Aris Drake.This is voucher in ________ of her being bound to me; Signed: L. L. Hawes
494 11 November 1833 Edmund Emmons Harriet Drake Bondsman: John Drake
495 11 April 1833 Milton Daugherty Susan Drake Mason County I hereby certify that I joined together in holy marriage the following persons: Signed: Walter Warder- June 8 1833-This ends the list of Walter Warder
496 8 April 1833 Milton Doughterty Susan Drake Bondsman: Jacob Drake
497 24 January 1831 Stephen Reese Elizabeth Ann Dredden Bondsman: William Dredden
498 4 January 1833 William B. Courtney Eliza Driskill Bondsman: Peter Driskill
499 9 November 1835 Peter A. Pepper Eliza Dryden Bondsman: William B. Johnson
500 3rd day of October 1833 C. B. Smith Elizabeth M. Duff It seems that Mr. C. B. Smith desires to be united in a connubial relation with my daughter Elizabeth M. Duff-This is therefore to inform the clerk of the Mason County Court that I have no objection to the same this 3rd day of October 1833; Signed: William Duff; Witness: William Ingram
586 October 1833 Charles B. Smith Elizabeth M. Duff Bondsman: James McConaughey
587 15 November 1828 Pierce Balton Anderson Ann M. Duke Bondsman: John L. Duke
588 7 November 1832 George M. Moss Rebecca L. Duke Mason County Kentucky-I do hereby certify that I ?The rites of matrimony (being duly authorized by law and administer of the Gospel) between the following persons George M. Moss and Rebecca L. Duke; David Arnold and Fenton Arnold; Alfred Soward and Rachel Brewer; George D. Tolle and Lucinda Staggs. Given under my hand this 7th November 1832; Signed: Samuel Helms
589 12 December 1831 George M. Moss Rebecca S. Duke Bondsman: Lewis Hord
590 26 March 1836 John Barr Mary Dulaney Bondsman: Nathaniel Thomas
591 27 March 1836 John Barr Mary Dulaney I certify I married John Barr & Mary Dulaney together on 27th day of March 1836. Also John Mesk (?) and Sarah Conaway the 30th day of June 1835- together in the holy bonds of matrimony. Given my hand this 6th day of August 1836; Signed: J. O'Cull
592 22 December 1829 William G. Bean Rebecca Dunaway This day I- Rebecca Dunaway grant to William G. Bean my privilege of getting license to marry my daughter; Signed: Judanna Dunaway
593 22 December 1829 William G. Bean Julia Ann Dunaway Bondsman: Lewis Tolle
594 27 May 1830 Thomas Collard Hester Duncan Bondsman: William Aston
595 13 November 1837 Benjamin Davis Eliza Dunivan Mason County-This day Henry L. Davis came before me D. Bronough a Justice of the Peace for Mason County and made oath that Eliza Dunivan and Benjamin Davis are upward of twenty one years of age all of the said county; Signed: Henry L. Davis; Given under my hand this 13th day of November 1837; Signed: D. Bronough
596 25 September 1835 William Rook Eliza Dutevoe Bondsman: Josiah Dutevoe
597 7 February 1831 Pleasant W. James Ann Duvall Sir-This is to inform you that my consent is given for my daughter Ann Duvall and Pleasant W. James to be joined in hold wedlock. Given under my hand this 7th day of February 1831; Signed: Nolle(?) Duvall
598 7 February 1831 Pleasant M. James Anne Duvall Bondsman: Isaac Duvall
599 14 March 1829 Sandford Calvert Frances K. Duvall Bondsman: Silas L. Duvall
600 18 December 1833 Westley Duryea Elizabeth Duzan Bondsman: George Bryam
601 1 June 1831 Thomas Guye Elizabeth Ann Duzan Bondsman: Abraham Duzan
602 24 November 1829 William McCrady Rebecca Duzan September 28 1830- Germantown-I certify that I joined the following persons together in the bonds of matrimony on the day and date below written; Given under my hand this day and date above written; Signed: James Savage
603 21 November 1829 William McCready Rebecca Duzan Bondsman: Thomas Duzan
604 2 April 1827 Samuel Maddox Maria Dwire Bondsman: James H. Dwire
605 9 April 1827 Samuel Maddox Maria Dwire The clerk of the Mason County court will issue a license to Samuel Maddox to be married to my daughter Maria Dwire and for so doing this shall be your authorization. Given under my hand this 9th day of April 1827; Signed: Elizabeth Dwire; Witness: James H. Dwire
606 20 December 1833 John R. Dalton Caroline Dye Bondsman: John S. Gettys
607 24 December 1833 John R. Dauton Caroline Dye I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
608 8 August 1833 John C. Murphy Elizabeth A. Dye Bondsman: Mounteer Dye
609 12 April 1830 Thomas Hook Jane Dye Bondsman: William Dye
610 13 December 1831 William Jones Margaret Dye Bondsman: Pierce Dye
611 11 July 1827 Stark Fielder Mary Dye Bondsman: Thomas Dye
612 21 July 1837 Archibald Mullican Mary Dye Bondsman: Duke Dye
613 2 January 1835 David Crawford Mary Eades Bondsman: Samuel Eades
614 17 July 1829 Benjamin Kerlin Elizabeth Early Bondsman: Thomas Early
615 6 August 1827 William J. Ross Elizabeth Early Bondsman: Thomas Early
616 26 August 1837 Christopher Rhoten Euphama Early Bondsman: Thomas Carty
617 12 September 1826 Hurst Warick Mary Early John Callerman married the following:
618 3 September 1830 David Gaddis Jane Easton This is to certify that I solemnized the rites of matrimony between:
619 2 September 1830 David Gaddis Jane Easton Bondsman: Edward Easton
620 21 December 1836 Robert Harber Martha Ann Easton Bondsman: George W. Ogdon
621 29 December 1836 Robert Harber Martha Ann Easton Maysville-Sir- it is with my approbation that Robert Harber applies for license necessary for the union of himself with my daughter Martha Ann; Signed: Eow (?) Easton
622 22 December 1836 Robert Harbour Martha M. Easton To the clerk of the county court of Mason County I do certify that I joined in Matrimony the following person upon the dates therein certified. Witness my hand 29 September 1837; G. W. Bush
623 21 June 1828 William L. Lindsley Mary Easton Bondsman: Edward Easton
624 11 January 1832 Jacob G. Duzan Sarah Easton Bondsman: John T. Duzan
625 12 January 1832 Jacob T. Duzan Sarah Easton Marshall Key Esq. -Sir-This is to certify that my son Jacob T. Duzan has my full and free consent to a union of matrimony with Sarah Easton as witness my hand and seal this 12th day of January 1832; Signed John Duzan; Witness: John T. Duzan & William McCready
626 2 October 1827 Thomas J. Wadleigh Sophia Easton Bondsman: Edward Easton
627 5 December 1836 John Curtis Elizabeth Edwards Bondsman: Simon R. Baker
628 6 June 1833 William Tanner Elizabeth A. Edwards Bondsman: Richard Willett
629 6 June 1837 James M. Troutman Sarah Edwards Bondsman: Wm. Thornton King
630 27 March 1830 William French Jane Elizabeth Brooke Bondsman: John N. Brooke
631 December 1834 William Ellis Ann Ellis Bondsman: James Ellis
632 20 December 1834 William Ellis Ann Ellis This is to certify that the following person were joined together in the holy estate of matrimony by me according to the rules of the Methodist Episcopal church on the date mentioned: Given under my hand this 21st of July 1835; Signed: James Savage
633 3rd of September 1833 Samuel B. Owens Margaret Ellis I hereby certify that Samuel B. Owens and Margaret Ellis were lawfully joined the holy bonds of matrimony by me.The 3rd of September 1833; Signed: A. Logan
634 30 September 1832 Samuel B. Owens Margaret H. Ellis Bondsman: Harrison Taylor
635 11 January 1837 John Shockey Mary Ann Ellis Bondsman: Elijah Ellis
636 17 February 1829 William H. Peck Rebecca Ellis Bondsman: James Ellis
637 11 Jan 1832 Jacob T. Duzan Sarah Es ton I do certify that I joined together in matrimony: Witness my hand 5 July 1832; Littleton Fowler
638 2 July 1846 John F. Dixon Eliza Eubanks This is to certify that by virtue of a marriage licenses issued by the clerk of the Mason County court- I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: As given under my hand at Mount Carmel Fleming County Kentucky- August 14th 1846; Signed: Geo. L. Savage M.G.
639 16 June 1846 Andrew Mattingly Malinda Eubanks This is to certify that by virtue of a marriage licenses issued by the clerk of the Mason County court- I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: As given under my hand at Mount Carmel Fleming County Kentucky- August 14th 1846; Signed: Geo. L. Savage M.G.
640 10 July 1837 George W. Bauta Martha Ellen Evans Bondsman: Richard Peckover
641 December 1833 Otho Harrison Mary Ann Evans I do hereby certify that the following named person were joined together in holy bonds of matrimony by me on the day and date mentioned; Given under my hand this 18th April 1834; Signed: F. A. Savage
642 26 January 1832 Hickison Belt Martha Ann Fant Bondsman: Robert C. Fant
643 26 January 1832 Hickerson Belt Martha Ann Fant I do hereby certify that the rites of matrimony were legally solemnized between Hickerson Belt and Martha Ann Fant on the 26th day of January 1832- by me a Minister of the Gospel; Signed: Joseph G. Ward
644 22 June 1855 Drury B. Davis Frances Jane Farrow Bondsman: Landon D. Farrow
645 January 21 1824 John Talor Elizabeth Fauer I certify that I joined John Talor and Elizabeth Fauer in holy marriage together as the law directs: given under my hand; Signed: James O'Cull
646 6 February 1828 Harrison Calvert Elizabeth Feagan Bondsman: Henry Feagan
647 29 July 1828 Edward Williams Synthanna Fennan Bondsman: Samuel Chaney
648 26 November 1829 Robert Butler Paulina Finley To the clerk of Mason County-I do hereby certify that I have no objections to marriage of my daughter Paulina Finley to Robert Butler and wish you to grant license to that effect as witness my hand; Signed: Sarah Finley
649 26 November 1829 Robert Butler Paulina Finley Bondsman: Wallace Shannon
650 1 December 1828 William Early Mary Jane Fisher Bondsman: John Waddell
651 12 August 1833 H. N. Maquire Amy Jane Fitch Bondsman: Alfred Jones
652 18 August 1833 H. N. Maquire Amy Jane Fitch I do hereby certify that I have joined the following person if the holy bond of matrimony on the date; This ends the list of Samuel G. Garrison; Signed: Samuel G. Garrison
653 14 October 1831 James M. Kelly Irena Fleming Bondsman: Marshall Key
654 20 October 1831 James Kelly Irena Fleming Marriage solemnized by the undersigned with the following parties and their respective dates. Signed by James Blair (Elder in the Methodist Protestant church)- 20th April 1832.
655 12 October 1831 James M. Kelly Irena Flemming I hereby certify that I have no objections that marriage license be granted to James M. Kelly and Irena Flemming- my bound girl. The clerk of Mason County is hereby authorized to the grant the same. Witness my hand this 12th day of October 1831; Signed: George Corwine
656 5 November 1831 James N. Holton Lucy Flynn Bondsman: Benjamin Flynn
657 17 May 1830 Elijah Barclay Mary Foley Bondsman: Stephen Barclay
658 6 May 1829 Robert Taylor Junior Elizabeth Forman Bondsman: Marshall Key
659 6 October 1828 Edward S. Parrie Harriet Forman Bondsman: Joseph Forman
660 28 September 1836 Joseph Forman Jane Forman Bondsman: John Green
661 29 September 1836 Joseph Forman Jane Forman I Robert C. Grundy a regularly authorized and ordained minister of the gospel do hereby certify that by virtue of a license issued by the clerk of the Mason County Court for that purpose- I married the following individuals at the times specified
662 27 July 1832 Upton Collins Elizabeth Foster Bondsman: Joshua Foster
663 19 September 1832 Isaac C. Reynolds Hannah Foster Bondsman: James Edwards
664 September 22 1833 Isaac Reynolds Hannah Foster This is to certify that the rites of Matrimony were duly solemnized between Isaac Reynolds and Hannah Foster September 22 1833 by me a Minister of the Gospel; Signed: John W. Riggins
665 5 October 1835 Samuel Derstile Elizabeth Fowler Bondsman: Moses Fowler
666 22 April 1836 Jesse D. Johnson Elizabeth Frank Bondsman: Adney A. Wadsworth
667 24 April 1836 Jesse D. Johnson Elizabeth Frank I- a minister of the Methodist E. church- licensed for the purpose by the county court of Greenup County Ky- do certify that the marriage ceremony was performed by me on the 24th day of April 1836 between Jesse D. Johnson and Elizabeth Frank according to the rites and ceremonies of said church; Signed: Thomas Waring-Maysville- May 1836.
668 20 April 1836 Jesse D. Johnson Elizabeth Frank This is to certify that it is by my consent that Jesse D. Johnson and my daughter Elizabeth are to be joined together in the holy bonds of matrimony. Given under my hand this 20th April 1836; Signed: F. Frank
669 3 January 1829 Charles Schmidt Von Anmin Rosannah Frank Bondsman: Adna A. Wood?
670 3 January 1829 Charles Schmidt Von Annin Rosannah Frank I do hereby certify that it is with my consent that Charles Schmidt Von Annin and my daughter Rosannah Frank be joined together in the hold bonds of matrimony. Given under my hand this 3rd day of January 1829; Signed: The signature part of this note is missing
671 1 June 1831 Isham Keith Didesa Frazee Bondsman: David Frazee
672 31 July 1829 John Tabb Hannah Frazee Bondsman: Samuel Frazee
673 17 December 1827 Lewis Martin Agnes A. French Bondsman: William Rupell
674 7 May 1827 Nicholas W. Beckett Lucinda French Bondsman: Hugh French
675 25 June 832 John Jacobs Ann Fristoe Bondsman: Jesse Fristoe
676 8 August 1831 Levi Higdon Ginney Fristoe Bondsman: Richard Fristoe
677 10 September 1832 Isaac Dye Martha Fulcher Bondsman: Thomas Fulcher
678 25 November 1828 William D. Beach Ann D. Fulton Bondsman: John Shackleford
679 1 November 1830 Joseph Nower Nancy Fulton Bondsman: James True
680 26 April 1837 John Chash Rebecca Fyfe Mason County-This is to certify that I joined together in the holy state of matrimony John Chash & Rebecca Fyfe on the 26th of April 1837; Signed: J. Marses
681 25 April 1837 John Cash Rebecca Fyffe Bondsman: William L. Ru
682 3 April 1837 James Thompson Martha H. Gains Bondsman: Frances Ford
683 28 January 1837 Alfred Powell Asa Gaither Bondsman: John Swan
684 9 August 1834 John Linville Matilda Galbraith Bondsman: Edward Orme
685 10 February 1830 Edward Orme Eliza Galbreith Bondsman: George Galbreith
686 25 December 1830 Benjamin Henson Maria Gallagher Bondsman: John Gallagher
687 8 February 1828 James Hinson Matilda Gallagher Bondsman: John Gallagher
688 16 July 1835 Samuel Martin Orssha Garret Mason County Kentucky SS-I hereby certify that in said county I solemnized the rites of matrimony pursuant to a license issued by the clerk of the court of said county between Samuel Martin and Orssha Garret on the 16th day of July 1835; Signed: Abraham Baker An ordained Minister of the Gospel in the M. E. Church
689 14 July 1835 Samuel Marten Orphea Garrett Bondsman: Robert Courtney
690 7 May 1828 Solomon Orms Jane Garrison Bondsman: William Mitchell
691 22 April 1828 Moses Sloop Sophia Garrison Bondsman: George Bryar
692 9 March 1835 Henry Hardin Ann Gash Bondsman: William Gibson
693 20 October 1828 Henry Morrison Eliza Gash This is to certify that the rites of matrimony were duly celebrated between William Hurst and Sally Daulton & also Henry Morrison and Eliza Gash by me minister of the gospel duly authorized to celebrate the rites of matrimony; Signed: Samuel Helms
694 17 May 1826 John Jackson Sarah Gatrell I do certify that I joined in Holy Marriage John Jackson & Sarah Gatrell both of Mason County on May 17 1826. also Asa S. Baker & Nicy Kirk- both of Mason County on the 17th of October 1826. also Lindsey Hill & Mary Mastin- both of Mason County October 26 1826- also John Givens of Fleming County & Margaret Kirk of Mason County January 4 1827. All done in accordance to the rites of the M.E.C. Given under my hand this 5th day of March 1827; Signed: James Savage
695 12 September 1829 Samuel Henderson Hannah L. Gault To the clerk of the Mason County circuit court- I ho hereby grant my daughter Hannah L. Gault to obtain marriage to join in matrimony with Samuel Henderson. Given under my hand this day above mentioned; Signed: Bridgett Gault
696 12 September 1829 Samuel Henderson Hannah L. Gault Bondsman: William Wells
697 16 November 1835 Joseph Peck Johanna Giffin Bondsman: Stribling Peck
698 27 August 1836 Asa R. Runyon Mary C. Gilman Bondsman: William V. Morris
699 9 November 1836 Henry Hampton Nancy Ginn Bondsman: William Thurman
700 4 November 1835 John H. Porter Margaret W. Givens (?) Bondsman: William Jones
701 6 December 1830 James Johnston Eleanor Glascock Bondsman: Asa Glascock
702 27 November 1845 William Marshall Frances J. Glasscock This is to certify that by virtue of a marriage licenses issued by the clerk of the Mason County court- I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: As given under my hand at Mount Carmel Fleming County Kentucky- August 14th 1846; Signed: Geo. L. Savage M.G.
703 8 July 1836 John Stiles Martha Ann Glasscock Bondsman:Washington Glasscock
704 21 November 1828 John Cowgill Mary Glenn Bondsman: Robert Glenn
705 13 February 1830 William Forman Phebe Glenn Bondsman: Robert Glenn
706 5 June 1827 Isaac Duvall Ellen Glover Bondsman: Johnson Glover
707 31 November 1831 Thomas F. Fleming Emily Goddard Bondsman: William Goddard
708 29 November 1837 Edward P. Lee Margaret E. Goddard Bondsman: Judith Goddard
709 27 June 1833 Thomas Heaverin Adelia Gooch I do hereby certify that the following named person were joined together in holy bonds of matrimony by me on the day and date mentioned; Given under my hand this 18th April 1834; Signed: F. A. Savage
710 19 June 1833 Thomas Heaverin Adelia Gooch Bondsman: Freeman Gooch
711 20 April 1830 R. C. Crosby Martha A. Gooch Sir- you are authorized to issue license for R. C. Crosby and Martha A. Gooch; Signed: Charles L. Gooch; Witness: A. W. Knight
712 20 April 1830 Robert Crosley Martha A. Gooch Bondsman: ? Knight
713 28 March 1829 Edward Wyatt Ann Gordon Bondsman: William Gordon
714 22 April 1829 Enoch Loyd Mary Gorsuch Bondsman: Moses Dimmitt
715 3 December 1834 William Baldwin Elizabeth Goslin Bondsman: Aholial Para
716 14 April 1834 Thomas Wilson Mary Gow Bondsman: Thomas Wilson
717 17 April 1834 Thomas Wilson Mary Gow I do hereby certify that I have joined the following person if the holy bond of matrimony on the date; This ends the list of Samuel G. Garrison; Signed: Samuel G. Garrison
718 7 December 1837 John Fleming Elizabeth Graham State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any licensed minister of the gospel in the State of Kentucky you are authorized to join in the holy bonds of matrimony John Fleming and Elizabeth Graham according to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you are a member and this shall be your authority. Given under my hand this 7th day of December 1837; Signed: Marshall Key
719 7 December 1837 John Fleming Elizabeth Graham Bondsman: Hiram Graham
720 20 October 1836 John Marshall Mary Ann Grant Bondsman: Abel Downing
721 21 December 1836 Charles Dimmitt Mary J. Grant Bondsman: George Grant
722 17th September 1828 William Finch Marian Graves I do certify this day that I have no objection to William Finch receiving license for to marry my daughter Marian Graves. Given under my hand and seal; Signed: Elizabeth Graves; Witness: George Finch
723 16 September 1828 William Finch Mary Ann Graves Bondsman: George Finch
724 26 October 1832 Thomas Hopkins Perthey Celia Gray Bondsman: John W. Willett
725 July 1834 John Johnson Charlotte Grayson Bondsman: Robert Henry and Peter Lashbrooke
726 10 July 1828 John Green Abi Green (The name Brown is written after Green) Bondsman: Thomas Peck Junior
727 9 March 1836 Benjamin Williams Mary Ann Grey Bondsman: Richard Willett
728 10 March 1836 Benjamin Williams Mary Ann Grey I a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church licensed for the purpose by the county court of Greenup County Ky do certify that the marriage ceremony was performed by me between Benjamin Williams and Mary Ann Grey on the 10th day of March 1836 according to the rites and ceremonies of said church. Maysville Ky; Signed: Thomas Waring
729 20 November 1835 Joseph Peck Johanna Griffin Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
730 13 October 1828 Tyson Bealle Catharine B. Griffith Bondsman: Thomas Fulcher
731 17 January 1829 John Suit Angeletta Grover Bondsman: John Grover
732 9 June 1828 Joshua Johnston Harriet Grover This is to certify to all whom it may concern- I Sally Grover hath this day given my free consent to Joshua Johnston to wed with my daughter Harriet Grover in holy matrimony therefore he may be granted license by my order; Signed: Sally Grover; Witness Present 9th June 1828; Bernard Botts & Henry Putman
733 9 June 1828 Joshua Johnston Harriet Grover Bondsman: Henry Putman
734 19 June 1833 Harrison Dotsan Selby Guinn This is to certify that I united in matrimony Harrison Dotsan and Selby Guinn 19th June 1833 ; Signed: Francis Landrum
735 13th day of February 1833 Jeremiah Foster Elizabeth Gulick State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any licensed Minister of the gospel in the State of Kentucky- You are authorized to join in the holy bonds of matrimony Jeremiah Foster and Elizabeth Gulick according to the rites and ceremonies of the church which you may be a member-This shall be your authority. Given under my hand at Washington this 13th day of February 1833; Signed: Marshall Key
736 12 February 1833 Jeremiah Foster Elizabeth Gulick Bondsman: Charles E. Wolf
737 13 February 1833 J. Foster Elizabeth Gulick I hereby certify that my daughter Elizabeth Gulick has my permission to be joined in the bonds of matrimony with Mr. J. Foster. As witness my hand this 13th day of February 1833; Signed: Elizabeth Gulick
738 30 August 1837 John F. Ballanger Margaret W. Gulick Bondsman: E. D. Pickett
739 31 August 1837 John F. Ballenger Margaret W. Gulick I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
740 23 January 1834 Daniel Spaulding Frances Hamilton Bondsman: A. A. Wadsworth
741 24 December 1832 Jaconias Cooper Mary Hamilton Bondsman: John Haman
742 19 October 1829 Joseph Dickens Sarah Hampton Bondsman: Benjamin F. Kercheval
743 20 December 1836 Joseph Tollenberger Amanda Hanna Bondsman: Samuel Viers
744 1 February 1828 Elisha K. Eaton Mary Hanson Bondsman: Elijah Eaton
745 12 November 1832 Samuel Frazee Judith Helen Hargat Bondsman: Leland Pattie
746 12th of November 1832 Samuel Frazee Judith Harget The clerk of Mason- Sir you are hereby authorized to issue license to Samuel Frazee to marry my daughter Judith Harget as witness my hand and seal this 12th of November 1832; Signed: Peter Harget; Witness: Leland Pattie
747 20 December 1828 Austin Reeves Matilda Hargett Bondsman: Allen W. Affice
748 29 December 1828 Austine Reeves Matilda Hargett To the Clerk of Mason County I do authorize him to grant Austine Reeves license to marry my daughter Matilda Hargett. Given from under my hand this day and date above; Signed: Daniel Hargett; Witness: William B. Cundiff & Allen Affice & Whitfield Hargett
749 23 February 1827 Thomas M. Douglass Susan O. Harman Bondsman: Alexander A. Harman
750 1 February 1836 Joshua J. Watts Eliza A. Harregan Bondsman: David Wood
751 1 February 1836 Joshua J. Watts Eliza A. Harregan I a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church licensed for the purpose by the county court of Greenup County Ky do certify that the marriage ceremony was performed by me between Joshua J. Watts and Eliza A. Harregan on the 1st of February 1836 according to the rites and ceremonies of said church. Maysville Ky 1836; Signed: Thomas Waring
752 10 April 1834 Charles W. Allen Caroline Harrison I do hereby certify that the following named person were joined together in holy bonds of matrimony by me on the day and date mentioned; Given under my hand this 18th April 1834; Signed: F. A. Savage
753 8 April 1834 Charles W. Allen Caroline Harrison Bondsman: Charles S. Mitchell
754 13 October 1828 Thomas W. McGlasson Rosamond Harrison Bondsman: Samuel Harrison
755 October 1832 Jacob Sidwell Margaretta Haughey Bondsman: Stephen Barclay
756 31 October 1832 Jacob Sidwell Margaretta Haughey Mason County-To the clerk of the Mason County Court-Sir- you will grant to Jacob Sidwell a license to be joined in wedlock with Margaretta Haughey and this shall be your warrant from me; Signed: Thomas Haughey
757 6 December 1837 Charles M. Brough Rachel Haughey Bondsman: John Haughey
758 4 August 1837 William Proctor Sarah Hawkins Bondsman: Charles Gordon
759 15 November 1827 James Hayden Mahala Hayden Bondsman: Charles D. Lenex
760 18 August 1834 Daniel Rees Mary Hayden Bondsman: Miles C. Drake
761 8 August 1837 Elias P. Hudnut Julia Ann Hays Bondsman: John Armstrong
762 10 August 1837 Elias P. Hudnut Julia Ann Hays I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
763 7 April 1834 Leonard Minch Isabella Hedric Bondsman: David Douglass
764 28 February 1831 George Youngman Sally Ann Henson Bondsman: James Goldsberry
765 7 May 1834 Thomas T. Summers Sarah Henson Bondsman: Thomas Henson
766 22 December 1832 Theodosius Curtis Susan Henson Bondsman: Jesse Henson
767 22 December 1832 Theodosius Curtis Susan Henson I do hereby certify that I am willing for Theodosius Curtis to marry my daughter Susan Henson.This given under my hand this 22nd day of December 1832; Signed: George Henson; Witness: William Hill & Jese Henson
768 6 January 1835 Thomas Limbrick Jane Herron Bondsman: Jonathan Chamblin
769 30 June 1847 James S. Hancock Nancy Hickerson Maysville-This will certify that on the 29th of June 1847 I joined together in holy wedlock Mr. James S. Hancock and Miss Nancy Hickerson; Signed: M. F. Stewart
770 30 January 1837 William F. Collins Lucinda Hickman Bondsman: William Hickman
771 2 February 1837 William Colvin Lucinda Hickman The rites of marriage confirmed between the following couples by Jacob Morehead Minister of the Gospel.
772 13 May 1837 John N. Owens Maria Hickman Bondsman: James Hickman
773 18 May 1837 John P. Owens Maria Hickman The rites of marriage confirmed between the following couples by Jacob Morehead Minister of the Gospel.
774 22 May 1833 William B. Phillips Eleanor Hieatt Bondsman: John Prather
775 26 June 1830 William B. Darnett Louisa Hieatt Bondsman: Elijah Hieatt
776 7 Sept 1835 John T. Duzan Harriet W. Hieatte Bondsman: Lewis Hieatte
777 6 March 1832 Jacob Swart Elizabeth Hile Bondsman: Charles Gibson
778 18 July 1836 James Lytle Charity Hiles Bondsman: Christian Hiles
779 29 November 1837 John Chambers Jr Nancy Hiles Bondsman: John W. Henry
780 8 June 1830 Augustus Dillen Elizabeth Hill Bondsman: William Mastin
781 10 March 1830 Augustus Dillen Elizabeth Hill Mason County Kentucky- Know all men hereby that I am satisfied and willing that Augustus Dillen shall receive license to be joined in matrimony with my daughter Elizabeth Hill all of said county and state above mentioned; Signed: Benjamin Hill; Witness: Peter Disher & William Mastin
782 6 February 1836 George B. Maddox Elizabeth Hill Bondsman: William Gibson
783 8 February 1836 George B. Maddox Elizabeth Hill I a minister of the Methodist E. church licensed for the purpose by the county court of Greenup County Ky do certify that the marriage ceremony was performed by me between George B. Maddox and Elizabeth Hill on the 8th day of February 1836 according to the rites and ceremonies of said church; Signed: Thomas Waring
784 9 May 1831 Samuel Youngman Emily Hill Bondsman: Benjamin Hill
785 8 December 1831 Harvey Strode Minerva Hise I do certify that I joined together in matrimony: Witness my hand 5 July 1832; Littleton Fowler
786 7 December 1831 Harvey Strode Minerva Hise Bondsman: M. Markland
787 7 December 1831 Harvey Strode Minerva Hise The Clerk of the Mason County Court is hereby authorized to grant a license to Harvey Strode to intermarry with my daughter Minerva Hise. Given under my hand this 7th December 1831; Signed: Philip Hise; Witness: Thomas Dye
788 11 March 1830 Augustus Dillen Elizabeth Hite 26 March 1830-I do hereby certify that I did on the 11th day of March 1830- celebrate the rites of marriage between Augustus Dillen and Elizabeth Hite and on the 18th of the same month between Ethanon Hite and Mary Ann Allison in presence of license and from the clerks office at the County Courthouse of Mason according to the rule and ceremonies of the Methodist Episcopal Church; Signed: H. L. Duke
789 23 December 1837 John Dye Catharine Hitt Bondsman: William Hitt
790 November 1833 Aaron Boggs Melvina Hitt Bondsman: Elkana Jefferson
791 4 November 1833 Aaron Boggs Melvina Hitt Sir-This is certify that I authorize you issue license for the marriage of Aaron Boggs to myself; Signed: Melvina Hitt
792 19 March 1832 Aaron Prather Sally Hitt Bondsman: David Douglass
793 no date listed in 1832 Aaron Prather Sally Hitt This is to certify that I authorize you to license Aaron Prather to marry my daughter Sally Hitt; Signed: Aaron Hitt; Witness: Susanna Hitt
794 29 August 1832 Simeon W. Roberts Mrs. Rachel Hixson Bondsman: Robert W. Ingram
795 11 February 1830 Charles Burgess Rachel K. Hixson This is to certify that we have given our consent to a marriage contract between the ? ? of Charles Burgess and our daughter Rachel K. Hixson and you are hereby requested to grant license for the solemnization that contract in so doing you will oblige your; Signed: Nathanial Hixson & Anna Hixson
796 no date listed in 1830 Charles Burgess Rachel K. Hixson Bondsman: Joseph Duncan
797 28 August 1829 William Triplett Mary Ann Hodge Bondsman: William Hodge
798 1 September 1829 William Triplett Mary Ann Hodge In looking over the list of marriage rites united by me for several years I discover a general minor ? of these returns but as a few of them were in Mason County I fear I may have ____ and ______There I add the following returns: Signed: Anderson Todd
799 22 April 1834 Joseph Frazee Ann Holliday I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
800 21 April 1834 Joseph Frazer Ann Holliday Bondsman: John W. Anderson
801 28 May 1827 Joel H. Kertley Abigail Holton Bondsman: Willis Calvert
802 10 January 1827 Taylor Cave Elizabeth Holton Bondsman: William Holton
803 5 October 1829 Robert D. Helm Mary Ann Holton Bondsman: Abner Pepper
804 16 October 1837 George Claybrook Mary Frances Holton Dear Sir- you are requested to issue marriage license for he benefit of Mr. George Claybrook & Mary Frances Holton and oblige yours; Signed: E. W. Holton
805 18 October 1837 George Claybrook Mary Frances Holton Bondsman: Miles Wilson
806 17 October 1837 George Claybrooke Mary Frances Holton I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
807 8 October 1832 Osmon Robbinson Nancy Holton Bondsman: Daniel Runyon
808 4 November 1830 Riley McGuire Mary Ann Hook Bondsman: Zadok Hook
809 15 September 1836 Basil Holliday Catharine Hooton Bondsman: John Tucker
810 28 August 1830 Belville G. Moss Ann Hord Bondsman: Francis L. Hord
811 4 August 1827 John Sinclair Caroline Hord Bondsman: Francis T. Hord
812 25 June 1835 Charles Clark Eliza Hord Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
813 18 June 1835 Charles Clarke Eliza Hord Bondsman: Abner Hord
814 23 July 1830 Cornelius Drake Elizabeth Hord Bondsman: Thomas Hord
815 23 February 1830 Cornelius Drake Elizabeth Hord The clerk of Mason County is authorized to issue license to Cornelius Drake to join in the holy bonds of matrimony to Elizabeth Hord. Given under my hand this 23rd day of February 1830; Signed: Elizabeth Hord
816 23 December 1831 Jefferson Stout Harriet Hord Bondsman: William Berry
817 25 December 1831 Jefferson Stout Harriet Hord Mr. Marshall Key- Clerk of Mason County Court- Mr. Jefferson Stout will apply to you for license to marry Miss Harriet Hord. I am Guardian of Miss Hord and having no objection to the match I hereby authorize you to issue the license; Signed: Mansfield ?; Witness: William Berry
818 6 May 1833 Joshua Barns Lucretia Hord Bondsman: Thomas Hord
819 21 May 1833 Joshua Barns Lucretia Hord I hereby certify that I joined in Holy Matrimony Joshua Barns and Lucretia Hord Mason County Ky May 21st 1833; Signed: Richard Tydineys (?)
820 21 December 1831 Thomas H. Hinde Thamara Hord Bondsman: David Wood
821 24 July 1827 Francis Blue Sarah Hornbuckle Bondsman: James Murrah
822 24 August 1835 George Horton Nancy Horton Bondsman: George Taylor
823 3 December 1830 William Reed Maria Hott Bondsman: Joseph Roseman
824 29 August 1829 Samuel C. Swarts Charlotte Houghton Bondsman: Henry D. Burgess
825 26 December 1831 John S. Malone Lidi Ann Houghton To the Clerk of Mason Ky-This is to certify that I do agree and give my consent to the union and marriage of my daughter Lidi Ann Houghton to John S. Malone this 26th day of December 1831; Signed: Joab Houghton; NB- My son will attest the above argument
826 26 December 1831 John S. Malone Lydia Ann Houghton Bondsman: Perry Houghton
827 4 April 1832 James Hodges Mary Houghton Marriage solemnized by the undersigned with the following parties and their respective dates. Signed by James Blair (Elder in the Methodist Protestant church)- 20th April 1832.
828 10 December 1832 John Atchinson Phebe Houghton Bondsman: Perry Houghton
829 no date - listed in March 1827 entries Thomas Hickman Sally Houser This is to certify that Thomas Hickman and Sally Houser hath obtained my consent in a marriage contract and thence forward transmit you this certificate and humbly petition you the Clerk of Mason County to grant to the said parties marriage license upon the validity of this my act and deed;The signature of this document is unreadable; Witness: Jesse Hickman & Thomas Houser
830 5 March 1827 Thomas Hickman Sally Houser Bondsman: Jesse Hickman
831 4 April 1832 James Hodge Ann Houston Col. M. Key- Clerk of the Mason County Court-Sir- you are hereby authorized to issue a marriage license to James Hodge to marry Ann Houston our daughter and stepdaughter and this shall be out full consent; Signed: N. Young & Elizabeth Young; Witness: R. W. Thompson
832 4 April 1832 James Hodges Mary Ann Houston Bondsman: R. W. Thompson
833 16 March 1831 Nicholas Young Mrs. Elizabeth Houston Bondsman: Zadok Hook
834 4 March 1837 Nathan Hill Eliza How Bondsman: Joseph How
835 13th day of March 1837 Thomas Dye Mary Catharine Howard State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any licensed minister of the gospel of the State of Kentucky. You are hereby authorized to join in the Holy bonds of matrimony Thomas Dye and Mary Catharine Howard according to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you are a member and this shall be your authorization for do doing. Given under my hand this 13th day of March 1837; Signed: Marshall Key
836 13 March 1837 Thomas Dye Mary Catharine Howard To the clerk of the Court of Mason County Kentucky-This is to certify thatI Robert Howard of said County of said county have no objection to Thomas Dye obtaining license to marry my daughter Mary Catharine Howard. Given under my hand at Orangeburg the 13th March 1837; Signed: Robert Howard; Witness: Thomas Howard
837 13 March 1837 Thomas Dye Mary Catharine Howard Bondsman: John Howard
838 15 August 1830 James Davis Nancy Howard Bondsman: Nancy Howard
839 April 1834 James Henderson Brittie Ann Howe Bondsman: Abraham Howe
840 1 May 1834 James Henderson Brittie Ann Howe I do hereby certify that I have joined the following person if the holy bond of matrimony on the date; This ends the list of Samuel G. Garrison; Signed: Samuel G. Garrison
841 20 July 1836 James Baltzell Rachel Hubbard Murphysville- Marshall Key- Clerk of Mason County- You will let the bearer James Baltzell have license to marry Rachel Hubbard a young lady for whom I am guardian; Signed: Joseph How
842 20th July 1836 James Baltzell Rachel Hubbard Bondsman: P. L. McAbay
843 19 January 1837 Robert Cooper Susan D. Hudnut Bondsman: Joseph H. Hudnut
844 19 January 1837 Robert Cooper Susan D. Hudnut I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
845 14 May 1827 William Musgrove Ann Hudson Bondsman: James B. White
846 5 April 1834 Lawson Grant Martha Margaret Hudson Bondsman: Samuel Hudson
847 26 June 1832 Henry Ginn Susan Ann Hudson I certify that I joined in matrimony Henry Ginn & Susan Ann Hudson on the 26th of June 1832. Also French C. Thomas & Matilda Cummings of the 3rd of July 1832. Also John Wisenall and Eleanor Rudy on the 5th of September 1832. Also Robert Burns and Caroline Knoulds on the 13th of September 1832. Also Isaac H. Price and Mary Ann Oliver on the 18th of September 1832; Witness my hand George W. Brush- October 4 1832.
848 25 June 1832 Henry Grimes Susan Ann Hudson Bondsman: Lawson Grant
849 12 January 1830 Dempson Hill Machala Hulet Bondsman: John Hulet
850 15 September 1831 Reason Dicks Mary Hulett I do hereby certify that I joined together in the holy estate of matrimony the following named persons according to the authority vested in me by license issued by the clerk of the Mason County Court on the day duly below written; Given under my hand this 30th day of May 1831. James Savage E.M.E.C.
851 1 December 1828 Whitfield Hargett Maria Hulitt Bondsman: John Hulitt
852 13 September 1831 Reason Dicks Nancy Hulitt Bondsman: John Hulitt
853 28 February 1829 Joseph Wallingford Malinda Hull Bondsman: Samuel Hull
854 10 March 1829 Joseph T. Wallingford Malinda Hull Mason County Ky-The rites of marriage celebrated between Joseph T. Wallingford and Malinda Hull. March 10th 1829; Signed: Joel Morehead Minister of the Gospel
855 4 January 1836 Collin Sutor Jane Humphrey Bondsman: James Bowles
856 8 November 1837 William W. Carnahan Elizabeth Hunt Bondsman: John Ryder
857 August 1831 James L. Wood Phebe Hymon Bondsman: William Armstrong
858 21 February 1829 -- -- Jane Ireland I do certify that my daughter Jane is twenty one years of age; Signed: James Ireland
859 21 February 1829 Elijah Bell Jane Ireland Bondsman: Henry Bayles
860 28 December 1833 Gilbert Adams Francis E. H. Irvin --
861 4 February 1834 Nehemiah F. Pierce Ann Ivans Bondsman: Jesse Ivans (Name is signed Evans)
862 5 February 1835 Nehemiah L. Pierce Ann Ivans I do hereby certify that I joined together in the Holy bonds of matrimony the below named person according to laws and at the named day below written: Given under my hand this 21st day of June 1825; Signed: F. A. Savage.
863 7 March 1827 William Griffith Eliza Jackson Bondsman: John Nibbs
864 March 9 1827 William Griffith Eliza Jackson Mason County-The Clerk of the Mason County court will please issue a marriage license to join in matrimony my daughter Eliza Jackson and Mr. William Griffith and oblige Eliza Jackson mother; Witness: Jersey Jeferson
865 15 June 1827 Jesse Jefferson Mary Jackson Mr. Marshall Key; Sir- you will please to grant Mr. Jesse Jefferson license to marry my daughter Mary Jackson and oblige yours; Signed: Elizabeth Jackson; Witness: William Griffith & Judy K. Jackson
866 1 June 1827 Jesse Jefferson Mary Jackson Bondsman: William Griffith
867 18 February 1832 James H. Moore Sarah Jackson Bondsman: Jehu Stoker
868 28 Jan 1832 Richard Peed Elizabeth James Sir- I am to unwell to come to town today. I have no objection to you granting Mr. Richard Peed license to marry my daughter Elizabeth James; Signed: Thomas James
869 January 1832 Richard Peed Jr. Elizabeth James Bondsman: Isaac James
870 23 February 1837 Jacob Longnecker Julian Jamison State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any licensed minister of the gospel in the State of Kentucky you are authorized to join in the holy bonds of matrimony Jacob Longnecker and Julian Jamison according to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you are a member and this shall be your authority. Given under my hand this 23rd day of February 1837; Signed: Marshall Key
871 23 February 1837 Jacob Longnecker Julian Jamison Bondsman: David Jamison
872 7 November 1831 William Woods Amanda Louisa January Bondsman: Samuel January
873 9 November 1831 William Woods Amanda Louise January State of Kentucky-Mason County- To an licensed minister of the gospel in the State of Kentucky you are hereby authorized to join in the holy bonds of matrimony William Woods and Amanda Louise January agreeable to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you maybe a member and for your so doing this shall be your authority; Given under my hand at Washington the 9th day of November 1831; Signed: Marshall Key
874 26 September 1833 George F. Catlet Mary Jane January I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
875 25 September 1833 George F. Catlett Mary Jane January Mason County State of Kentucky- M. Key- Esq. C. M. C. C;Sir- you are hereby authorized to grant to Mr. George F. Catlett a license to carry into a marriage contract between himself and my daughter Mary Jane January. Given under my hand the day above written; Signed: Samuel January
876 25 September 1833 George F. Catlett Mary Jane January Bondsman: Charles B. Williams
877 7 April 1835 John G. Ginn Clarissa H. Jarnagan Bondsman: Lawson Grant
878 16 may 1836 William Jennings Elizabeth J. Jarvis Bondsman: John D. Anderson
879 7 August 1827 Jacob Jackson Lorand Jefferson Bondsman: Samuel Jefferson
880 17 November 1830 George Watson Rebecca Jefferson Bondsman: Jacob H. Jackson
881 1 October 1835 Joseph Wilson Susan Jefferson Bondsman: Samuel Jefferson
882 22 January 1834 James M. Runyon Charity Johnson Bondsman: Nathaniel E. Johnson
883 12 April 1837 S. L. Bell Fanny Johnson Bondsman: Jeremiah Hall
884 26 August 1828 Samuel Wallingford Hannah Johnson Bondsman: Samuel Duzan
885 16 July 1834 Nathaniel Paul Lavina Johnson Bondsman: Joseph Kennard
886 16 July 1834 Nathaniel Paul Lavina Johnson The clerk of Mason County will please to grant license for Nathaniel Paul and Lavina Johnson to marry your with due respect; Signed: Margaret Jones; Witness: Joseph Kennard
887 21 October 1834 William Bodenhamet Lucinda Johnson Bondsman: Nathaniel A. Johnson
888 6 January 1827 Thomas Armstrong Lucretia Johnson Bondsman: Henry Johnson
889 12 December 1829 William Brown Mary Johnson Bondsman: David Fitzgerald
890 30 Sept 1829 Edward Bell Sarah Johnson Bondsman: Charles Gill
891 13 April 1837 S. L. Bell Fanny Johnston Given under my hand this 6th day of July 1837. Robert C. Grundy
892 16 January 1832 John Prather Eliza Johnston Bondsman: Samuel Cracraft
893 4 May 1829 William Winter Anvilla Jones State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any licensed minister of the Gospel in the state of Kentucky: You are hereby authorized to join in the holy bonds of wedlock William Winter and Anvilla Jones according to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you are a member and this shall be your authority for so doing. Given under my hand this 4th day of May 1829; Signed: Marshall Key
894 4 May 1829 William Winter Anvilla Jones I do hereby certify that I have no objections to my daughter Anvilla Jones joining in matrimony with William Winter- son of John Winter she of this county as witness my hand and seal; Signed: Alexander Jones; Witness: John Haye & John Winter Jr.
895 4 May 1829 William Winter Anvilla Jones Bondsman: John Loyd
896 15 August 1827 Elias Bailey Druzilla Jones Bondsman: Jesse Jones
897 25 October 1830 Morgan Day Lucinda Jones Bondsman: William Jones
898 4 December 1837 Robert McClary Mary Jones State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any licensed minister of the gospel in the State of Kentucky you are authorized to join in the holy bonds of matrimony Robert McClary and Mary Jones according to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you are a member and this shall be your authority. Given under my hand this 4th day of December 1837; Signed: Marshall Key
899 4 December 1837 Robert McClary Mary Jones Bondsman: William Tureman
900 29 March 1833 John L. McCamer (?) Matilda Jones I do hereby certify that I joined together in the holy estate of matrimony the following named persons according to the authority vested in me by license issued by the clerk of the Mason County Court on the day duly below written; Given under my hand this 30th day of May 1831. James Savage E.M.E.C.
901 28 March 1832 John L. McCann Matilda Jones Bondsman: Allen Jones
902 12 August 1835 E. W. Liverly Nancy Jordan Bondsman: Ivory Sherwin
903 22 November 1834 Darius P. Fyffe Harriet Judd Bondsman: Charles A. Marshall
904 January 8 1833 John Howard Phebe Judd This is to certify that the rites of matrimony were duly solemnized between John Howard and Phebe Judd January 8 1833 by me a Minister of the Gospel; Signed: John W. Riggin
905 28 November 1835 Samuel Nower Sarah Judd Bondsman: Daniel Judd
906 7 January 1832 John Howard Phebe Judd Bondsman: Alexander K. Bullock
907 11 November 1830 Adam Johnson Nancy Justice Bondsman: Thomas B. Kaywood
908 11 November 1830 Adam Johnston Nancy Justice This is to certify that I solemnized the rites of matrimony between:
909 10 October 1833 James A. Ruth Charlotte L. M. Keith I do hereby certify that the following named person were joined together in holy bonds of matrimony by me on the day and date mentioned; Given under my hand this 18th April 1834; Signed: F. A. Savage
910 9 October 1833 James A. Keith Charlotte M. Keith Bondsman: Thomas A. Marshall
911 29 July 1828 Darius Berry Eliza Keith Bondsman: Thomas Keith
912 12 June 1830 James C. Claybrooke Susan Keith I do hereby certify that I did on the ?This month celebrate the rights of marriage between James C. Claybrooke and Susan Keith in presence of license from the clerk of the Mason County Court according to the rules and ceremonies of the M. E. Church. Given under my hand 12 June 1830; Signed: H. L. Duke
913 14 June 1830 James Claybrooke Susan Keith Bondsman: James A. Keith
914 29 August 1827 Barnard West Anney Kelly Bondsman: Veland Kelly
915 28 August 1827 Barnard West Anny Kelly Lewis County- Mr. Key-Sir-This may certify that I am perfectly willing that my son Barnard West shall be married to Anny Kelly and this may authorize you to grant a marriage license as he is not of age; Signed: John West; Witness: Thomas Livley & Elihu West & John West Junior
916 7 June 1831 Paul Price Rebecca Kelly This is to certify that I am willing and hereby give my consent for my daughter Rebecca Kelly to be married to Mr. Paul Price. Given under my hand this 7th day of June 1831; Signed: Veland Kelly; Witness: Barnett West
917 7 June 1831 Paul Price Rebecca Kelly Bondsman: Barnett West
918 May 1832 William K. Duzan Sarah Kelly Bondsman: William Kelly
919 16 January 1832 John Stephenson Mary Kenard Bondsman: William Reed Jr.
920 no date - listed with June 1832 entries John Stephenson Mary Kenard Sir- your are hereby instructed to issue license for John Stephenson and Mary Kenard- my daughter and you will oblige yours; Signed: Wh?? Kenard; Witness: William Reed
921 15 March 1831 Asa C. Parkins Elizabeth Kendall Bondsman: John Kendall
922 10 April 1827 William Reed Junior Sedney Kennard Bondsman: Willis Ballinger
923 22 July 1830 Edward Grover Frances Jane Kercheval Bondsman: Lewis C. Kercheval
924 6 November 1830 William Kennard Lewis C. Kercheval Bondsman: Eveline Kercheval
925 25 July 1829 George Byram Margaret Kerlin Bondsman: William Kerlin
926 March 6 1832 Jacob Swart Elizabeth Kile Also married by me March 6th 1832; Signed by John Jacobs;This ends the lists of marriage by John Jacobs
927 27 February 1836 John Shepherd Matilda Kile Bondsman: Daniel Kile
928 8 March 1830 Charles Gordon Harriet Kilgore Bondsman: Joseph Kilgore
929 27 May 1835 Coleman D. Brown Ellen A. Killgore Bondsman: Robert Killgore
930 28 May 1835 Coleman D. Brown ? Ellen A. Killgore I do hereby certify that I joined together in the Holy bonds of matrimony the below named person according to laws and at the named day below written: Given under my hand this 21st day of June 1825; Signed: F. A. Savage.
931 11 March 1830 Charles Gordon Harriet Killgore September 28 1830- Germantown-I certify that I joined the following persons together in the bonds of matrimony on the day and date below written; Given under my hand this day and date above written; Signed: James Savage
932 7 October 1835 Garrett Perine Julia Ann Killgore Bondsman: Marshall Key
933 27 March 1837 Samuel Gifford Sally Killgore Bondsman: Joseph Killgore
934 15 February 1837 Robert Carr Sarah Killpartrick Bondsman: William Henry
935 16 February 1837 Robert Carr Sarah Kilpatrick I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
936 25 October 1830 James Scott Catharine Kindrick Bondsman: Peyton J. Key
937 4 January 1836 Moses Fowler Catharine King Bondsman: Elbert King
938 4 January 1837 Moses Fowler Catherine King State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any licensed minister of the gospel in the State of Kentucky you are authorized to join in the holy bonds of matrimony Moses Fowler and Catherine King according to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you are a member and this shall be your authority. Given under my hand this 4th day of January 1837; Signed: Marshall Key
939 28 March 1833 Fielder G. Calvart Emily King Mason County I hereby certify that I joined together in holy marriage the following persons: Signed: Walter Warder- June 8 1833-This ends the list of Walter Warder
940 25 March 1833 Fielder G. Calvert Emily King Bondsman: Walter Calvert
941 March 20 1833 Fielder G. Calvert Emily King Marshall Key Esq. -Sir- you are hereby authorized to grant marriage license to Mr. Fielder G. Calvert and my daughter Emily King as I have given consent that the same should take place. Given under my hand March 20th 1833; Signed: Judith King; Witness: James Kirk
942 19 May 1836 Seth Campbell Judith E. King Bondsman: Joseph M. King
943 26 May 1836 Seth Campbell Judith E. King Also between Seth Campbell and Judith E. King; May 26 1836; Signed: Joel Morehead- Minister of the gospel- May the 26th 1846
944 31 January 1833 James Kirk Juliann King Mason County I hereby certify that I joined together in holy marriage the following persons: Signed: Walter Warder- June 8 1833-This ends the list of Walter Warder
945 28 January 1833 James Kirk Juliann King This is to certify that I consent to a marriage between James Kirk and my daughter Juliann King; Signed: Judith King; Witness: Harris M. King
946 28 January 1833 James Kirk Juliann King Bondsman: Harris M. King
947 21 December 1836 Daniel Brown Lucy Ann King Bondsman: Daniel King
948 31 October 1833 Whitfield Proctor Amanda Kirk I do hereby certify that the following named person were joined together in holy bonds of matrimony by me on the day and date mentioned; Given under my hand this 18th April 1834; Signed: F. A. Savage
949 30 October 1833 Whitfield Proctor Amanda Kirk Bondsman: Richard Kirk
950 1 October 1827 William Culbertson Casander Kirk This is to certify that I do give my free will and consent that William Culbertson procure a license to be joined in Holy matrimony to my daughter Casander Kirk. I witness my hand and seal the day and date above written; Signed: George Kirk; Witness: Alexander Hunter & John Hunter
951 14 October 1827 William Culbertson Cassandra Kirk Bondsman: John Hunter
952 18 October 1828 William Hunter Elizabeth Kirk Bondsman: John Hunter
953 7 November 1833 Robert Shoftstall Joanah M. Kirk I do hereby certify that the following named person were joined together in holy bonds of matrimony by me on the day and date mentioned; Given under my hand this 18th April 1834; Signed: F. A. Savage
954 4 November 1833 Robert Shoafstall Joanah Martin Kirk Bondsman: Allen Kirk
955 4 May 1829 Thomas Ficklin Margaret Kirk Bondsman: Benjamin Kirk
956 7 May 1829 Thomas Ficklin Margaret Kirk September 28 1830- Germantown-I certify that I joined the following persons together in the bonds of matrimony on the day and date below written; Given under my hand this day and date above written; Signed: James Savage
957 1 January 1827 John Givens Margaret Kirk Bondsman: Richard Kirk
958 4 January 1827 John Givens Margeret Kirk I do certify that I joined in Holy Marriage John Jackson & Sarah Gatrell both of Mason County on May 17 1826. also Asa S. Baker & Nicy Kirk- both of Mason County on the 17th of October 1826. also Lindsey Hill & Mary Mastin- both of Mason County October 26 1826- also John Givens of Fleming County & Margaret Kirk of Mason County January 4 1827. All done in accordance to the rites of the M.E.C. Given under my hand this 5th day of March 1827; Signed: James Savage
959 20 November 1830 Joseph Cline Nancy Kirk Bondsman: Richard Kirk
960 17 October 1826 Asa S. Baker Nicy Kirk I do certify that I joined in Holy Marriage John Jackson & Sarah Gatrell both of Mason County on May 17 1826. also Asa S. Baker & Nicy Kirk- both of Mason County on the 17th of October 1826. also Lindsey Hill & Mary Mastin- both of Mason County October 26 1826- also John Givens of Fleming County & Margaret Kirk of Mason County January 4 1827. All done in accordance to the rites of the M.E.C. Given under my hand this 5th day of March 1827; Signed: James Savage
961 25 August 1829 John Jenkins Rebecca Kirk Bondsman: Perry Fyffe
962 9 February 1832 John Clyne Sarah Kirk Bondsman: Nathaniel Kirk
963 9 February 1832 John Clyne Sarah Kirk I do hereby certify that the rites of matrimony were legally solemnized between John Clyne and Sarah Kirk on the 9th day of February 1832- by me a Minister of the gospel; Signed: Joseph G. Ward
964 15 February 1833 Washington Riggons Mary Knetzar Bondsman: Veland Kelly
965 21st February 1833 Washington Riggin Mary Knetzer I hereby certify that I solemnized the rites of matrimony between Washington Riggin and Mary Knetzer on the 21st February 1833; Signed: D. K. Putman Legally Authorized Minister of the Gospel
966 23 July 1827 Thomas Kirk Angeline Knight Bondsman: John Knight
967 10 October 1828 William H. Knott Eliza Knight Bondsman: John Knight
968 23 December 1833 William Soward Elizabeth W. Knight Bondsman: Allen A. Knight
969 6 November 1832 Obadiah McCoy Judith Ann Knight Bondsman: Woodson Knight
970 31 October 1836 Benjamin Flinn Lucy Knight Bondsman: Allen Knight
971 17 May 1828 Alfred Soward Prudence Knight Sir- your authorized to issue a marriage license for Alfred Soward and Prudence Knight; Your respectfully- Signed: W. Knight
972 17 May 1828 Alfred Soward Prudence Knight Bondsman: Allen Knight
973 15th day of February 1833 Washington Riggen Mary Knitzar This is to certify that I am willing for my son Washington to marry Mary Knitzar given under may hand this 15th day of February 1833; Signed: John W. Riggen
974 6 June 1837 Harmon Allen Elizabeth Knott Bondsman: John Knott
975 4 November 1828 Moses Chambers Henrietta Knott Bondsman: Joseph Knott
976 6 November 1828 Moses Chambers Henrietta Knott 22 December 1828- Commonwealth of Ky- To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that acting under the authority of license issued from Mason- I solemnized the rites of matrimony on the 25th of March 1828 between James Curtis and Elizabeth Conway and on the 6th of November between Moses Chambers and Henrietta Knott; Signed: B. L. Abernathy- Legally authorized Minister of the Gospel
977 13 September 1832 Robert Burns Caroline Knoulds I certify that I joined in matrimony Henry Ginn & Susan Ann Hudson on the 26th of June 1832. Also French C. Thomas & Matilda Cummings of the 3rd of July 1832. Also John Wisenall and Eleanor Rudy on the 5th of September 1832. Also Robert Burns and Caroline Knoulds on the 13th of September 1832. Also Isaac H. Price and Mary Ann Oliver on the 18th of September 1832; Witness my hand George W. Brush- October 4 1832.
978 10 September 1832 Robert Burns Caroline Knowles Maysville-To the clerk of Mason County Ky- I am perfectly willing that Robert Burns should get license to marry my daughter Caroline Knowles; Signed: William Knowles
979 12 September 1832 Robert Burns Caroline Knowles Bondsman: Thomas K. Ricketts
980 1 January 1835 Thomas Donall Ann Kreitzer Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
981 30 December 1834 Thomas Powel Ann Kruiler Bondsman: Abner Hord
982 23 September 1830 Wilson P. Boyd Susan Lacey In looking over the list of marriage rites united by me for several years I discover a general minor ? of these returns but as a few of them were in Mason County I fear I may have ____ and ______There I add the following returns: Signed: Anderson Todd
983 21 September 1830 Wilson P. Boyd Susan Lacey Bondsman: George Stockton
984 7 December 1831 William Whittaker Judith Lacy Bondsman: Walter Lacy
985 11 April 1832 Jeremiah H. Kirtley Mary Lacy Bondsman: Walter Lacy
986 2 May 1833 -- -- Elizabeth Lamb Mason County- David Sarvins made oath before me that the within named Elizabeth Lamb is over the age of twenty one years to the best of his knowledge. Given under my hand the 2nd day of May 1833; Signed: H. Taylor D. C.
987 3 May 1833 Pruchase (?) Sarvins Elizabeth Lamb Bondsman: David Sarvins
988 11 January 1836 Reason Wherry Ann Lane Bondsman: Thomas Lane
989 14 January 1836 Reason Wherry Ann Lane I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
990 11 December 1837 Aquilla Willett Electa F. W. Lane Maysville-To the clerk of the county court of Mason- Dear Sir- you are hereby authorized by me to issue matrimonial license in favor of my daughter Electa F. W. Lane and Aquilla Willett; Signed: Josiah Lane
991 20 December 1837 Aquilla Willett Electa F. W. Lane State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any licensed minister of the gospel in the State of Kentucky you are authorized to join in the holy bonds of matrimony Aquilla Willett and Electa F. W. Lane according to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you are a member and this shall be your authority. Given under my hand this 20 December 1837; Signed: Marshall Key
992 20 December 1837 Aquilla Willett Electa F. W. Lane Bondsman: Alfred Willett
993 3 October 1831 Samuel Stevens Jane Lane Bondsman: Thomas Lane
994 19 June 1837 Joseph P. Lapsley Rebecca Lane Bondsman: Thomas Lane
995 20 June 1837 Joseph P. Lapsley Rebecca Lane I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
996 28 March 1836 Allen M. Stockwell Elizabeth B. Langhorne Bondsman: Erasmus D. Pickett
997 28 March 1836 A. M. Stockwell Elizabeth B. Langhorne Maysville-The clerk of the Mason County Court is authorized by my consent to issue marriage license to Mr. A. M. Stockwell and my daughter Elizabeth B. Langhorne; Signed: Eliza B. Langhorne
998 2 May 1837 Henry Waller Sarah Bell Langhorne Bondsman: Thomas Y. Payne
999 3 May 1837 Henry Waller Sarah Bell Langhorne Given under my hand this 6th day of July 1837. Robert C. Grundy
1000 4 October 1832 George G. Mesmer Sarah Langly Bondsman: William Green
1001 20 April 1835 Wm. E. Dobyns Elizabeth Larue Bondsman: Clifton Larue
1002 20 April 1835 Wm. E. Dobyns Elizabeth Jean Larue Mill Creek-This is to certify (as my daughter Elizabeth Jean Larue is under the years of twenty one) that I have no objection to her marriage with Wm. E. Dobyns of Mayslick. Given under my hand the date above written; Signed: John Larue; Witness: B. C. Larue & Mary Larue
1003 3 December 1829 Francis W. Wheatley Mary Ann Larue Bondsman: Thomas Larue
1004 9 March 1833 William E. Seddon Mary Lashbrooke Bondsman: Mansfield Calvert
1005 3 December 1834 -- -- Elizabeth Leach Mason County-This day Plumer T. Thomas personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace for said county and made oath that Elizabeth Leach is of lawful age of twenty one years. Given under my hand this 3rd days of December 1834; Signed: C. W. Owens
1006 3 December 1834 Archibald A. Winters Elizabeth Leach Bondsman: Plumer T. Thomas
1007 30 April 1836 Charles B. Ryan Joseph Leach Bondsman: Martha M. Murphy
1008 14 July 1837 Robert Howard Sally Leach Bondsman: Isaiah Tiviss
1009 24 December 1827 Samuel DeRush Mary Leachman Bondsman: George Leachman
1010 16 July 1828 Richard Fenton Nancy Leachman Bondsman: George Leachman
1011 23 October 1833 Joseph F. Jones Mary Leake Bondsman: Walter Leake
1012 29 December 1827 Isham Marshall Susan Leake Bondsman: Benjamin Leake
1013 5 May 1834 Mason Owens Susan Leake Bondsman: Josiah Leake
1014 1 March 1837 James L. Stevens Jennet Lee Bondsman: Alexander H. Lee
1015 October 1831 Israel B. Donalason Lucy Ann Lee Was married by me in October 1831; Signed by John Jacobs;This ends the lists of marriage by John Jacobs
1016 18 October 1831 J. B. Donalson Lucy Ann Lee Bondsman: Gholsen Lee
1017 1 March 1837 James L. Stephens Miss Jennet Lee I Robert C. Grundy a regularly authorized and ordained minister of the gospel do hereby certify that by virtue of a license issued by the clerk of the Mason County Court for that purpose- I married the following individuals at the times specified
1018 18 October 1834 James Huntington Sarah Lee Bondsman: James W. Coburn
1019 24 October 1834 James Huntington Sarah Lee This is to certify that the following person were joined together in the holy estate of matrimony by me according to the rules of the Methodist Episcopal church on the date mentioned: Given under my hand this 21st of July 1835; Signed: James Savage
1020 4 December 1834 Archibald A. Winter Elizabeth Leech I do hereby certify that I joined together in the Holy bonds of matrimony the below named person according to laws and at the named day below written: Given under my hand this 21st day of June 1825; Signed: F. A. Savage.
1021 15 June 1834 Henry Jackson Margaret Leman Bondsman: Reson Lema
1022 2 April 1827 Peyton A. Key Mary Ann Leonard The clerk of the Mason County Court will issue a license to Peyton A. Key to marry Miss Mary Ann Leonard and for so doing this shall be your authorize; Signed: A. Duke; Witness: Wm. G. Burket
501 24 April 1827 Peyton A. Key Mary Ann Leonard Bondsman: Marshall Key
502 8 October 1834 James B. Claybrook Rebecca Leonard Bondsman: Peyton A. Key
503 7 November 1836 Harrison G. Burgess Martha Ann Lewis Bondsman: Wosham Anderson
504 19 November 1836 Harrison C. Burgess Martha Ann Lewis I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
505 4 November 1834 Thomas Whaley Jane E. Limerick Bondsman: John J. Limerick
506 30 November 1829 Jonathan Chamblin Jane Linbrick Bondsman: Thomas Linbrick
507 4 March 1828 Waller Armes Lucretia Lindwell Bondsman: Avery W. Collins
508 4 January 1834 Upton Burgess Eleaner S. Linn Bondsman: John Linn
509 3 January 1834 Upton Burgess Elenor S. Linn The clerk of the Mason County Court is hereby authorized to give license to join in holy matrimony Upton Burgess and my daughter Elenor S. Linn. Given under my hand and seal this 3rd day of January 1834; Signed: Ebenezer Linn; Witness: William Linn & John Linn
510 2 June 1834 Daniel L. Goble Esq. Martha Linn Bondsman: H. N. McGwire
511 13 October 1828 Hiram H. Baker Elizabeth Linthicum Bondsman: Daniel O. Rees
512 21 September 1828 Lewis Linville Sally Linville Bondsman: Ebenezer Woodward
513 27 April 1833 David T. Carty Mary Ann List Bondsman: John M. Clatehey
514 12 July 1831 Thornton Sparks Martha Littlejohn Mason County Kentucky- June 15 1831-I do hereby certify that I have united in the solemn bonds of matrimony according to legal authority the following persons on the severally annexed to them; All in Mason County Ky; Signed: Samuel Y. Garrison
515 9 July 1831 Thornton Sparks Martha Littlejohn Bondsman: Roswell Grant
516 8 July 1831 Thornton Sparks Martha Littlejohn The clerk of Mason County Court is hereby authorized to issue marriage license to Thornton Sparks and my daughter Martha Littlejohn as I have given my consent the same should take place. Given under my hand this 8th day of July 1831; Signed: John Littlejohn; Witness: Roswell Grant & Edmund P. Matthews
517 1 August 1831 Samuel Armstrong Ann Longley Bondsman: James Tebbs
518 26 October 1829 Samuel Reid Catherine Lovely I certify to have celebrated the rites marriage between the within named person on the date herein given Samuel Reid to Catherine Lovely- October 26 1829. I having obtained license therefor from Bourbon County Court. Signed: John McElfresh
519 24 October 1829 Samuel Ried Catherine Lovely Maysville-This is to certify that Mr. Samuel Ried has obtained my consent to join in the bonds of matrimony with my daughter Catherine Lovely- You will therefore please grant him a license for that purpose and oblige yours respectfully; Signed: J. V. Lovely
520 October 1833 John E. Jackson Eliza Ann Lovely Bondsman: Reuben Case
521 16 October 1833 John E. Jackson Eliza Ann Lovely Was married by me in accordance with a license issued from you office being date 16th day of November 1833- Coleman B. Heflin to Susan Altig. Also on the 16th day of October 1833- John E. Jackson to Eliza Ann Lovely. Also on the 26th day of February 1834 Wilburn Harover to Matilda Sandidge. Also on the 6th day of March Manuel Martin to Janetta Reed. Also on the 20th day of March Abel Crispin to Mary Ann Wilson- 1834; Signed: John Jacobs- April 9th 1834;This ends the list of John Jacobs
522 30 January 1832 Peter Gordon Clarissa B. Loyd Bondsman: Elijah Loyd
523 3 November 1827 Robert Perrine Elizabeth P. Loyd Bondsman: Elijah Loyd
524 15 May 1833 Ruliff Thomas Sarah M. Loyd Bondsman: Elijah Loyd
525 16 May 1833 Rulef Thomas Sarah M. Loyd I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
526 6 June 1836 Henry G. Hook Sarah Ann Lucas Bondsman: Ormstainus Atherton
527 8 December 1834 Lorenza D. Green Martha A. Lunsford I do hereby certify that I joined together in the Holy bonds of matrimony the below named person according to laws and at the named day below written: Given under my hand this 21st day of June 1825; Signed: F. A. Savage.
528 8 December 1834 Lorenzo D. Green Martha Ann Lunsford Bondsman: Peyton Cordry
1023 12 June 1837 Peter A. Claybrook Elizabeth Lurtey Bondsman; Notley L. Proctor
1024 19 July 1827 Parker Dimmitt Matilda Lutherland Bondsman: Nathan Hixsen
1025 4 June 1834 David L. Goble Martha Lynn I do hereby certify that I have solomized the following marriage in a legal manner in Mason County Kentucky: Signed: Samuel Y. Garrison
1026 6 October 1834 William Atchison Nancy Alisa Lynn The clerk of the Mason County court is hereby authorized to issue license to join in holy matrimony William Atchison and my daughter Nancy Alisa Lynn. Given under my hand and seal this Sixth day of October 1834; Signed: Ebenezer Lynn; Witness: William Lynn & John H. Lynn
1027 6 October 1834 William Atchison Nancy Alisa Lynn Bondsman: John H. Lynn
1028 24 May 1830 John Allen Elizabeth C. Lyon Bondsman: Arthur Fox
1029 12 September 1831 Benjamin F. Brough Mary Lyon Bondsman: Charles Lyon
1030 11 March 1830 Peter Shaw Mary Lyon Bondsman: Archibald Liggett
1031 21 September 1836 John B. Haughey Sarah Lyon Bondsman: Charles Lyon
1032 13 August 1831 Jefferson Wilson Eliza Ann Lytle Mr. Marshal Key- you will please to grant license for Jefferson Wilson and Eliza Ann Lytle; Signed: Lydia Lytle
1033 13 August 1831 Jefferson Wilson Eliza Ann Lytle Bondsman: W. McMichael
1034 26 December 1833 Thomas T. January Maria Machir I hereby certify that Thomas T. January and Maria Machir were lawfully joined in the bonds of matrimony by me the 26th of December 1833; Signed: A. Logan
1035 22 December 1833 Thomas T. January Maria Machir Cincinnati Ohio-To the clerk of the Mason County Court- Your are hereby authorized to issue license for the marriage of Thomas T. January and Maria Machir; Signed: William M. Poyntz guardian for Maria Machir
1036 26 December 1833 Thomas T. January Maria Machir Bondsman: Edmund P. Pope
1037 17 November 1827 Robert S. Gibbons Elizabeth Mackoy Bondsman: James Mackoy
1038 1 January 1834 Bazel Waring Tabitha Mackoy Bondsman: John T. Mackoy
1039 21 October 1830 Abel Dwight Mary Madley Bondsman: Joseph W. Thompson
1040 13 December 1830 Samuel Jolly Cynthia Malott Bondsman: Peter Malott
1041 25 January 1832 Robert Johnson Rachel Malotte Bondsman: John Malotte
1042 13 Dec. 18? Richard Smith Martha Mamiser (?) I do hereby certify that I joined together in the holy estate of matrimony the following named persons according to the authority vested in me by license issued by the clerk of the Mason County Court on the day duly below written; Given under my hand this 30th day of May 1831. James Savage E.M.E.C.
1043 7 November 1836 John P. Harl Mary Ann Mannen Bondsman: John Mannen
1044 4 February 1833 Arthur F. Dobyns Lamira Mannen Bondsman: John Mannen
1045 28 July 1837 James R. Runyon Lydia E. Mannen Bondsman: Thomas Mannen
1046 3 August 1837 James R. Runyon Lydia S. Mannen I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
1047 8 December 1831 Richard Smith Martha Mannen Bondsman: John Mannen
1048 27 January 1834 Richard Kirk Mary Mannen Bondsman: Thomas Cushman
1049 30 November 1833 Thomas L. Duvall Hannah Marshall Bondsman: Daniel R. Runyon
1050 22 January 1827 Daniel B. Runyon Jane Marshall Bondsman: Bennett Preston
1051 22 January 1827 Daniel Runyon Jane Marshall To the clerk of the County Court of Mason;Sir- Whereas a marriage is intended between Daniel Runyon and my daughter Jane Marshall;These are to inform you that I give my consent to the said marriage and am willing that you should issue the necessary license accordingly. Given under my hand and seal this 22nd day of January 1827; Signed: Della Ray Marshall; Wittiness: Lucinda Jones
1052 5 February 1836 Alfred Matthews Matilda M. Marshall Bondsman: William Marshall
1053 24 September 1828 Henry Wilkerson Sally Marshall Bondsman: John Marshall
1054 25 September 1828 Henry Wilkison Sally Marshall Marriage solemnized by the undersigned with the following parties and their respective dates. Signed by James Blair (Elder in the Methodist Protestant church)- 20th April 1832.
1055 10 August 1831 Thomas K. Ricketts America Martin Bondsman: Edward Stevenson
1056 29 June 1829 Gilbert McNight Angelina Martin Bondsman: Micajah Martin
1057 13 August 1834 Matthias David Mary Martin Bondsman: John Martin
1058 14 August 1834 Matthias Davis Mary Martin This is to certify that the following person were joined together in the holy estate of matrimony by me according to the rules of the Methodist Episcopal church on the date mentioned: Given under my hand this 21st of July 1835; Signed: James Savage
1059 29 November 1836 Andrew Porter Mehaley Martin Bondsman: Lewis Martin
1060 11 December 1830 Samuel Mason Deborah Mason Bondsman: Robert Mason
1061 26 September 1828 Asa S. Baker Elizabeth Masterson Bondsman: John Masterson
1062 9 January 1834 Joseph Sidwell Julia F. Masterson I do hereby certify that the following named person were joined together in holy bonds of matrimony by me on the day and date mentioned; Given under my hand this 18th April 1834; Signed: F. A. Savage
1063 4 January 1834 Joseph Sidwell Julia Frances Masterson Bondsman: Jeremiah Masterson
1064 20 January 1827 Robert Miller Keturah Masterson Bondsman: Jeremiah Masterson
1065 18 May 1829 Eli Hewitt Mary Masterson Bondsman: John Masterson
1066 26 October 1826 Lindsey Hill Mary Mastin I do certify that I joined in Holy Marriage John Jackson & Sarah Gatrell both of Mason County on May 17 1826. also Asa S. Baker & Nicy Kirk- both of Mason County on the 17th of October 1826. also Lindsey Hill & Mary Mastin- both of Mason County October 26 1826- also John Givens of Fleming County & Margaret Kirk of Mason County January 4 1827. All done in accordance to the rites of the M.E.C. Given under my hand this 5th day of March 1827; Signed: James Savage
1067 17 January 1835 Robert Hardesty Mary Jane Mathews Bondsman: James A. Troutman
1068 27 April 1830 Limean Yates Charlotte May Bondsman: John A. May
1069 21 January 1834 H. B. Hornbuckle Mary McAdow I do hereby certify that I have joined the following person if the holy bond of matrimony on the date; This ends the list of Samuel G. Garrison; Signed: Samuel G. Garrison
1070 4 September 1828 John Orange Jane McAfee Bondsman: Enos Woodard
1071 30th day of September 1837 William Parker Maria L. McAllister State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any licensed minister of the gospel in the State of Kentucky you are authorized to join in the holy bonds of matrimony William Parker and Maria L. McAllister according to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you are a member and this shall be your authority. Given under my hand this 30th day of September 1837; Signed: Marshall Key
1072 30 September 1837 William Parker Maria L. McAllister Bondsman: Richard Collins
1073 5 August 1835 Nelson J. Hieatt Delia McAtee Bondsman: Benjamin McAtee
1074 11 August 1835 Nelson J. Hiate Delila McAtee I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
1075 7 May 1833 Connelly M. Smith Lucy McAtee 6 July 1833-Maysville-I do hereby certify that the marriage of Connelly M. Smith and Lucy McAtee was solemnized by me on the 7th day of May 1833; Signed: L. D. Howell Minister of the Gospel
1076 7 May 1833 Connelly M. Smith Lucy McAtee Bondsman: Alfred McAtee
1077 5 June 1833 Absolom Ballenger Susan McAtee Bondsman: Alfred McAtee
1078 26 November 1834 John D. McCoy Caroline McClalland Bondsman: McKey (?) Dobbins
1079 13 June 1832 Peter Crist Elizabeth McClelland Bondsman: Azanah Stewart
1080 29 December 1827 John W. Duncan Emily McClelland Bondsman: William McClelland
1081 13 January 1831 John Alexander Margaret McClelland Bondsman: William McClelland
1082 11 January 1831 John Alexander Margery McClitons This is to certify that I solemnized the rites of matrimony between:
1083 9 October 1835 Allan D. Ward Sarah Ann McCloskey Bondsman: William McCloskey
1084 no date - listed with June 1832 entries -- -- Jane McClure John Mefford made oath before me that Jane McClure is over 21 years of age. Signed: H. Taylor
1085 21 June 1832 James Curvey Jane McClure Bondsman: John Mefford
1086 19 December 1835 William Phipps Martha Ann McCrady Bondsman: Alexander McCrady
1087 6 March 1837 John George Julian McCrawley Bondsman: Samuel McCrawley
1088 28 September 1832 Peter Holmes Martha McCready Bondsman: Marshall Key
1089 8 June 1833 Joseph Peggs Mary Ann McCready Bondsman: Alexander McCready
1090 19 April 1837 Silas Bartlett Barbara McDaniel Bondsman: Wm. Reed Jr.
1091 6 December 1830 Robert Payne Mary Jane McDaniel Bondsman: Laurence C. Gulick
1092 October 1831 Robert Payne Mary Jane McDaniel Marriage solemnized by the undersigned with the following parties and their respective dates. Signed by James Blair (Elder in the Methodist Protestant church)- 20th April 1832.
1093 21 April 1837 Siles Bartlet Barbara McDaniels To the clerk of the Mason County Court I hereby certify that I have joined together in the holy state of marriage the following person at the date named Siles Bartlet and Barbara McDaniels; Signed: John G. Hicks
1094 7 June 1828 Moses Phillips Mary Ann McDonald Bondsman: Bonaparte Morton
1095 no date - listed with 1828 entries Moses Phillips Mary Ann McDonald Mr. Key- you are authorized to grant Moses Phillips license to marry my daughter Mary Ann McDonald; Signed: Mary Johnston;Bondsman: James Fyffe
1096 18 April 1827 Laurence Gulick Rowena McDonald Bondsman: Samuel McDonald
1097 11 (?) January 1834 H. B. Hornbuckle Polly Mcdow Bondsman: F. T. Hord
1098 22 February 1830 Elijah Willoughby Matilda McGahe Bondsman: John Willoughby
1099 22 February 1830 Elijah Willoughby Matilda McGahe This is to certify that I have give my free consent that my daughter Matilda McGahe and Elijah Willoughby to be joined in the bonds of matrimony and for the clerk of Mason County to grant license to that effect; Signed: Susan McGahe; Witness: Richard Morgan & John Willoughby
1100 21 February 1830 Elijah Willoughby Matilda McGahe This will certify that I have give my free consent that Elijah Willoughby and Matilda McGahe to be joined in the bond of matrimony and for the clerk of Mason county to grant license to that effect; Signed: Margaret Willoughby; Witness: Richard Morgan & John Willoughby
1101 18 May 1833 David Leaboth Susan McGehee Bondsman: Charles McGehee
1102 May 1833 David Leabott Susan McGehee Mason County I hereby certify that I joined together in holy marriage the following persons: Signed: Walter Warder- June 8 1833-This ends the list of Walter Warder
1103 30 September 1830 Arthur Gow Susan McGinnis Mason County Kentucky- June 15 1831-I do hereby certify that I have united in the solemn bonds of matrimony according to legal authority the following persons on the severally annexed to them; All in Mason County Ky; Signed: Samuel Y. Garrison
1104 9 September 1830 Arthur McGraw Susan McGinnis Bondsman is unreadable
1105 10 October 1833 Asa McNeal Lucy A. P. McGlassen I do hereby certify that the following named person were joined together in holy bonds of matrimony by me on the day and date mentioned; Given under my hand this 18th April 1834; Signed: F. A. Savage
1106 9 October 1833 Asa McNeal Lucy A. P. McGlassen Bondsman: Thomas W. McGlassen
1107 24 September 1849 Wm. Peacy Eliza E. McGraw I do certify that I joined in marriage September 24 1849 Wm. Peacy and Eliza E. McGraw both of Mason County Kentucky; Signed: C. Babitt
1108 20 May 1837 William Gaines Nancy McIlvain Bondsman: Hugh McIlvain
1109 5 November 1827 William Swann Jane McIntyre Col. Marshall Key- Please Sir please to let Mr. William Swann have license to marry my daughter Jane McIntyre. Given under my hand this 5th November 1827 ; Signed: Alexander McIntyre; Witness:John Fitzgerald
1110 6 November 1827 William Swann Jane McIntyre Bondsman: John Fitzgerald
1111 18 September 1832 John Hunt Mary Ann McIntyre Bondsman: Alfred Waters (name is written Waters and signed Willson)
1112 2 January 1834 Morgan Evans Mary Jane McNeal Bondsman: Grandison Pinkard
1113 23 October 1835 Thomas Poe Junior Martha D. McNeil Bondsman- Abel Downing
1114 19 April 1836 Charles Bolinger Sarah McNutt Bondsman: William McNutt
1115 1 January 1835 John Bliss Jane McTigart I do hereby certify that I joined together in the Holy bonds of matrimony the below named person according to laws and at the named day below written: Given under my hand this 21st day of June 1825; Signed: F. A. Savage.
1116 6 August 1832 John T. Duzan Phebe Ann McTigert Bondsman: Isaiah McTigert
1117 31 December 1834 John Bliss Jane McTigrett Bondsman: John Green
1118 30 December 1834 John Bliss Jane McTigrett Dear Sir- you will please to give license to Mr. John Bliss to marry Jane McTigrett- my daughter and oblige me; Signed: David Vanderpool; (In between the 2 lines of this note:The word law is written.I don't know if it means daughter in law or lawful marriage.)
1119 22 May 1827 -- Willson Elizabeth Meadows The Clerk of Mason County will please grant license to Willson- license to marry my daughter Elizabeth Meadows and this shall be my receipt for the consent of the same and your compliance will much oblige yours; Signed: Archibald Meadows; Witness: Britton Chandler & Nicholas Williamson
1120 21 May 1827 James Wilson Elizabeth Meadows Bondsman: Brittain Chandler
1121 14 July 1832 Belden C. Knapp Eliza Mefford Bondsman: Jeremiah Jordan
1122 14 July 1832 Belden C. Knapp Eliza Mefford Dover-Mr. Marshall Key- Sir you will please give Mr. Belden C. Knapp have license of marriage with Eliza Mefford as we are all satisfied with their union and you will oblige Samuel Mefford.
1123 28 June 1831 Francis Walsh Margaret Menison Maysville- Marshall Key:Sir-The bearer Mr. Francis Walsh ______ _______ ________ for the purpose of obtain a license to marry my niece Margaret Menison ________ _____ are perfectly satisfied should he require surety in the bond- attach my name should Mr. William C. Holton ___ ________ _______; Signed: Willis (?) Menison
1124 12 November 1829 Abner Pepper Sarah Merrill Bondsman: Reubin Merrill
1125 10 November 1829 Abner Pepper Sarah Merrill Marshall Key- Clerk of the Mason County Court- Dear Sir- my son Abner Pepper wishes to obtain marriage license from you to marry Sarah Merrill of Mason County and he is under age.These are to inform you that I have no objection to the marriage and request you to issue the said license when he calls for them and in so doing you will much oblige your friend; Signed: Jesse Pepper
1126 24 October 1830 Charles Ellison Eliza Miller Bondsman: Peter Miller
1127 2 August 1830 Larkin Lundsford Margaret Jane Miller Bondsman: Peter Miller
1128 7 November 1836 Thomas Thompson Mary Miller Bondsman: Peter Miller
1129 15 July 1836 Stewart Rounds Mary Jane Miller Bondsman: John W. Duncan
1130 8 December 1835 Basil Duke Lamira M. Mitchell Bondsman: John James Key
1131 4 December 1835 Basil Duke Lemira Mitchell To the clerk of the county court of Mason County-Sir- I am willing for you to issue a license to join in matrimony Basil Duke to my daughter Lemira Mitchell. I am yours- Signed: Aaron Mitchell
1132 15 December 1835 Basil Duke Lemira M. Mitchell Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
1133 2 October 1829 Valentine V. Crawford Mary Mitchell Bondsman: Isaac Mitchell
1134 1 October 1829 Valentine V. Crawford Mary Mitchell This is to certify that I Levan Mitchell do grant and consent for Valentine V. Crawford to obtain license for marriage for my daughter Mary Mitchell as witness my hand; Signed: Levan Mitchell; Witness: Isaac Mitchell
1135 26 July 1830 Joseph D. Dreddin Nancy Mitchell Bondsman: Isaac Mitchell
1136 21 July 1830 Joseph D. Dreden Nancy Mitchell This is to certify that I- Levan Mitchell do grant and give consent for Joseph D. Dreden to obtain license in marriage to my daughter Nancy Mitchell as witness my hand; Signed: Levan Mitchell; Witness: Isaac Mitchell
1137 5 September 1829 Edward Moore Elizabeth Moody As guardian for Elizabeth Moody I give my free consent that she may marry Edward Moore and authorize the clerk of the Mason County Court to issue license to said Moore for that purpose. Given under my hand this day above written; Signed: Job Stevenson
1138 17 November 1829 Edward Moore Elizabeth Moody Bondsman: Athels ton Owens
1139 19 May 1834 John Queen Nancy Mooke Bondsman: Robert Humphreys
1140 5 September 1827 David Scott Ann Moore Bondsman: John Wills
1141 17 March 1836 Alexander Y. Stockdale Mary Ann Moore Bondsman: Thomas Moore
1142 August 1833 John Baldwin Harriet Moran Bondsman: Benjamin Moran
1143 26 November 1831 James Ridgon Margaret Moran Bondsman: Edward Moran
1144 25 January 1830 John Bennett Mary L. B. Moran Bondsman: Andrew Moran
1145 19 April 1832 David Ricketts Susan Moran Marriage solemnized by the undersigned with the following parties and their respective dates. Signed by James Blair (Elder in the Methodist Protestant church)- 20th April 1832.
1146 16 April 1832 David Ricketts Susan Moran Bondsman: Elisha Moran
1147 18 September 1830 Ashton Turner Sarah Moran Bondsman: William C. Moran
1148 1 May 1834 Joseph L. Gilpin Ann C. Morford Bondsman: Harrison Taylor
1149 19 June 1834 William L. Pickett Eliza Morford Bondsman: John B. Gibson
1150 19 June 1834 William L. Pickett Eliza Morford I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
1151 18 June 1827 Thomas Devin Eveline Jane Morgan Bondsman: Perry Jefferson
1152 24 December 1832 Strother McGinnis Eliza Morris Bondsman: James Morris
1153 28 April 1834 Hiram Wallingford Hannah Ann Morris Bondsman: John Morris
1154 23 September 1832 Erasmus Johnson Helen Morris Bondsman James Morris
1155 6 September 1832 Daniel King Mary Morris Bondsman: John Thomas
1156 28 March 1827 Ichabod Sharp Mary Morris Bondsman: Jacob Sharp
1157 22 February 1830 Oliver Colburn Fanny Morris Bondsman: James Meenach
1158 28 June 1831 Francis Walsh Margaret Morrison Bondsman: William C. Holton
1159 24 February 1830 Samuel W. Cahill Sarah Morrison Bondsman: Lewis Chamberlain
1160 14 March 1831 John Newton Zelphaha Morrison Bondsman: Louis Chamberlain
1161 26 October 1834 John M. Duke Hannah Ann Morton Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
1162 25 October 1834 John M. Duke Hannah Ann Morton Bondsman: Joseph Forman
1163 2? March 1830 Thomas M. Morton Mildred T. Morton Bondsman: Peter Lashbrooke
1164 20 July 1835 Robert McNite Elizabeth Murphy Bondsman; William Murphy
1165 24 February 1829 James Cooper Martha Murphy Bondsman: William Murphy
1166 2 May 1836 C. B. Ryan Martha M. Murphy I a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church licensed for the purpose by the county court of Greenup County Ky do certify that the marriage ceremony was performed by me on the 2nd day of May 1836 between C. B. Ryan and Martha M. Murphy according to the rites and ceremonies of said church. Maysville Ky 1836; Signed: Thomas Waring
1167 7 June 1834 William Yorke Mary Ann Murphy Bondsman: John M. Morton
1168 9 April 1827 George Thomas Rachel Murrah Bondsman: James Murrah
1169 21 July 1831 David Richards Patsey Myers Bondsman: George Turner
1170 21 July 1831 David Richards Patsey Myers Mayslick-The clerk of the Mason County Court is hereby authorized to grant license to David Richards and Patsey Myers (my daughter) to be joined in matrimony or marriage. Given under my hand the day and date above written; Signed: Henry Myers; Witness: George Turner
1171 26 April 1828 John Peck Eliza Newbuskirk (?) Bondsman: Lewis D. Freeman
1172 28 August 1837 Arthur Berry Eliza M. Nicholson Bondsman: Frances T. Coburn
1173 28 August 1837 Arthur Berry Eliza M. Nicholson Maysville;Mr. Marshall Key-This is to certify that I given my consent for Arthur Berry to obtain license to marry my daughter Eliza M. Nicholson; Signed: Annah Nicholson
1174 22 January 1830 William Reed America Norris Bondsman: William A. Lamb Jr.
1175 6 February 1827 Thomas Coleman Angelina C. Norris Bondsman: Baldwin Harle
1176 21 March 1832 Andrew Porter Martha Ann Norris Bondsman: Baldwin Harle
1177 16 January 1832 Robert Ellis Mary Norris Bondsman: James Norris
1178 17 May 1828 Augustine H. T. Payne Mary Norris Bondsman: James Norris
1179 28 November 1837 Austin Sullivan Perlina Norris Bondsman: Thomas P. McMillen
1180 27 November 1837 Austin Sullivan Perlina Norris Marshall Key- Clerk of the Mason County Court-This is to certify that I given Austin Sullivan liberty of getting license to marry my daughter Perlina Norris. Given under my hand this day and date above written; Signed: Nancy Norris
1181 28 November 1837 Austin Sullivan Perlina Norris State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any licensed minister of the gospel in the State of Kentucky you are authorized to join in the holy bonds of matrimony Austin Sullivan and Perlina Norris according to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you are a member and this shall be your authority. Given under my hand this 28th day of November 1837; Signed: Marshall Key
1182 10 April 1830 Henry Rudy Mary Nugent Bondsman: Thomas Urie
1183 14 December 1836 Francis W. Long Sarah Ogdon The clerk of Mason County Court is authorized to grant license to Francis W. Long of said county to marry my daughter Sarah Ogdon given from under my hand as witness my hand and datedThis the 14th day of December 1836; Signed: Benjamin Ogdon; Witness: W. T. Craig
1184 15 December 1836 Francis W. Long Sarah O. Ogdon Bondsman: Whitfield Craig
1185 18 September 1832 Isaac H. Price Mary Ann Oliver I certify that I joined in matrimony Henry Ginn & Susan Ann Hudson on the 26th of June 1832. Also French C. Thomas & Matilda Cummings of the 3rd of July 1832. Also John Wisenall and Eleanor Rudy on the 5th of September 1832. Also Robert Burns and Caroline Knoulds on the 13th of September 1832. Also Isaac H. Price and Mary Ann Oliver on the 18th of September 1832; Witness my hand George W. Brush- October 4 1832.
1186 18 September 1832 Isaac H. Price Mary Ann Oliver Bondsman: George W. Brash
1187 9 July 1835 George W. Smith Elizabeth Oneal Bondsman: Arthur Oneal
1188 15 December 1830 Joseph Means Mary Ann O'Neal This is to certify that I solemnized the rites of matrimony between:
1189 15 December 1830 Joseph Means Mary Ann O'Neill Bondsman: Arthur J. O'Neill
1190 20 June 1836 Joseph Means Sarah O'Neill Bondsman: Arthur J. O'Neill
1191 31 January 1827 Robert Peeples Elizabeth Orr I- Sarah Orr- do hereby certify that I am the mother of Elizabeth Orr and her natural guardian-I do hereby certify that I have no objection to her being joined in the bonds of matrimony with Robert Peeples- but I now hereby voluntarily and without compulsion consent to the marriage of my said daughter Elizabeth to and with the said Robert Peeples; In witness whereof I have hereby set my hand and seal this 31 day of January 1827; Signed: Sarah Orr; Witness: Charles E. Wolf
1192 1 February 1827 Robert Peples Elizabeth Orr Bondsman: Charles E. Wolf
1193 9 April 1829 Jacob Crosby Ellen Osborne State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any licensed minister of the Gospel in the State of Kentucky: You are hereby authorized to join in the holy bonds of wedlock Jacob Crosby and Ellen Osborne according to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you may be a member in so doing this shall be your authority. Given under my hand the 9th day of April 1829; Signed: Marshall Key
1194 9 April 1829 Jacob Crosby Ellen Osborne Bondsman: John Osborne
1195 27 April 1830 Amos Oliver Mary Outten Bondsman: Thomas Hall
1196 16 February 1832 James Nelson Sarah Outten Bondsman: Robert J. Preston
1197 16 February 1832 James Nelson Sarah Outten This is to certify that I give my consent to Mr. James Nelson in the marriage of my daughter Sarah Outten; Signed: Susanne St***ff; Witness: R. P. Pres ton
1198 30 July 1831 Anthony J. Sheriff Susan Outten Bondsman: Ephraim Williams
1199 26 October 1835 Elijah White Susan Owen Bondsman: John Curry
1200 27 November 1837 Madison Robeson America Owens Bondsman: Owen B. Owens
1201 18 October 1824 Thomas Hord Nancy Owens A list of marriages celebrated by me the subscriber in abidance to license from the clerk of Mason County; Signed: William Bellop
1202 27 December 1830 Lewis Owens Nancy Owens Bondsman: Albert Owens
1203 23 June 1836 William Cox Nancy A. Owens I do hereby certify that I have solomized the following marriage in a legal manner in Mason County Kentucky: Signed: Samuel Y. Garrison
1204 18 June 1836 William Cox Nancy Ann Owens Nancy Ann Owens of Mason County;Bondsman: Peter Harrison
1205 October 1845 William Monohon Nancy J. Owens This is to certify that I joined in marriage in October 1845 William Monohon and Nancy J. Owens- both of Mason County Kentucky; Signed: C. Babbett- September 10 1846
1206 no date -listed with late 1832 entries Robert Mason Sarah Owens Col. M. Key has my approbation for granting license in marriage for Robert Mason and Sarah Owens; Signed: La? Byram- guardian for Sarah Owens; Witness: Milton J. Byram and Malinda Byram
1207 August 1832 Robert Mason Sarah M. Owens Mason County I hereby certify that I joined together in holy marriage the following persons: Signed: Walter Warder- June 8 1833-This ends the list of Walter Warder
1208 20 August 1832 Robert Mason Sarah W. Owens Bondsman: Samuel T.Mason
1209 26 October 1835 Elijah White Susan Owens Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
1210 26 October 1835 Eley White Susan Owens I do this day agree to enter into marriage with Eley White. Signed: Susan Owens
1211 23 February 1829 Peyton White Virginia Owens Bondsman: Aaron Owens
1212 17 July 1834 Alexander Nower Mary Pangborne I do hereby certify that I joined together in the Holy bonds of matrimony the below named person according to laws and at the named day below written: Given under my hand this 21st day of June 1825; Signed: F. A. Savage.
1213 14 July 1834 Alexander Nower Margaret Pangburn Bondsman: Joseph Nower
1214 31 March 1832 Washington Ellis Aris (?) Parker Bondsman: Thomas W. Nelson
1215 22 December 1828 Hagnus T. Evans Harriett Parker Bondsman: Abner Hord
1216 17 December 1832 Thomas M. Grigsby Henrietta Parker Bondsman: Abner Hord
1217 20 January 1835 William B. A. Baker Liana Parker Bondsman: Winslow Parker
1218 2 March 1827 John Means Martha B. Parker Bondsman: Winslow Parker Junior
1219 10 September 1836 William Cropper Mary Parker Bondsman: Jesse Dunaway
1220 11 April 1836 James M. L. Ball Nancy D. Parker Bondsman: Alexander K. Bullock
1221 31 July 1832 Henry C. Dorsey Ole they Parker Bondsman: Lawson Grant
1222 12 April 1830 John B. Powell Sarah H. Parker Bondsman: Winslow Parker
1223 30 October 1832 Theodrick L. Browning Frances Parry Bondsman: Thomas Parry
1224 22 January 1835 Daniel L. Forman Elizabeth Paul Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
1225 20 January 1835 Daniel C. Froman Elizabeth Paul Bondsman: Daniel Paul
1226 27 February 1833 James McCanaughey Jane Paul Bondsman: Daniel Paul
1227 28 February 1833 James McConnaughley Jane Paul Mason County I hereby certify that I joined together in holy marriage the following persons: Signed: Walter Warder- June 8 1833-This ends the list of Walter Warder
1228 28 June 1830 Absolom Ballenger Mary Ann Paul Bondsman: Daniel Paul
1229 9 June 1834 Andrew Columbus Nancy Paul Bondsman: Isaac McGraw
1230 15 April 1834 Samuel Stribling Sarah Paul Bondsman: Nathaniel Paul
1231 April 14 1834 Samuel Stribling Sarah Paul Sir- please to issue license for Samuel Stribling and my daughter Sarah Paul to marry and this shall be receipt for the same. Yours with due respect April the 14th 1834; Signed: John Paul; Witness: Nathan Paul
1232 6 December 1831 Benjamin Habeson Mary Paxton Bondsman: Charles A. Marshall
1233 September 1832 Charles A. Marshall Phebe Ann Paxton Bondsman: John M. Dukes
1234 8 January 1828 James T. Boudes Alice Ann Payne Bondsman: Devall Payne
1235 14 May 1835 Geo. W. Simcoe Elizabeth Payne I do hereby certify that I joined together in the Holy bonds of matrimony the below named person according to laws and at the named day below written: Given under my hand this 21st day of June 1825; Signed: F. A. Savage.
1236 11 May 1835 George M. Simcoe Elizabeth Payne Bondsman: Abel Downing
1237 12 September 1832 James Sandidge Martha A. Payne The clerk of Mason will issue marriage license for James Sandidge and Martha A. Payne; Signed: Gilbert Payne guardian for Martha A. Payne
1238 11 September 1832 James Sandidge Martha A. Payne Bondsman: David Bronaugh
1239 15 May 1837 John Marshall Mary J. Payne Bondsman: Benjamin Harbeson
1240 18 May 1837 John Marshall Mary J. Payne To the clerk of the county court of Mason County I do certify that I joined in Matrimony the following person upon the dates therein certified. Witness my hand 29 September 1837; G. W. Bush
1241 6 May 1833 Basil Wallingford Sophia Payton Bondsman: John Payton
1242 14 January 1835 John Perrine Eliza Louisa Peck Bondsman: Thomas Forman
1243 15 January 1835 John Perrine Louisa Peck Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
1244 14 September 1831 Levin Boniwell Mrs. Rosanna Peck Bondsman: George ?
1245 8 October 1827 John B. Bronough Elizabeth Peddicord Bondsman: Samuel Smith
1246 17 September 1827 Robert C. Whipps Elizabeth Peddicord Bondsman: Emanuel Peddicord
1247 1 November 1837 James Peck Nancy Peddicord Bondsman: John H. N. Peddicord
1248 20 December 1828 Nicholas Curtis Rebecca Peddicord Bondsman: Samuel Smith
1249 24 August 1835 Mat thew N. Pedicord Rebecca R. Pedicord Bondsman: Emanuel Pedicord
1250 No date on marriage license Hensley Clift Margaret Peed Bondsman: Richard Peed
1251 5 December 1831 William Rowland Cathanne Pemelton Bondsman: John Ward
1252 28 February 1828 Absolom Glenn Artemesia Pepper Bondsman: William W. Pepper
1253 14 February 1831 James Swart Elvira Pepper Bondsman: William A. Pepper
1254 27 November 1827 Abner Logan Evelina Pepper Bondsman: Samuel Pepper
1255 7 June 1828 Samuel Beall Fanny Pepper Bondsman: William A. Pepper
1256 25 March 1833 Thomas Gaither Jemima Pepper Bondsman: John Pepper
1257 28 March 1833 Thomas Gather Jemima Pepper Mason County I hereby certify that I joined together in holy marriage the following persons: Signed: Walter Warder- June 8 1833-This ends the list of Walter Warder
1258 14 October 1837 William E. Smoot Eliza Perrine Bondsman: William Perrine
1259 19 October 1837 William E. Smoot Eliza Perrine I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
1260 1 November 1832 Theodorick L. Browning Frances Perry Mason County I hereby certify that I joined together in holy marriage the following persons: Signed: Walter Warder- June 8 1833-This ends the list of Walter Warder
1261 21 November 1829 Morgan D. Strode Nancy Perry Bondsman: Jefferson Perry
1262 24 September 1832 Wiatt Weedon Abi Petticord Bondsman: Nicholas Curtis
1263 18 November 1835 William G. Bullock Cordelia Philips Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
1264 29 July 1835 Phara Ballenger Maranda Phillip Bondsman: William Reed Jr.
1265 13 February 1827 William L. Farrow Casandra Phillips Bondsman: James R.. O'Cull
1266 13 February 1827 William Farrow Casandra Phillips I hereby authorize the clerk of Mason to issue a marriage license to William Farrow and my daughter Casandra Phillips as I hereby certify that I have no objection to his marrying; Signed: Sally Phillips
1267 25 February 1827 William Forman Cassandra Phillips The above named persons were joined in marriage by me; Signed: Joseph D. Farrow
1268 9 November 1835 Wm. G. Bullock Cordelia Phillips Bondsman: William O. Phillips
1269 5 October 1833 Foster Hughbank Eleanor Phillips Bondsman: Samuel Vancamp
1270 no date - listed with 1836 entries -- -- Elizabeth Phillips Sir- my daughter Elizabeth Phillips being of age has leave from me for license from you her marriage; Signed: Zorins (?) J. Phillips
1271 1 Oct 1836 William H. McHugh Elizabeth Phillips Bondsman: Samuel B. Owens
1272 3 October 1836 William H. McHugh Elizabeth Phillips I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
1273 5 February 1834 Joseph Sprigg Chambers Martha Ann Phillips Bondsman: Harrison Taylor
1274 4 July 1834 Joseph Sprigg Chambers Martha Ann Phillips Marshall Key Esq.- Clerk of Mason County Court-Sir- you are authorized to issue marriage license to marry Joseph Sprigg Chambers Esq. To my daughter Martha Ann Phillips; Signed: Wm. B. Phillips; Witness: John Chambers
1275 28 August 1845 Daniel Glasscock Mary Frances Phillips This is to certify that by virtue of a marriage licenses issued by the clerk of the Mason County court- I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: As given under my hand at Mount Carmel Fleming County Kentucky- August 14th 1846; Signed: Geo. L. Savage M.G.
1276 25 January 1831 Henry Tolle Sara L. Phillips Bondsman: William O. Phillips
1277 19 December 1829 John Sorenser Sarah J. Phillips Bondsman: William O. Phillips
1278 9 November 1829 Noah Harle Matilda Pickrell Bondsman: Baldwin Harle
1279 5 February 1829 James Wilson Juliann Pinckard Bondsman: William Ellis
1280 11 July 1834 James Fields Elizabeth Poe Bondsman: Thomas Waller
1281 11 December 1834 George Jefferson Elizabeth Poe Bondsman: Patrick Poe
1282 24 September 1832 Austin White Nancy Poe Bondsman: Thomas Poe
1283 19 June 1829 Samuel J. Garrison Ann Pogue Mr. Marshall Key- you will please to issue license to Samuel J. Garrison for the purpose of joining in a state of matrimony with my daughter Ann Pogue and oblige your humble servant; Signed: Robert Pogue
1284 19 June 1829 Samuel Garrison Ann Eliza Pogue Bondsman: Samuel Lynn
1285 11 March 1828 William A. Boyd Elizabeth Pogue Bondsman: John Pogue
1286 24 November 1830 James C. Scott Mary Isabella Pogue Bondsman: John Pogue
1287 25 November 1830 James C. Scott Mary J. Pogue Mason County Kentucky- June 15 1831-I do hereby certify that I have united in the solemn bonds of matrimony according to legal authority the following persons on the severally annexed to them; All in Mason County Ky; Signed: Samuel Y. Garrison
1288 13 June 1837 Abram Bennett Elizabeth Pollard Bondsman: Jonathan Rumford
1289 11 March 1828 Joseph Lakin Elizabeth Pollard Bondsman: Elisha S. Pollard
1290 1 August 1837 Alfred Bettis Emeline Pollard Bondsman: Newton Pollard
1291 2 February 1834 Austin B. Deatly Elizabeth Pollet Bondsman: William Lashbrook
1292 30 March 1832 George Adamson Rebecca Pollock Bondsman: Josiah Pollock
1293 10 November 1828 Vincent Eastep Elizabeth Pool Bondsman: John Sidwell
1294 23 June 1834 Wlliam Kirk Mary Pool Bondsman: John Sidwell
1295 24 June 1834 William Kirk Mary Pool I do hereby certify that I joined together in the Holy bonds of matrimony the below named person according to laws and at the named day below written: Given under my hand this 21st day of June 1825; Signed: F. A. Savage.
1296 8 June 1830 Joel Howard Margaret Porter Mayslick- Marshall Key:Sir-The bearer Mr. Joel Howard wishes to obtain license to be joined in wedlock to my daughter Margaret Porter to which I have no objection; Signed: William Porter
1297 1 July 1830 Joel Howard Margaret C. Porter Mason County Kentucky- June 15 1831-I do hereby certify that I have united in the solemn bonds of matrimony according to legal authority the following persons on the severally annexed to them; All in Mason County Ky; Signed: Samuel Y. Garrison
1298 8 June 1830 Joel Howard Margaret C. Porter Bondsman: Samuel Taylor
1299 13 August 1835 Abijah Cas toe Nancy Power Bondsman: Frances T. Hord
1300 16 May 1837 James Jacobs Ann Powers Bondsman: Abijah Cas toe
1301 10 April 1837 Thomas K. Ricketts Violet P. Poyntz Bondsman: Nat. Poyntz
1302 3 April 1837 Charles B. Coons Nancy Poyntz Bondsman: Thomas K. Ricketts
1303 5 April 1837 Charles B. Coons Nancy Poyntz Given under my hand this 6th day of July 1837. Robert C. Grundy
1304 11 April 1837 Thomas K. Ricketts Violet P. Poyntz Given under my hand this 6th day of July 1837. Robert C. Grundy
1305 10 June 1833 James Glenn Angeline Prather Bondsman: William R. Wells
1306 10 March 1828 Edward L. Gault Mary Prather Bondsman: Ross Prather
1307 14 July 1832 Moses A. Mullican Mary Prather Bondsman: William R. Wells
1308 19 October 1830 Jonathan Ward Sarah Prather Bondsman: John Stephenson
1309 22 October 1831 Mounteer Dye Sophia Prather Bondsman: Ross Prather
1310 11 July 1833 Baker G. Wood Lucy Ann Proctor Bondsman: Thomas Morton
1311 25 May 1830 John Strode Sally Proctor Bondsman: William Proctor
1312 27 January 1834 Harrison B. Nicholson Ann Maria Purcell Bondsman: John R. Dalton
1313 16 April 1836 Samuel V. Darrough Ricey Ann Quataince Bondsman: Ebenezer Jenkins
1314 27 April 1835 John Sangree Catharine Quinn Bondsman: Edward Quinn (This is the name written by Clerk- but bond is signed Aaron Quinn)
1315 10 June 1833 Harrison Dodson Cibba Quinn This is to certify to the clerk of the court that I Ann Quinn of Mason County and State of Kentucky hath _________ consented for my daughter Cibba Quinn to have and to marry Harrison Dodson of the same County above stated according to the laws of this state. Given under my hand this June 10th 1833; Signed: Ann Quinn; Witness: James McLin
1316 14 June 1833 Harrison Dodson Cibba Quinn Bondsman: James McLin
1317 2 April 1834 Philip Hinkle Frances Quinn Bondsman: Aaron Quinn
1318 30 June 1847 Thaddius Bullock Elizabeth Rains Maysville-This will certify that on the 22nd of February 1847 I joined together in holy wedlock Mr. Thaddius Bullock and Miss Elizabeth Rains; Signed: M. F. Stewart
1319 14 April 1831 Wyatt Webb Ann D. Rankins Bondsman: John Rankins
1320 14 April 1841 David Webb Ann D. Rankins Mr. Marshall Key- Clerk of M.C. Ky- You are authorized to issue license for David Webb to marry my daughter Ann D. Rankins; Signed: Will Rankins
1321 29 December 1834 George W. Stockton Caroline T. Rankins Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
1322 29 December 1834 George W. Stockton Caroline T. Rankins Bondsman: John Rankins
1323 29 December 1834 G. W. Stockton Caroline T. Rankins Col. Marshall Key- you are authorized by me to issue license to Dr. G. W. Stockton to marry my daughter Caroline T. Rankins; Signed: William Rankins
1324 15 December 1834 George D. Stockton Harriet M. Rankins Bondsman: John L. Rankins
1325 15 December 1834 George D. Stockton Harriet M. Rankins Mason County Ky- Col. M. Key-Sir- your are authorized by me to issue license for my daughter Harriet M. Rankins to marry Mr. George D. Stockton and oblige your; Signed: William Rankins
1326 15 December 1834 George D. Stockton Harriett M. Rankins Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
1327 30 January 1828 William Smithers Huldah Rankins Bondsman: John Rankins
1328 27 November 1832 David L. Dobyns Mary Rankins Mason County I hereby certify that I joined together in holy marriage the following persons: Signed: Walter Warder- June 8 1833-This ends the list of Walter Warder
1329 26 November 1832 Daniel L. Dobyns Mary Rankins Bondsman: John Rankins
1330 4 October 1836 Willis D. Lee Nancy Rankins Bondsman: Peter Lashbrook
1331 15 April 1835 Joseph Rumford Elizabeth Reed Bondsman: Isaiah Thompson
1332 9 September 1828 John D. Taylor Elizabeth Ann Reed Bondsman: Daniel Tebb
1333 6 April 1829 Samuel Musgrove Elizabeth R. Reed Bondsman: John M. Reed
1334 6 March 1834 Manuel Martin Janetta Reed Was married by me in accordance with a license issued from you office being date 16th day of November 1833- Coleman B. Heflin to Susan Altig. Also on the 16th day of October 1833- John E. Jackson to Eliza Ann Lovely. Also on the 26th day of February 1834 Wilburn Harover to Matilda Sandidge. Also on the 6th day of March Manuel Martin to Janetta Reed. Also on the 20th day of March Abel Crispin to Mary Ann Wilson- 1834; Signed: John Jacobs- April 9th 1834;This ends the list of John Jacobs
1335 6 March 1834 Manuel Martin Jannetta Reed Bondsman: Isaiah Thompson
1336 2 October 1834 Isaiah Thompson Mary Reed Bondsman: Manuel Martin
1337 2 October 1834 Josiah Thompson Mary Reed I do hereby certify that I have solomized the following marriage in a legal manner in Mason County Kentucky: Signed: Samuel Y. Garrison
1338 21 October 1830 Samuel W Harvey Nancy Reed Bondsman: Samuel Frazer
1339 March 1833 Charles S. Brown Nancy Ann Reed Bondsman: Isaiah Thompson
1340 July 1832 Aaron K. Wheeler Susan Reed Bondsman: John M. Reed
1341 18 June 1832 Ludwell S. Browning Juliann Reed Bondsman: Robert M. Curtis
1342 12th September 1831 Aaron Owens Elezabeth Reeder This is to certify that I give my free and full consent to obtain license for the intermarriage of myself with Aaron Owens. Given under my hand this 12th September 1831; Signed: Elezabeth Reeder; Witness: Joseph Wallingford & Richard Wallingford
1343 12 September 1831 Aaron Owens Elizabeth Reeder Bondsman: Joseph Wallingford
1344 10 April 1837 William S. Allen Elsey B. Rees Bondsman: Marshall Key
1345 16 February 1828 Elijah Cooper Harriet Rees Bondsman: Stephen Rees
1346 26 February 1828 Aaron Hieat Sarah Reese Bondsman: Elijah Cooper
1347 11 February 1828 John Browning Beulah Reeves This is to certify that we Samuel Reeves and Ann Reeves his wife have given our approbation for John Browning and Beulah Reeves our daughter to get married in testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hand and seal February the 11th 1828; Signed: Samuel Reeves and Ann Reeves; Witness: Wm. Maxwell
1348 11 February 1828 John Browning Beulah Reeves Bondsman: Stacy Reeves
1349 9 December 1833 William Browning Catharine Reeves Bondsman: Josiah Reeves
1350 1 April 1833 William Hill Ruth Reeves Bondsman: John Reeves
1351 20 February 1794 Joseph Hite Ann Reid To the clerk's office-These are to certify that I have giving my consent of marriage my daughter Ann Reid to Joseph Hite. Given under my hand this 20th day of February 1794; Signed: Hambleton Reid
1352 27 June 1829 John Charlston Beatty Charlotte Reid Bondsman: Thomas J. Pickett
1353 21 March 1834 William B. Reynolds Ann Reynolds Bondsman: Thomas Reynolds
1354 30 September 1830 Lilbon H. Carlisle Mary Reynolds Bondsman: Griffin Reynolds
1355 26 March 1835 Wm. B. Reynolds Mary Ann Reynolds I do hereby certify that I joined together in the Holy bonds of matrimony the below named person according to laws and at the named day below written: Given under my hand this 21st day of June 1825; Signed: F. A. Savage.
1356 12 February 1834 John Johnson Phidella Reynolds Bondsman: William Abbot
1357 5 March 1831 Henry Boatman Sarah Rice Bondsman: Franklin McClanahan
1358 20 September 1837 Alexander Hunter Martha Richards Bondsman: Samuel Glasscock
1359 10 October 1835 Henry P. Peers Ann Eliza Richardson Bondsman: William W. Richardson
1360 10 October 1835 Henry P. Peers Ann Eliza Richardson Maysville- Henry P. Peers has my consent to take out license to marry my daughter Ann Eliza Richardson; Signed: John Richardson
1361 22 May 1834 John Brough Ann C. Richey I do hereby certify that I have joined the following person if the holy bond of matrimony on the date; This ends the list of Samuel G. Garrison; Signed: Samuel G. Garrison
1362 3 April 1829 John B. Woodward Cynthia Riggs Bondsman: Alexander Riggs
1363 3 November 1828 Hiram Woodward Elizabeth Riggs Bondsman: Clement Riggs
1364 25 June 1836 Corbin Galleher Elizabeth J. Riley Bondsman: Thomas Kitchen
1365 14 September 1837 William Lokey Mary Ann Rist Bondsman: C. W. Owens
1366 22 May 1834 John Brongh Ann C. Ritchey Bondsman: David M. Ritchey
1367 8 September 1828 Samuel Worthington Elizabeth Robertson Bondsman: Edward Robertson
1368 13 January 1834 Samuel Worthington Tralucid A. Robertson Bondsman: Robert P. Dimmitt
1369 June 1835 William Dicson Sarah Ann Rook The clerk of the Mason County Court will give to William Dicson license to marry my daughter Sarah Ann Rook & for so doing this shall be your authority; Signed: Joseph Rook; Witness: Thomas Glasscock & William Rook;The above is to be signed by Rook and two witness who must come to the office; Signed: Marshall Key
1370 23 June 1835 William Dickson Sarah Ann Rooke Bondsman: Otaway P. Peck
1371 24 August 1835 Albert James Mary Ann Ross Bondsman: Thomas Ensor
1372 (Note not dated) Albert James Mary Ann Ross Mr. Marshall Key- Clerk of the Mason County Court-I do hereby consent for you to grant marriage license to Mr. Albert James and my daughter Mary Ann Ross; Signed: Elizabeth Ross
1373 21 September 1830 James M. Perry Mary D. Ross Bondsman is unreadable
1374 21 September 1830 James M. Perry Mary D. Ross Maysville- Dear Sir: You will please grant license to Mr. James M. Perry and Mary D. Ross; Signed: Thomas Nicholson
1375 25 September 1837 Barton T. David Mary Ann Rosser Bondsman: John Rosser
1376 28 September 1837 Barton T. David Mary Ann Rosser To the clerk of the county court of Mason County I do certify that I joined in Matrimony the following person upon the dates therein certified. Witness my hand 29 September 1837; G. W. Bush
1377 9 July 1836 Greenberry Story Martha W. Rudd Bondsman: William Rudd
1378 6 July 1836 Greenbury Story Martha W. Rudd Mr. Greenbury Story has my consent to obtain license to marry my daughter Martha W. Rudd now living with her aunt in Mason County; Signed: J. L. Rudd; Witness: W. H. Rudd
1379 5 September 1832 John Wisenall Eleanor Rudy I certify that I joined in matrimony Henry Ginn & Susan Ann Hudson on the 26th of June 1832. Also French C. Thomas & Matilda Cummings of the 3rd of July 1832. Also John Wisenall and Eleanor Rudy on the 5th of September 1832. Also Robert Burns and Caroline Knoulds on the 13th of September 1832. Also Isaac H. Price and Mary Ann Oliver on the 18th of September 1832; Witness my hand George W. Brush- October 4 1832.
1380 5 September 1832 John Wisenall Eleanor Rudy Bondsman: John Rudy
1381 21 May 1831 Franklin McClanahan Margaret Rudy Bondsman: John Rudy
1382 16 September 1832 Jacob Merrell Elizabeth Rumford Bondsman: Joseph Rumford
1383 16 June 1828 Aaron S. Merril Sarah Rumford Bondsman: Jonathan Rumford
1384 24 March 1836 John Fry Mahala Rummins The rites of marriage celebrated between John Fry and Mahala Rummins; March 24 1836; Signed: Joel Morehead- Minister of the gospel- May the 26th 1846
1385 15 March 1836 John Fry Mahala Helen Rummins Bondsman: Abner Rummins
1386 14 October 1837 William H. Robertson Eliza Ann Runyon Bondsman: Thomas S. McCoy
1387 October 1834 William Mitchell Harriet Runyon Bondsman: John R. Runyon
1388 11 February 1828 Samuel Fitzgerald Nancy Ryan Bondsman: Thomas McKee
1389 6 June 1833 John Bayless Julia Ann Rye I do hereby certify that the following named person were joined together in holy bonds of matrimony by me on the day and date mentioned; Given under my hand this 18th April 1834; Signed: F. A. Savage
1390 12 May 1836 Willis Berry Lara Sandford I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
1391 10 January 1831 Joel Perheim Louiza Sandford Bondsman: Rueben Sandford
1392 10 May 1836 Willis Berry Sarah Sandford Bondsman: Joel Perham
1393 24 November 1830 Peter Lashbrooke Frances B. Sandidge Bondsman: Winslow Parker
1394 16 February 1837 Andrew W. Rickey Martha Sandidge Bondsman: George W. Simcoe
1395 February 1834 Wilburn Harover Matilda Sandidge Bondsman: John S. Gettys
1396 26 February 1834 Wilburn Harover Matilda Sandidge Was married by me in accordance with a license issued from you office being date 16th day of November 1833- Coleman B. Heflin to Susan Altig. Also on the 16th day of October 1833- John E. Jackson to Eliza Ann Lovely. Also on the 26th day of February 1834 Wilburn Harover to Matilda Sandidge. Also on the 6th day of March Manuel Martin to Janetta Reed. Also on the 20th day of March Abel Crispin to Mary Ann Wilson- 1834; Signed: John Jacobs- April 9th 1834;This ends the list of John Jacobs
1397 25th of September 1828 Thomas J. Berry Eliza Sanford I do hereby certify that I have no objections of license being granted to my son Thomas J. Berry to take Miss Eliza Sanford in marriage. Given under my hand this 25th of September 1828; Signed: Joanna Berry; Witness: Newton Clift
1398 16 September 1828 Jefferson Berry Eliza Sanford This is to certify that I have no objection in license being granted to Mr. Jefferson Berry to take my daughter Eliza Sanford in marriage. Given under my hand this 16th of September 1828; Signed: Hamlet (?) Sanford; Witness: Newton Clift
1399 26 September 1828 Thomas J. Berry Eliza Sanford Bondsman: Newton Clift
1400 12 April 1830 Jackson Reed Hester M. Sanford Bondsman: William Links
1401 2 January 1827 John Hunt Eliza Saunders Bondsman: Clark Saunders
1402 26 November 1827 John Thompson Mary Ann Saunders Bondsman: Clarke S. Saunders
1403 13 November 1827 John -- Maryann Saunders Maysville-I do hereby certify to all whom it may concern that I am fully agreed that my son- John- should enter into the holy rite of matrimony with Maryann Saunders- daughter of Mr. Clark Saunders of the town of Maysville Kentucky at my home the parties we propose. In testimony whereof I have hereunto signed my name the year and date above written; Signed: Elisbeth Thompson
1404 July 30 1833 -- -- -- Savage Germantown- July 30 1833- Dear Sir: I have been _______ particular as _____ days several person have been appointed that have wroteThis understanding is _____ to do everything as tho I was present. Given under my hand write and also are granted authority; Yours respectfully: James Savage
1405 30 July 1833 Alfred H. Pollock Mary Ann C. Savage Bondsman: John W. Franklin
1406 30 July 1833 A. H. Pollock Mary Ann C. Savage I- James Savage of Germantown Mason County Kentucky do authorize and imposeCol. Marshall Key- clerk of the county court of Mason or any of his assistant clerks to issue a certificate for marriage license for Dr. A. H. Pollock and my daughter Mary Ann C. Savage and the said Col. Key or his clerks is authorized to use my name and co-sign it to any bond or instrument of writing that may be required by law as tho I was personally present and for this the said Key or his clerks this shall be there authority for so doing for ever and to all intents and purpose. Given under my hand this 30th day of July 1833; Signed: James Savage; Witness: John Franklin
1407 1 February 1836 Asa R. Bateman Martha J. Scott Bondsman: James Scott
1408 4 February 1836 Asa R. Bateman Martha J. Scott I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
1409 13 July 1837 Richard D. Owens Margaret S. See Bondsman: Willis D. See
1410 9 August 1832 Ila M. Loyd Charity Senteney Bondsman: John Senteney
1411 no date -listed with late 1832 entries Ila M. Loyd Charity Senteney Sir- I wish to procure license for the purpose of joining myself in matrimonial bonds with Charity Senteney. Please oblige yours in haste; Signed: Ila M. Loyd
1412 29 October 1833 Joseph Frank Eliza Senteney Bondsman: John Senteney
1413 7 May 1829 Lewis Jacob Polly Senteny Bondsman: John Senteny
1414 5 December 1831 George W. Payne Mary Shackleford Bondsman: John Thomas Brooks
1415 6 December 1831 George N. Payne Nancy Shackleford I do certify that I joined together in matrimony: Witness my hand 5 July 1832; Littleton Fowler
1416 4 November 1836 Leander G. Palmer Lucinda Shaw Bondsman: Peter Shaw
1417 28 January 1829 -- Thomas Nancy Shelton Col Marshall Key-This is to certify that my consent has been obtained that you will please to grant marriage license to Mr. Thomas and Nancy Shelton (My daughter) and this will indemnify you for the same. Given under my hand this 28th day of January 1829; Signed: William Shelton; Witness: James Blair & Nathan Hixson Junior
1418 28 January 1829 Joseph Thomas Nancy Shelton Bondsman: John M. Duncan
1419 3 March 1828 Nathaniel A. King Lavina Shipley To the clerk of Mason County Court- Greetings: You are hereby authorized to grant license for the marriage of my daughter Lavina Shipley to Mr. Nathaniel A. King.These present shall be your justification for such privileges. Given under my hand and seal this 3rd day of March 1828; Signed: Anna Shipley; Witness: John Shipley & Harris M. King
1420 3 March 1828 Nathaniel A. King Lavina Shipley Bondsman: John Shipley
1421 15 November 1835 Kenny W. Parnall Maria Jane Shirley Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
1422 15 November 1835 Henry W. Purcell Maria Jane Shirley Bondsman: Armstead Shirley
1423 26 November 1826 John Cash Ann Shotwell John Callerman married the following:
1424 21 February 1833 Luther F. Warder Es ther Ann Shotwell Mason County I hereby certify that I joined together in holy marriage the following persons: Signed: Walter Warder- June 8 1833-This ends the list of Walter Warder
1425 16 February 1833 Luther H. Warder Hester Ann Shotwell Bondsman: Jabez Shotwell
1426 20 January 1835 John Peck Jr. Mary Jane Shrofe Bondsman: Sebastian S. Shrofe
1427 22 January 1835 John Peck Jr. Mary Jane Shroufe I do hereby certify that I joined together in the Holy bonds of matrimony the below named person according to laws and at the named day below written: Given under my hand this 21st day of June 1825; Signed: F. A. Savage.
1428 23 May 1837 Joseph Leach Julia Ann Lee Shulby Bondsman: E. D. Pickett
1429 1 February 1829 William Rowzer Catherine Shultz Marshall Key Esq; Dear Sir- you will please to grant to Mr. William Rowzer the proper authority to enable him to have the marriage ceremony here forward according to law between himself and my niece- Miss Catherine Shultz.I do give my consent and request that the license should be issued; Very Respectfully you obedient servant- Christian Schultz
1430 1 July 1829 William Rowzer Catherine Shultz Bondsman: William C. Holton
1431 24 May 1837 Joseph Leach Julia Ann Lee Shultz Given under my hand this 6th day of July 1837. Robert C. Grundy
1432 16 November 1829 Ambrose D. Hambrick Eliza Simpson Bondsman: Solomon Simpson
1433 13th of October 1831 John Parrish Elizabeth Sisson The clerk of Mason County will please let John Parrish have license to marry Elizabeth Sisson. Given from under my hand and seal this the 13th of October 1831; Signed: E. Sisson; Witness: John Parrish
1434 13 October 1831 John Parrish Elizabeth Sisson Bondsman: Walker Reid
1435 6 September 1834 -- -- Hannah Sisson To the clerk of the Mason circuit court-Sir- you are hereby authorized to issue a marriage license for my daughter Hannah Sisson. Given under my hand this 6th day of September 1834; Signed: Betsy Sisson; Witness: John Hudson & C.B. Waddell
1436 6 September 1834 John J. Waddell Hannah Sisson Bondsman: C. B. Waddell
1437 6 September 1834 John J. Waddell Hannah Sisson State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any licensed minister of the Gospel in the State of Kentucky. You are hereby authorized to join in the bonds of matrimony John J. Waddell and Hannah Sisson agreeably to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you maybe a member. Given under my hand this 6th day of September 1834; Signed: Marshall Key
1438 18 March 1834 Joseph Best Rebecca Slack I do hereby certify that the following named person were joined together in holy bonds of matrimony by me on the day and date mentioned; Given under my hand this 18th April 1834; Signed: F. A. Savage
1439 17 March 1834 Joseph Best Rebecca Slack Bondsman: Jacob A. Slack
1440 21 March 1831 James Feagan Malinda Slater Bondsman: Robert P. Dimmitt
1441 6 January 1835 Miles Wilson Catharine Slaughter Holton Bondsman: James R. Holton
1442 8 January 1835 Miles Wilson Katharine Slaughter Holton I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
1443 28 September 1825 Thomas D. Yeates Malinda Small In looking over the list of marriage rites united by me for several years I discover a general minor ? of these returns but as a few of them were in Mason County I fear I may have ____ and ______There I add the following returns: Signed: Anderson Todd
1444 30 September 1837 James Patton Agnes D. Smith Mr. Marshall Key- you will please to grant license to the marriage of Mr. James Patton to my daughter Agnes D. Smith and will oblige yours respectfully; Signed: H. D. Smith
1445 30 September 1837 James Patton Agnes D. Smith Bondsman: Peter Anderson
1446 October 1832 Vincent Tabb Elizabeth Smith Bondsman: Owen C. Turner
1447 21 December 1831 Samuel Arnold Hannah H. Smith Bondsman: Henry Hill
1448 29 April 1837 John F. Dunnington Jane Smith Bondsman: David Smith
1449 25 December 1830 William Bickley Jr. Julian Smith Bondsman: Robert T. Blanchard & Thomas S. Forman
1450 25 December 1830 William Bickly Jr. Juliann Smith To the Clerk of the County Court of Mason- You are hereby authorized to issue a license to join the Holy Bands of matrimony my Daughter Juliann Smith to William Bickly Jr. Given under my hand and seal this 25th day of December 1830; Signed: Darrel Smith; Witness: R. T. Blanchard
1451 7 May 1832 Charles A. Lyon Mary S. Smith Bondsman: Henry D. Smith
1452 8 August 1836 James Layton Sarah Smithers Bondsman; William Smithers
529 11 August 1836 James Layton Sarah Smithers Also between James Layton and Sarah Smithers; August 11 1836; Signed: Joel Morehead- Minister of the gospel- May the 26th 1846
530 12 April 1836 Alexander H. Wall Elizabeth Smoot Bondsman: Henry Smoot
531 13 April 1836 Alexander H. Watts Elizabeth Smoot I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
532 10 November 1835 Peter A. Pepper Eliza Snyder I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
533 29 December 1831 Samuel Vancamp Delilah Solomon Bondsman: David Wood
534 29 December 1831 Samuel Vancamp Delilah Solomon To the clerk of the Mason County Court- You are hereby authorized to issue license for marriage between myself and Samuel Vancamp; Signed: Delilah Solomon
535 12 April 1830 Allen J. Knight Janetta Soward Bondsman: Richard Soward
536 23 February 1828 William Anno Sarah Spurrier Bondsman; Joseph Spurrier
537 1 January 1829 William Anno Sarah Spurrier This is to certify that rites of matrimony was duly celebrated between William Anno and Sarah Spurrier and Samuel S. Simmons and Nancy Anno- John W. Campbell and Mary Ann Wheat- Elijah Marshall and Mary Ann Crupper by me a Minister of the Gospel authorized to celebrate the rites of matrimony. January 1st 1829; Signed: Samuel Helms
538 26 April 1832 John Peeples Ruth Stafford Bondsman: John Stafford
539 3 November 1832 George D. Tolle Lucinda Stagg Bondsman: Enoch F. Stagg
540 7 November 1832 George D. Tolle Lucinda Staggs Mason County Kentucky-I do hereby certify that I ?The rites of matrimony (being duly authorized by law and administer of the Gospel) between the following persons George M. Moss and Rebecca L. Duke; David Arnold and Fenton Arnold; Alfred Soward and Rachel Brewer; George D. Tolle and Lucinda Staggs. Given under my hand this 7th November 1832; Signed: Samuel Helms
541 13 January 1829 Joseph Howe Eliza Stephenson Bondsman: Marshall Key
542 21 January 1827 Alexander Woodrow Prudence Stephenson Bondsman: Nathan Stevenson
543 25 January 1827 Alexander Woodrow Prudence A. Stevenson The above named persons were joined in marriage by me; Signed: Joseph D. Farrow
544 7 February 1833 Theophilus Banfield Sarah Stevenson Bondsman: James Henderson
545 9 July 1831 Lewis Hord Elvira Stillwell Bondsman: William Stillwell
546 12 October 1835 Joseph Wood Catharine Stout Bondsman: Abijah Casto
547 15 July 1836 Marshall Rankins Louisa Stout Bondsman: George L. Forman
548 7 April 1834 John Aikman Susan Stout Bondsman: Abijah Castoe
549 12 February 1829 Julius G. Coleman Rachel Stroude Bondsman: Thomas Stroude
550 15 December 1828 James W. Bullock Elvina A. Stubblefield Bondsman: Alex. P. Stubblefield
551 August 1834 Alexander K. Bullock Maria W. Stubblefield Bondsman: Wins ton Parker
552 26 August 1834 Alexander K. Bullock Maria W. Stubblefield The clerk of the Mason County Court is authorized to grant marriage license to Alexander K. Bullock and my daughter Maria W. Stubblefield. Given under my hand this 26th day of August 1834; Signed: A. Stubblefield
553 4 March 1835 James Engles Angelet Suit Bondsman: Harry Engles
554 Month is torn off the 31st 1833 David Harbor Mary Suit Mason County State of Kentucky - To Marshall Key- Clerk of the Court of said county.-Sir-I hereby give my consent for David Harbor to marry my daughter Mary Suit and do therefore authorize a request you do grant license to the said Harbor that him and my daughter marry may be lawfully joined together in the holy bonds of matrimony. Given under my hand this day and date above mentioned; Signed: Nathaniel Suit; Witness: Luke Dye
555 2 February 1833 David Harbour Mary Suit Bondsman: Walter Suit
556 26 September 1836 Wallis Brat ton Sarah Suit Bondsman: Walter Suit
557 22 December 1834 Caleb Butten Ann Summers Bondsman: Asa Summers
558 10 April 1830 George W. Wall Frances W. Summers Bondsman: John W. January
559 5 May 1834 Henry B. Mills Lucinda Summers Bondsman: Michael Summers
560 23 December 1834 Caleb Butler Ann Summers (?) I do hereby certify that I have solomized the following marriage in a legal manner in Mason County Kentucky: Signed: Samuel Y. Garrison
561 11 February 1828 Samuel S. Summors Nancy Summors Bondsman: William Anno
562 22 October 1833 John Nelson Edney Swain Bondsman: William R. Wills
563 22 October 1833 John Wilson Edney Swain To clerk of M. C. C. -This is to certify that I grant my daughter Edney Swain to obtain marriage license to join in the bonds of matrimony with John Wilson. Given under my hand this date above mentioned; Signed: Hannah Swain
564 17 October 1836 Samuel Robinson Mary Swain Bondsman: John Wilson
565 14 July 1828 Thomas Forman Elizabeth G. Tabb Bondsman: ? Forman
566 4 July 1831 David Bradford Jane Tapp Bondsman: James Morrison
567 27 May 1834 Thomas Kitchen Mary Tavia Bondsman: James Biggers
568 2 April 1827 John Ward Dianah Taylor To the clerk of Mason County;Sir- you have my consent to grant license to pending wedlock of John Ward and my daughter Dianah Taylor; Signed: Lurich Taylor
569 2 April 1827 John Ward Dianah Taylor Bondsman: William Duff
570 31 July 1830 William Allman Eliza Taylor Fleming County Ky-To the clerk of the Mason county court will please to issue license to join in the bonds of matrimony Eliza Taylor and William Allman.This is to certify that we have no objection; Signed: Samuel Huff and Hester Huff.
571 5 March 1835 Benjamin Mastin Frances Taylor This is to certify that the following person were joined together in the holy estate of matrimony by me according to the rules of the Methodist Episcopal church on the date mentioned: Given under my hand this 21st of July 1835; Signed: James Savage
572 25 March 1835 Benjamin Mastin Frances Taylor Bondsman: John Adamson
573 no date- listed with early 1835 entries Benjamin Mastin Francey Taylor Know all men hereby that I do give my consent and approbation for Benjamin Mastin to receive license to be joined in matrimony to my daughter Francey Taylor; Signed: Sarah Taylor; Witness: Wm. Hill & Robert Hill & John Adamson
574 10 April 1836 Samuel Brammell Jane Taylor Bondsman: George Taylor
575 19 April 1836 Samuel Brammell Jane Taylor Also between Samuel Brammell and Jane Taylor; April 19 1836; Signed: Joel Morehead- Minister of the gospel- May the 26th 1846
576 7 January 1837 Basil Rigdon Lucind Taylor Bondsman: Wm. F. Bramhall
577 17 January 1837 Basil Runyon Lucinda Taylor To the clerk of the Mason County Court I hereby certify that I have joined together in the holy state of marriage the following person at the date named. Basil Runyon and Lucinda Taylor; Signed: John G. Hicks
578 1 September 1829 George Green Mary Ann Taylor Bondsman: Charles Taylor
579 12th of September 1836 Isac V. N. Brown Nancy M. Taylor I do hereby authorize the clerk of the court of Mason County Ky to issue license to marry my daughter Nancy M. Taylor to Isac V. N. Brown this 12th of September 1836; Signed: Charles Taylor; Witness: George Green
580 12 September 1836 Isaac V. R. Brown Nancy M. Taylor Signed: George Green
581 9 April 1833 Francis Collins Sarah R. Taylor Bondsman: Joshua Fisher
582 20 February 1834 George L. Forman Alice Ann Tebbs Bondsman: Thomas T. Forman
583 7 November 1837 Taylor Madden Jane Terhune Bondsman: John Terhune
584 23 April 1831 David Bradford Mary Ann Terhune Bondsman: Barnett Terhune
585 1 April 1828 William Alexander Polly S. Terhune Bondsman: Luke Terhune
1453 10 December 1833 James W. Murphy Dorcas Ann Tevell Bondsman: William Tuvell
1454 15 June 1829 Alexander Foley Catherine Thomas Bondsman: Henry Thomas
1455 15 November 1827 Joseph C. Mendell Lydia C. Thomas This is to certify that Isaac Thomas and his wife Sarah is agreed that Joseph C. Mendell and their daughter Lydia C. Thomas shall be joined together in the holy bonds of wedlock given from under our hands this 15th day of November 1827; Signed: Isaac Thomas; Witness: Richard C. Ricketts
1456 15 November 1827 Joseph C. Mondell Lydia C. Thomas Bondsman: Richard C. Ricketts
1457 July 1833 Wright Hollen Margaret Thomas Bondsman: Staley Thomas
1458 3 October 1832 Henry Anderson Mary Thomas Bondsman: Stephen Thomas
1459 6 November 1836 Alson Stucky Mrs. Nancy Thomas I Robert C. Grundy a regularly authorized and ordained minister of the gospel do hereby certify that by virtue of a license issued by the clerk of the Mason County Court for that purpose- I married the following individuals at the times specified
1460 4 November 1836 Alfred Stucky Nancy Thomas Bondsman: Harrison Shelton
1628 21 June 1834 William Tolle Febey -- I- Margaret Thomas Senr. Do hereby agree that my daughter Febey is at liberty to marry Mr. William Tolle if she chooses to do so.I hereby set my name; Signed: Margaret Thomas Senr; Witness: Wright Holland; John Highfield
1461 21 June 1834 William Tolle Phoebe Thomas Bondsman: John Hyfield
1462 17 August 1829 Elijah Dulaney Polly Thomas Bondsman: Nathaniel Thomas
1463 28 January 1834 Nicholas Applegate Rebecca Thomas Bondsman: John Thomas
1464 20 day of January 1834 Nicholas Applegate Rebecca Thomas I certify that on the 20 day of January 1834- I joined together in the holy bonds of matrimony Nicholas Applegate and Rebecca Thomas. Given from under my hand this 10 day of February 1834; Signed: J. O'Cull- M of G
1465 9 January 1837 Henry Anderson Susan Thomas Bondsman: Richard Smith
1466 7 March 1836 Mason Pollard Artemesia Thompson Bondsman: James Thompson
1467 7 March 1836 Mason Pollard Artemesia K. Thompson Col M. Key-Sir- you are hereby authorized and requested to issue license for the marriage of my daughter Artemesia K. Thompson toMason Pollard. Yours- Signed: A. Thompson
1468 15 October 1832 George A. Calvert Eleanor Thompson Bondsman: Joel Thompson
1469 13 August 1827 Thomas N. Donovan Elizabeth Thompson Bondsman: D. B. Hickman
1470 3 March 1833 Robert H. Hannah Louisa Thompson Bondsman: James Shackleford
1471 9 August 1834 William P. Fox Lucinda Thompson Bondsman: Andrew P. Thompson
1472 30 November 1832 Hugh McCollaugh Margaret Thompson Bondsman: Isaiah Thompson
1473 30 August 1827 John Logan Mary Jane Thompson The clerk of Mason County court will issue a license for John Logan to be married to my granddaughter Mary Jane Thompson for whom I guardian. Witness my hand and seal this 30th August 1827; Signed: Mary Logan; Witness: Joseph Thompson
1474 30 August 1827 John Logan Mary Jane Thompson Bondsman: Joseph Thompson
1475 19 March 1827 William Ginn Nancy Thoroman Bondsman: William Thoroman
1476 2 August 1833 John Thoroughman Ann Thoroughman Bondsman: William Thoroughman
1477 2 August 1833 John Thoroughman Ann Thoroughman I Patsa Thoroughman this day under my hand that I am willing for my daughter Ann Thoroughman and John Thoroughman to get married August the 2nd day year 1833; Witness: William Thoroughman & Tomason Bettes
1478 3 August 1829 Lawson Thoroughman Lucinda Thoroughman This is to certify that I do authorize you to give my son Lawson Thoroughman license to marry Lucinda Thoroughman- witness my hand and seal; Signed: William Thoroughman Senior
1479 3 August 1829 Lawson Thoroughman Lucinda Thoroughman This is to certify that I do authorize you to give my daughter Lucinda Thoroughman license in marriage with Lawson Thoroughman. As witness my hand and seal;Signed: Elizabeth Thoroughman
1480 4 August 1829 Lawson Thoroughman Lucinda Thoroughman Bondsman: Elijah Thoroughman
1481 15 February 1836 Urias Downtain Lavina Threlkeld Bondsman: Evans Dye
1482 14 January 1831 Enoch L. Pepper Sarah R. Tibbs This is to certify that I solemnized the rites of matrimony between:
1483 10 January 1831 Enoch L. Pepper Sarah R. Tibbs Bondsman: Thomas M. Forman
1484 12 October 1835 Lewis B. Wallingford Cecilia Ellen Tolle Bondsman: Presley Tolle
1485 22 May 1837 Samuel Kinkade Frances Tolle Bondsman: Laban Tolle
1486 June 24 1845 Elias DeBell Pauline Ann Tolle The rite of matrimony celebrated between Elias DeBell and Pauline Ann Tolle- June 24th 1845; Signed: Joel Morehead Minister of the Gospel
1487 26 October 1835 John S. Reese Nancy Triplett Bondsman: Greenbury Triplett
1488 30 November 1831 William H. Booten Harriet True Bondsman: Aaron Sidwell
1489 3 February 1834 Bracken Baldwin Jane Tucker Bondsman: John Tucker
1490 21 August 1835 Leonard Phillips Koena Tucker Bondsman: William Cooper
1491 12 March 1834 George C. Adamson Margaret Tuell Bondsman: James W. Murphy
1492 9 January 1827 Thomas T. Payne Elizabeth A. Tureman To the clerk of the County of Mason is hereby authorized to issue license directed to any legally authorized minister of the Gospel to solemnize the marriage of Thomas T. Payne with my daughter Elizabeth A. Tureman; Signed: William Tureman
1493 9 February 1827 Thomas G. Payne Elizabeth A. Tureman Bondsman: James K. Marshall
1494 March 13 1832 John Newdigate Lucy J. Valentine Also married by me March 13th 1832; Signed by John Jacobs;This ends the lists of marriage by John Jacobs
1495 13 March 1832 John Newdigate Lucy P. Valentine Bondsman: Marshall Key
1496 17 September 1832 John L. Porter Elvira Vancamp Bondsman: Levi Vancamp
1497 18 October 1830 Reuben Heflin Sarah Vandyke Bondsman: Thomas Armstrong
1498 9 June 1834 Benjamin McIntosh Eliza Waddell Bondsman: George Krusor
1499 24 October 1830 Abel Dwight Mary Wadleigh Marriage solemnized by the undersigned with the following parties and their respective dates. Signed by James Blair (Elder in the Methodist Protestant church)- 20th April 1832.
1500 June ? 1830 William Poe Elisabeth Waller This is yours from under my hand that I am willing that William Poe and Elisabeth Waller my daughter should join in the bands of matrimony; Signed: Elizabeth Waller
1501 21 June 1830 William Poe Elizabeth Waller Bondsman: Thomas Waller
1502 22 September 1832 William McNeley Elizabeth D. Waller Mason County Kentucky-This is to certify to the clerk of the court of Mason County that Mr. William McNeley has leave from me to apply for license for the purpose of uniting him and me in the holy state of matrimony as given under my hand this day at ___; Signed: Elizabeth D. Waller
1503 22 September 1832 William McNeley Elizabeth D. Waller Bondsman: Elbridge Waller
1504 5 March 1829 George Bell Mary Waller Bondsman: William Allen
1505 March 1834 William Mullican Sarah Waller Bondsman: Thomas Waller (Name is signed: Mullikan)
1506 20 May 1825 Benjamin Williams Frances Wallingford A list of marriages celebrated by me the subscriber in abidance to license from the clerk of Mason County; Signed: William Bellop
1507 13 October 1828 John Johnston Harriet Wallingford Bondsman: Joseph Wallingford
1508 9 March 1835 A. M. Warder Julina Wallingford To the honorable clerk of the county court of Mason- whereas my daughter Julina Wallingford has agreed to join in matrimony with Mr. A. M. Warder-This is to certify that I have no objection and am willing he shall obtain license. Given under my hand; Signed: Mary Wallingford
1509 9 March 1835 Albert M. Warder Julina Wallingford Bondsman: Abner Hord
1510 10 June 1837 Jonathan Ruggels Mary Wallingford Bondsman: Hiram Wallingford
1511 20 June 1837 Jonathan Ruggels Mary Wallingford The rites of marriage confirmed between the following couples by Jacob Morehead Minister of the Gospel.
1512 15 February 1826 John Payton Nancy Wallingford A list of marriages celebrated by me the subscriber in abidance to license from the clerk of Mason County; Signed: William Bellop
1513 30 May 1829 John L. Taylor Phoebe Wallingford Bondsman: George Taylor
1514 23 April 1830 Charles Osburn Malvina A. Walton Bondsman: John Walton
1515 3 December 1836 John N. Osborn Salina Walton Bondsman: C. W. Owens
1516 8 December 1836 John W. Osborne Salina Walton I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
1517 March 1832 John Haines Eliza Jane Ward Bondsman: Es ther Smith
1518 4 May 1829 Benjamin Kirk Rebecca Ward Bondsman:Washington Ward
1519 2 May 1829 Benjamin Kirk Rebecca Ward Col. Marshall Key C.M.C.C-Sir- you will please to be so good as to grant Mr. Benjamin Kirk license to marry my daughter Rebecca Ward and oblige your friend; Signed: John Ward; Witness:Washington Ward
1520 1 November 1837 D. Bronaugh Sarah Ward Bondsman: James Ward
1521 10 April 1833 John Morris Emily Warder Mason County I hereby certify that I joined together in holy marriage the following persons: Signed: Walter Warder- June 8 1833-This ends the list of Walter Warder
1522 9 April 1833 John Norris Emily Warder Bondsman: Joseph Warder
1523 25 May 1835 Horace Anderson Louann Warder Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
1524 25 May 1835 Horace Anderson Louann Warder Bondsman: Joseph Warder
1525 18 February 1833 William V. Morris Louisa E. Warder Bondsman: Jabez Warder
1526 18 February 1833 William V. Morris Louiza Warder Mason County I hereby certify that I joined together in holy marriage the following persons: Signed: Walter Warder- June 8 1833-This ends the list of Walter Warder
1527 24 May 1832 -- -- Matilda Waters The Commonwealth of Kentucky-Mason County- Personally appeared before the undersigned a Justice of the Peace for said county Matilda Waters and made oath that she is twenty one years of age. Given under my hand this 24th day of May 1832; Signed: James Blair
1528 24 May 1832 Caleb McMahan Matilda Waters Bondsman: Hamilton Kitchins
1529 21 October 1828 John Reed Elizabeth Watson Bondsman: Zephaniah Watson
1530 5 April 1827 William Rush Polly G. Watson The above named persons were joined in marriage by me; Signed: Joseph D. Farrow
1531 5 April 1827 William Rush Polly G. Watson Sir-This is to justify you issuing a license ___________ of William Rush and Polly G. Watson; Singed: Zephah Watson
1532 5 April 1827 William Rush Polly G. Watson Bondsman: John Orange
1533 7 July 1837 Wesley Manick Sally Watson I do herby Stephen Harles a duly authorized Minister of the gospel have celebrated the rites of matrimony between Wesley Manick and Sally Watson; Signed: Stephen Harles
1534 5 July 1837 John W. Manick Sarah Watson Bondsman: Eli Watson
1535 20 June 1836 Eli Watson Sarah Watson Bondsman: David Brown
1536 17 February 1825 Peter Duzan Susan Watson I certify that I join Peter Duzan and Susan Watson in the Holy Estate of Matrimony according to law. Given under my hand; Signed: J. O'Cull M.M.E.
1537 26 October 1830 Edward Dorsey Isabella Watts Bondsman: G.M. Stockton
1538 13 September 1831 Stephen Griffin Julia Waugh Bondsman: James M. Bowles
1539 27 December 1837 Joshua Harbour Elizabeth Weaver Bondsman: Walter Suit
1540 2 December 1833 John Cook Margaret Weaver Bondsman: Henry Weaver
1541 9 October 1830 John Noland ? Calista Webb Bondsman: A. P. Stewart
1542 October 1830 John Noland Calista Webb Marriage solemnized by the undersigned with the following parties and their respective dates. Signed by James Blair (Elder in the Methodist Protestant church)- 20th April 1832.
1543 27 August 1832 John Wood Rachel Webb Bondsman: David Roff
1544 April 1833 Abel Rees Elvina Wells Bondsman: Samuel Wells
1545 16 April 1835 Solomon B. Lane Mary Jane Whaley Bondsman: Thomas Whaley
1546 3 May 1828 John W. Campbell Mary Ann Wheat Bondsman: Samuel Wheat
1547 1 January 1829 John W. Campbell Mary Ann Wheat This is to certify that rites of matrimony was duly celebrated between William Anno and Sarah Spurrier and Samuel S. Simmons and Nancy Anno- John W. Campbell and Mary Ann Wheat- Elijah Marshall and Mary Ann Crupper by me a Minister of the Gospel authorized to celebrate the rites of matrimony. January 1st 1829; Signed: Samuel Helms
1548 11 September 1834 Thomas Loyd Lydia Wheatley Mason County Ky I do hereby certify that I celebrated the rites of matrimony between the following persons: Given under my hand 24 December 1835; Signed: William Warder
1549 11 September 1834 Thomas Loyd Lydia Wheatley Bondsman: Levi Wheatley
1550 20 July 1830 Samuel N. Woods Margaret L. Wheatley Bondsman: Francis W. Wheatley
1551 20 September 1834 Elias Lauderback Ellen Wheeler Bondsman: Levi Wheeler
1552 13 August 1834 Samuel Mullikin Julian Wheeler Bondsman: David Duncan
1553 5 September 1832 William Gordan Margaret Wheeler Bondsman: Aaron H. Wheeler
1554 26 September 1831 Hugh McDonald Mary Wheeler Know all men by these presence that I am willing that license be issued to Hugh McDonald of Mason County to marry my daughter Mary Wheeler. Given under my hand and seal this 26th of September 1831; Signed: Lawrence Wheeler; Witness: Jeremiah Bough & Abraham Cracraft & Levi Wheeler
1555 27 September 1831 Hugh D. McDonald Mary Wheeler Bondsman: Levi Wheeler
1556 24 June 1828 Charles Dye Mary Whitaker Bondsman: James Whitaker
1557 29 January 1828 Bennett Dynes Providence Whitaker Bondsman: John Cole
1558 11 December 1832 William Henson America White Bondsman: Jesse Henson
1559 30 January 1837 John E. French Lucy Ann White Bondsman: John McCarthy
1560 2 February 1837 John E. French Lucy Ann White I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
1561 8 December 1829 George Galbreath Mary White Bondsman: James White
1562 25 January 1828 John White Nancy White Bondsman: Carr White
1563 6 October 1835 James McMillen Sarah White Bondsman: Carr White
1564 31 January 1829 William Willamson Miranda White Bondsman: Jese White
1565 6 September 1836 William Cummins Charlotte Whitington Bondsman: Evan T. Burgoyne
1566 6 September 1836 William Cummins Charlotte Whitington Mr. William Cummins signifies to me that he wishes to marry my daughter Charlotte Whitington.I do hereby give my consent for you to grant the license for that purpose; Signed: Joshua Whitington
1567 6 September 1836 William Cummins Miss Charlotte Whittington I Robert C. Grundy a regularly authorized and ordained minister of the gospel do hereby certify that by virtue of a license issued by the clerk of the Mason County Court for that purpose- I married the following individuals at the times specified
1568 9 February 1829 Samuel Cracraft Mahala D. Wiggins Bondsman: Joseph Wiggins
1569 11 December 1832 Alexander Steward Sally Ann Wiggins Bondsman: Joseph Wiggins
1570 10 July 1834 John Collins Tabitha Wiggins Bondsman; Ambrose Wiggins
1571 24 June 1828 John R. McDonald Sarah Wilkerson Bondsman: Charles Wilkerson
1572 October 1835 Dudley A. Richardson Eliza Willett Bondsman: J. S. Chambers
  16 February 1836 Isaac Willet(t) Elizabeth Chandler [Researcher Remark: See Miller, Isaac m. Chandler, Elizabeth, record 305, above]
1573 23 March 1829 Mark Wallingford Martha Ann Willett Bondsman: Richard Willett
1574 12 February 1828 Hezekiah H. Hunt Priscilla Willett Bondsman: George W. Willett
1575 1 April 1837 Nathan E. Bridges Elenor Williams Bondsman: Lorenzo Cornwell
1576 2 April 1837 Nathan E. Bridges Elenor Williams To the clerk of the county court of Mason County I do certify that I joined in Matrimony the following person upon the dates therein certified. Witness my hand 29 September 1837; G. W. Bush
1577 April 1831 James B. Sartain Elizabeth Williams Bondsman: Moses Lounceford
1578 16 April 1831 Samuel B. Sartain Elizabeth Williams This is to certify that I Elizabeth Williams have given under my hand that I am of age and do sanction the liberty of license of marriage to be issued for my self and Samuel B. Sartain. Given under my hand this 16th day of April 1831; Signed: Elizabeth Williams
1579 26 September 1836 Eli Watson Emeline Williams Bondsman: Richardson Williams
1580 16 August 1836 Stephen Donaldson Narcissa Williams Bondsman: Richardson Williams
1581 15 August 1836 Stephen Donaldson Narcissa Williams I do hereby authorize the Clerk of Mason County to grant Stephen Donaldson license for marriage to my daughter Narcissa Williams; Given under my hand and seal this 15th day of August 1836; Signed: Rebecca Williams
1582 9th December 1830 Richard L. Fox Sarah Ann Williams Bondsman: Milton Taylor
1583 17 March 1829 Anderson Meadows Mary L. Williamson To the clerk of Mason County This will authorize you to administer license to Anderson Meadows to marry my daughter Mary L. Williamson and This shall be your receipt for the same; Signed: Jacob Williamson; Witness: George Williamson
1584 17 March 1829 Anderson Meadows Mary L. Williamson Bondsman: George Williamson
1585 31 October 1831 Zachariah Richard Ruth Wills Marriage solemnized by the undersigned with the following parties and their respective dates. Signed by James Blair (Elder in the Methodist Protestant church)- 20th April 1832.
1586 31 October 1831 Zachariah Richards Ruth Wills Bondsman: James Wills
1587 15 December 1836 John Thomas Anna Wilson State of Kentucky-Mason County- To any license minister of the gospel in the state of Kentucky- You are hereby authorized to join in the holy bonds of matrimony John Thomas and Anna Wilson according to the rites and ceremonies of the church of which you may be a member. And for so doing this shall be your authority. Given under my hand this 15th day of December 1836; Signed: Marshall Key
1588 15 December 1836 John Thomas Anna Wilson Bondsman: David Bronaugh
1589 21 March 1827 Joseph Poe Maria Wilson Bondsman: James Wilson
1590 19 August 1832 Martin L. Kritzer Mary Wilson Bondsman: Samuel Vancamp
1591 19 August 1832 L D. Kritzer Mary Wilson This is to authorize the clerk of the Mason circuit court to issue license for marriage between myself and L D. Kritzer this 19th August 1832; Signed: Mary Wilson; Witness: Samuel Vancamp
1592 1 April 1834 Thomas Williams Mary Wilson Bondsman: Robert Wilson
1593 20 March 1834 Abel Crispin Mary Ann Wilson Bondsman: Stephen Banster (?)
1594 20 March 1834 Abel Crispin Mary Ann Wilson Was married by me in accordance with a license issued from you office being date 16th day of November 1833- Coleman B. Heflin to Susan Altig. Also on the 16th day of October 1833- John E. Jackson to Eliza Ann Lovely. Also on the 26th day of February 1834 Wilburn Harover to Matilda Sandidge. Also on the 6th day of March Manuel Martin to Janetta Reed. Also on the 20th day of March Abel Crispin to Mary Ann Wilson- 1834; Signed: John Jacobs- April 9th 1834;This ends the list of John Jacobs
1595 27 May 1828 John Carnegy Penelope Wilson Bondsman: Thomas Wilson
1596 20 April 1827 Jacob Stroude Rebecca Wilson Bondsman: Thomas Stroude
1597 20 April 1827 Jacob Stroude Rebecca Wilson This is to satisfy that the Clerk of the Mason Court had liberty to give Jacob Stroude license to marry Rebecca Wilson; Signed: Thomas Wilson- Guardian for Rebecca Wilson; Witness: Niles Wilson
1598 6 August 1832 Frances Mullican Susan Wilson Bondsman: Ephraim Wilson
1599 4 August 1832 Francis Mullikin Susan M. Wilson Know you the clerk of Mason County that I William Mullikin have no objections to my son Francis Mullikin marrying Susan M. Wilson as he is not twenty one years of age; Witness: William Mullikin Jr.
1600 4 April 1831 John Bradshaw Susan Winter I do hereby certify that I have no objections and grant my daughter Susan Winter and John Bradshaw joining in the holy bonds of matrimony and hereby authorize the clerk of Mason County to issue marriage license for them. Given under my hand this 4th day of April 1831; Signed: Elender Winter; Witness: Evan L. Winter
1601 4 April 1831 John Bradshaw Susan Winter Bondsman: John Winter
1602 19 July 1834 Ramson Jones Priscilla Wise Bondsman: Larkin A. Sandidge
1603 17 July 1834 Ramson Jones Priscilla Wise The clerk of the court of Mason County- Whereas Mr. Ramson Jones and my daughter Priscilla Wise both of the county of Mason and state of Kentucky have mutually agreed to unite in the bonds of matrimony-This is to certify that they have my cordial approbation. Given under my hand this 17th July 1834; Signed: John Wise; Witness: Eli Armstrong
1604 3 November 1835 Dudley R. Richardson Eliza Wittes I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
1605 1 October 1827 Edmund Palmer Junior Acheah Wood Bondsman: Samuel Forman
1606 14 April 1829 Oliver H. Anderson Catharine H. Wood Bondsman: Samuel W. Wood
1607 8 March 1830 Samson Wiggins Catherine Wood Bondsman: William Dye
1608 20 May 1828 Barney Roys ton Constance Wood Bondsman: Thomas Rudd
1609 16 April 1833 William A. Harris Eleanor Wood Bondsman: John Shackleford
1610 25 September 1837 John A. Coburn Elizabeth Wood Bondsman: Benjamin Wood
1611 27 September 1837 John A. Coburn Elizabeth Wood I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
1612 20 December 1836 Joseph Drew Elizabeth Wood Bondsman: Richard Wood
1613 17 August 1835 George Flaugher Katy Ann Wood Bondsman: Jesse Wood
1614 20 August 1835 George Flaugher Katy Ann Wood I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
1615 21 December 1837 Thomas H. Fox Mary Wood Bondsman: John James Key
1616 17 April 1833 Francis T. Coburn Phebe M. Wood Bondsman: James N. Morrison
1617 12 January 1831 William Summers Ruth Wood Bondsman: Marshall Key
1618 11 July 1832 Ebenezer Jenkins Sarah Wood Bondsman: Absalom Ballenger
1619 24 January 1835 Joel Thompson Sophia Woodruff Bondsman: David Woodruff
1620 5 January 1829 John Sullivan Mary Worley To the clerk of Mason County Court: Sir- please to let Mr. John Sullivan have license to marry my daughter Mary Worley of the same county and in so doing you will oblige yours; Signed: Sarah Worley; Witness: Benjamin Allen & Daniel Worley & John Willoughby
1621 5 January 1829 John Sullivan Mary Worley Bondsman: John Willoughby
1622 11 May 1829 John Robertson Comfort Ann Worthington Bondsman: Thomas T. Worthington
1623 28 February 1837 George Barker Mary Ann Worthington Bondsman: T. Worthington
1624 4 February 1832 James Bratton Ocy Yates Bondsman: William Yates
1625 15 December 1835 George Sulser Mary Ann Young I certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony the following person on the day specified: Signature of the Minister unreadable
1626 16 December 1835 George Sulser Mary Ellen Young Bondsman: William Young
1627 2 March 1831 George Hammer Penelope Young Bondsman: Robert Wilson

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