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Mason County Deed Book 1, A-L Abstracts
Records compiled and contributed by 'Kari'
NOT necessarily in chronological order.
SAMPLE DEED This indenture made 14 July 1798 between Jessy Foster of the county of Mason and Commonwealth of Kentucky, of the one part, and Drury Ragsdale and James Threlkeld of the same place of the other part.
Witnesseth that the said Jessy Foster for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds current money of Kentucky to him paid by the said Dreury Ragsdale and James Threlkeld, hath granted, bargained and sold . . . all that part of a tract of land hereafter described, it being part of a survey of thirty thousand acres patented in the name of Anthony Thornton situated in the county of Mason on the waters of the north fork of Licking River.
Beginning for said part at two hickory trees and a sugar tree standing in Captain Philip Buckner's north line and running from thence three hundred poles to a white oak and two dogwoods standing at Kenton's . . . together with all buildings, improvements . . .
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of . . .
Henry Briece DV Paine Charles
Signed Jessy Foster
The above deed appears in the abstract book as:
378 14 July 1798 Jessy Foster of Mason co (GRANTOR) AND Drury Ragsdale and James Threlkeld of Mason co (GRANTEE) Tr: Sale of land in Mason co (TRANSACTION) Desc: Part of Anthony Thornton survey, by Captain Philip Buckner, and Kenton's corner to Richard McKinley. (DESCRIPTION) Wt: Henry Briece, DV Paine, Charles Ford (WITNESSES) Clerk: Francis Taylor (CLERK OF COURT)
A-270 13 Mar 1793 James McKinley of Mason co AND John Logan Sr. of Mason co Tr: Sale of 125 acres, 1 rood, 25 perches Mason co land for 57 pounds. Part of McKinley's patented land dated 13 May 1785 - on John Kenton's line. Wt: Meredith Helm, James Logan, Robert Davis Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-272 10 Mar 1793 James McKinley of Mason co AND Samuel Logan of Mason co Tr: Sale of 76 acres, 1 rood, 12 perches Mason co land for 75 pounds. Part of McKinley's patented land dated 13 May 1785 - on John Kenton's line. Wt: Meredith Helm, James Logan, Robert Davis Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-273 10 Mar 1793 Obadiah Walker of Mason co AND Ignatius Mitchell and Milly his wife of Mason co Tr: Sale of 66 acres Mason co land for 5 shillings. Clerk: Thomas Marshall Jr.
A-274 17 Apr 1793 William Wood and Sarah his wife of Mason co AND John Corwine of Mason co Tr: Sale of 149 acres Mason co land for 59 pounds, 12 shillings Desc: Part of tract granted William McConnell, George Ramsey, Samuel Black being by the Foreman land. Wt: Abner Howell, Joseph Staton, Christopher Wood Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-275 Aug 27 1793 William Wood and Sarah his wife, and Arthur Fox and Mary his wife of Mason co AND Joseph Allen of Mason co Tr: Sale of lot #42 for 7 pounds, in Washington, Mason co Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A277 8 Mar 1793 Leven Powell of Louden co Va apptd. Alexander D. Orr attny to convey land to Aaron Owens "being 100 acres out of my Patent land being tract located under Pre right of Henry Batterter". Wt: William Owens, Alexander Dougherty, William Johnson Jr., William Dye Jr. Clerk: Hugh Shannon and Thomas Marshall Jr.
A-277 10 Aug 1793 Jacob Myers of Lincoln co Ky apptd. Michael Cassity of Mason co his attny to convey land in Mason co to Thomas Treacle of Mason co, 300 acres on Fleming creek. Desc: Part of Treasury Warrant in name of Benjamin Roberts and conveyed to Myers. Wt: Stephen Treacle, James W. Waring, John Machir Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A- 316 29 May 1793 Hugh Shannon and Rebecca his wife of Scott co Ky AND Alexander Dougherty of Mason co Tr: Sale of 100 acres Mason co land for 46 pounds Wt: William Dye, William Johnson, Mountur Dye, William Johnson, Jr. Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A277 8 Mar 1793 Leven Powell of Louden co Va apptd. Alexander D. Orr attny to convey land to Aaron Owens "being 100 acres out of my Patent land being tract located under Pre right of Henry Batterter". Wt: William Owens, Alexander Dougherty, William Johnson Jr., William Dye Jr. Clerk: Hugh Shannon and Thomas Marshall Jr.
A-278 18 Aug 1791 William Hunter Jr. of Fairfax co, Alexandria, Va AND David Stuart of Alexandria, Fairfax co, Va Tr: Sale of 5448 acres of Bourbon co land for 1000 pounds plus all houses -partw of Patent land dated 27 June 1789 and located by Gilbert Imbrias line of 1400 acres. Wt: Charles Alexander, Baldwin Dale, Alexander Cleveland, Charles Turner, Bushrod Washington. Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-280 1 Oct 1792 Alexander D. Orr of Mason co AND George Berry Jr. of Mason co Tr: Sale of 300 acres Mason co land, and all houses for 250 pounds; part of Mathew Rust Preemption. Wt: Shadrack Nye, William Roe, John Thompson Clerk: Thomas Marshall Jr.
A-282 27 Aug 1793 Mercer Beason of Mason co AND Isaiah Keath of Mason co Tr: Sale of 500 acres Mson co land (or half of a Pre of 1000 acres) for 200 pounds, by Samuel Stroud's Pre. Wt: David Broderick, George Wood, John Johnston Clerk: Thomas Marshall Jr.
A-283 30 May 1793 David Ross of Virginia AND Davis Ruth of Mason co Tr: Sale of 50 acres Mason co land for 25 pounds; part of George Thompson Settlement and Preemption. Wt: Alexander D. Orr, Henry Lee, Nathaniel Massie Clerk: Thomas Marshall Jr.
A-284 27 Aug 1793 John Marshall of Richmond City, Virginia, by Thomas Marshall his attny AND Philip Buckner of Jefferson co Ky Tr: Sale of 13,333 and one third acres land in Mason co for 5 shillings; by Thomas Keith and Tyler's Survey. Clerk: Thomas Marshall Jr.
A-284 30 May 1793 Hugh Shannon of Scott co Ky AND Isaac Drake of Mason co Ky Tr: Sale of 200 acres Mason co land for 87 pounds. Desc: As surveyed by Pearce Lamb Wt: David Morris, Abraham Drake, William Johnson, William Dye, Reune Drake Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-286 28 May 1793 William Wood and Sarah his wife, and Arthur Fox and Mary his wife of Mason co AND John Kenton of Mason co Tr: Sale of 560 acres Mason co land for One Pepper Grain Desc: Located by Meredith Helm and McKinley's line, and the land of George Clark, Overfield and Michael Ryan - to ARthur Fox's tract of 278 acres. Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-287 28 May 1793 Samuel Camron of Mason co AND George Wood of Mason co Tr: Slave sale; a girl Negroe named Fann for 65 pounds. Wt. Jeremiah Shannon, Isaiah Keith, Owen Davis Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-287 19 May 1793 William Wood and Sarah his wife, and Arthur Fox and Mary his wife of Mason co AND John Wilson of Mason co Tr: Sale of lot #52 for 10 pounds in Washington, Mason co Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-289 27 Aug 1793 Same Grantors as in a-287 AND John Johnston of Mason co Tr: Sale of lots #137, 138 for 50 pounds in Washington, Mason co Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-290 28 May 1793 Same Grantors as in A-287 AND David Davis of Mason co Tr: Sale of lots #8 in Washington, Mason co Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-291 27 Aug 1793 Jacob Myers of Lincoln co Ky AND Thomas Treacle of Mason co Tr: Sale of 300 acres Mason co land for 90 pounds Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-308 26 Nov 1793 William Parkinson and Elizabeth his wife of Mason co AND Henry Lee and Alexander D. Orr of Mason co Tr: Sale of one half acre land for 300 pounds in Washington, Mason co, it being one half moiety of #21, 22. Clerk: Thomas Marshall Jr.
A-309 23 July 1793 Robert Johnson, trustee for John Craig; and Elijah Craig trustee for John Craig of Woodford co Ky AND Meredith Helm of Mason co Tr: Sale of 258 acres Mason co land for 37 pounds, part of Craig's 1000 acre Survey. Wt: George Stockton, John Marshall, Richard Wood Clerk: Thomas Marshall Jr.
A-310 11 Oct 1793 James Wilkinson and Ann his wife of Territory North West of the River Ohio AND Harry James of Woodford co, Ky Tr: Sale of 4000 acres Mason co land for 500 pounds, being part of 5000 acre tract given to Wilkinson by Alexander D. Orr 27 Aug 1789. Located by Buford's Survey of 6400 acres. Wt: Thomas Marshall Jr., Charles Pelham, Francis Taylor Attny: G. Nicholas Clerk: Thomas Marshall Jr.
A-312 10 June 1793 Robert Bagby and Elizabeth his wife of Kentucky AND George Applegate of Aligheny co Penn Tr: Sale of 100 acres Mason co land for 50 pounds Desc: Being part of George Thompson Preemption Wt: Nathaniel Stephenson, William Vickes, Stephen Dye Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-314 William Wood and Sarah his wife, and Arthur Fox and Mary his wife of Mason co AND Thomas Burk of Mason co Tr: Sale of two Inn Lotts in Washington, Mason co for 3 pounds Wt: J Berry, Francis Taylor Clerk:
Thomas Marshall Jr.
A-315 10 Oct 1793 Same Grantors as in trans #A-314 AND Thomas Burk of Mason co Tr: Sale of lot #70 in Washington, Mason co for 8 pounds Wt: James Ward, William Owens, Samuel Truitt Clerk: Thomas Marshall Jr.
A- 316 29 May 1793 Hugh Shannon and Rebekah his wife of Scot co Ky AND Alexander Daugherty of Mason co Tr: Sale of 100 acres Mason co land for 46 pounds Wt: William Dye, William Johnson, Mounteer Dye, William Johnson, Jr. Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-317 28 Nov 1793 Isaiah Keith and Isabel his wife of Mason co Ky AND William Secrest of Mason co Ky Tr: Sale of 100 acres Mason co land for 40 pounds Desc: Sold to Keith my Messer Beeson, located by Samuel Stroud's line Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-318 22 Jan 1793 William Parkison and Elizabeth his wife of Mason co AND John Johnston of Mason co Tr: Sale of one Out Lott #30 for 25 pounds, in Washington, Mason co Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-319 14 Nove 1792 Catharine Shropshire of King George co, and Parrish of Hannover AND William Gregory and Carroline his wife, of King George co, and Parrish of Hanover AND Washington Berry, also of same co and Parrish Tr: Sale of 1000 acres land for 200 pounds. "Whereas Laurence Muse of Nelson co Ky owned land in Mason co (devised unto George Muse his father), and George Muse on the death of said Laurence became entitled to the land. George Muse by his last will and testament 1 Jan 1790 devised to his wife and grandson Augustine Muse, and his two daughters Katy and Caroline, the wife of said William Gregory; this is conveyance of this land to Washington Berry. Wt: William Sterke Jett, John Gravalt, Laurence Berry King George, Va J P's: John Shinker, Peter Jett King George, Va Clerk: Laurence Berry Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-323 23 July 1793 Robert Flora and Charity his wife AND Stephen Treacle of Mason co Tr: Sale of lots #57, 58, 59 in Washington for 210 pounds Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
A-323 20 Jan 1793 James Smith and Mary Pettus Smith of Fauquier co Va AND William Brian of Fauquier co Va Tr: Sale of 1650 acres Fayette co land for 100 pounds Desc: Located by the Survey of Joseph Bennett Wt: Isaac Rawling, William Broncraft, David Bryan, Robert Bryan Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
176 - 28 Oct 1794 Arthur Fox dec'd of Mason co did make last will - did bequeath Mary Fox his wife certain lands and chattles. She now not being satisfied by the provision made for her . . . . . will not take or accept the provision made for her. Wt: George Stockton, David Blanchard, William Bickley Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
179 - 22 July 1794 Charles Pelham and Isabella his wife of Mason co AND John Dye of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co Desc: By lands of Isaac Cannan, Moses Wood, James Armstrong Wt: John Pelham, Zarobable Madure, Benjamin Wood Clerk: Thomas Marshall Jr.
180 - 23 Dec 1794 Thomas Marshall of Woodford co Ky AND Reuben Richards of Mason co Tr: Lease of land in Mason co, by McConnell's land Desc: To hold for full term of Reuben Richard's natural life, aged 21, Rawleigh Richards aged 16, and Augustus Richards, age 13 - paying $11.00 and all taxes annually. See transaction #2. Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
182 - 30 May 1793 David Ross of Virginia AND Robert Bagby of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co - 598 acres for 299 pounds. Desc: Part of settlement of George Thompson Wt: Alexander D Orr, Henry Lee, Nathaniel
Massie Attny: T. Corneal Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
184 - 26 Sep 1794 Miles W. Conway, sherriff of Mason co Ky AND William Clark of Mason co Tr: Litigation over estate of William McDonald, involving George Welch - and 22 pounds, 11 shillings, three pence. Wt:
Joseph McIntire, Thomas Dobyns, James Dobyns Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
186 - 23 Dec 1794 Simon Kenton and Martha his wife of Mason co AND Elijah Berry of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co - 100 acres for 50 pounds Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
87 - 20 Aug 1794 Richard Masterson and Sarah his wife of Fayette co Ky AND Richard Durrett of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co. Desc: Part of a preemption granted to John Tebbs, heir at law to Thomas Tebbs, dec'd. WT: John Ritter, Samuel Strode, William Judd Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
189 - 20 Aug 1794 Thomas Hall and Elizabeth his wife of Mason co Ky AND William South of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co Desc.: Part of Settlement of George Dougherty assignee of Thomas Williams; Stephen
Dye land Wt: William Shields, William Jones, William Crossley Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
191 - 22 July 1794 Thomas Hall and Elizabeth his wife of Mason co Ky AND William Jones of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co Desc: Part of settlement of George Dougherty, Thomas Williams patented land. Wt:
William Crossley, William South, William Shields Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
192 - 28 Mar 1794 Joseph Wells and Susannah his wife of Mson co AND John Johnson (Johnston) of Mason co Tr: Sale of lot in Washington #121, 22, 23, Mason co Desc: By John Smart land Wt: Joseph Ritter, Sr., Joseph Ritter, Reuben Uttler, Peter Davis, Edward Harris, and Edward Harris, Jr. Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
194 - 23 Dec 1794 William Pepper and Lucy his wife release and discharge William Ball Sr., Executor; and sell him all estate on which Joseph Smith died (and possessed) in co of Fauguere which was to be divided equally, and William Pepper in right of his wife, became entitled to a share Desc: By Walter Anderson's patent; by Daniel Payne Wt: John Porter, Jesse Pepper, Jean Porter Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
196 - 23 Dec 1794 William Triplett and Elizabeth his wife of Mason co AND Michael Watson of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co Desc: Part of a preemption of Triplett; John Conway's land Clerk: Thomas Marshall,
440 - 8 Apr 1799 William Wood, minister of the gospel in Mason co AND John Edwards, Sr., of Bourbon co Ky Tr: Sale of the Lower Mill on Lawrence Creek, Mason co, including mill dam, mill house, tailrace gards, etc. The Mill sold adjoins another mill sold previously to William Coleman. It had been purchased previously from Colonel Ramsey Black, and was located on land of Simon Kenton Price - 1200 pounds Wt: Robert Frazier, Thomas Phillips, Adam Calderwood, Henry Clay Jr. Clerk: John Chambers
442 - 26 May 1798 Thomas Patten and Mary his wife of Adams co North West Territory AND William Byars of Mason co Tr: Sale of lots #81 and 84 in Maysville, Mason co Wt: George Mitchell, Peter Light, Andrew Woodrow JP's: George Mitchell, John Gutridge to obtain release of dowry rights from Mary Patton Clerk: Francis Taylor
445 - 26 Aug 1799 James Dobyns, Sheriff of Mason co AND John Coburn and Basil Duke of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co (43 acres) as result of judgment agains Peter Davis and Charles Pelham Clerk: Francis Taylor
447 - 6 Mar 1799 William Coleman of Mason co AND John Edwards Sr of Bourbon co Ky Tr: Sale of William Wood's old Mill, including the Burr Stones. Located by the fence of Major Thomas Warren, Lucas Sulivant. Wt: Adam Calderwood and Charles Williams Clerk: John Chambers
449 - 4 Sep 1799 Isaac Dye of Sussex co New Jersey apptd Peter Merril his attny of Mason co, to collect money from Job Dye of Hardin co KY, and George Redman. Clerk: John Chambers
450 - 6 Aug 1799 Ignatius Pigman and Susannah his wife, Joshua Crow and Mary his wife, Ohio co KY AND Jacob Baker and ___ Comeges (otherwise known as Baker and Comeges, Merchants of Philadelphia Penn) Tr: Sale of 6400 acres in Fleming co, Ky being the Patented land of Edward Ross, deeded by him to Nicholas Ross who conveyed it to Pigman and Crow. Located by lands of John May and David Ross Wt: Harrison Taylor, Leonard Tompson, H David JP's: Robert Barnet, Harrison Taylor Clerk: ? (On next page)
521 17 Dec 1796 Ambrose Walden of Forqure co Va AND Robert Poage Sr of Mason co Tr: Sale of land, 200 acres, Mason co for value received Desc: Part of Survey of 1333 acres dated 28 Nov 1785 and patented 12 Nov
1786. Bounded by Bourney and Pre. Wt: JP Campbell, John Poage, Samuel McKee Jr., John Poage Sr. Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
523 - 17 Dec 1796 Ambrose Walden of Fauguire co Va AND Andrew Kincaid of Mason co Tr: For value received, sale of 150 acres Mason co being property of John Walden dec'd of Carroline co Va. Power to convey this land was invested in said Ambrose, son of John by last will and testament of John being part of tract of 1666 and 2/3 by patent dated 21 Nov 1786 Wt: John Poage Sr., John Poage, Samuel Walker Jr. Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
525 - 16 July 1796 William Burke (Burk) of Mason co AND John Rickets of Bourbon co Ky Tr: Sale of 100 acres Mason co land for sixty six pounds. Desc: Located by Hugh Logan land Wt: George Routt, Thomas Long, John Hunt Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
526 - 25 June 1796 Hugh Shannon and Rebecca his wife of Scott co Ky AND William Dye of Mason co Tr: Sale of 80 acres Mason co land for 45 pounds Desc: By lands of Robert Flora, Charles Evans, and a part of Shannons Pre and Settlement. Wt: John Dye, William Dye, Mounteer Dye, George Folks Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
528 - 25 Dec 1796 Ezekiel Whitman of Plymouth co Mass, attny for Enoch Perkins who is heir at law of Thomas Perkins, dec'd AND William Burke of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason and Clark counties; $1000.00 paid for 12,953 acres bearing patent date of 25 Nov 1792 which survey was made for Thomas Perkins, dec'd, by virtue of an Entry made 14 Jan 1785 on four Treasury warrants 20080, 20059, 20063, 20072. Located by lands of Walker Daniel, David Lewis. Wt: William Caldwell, Thomas Lang, John Rickets, William Karr Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
258 14 Feb 1801 William Vawter and Mary his wife of Woodford co, Ky AND David Elston of Fayette co Ky Tr: Sale of land in Mason co Wt: Elijah Pepper, Benjamin Boston, Nicholas Mosby, John Young Clerk: William Murphy
259 15 Aug 1801 Lewis Craig and Elizabeth his wife of Mason co AND Stephen Hiett of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co, being part of John Tebb's survey Clerk: John Chambers
261 18 Aug 1801 David Elston and Rodah his wife of Fayette co Ky AND John Morford of Bracken co Ky Tr: Sale of land in Mason co Clerk: John Chambers
262 - 5 Feb 1801 John Taylor of Mason co AND James Houston of Bourbon co Ky Tr: Sale of land in Bourbon co, by Samuel Henderson's Preemption Wt: David S Broderick, John Craig, George Wood Clerk: John Chambers
264 - 5 Feb 1801 John Taylor of Mason co AND Andrew Mitchell of Indell co North Carolina Tr: Sale of land in Bourbon co Ky Desc: Adjoining Samuel Henderson's Preemption Wt: David S Broderick, John Craig, George Wood Clerk: John Chambers
265 - 5 Aug 1801 Alexander D Orr and Mary his wife of Mason co AND Titus Bennett of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co, by William Wood land Wt: Cornelius Casler, Francis Dennis Clerk: William Murphy
267 - 28 May 1801 Simon Kenton of North West Territory, by John Kenton, Trustee AND John Dye of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co, by line of Hugh Shannon Settlement Wt: James Ackley Clerk: John Chambers
280 - 24 Sep 1801 William Kennedy of Washington co Va apptd Robert Pogue his attny to convey land in Mason co to Isaac Riddle. Desc: Part of the Survey of William Kennedy adjoining Minor Winn Survey and James Wilson land. Clerk: William Murphy
281 - 12 Oct 1801 Titus Bennett and Sarah his wife of Mason co AND William Higgins of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co, by the land of Alexander D Orr and William Wood Clerk: John Chambers
283 - 12 Oct 1801 William Higgins and Precilla his wife of Mason co AND Frances Dennis of Mason co Tr: Sale of lot #8 in Williamsburgh, Mason co Clerk: John Chambers
284 - 16 Oct 1801 Charles Marshall and Lucy his wife of Fauquier co Va by Louis Marshall his atty AND Kenneth Dye of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co, by Hugh Shannon's Pre; and lands of Thomas Marshall Clerk: William Murphy
287 - 24 Oct 1801 Charles Yance of Louisa co Va and D Yancy, attny for Charles Yancy AND Thomas Bodley of Lexington, Ky Tr: Sale of land in Mason co, located by Thomas Boon's Pre, by Thomas Brook's Settlement and Survey, by Bodley Hughes land and the survey of Miles W. Conway Clerk: William Murphy
289 - 10 May 1801 James and Enoch Dobyns of Mason co AND George Berry Jr of Mason co Tr: Bill of sale - slave, 1 negro man named Cupit Clerk: William Murphy
290 - 19 Nov 1801 Hugh Fulton and Jane his wife of Fleming co Ky and David Stark and Martha his wife of Mason co AND Thomas Williams of Mason co Tr: Sale of lot #14 in Washington, Mason co JP's: Benjamin Bayles, John Johnston Clerk: William Murphy
292 - 5 Sep 1799 Henry Berry of Mason co AND William Berry of Mason co Tr: Sale of land (Cont. on page C1-26) 425 - 4 May 1802 James Hill of Fayette co Ky AND Thomas Morris of Mason co Tr: Sale of lots #125,126 in Washington, Mason co Clerk: John Chambers
427 - 22 Nov 1802 Alexander D Orr and Mary his wife of Mason co AND Henry Lee of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co, part of Pre of Mathew Rust and Edward Waller; and by George Berry's line. Clerk: William Murphy
429 - 1 Dec 1802 Robert B. Morton of Mason co AND Benjamin Bayles of Mason co Tr: Bill of sale - slave girl named Letty age 16. Clerk: William Murphy
421 (sic) - 4 Dec 1802 John Edwards of Mason co sets his slave, Winne Jason, a mulatto girl, free forever. Clerk: William Murphy
431 - 23 Sep 1802 Alexander D Orr and Mary his wife of Mason co AND Henry Lee of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co; part of Pre granted Mathew Rust and Edward Waller, and conveyed by Eli Metcalfe to Alexander D Orr, and by lands of George Berry Jr. Wt: Robert Taylor, Jr., William Lamb, MM Lee Clerk: William Murphy
434 - 29 Dec 1802 William Lamb, Sheriff of Mason co AND Thomas Forman of Mason co Tr: Claims against property of George Lewis by John McKibbons, John Johnston, George Wood, Basil Burges, Thomas Hart, John Kerchavel. Desc: By John Tebbs Survey and Samuel Strodes Survey Clerk: William Murphy
437 - 5 Jan 1803 James Dobyns late Sheriff of Mason co AND John Housh, now of Adams co Ohio Tr: Zerobable Maddox suit against Charles Pelham land; by Kenneth Dye, Wheatley's and Craig'sland. Clerk: William Murphy
439 - 6 Dec 1802 Henry Stansel and Elizabeth his wife of Hambleton co, North West Territory AND Ralph Drake of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co Wt: Edward Dearth, James McCashen, Hambleton co clerk JP's: Edward Dearth, James McCashen, John S. Gano Clerk: William Murphy
42 - 4 Aug 1796 Map and plan of town of Maysville, signed by Benjamin Sutton, Peter Light, John Killen, Thomas Patten, Lewis Moore, George Mitchell Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
44 - 16 Dec 1796 Thomas Berry of Frederick co Va, by Joseph Berry his attny "in consideration of natural love and affection hie beareth to his daughter Sarah Kennan, wife to said William Kennan, and for further
consideration of five shillings" he conveys land to William Kennan of Mason co Desc: Part of tract granted Thomas Berry by state of Va; beginning at Meredith Helm line. Wt: Thomas Dobyns, James Dobyns Clerk:
Thomas Marshall, Jr.
46 - 18 Oct 1796 Samuel Strode of Mason co AND Thomas Williams of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co Desc: Part of Samuel Strode's entry, to Josiah Richard's line Wt: John Wilson, John Hunt, Solomon Collins Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
49- 8 Nov 1796 Richard Jackman and Mary his wife of Lincoln co Ky AND Joseph McCorkle of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co JP's: P Patterson, James Morrison to obtain release of dowry rights of Mary
Jackman Fayette co clerk: Fielding S. Turner Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
52 - 8 Nov 1796 Richard Jackman and Mary his wife of Lincoln co Ky AND Cornelius Gooding of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co Desc: Bounded by Joseph McCorkle land JP's: P Patterson, James Morrison to obtain
R of dowry rights Fayette co clerk: Fielding S. Turner Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
55 - 28 Oct 1796 John Mitchell of Maysville, Mason co AND Andrew Woodrow of Mason co Tr: Sale of lots #175, 176, 177 and 178 in Maysville, Mason co Wt: Pierce Lamb, Charles Owans, William Dye Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
57 - 11 Nov 1796 John McCord of Fayette co Ky apptd friend Patrick Hunter of Mason co his attny to convey lands to William Johnston of Bourbon co Ky Wt: Adam Johnston, Archibald Huston Scott co JP's: James Lemon, John Mosby Clerk: Thos. Marshall
42 - 4 Aug 1796 Map and plan of town of Maysville, signed by Benjamin Sutton, Peter Light, John Killen, Thomas Patten, Lewis Moore, George Mitchell Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
44 - 16 Dec 1796 Thomas Berry of Frederick co Va, by Joseph Berry his attny "in consideration of natural love and affection hie beareth to his daughter Sarah Kennan, wife to said William Kennan, and for further
consideration of five shillings" he conveys land to William Kennan of Mason co Desc: Part of tract granted Thomas Berry by state of Va; beginning at Meredith Helm line. Wt: Thomas Dobyns, James Dobyns Clerk:
Thomas Marshall, Jr.
46 - 18 Oct 1796 Samuel Strode of Mason co AND Thomas Williams of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co Desc: Part of Samuel Strode's entry, to Josiah Richard's line Wt: John Wilson, John Hunt, Solomon Collins Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
49- 8 Nov 1796 Richard Jackman and Mary his wife of Lincoln co Ky AND Joseph McCorkle of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co JP's: P Patterson, James Morrison to obtain release of dowry rights of Mary
Jackman Fayette co clerk: Fielding S. Turner Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
52 - 8 Nov 1796 Richard Jackman and Mary his wife of Lincoln co Ky AND Cornelius Gooding of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co Desc: Bounded by Joseph McCorkle land JP's: P Patterson, James Morrison to obtain
R of dowry rights Fayette co clerk: Fielding S. Turner Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
55 - 28 Oct 1796 John Mitchell of Maysville, Mason co AND Andrew Woodrow of Mason co Tr: Sale of lots #175, 176, 177 and 178 in Maysville, Mason co Wt: Pierce Lamb, Charles Owans, William Dye Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
57 - 11 Nov 1796 John McCord of Fayette co Ky apptd friend Patrick Hunter of Mason co his attny to convey lands to William Johnston of Bourbon co Ky Wt: Adam Johnston, Archibald Huston Scott co JP's: James Lemon, John Mosby Clerk: Thos. Marshall
179 - 24 Sep 1798 Samuel Pangburn and Rachel his wife of Mason co AND Stephen Pangburn (Pangbourn) of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co; part to Thomas Gash Survey, and John Craig's Preemption to Thomas Gash Survey Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
181 - 1 Sep 1798 Richard Kissam of New Jersey attourney for Baldwin B Stith AND George Williams of Noblesburgh, Allegheny co Penn, Taverner Tr: Sale of land in Mason co, land which Phillip Buckner and Tabia his wife conveyed to Baldwin Buckner Stith and part of land patented in the name of Anthony Thornton Wt: William Heromon, Henry Noble Allegheny co Penn President of court of Common Pleas - Alexander Addison Allegheny co Proth: James Brisson Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
189 - 29 June 1798 William Reed and Mary his wife of Mason co AND Robert Glenn of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co, part of Survey patented in name of Henry Ousley - to John Dye's part of the Survey. Wt: John Hager, John Jones Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
192 - Thomas Hart, Merchant, of town of Lexington, Ky appts John Winn of Mason co his attny to convey lands conveyed to him by Littleberry Mosberry, heir at law to John Mosby, dec'd; land lying in Fleming co.
Fayette co clerk: C. Beatty Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
193 - 19 June 1798 James Brown, attny of Wade Mosby and Littleberry Mosby of Powhattan co Va appts John Winn to sell lands for him in Mason and Fleming counties. Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
194 - 25 Dec 1797 Trustees of New Town, Mason co: D Broderick, John Gutridge, William Baker, William Kenton, William Owens, Elijah Berry, George Berry Jr. AND Samuel Camron of Mason co Tr: Sale of lot in New
Town; part of John Kenton's land Wt: M Marshall, Marshall Key, Thomas Marshall Jr
197 - 23 Dec 1797 William Jones and Johannah his wife of Mason co AND William Maxwell of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co, adjoining lands of John Craig, Daniel Cook and Winters Wt: David Thomas, John Maxwell, John Morford
277 - 26 Oct 1802 William Lamb, Sheriff of Mason co AND Bayless Grigsby of Bourbon co Ky, and Lewis Grigsby of Clark co, high bidders (against the heirs of John Holder dec'd estate) Tr: Sale of land in Mason co, being part of the patented land of John Holder, and part of Tebbs Preemption, on the line of Hite, Bowman and Co. Clerk: Marshall Key
279 - 2 Nov 1802 Charles Marshall of Fauquier co Va AND Lewis Marshall of Woodford co Ky Tr: Sale of land in Mason co, being land which was conveyed by Thomas Marshall Sr to Lewis Marshall who conveyed it to Charles Marshall. Clerk: Marshall Key
282 - 10 Nov 1802 Thomas Marshall Sr of Mason co, by Thomas Marshall Jr, his attny AND Alexander K. Marshall of Mason co Sale of land in Mason co for 5 shillings Desc: Located at beginning at Crocketts Preemption as assignee of Camron A. Waltnut in the line of William Ward's Military Survey. Clerk: Marshall Key
284 - 27 Dec 1802 Winslow Parker Jr. of Mason co: "I emancipate and set free a negroe man named York sold to me by Rowland Thomas Parker by bill of sale 21 Dec 1802 Clerk: Thomas Marshall
285 - 19 Feb 1800 (sic) Kanoth Dye and Jane his wife of Mason co AND William Watkins of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co, being located by Craig's Survey. Wt: Alexander Daugherty, Isaac Drake J.P.'s: Joseph Desha, Jonathan Stout Clerk: Marshall Key
287 - 15 Mar 1802 Jesse Ewell of Prince William co Va, by John Beasley of North West Territory, his attny AND Thomas Warring of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co, by the John Price Survey, and by a corner of Thomas Wheatley land. Wt: Ennis Duncan, Thomas L. Johnson, William Perry Clerk: Marshall Key
390 - 4 Aug 1807 William Dye and Pheba his wife of Mason co AND William Johnston of Mason co Tr: Sale of Mason co land Desc: Land which was conveyed by Hugh Shannon of Scott co in 1793 to Dye. Located by land
of Abraham Drake, dec'd, and Pearce Lamb. Clerk: Thomas Marshall
392 - 4 Aug 1807 William Johnston of Mason co and Charity his wife AND William Dye of Mason co Tr: Mortgage of above land, the previous land of Hugh Shannon. Clerk: Thomas Marshall
395 - 20 Jan 1807 Jacob Metz of Mason co AND Joshua Shelby of Mason co Tr: Mortgage of Metz's livestock until he pays John Roe $40.00 for which Shelby is surety for. Wt: William Roe Clerk: Thomas Marshall
396 - 12 Oct 1793 Received of Jesse Ewell a Warrant #19720 for 95,987-1/4 acres which I promise to locate for him one half for the other or for my expenses and a reasonable amount for my trouble locating it, and he shall have half of lands which I shall locate under a Warrant granted me for 20,000 acres. Signed Robert Young
No number - 11 June 1784 Recieved of Jesse Ewell 16 pounds in full for half the costs of the within land warrant #19313 which entitles him to half the lands Surveyed under the same on his paying half the costs
of Surveying and clearing it out of the Office. Signed Robert Young. Clerk: Thomas Marshall, recorded August 1807
396 (sic) - 10 July 1807 Philemon Thomas, late of Mason co and now residing in west Florida, by William Vawter, his attny AND John Macker of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co Desc: His quarter part of 2000
acres entered and surveyed in the names of John Holder and John Walton and patented in three different tracts Woodford co clerk: John McKinney Clerk: Thomas Marshall
This now been transcribed at least twice - once by the people who put together the abstract book and then I have transcribed THEIR work - so there is definitely the possibility of errors! If anyone finds an entry that interests them they should write Mason County for a copy of the original, and be aware that the numbers given here hopefully are correct but not guaranteed! Still, this will let people know that the records exist and some of them are really interesting. I like the ones where the land was sold for 5 shillings and the one where the land was sold for one Pepper Grain!
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Last Updated Wednesday, 26-Feb-2020 16:41:00 CST