Remembrances of the Mayslick Baptist Church Sesquicentennial, 1939
Mason County, Kentucky
Transcribed and Contributed by Scot Stout
May 17, 2007
Large Crowd is Present at 150th Church Birthday in 1939.
Mayslick Baptist Church celebrates sesque-centennial [sic] yesterday – All day meeting held by members of Church established in 1789.
Greeted by ideal weather for such an occasion, more than 200 members, former members and friends of the Mayslick Church gathered yesterday in the Church house to observe and celebrate the 150th anniversary of the institution.
The program was highlighted by forceful and inspiring messages at both the morning and afternoon services, the recognition of former pastors and their wives, with a dinner served by the women of the Church coming at the noon hour.
The meeting observing the sesque-centennial [sic] of the Church, the logs for whose building were being heived [sic] when George Washington was President of the United States and before Kentucky was a commonwealth, started at 10 o’clock in the morning with an invocation by one of the visiting pastors, Rev. Clarence Walker, of the Ashland Avenue Baptist Church in Lexington.
Song services during the day were led by Rev. B. H. Kazee, of Morehead and after he had led the assemblage in the singing of the first hymn of the day, Rev. Sam Branham, of the Two Lick Church in Germantown, gave the morning Scripture reading.
One of the features of the morning service was the recognition of the oldest and youngest members of the Mayslick congregation. Oldest member in point of service was Mrs. Louise Store, who has been affiliated with the Church for 67 years, and the youngest members [sic] was Miss Ruth Herrington, a member for 3 months.
Another hymn was followed by the roll call of various Churches. First of [sic] the Baptist Bracken Association and then the Churches of other denomination in Mayslick. After a recognition of visitors, Rev. Mr. Walker gave a message based upon the history of the Mayslick Church.
Rev. Mr. Walker, in tracting the history of the Mayslick Church, connected it directly with the Scotch Plains Church located in Essex County, New Jersey, and whose congregation came from Wales, The Welsh Church, said, sprung from Rome, which had heard the Apostle Paul of Jeresalem [sic] preach. Thus he connected the Mason County Church directly with the New Testament Church in Palestine.
After the singing of another hymn, George W. Jewell, of the Western Recorder, Louisville, official state publication of the Baptist Church, was presented to the assembly, just prior to the noon hour.
After the dinner, the choir from the Mayslick colored church was heard, and that offering was followed by the recognition of the “daughter” churches, -- those that have had their origin or part of their origin in the 150 year old church.
Present to trace in part the histories of their own churches were: Pastor Ware, of Ewing; Pastor Moore, of Mt. Pisgah at Fairview and Pastor William Fletcher of the Mayslick colored church.
The only former pastor of the church who was present was Pastor A. D. Odom, who spoke to the congregation, and also recognized were Mrs. L. M. Thompson and Mrs. B. P. Weaver, both of Louisville, wives of former pastor [sic]. Mrs. Weaver has the distinction of not only being the wife of a former pastor, but also the grand-daughter of another, the late pastor S. L. Helm.
Messages in the afternoon were brought by Pastor Kazee and by Pastor B. H. Hillard, pastor of the Lockland Church in Cincinnati. The benediction was given by Rev. Mr. Walker.
During itx existence the Mayslick Church has had 29 pastors, including Pastor G. G. Lander, the present minister there.
Listed yesterday were these 29, with the dates of their ministries and it was pointed out that from the date of its organization, November 28, 1789, until that 1797, the Church had no regular preacher.
The pastors and dates of their ministries there are as follows: Donald Holms, 1797-1801; Jacob Gregg, 1803-1805; Baldwin Clifton, 1808-1809; William Grimstead, 1811-1813; Walter Warder, 1813-1836; A total of 23 years and [portion missing] was recalled yesterday that 486 confessions of faith into the Church were made during one year of his ministry; Gilbert Mason, 1836-1843; S. L. Helm, 1843-1850; J. M. Frost, 1851-1852; W. W. Gordon, 1852-1857; J. W. Bullock, 1858-1862; Oleon Keyes, 1862-1871; J. E. Carter, 1872-1873; M. M. Riley, 1874-1883; A. M. Vardardeman, 1884-1887; C. T. Cody, 1887-1890; the pastor when the Church celebrated its centennial and the author of a history of the first century of the church’s existence; J. K. Simmons, 1891-1892; H. H. Hibbs, 1892-1897; J. B. Holly, 1898-1902; W. W. Lorner, 1903-1905; the oldest living former pastor; J. T. Campbell, 1905-1906; B. P. Weaver, 1907; C. V. Waugh, 1909-1910; L. M. Thompson, 1910-1918; T. E. Smith, 1918-1919, T. U. Fann, 1920-1923; G. H. Moore, 1924-1927; M. J. White, 1928-1931; A. D. Odom, 1931-1937; and Mr. Lanter, the present pastor.
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