Compiled and contributed by Kathy Hines Date: May 10, 2004 Subject: The Maysville Bulletin Thursday, Jan. 31. 1878 (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Maysville Bulletin Thursday, Jan. 31. 1878 Rev. S. L. Helm, of the Baptist church, who has been holding services in Aberdeen for some time past, baptized three person in the river at that place on Sunday. Miss Gould will give an entertainment in Aberdeen at the Baptist church tonight. The Gretna Geen has been chartered for this occasion and any who may wish to attend can go free of ferriage charges. Rev. S. B. Alderson will preach at the school house, near the first toll gate, on the Flemingsburg turnpike, on Sunday next at 3 o'clock. It is expected that the meeting will be continued during all of next week. Ed. Martin, of Aberdeen, shipped recently to Boston, a lot of fine hourses. In the lot were two gray horses, four years old, twenty hands high. The two weighed 4,500 pounds. They were purchased for an ice firm of that city. Some of the draymen of Maysville are under tha impression that the laws of the new town of Chester forbid their hauling within the coporate limits without first taking out a license. This is not so. The board of trustees have decided that no license is necessary. Detective Larry Hazen, of Cincinnati, was in Maysville on Monday, in search of a man name Ben. Rankin charged with the murder of engineer Andrews, of the Southern railroad. We learn by the Cincinnati papers that Rankin has been apprehended. Eileen: We are sorry we cannot oblige you. The real names of those who write for the BULLUTIN (sic) is a matter of confidence between the writers and the editor. We do not think the correspondent to whom you refer is the person you suspect he is. Remember the lecture at the Episcopal church on Thursday evening. The object is a laudable one - a Sunday school library. And now at this time when everbody is talking about antiquity and FUTURITY this lecture on "Bible Customs and Mexican Usages," may develop something new. Married, at the Baptist church on Tuesday morning, by Rev. S. L. Helm, Mr. Charles Bryan, of Wisconsin, to Miss Alice Hunt, daughter of John Hunt, of this city. The happy couple left for their new home in Wisconsin by the Wildwood the same morning. The have the good wishes of a large circle of friends. Mrs. James Rogers, of Flemingburg. visiting the family of her son in this city, James Rogers, jr., who is absent from home on a business tour. Mr. Will Kehoe, editor of the Carlisle Mercury favored us with a call last week. We are glad to learn that the prospects of his excellent paper are very promising. BUSINESS NOTICES A.C. Respess & Co., have just received a supply of best Second Pool Pittsburg Coal for blacksmiths, which they sell for cash, sharp. The lady readers of the BULLETIN are informed that J.J. Wood has just received a supply of fresh quince seed, which will be sold in any quantity desired, at a very reasonable price. 2w. For Sale, - A nice Cottage, in good repair, with good cellar and cistern, with abundance of ground. Apply to dec. 6 tf GEO. TUDOR. ==== KYMASON Mailing List ==== Visit the Mason County Website! Be sure to bookmark it!