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Mason County Biographies from Old County Histories, affectionately called: "Mug Books"
This page is an effort to compile references to Mason County in the county history books of other states, including the biographies of settlers in those states whose histories run through Mason County. Do you have a mug book biography of an ancestor that you'd like to share? Please contact me about adding it to this page. The county history book can be from anywhere as long as the subject of the biography has a Mason County connection. Old obituaries containing Mason County, Kentucky, biographical information are also gladly accepted.
In Memoriam
A life "well rounded to its close," a life filled to its lovely end with noble actions, generous deeds, innumerable proofs of unselfish thought for others' need, a life crowded at last with full fruition of many a hope unfulfilled here--this is the life of JAMES S. ARMSTRONG, who died on the 10th of March, in Paris, France. This polished, accomplished "gentleman of the old school" was born in Maysville, Ky., October 23, 1803.
He was the eldest son of the late John Armstrong, the well-known Maysville merchant, who died in 1851, universally regretted and esteemed after an honorable, active and useful life. He was one of the most prominent men in the business and social circles of Maysville, and that with his brother, helped largely build up this place.
James S. Armstrong passed the early years of his life at Maysville, where he was associated with the late James Hewitt, of Louisville, Ky., and Peter Grant, an uncle of the now famous General, in the successful management and ownership of the Kanawha Salt Works. In 1830, he removed to Cincinnati, where shortly afterward he was elected second President of the Commercial Bank, succeeding in that position the late Robert Brenaman, who counted himself one of the many warm friends. R. R. Springer, Wm. Rooper, S. P. Bishop and James Gilmore are probably the only friends of Mr. Armstrong's early manhood who are still living in this city. He resigned his position at the Commercial Bank in 1842, and went to Paris, France, where he continued to reside up to the time of his death. making but few visits to America; not many of our citizens who have visited Paris but can testify to his sincere, genial and untiring hospitality. To his friends and acquaintances of the dear old time he was ever cordial. He was a plain, unostentatious, kind-hearted gentleman, living quietly in Paris; yet perhaps he was one of the best known Americans in that city. His habits were simple, his life blameless, his charities, both public and private, were almost unlimited, and it may truly be said that his right hand was ignorant of the generous deeds performed by his left. He leaves an extensive family to mourn with profoundest grief their irreparable loss. Among them are two own sisters, Mrs. R. H. Lee, of Baltimore, widow of one of the former editors and proprietors of the Cincinnati Commercial; Mrs. R. G. Dobyns, of Maysville; a half-sister, Mrs. T. H. Mannen of the latter place; a half-brother, F. W. Armstrong, of Hillsboro, Ohio; also the children of General Collins in Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Although they feel sure that he has received the reward of his noble life, that he has entered into that "peace that passeth understanding," they long with unspeakable desire to know him once more in the flesh.
Mr. Armstrong died possessed of a very handsome estate, the result of his excellent business capacity, and his untiring activity and energy.
His memory will be cherished, honored and revered by his friends and kindred long after his body shall have moldered in the beautiful Montmartre Cemetery, in Paris, France, where it now reposes.
Source: CINCINNATI ENQUIRER April 1, 1883 page 5
Transcribed and contributed by Bev Graver
JEPTHA C. BEASLEY, farmer, P.O. Ripley, was born in Union Township, January 5, 1809. He is the son of Jeptha and Sarah (Fisher) Beasley, natives of Spottsylvania County, VA. Mr. Beasley was born August 20, 1769, and Mrs. B. the same year. In 1794, they were married, and in 1796 removed to Maysville, KY., and the following fall crossed the Ohio and located in Union Township, where he purchased 100 acres of land. In 1818, he removed to Ripley and followed boating to New Orleans for ten years successively. He was, for a number of years, engaged in merchandising with his brother Nathaniel Beasley. In 1828, he planted a vineyard containing two acres, which was the first in the State. His death occurred April 9, 1858. He had served in various official capacities; among them was the office of Justice of the Peace, which he held for fifteen years; and County Commissioner four years. His father, Ezekiel Beasley, and family removed from Virginia to Maysville, KY., in 1800 and died there. James Beasley, brother to Jeptha Beasley, Sr., served in the Revolutionary war, and was killed by the Tories in South Carolina. His brother, Charles Beasley, left Virginia and went to Lexington, Ky., thence for Louisville, but was captured on the way by the Indians; he finally escaped at Troy. He and his brother John both participated in the battle of Blue Lick, where the latter was captured by the Indians. Mr. Beasley, our subject, was reared on a farm and received his training in the common schools. When of age, he and his brother, William Beasley, engaged in boating to the Crescent City, and followed it six years. He was married, July 27, 1833, to Sarah Shelton, a daughter of Thomas and Sarah Shelton. Mrs. B. was born in Mason County, Ky., October 20, 1815. One child was born to this family, viz., William T., married July, 1857, to Miss Frances Douglas, a daughter of David and Mariah Douglas of Kentucky. Two children were the fruits of this union; of these, one is living-Hattie; Horace G. (deceased). Mr. Beasley is by occupation an agriculturist and stock-raiser, and has been successful in the pursuits of life.
Source: THE HISTORY OF BROWN COUNTY, OHIO Containing A History of the County; Its Townships, Towns, Churches, Schools, Etc.; General and Local Statistics; Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men; History of the Northwest Territory; History of Ohio; Map of Brown County; Constitution of the United States, Miscellaneous Matters, Etc., Etc. (Chicago: W.H. Beers & Co., 1883), 52.
Contributed by Marla McCullough
BRADLEY, REV. JEROME B., Saltlick. Shawnee, Ohio, minister of the gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church, was born April 5, 1846, in Bourbon county, Kentucky, the son of Washington and Nancy (McDowell) Bradley. Rev. Bradley was raised a farmer, and followed agricultural pursuits during the summer season, and school teaching in the winter season, until the year 1870. In September of 1869 he was licensed by the Mount Olive Quarterly Conference to preach, and in the following spring of 1870 he entered the traveling connection of the Kentucky Annual Conference, preaching upon the circuits of Carrolton, two years; Meade, one year; Somerset, a half station, three years, where he went in March, and began a revival meeting in August, where they had made a brush arbor for the purpose. The work proved a decided success, and lasted during his pastorate stay, and resulted in the addition of three hundred good members to the church, and a revival of religion all over Pulaski county, Kentucky. Hand in hand goes religious feeling and religious work, by which he was enabled also during his pastoral work to build up on this circuit three new churches. One was three miles from Somerset, on
Pittman creek, and, to his honor, called Bradley Chapel; one some seven or eight miles from Somerset, on Buck creek, and christened Wesley Chapel; and a third one, a neat frame church, where the brush arbor stood, and called Mount Zion; this was near Science Hill, on the Cincinnati Southern R.R. The church in Somerset was repaired, also, and, upon the whole, the church property was increased from $2,500 on appraisement in 1872, to $4,500, appraised in 1875, notwithstanding the great decline in all kinds of property during this time. Next he was sent to Sardis and Murpheysville, Mason county, Kentucky, where he remained for two years, and had a revival meeting at Sardis, thirty-five members being the accessions. After his mission here he went next to Fallsboro circuit, Lewis county, Kentucky, where he had some six churches under his charge, and had good revival meetings at each church, resulting in the accession of fifty souls to the church during his labor of two years upon this work. During his labor at this place he was secretary of a camp meeting association of the Maysville district, that bought and dedicated to camp meeting services what is known as Ruggles camp meeting grounds. Now he is sent to Vanceburg, county-seat of Lewis county, Kentucky, where his charge was over a half station and three other appointments, laboring in this connection one year, during which he took charge of the camp meeting held at Ruggles camp meeting grounds. In 1880 he was transferred to the Ohio Conference, and stationed at Shawnee, Ohio, where he had charge of the M. E. Church two years. Upon entering this work he found thirty-five members, but during a revival meeting in 1881, the number was increased to one hundred and fifty full members, and thirty-five on probation. During this year they have also built an addition to the church that cost $735. At the first and only call for
money for this purpose, $862.50 was subscribed, and the work was soon completed and paid for; in all, the church raised and paid, in 1881, about $2,300. They also have purchased a neat frame parsonage, that cost them $900, during 1881. This year of 1882 they increased the salary of Rev. Bradley from $800 to $900, and still move on with the work. During this winter they held another revival, which has resulted in thirty-seven accessions to the church. Rev. Bradley was married September 31, 1865, to Miss Barbara, daughter of J. B. and Matilda (Maston) Insko, of Bracken county, Kentucky, who died July 20, 1875, leaving him with three children, viz.: Lucy E., Joseph W., William W., all now living and at home. He was married a second time December 2, 1876, to Miss Lucy-Helen, daughter of Thomas and Serepta (Owens) Galbraith, of Bracken county, Kentucky. They are the parents of two children, Ethan G. and Morley.
Source: HISTORY OF PERRY COUNTY, OHIO Biographical Sketches Surnames
Contributed by Marla McCullough
COL. SCOTT CARTER, attorney, Vevay, was born in Culpepper County, Va., April 19, 1820. His father, Thomas, was born in Lancaster County, Va., about 1790; his mother, Ann (GORDON) Carter, in Hagerstown, Md., about 1796. They were married in Frederickstown, Md., in 1814, and raised two children; Elizabeth S., born in November, 1815, and Scott, subject of this sketch. The family moved to Maysville, Ky., December, 1821, and to Switzerland County, in 1834. His father was a blacksmith, and worked at Harper's Ferry during the war of 1812, tempering main springs for the armory. In Kentucky and Indiana he followed farming, and died in October, 1846, the mother in December, 1856, a member of the Episcopal Church. In 1841 Col. Carter commenced the study of law under Joseph C. EGGLESTON, the father of the talented author, Edward Eggleston. He attended two courses of lectures at Transylvania University, was admitted to the bar in 1844, and began practice in Vevay, where he has resided ever since. In 1846 he was elected captain of a company, which was organized at New Albany, and was assigned to J.H. LANE's Third Indiana Regiment for service in the war against Mexico. They reached the Rio Grande River via New Orleans, and participated in the battle of Buena Vista. On his return home, in 1847, he resumed the practice of law, which he continued without interruption until the outbreak of the Civil War. He took active part in raising the First Regiment, Indiana Cavalry, and was appointed lieutenant-colonel by Gov. Morton and Gov. Baker, being colonel of the regiment. Col. Baker was ordered West with a detachment of six companies, and the remaining six companies were ordered to Washington under command of Lieut.-Col. Carter. There he was made colonel of the regiment which was known as the Third Indiana Cavalry, and sent with his regiment into lower Maryland, where they remained until May, 1862, when he was ordered back to Washington for the defense of the capital. At the time of Stonewall Jackson's raid into the Shenandoah Valley, he was ordered to Manassas and Ashby's Gap, and in part of the same campaign acted with Gen. Shield's division in the Shenandoah Valley. He was afterward ordered to Fredericksburg, and served there under Gens. King and Burnside. About the time of the second battle of Bull Run, the regiment was ordered to Washington and to Edward's Ferry on the Upper Potomac, after Gen. McClellan assumed command of the army. The regiment was engaged in several skirmishes before the general engagement at Antietam, in which it bore a very active part. Col. Carter's command was in the advance at Fillemont, Union, Upperville, Barber's Cross Roads, and at Amosville. They were principally engaged in outpost duty up to and including the battle of Fredericksburg. Col. Carter remained in active service with his command until after the battle of Chancellorsville, when his health having become seriously impaired, he resigned his commission, and returned home in 1863. For over three years he suffered serious inconvenience from the effect upon his constitution of the exposures incident to his military life. In 1868 he was elected judge of the court of common pleas for the counties of Jefferson, Switzerland, Ohio and Dearborn. He was re-elected in 1872, and in March, 1873, was legislated out of office, the common pleas court being abolished by the State Legislature. He also served as judge by appointment of Gov. Willard, and as United States Commissioner. Judge Carter was originally a Whig, but when that party passed out of existence, he allied himself with the Democrats, and has voted and acted with them ever since. His initial vote was cast for Henry Clay in 1844. He was a Whig elector in 1852, when Gen. Scott was a presidential candidate. He has done effective work in speaking for the candidate of his choice, but for the last few years, has retired from active, political life. He is a man of strong convictions, and outspoken in his views upon all subjects. He is a member of the Roman Catholic Church. February 19, 1848, he married Miss Susan M. CHALFANT, a lady of Virginian descent, and their union has been blessed by three children: Elizabeth, Fenwick and John P. In personal appearance Judge Carter is very striking. His head is massive, the forehead broad and high, and crowned by a luxuriant growth of snow-white hair, while his long, flowing beard and tall, well-proportioned figure, makes him at once dignified and imposing. His bearing is soldierly, and in conversation he is pleasant and genial. His is popular in a surprising degree for a man of his force of character, and somewhat radical opinions.
Source: HISTORY OF SWITZERLAND COUNTY, INDIANA 1885. Chicago: Weakley, Harraman & Co., Publishers, 1885.
Contributed by Marla McCullough
SAMUEL E. ELLIS, a citizen of Littleton township, is so closely identified with the history of Schuyler county that this volume would not be complete were an outline of his career omitted from its pages. He was born in Oakland township, Schuyler county, Illinois, April 30, 1846, a son of James and Nancy (Harmon) Ellis. James Ellis was a native of Mason county, Kentucky, a son of Elijah and Phoebe (Payton) Ellis, natives of Virginia; his parents emigrated to Kentucky at an early day and engaged in agricultural pursuits; later they came to Illinois, where they passed the remainder of their days; both lived to be eighty-four years of age. Their son, James, was reared to the occupation of a farmer, and in 1844 he came to Illinois and settled on the land where Samuel E. was born; he purchased a quarter section for $1,200, and undertook the task of placing it under cultivation; there were few improvements, and the dwelling was a small log cabin; this furnished them shelter four years, when a frame building was erected, in which Mr. Ellis lived until he passed from this life at the age of seventy-seven years. Politically he supported the Republican party, and took an active part in local affairs; he was Assessor and Collector, and a member of the School Board for many years. He was one of the leading members of the Christian Church, and did the work of a pioneer in the cause of Christianity. He and Simon Doyle were Trustees of the society. Mr. Ellis was twice married; his first wife, Nancy Harmon, bore him seven children, of whom Samuel E. is the youngest; she was born in Bracken county, Kentucky, and died in Schuyler county, Illinois, at the age of thirty-four years. Her parents, Samuel and Elizabeth Harmon, were natives of Kentucky, and passed their lives in the Blue-grass State. The Harmon, family is of German descent, and the Ellis family is of Scotch lineage. Samuel E. Ellis had superior educational advantages in his youth, and made the most of his opportunities; he attended the district school, and was a student at Abingdon College, Knox county, Illinois, after which he entered the teacher's profession, which he followed for more than twenty years. He was united in marriage to one of his pupils, March 12, 1874; her maiden name was Julia E. Jones, a native of this county and a daughter of James W. and Harriet E. Jones; her parents removed from Ohio to Illinois in 1854, and settled in Schuyler county at Pleasant View; the father died at the age of fifty-nine years; but the mother still survives; they had born to them a family of ten children, only three of whom are living. The father and a son, George W., were soldiers in the late war, and died of disease contracted while in the service. Mr. Ellis enlisted in Company K, One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in 1864, and re-enlisted in February, 1865, in Company I, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Although the period of his service was comparatively short he was in many important engagements, and at Memphis lost an ear; he receives a small pension, which is totally inadequate, in consideration of the injury received. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis consists of eight children: Jessie H., Lulu M., Laura G., Emma Z., Fannie L., Anna Belle, Ida M. and Carrie B.; Virgil died in infancy. The parents are members of the Christian Church, and since 1867 Mr. Ellis has been an Elder of the same; for twelve years he has been superintendent of the Sabbath-school. He and Simon Doyle were the principals and furnished most of the money to build the Christian Church in 1871-�72. He is a member of Colonel Horney Post, G.A.R., and has been an active worker in the organization for years; he belongs to Lodge No. 24, I.O.O.F. Politically he adheres to the principles of the Republican party, and cast his first vote for General Grant's first term. He was once elected Justice of the Peace, but did not serve. In 1888 he purchased the farm on which he now lives with his family; the tract contains over 200 acres, and is one of the most desirable in the township. Of late years Mr. Ellis has abandoned the profession of teaching, having made an admirable record as an educator. He now devotes his time to agricultural pursuits, and is meeting with gratifying success.
Source: Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, Page 304
Contributed by Marla McCullough
HOLLINGSWORTH, W. R., editor and proprietor of the "Sigourney Review"; born in Maysville, Kentucky, in 1840, and removed with his parents to Des Moines county, Iowa, in 1841, and remained there until 1856; then went to Ohio, and entered Oxford College; he graduated from this institution in 1861, and returned to Iowa, and in 1863, purchased a farm in Henry county, and engaged in agricultural pursuits, and lived there until he came to Sigourney and bought the "Review", in connection with Mr. Kinney; he soon became sole editor and proprietor, and continues as such at the present time; he married Miss Anna S. Thorneloe, in 1874; was born in England.
Transcribed and contributed by Bev Graver
Robert A. Sommerville
ROBERT A. SOMMERVILLE, farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 3; P. O. Metcalf Station; owns 378 acres; born in Mason Co., Ky., May 10, 1844; lived with his parents
until 9 years of age, then went to reside with his uncle, Matthias Chrisman; remained with him eight years; then learned saddle and harness making;
continued at that business about nine years. Married Parthena Hildreth, daughter of the late A. K. Hildreth (deceased), Jan. 17, 1871; she was born
Feb. 22, 1848, in Vermilion Co., this State; have had four children, two of whom are now living: Bertha E., born Nov. 13, 1871, died Nov. 13, 1873;
Robert A., born Aug. 26, 1873; an infant, born April 5, 1875, died one week after (no name); Mary Beatrice, born Jan. 15, 1878. Mr. S. cultivates about
120 acres of his land; a portion of it he rents; he ships each year to market about 150 head of live-stock; this includes cattle, sheep and hogs.
Source: "The History of Edgar County, Illinois." Chicago: Wm. Le Baron, Jr. & Co., 186 Dearborn St., 1879. Text transcribed and contributed by Bev Graver.
James Gordon
JAMES GORDON, retired, Paris, is a pioneer; was born in Mason Co., Ky., May 4, 1800. Nov. 11, 1824, he married Miss Mary Riley, daughter of Rev. G. Riley, of
Cynthiana, Ky.; they emigrated to Illinois in 1829, locating in Bloomfield, Edgar Co. He, in partnership with his brother, built and operated a tannery,
and continued in that business about eight years, then removed to Paris and opened and run what he called the Tremont Hotel for two years, and in 1842,
was elected County Sheriff, and re-elected in 1844. At the expiration of that term, he engaged in keeping a hotel; then, in 1852, was again elected to the
office of County Sheriff, after which he engaged in the clothing business, and after a continuance of two years, again assumed the position of landlord of
the Tremont for a time, then retired. He has served as a member of the City Council, and has always felt an interest in all public matters pertaining to
the good of the town. Mr. and Mrs. G. have been intimately connected with the growth and prosperity of the Baptist Church for a number of years. They are
among the first settlers of Edgar County, and clearly remember when the beautiful land was an unbroken waste, inhabited by roving bands of Indians,
with here and there an occasional adventurous pioneer. In those early days inconveniences and disappointments were not uncommon, but through industry and
unswerving integrity they have won the respect of all who know them. They are the parents of six children: Elizabeth F. (now Mrs. L. B. Huston), Emily E.,
(deceased, was Mrs. J. D. Jaquith), Almira F. (now Mrs. J. A. Peck), James M., Mary M. (now Mrs. J. C. Palmer) and Oliver B.
Source: "The History of Edgar County, Illinois." Chicago: Wm. Le Baron, Jr. & Co., 186 Dearborn St., 1879. Text transcribed and contributed by Bev Graver.
W. H. H. McArty
W. H. H. McARTY, saddler, Paris; is a native of Kentucky; was born in Mason Co., Aug. 20, 1823; he removed with parents to Parke Co., Ind., in 1833, where
his father now resides, and at the ripe old age of 78 years. His mother passed away in 1844, leaving a family of twelve children, only six of whom are now
living. Early in life he learned his trade; he came to Edgar Co., Ill., in 1846; and on July 11, 1848, he married Miss Nancy M., daughter of Benjamin
Dill, a prominent pioneer. Mr. and Mrs. McArty emigrated to Otoe Co., Neb., in 1854; and, in 1855, he was appointed by the Governor to the office of Probate
Judge, and, in 1856, was elected, and re-elected in 1860, and at the expiration of this term he returned to Paris. His official career was filled
with not only credit to himself, but to those he represented. He is a man of fine physical as well as mental powers. He has served in this county as Deputy
County Clerk, and as Deputy Assessor, and is well-known and much respected. His family consists of one child: A. Quincy G., born July 16, 1851.
Source: "The History of Edgar County, Illinois." Chicago: Wm. Le Baron, Jr. & Co., 186 Dearborn St., 1879. Text transcribed and contributed by Bev Graver.
John S. Dill
JOHN S. DILL, farmer; P. O. Paris; come to Edgar Co., 1830; was born in Mason Co., Ky., Aug. 21, 1811; son of Benjamin and Rachel (Crowsley) Dill; father
was a tailor by trade, a native of Delaware, having moved to Kentucky when very young; Mr. Dill was raised on a farm, and has been engaged in this
vocation principally through life; when he was about 3 years old, he, with his parents, moved to Clermont Co., Ohio; here he remained until he was about 19;
he then came to Edgar Co., Ill.; came with parents; first settled in Paris; here they remained but a short time, then moved to a farm, and remained there
until the Black Hawk war; he enlisted in Col. Blackburn's regiment; Col. Mayo was Captain of company; he served until the close of war; in 1833, he went to
Chicago; here he was for five years; here he was engaged in the carpenter business, in fact, he was working about the first year of the progress of this
great city; he engaged there for five years; he helped move the Pottawatomie tribe west; these Indians were moved to Council Bluffs, Iowa, and part to
Kansas; returned to Edgar Co. in 1839; moved to Andrew Co., Mo.; here he was engaged in farming, part of his time plastering; he plastered the first house
that was plastered in Savannah, which was the county seat of Andrew Co., Mo.; the plastering trade he learned in Paris; here he remained in Missouri eight
years, then returned to Edgar Co.; 1847, settled north of Paris on a farm; there, 1847 to 1856, then started to Kansas; went as far as Warrensburgh, Mo.,
but, on account of trouble in State, returned to Paris; there two years; 1857, drove cattle to the north part of Iowa, then back farming in Edgar Co.; in
1859, settled on present homestead; here he has remained ever since. Married Miss Martha E. Powell, of Nicholas Co., Ky., having come to Edgar Co. 1835, by
whom he has had twelve children, seven children living. Owns 207 acres of land.
Source: "The History of Edgar County, Illinois." Chicago: Wm. Le Baron, Jr. & Co., 186 Dearborn St., 1879. Text transcribed and contributed by Bev Graver.
Died May 1st, at 12:30 o'clock p.m., after a lingering illness of disease of the kidneys, ELIJAH WILLIAMS, in the sixty-second year of his age. His funeral sermon was preached on the following afternoon by Rev. R. R. Garrett, of Maysville, from the text, "for me to live is Christ's, but to die is gain." An able and interesting discourse from a text well and appropriately illustrated by the life and character of the deceased. He was born and lived most of his life a few miles south of town, near the Old Two Lick Baptist Church, with which he united when quite young and remained a devoted and consistent member of the same until the day of his death. He was a regular attendant upon the services of the various churches of our town, and his earnest, soul-thrilling prayers will long linger in the memory of our people. His life was without spot or blemish, and his end a triumphant vindication of the truth of the christian religion, and we have no doubt that today he fully realizes the beauty of the saying he so loved to hear, "Nearer My God to Thee." He can have no better eulogy than what the minister so well and truthfully said that "he was an honest man, a good citizen, a kind neighbor, a faithful friend, a consistent christian, a loving father and an affectionate husband."
Source: THE EVENING BULLETIN, 5 May 1888 page 2
Transcribed and contributed by Bev Graver
Transcriber Note: (The word "christian" is not capitalized in the article.)
JOHN WILLIAMS, living three miles south of town, died last Friday night, of pneumonia, aged forty-five years. After appropriate funeral services by Rev. T B Cook at the Christian Church on Sunday afternoon, he was buried by his parents in the cemetery adjoining. He was an honest, upright man, a faithful and true christian for twenty-five years. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his departure."
Source: THE EVENING BULLETIN 30 Jan 1895 page 2
Transcribed and contributed by Bev Graver
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