Transcribed and contributed by "Kathy Hines" Subject: The Maysville Eagle, October 16, 1844 --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Maysville Eagle Wed., Oct. 16, 1844 No. 50 -------- Tapers Cheap Light for the sick chamber, just received at No. 10 Market street. Sept. 28, '44 M.F. Adamson -------- Stop the Thief and Runaway! $200 REWARD Ranaway from the subscriber, living in Fayette county, near Centreville, on the morning of the 12th inst., a Negro Man named PETER, 24 years old, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, very black, and weighs about 160 pounds. He had with him when he left, a pair of saddle-bags. He will probably try to get into the state of Ohio. I will pay the above reward if said boy is taken out of the state of Kentucky, $100 if taken in any of the counties bordering on the Ohio River, or $20 if taken in any county adjoining Fayette, and secured in jail so that I get him, and word conveyed to me at Centreville, Bourbon co., Ky. JACOB SIDENER, Sr. Sept. 28, 1844 - $3-Obs. --------- Cheap Umbrellas & Parasols Wholesale and Retail. Country Merchants and Purchasers generally are informed that N.L. COLE, East Fifth street, near Main street, Cincinnati, has on hand and is constantly manufacturing a large assortment of Umbrellas, Parasols and Canes, comprising the usual variety, and many new styles, all of which will be sold as low as any manufactured in New York or Philadelphia. The proprietor, being determined not ot succumb to the present competition, offers his goods at the lowest advance on the real cost for Cash. All Persons desirous of purchasing any of the above articles, will please call and examine for themselves. Prices ranging from 45 cents to superior large water-proof Umbrellas at $1. Also--Whale Bone for Dresses, Bonnets and Corsets: and wood and whale bone Busks. East Fifth street, near Main Repairing neatly done. Open until 9 o'clock in the evening Cincinnati, Sept. 25, '44-$5.50 --------- If you would have the West prosper, encourage her Manufacturers Brush Manufactory and Wire Store, No. 106 Main Street between Third and Fourth CINCINNATI Butcher and M'Laughlin, Have on hand and are constantly manufacturing BRUSHES of every description, which they offer on reasonable terms. A very large assortment of Paint Brushes and Sash Tools. We are constantly receiving all the WIRE made at the Ohio Wire Works, which we offer for sale at the lowest prices. Cash paid for Hog's Bristles. Cincinnati, Sept. 25, 1844-3mo ----------- Negro Woman Wanted. WILL pay CASH for a negro woman, from 18 to 25 years old, who is a good Cook, Washer, Ironer and House Servant. Apply to the subscriber on Tuckahoe Ridge. JOHN MASTERSON, Mason co., Sept 25., 1844-6v.