Mason County, Kentucky Tax Lists, Abstracted from Filmed Originals |
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MASON COUNTY 1792 TAX LIST Abstracted from the original microfilmed tax rolls and contributed by Marla McCullough - June 19, 2005 |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Macker | John | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Malott | Thos | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Markland | Thos | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Marshall | Richd | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Marshall | James | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | McCormick | James | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | McCulloch | - | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Mills | Jacob | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Mills | Elijah | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Mitchell | Ignatius | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Newlin | Herch? | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Newman | Wm | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Nichols | Thos | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Nye | Shadrack | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Olliver | John | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Osburn | Morris | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Overfield | Abner | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Owins | Charity | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Peddicord | John | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Preston | Bernard | |
17920421 | 21-Apr | Prickell | Isaac | |
17920901 | 1-Sep | Green | Leonard | |
17920901 | 1-Sep | Hambleton | Alex | |
17920901 | 1-Sep | Hardin | John | |
17920901 | 1-Sep | Hardister | Uriah | |
17920901 | 1-Sep | Harmon | John | |
17920901 | 1-Sep | Harry | Charles | |
17920901 | 1-Sep | Hartley | Joshua | |
17920901 | 1-Sep | Henderson | Andr | |
17920901 | 1-Sep | Hesler | Martin | |
17920901 | 1-Sep | Howle | Abner | |
17920901 | 1-Sep | Huff | John | |
17920901 | 1-Sep | Hughes | Felix? | |
17920901 | 1-Sep | Hughey | Charles | |
17920901 | 1-Sep | Hughey | Alex | |
17920910 | 10-Sep | Adams | James | |
17920910 | 10-Sep | Allen | Joseph | |
17920910 | 10-Sep | Allison | John | |
17920910 | 10-Sep | Applegate | Rich | |
17920910 | 10-Sep | Armstrong | John | |
17920910 | 10-Sep | Armstrong | James | |
17920910 | 10-Sep | Arnold | Jacob | |
17920910 | 10-Sep | Auterd? | Darius | |
17920910 | 10-Sep | Ayers | Ricd | |
17920916 | 16-Sep | Ramsey | Aquila | |
17920916 | 16-Sep | Randol | Saml | |
17920916 | 16-Sep | Rankins | Robt | |
17920916 | 16-Sep | Reccords | Laban | |
17920916 | 16-Sep | Reves | Austin | |
17920916 | 16-Sep | Riccords | Spencer | |
17920916 | 16-Sep | Rippy | Henry | |
17920916 | 16-Sep | Rose | Jonathan | |
17920916 | 16-Sep | Ross | Ricd | |
17920916 | 16-Sep | Scoot | John | |
17920916 | 16-Sep | Simpson | Allen | |
17920916 | 16-Sep | Smith | Alexr | |
17920916 | 16-Sep | Stephenson | Wm | |
17920916 | 16-Sep | Stephenson | Rchd | |
17920916 | 16-Sep | Stephenson | Nath | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Bailey | Henry | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Bailey | Greenburgh | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Barton | John | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Belvill | Sam | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Berry | Joseph | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Berry | Henry | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Biddleback | Ephrm | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Brodrick | Danl | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Brown | Joseph | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Brown | John | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Brown | Robert | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Brown | Grier? | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Bryan | Christn | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Buckingham | Enoch | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Byland | Saml | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Calvin | Luther | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Campbell | John | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Crierly | Andw | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Curtice | John | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Handsacker | Jacob | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Harleigh? | Simon | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Hathaway | Abram | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Henderson | Abram | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Hughey | Jane | |
17920920 | 20-Sep | Hunter | Patrick | |
17920924 | 24-Sep | Campbell | Johnson | |
17920924 | 24-Sep | Carlerry | John | |
17920924 | 24-Sep | Carpenter | Ricd | |
17920924 | 24-Sep | Cave | Goldsmith | |
17920924 | 24-Sep | Chinowith | Thos | |
17920924 | 24-Sep | Chinowith | John | |
17920924 | 24-Sep | Clerk | Wm Jr | |
17920924 | 24-Sep | Clerk | Wm Jr | |
17920924 | 24-Sep | Collins | James | |
17920924 | 24-Sep | Colvin | Benjamin | |
17920924 | 24-Sep | Crowley | Hove? | |
17920924 | 24-Sep | Cruse | John | |
17920924 | 24-Sep | Curtice | James | |
17920925 | 25-Sep | Chenowith | Elijah | |
17920925 | 25-Sep | Chenowith | Abram | |
17920925 | 25-Sep | Conrey | Jonathan | |
17920925 | 25-Sep | Conrey | John | |
17920925 | 25-Sep | Corewine | John | |
17920925 | 25-Sep | Crab | Francis | |
17920925 | 25-Sep | Craig | Notley | |
17920925 | 25-Sep | Crane | Elihu | |
17920925 | 25-Sep | Cunningham | Thos | |
17920928 | 28-Sep | Paterson | James | |
17920928 | 28-Sep | Peck | Daniel | |
17920928 | 28-Sep | Philips? | Thos | |
17920928 | 28-Sep | Pickell | William | |
17920928 | 28-Sep | Rains | Cornelius | |
17920928 | 28-Sep | Reed | William | |
17920928 | 28-Sep | Ross | Jonathan | |
17920929 | 29-Sep | Hamer | James | |
17920929 | 29-Sep | Helms | William | |
17920929 | 29-Sep | Helms | Meredith | |
17920929 | 29-Sep | Ireland | Fiana | |
17920929 | 29-Sep | Jackman | Edwd | |
17920929 | 29-Sep | Jackson | Mary | |
17920929 | 29-Sep | Johnston | Thos | |
17920929 | 29-Sep | Johnston | Eli | |
17920929 | 29-Sep | Johnston | James | |
17920929 | 29-Sep | Jones | Anns | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Chinworth | Arthur | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Cochran | Henry | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Cooche | Caty | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Courent | William | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Covert | John | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Cox | Jacob | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Curtice | Darian | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Dasher | Christop | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Daugherty | John | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Davis | Robert | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Dunivan | Joseph | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Earl | David | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Eatton | Ebenezer | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Edwards | James | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Ellett | John | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Evins | John | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Fee | George | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Ferinast? | Charles | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Fields | Simon | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Fink | Daniel | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Forsythe | William | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Fowler | James | |
17921001 | 1-Oct | Fry | Jacob | |
17921002 | 2-Oct | Scoot | John | |
17921002 | 2-Oct | Smith | William | |
17921002 | 2-Oct | Spencer | Wm | |
17921002 | 2-Oct | Spencer | James | |
17921002 | 2-Oct | Srouse? | Barton | |
17921002 | 2-Oct | Stephenson | Thos | |
17921002 | 2-Oct | Stephenson | Mills | |
17921002 | 2-Oct | Stern? | Hughey | |
17921002 | 2-Oct | Sticklett | John | |
17921002 | 2-Oct | Strouse? | John | |
17921002 | 2-Oct | Sutters | George | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Dall | James | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Davis | Thomas | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Davis | Peter | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Davison | John | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Dils | Edward | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Dixson | William | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Downing | Timothy | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Downing | Robt | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Drake | Philip | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Drake | Abraham | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Dudley | William | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Dye | John | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Dye | Stephen | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Edgar | William | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Eglebrier | Martin | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Feagins | Daniel | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Feagins | Fielding | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Flaugher | Adam | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Foster | Nathaniel | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Fowler | Edward | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Frakes | Robt | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Furman | Thos | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Gardner | Abraham | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Garth | Thos | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Gates | William | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Germins | Wm | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Germon | Willm | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Germon | William | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Gevins | Alexr | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Gill | Edward | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Gill | Benjamin | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Goble | Danl | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Goble | Caleb | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Goble | John | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Gonsalus | Danl | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Goody | William | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Gragnon | Andrw | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Griffy | Thos | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Gunsawley | James | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Lake | Ara | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Lamb | William | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Leggett | Alexr | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Leonard | Jesse | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Leviston | David | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Lewis | George | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Lewis | John | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Lorton | James | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Lucas | John | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Luckas | Thomas | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Luckas | Abraham | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Lunt | Ezra | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Lyne | James | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Manley | James | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | Martin | David | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | McKnight | John | |
17921003 | 3-Oct | McMahan | Robt | |
17921004 | 4-Oct | Davison | Josiah | |
17921004 | 4-Oct | Davison | Josiah | |
17921004 | 4-Oct | Davison | Andrew | |
17921004 | 4-Oct | Desha | John | |
17921004 | 4-Oct | Devore | Nicholas | |
17921004 | 4-Oct | Devore | Jeremiah | |
17921004 | 4-Oct | Dill | Solomon | |
17921004 | 4-Oct | Dixon | William | |
17921004 | 4-Oct | Downing | John | |
17921004 | 4-Oct | Downing | Timothy | |
17921004 | 4-Oct | Durham | Isham? | |
17921004 | 4-Oct | Duvall | J. John | |
17921004 | 4-Oct | Dye | John | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Markland | Jonathan | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Marshall | Thos | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Marshall | Robt | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Masters | William | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Masterson | John | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Mayers | David | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | McFarling | Saml | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | McGinnis | Thos | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | McIntire | Mary | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | McKendley | Ricd | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | McKendley | James | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | McNalley | Hugh | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Meek? | Robert | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Merandy | James | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Merandy | Saml | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Merrill | Joseph | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Miles | James | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Miller | William | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Mitchell | Wm | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Mofford | Danl | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Morrow | James | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Murphey | David | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Murphey | Dennis | |
17921005 | 5-Oct | Murphey | John | |
17921008 | 8-Oct | Rains | William | |
17921008 | 8-Oct | Ralinson? | Ricd | |
17921008 | 8-Oct | Randel | Enos | |
17921008 | 8-Oct | Redmon | Danl | |
17921008 | 8-Oct | Reed | John | |
17921008 | 8-Oct | Retter | Fredk | |
17921008 | 8-Oct | Reves | Benjamin | |
17921008 | 8-Oct | Rian | Michael | |
17921008 | 8-Oct | Riccords | Josiah | |
17921008 | 8-Oct | Ringland | James | |
17921008 | 8-Oct | Rogers | Henry | |
17921008 | 8-Oct | Rove | Enoch | |
17921013 | 13-Oct | Walker | Obadiah | |
17921013 | 13-Oct | Wasburn | Jerem | |
17921013 | 13-Oct | Washburn | Corn | |
17921013 | 13-Oct | White | Framiss | |
17921015 | 15-Oct | Ireland | James | |
17921015 | 15-Oct | Johnson | John | |
17921015 | 15-Oct | Johnston | Wm | |
17921015 | 15-Oct | Jones | Jacob | |
17921015 | 15-Oct | Kellin | Wm | |
17921015 | 15-Oct | Kelly | Nathan | |
17921015 | 15-Oct | Kelly | John | |
17921015 | 15-Oct | Kelsey | Thos | |
17921015 | 15-Oct | Kelso | Willm | |
17921015 | 15-Oct | Kelsy | Thos | |
17921015 | 15-Oct | Kenton | Simon | |
17921015 | 15-Oct | Kenton | John | |
17921015 | 15-Oct | King | John | |
17921015 | 15-Oct | King | Richard | |
17921016 | 16-Oct | Siles | Henry | |
17921016 | 16-Oct | Solars | Eliz | |
17921016 | 16-Oct | Srouse? | Adam | |
17921016 | 16-Oct | Stout | Hosea | |
17921016 | 16-Oct | Talman | James | |
17921016 | 16-Oct | Taylor | Simon | |
17921016 | 16-Oct | Teel | William | |
17921016 | 16-Oct | Teviss | Peter | |
17921016 | 16-Oct | Teviss? | Saml | |
17921016 | 16-Oct | Thompson | Bernd | |
17921016 | 16-Oct | Trushell | Solomon | |
17921016 | 16-Oct | Turner | James | |
17921017 | 17-Oct | Tatman | Joseph | |
17921017 | 17-Oct | Taylor | Robt | |
17921017 | 17-Oct | Taylor | John Jr | |
17921017 | 17-Oct | Tharp | Andr | |
17921017 | 17-Oct | Thomas | Absm | |
17921017 | 17-Oct | Thomas | Wm | |
17921017 | 17-Oct | Thompson | Price | |
17921017 | 17-Oct | Thompson | Max | |
17921017 | 17-Oct | Thompson | Mary | |
17921017 | 17-Oct | Tout | Abraham | |
17921017 | 17-Oct | Travis | Nicodemus | |
17921017 | 17-Oct | Vanbibber | Chambers | |
17921017 | 17-Oct | Vanbuckle | Wm | |
17921017 | 17-Oct | Whaley | John | |
17921017 | 17-Oct | Wills | James | |
17921021 | 21-Oct | Walls | Robt Jr | |
17921021 | 21-Oct | Walsh | Christr | |
17921021 | 21-Oct | Washburn | Josh | |
17921021 | 21-Oct | Watson | Robt | |
17921021 | 21-Oct | Wells | Robt Sr. | |
17921021 | 21-Oct | Westbrook | Richd | |
17921021 | 21-Oct | Wetherington | Jos | |
17921021 | 21-Oct | Williams | Thos | |
17921021 | 21-Oct | Wills | Joseph | |
17921021 | 21-Oct | Wood | Tobias | |
17921021 | 21-Oct | Wood | Richd | |
17921021 | 21-Oct | Wood | Benjamin | |
17921021 | 21-Oct | Woolcutt | John | |
17921031 | 31-Oct | Baker | William | |
17921031 | 31-Oct | Baker | Joshua | |
17921031 | 31-Oct | Barkilow | James | |
17921031 | 31-Oct | Becke | Jeremiah | |
17921031 | 31-Oct | Black | James | |
17921031 | 31-Oct | Black | John | |
17921031 | 31-Oct | Boid | Thomas | |
17921031 | 31-Oct | Brannon | David | |
17921031 | 31-Oct | Brosher | Thomas | |
17921031 | 31-Oct | Brown | William | |
17921031 | 31-Oct | Brown | Vincent | |
17921031 | 31-Oct | Buckanon | Alexr | |
17921031 | 31-Oct | Buckanon | William | |
17921102 | 2-Nov | Laurence | Jacob | |
17921102 | 2-Nov | Leitch | David | |
17921102 | 2-Nov | Light | Jacob | |
17921102 | 2-Nov | Lindsey | Thos | |
17921102 | 2-Nov | Logan | John | |
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Last Updated Wednesday, 26-Feb-2020 16:41:00 CST