These membership lists of the Indian Creek Baptist Church were posted on the South-Central-KY list by Sandi Gorin. It is reposted here with her permission.
Use your find key (ctrl-F) to easily search the list of names.
Indian Creek Baptist Church kept very detailed records. Book 1 of their minutes runs 1835 through Nov, 1881. This is a (c) book, originally began by the late Eva Coe Peden and published by me. The first membership list was found on their page 27 and 28 and was apparently taken and recorded Sept 4, 1854. The members shown are as follows: Polly BRANCH Martha BRANCH Martha BRANCH Elizabeth BRANCH Nancy BRANCH Mary BOYD Francis BOYD Joel FLOWERS Elizabeth FLOWERS Martha FLOWERS Elizabeth FLOWERS Monroe FLOWERS Francis FLOWERS (alias F. ARTERBURN) Archabold LAINE Nancy LAIN Rhooley NEWMAN Lydia TURNER Thomas NEAL Catherine VEACH Patsey GARMON Nancy NEEL Rebecca NEWMAN John NEWMAN Joshua NEWMAN Lucinda JENKINS John VEACH Hannah ISENBERG Wm F NEEL Emely NEEL Polly JENKINS Sally MURRY Malinda NEEL Lucy E TAYLOR W R S TAYLOR Lurindor TAYLOR Delia TAYLOR Mildred TAYLOR Eliabeth McNEACE Susan GOODMAN Eliz. WEST John LEWIS Margarett PROFFITT Louisa NEWMAN John H MEADOR Sally JENKINS Susan LEWIS Elizabeth JENKINS Jane MOODY Jas M NEEL William McNEACE A S JEFFERS Elizabeth JEFFERS James BARR Sarah BARR Samuel McNEACE Jane McNEACE John H JOHNSON P H WHITEHEAD Lear NEEL Jame SWORD Mary WILSON Z P TAYLOR Mary SWORD Mary STEENBERGEN Delilaiia McNEACE James WHEAT Lurinda WHEAT Wm A ENGLAND Catherine HUNT Margaret A WILSON Margret STEENBERGEN Jesse GUMM Lucinda SPEAKMAN Asa YOUNG Mary YOUNG Mary COUNT Elizabeth MEADOR John SWORD Peter SWORD Elizabeth CREEK John ISENBERG John WILSON Nancy GUSNELL Catherine PICKARN Mahalia McNEACE Mary PARRIOTT MaryAnn PARRIOTT John SIMMONS Jane SIMMONS Wm P NEAL Jarad TAYLOR James WILSON Henry COUNT Ellis RIGGS E J RIGGS Walton GAUSNELL William GUASNELL I N BRANNON alias EVANS H S BRANNON alis EVANS Mathany WHITEHEAD George WILSON (died 17 Sept 1854) Nancy LEWIS Farrow PRICE Louize PRICE C B SMITH M M SMITH James PARSLEY Joseph HARVY Rody JENKINS Rody HARVY Lydia HAYSE George LEWIS Susan SHIVES Elijah TILLS Rhody HAYS Sarah JENKINS Nancy PARSLEY Richard JENKINS Ibby JENKINS F M LEWIS S F LEWIS Anson JEFFERS Isabella HAYS Anjaline JURDAN Ahazurah WELLS Emery CARTER Malinda TURNER Sarah JOURDAN James PARSLEY John McNEECE James CAMPBELL Abner AKERS SUSAN MITCHELL Sarah TAYLOR Daniel CAMPBELL Sarah RICHARD Edny BOYD (died 12 Set 1854) T B NEEL H M NEEL Martha C DENHAM Isaac N DENHAM Peter P DENHAM James TURNER Theodore LEWIS Harmon G HOWARD Mary MOODY George SHIVES Amanda NEEL John FLOWERS Aaron ISENBERG William SLAWTER Elizabeth SLAWTER Willis TURNER Zerewich TURNER Emely TURNER Malinda NEEL Benjamin NEEL Elizabeth C WELLS Elizabeth AGERS Thomas AGERS Jesse BILLINGER Elizabeth BILLINGER Gordon AKERS A C YOUNG Nancy WHEELER Frances BURKS Peter McNEACE Jane WILSON, alias J THOMAS, died 5 Sept 1854. The following membership roll taken from the same church, Indian Creek, dated the 4th Saturday in April 1865. Archible LANE Elizabeth FLOWERS Benjamin NEAL Catharine VEACH William JORDIN Lida JORDIN John ISENBURG Jarusha NEWMAN Lucinda JINKINS, died 16 Nov 1865 HANNER ISENBURT [sic] W F NEAL PERMELIA NEAL J H MEADOR died May 1897 J M NEAL Lenar NEAL lettered off May 1865 Mary PATTERSON, lettered off 4th Sat Aug 1865 Mary T EAST W A ENGLAND Margaret BUTRUM, lettered off 4th Sat Nov 1865 Mary YOUNG Elizabeth AKERS John SWORD W P NEAL Peggy WILSON, died 11 Oct 1865 P A WILSON Isabell CLARKSON Thomas WILSON Micky WILSON Ellis RIGGS E J RIGGS I N EVANS, lettered off 4th Sat Aug 1865 H S EVINS Nancy PARSLEY Iba JINKINS Sally JINKINS Susan SHIVE Angaline FLOWERS Hariet AKERS Abner AKERS Judiath MITCHEL, dead T B NEAL J M LEWIS Littia M BRANDON Isaac N DENHAM P P DENHAM George SHIVE Amanda NEAL John FLOWERS Willis M TURNER, dead Zereare TURNER Emily SMITH Elizabeth AGERS Thomas AGERS Gordon Agers Elizabeth BILLINGSLEY A C YOUNG Anna MEADOW Elisa ENGLAND Nancy JENT, lettered off 4th Sat Nov 1865 John JOHNSON, lettered off 4th Sat Mar 1866 Arrena JOHNSON - same John EVINS Marjary J EVINS, off 4th Sat Aug 1865 Mary CREEK Amanda DENHAM Elisabeth JORDIN J W NEWMAN Adaline WELLS M E NEAL S M RIGGS Luisa NEAL Catharine HUNT Martha JOHNSON Lida HAYS Susan PATTERSON Isibil GREENUP (excluded 4th Sat Feb 1866) RHODA ARTERBURN (excluded same date) N J COMER M E LONG J F NEAL - dismissed 4th Sat Nov 1865. Sarah NEAL, dismissed same date L J STEVENSON James TURNER Lucy TURNER Malinda TURNER Sally OGDEN Polly LANE Elisabeth HOWARD A S JEFFRES - excluded 4th Sat Mar 1866 Rhody ISENBURG Ann R TuRNER N C NEAL Isabel J DOWNING Ann R AKERS Letha A WARD Matilda McPEAK J P HALE Robert HALE Matilda DOWNING Catharine DOWNING (now FRAIM) Nancy Jane SHERFEY - excluded 4th Sat Mar 1865 Nancy A LACKY Sarah LIGHT J C DENHAM - restored 1865. Sarah E NEAL Margaret E NEAL Jacob L JARDIN-dead Carter LIGHT- dismissed 4th Sat Nov 1865 John JONES N J PHILLIPS, dis. 4th Sat Dec 1865. Mary TURNER Joel JONES N J PHILLIPS - dis. 4th Sat Dec 1865 Elisa Jane HALE Ellen H PHILLIPS - dis 4th Sat Dec 1865 Casander P TURNER M Jane LANDRUM Nicholas TURNER Black Brethren: John ADAMS, Samuel - died 1865. Died, dismissed and Excluded since the last Association meeting: Mahaly McNEASE 1865 lettered Jane McNEASE 1865 lettered Lear LEE 1865 lettered Asa YOUNG 1865 died John WILSON 1865 died Sarah Ann VAUGHN 1865 excluded Hugh McNEASE 1865 lettered Elizabeth McNEASE 1865 lettered Martha LISENBY 1865 lettered Lida TURNER 1865 died This membership roll is dated 4th Saturday of June 1866: Arcible LANE Elisabeth FLOWERS Benjamin NEAL Catharine VEACH William JORDIN Lida JORDIN John ISENBURG Jarusha NEWMAN Hannah ISENBURG Wm F NEAL Parmelia NEAL Malinda NEAL John H MEADOW James M NEAL Marty T EAST A A ENGLAND Mary YOUNG - lettered off 4th Sat Nov 1866 Elizabeth AKERS John SWORD Wm P NEAL P A WILSON Isabel CLARKSTON Thomas WILSON Micky WILSON Ellis RIGGS E J RIGGS S H EVANS Nancy PARSLEY Iba JINKINS Sally JINKINS Rebecca JINKINS Susan SHIVE Anjaline FLOWERS Abner AKERS Harriet AKERS Judith MITCHEL T B NEAL J M LEWIS Margaret An JORDIN - excluded 4th Feb 1867 Lettitia M BRANDON Isaac N DENHAM Amanda NEAL John FLOWERS William M TURNER Zereward TURNER Emily SMITH Elisabeth AGERS - died Aug 1866 Thomas AGERS Gordin AGERS - excluded 4th Sat Oct 1866 Elisabeth BILLINGSLEY A C YOUNG - letter 4th Sat Nov 1866 ANNA T MEADOW Elisha ENGLAND John EVINS MARY CREEK Amanda DENHAM Elisabeth JORDIN J W NEWMAN Adaline WELLS - lettered 4th Sat Jan 1867 LUSED NEAL Catharine HUNT Martha JOHNSON Lida HAYS N J COMER M E LONG L J STEPHERSON? J J BILLINGSLEY Elisabeth BURKS James TURNER Lucy TURNER Malinda TURNER Sally OGDEN Polly LANE Elisabeth HOWARD Rhody ISENBERG An R TURNER Rebecca TURNER William RIGGS N C NEAL Isabel J TAYLOR An R AKERS Lethe A WARD Matilda McPEAK J P HALE Robert HALE Matilda DOWNING Catharine FRAIM Margaret A FRAIM Nancy A LACKY J C DENHAM Sarah E NEAL Margaret E NEAL Jacob L JORDIN Solimon JORDIN Casander P TURNER N M LANDRUM F Nicholas TURNER W B WELLS Louisa WELLS Daniel E DOWNING Susan M LANE Smith JONES Mary JONES J E LANE Mary M AGERS Polly ROLIN excluded 4th Sat Jan 1867 C L RIGGS M E AKERS Gideon WELLS? Mary BRITT Malinda C JORDIN J T DOWNING Margaret MURPHY J H WILSON Joseph MURPHY James A WILSON Joseph MURPHY [2 of them?) J W GARMON A B JINKINS excluded 4th Sat Nov 1866. Black members: John ADAMS - excluded 4th Sat Jan 1867 Hannah, Jane, Zerewire Listed after several blank lines. S E TURNER J S ISENBURG R L LANDRUM G W STEVENSON Elisha JORDIN Jerry JORDIN John VEACH Drucilar J C AKERS Perlina NEWMAN J F LEWIS John MITCHEL Nancy AGERS Mary S LEWIS Rhoda NEWMAN D H HAGAN James GRIDER Julia GRIDER Mary LOYD Rebca [sic] VEACH Henry ETEN, Colored Susan E TURNER Elisabeth WELLS Lettie Jane FULKS Susan F ENGLAND. The next membership roll is dated the 4th Saturday in July 1867. Names spelled as shown: Archible LANE, Elisabeth FLOWERS, Benjamin NEAL, Catherine VEACH, John ISENBURG, William F NEAL, John H MEADOW, William A ENGLAND, William P NEAL, Thomas WILSON, Harrison S EVINS, Sally JINKINS, Anjaline FLOWERS, Hariet AKERS, John M LEWIS, Peter P DENHAM, John FLOWERS, Emily SMITH, Anna P MEADOW (died March 1868), Amanda DENHAM, J W NEWMAN, Louisa NEAL, Lida HAYS, J L STEVERSON, James TURNER, Sally OGDEN, Rhody ISENBURG, N C NEAL, Letha A WARD, Robert HALE, Nancy A LACKY, Jacob L JORDAN, John JOHN, Elisa Jane HALE, F N TURNER, Daniel E DOWNING, Smith JONES, Rebecca TURNER, Malinda LEE, Mary BRITT, J T DOWNING, Joseph MURPHY (lettered off 4th Sat Jan 1869), Robert L LANDRUM. William JORDAN, Jarutha NEWMAN, Permelia NEAL, James M NEAL, Elisabeth AKERS, P A WILSON,Ellis RIGGS, Nancy PARSLEY, Rebecca JINKINS (excluded 4th Sat May 1868), Judith MITCHELL, Lettiaha M BRANDON, George W SHIVE, William M TURNER, Thomas AGERS, Elisha ENGLAND, John EVINS, M E NEAL, Catherine HUNT, Nancy Jane COMER, Jesse J BILLINGSLEY, Lucy TURNER, Polly LANE, An R TURNER, Isabel J TAYLOR, Matilda McPEAK, Matilda DOWNING, John C DENHAM, Solimon JORDAN, Mary TURNER, Cansander P TURNER, W B WELLS, Susan M LANE, Mary JONES, Mary M AGERS, M E AKERS, J T AKERS, Malinda C JORDAN, Margaret MURPHY, J A WILSON, S E TURNER, George W STEVERSON Lida JORDON, Hanner ISENBERG, Malinda NEAl, Mary T EAST, John SWORD, Isabel CLARKSTON, Evy Jane RIGGS, Iba JENKINS, Susan SHIVE, Abner AKERS, Thomas B NEAL, Isaac N DENHAM, Amanda NEAL, Zereward TURNER, Elisa- beth BILLINGSLEY, Mary CREEK, Elisabeth JORDON, S M RIGGS, Marthy JOHNSON, Mary E LONG, Elisabeth BURKS, Malinda TURNER, Elisabeth HOWARD, WIlliam RIGGS, An R AKERS, J P HALE, Catharine FRAIM, Sarah E NEAL, James JONES, Joel JONES, M J LANDRUM, Louisa WELLS (now LARANCE), Jessey E LANE, C L RIGGS (excluded 4th Feb 1868), Gideon WELLS (died June 1869), J H WILSON, James W GARMON, James S ISENBURG, Elisha JORDAN Jerry JORDAN, Perlina NEWMAN, Nancy AGERS, D H HAGAN, Mary LOYD, Liettie Jane FULKS, Jane NEAL, John VEACH, Joel F LEWIS, Mary S LEWIS, James GRIDER, Rebeca VEACH, Susan F ENGLAND, Zereware CAMBEL (Black), Drucilla J C AKERS, John MITCHELL, Rhoda NEWMAN, July GRIDER, Elizabeth WILLS, Homer NEAL, Henry Etter FLIPPIN. Membership rolls from Indian Creek Baptist Church in Monroe Co. 1868 rolls. Lewis GULLY, Thomas PARSLEY, James COHORON, George A HARP, Wm P PARSLEY, Joel S AYERS/AGERS, Jefferson W DOSSEY, Henry T LEWIS, Elisabeth FLOWERS, Jaruth NEWMAN, Permelia NEAL, Elisabeth AKERS, Micky WILSON, Iba JENKINS, Anjaline FLOWERS, Liettia M BRANDON, Zereware TURNER, Mary CREEK, Mary E NEAL, Lida HAYS, J L STEVERSON, Malinda TURNER,Elisabeth HOWARD, Catharine VEACH (lettered off 4th Sat Jan 1869), Malinda NEAL, P A WILSON, Evy Jane RIGGS, Sally JINKINS, Harriet AKERS (lettered off 4th Saturday Jan 1869), Emily SMITH, Amanda DENHAM, Catharine HUNT, Nancy Jane COMER, Elisabeth BURKS, Sally OGDEN, Rhoda ISENBURG, Lida JORDAN, Haner ISENBURG, Mary T EAST, Isabel CLARKSTON, Nancy PARSLEY, Susan SHIVE, Judith MITCHELL, Amanda NEAL, ELisa ENGLAND, Elisabeth JORDON, Marthy JOHNSON, Mary E LONG, Lucy TURNER, Polly LANE, An R TuRNER. Nancy C NEAL, Letha A WARD, Matilda DOWNING, Nancy A LACKY, Elisa Jane HALE, M J LANDRUM, Susan M LANE, Mary M AGERS, Mary BRITT, Margaret MURPHY, Perlina NEWMAN, Mary S LEWIS, Mary LOYD, Elisabeth WELLS, Susan F ENGLAND, Lurando DOSSEY (now MEADOW), Mary P HARP, Rachel S AYERS (now ISENBURG), Catharine C DOSSEY, Haner LEWIS, Isabel J TAYLOR, Matilda McPEAK, Catharine FRAIM, Sarah E NEAL (now HUGHES), F N TURNER, Mary JONES, Martha E AKERS (lettered off 4th Sat Jan 1869), S E TURNER, Nancy AGERS, Rhoda NEWMAN (now LEWIS), Lettie Jane FULKS (now JORDAN), Josephine A NEAL (excluded 1870), Elisabeth COHORN, Elisabeth J PARSLEY, Sarah LEWIS, An R AKERS (lettered off 4th Sat Jan 1869), Margaret A FRAIM, Mary TURNER, Casander P TURNER, Louisa LARANCE, Rebecca TURNER, Malinda LEE, Malinda C JORDAN, Drucilla J C AKERS (lettered off 4th Jan 1869), Elisabeth MURPHY, Mary S JONES, RebecaGILLENWATERS, Sarah CARDER (lettered off 4th Sat 1869), Mary Elisabeth NEWMAN. Black sisters: Haner NEAL, Jane NEAL, Zereward CAMPBELL, Henry Etter FLIPPIN. The above is a list of the female members. List of the male members of Indian Creek Church 3rd Saturday August 1869: Archibal LANE, John ISENBURG, James M NEAL, Wm P NEAL, Harrison S EVANS, P P DENHAM, John FLOWERS, J W NEWMAN, Nicholas TURNER, Robert HALE, Solimon JORDAN, John JONES, Smith JONES, J H WILSON, James W GARMON, Jerry JORDAN, D H HAGAN, George A HARP, Joel S AYERS, Henry T LEWIS, Lewis GULLY, Benjamin NEAL, W F NEAL, Wm A ENGLAND, Thomas WILSON, Thomas B NEAL, I N DENHAM, Thomas AGERS, Jessey J BILLINGSLEY, Wm EIGGS, John C DENHAM, James JONES, W B WELLS, Jesey E LANE, J A WILSON, J S ISENBURG, Joel F LEWIS, James GRIDER, Wm B PARSLEY, Jefferson W DOSSEY, Samuel S TURNER, John A SMITH, William JORDAN, John H MEADOW, John SWORD, Ellis RIGGS, John M LEWIS, G W SHIVE, John EVANS, James TURNER, J P HALE, Jacob JORDAN, Joel JONES, Daniel E DOWNING, Elisha JORDAN, John MITCHELL (died Mar 1870), Thomas PARSLEY, John COHORN, James C SMITH, James FORD. Next is a list of continued female members not shown on the first list, same date: Elizabeth FLOWERS, Hanner ISENBURG, Mary T EAST, Lida JORDAN, Permelia NEAL, Elisabeth AKERS, Jaruth NEWMAN, Malinda NEAL, P A WILSON, Isabel CLARKSTON, Nancy PARSLEY, Susan SHIVE, Lattie M BRANDON, Emily SMITH, Amanda DENHAM, Sarah M RIGGS, Marthy JOHNSON, Nancy J COMER, Elisabeth BURKS (lettered off 4th Sat July 1870), Elisabeth HOWARD, Nancy C NEAL, Matilda McPEAK (name dropped), Margaret E NEAL, F S TURNER, Mary JONES, Malinda LEE, Margaret MURPHY, Nancy AYERS, July GRIDER, Lettie Jane JORDAN, Lurane MEADOW, Jane LEWIS (excluded 4th Sat Apr 1870), Catherine C DOSEY [sic], Sarah LEWIS, Haner LEWIS, July An EVANS, Sarah AYERS. Continuation of membership rolls from Indian Creek Baptist Church 3rd Sat August 1869: Names spelled as written. Mied WILSON, Iba JINKINS, Anjaline FLOWERS, Amanda NEAL, Elisa ENGLAND, Elisabeth JORDAN, Luisa NEAL, Lida HAYS, Mary E LONG, Lucy TURNER, Sally OGDON, Rhoda ISENBURG, Isabel J TAYLOR, Matilda DOWNING, Nancy A LACKY, Mary TURNER, Louisa LARANCE, Rebecca TURNER, Mary BRITT, S E TURNER, Mary S LEWIS, Mary LOYD, Susan T ENGLAND, Josephine A NEAL, Rebeca GILENWATER, Rachel S ISENBURG, Elisabeth CAHORN, Mary E MORTON, Malinda TURNER, Margaret D JINKINS, Hariet ENGLAND, Evy Jane RIGGS, Sally JINKINS, Judieth MITCHELL, Zeware TURNER, Mary CREEK, Mary E NEAL, Catharine HUNT, J L STEVERSON, Malinda TURNER, Polly LANE, An R TURNER, Letha A ARD, Catharine A FRAIM, Sarah E HUGHES, M J LANDRUM, Susan M LANE, Mary M AYERS, Malinca [Malinda?} C JORDAN, Perlina NEWMAN, Rhoda LEWIS, Elisabeth WILLS, Elisabeth MURPHY, Mary S JONES, Mary P HARP, Elisabeth J PARSLEY, Sarah CARDER (lettered off 4 Dec 1869), Susan TURNER, Marthy ALBANY. Black sisters: Hanner NEAL, Jane NEAL, Zeware CAMPBELL, Henry Etter FLIPPIN. Membership rolls 4th Saturday July 1870: Males: Archible LANE (died 1870), John H MEADOW, Wm A ENGLAND (lettered off Mar 1872), Harrison S ECANS, John M LEWIS, G W SHIVE, John EVANS, Jesy BILLINGLSY, J P HALE, Jacob JORDAN, John JONES, Daniel E DOWNING, J A WILSON, Benjamin NEAL, John ISENBURG (died Mar 1870), John SWORD, THomas WILSON, Thomas B NEAL, P P DENHAM, John FLOWERS, J W NEWMAN, Nicholas TURNER, Robert HALE, James JONES, Joel JONES, J H WILSON, James W GARMON, William JORDAN, Wm M NEAL, James N NEAL, Wm P NEAL, Ellis RIGGS, L N DENHAM, Thomas AGERS, James TURNER, Wm RiGGS, J C DENHAM, Solimon JORDAN, W B WELLS (lettered off 4 Mar 1872), J S ISENBURG (excluded) Robert L LANDRUM, Jerry JORDAN, D H HAGAN, Lewis GULLY (excluded July 1871), Jefferson W DOSEY, Samuel S TURNER, James C SMITH (lettered off 1872), James A GOODALL, Elisha JORDAN, John VEACH (died Oct 1870), George A HARP, Thomas PARSLEY, James COHORN (lettered off Dec 1873)., John A SMITH (excluded 1871), R J LANE, Joel F LEWIS, James GRIDER, Wm B PARSLEY, Joel S AYERS, Henry T LEWIS (died 18 Apr 1871), James FORD (excluded 4th Sat Oct 1871) Elisabeth FLOWERS, Haner ISENBURG, Mary T EAST, Evy Jane RIGGS, Mied [sic] WILSON, Sally JINKINS, Judith MITCHELL, Zeware TURNER, Mary CREEK, Mary E NEAL (now Holland), Lida HAYS (died Dec 1870), Sally OGDON, Rhoda ISENBURG, Nancy C NEAL, Matilda DOWNING, Lida JORDAN, Permelia NEAL, P A WILSON (female-letered 4th Sat Apr 1871), Nancy PARSLEY, Susan SHIVE, Lettie M BRANDON, Emily SMITH, Amanda DENHAM, Sarah M RIGGS, Catharine HUNT, Nancy Jane COMER, J L STEVERSON, Polly LANE, An R TURNER, Idabel [Isabel?} J TAYLOR, Catharine FRAIM, Jaruth NEWMAN, Malinda NEAL, Isabel CLARKSTON (lettered off 4th Sat Apr 1871), Iba JENKINS, Angaline FLOWERS, Amanda NEAl, Elisa ENGLAND, Elisabeth JORDAN, Luisa NEAL, Marthy JOHNSON, Mary E LONG, Lucy TURNER, Elisabeth HOWARD (lettered off 4th sat Sept 1871), Letha A WARD, Margaret A FRAIM, Nancy A LACKY (lettered 1871), Mary TURNER, F N TURNER (female), Mary JONES, Malinda LEE, Margaret MURPHY, Perlina NEWMAN (refused to comply with baptism), Mary LOYDS, Elisabeth MURPHY, Mary S JONES, Mary P HARP, Catharine C DOSSEY, Mary E MARTIN, Malinda TURNER, July An EVANS, Sarah AYERS, Nancy JONES, Francis TURNER. Sarah E HUGHES (lettered off 1872), Elisa Jane HALE, M J LANDRUM (female), Louisa LARANCE, Rebeca TURNER, Mary BRITT, S E TURNER (female), Nancy AYRES (excludes July 1871), Rhoda LEWIS, Lettie Jane JORDAN, Lurand MEADOW, Rebeca GILLENWATERS, Rachel S ISENBURG, Elisabeth COHORN (lettered off 4 Dec 1873), Susan TURNER, Margaret D JINKINS, Hariet ENGLAND (lettered off Mar 1872), Mandy BENTLY (lettered off 4th Sat Feb 1873), Margaret E NEAL (now MARES?), C P TURNER (now EMIT), Susan M LANE, Mary M AYERS, Malinda C JORDAN (now GARMON), MaryS LEWIS (now LEE), July GRIDER, Susan F ENGLAND, Josehine E NEAL (now YOUNG), Elisabeth J PARSLEY, Sarah LEWIS, Haner LEWIS (now BELK?), Martha ALBANY, Susan GOODALL, Lida A TURNER, Mary LANE. Black sisters: Haner NEAL, Henry Etter FLIPPIN, Jane NEAL, Zeware CAMPBELL (exluced 4th Sat Sept ...). This is the membership list Jan 1, 1874: Males: Benjamin NEAL, dead, John H MEADOW, died May 1879. Thomas WILSON, Thomas , John C DENHAM, died 11 Jan 1880. Smith JONES dead, James H WILSON, dead; James W GARMON, lettered off 4th Sat Apr 1874; D H H, Wm B PARSLEY, Jefferson W DOSSEY, James A GOODALL, dead.Wm B DOWNING Harlin ENGLAND, lettered off - no date, David N JOHNSON, dead, H C PARSLEY, Thomas J FLETCHER, Jery M BELK Newton JOHNSON, Wm A SHIVE, James S LEWIS, excluded Wm L BURKS, lettered off, Flipin CURBY, dead, J L DALTON, Thornton HARP, dead; William HARP, William JORDAN, James M NEAL, John SWORD, Ellis RIGGS, John M LEWIS, dead; John FLOWERS, J W NEWMAN, Nicholas TURNER, J P HALE, Jacob L JORDAN, died Dec 1874 Jessey E LAYNE died 1876, Robert L LANDRUM, Jery JORDAN, excluded; James GRIDER lettered off, Thomas PARSLEY letered 4th Sat Feb 1877,R J LAYNE, Jackson JORDAN, Zachariah WHEELER lettered off Jan 187?, Elisha ENGLAND lettered; Franklin JOHNSON, Joseph T STEEN lettered, W D JORDAN, James W HAYS, O D JONES, Robert A BELK, Wm J AGERS Lenard JONES dead, Fester HARP, John C JORDAN, Robert N HAYS, James R JORDAN Wm F NEAL died 21 Oct 1877, William PNEAL, Harrison S EVANS, Peter P DENHAM, Thomas AGERS dead, Jesse J BILLINGSLEY dead, Robert T HALE, James JONES, Daniel E DOWNING, James T DOWNING, J A WILSON, Elisha F JORDAN, Joel F LEWIS, George A HARP, Joel S AYERS, Samuel L TURNER, Franklin LANDRUM lettered, William ENGLAND lettered, Richard ENGLAND lettered, William JORDAN letter June, John B WADE, E E PARSLEY lettered 4th Sat 1877, Almarine HARP excluded Apr 1874, John AUSTIN, Aaron F ISENBURG excluded, John H NEAL lettered, John M WILLIAMS, H C BURTON lettered, Alford DIAL dead, E A PUCEL, W H HAYS lettered, John R FURGESON died, Robert DIAL, George T FRAIM, W T NEAL dead, Marcus C FRAIM lettered and Thomas FARRINGTON. Continuining with the membership list for 1 Jan 1874 - these are the women members: Elizabeth FLOWERS (dead), Malinda NEAL (dead), Mied WILSON, Iba JINKINS (dead), Anajaline FLOWERS, Amanda NEAl (dead), Zewary TURNER (dead), Mary CREEK, Mary E HOLLAND (died 11 Mar 1880), Marthy JOHNSON, Lucy TURNER, Polly LAYNE, Isabel J TAYLOR, Matilda DOWNING (dead), Elisa J HALE, F N TURNER, Susan Mm LAYNE (dead), Mary M AYERS, Malinda C GARMON, S E TURNER, Rhoda LEWIS (dead) Elisabseth WELLS, Susan F ENGLAND, Josephine A YOUNG, Mary S JONES, Rachel S ISENBURG, Catharine C DOSEY, Mary E MARTIN, Susan TURNER, Marthy ALBANY, Nancy JONES, Mary LAYNE, Elisabeth CREEK Lida JORDAN (lettered off), Haner ISENBURG (dead) Mary T EAST, Eva Jane RIGGS (dead), Sally JINKINS, Judith MITCHELL (died July 1874) Emily SMITH, Amanda DENHAM, Sarah M RIGGS (dead), Lueasa NEAL, Nancy J COMER (dead), Malinda TURNER, An R TURNER (lettered Sept 1875), Catharine FRAIM, Mary TURNER, C P EMMERT (excluded June 1876), Mary JONES, Malinda LEE (dead), Margaret MURPHY (dead), July GRIDER (lettered off 1875), Elisabeth MURPHY (dead), Rebeca GILLENWATERS (dead), Sarah LEWIS, Haner BELK, July Ann EVANS, Sarah AYERS, Lida A TURNER, Bell JORDAN (now HAYS) Jaruth NEWMAN, Permelia NEAL (dead), Elisabeth AKERS, Nancy PARSLEY, Susan SHIVE, Lettie M BRANDON (now GRAVES), Elisa ENGLAND, Elisabeth JORDAN (dead), Catharine HUNT (dead), Mary E LONG, Sally OGDEN, Nancy C NEAL (lettered off), Lethe A WARD, Margaret A FRAIM (lettered off), M J LANDRUM, Louisa LARANCE, Reba TURNER, Mary BRITT, Mary S LEE, Mary LOYD,Lettie Jane JORDAN, Lurana MEADOW (died May 1876), Mary P HARP, Elisabeth Jane PARSLEY (died Jan 1874), Matilda TURNER, Margaret D JENKINS, Susan GOODALL, Frances TURNER, Marthy HARRIS, Nancy Jan LANE (lettered off). Marthy Elen AUSTIN, Josa STEVERSON (now MILLER), Mary S CARDER, Sarah Ann HARP, Evaline LEWIS, Nancy E SHIVE (now BROWN), S A HARP, Nancy G CARTER, Fany MURPHY (excluded Apr 1874), Martha A BURKS, Elisabeth JONES, M E DALTON, Burnett TURNER, Nancy HISWAUR? (excluded), Tabitha HAYS (died Jan 1874), L A HAYS, Elisa HARP (Under watch care - see below), Sarah JORDAN, Margaret A DOWNING, Nancy AYERS, Marthy S ENGLAND, Sarah PARSLEY, Nancy PARSLEY, Sary E PARSLEY, Camile ISENBURG (lettered off), Jane SIMMONS (excluded), C P JORSAN, Victory NEAl (now HOWARD, died 4 Feb 1875), M E DENHAM, Tennessee T HARP (excluded), S J SHIVE, P L A CARTER, M P DOSEY. Jane AUSTIN, Nancy B TURNER, Martha FERGUSON (lettered off), Nancy L HARP, Sarah Ann WHEELER, Louisa PARSLEY, Catharine E NEAL, M C ENGLAND, N E HARP, Mary A GOAD, Lucy A JACKSON, Martha E JOHNSON, Rebecca EMBERTON, Carnelia McMAHAN, Allis LANDRUM (now FRASUR), Mary HARP, Jesiphine PERCL {[sic], S J PROPS, Martha MURPHY. Black: Hanner NEAL, lettered off 4th Sat Oct 1874; Jane NEAL (lettered off 4th Sat Oct 1874) and Henry Etter FLIPPIN. *This means she came without a letter from another church but professing Christianity. They held them in "probation" for a period of time before allowing them membership. to be continued next Thursday with membership from May 1880. Sandi
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Last Updated: Monday, 08-Sep-2008 1:22 AM