The membership of Pleasant Run Church on McFarland Creek in Monroe Co 1827-1844. Taken from the book of the same name by the late Eva Coe Peden and now (c) by Sandi Gorin. This church was located on McFarlands Creek in the SW portion of Monroe Co. No one currently seems to know the exact location. There is an old burying ground nearby near the KY-TN line which might have been close to the church.
The church was constituted 7 June 1827. There is one membership roll in the church minutes showing the following members during this time frame.
Daniel HESTAND Dismissed Jesse SCOTT Dead Jesse BAXTER Dead John CARTER Dismissed David POINDEXTER Dead Henry HESTAND Excluded John CROUCH Dismissed by letter James CROUCH Dismissed by letter Abraham KERR Micam MCLARON Dismissed Leven SAVAGE Sr Dead Leven SAVAGE Jr Thomas BISHOP Dismissed John SIMS Robert A. BLACKMAN Dead Cornelous CLANCY Dead Benjamin SIMS Nancy COE Fanny SCOTT Dead Clary HUDSPETH Dismissed Elizabeth SIMS Polly SAVAGE Polly TAIDE Dismissed Susannah RICH Dismissed by letter Elizabeth SAVAGE Dead Polly RICH Polly CARTER Dismissed Alizabeth BAXTER Dismissed by letter Jemima BAXTER Dismissed by letter Polly HESTAND Dismissed by letter Susannah McCLARON Dismissed Sally CROUCH Dismissed by letter Sely MARTIN Excluded Cathy BURRIS Rebecky ROBERTSON Milly SPEARS Dismissed by letter 5 Aug 1829. SPEARS, Polly Dismissed 5 Aug 1829. POINDEXTER, Sally Excluded SCOTT, Polly Dismissed PEAKE, Janie Dismissed SIMS, Patsy Dismissed ODLE, John SAVAGE, John SAVAGE, Jesse BOLIN, John Dismissed RICH, John Excluded McCLARON, Benjamin Dead DENTON, Allin BLACKAMAN, Rumas A Dead So spelled BLACKAMAN, David A " SPEARS, Shadrick BLACKMAN, Frank BEACH, Alizabeth SAVAGE, Sally Dismissed ODLE, Sary SAVAGE, Mary Excluded GRACE, Alizabeth GIDDENS, Mary Dead CARTER, Nancy BOLIN, Rebecca Dismissed COE, Catherine HESTAND, Polly Excluded SAVAGE, Jemima COE, Lucinda HUDSPETH, Alizabeth TAID, Polly SCOTT, Lucinda HESTAND, Margaret Dismissed RICH, Jane HED, Fanny McCLARON, Alizabeth RECER, Nancy Dead DENTON, Jemima Dead COMBS, Nancy Dismissed End of membership rolls. Sandi
Remember - dismissed means they moved or a new church closer to them was constituted and they requested a letter. Excluded means there was a problem which the church and the individual couldn't rectify and they were excluded - similar to excommunication in the Catholic Church.
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Last Updated: Monday, 08-Sep-2008 1:29 AM