(This list was posted by Sandi Gorin to the South-Central-Ky list.)
Source: Monroe Co KY Circuit Records, Volume 1, Plaintiffs A through Biggerstaff, (c) May 1999, Gorin.
No 52 - Sylvesta C BAIZE, Plaintiff vs Wm. BAIZE, Deft, filed 16 May 1888. Sylvesta states that she is a resident of Monroe Co & has resideded there for more than 15 yrs. She and deft, Wm BAIZE were md March 1887. Deft then left and abandoned her, has been absent the month of their marriage, no provisions made, no support. Has not lived with anyone else. Depositions included: John W MUSE, Beech Grove Meeting House, Monroe Co, 34 yrs old, lives Monroe, knew deft abt 5 yrs, pltff abt 2. Had heard she lived in Cumberland Co. Robert H RICHARDSON, same place, 63 yrs old - known them for several yrs; thinks she was born in Cumberland Co. Only lived together a few days. He went to Cumberland Co. Mrs. Virginia C MUSE, same place - 24 yrs old, live Monroe Co, known them for 8-10 yrs, they lived in both Cumberland & Monroe Co, heard him say to "get up and get out of their he was not going to live with her". She a good, industrious woman. John R HICKS, same place, 40, Monroe Co, knew parties. No resolution of case in files. **************************************** Suit 117 - No 730. George R. REEVES as Trustee in Bankruptchy for Joseph W BARTLETT, Bankrupt, Pltff vs Joseph W BARTLETT, A L BARTLETT & G C DOWNING, Otto MAXEY, etal. Filed 20 Feb 1905. George A REEVES (pltff - shown both ways) stated that Joseph W BARTLETT on 28 Jan 1905 filed for bankruptcy. He was indebted to George W CLIMATS?, KITTRELL & DRAPER, amount not shown. BARTLETT had purchased some land in Monroe Co - corner to J W STEEN. Legal description followed - BARTLETT knew he was bankrupt when he purchased this land - and he defrauded his creditors. Deed was adjudged fraudulent and void. Signed by Basil RICHARDSON & CARTER, Attys. ******************************************* No 247, J T BARTLEY vs A C PILE, filed 23 May 1898. This deals with a contract entered into between these two in April 1894. Mentions Mary E BARTLEY as wife of J T- suit also found in Barren Co. Some of the times the name is shown as BARTLETT, but believe it is BARTLEY. It appears that this is a divorce action. Depositions taken include: A C PILE - taken in Milan, Sullivan, MO 30 Sept 1989. Age 53, resident of Milan, the BARTLEYS had 5 childen. Mary BARTLEY filed for divorce from NB from where she now lives. Said she had been living in a small dirt house in Monroe Co. Her father was John HAWLEY. She was asking for in excess of $15,000. Her brother was Harrison HAWLEY. Mary E BARTLEY, Cozad, NB, age 41, farmer. W B BERRYMAN, Cozad, NB, age 46, knew her, knew PILE. Wm HAWLEY, 27, lives 9 miles from Cozad. Mentioned a Mr. BENNISON who was there at the agreement. Said that BERRYMAN above was his brother-in-law and Mary his sister. *************************************** Suit 65, No,. 262. Peter KINGERY, Adminsitrator of Thomas BARTLEY, Pltff against Mary, Jas W, Seabert, George W and Hiram BARTLEY, Ellen and William ARTERBURN, Ann T & Wm O BYBEE, Hiram JONSON [sic], James M BIRGE. Field 16 Aug 1893. Thomas BARTLEY died some 3-4 yrs ago in Monroe Co, KINGERY apptd administrator. Turner BARTLEY had been appt administrator but resigned. The deceased owed various amounts of money, had owned land on Skeggs Creek - had a good title. Mary BARTLEY was his wife, has no homestead and no dower had been assigned to her. Mary and Thomas had six children: Jas W, Seabert, and George BARTLEY, Ellen ARTERBURN (wife of William), Ann T BYBEE (wife of Wm) and Hiram BARTLEY. Hiram JOHNSON has claim against the decedent and James M BIRGE held a note against him. Included deed book J, p. 100 which mentioned heirs of Isiah BARTLY had divided estate of same among William HIGH, James P CREWS, Narcissa CREWS his wife, John W BUSHONG and Nancy his wife and John W Allen BARTLEY. Allen sold the land to Thomas BARTLEY. No resolution found in file. ************************************ No file # shown, T H MEADOW etal, Thomas BARTLEY papers, E H MEADOR vs Thomas BARTLEY, Mary BARTLEY, Heriam JOHNSON, Martha JOHNSON, J W BARTLEY, Loretta BARTLEY, A J HOWARD, S J HOWARD, James E MEADOWS, Vista HARLAND, Ota HARLAND, Barlow HAMILTON, Charley A HAMILTON, Hezekiah HAMILTON, William EMBERTON, Josephane EMBERTON, Saterfield BARTLEY, Jasper/Jesse BIRGE, Demanous BIRGE, Quintilla BARTLEY and Martha D or S BARTLEY. Filed 7 June 1888. Plaintiffs stated that Oat MEADOW died without will in Monroe Co 7 Oct 1884 and left the following children: T H MEADOW (son), Mary BARTLEY (dau, now wife of Thomas BARTLEY), Martha E JOHNSON (dau, wife of Hiram JOHNSON), Loretta BARTLEY (dau-wife of J W BARTLEY), S J HOWARD (dau-wife of A J HOWARD), Vesta & Ota HARLANDD - children of Bernchey/Birinchey? - dau of - was married to Allen HARLAND; Josephine BARTLEY and Martha J BARTLEY (children and heirs at law of Sallie A MEADOW who was a dau and was married to William BARTLEY; Josephine, wife of William EMBERTON and Damarous - wife of Jessie BIRGE. Defendants - Barlow and Charley A HAMILTON and Hezekiah HAMILTON are children of Mary E HAMILTON who was a d/o Elizabeth MEADOW and dau of deceased; married to Charley BACON. The case involves the lands owned by the deceased and property lines and other names shown include Allen HAYES, E H MEADOW, BUSHONG. Wanting to divide the land. There was included a Notice - Harve MEADOW, administrator of Ota MEADOW, decd vs Thomas BARTLEY etal defts. Testimony was taken of J H BEVILL 22 Feb 1888 re notice. ************************************** Suits 100, No 485. Turner BARTLEY, Administrator or William FRIAR, decd, pltf vs Pearl MAINES, Mollie MAINES, William BROWN, Rebecca BROWN, Elisabeth FRIAR, Mary FRAIR, Foster FRAIR and Pleas FRIAR, Geo W BUSHONG, defts, filed 20 Jan 1903. William FRIAR died intestate in 1902. Left as heirs: Elisabeth his widow; Mary his dau; Foster his son; Rebecca his dau who md William BROWN; Mollie MAINES - his granddau who is the d/o Jerry FRIAR (now deceased) who intermarried with Pearl MAINES. The deceased owned land in Monroe Co - RUSHS's line, YOKELY's line, RHODES line. Another tract on headwaters of Mill Creek - names mentined: W H HAGAN, YOKELY, RAY & PEDIGO. Owed money to Geo BUSHING and M D EVANS Company and C P WHITE. ************************************* Case 28-S-373, Wilson H BARTLEY vs Phebe B BARTLEY, filed 11 July 1895. Plaintiff and defendant married in Clay Co TN 1881, have since resided Monroe Co. They lived together until 1887, they separated and abandoned each other. Depositions: G C ANDERSON, taken 10 Sept 1895. 32 yrs old, reside Metcalfe Co. Knew both parties, live about 2 1/2 miles from them for the past 6-7 years. Phebe lives in Monroe Co, and Bud (presumably his nickname) lived in Metcalfe, now Monroe. Hhave one child since separation. J M BURKS, same day, age 50, lives Monroe, farmer, knew paraties for about 20 years. Phebe is in Monroe and doesn't know where Bud lives. Was present at their marriage. No conclusion found in jacket. ************************************* Case #340, filed 21 Jan 1895. William BARTON & W J NUNN, partners doing business as Barton & Nunn vs Newton WILSON, John WILSON (deceased, etal), George WILSON, Woolford WILSON, William GENTRY, Ellen GENTRY & Lucinda WILSON. Charles WILSON died intestate and no administrator has been appointed on his estate. He left as his children and heirs at law: Newton, John, George, Woolford (sons), Ellen who md William GENTRY. His widow was Lucinda WILSON. Case deals with a note deceased drew 13 Sept 1879. Names shown include Wilson C PROPES. Deceased owned land on Marrowbone creek - lines included Tom BECK, PAYNE, GARMON. The land descended to Newton, John, George, Wolford, and William and Ellen GENTRY. Company needs their debts paid from this estate. There was an amended petition with corrections. Ellen GENTRY was not a daughter but a granddau of John WILSON decd. There were 2 other daughters not shown above - Nancy Ann and Ruth WILSON and two more sons - George and Hoover WILSON. Widow Rachel WILSON. Ellen GENTRY is deceased since filing of the above -and left the following children: Lena, Arda/Orda, Ellen. Deposition of T M COPASS - statement that he was qualified to take the deposition. Summons were sent by him to Cumberland Co KY for Newt, John, Geo, Woodford WILSON, William and Ellen GENTRY. Never returned a found. No conclusion found in packet. ******************************************** Case #100, Matilda A. BAXTER, plaintiff vs A C BAXTER, Deft, filed 7 May 1904. Matilda stated that she and A C were married in TN in 1903, and have lived continuiously in Monroe Co. They lived together until 13 --- 1904, when he began behaving cruely and in an inhumane way. Depositions: D D Wood, 5 May 1904, 49 yrs old, farmer, Matilda is his dau. She as md 19 July 1903, was 19 yrs old. They separated 13 Feb 1904, both lived in Tompkinsville, he ran a livery stable. They had been arguing about 2 months after their marriaage. He knew because his son-in-law Sidney BAXTER told him. A fellow named Lon had told him that Frank EMMERT and Matilda were "much too thick" and the husband had caught her in the act. The couple parted at John HESTAND'S, she went back home and got her things. Sidney was a brother of A C Baker. No conclusion in file. ************************************ File 19E, Suit 167, J C BEDFORD vs the Town of Tompkinsville, filed 24 May 1895. BEDFORD states that Tompkinsville is incorporated and they agreed to pay the Marshall of the town $15.00 additionally per month for his services. He was duly elected as same, qualified, and that the town hasn't paid him - they owe him $240 for 16 months service. The City replied that BEDFORD was never, nor is he currently qualified to be Marshall, has never acted as same. He was not appointed at any time, he did not execute any bond, the whole proceding was illegal, irregular and undercharged. He just never served as same. In fact, it appears there was never any rule such a Bedford quoted. The city then denies any charges and refuses to pay. BEDFORD stated that 29 Aug 1896 the Board of Trustees - J M U SMITH, R H EMBERTON and George WELCH met. No resolution! *************************************** File 244, filed 29 Mar 1897. T. H. BEDFORD vs: Thomas LYONS (administrator of James FOX), Tax FOX, Harlan FOX, Muison FOX, Everett FOX (by James O. DANIEL - their guardian), Mary LYONS. States that James FOX died in 189- (all that was filled in), lived in Monroe Co. Thomas LYONS was appointed Administrator and qualified, acting as thus. The only children and heirs shown were: Tax - son; Harlan - son; Muison - son; Everette - son; Mary LYONS - dau (married Thomas LYONS). Widow is now deceased - not named. Owed money at death for medical and other services. Had owned a tract of land in Monroe Co - location not shown. Petition to sell land to settle estate. ************************************** File 355, J D BIGGERSTAFF, Administrator of the estate of J S PHILPOTT vs Isaac C SHORT. Field 30 Mar 1895. Joseph PHILPOTT died intestate in Cumberland Co KY on 26 Dec 1894. BIGGERSTAFF appt administrator. Isaac C SHORT owed a note dated 28 Dec 1892 - note lost or destroyed. Witnesses: J N DODSON, taken 14 Sept 1895 at home of I N DODSON in Cumberland Co. 57 yrs old, lived Cumberland Co, knew both parties, knew land was owed for. PHILPOTT had stayed at Isaac SHORTS and roomed with him. Charter HUMES, same time and place, 43 yrs old, knew both. R M POINDEXTER taken 30 Apr 1895 Vernon, KY. 55 yrs old, lived Cumberland Co, father of John POINDEXTER. Deceased had died on Kettle Creek. Jessie F COE, 32, merchant, Martinsburg in Monroe Co, postmaster, knew parties. Mattie J KILLMAN, residence of Tom KILLAM in Cumb. Co 21 May 1895, 30 yrs old, lives Cumb. Co. Said that Margret SHORT was her mother. John F CRAWFORD, 39 yrs old, lives Cumb. Co, gardner, knew parties. Mentioned Alex KERR, Ike and Aaron CAPPS. Sarah H KERR, 33 yrs old, Cumb. Co, knew parties, lived abt 3 miles from Jo PHILPOTT. Lydia CLOYD, 48 yrs old, Cumb. Co. O V COFFEY, 22, Cumb. Co, farmer. Mentioned Lanas COFFEY. Hiram W WELLS, 45 yrs, Cumb. Co, farmer, lived abt 3/4 mile from public road, 21 miles from Tompkinsville. Mentioned John M KIRKPATRICK, Robert POINDEXTER, Moses CARY. Martha C COFFEY, 52 yrs old, Cumb. Co. Alexander KERR, 45, Cumnb. Co, farmer. T S Coe, 26yrs old, Monroe Co, merchant. Jessie F COE, 32 yrs old, Monroe Co, merchant. ********************************** File 194, suit 82. David McCOMAS, Administrator of Malinda BIGGERSTAFF decd vs J A BIGGERSTAFF & D T CLOYD, Administrators of Hiram BIGGERSTAFF, filed 22 Dec 1891. Malinda Biggerstaff died in Cumberland Co KY, date left blank. Hiram BIGGERSTAFF died - no date shown - husband and wife. On 27 Nov 1867 the parties entered into a pre-nuptial contract. Case deals with monies and property owned and owed by both. Depositions taken: Jno MUSE, Tompkinsville, 39 yrs old. Mentioned names of James McCOY, Samuel BIGGERSTAFF. Isaac D PETERMAN, 66 yrs old, farmer. Robt. RICHARDSON Jr, 30 yrs old. Dave McCOMAS, 25 yrs old, Cumberland Co, trader. L A CARY, 50 yrs old, Cumberland Co. Martha T. McCOY, 39 yrs, Monroe Co. Mentioned Grandpa BIGGERSTAFF. Melinda was her aunt. Jas. McCOY, 47, Monroe Co, his dau was Bettie Helen McCOY Sarah P BIGGERSTAFF, Center Point, 48. Mentioned John SHORT and Glathin SHORT. Samuel BIGGERSTAFF, 51, Monroe Co. L C BUTLER, 49, Cumberland Co. John M KIRKPATRICK, 45, farmer, Monroe. No outcome shown in files. Sandi
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Last Updated: Monday, 08-Sep-2008 1:38 AM