Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Local History


Ghostly lights enters house

My grandmother's name was Belle Brizendine. When she was a child, they lived in an old house built in 1867 in Muhlenberg County, not far from Greenville. I remember her telling about the Union soldiers that were in the neighborhood when she was eight or nine years old. And she used to tell me a ghost story about that old house.

She said that when she was a little girl, they used to sit on the front porch in the evening. There was a dirt road that passed in front of their old house, and there was a cemetery just a short distance down the road from the house.

Grandmother said that one night when she was out on the porch, she saw a very large ball of light rise slowly from the cemetery and come very slowly down the road in the direction of the house. She always told how scared she got when it got closer and closer.

One time, when this light got directly in front of their house, the front gate opened and the ball of fire passed through the gate and came up the sidewalk directly toward my grandmother. She said that she was simply paralyzed as she watched it. As it passed by her, the front door of the house opened and the big ball of fire went into the house. It then proceeded to go up the long flight of steps to the upstairs area, then it disappeared.

Note: Told by Thomas S. Brizendine, Greenville, 1996.

Source: Montell, W.L. “Ghostly light enters house.” Ghosts Across Kentucky. Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2000, p. 178.

Updated July 13, 2022