Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Local History


Ghost of murdered girl seen on bridge

Over on the big old bridge close to here, these guys raped this girl and then killed her. Her ghost is still seen there. The girl is standing on the right front corner of this bridge. She is wearing a long, white gown and is staring off into space, looking for these guys that did that to her.

You can't see her except at night, and then only when you first round the bend in the road and your headlights flash on the bridge. I've seen the girl's spirit there, myself, and I'll tell you right now, I don't ever want to go back to that bridge again. No, sir!

Note: Told by Karen Bartlett to Alice Jackson, Browder, KY, Oct. 1972. WKU Folklife Archive, 1972-100.

Source: Montell, W.L. “Ghost of murdered girl seen on bridge.” Ghosts Across Kentucky. Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2000, pp. 190-191.

Updated July 13, 2022