Old Kentucky Home

Nelson County



Mrs. Sarah E. Bealmear

KENTUCKY: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin & Kniffin, 4th ed., 1887 Nelson Co.

MRS. SARAH E. BEALMEAR was born October 1, 1812, in Bullitt County, Ky., where she was reared to womanhood, and on the twentieth anniversary of her birth was espoused in holy matrimony by the late and lamented Samuel C. Bealmear. Mrs. Bealmear's father was Benjamin Summers, a native of Pennsylvania, who removed to Kentucky in 1798; having married Verlinda Beckwith, their union was favored by the birth of John B., George W., Susan W. (Sanders), Rufus K., Martha, Theresa (Wilson), Beverly B., Benjamin F., Sarah E., Patsey A. (Fry) and Mary V. (Williams). In 1833 Mrs. Bealmear removed with her husband, and settled on Cox's Creek, Nelson County, where she has since resided. Mr. Bealmear was born March 6, 1811, and died September 19, 1883. He was an active member of the Presbyterian Church, and was greatly esteemed for his many noble qualities. He was candid, frank and sincere, and in his manly character shed a light around him, the effects of which will be as enduring as time. It has been remarked by one competent to judge correctly that his life was a reflection of the better qualities of our nature, and that his acts, unostentatious in character, were more for the approbation of his Creator than of man. By industry and a long line of frugality he amassed a handsome competency. In politics he was an old line Whig, and when his country was assailed he clung to the Union with unswerving fidelity. He left a fine farm of 500 acres of well improved and productive land.

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