The Petition and Prayer of the People of that part of contry now claimed by the state of Virginia in the countries of Kaintucky and Illinois humbly sheweth that we the aggrieved subject the United States labour under many grievances on account of not being formed into a separate [illegible] on the mind and will of Congress more fully known respecting us and we humbly [?]ave to present to the Honorable Continental Congress our Humble Petition setting forth the grievances and oppressions we labour under and pray that the Congress will consider such our grievances and [illegible] redress.
We your Petitioners being situate in wide continuous uncultivated contry and beset every side to [incurssions?] of the savage Indians humbly conceive ourselves oppressed by several acts the general assembly of Virginia for granting large grants for [waist?] and unappropriated lands [illegible] [?]dian nation without reservation cultivated and settling the same whereby settling the contry discouraged and the inhabitants are greatly [illegible] to the savages by whom our wives and children by cruelly murdered. Not withstanding our own most humble Petitions are constitued [illegible]. We are taxed. Which in our present situation [illegible] and unjust [illegible] wuth money and grain whilest unsold land is [illegible] in garrison with any situate from six hundred to one thousand miles from our present state of government. Where criminals are suffered to escape with impunity [great?] members who want occasionally also deprived of an opportunity of their just rights and improvements and h[?] are obliged Prosecute all appeals and whilest we remain uncertain whether these in bounded claim [illegible] contry ought of right to belong to the United States or the State of Virginia [illegible] [illegible] in a Particular not withstanding we have already taken the Oath of Allegiance to the United States. These are growing to heavy to be born and we do humbly pray that the Continental Congress will taketh method to form us into a separate state or grant us [illegible] regulations as their wisdom shall think most proper during the continuos of the process and your petitioners shall ever pray.
July 19, 1780
[Signed by:]