Old Kentucky Home

Nelson County



Bardstown Baptist Church101 W. Brashear Ave.
Bardstown, KY 40004
Beech Grove ChurchHowardstown373241N0853509W
Big Springs ChurchBloomfield375619N0851820W
Campground ChurchMaud 375022N 0851725W
Cedar Creek ChurchCravens374755N0853241W
Chaplin Fork Church Chaplin 375433N 0851205W
Cox Creek Church600 Fairfield Rd.
Cox Creek, KY 40013
Episcopal Church of the Ascension 211 N. Third St.
Bardstown, KY 40004
Fairmount Church Chaplin 375536N 0850931W
Green Chapel Chaplin 375650N 0851058W
Highview Church Chaplin 375734N 0851320W
Icetown Church New Haven 374353N 0853416W
Nelson Christian Church 1760 New Shepherdsville Rd.
Bardstown, KY 40004
Nelson County Baptist Church 55 Lutheran Church Rd.
Bardstown, KY 40004
Nelson ChurchCravens375120N0853050W
New Beginning Baptist Church 200 Clermont Dr.
Bardstown, KY 40004
New Salem ChurchSamuels375515N0853240W
Our Lady of Gethsemani, Abbey of3642 Monks Rd.
Trappist, KY 40051
Rolling Fork ChurchNew Haven374213N0853641W
Saint Catharine Church 174 N. Main St.
New Haven, KY
Saint Mark ChurchLoretto374408N0852728W
Saint Thomas the Apostle, Church of 870 St. Thomas Lane
Bardstown KY 40004
374601N 0852900W
Temple Hill Church Lebanon Junction 374654N 0854029W
Walkers Chapel Maud 375001N 0851744W
Wickland Church Bardstown 374843N 0852721W