Old Kentucky Home

Nelson County


Historic Nelson County, Its Towns & People

Copyright 1983 Sarah Borders Smith
M Surname Index

(1) Maiden name listed in parenthesis if mentioned in book: Doe, Jane (Brown). Name listed under married name.
(2) Nicknames listed in quotation marks: Brown, James "Jim"
(3) Wives' names listed under husband entered as: Brown, James, Mrs.
(4) We do not currently have a lookup volunteer for this resource.


Maddox, E. H.287
Magruder, Mr.189
Mahoney, William51
Mamory, Amos130
Mann, Ruth, Miss42
Mann, Beverly, Uncle441
Mann, George338, 278
Mann, George T.410
Manns, George  428
Maraman, Francis268
Maraman, George205
Maraman, John205
Maraman, Margaret268
Maraman, Mary205
Maraman, Mary (Lee)268
Maraman, Tom205
Maraman, 206
Maratta, J. H.325
Marks, N. H.207
Marks, John207
Marks, Lovell386
Marks, N.221
Marks, Nathan H.221
Marnell, J.329
Marnell, John423
Marsden, Silas349
Marshall, George206
Marshall, John73
Marshall, John "Old Pete"96
Marshall, Thomas F.129
Marshall, 202, 357
Martin, E. P.113
Martin, L. A.217
Masden, Marvin287
Mason, Benjamin362
Mason, Duley160
Mason, Hannah362
Mason, Stark23
Masterson, George W.244
Masterson, Zachariah18
Matheny, Noah130
Mathes, Mary Magdeland289
Mathew , Elizabeth482
Mathews, J. M.208
Mathews, Cliff377
Mathews, E. L.482
Mathews, Emma431
Mathews, H. B.377
Mathews, J. H.     377
Mathews, Joseph C.377
Mathews, T. C.431
Mathis, H. F.106, 366
Mathis, Conrad289
Matthews, George317
Matthis, Conrad289
Mattingly, Austin325
Mattingly, Ben F.236
Mattingly, Ben. F.108
Mattingly, C. P.340
Mattingly, George R.324
Mattingly, J. C.125
Mattingly, Philip51
Mattingly, Reed324
Mattingly, Sarah86
Mattingly, Sarah I.371
Mattingly, Sarah Irvin42
Mattingly, Thomas. H.322
Mattingly, William218
Maxey, 255
Maxwell, James G.163
Maxwell, W. S., Rev.201
May, William30, 270, 300
May, Bill390
May, Miss (Enoch, Cox)300
May, William301
May, 301
Mayfield, E. L.219
McAcron, William317
McAnhrow, William314
McAtee, Ben323
McAtee, C. L. & M. M.90
McAtee, Emma, Miss338
McAtee, Henry      51
McAtee, M., Mrs.340
McAtee, May, Miss338
McAtee, Nancy246
McAtee, Samuel, Dr.160
McCaran, Felix131
McCardell, James317
McCarter, S. M.301
McCarthy, Hannah216
McCarthy, H. M.339
McClain, George Lee142
McClain, Lee, Gen.425
McClaskey, Anon189
McClaskey, Bessie189
McClaskey, Beulah189
McClaskey, Booker192
McClaskey, Charles Bodine, Capt.189, 190, 191
McClaskey, Edward189
McClaskey, Elizabeth (Brown)192
McClaskey, Ethel192
McClaskey, Hewitt189, 190
McClaskey, Joe192
McClaskey, Joseph192
McClaskey, Lacy184
McClaskey, Mary (Beauchamp)192
McClaskey, Newell189, 192
McClaskey, Sam184
McClaskey, Sarah Ellen (Grafton)189
McClaskey, Stella (Houtchens)192
McClaskey, Sue (Jenkins)190
McClaskey, Thomas189
McClaskey, 163, 170
McClasky, Elizabeth, Mrs.187
McClellan, David72
McClosky, William Geirge, Rt. Rev.257
McClure, Dr.307
McClure, Alexander D.355
McClure, Chester355
McCormick, J. A.244
McCowan, Al96
McCowan, Alexander363
McCowan, Harrison Wood, Dr.369
McCowan, James369
McCowan, Sarah Elizabeth (Doom)369
McCowan, H. W., Dr.426
McCown, Alexander319, 327
McCown, Burr H.87
McCown, Elizabeth M. (Doom)418
McCown, George317
McCown, Harrison Wood, Dr.418
McCown, Harrison, Dr.418
McCown, James418
McCown, William317
McCown, 206
McCown, see also McGown, McQuown

M Con'd

McCracken, H. M.329
McCrocklin, Less338
McCullough, 170
McDonald, Eliza483
McDonald, Jesse479, 482
McDonald, Joseph320
McDonough, Simon100
McDonough, William100
McFarland, John R.317
McGary, Major23
McGee, James P., Rev.291
McGee, John118
McGee, Nora, Miss42
McGee, Patrick, Jr.118
McGee, Thomas118
McGill, John, Rt. Rev.87
McGill, James317, 342
McGill, John F.391
McGill, Mary E.325
McGill, Will H.390
McGill, William391
McGill, William F.390
McGinnis, James B.324, 418
McGinnis, K. B.390
McGinnis, Thomas M.366
McGown, Edward314
McGown, William320
McGown, Susannah478
McGown, see also McCown, McQuown
McHenry, Barnabas56
McIntyre, Mary Lizzie225
McIsaac, I. H.377
McIssac, John317
McIsaac, Thomas T.377
McKay, Jarvis P.58
McKay, A. V.145
McKay, H. L.323
McKay, Hackley329
McKay, Jane (Gore)161
McKay, Jarvis P.168
McKay, Ludwell "Lud"73, 161, 175, 325
McKay, Myrtle364
McKay, Phil390
McKay, Samuel163, 175
McKay, Sue (Tyler)175
McKee, James H.175
McKee, Miles189
McKeekin, John401
McKenna, Anna157
McKenna, Bettie (Goodwin)156
McKenna, Daniel156, 157
McKenna, Henry107, 154, 156
McKenna, Henry J.157
McKenna, James154, 157
McKenna, Mary157
McKenna, Peter157
McKenna, Stafford157
McKenna, Teague156
McKinley, 170
McLean, Hector317
McLean, Hestor409
McLean, Samuel317, 409
McLory, C.219
Mcmahon, Edward, Rev.87
McMakin, W. S.169
McMakin, Alex177
McMakin, Martha (Sanders)177
McMakin, Peyton194
McMakin, Samuel Boone, Dr.194
McManus, Charles   317, 395
McManus, C.320
McManus, Mr.342
McMekin, John317, 415
McNeal, Mary296
McNutty, Mary Bernadette, Sister86
McQuown, William42
McQuown, Alexander477, 479
McQuown, Ruth, Miss325, 390
McQuown, see also McCown, McGown
McReynolds, Mrs.79
McReynolds, William79
McRoberts, S. S., Rev.79, 439
McRoberts, Elizabeth (Rizer)439
McRoberts, Melinda Jane483
McSherry, John Francis, Rev.245
Meason, Benjamin317
Medcalfe, Benjamin55
Medcalfe, Ignatius55
Medcalfe, James55
Medcalfe, Margaret (Bethel)55
Medcalfe, Nancy (Figg)55
Medcalfe, Nelly (Ritchie)55
Medley, Reuber201
Menah, William113
Merrifield, A. H., Dr.171
Merrifield, Alexander Hamilton163
Merrifield, Frances B. (Bemiss)169
Merrifield, John160
Merrifield, Mr.157
Merrifield, Raphael (Boone)163
Merrifield, Samuel Boone, Dr.46, 134, 160, 163, 169, 184
Merrifield, 161
Merrill, John195
Merrill, Mrs.25
Merrine, William327
Merton, Thomas42
Merton, Thomas "Father Louis"243
Metcalfe, W. W.73
Metcalfe, A. D., Rev.86
Metcalfe, Sylvester444
Metcalfe, William W.221
Miles, Phillip51, 244, 246
Miles, Anna (Bradford)246
Miles, Col.163
Miles, Dorothy267
Miles, E. L., Mrs.246
Miles, Edward Leo246, 247
Miles, Eleanor244, 246
Miles, Harry51, 246
Miles, Henry120, 246
Miles, Joseph51
Miles, Nancy (McAtee)246
Miles, Nicholas147
Miles, Thomas H.246
Miles, William R.87

M Con'd

Mill , Irvin277
Miller, Jacob18, 246
Miller, A. J.217
Miller, Ben169
Miller, C. Boone255
Miller, Irvine290
Miller, J. B.275
Miller, J. Tol.273
Miller, Jacob, Jr.246
Miller, John287
Miller, Mobley290
Miller, Nancy273
Miller, Samuel269, 275, 276
Miller, T. V.217
Miller, William270
Miller, Wood304
Mills, Spotwood320
Milton, Nancy200
Milton, Stanilaws51
Milton, Y.196, 218
Minor, James208
Minor, Mary (Guthrie)173
Minor, Nicholas41
Minor, Spencer, Maj.160, 163, 173, 185
Minor, William173
Minor, 170
Mitchell, Lucy Bradford247
Mobley, Aguilla217, 274
Mobley, H.278
Mobley, Q. A.287
Moffett, Mr.160, 161
Moffett, J. R.297
Mollihonre, James51
Montgomery, Austin147
Montgomery, China Figure272
Montgomery, Greek Wisdom272
Montgomery, Hebrew Fashion272
Montgomery, Hellin the Kitchen272
Montgomery, James, Mrs.272
Montgomery, London Judge272
Montgomery, Reprobable Kingdom "King"272
Montgomery, Revenue Belle272
Montgomery, Southern Soil272
Montgomery, Zack40
Moody, W. H.297
Moody, Alexander133, 336, 349
Moore, Alexander42, 320, 342, 353, 433
Moore, Boss308
Moore, C. P.94, 365, 366
Moore, Cornelius325
Moore, Edward Leo250
Moore, George W.32, 329
Moore, J. W.217
Moore , James50
Moore, James M.324, 325
Moore, Jim White195
Moore, John28, 314, 315
Moore, Merrill297
Moore, Moses415, 419
Moore, Muirel446
Moore, Tom433
Moore, Tom104, 108
Moorehead, Charles A.41
Morehead, Charles S.445
Morgan, Tom42
Morgan, John Hunt, Gen.44, 45, 349
Morgan, D. H., Dr.321
Morris, Joshua216, 217
Morris , Joshua, Rev.285, 287
Morris, William LaRue273
Morrison, A. A.77
Morrison, Daniel L.72, 317
Morrison, H. C., Rev.363
Morrison, Issac30, 32, 41, 97, 278, 313, 314, 31
Morrison, James30, 278, 315
Morton, Thomas30, 314, 431
Morton, Samuel314, 315, 317
Morton, Sam, Mrs.420
Mosely, John160
Mosely, W. B.355
Moss, J. E., Rev.208
Mossman, Mary476
Mudd, Bill372
Mudd, F. F.219
Mudd, Lick96
Mudd, Raphael R.51
Mudd, Thomas51
Muir, Elizabeth W.269
Muir, H. Hal166
Muir, Henry L.366, 430
Muir, J. Hal166
Muir, James340
Muir, Jasper W.41, 410, 430
Muir, Jasper W., Jr.410
Muir, Jasper W., Sr.292
Muir, Jasper Wickliffe366
Muir, Jasper, Sr.166
Muir, Joe433
Muir, Judge294
Muir, L. W.329
Muir, Marion106
Muir, Marion P.410
Muir, Mary (Taylor)174
Muir, Mary Ellen174
Muir, Nancy G.72
Muir, Nat. J.166, 174
Muir, Nat. J., Jr.174
Muir, Natalie174
Muir, Nathaniel369
Muir, Nathaniel W.166
Muir, Sam, Dr.72
Muir, Will L.446
Muir, 206
Mulligan, 206
Mullins, Oliver364
Munday, Sue (a.k.a Jerome Clark)46, 59, 292
Murphy, Felix G.32
Murphy, Robert32
Murphy, William329
Murphy, 196
Murray, J. P.340