1840 Census Index, Oldham Co, Ky 

Last Name    First name   page
Abbott           John      168 
Abbott           John      149 
Adams          Absalom   147 
Adams          Allen     167 
Adams          Daniel    156 
Adams          David F   151 
Adams          Joel      159 
Adams          Mary      171 
Adams          May       167 
Adams          William   167 
Adams          Wily      148 
Admire          H         149 
Alexander      James     171 
Alexander      Mercy     154 
Allen              Francis   153 
Allen              W K       163 
Alliarson         H         169 
Anderson       Eric      156 
Anderson       Mary      154 
Anderson       Thomas    147 
Antler             James     159 
Archer           E         171 
Arington         George    149 
Armstrong      G         147 
Arterburn        Cor.      158 
Arterburn       Thomas    164 
Arvin             M H       158 
Ashby           Fielding  146 
Ashby           John      171 
Asher            Allen     157 
Asher            James     157 
Ashly            Chantalle 146 
Ashly            Jane      166 
Austin          Daniel    167 
Austin          James     167 
Babbitt        Ebenezer  160 
Babbitt        Silas     160 
Baggs          John      153 
Bail             James     162 
Baker          Jesse     154 
Baldock        James D   156 
Baldock        John      148 
Ballard        John      152 
Ballina        C P       172 
Balloo         Elizabeth 169 
Barbour        P C L     158 
Barbour        P E       161 
Barbour        T L       170 
Barbour Sr     William L 146 
Barnhill       Joseph    157 
Barnhill jr    William   153 
Barnhill sr    William   153 
Barrachman     Elijah    167 
Barrack        Charles   168 
Barrackman     John      169 
Baskow         Eph.      169 
Bauman         James     146 
Bayley         Levi      158 
Bays           Agnes     152 
Bean           Edna F    162 
Beatty         R         147 
Beau           Joseph    159 
Beifrin        S H       154 
Bell           David     151 
Bell           Fielding  162 
Beman          M C       156 
Bennet         Enoch     169 
Bennett        Ann       150 
Bennett        Daniel    149 
Bennett        Reub      166 
Benton         Mary      171 
Berry          James     153 
Berry          William L 150 
Binon          N         170 
Black          Henry     148 
Black          John      151 
Black          Matilda   154 
Blackman       Catherine 154 
Blackmore      E A       172 
Blackmore      Thomas    172 
Blake          Peter     155 
Bland          Elizabeth 163 
Blankenship    P H       150 
Bohanon        Absalom   167 
Bondurant      Jeff. W   167 
Boulware       Charity   162 
Boulware       Fountain  170 
Boulware       Kay       170 
Boulware       Milton    158 
Boulware       Preston   162 
Boulware       Ramsy     167 
Bourn          Rufus G   165 
Bowker         R         150 
Bowkes         Mat.      148 
Bowling        Alexander 156 
Bowman         Robert    165 
Brauner        D         155 
Breedlove      Frances   165 
Bright         James     168 
Brown          John      147 
Brown          Milton    162 
Brown          Nabcy     162 
Brown jr       John      159 
Brown sr       John      159 
Bryant         W O       149 
Bryant   (free)Menk      165 
Buckhanon      James M   162 
Buckhanon      John      146 
Buckner        Coleman   153 
Bullock        Ann       150 
Burns          Thomas    150 
Burton         Ann       172 
Burton         Bayelle   153 
Burton         Mildred   154 
Button         Francis Y 152 
Button         G M       151 
Button         Henry     166 
Button         R         150 
Button         William   170 
Byer           George    153 
Byers          H O       172 
Caine          Gwen      161
Caldwell       William   163 
Callender      Elizabeth 159 
Callis         B S       151 
Calloway       William   154 
Campbell       R C       156 
Campbell       R T       167 
Campbell       Richard   165 
Caplinger      W H       152
Capody         N         170 
Carder         Berket    160 
Carder         C N       171 
Carder         Madison   163
 Cardwell       Dennis A  151 
Carington      Seth      156 
Carpenter      Abel      158 
Carpenter      James     158 
Carpenter      William   163 
Carr           John      158 
Carraway       James     160 
Carstaffin     Mary      150 
Carter         Elijah    170 
Carter         W L E     170 
Cassady        John      159 
Castin         Whitf.    159 
Castin         William   165 
Cazaier        William   161 
Chaffin        John G    162 
Chambers       Margaret  151 
Chritzton      James R   162 
Clark          Elijah    164 
Clayton        William   164 
Clore          Hannah    161 
Clore          Rotel     166 
Clore          Thomas    166 
Clore          William   167 
Clore jr       Elijah    160 
Clore jr       James     171 
Clore sr       Benjamin  163 
Clore sr       Elijah    163 
Clore sr       James     161 
Clue           Laurence  160 
Coleman        James     167 
Collin         Duke      167 
Collins        John      152 
Collins        William   154 
Connell        John      163 
Connier        John      170 
Coons          Bey       147 
Coons          James     149 
Coons          John F    163 
Coons          Michael   147 
Coons Sr       William   149 
Cooplin        John      161 
Cora           Elizabeth 164 
Cortez         Joseph    170 
Crainshaw      William   170 
Crider         Peter     155 
Crim           Willis    152 
Crinch         Benjamin  159 
Crook          John      163 
Cropper        Noble     161 
Crutchfield    James L   168 
Curd           Jane      148 
Curd           John W    148 
Curlee         William   158 
Daggett        James     163 
Daggett        Thomas    156 
Daily          Francis   156 
Davis          L         150 
Dawkins        Elizabeth 150 
Dawkins        Johnston  148 
Dawkins        T C       146 
Dawkins        William   150 
Defasnett      James M   152 
Dejamer        Jane      149 
Demstill       Lindain   169 
Densford       James     158
Denzell        William   149 
Detectcher     Al        146 
Dich           Van       155 
Die            Benjamin  169 
Dillender      John      154 
Dingist        Jacob     151 
Ditzler        George    168 
Dodd           Thomas    153 
Dowell         W M       166 
Drake          Lainu ?   171 
Dubois         N         151 
Duerson        T W       171 
Duerson jr     William   171 
Duerson sr     Al        171 
Dunaway        Thomas    157 
Duncan         Alexander 169 
Duncan         Moses     152 
Dunning        E         171 
Echols         James A   154 
Eddin          Adison    162 
Eddy           Dana      148 
Edwards        Lydia     168 
Egington       John G    156 
Ellis          H         148 
Ellis          H         154 
Ellis          Jesse     170 
Ellis          John      170 
Ellis          Joshua    157 
Engle          Sarah     153 
Engles         Sol       153 
Enochs         Elizabeth 170 
Enochs         Wilson    170 
Estes          J L       161 
Evans          Hyram     169 
Evans          James     153 
Farr           Pat       147 
Ferguson       Andrew    147 
Ferguson       Jacob     147 
Ferguson       Jacob A   151 
Ferguson       John      147 
Ferguson       Willis    151 
Fetheringale   Hanah     162 
Fible          John      172 
Fible          Joseph    169 
Fible          Rebecca   154 
Field          Daniel    164 
Findley        Elisha    150 
Findley        G         148 
Findley        L P       166 
Findley        Thomas    148 
Fiscus         Jacob     151 
Fisher         Brodus    154 
Fisher         Joseph    155 
Fisher         Lewis     155 
Fisher         Redding   157 
Fitzgerald     Andrew    161 
Fitzgerald     William   157 
Flint          John      171 
Flint          May       171 
Floyd          Samuel    147 
Fora           R         149 
Force          Joseph    146 
Force          William   156 
Ford           Abraham M 152 
Ford           Dicy      164 
Ford           Jack      153 
Foster         William   167 
Foxworthy      Enoch     147 
Franklin       S         148 
Fullenweider   G         147 
Gallaspie      Nelson    169 
Gamott         James     147 
Gates          Elijah    166 
Gates          Peter     166 
Gibb           James S   162 
Gibbs          Lunen     164 
Gibson         Chad.     170 
Gibson         W E       170 
Gilpin         Virgil A  168 
Givashright    J R       154 
Givin          H L       159 
Glass          Jack      152 
Glass          John      158
Glass          William   153 
Glore          Joseph    164 
Glue           Melbin    160 
Gomes          Alfred    163 
Goodwin        Sarah     163 
Gouph          Rebecca   159 
Gouph          Suay      169 
Gouphe         Lucy      153 
Grady          Daniel    152 
Green          James     159 
Green          S D       170 
Griffith       George    162 
Guiton         Samuel    167 
Gwiton         H         155 
Gwynn          Henry     167 
Hagin          James     153
Hall           James     169
Hall           John H    167 
Hall           Joseph    168 
Hall           Thomas    168 
Hall           Wyatt     154 
Hall           Zah       167 
Hammond        George    146 
Hammonds       William   157
Hampton        Elijah    159 
Hampton        Joseph R  159 
Hancock        James     171 
Hansen         Elijah    159 
Hansen         Jonas     159 
Harbott        George    163
Harden         William   158 
Hardin         Johnathan 158 
Hardin         May       158 
Hardin         Nancy     170 
Hardin         Warner    158 
Hardin         William A 158 
Haris          Abraham   160 
Harris         William   151 
Harrison       H         161 
Hawkins        Moses     151 
Hawkins        William K 156 
Hazzard        Elisha    168 
Head           C P       148 
Head           James     153 
Head           O L       159 
Head           Richard   170 
Head           Z C       166 
Head           Zach      152 
Henderson      Absalom R 156 
Henshaw        James     163 
Henshaw        Sarah     171
Herndon        Gia. J    166 
Hicks          Richard   152
Hill           James     149 
Hill           James     169 
Hinkle         James     165 
Hinkle         Samuel    165
Hivener        George W  154
Hockersmith    Squire ?  156 
Hollander      John      151 
Hollinshead    Elizabeth 158 
Hoskins        James     149 
Hoskins        John N    156 
Howard         D         157
Howell         John sr   164 
Howell         Ranson    164 
Howell jr      John      164 
Hudson         D         157 
Hudson         E B       163 
Hudson         Elizabeth 153 
Huffman        Elizabeth 168 
Humphrey       Matthew   150 
Hundley        James     149 
Hunter         James     155 
Ingram         William   169
Isaacs         Calloway  165 
James          Samuel    154 
Jeany          Joseph    165
Jeffry         H         158
Jenning        William   148
Jennings       Benjamin  162 
Jett           H         147 
Jocoby         J         150 
Johnston       H H       157
Johnston       James     151
Johnston       M H       172
Johnston       R S       151
Johnston       Simp.     149 
Johnston       William   162
Johson         Hanah     172
Jones          George    166 
Jones          John      161 
Jones          Thomas    147
Kelly          George    166 
Kelly          James     169 
Kelly          William   151 
Kemp           William   149 
Kemper         Joel      147 
Kenon          John      163 
Kightly        Abraham   161
Kightly        Gabriel   159 
King           Mich      156 
Kinny          Madison   151 
Kiser          Jacob     161 
Kiser          John      169 
Lamott         Daniel    155 
Landon         William   166 
Lapp           James     147
Leel           James     148
Legan          May       169
Lindley        Jackson   150 
Little         John      164
Lock           J B       168 
Lock           John D    168
Lockhart       David     159 
Lockhart       James     157
Logan          John      165 
Logan          Mary      162 
Long           Benjamin  171 
Long           John      168
Long           T         170
Longinito      Anthony   164
Longworthy     W B       146
Love           William   154 
Love           William   155 
Luckes         Jacob     155
Ludd           WILLIAM   166
Lugg           William   168 
Lunceford      William   146 
Luttive        Elijah    170 
Luu            John C    150
Lyon           George G  162 
Lyons          Leonard   154 
Lyons          Thomas    146 
Mack           Amos      161 
Macky          Alex      164 
Maddox         G L       148 
Maddox         Gibson W  148 
Maddox         John      151 
Maffite        William   150 
Maginity       Benjamin  166 
Maginity       William   149 
Magruder       Frank     168 
Magruder       H         155 
Magruder       Owen      168 
Mahoney        C W       153 
Malice         Peyton    164
Malone         William   162 
Marmaduke      Lanss.    171 
Marshall       George    169 
Martin         Chesley   161
Mason          R A       167 
Matthew        Philip    149
Matthews       Abraham   153
Matthews       Allen   160  
Matthews       James   156  
Matthews       William   150 
McCallister    Samuel    153 
McClure        Winston   167 
McCoy          A J       160 
McCoy          John      160 
McDonald       Daniel    148 
McDonald       Elias     149 
McFadden       John      166 
McFarland      Nathaniel 147 
McGuin         James     146 
McKinsky       William   151 
McMakin        W         152
McMikle        James     158 
McMoris        Sarah     165 
Mead           H K       167
Mead           R. E      166
Mercer         Levi      156
Metcalf        Francis   155 
Metcalf        James     161 
Micky          Thomas G  160 
Milton         John S    160 
Milton         Robert    153
Minor          Edward    146 
Mitchell       C P       156
Mone           Gilpin    155 
Montgomery     James H   164
Montgomery     Robert    151 
Morehouse      D         161 
Moreland       W W       117 
Moris          George    154 
Moris          Jacob     161
Morrison       James R   156 
Mothershead    N         149
Mount          Amos      163 
Mount          T         171 
Mount jr       John      152 
Mount sr       John      154 
Murphey        Elizabeth 146 
Murray         Benjamin  163 
Murray         W W       156 
Muster         John      169
Nay            James     150 
Nay            Joel      150 
Neal           F         170
Netherson      H H      158 
Netherson      Henry     158 
Netherson      John      158 
Nichols        E N       161
Noe            John      150 
Norton         Lorenzo   159
Nuckes         Thomas    146 
Ogden          Henry     153 
Ogden          William   153 
Oglesby        Elder     170 
Oglesby        Thomas    163
Oldham         James     151
Oliver         Jacob     165 
Oliver         Rebecca   149
Osbern         Benjamin  156 
Overstreet     A         148
Overstreet     Gabriel   152 
Overstreet     H R       148 
Overstreet     John      157 
Owens          Moris     171 
Pallard        H C       148 
Parks          Samuel    150 
Parks          Thomas    150
Patten         Chris     146 
Patten         Lewis     157 
Patterson      John      163 
Patterson      John      154 
Patton         Phin D    159 
Peaches        Cole      157 
Peake          Absalom   155 
Pearce         Samuel    152 
Pemberton      R         155 
Pemberton      Thomas    152 
Pemberton      William   149 
Penatelle      C         155 
Pennington     Beryl     147 
Pennington     William   147 
Perdew         C M       156 
Peterson       L E       154 
Philips        George    155 
Philips        J         170 
Philips        Joseph    146 
Pilcher        Mary      164 
Pinnell        Franklin  161 
Pinnell        George    161 
Pinnell        Joseph    158 
Pinnell        Joseph    166 
Pinnier        J H       150 
Potts          Thomas    157 
Powell         Sindsey   153 
Priest         Fielding  168 
Priest         William M 166 
Pruitt         Coleman   154 
Pulliam        George G  153 
Quinn          James     162 
Rader          Alexandra 163
Rader          John      150 
Ragsdale       Green     157 
Ragsdale       W         153 
Ragsdale       W R       152 
Rankin         J B       158 
Rankin         James     162 
Rankin         Samuel    148 
Rankin         W         171
Redding        William   157 
Reynold        Morgan    168 
Reynolds       Joseph    163 
Rice           John      155 
Rice           Tile      170 
Roach          James     160 
Rodman         T A       155 
Rollins        Benjamin  147 
Roney          Jev       146 
Rony           Daniel    152 
Rony           Joseph    157 
Rony           Joseph    166 
Ronzee         J W       155 
Ross           Elizabeth 158 
Ross           Stephen   158 
Rough          D         156 
Rough          L         149 
Rounder        Jacob     149 
Ruiby          Nancy     172 
Russel         Benjamin  164 
Russel         John      164 
Russell        Benjamin F156 
Russell        Henry     164 
Russell        Jonathan  164 
Rutter         John      164 
Ruttez         Hyram     164
Ryle           William   156 
Sadler         Pleasant  151 
Sage           Jeremiah  152 
Sage           Jesse     166 
Sage           Lucy      149 
Sale           Reuben    152 
Sandifer       Robert    167
Sane           Newton    160
Sayles jr      John C    146 
Scears         Christ    158 
Sebry          Rovier    157 
Seeds          Richard   162 
Serinshure     Thomas    165
Shackleford    Hyram     164 
Shackleford    William   169
Shader         Jacob     161 
Shaders        Wilt      167 
Shades         Philip    154 
Shake          Jacob     165 
Shake          John M    164 
Shaw           Rebecca   165
Shelton        John      160 
Shirley        Laurence  169 
Shirly         William   160 
Shockly        James     156 
Shrader        Adam      168 
Shrader        Jacob     165 
Shrader        William   165 
Simpson        J         159 
Singer         Susan     151 
Smekford       J M       149 
Smiser         Joshua    146 
Smiser         Michael   146
Smiser         William   157 
Smith          Francis   153 
Smith          Henry     164 
Smith          John      164 
Smith          Susan     155 
Smith          W R       159
Smith          William   161 
Smith jr       Isaac     160
Smither        Thomas    164 
Snead          P D       161 
Snider         John      158 
Snider         Willis    161 
Snowden        Francis   171 
Snowden        Henry     168
Snowden        Samuel    171
 Souther        Isaac     162 
Souther        Michael   163 
Souther jr     H         170 
Souther sr     H         170 
Sparks         D         152 
Sparks         Hampton   157 
Speer          John      162 
Speer          Marcus    170 
Spiers         Noah      147 
Spiers         William   149 
Spirs          Z         149 
Staghill       John      159
Starr          John      161 
Stater         William   157
Sted           S B       168 
Steel          John      148
Stephens       Isaac     155
Stephens       Lewis     168 
Stevens        John      155 
Stewart        D C       161
Stoddard       Calvin E  165
Stokes         M L H     155
Stone          George    152 
Stonestreet    But.      148 
Sudd sr        William   151 
Sut            George    166 
Sutter         Geag ?    171 
Suttley        Isiah     150 
Sweeny         Joseph    159 
Sweney         Nancy     146 
Swift          John      150 
Talbott        William   155 
Talliaferro    James     167
Talliaferro    Rob       167 
Taper    (free)Ruben     171
Tarleton       Meredith  168 
Tarleton       R B       167 
Tate           James     163 
Taylor         Benjamin  157 
Taylor         E F       172 
Taylor         Ede       172 
Taylor         Francis   155 
Taylor         John      157 
Taylor         Joseph    157 
Taylor         W N       152 
Taylor   (free)Jacob     169 
Teet           Jeptha    146 
Thomas         Middleton 166
Thompson       David     152 
Thompson       J         151 
Thompson       James     146 
Thompson       James C   150 
Thomson  (free)Pais      171 
Thornton       Ann       169 
Thornton       J L       147 
Thornton       P C       167 
Tilberry       E         150 
Trigg          J K L     171 
Troutman       Jacob     147 
Tucker         Thomas S  146 
Underwood      Luke R    153
Vaeble         George    147 
Vance          Nancy     171 
Vanchise       D B       169 
Varble         Catherine 161 
Varble         George    156 
Varble         H         151 
Varble         Philip    169 
Vaughan        Henry     165 
Vincent        James     163 
Vincent        Joseph    146
Vist           John      169 
Walden         Richards  152 
Walker         M D       155 
Walker         Obea      151 
Walters        W W       160 
Walverson      Benjamin  171 
Ward           James B   156
Wardlow        Joseph    156 
Warson         Robert    152 
Washburn       Isaac     168 
Washburn       Samuel    152
Waterson       Robert    167 
Webb           William M 166 
Wellman        Andru     148 
Wellman        Mercy     148 
Wellman        R A       159 
Wellman Sr     Thomas    148 
Wells          Elizabeth 146 
Wheeler        Francis   151 
Wheeler        Vincent   162 
Whitaker       Jeremiah  151 
White          John      162 
White          Laurence  159 
Whitesides     Ephriam   154
Whitesides     John      154 
Whitesides     Joseph    147
Whitesides     Phebe     147 
Whitesides     William   152 
Whitson        May       162 
Wigginton      Gunther   157 
Willhoite      Aaron     165 
Willhoite      Allen     168 
Willhoite      Ann       162 
Willhoite      Benjamin  157 
Willhoite      Benjamin  163 
Willhoite      Elijah    171 
Willhoite      Evan      158 
Willhoite      India     168 
Willhoite      Jefferson 166 
Willhoite      Jesse     169 
Willhoite      Lewis     160 
Willhoite      Milton    167 
Willhoite      Paschal   165 
Willhoite      Westley   169 
Willhoite      Zach      158 
Willhoite      Zach      148 
Williams       Alson     153 
Williams       B K       160 
Williams       John      165 
Willin         Henry     168 
Willis         Lewis     150 
Willman        Thomas    157 
Wills          T L       163 
Wills          W K       165 
Wilson         James H   162 
Wilson         W P       168 
Winter         John      155 
Wood           James B   156
Woodard        Virginia  148
Wooden         Lucy      165 
Woodsmall      Sarah     163 
Woolfolk       Francis   166 
Woolfolk       James M   166 
Woolfolk       T J       168 
Woolfolk       William   166
Wright         James     149 
Wright         James     166
Wright         John      147 
Wygle          John      165 
Yager          Daniel    149 
Yager          Eli       161 
Yager          Jesse     161 
Yager          Sandford  160 
Yager          Thomas    160 
Yager          Wayland   165 
Yager          William   165 
Young          Ester     149 
Young          Isaac     162 
Zaring         Abraham   160 
Zaring         Benjamin  160 
Zaring         Gibson    160 
Zaring         John      163 
Zaring         John      160 
Zaring         Julius    160 
Zaring         Lewis     160                                    

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