Owen County, Kentucky
We need lookup volunteers! If you have material about Owen County and are willing to share and become a lookup volunteer, please let me know! Rules for Lookups: 1. Please do not ask our volunteers to lookup "general" surnames. Be specific as to who you are looking for! And give the volunteer as much info as you can! 2. Do not ask for more than two names per lookup! 3. If you would like for a volunteer to make copies of documents, please be willing to send them the "cost" of the copies! 4. And please, be sure to "Thank" our volunteers! NEW! MOUNTAIN ISLAND OF OWEN COUNTY KENTUCKY: The Settlers and Their Churches by James C. Bryant. Will do lookups but please be specific with Surnames. Ernie & Georgia Stamper
Our genealogy volunteers are willing to do research look ups that are available to them. The genealogy look ups are "FREE OF CHARGE". Volunteers may ask for reimbursement charges for copies, postage and travel expenses. Please Allow 5 - 10 days for your volunteer(s) to answer your look up request. We do get lots of people needing "Look Up Requests", so please be patient while they work quickly on them.
"Eternal Rest Owen Co. Cemetery Listings" Lookup Volunteer: Ewing Best ewingb@infionline.net 1883 Owen Co. Atlas Maps Lookup Volunteer: Ewing Best ewingb@infionline.net Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness