George Pickett & Margaret his
wife, of Harrison Co to) Deed Oct 31, 1807
350 Paid James Wilson of Pend. Co all that tract
of land in Pend Co bounded Beginning at the upper
end of the Town of Falmouth at a white Elm and white
Walnut on the bank of the South fork; thence S 20 W
84 poles on the town line to 2 beech trees on the
corners of said town; thence S 65 W 168 poles to the
sugar tree and two Black beeches on the south Fork
of Licking; thence down the same as it meanders to
the beginning to contain 160 acres.
Teste. Isaac
George Pickett
Peggy Pickett
Harrison Co. Sct
George Pickett ackd.
Before Press G Rule, D.C. for Press G
Kennett CPC, on Nov
20, 1807
Note: Charles Sterne’s land was sold by Sheriff to
John W. Sterne.
