John Waller & Garner his wife
of Bourbon Co To) Deed May 1, 1801 $1000.
Paid Charles Sterne all that tract of land in Pend.
Co. in the forks of Licking, being part of Holt
Richardsons Military Claim of 1000 scres and
containing 149 acres by estimation and bounded by
the land of Al. Montjoy on the N West; by the Town
of Falmouth on the North; by South Fork of Licking
on the South West; and by the up or hilly . . . on
the South & South East.
Witnesses F.
John Waller
Joel Riddish Garner
Chas E

Bond of
John Waller
Richard A Collins
v) P Cir C Pkg 117
Geo M Bibb
Bond of John Waller on penal
sum of 1000 pounds to Samuel Cook, John Vance, Geo.
Hume, John Hume, John Ewing, Samuel Bryan and John
Sanders Joint Trustees of the town of Falmouth in the
county of Campbell 23rd day of July 1795
. . if John Waller shall pay . . . to any person who
may hereafter produce a more equitable or legal
title claim to the land whereon the town of Falmouth
is by law established our full and all reasonable
costs and charges.
John Waller
James Green & Wm. Edmundson
Mathew Glaves
(Note: “John Waller and Mathew Glaves of the county
of Campbell.” |