ABBOTT, male child of John, born 28 Dec 1911 to mother June Moore.
ABECRAMBIE, Gladys L., born 29 Aug 1927 to mother Ethel McDowell.
ABERCROMBIE, Arnold E., born 13 May 1919 to mother Nelly Arnold.
ABERCROMBIE, Charles Hervy, born 23 Apr 1885.
ABERCROMBIE, Edwin H., born 28 Jan 1911 to mother Julia Lovelace,
father Harper L. Abercrombie.
ABERCROMBIE, Ernest G., born 20 Dec 1930 to mother Ethel McDowell.
ABERCROMBIE, Grace, born 5 Jan 1915 to mother Julia Lovelace.
ABERCROMBIE, Leroy, born 23 Aug 1929 to mother Ethel McDowell.
ABERCROMBY, Ivan, born 24 Oct 1914 to mother Margarette Donley.
ABRAHAM, Joseph P., born 20 Jun 1920 to mother Margarat Dougherty.

ACKMAN, Esther L., born 11 Oct 1922 to mother Lulu Lancaster.
ACKMAN, Hilda L., born 26 Jan 1916 to mother Florence Clark.
ACKMAN, James B., born 27 Aug 1926 to mother Florence Clark.

ADAMS, Allene H., born 14 Oct 1927 to mother Hattie Lozier.
ADAMS, Ambrose L., born 19 Sep 1920 to mother Hattie Dozier.
ADAMS, Artie P., born 2 Sep 1928 to mtoher Artie Dance.
ADAMS, Bernice E., born 8 Dec 1914 to mother Beulah Gillespie.
ADAMS, Bernice L., born 18 Aug 1920 to mother Lona Faucher.
ADAMS, Bertha M., born 21 Mar 1926 to mother Bulah Gillespie.
ADAMS, Carl Bernard, born 5 Nov 1891.
ADAMS, Carl A., born 13 Dec 1920 to mother Mary Mulloy.
ADAMS, Cecil F., born 8 Sep 1928 to mtoher Vada Poor.
ADAMS, Charles S., born 14 Aug 1915 to mother Harriet Lozier.
ADAMS, Charlie Elmer, born 22 Jun 1878.
ADAMS, Chester C., born 7 Apar 1918 to mother Bulah Gillespie.
ADAMS, Dortha M., born 27 Jun 1921 to mother Vada Poor.
ADAMS, Dorthy L., born 1 Aug 1918 to mother Clara Howe.
ADAMS, Edith L., born 24 Aug 1922 to mother Hattie Lozies.
ADAMS, Ercel L., born 6 Jun 1922 to mother Artie Adams.
ADAMS, Ethel M., born 18 Aug 1924 to mother Hattie Dozier.
ADAMS, Flora J., born 23 Jun 1914 to mother Mary Nonemaker.
ADAMS, Floyd W., born 28 May 1916 to mother Ora Dance.
ADAMS, Geneva L., born 16 Apr 1920 to mother Vada Poor.
ADAMS, Georgie A., born 12 Jul 1920 to mother Artie Adams.
ADAMS, Grace, born 13 Apr 1916 to motehr Mary Nunamaker.
ADAMS, Harold W., born 22 Feb 1923 to mother Vida Poor.
ADAMS, Hilda R., born 29 May 1913 to mother Lona Faucher.
ADAMS, Jewel T., born 25 Jul 1929 to mother Hattie Lozien.
ADAMS, John U., born 13 Oct 1921 to mother Daisey Wells.
ADAMS, Kenneth F., born 4 Apr 1923 to mother Beula Gillespie.
ADAMS, Lawrence E., born 22 Mar 1926 to mother Artie Dance.
ADAMS, Leslie E., born 11 Jul 1927 to mother Beulah Gillespie.
ADAMS, Lora M., born 22 Dec 1923 to mother Stella Daniels.
ADAMS, Luther F., born 26 Feb 1912 to mother Hattie Lozier.
ADAMS, Mary L., born 24 Jan 1915 to mother Mary Mulley.
ADAMS, Mildred C., born 26 May 1930 to mother Vadia Unknown.
ADAMS, Ollie J., born 8 Aug 1917 to mother Hattie Lozier.
ADAMS, Pauline F., born 14 Aug 1924 to mother Artie Dance.
ADAMS, Raymond, born 5 Jun 1913 to mother Beulah Gillispie.
ADAMS, Ruth E., born 30 Jan 1927 to mother Vadis Poore.
ADAMS, Stanley, born 14 Aug 1915 to mother Hattie Lozier.
ADAMS, Truman G., born 18 Oct 1918 to mother Lona Faucher.
ADAMS, Violet L., born 21 Apr 1919 to mother Beulah Gillespie.
ADAMS, Wayne H., born 8 Nov 1925 to mother Fannie Stroub.
ADAMS, William E., born 26 Feb 1921 to mtoher Beulah Gillespie.
ADKINS, Gladys L., born 9 Nov 1912 to mother Eliza Day.
ADKINS, Samuel W., born 28 May 1914 to mother Hattie Ford.

ALBERTSON, Dorothy R., born 15 Aug 1907 to mother Carrie
Bradford. (Delayed Birth Certificate #232 49337.)
ALBERTSON, Jessie, born 4 Aug 1912 to mother Carrice Bradford.
ALCORN, Thelma L., born 1 Jun 1917 to mother Rosa Allen.
ALEMONS, Dorothy S., born 12 Dec 1922 to mother Sarah Cass.
ALEXANDER, Robert, born 20 Jan 1921 to mother Edna Kidwell.
ALLEN, General L., born 26 Feb 1926 to mother Anna Hand.
ALLEN, Helen F., born 15 May 1923 to mother Anna Hand.
ALLEN, James Asbury, born 18 Sep 1879.
ALLEN, Lucy M., born 21 Jan 1927 to mother Bertha Yelton.
ALLEN, Maritha L., born 7 Jul 1924 to mother Anna Hand.
ALLEN, Paul W., born 5 Mar 1924 to mother Bertha Yelton.
ALLEN, Virginia L., born 16 Mar 1918 to mother Lula Solomon.
ALLEN, Wesley, born 1 Jan 1928 to mother Annie Hand.
ALLENDEN, Alma M., born 12 Dec 1927 to mother Clelo Highland.
ALLENDER, Ada M., born 2 Dec 1919 to mother Cathelene Routt.
ALLENDER, Alonzo Larue, born 21 Apr 1895.
ALLENDER, Arelta M., born 28 May 1921 to mother Florence Hancock.
ALLENDER, Carl Clar., born 5 May 1888.
ALLENDER, Charlie M., born 14 Sep 1913 to mother Eva Gosney.
ALLENDER, Clyde O., born 19 Feb 1927 to mother Lula Kidwell.
ALLENDER, Elma R., born 24 Jul 1916 to mother Goldie Young. *
ALLENDER, Elmo R., born 24 Jul 1916 to mother Goldie Young.*
ALLENDER, Ermine L., born 12 Jul 1918 to mother Florence Hancock.
ALLENDER, Eugene, born 27 Mar 1913 to mother Anna Mockbee.
ALLENDER, Geneva R., born 17 Jun 1930 to mother Lula Kidwell.
ALLENDER, Geraldine, born 5 Oct 1924 to mother Catheline Routt.
ALLENDER, Greba F., born 25 Apr 1929 to mother Kathleen Routt.
ALLENDER, John W., born 19 Jan 1922 to mother Cathline Routt.
ALLENDER, Raymond E., born 12 Apr 1914 to mother Florence Hancock.
ALLENDER, Velda L., born 16 Feb 1924 to mother Lula Kidwell.
ALLENDER, Velma Lona, born 8 Nov 1911 to mother Eva Gosney.
ALLENDER, Wilbert L., born 20 Sep 1918 to mother Goldie Young.
ALLENDER, Yuelta F., born 28 May 1921 to mother Florence Hancock.
ALLENDES, Alice E., born 28 May 1921 to mother Lula Kidwell.

AMER, Raymond L., born 19 May 1926 to mother Florence Hancock.
AMEVEMAN, Katie L., born 14 Oct 1914 to mother Mattie Elliott.
AMMERMAN, Addie M., born 16 Mar 1922 to mother Beulah Kenner.
AMMERMAN, Alonzo Adolphus, born 1 Mar 1878.
AMMERMAN, Archie E., born 2 Jun 1900.
AMMERMAN, Charles F., born 22 Feb 1923 to mother Martha Elliott.
AMMERMAN, Earl F., born 12 Jul 1917 to mother Mattie Elliott.
AMMERMAN, Elza George, born 25 Jan 1896.
AMMERMAN, Ernest B., born 4 Jan 1916 to mother Arrene Tucker.
AMMERMAN, Esther K., born 12 Nov 1900 to mother Gertrude
Carter. (Delayed Birth Certificate #243 49795.)
AMMERMAN, Gladys, born 4 Sep 1913 to mother Stella Morris.
AMMERMAN, Izzenna M., bor 8 Jun 1918 to mother Orenna Tucker.
AMMERMAN, Johnie P., born 7 Jun 1926 to mother Mattie Elliott.
AMMERMAN, Kangy, born 28 Aug 1922 to mother Lucy Hardin.
AMMERMAN, Kenneth, born 22 Sep 1914 to mtoher Gertrude Carter.
AMMERMAN, Lucy C., born 19 Apr 1929 to mother Viola Wilson.
AMMERMAN, Margaret F., born 6 Feb 1927 to mother Anna Fletcher.
AMMERMAN, Violet, born 27 Dec 1925 to mother Annie Fletcher.
AMMERMAN, William A., born 25 Aug 1920 to mother Mattie Elliott.
AMMERMAN, Willie Franklin, born 11 Mar 1888.

ANCHTER, Blanche, born 6 Mar 1926 to mother Estella Sullivan.
ANDERSON, Allie E., born 24 May 1912 to mother Jenie Wiley.
ANDERSON, Annie E., born 17 Oct 1915 to mother Jennie Welch.
ANDERSON, Ardella M., born 29 Aug 1927 to mother Catherine Wright.
ANDERSON, Edward Thomas, born 21 Dec 1895.
ANDERSON, Kenneth S., born 25 Aug 1909 to mother Katherine
Norris. (Delayed Birth Certificate #201 49098.)
ANDERSON, Mabel V., born 25 Sep 1920 to mother Stilla Humfleet.
ANDERSON, Margie A., born 22 Mar 1927 to mother Gladys March.
ANDERSON, Norma F., born 9 Jul 1923 to mother Catherine Wright.
ANDERSON, Sarah K., born 1 Dec 1913 to mother Jennie Welch.
ANDERSON, Viola, born 2 May 1922 to mother Bessie Winkle.
ANDERSON, William L., born 8 Jan 1921 to mother Catherine Wright.
ANDERSON, Wilma F., born 1 Nov 1925 to mother Catherine Wright.
ANGEL, Arval L., born 25 Mar 1911 to mother Ida Stone.
ANGELL, Alvis Martin, born 20 Sep 1898.
ANGELL, George W., born 25 Sep 1925 to mother Ina Sorrell.
ANGELL, Verneta, born 15 Mar 1930 to mother Velma McChamberlain.**
ANGELL, Vernetta F., born 15 Oct 1930 tom ther Velma McClannahan.
ANLICK, Rosemary S., born 26 Mar 1914 to mother Maude Godman.
ANNERS, Iva I., born 19 Apr 1920 to mother Mary Groves.
ANNESS, Charles C., born 23 Sep 1914 to mother Mary Graves.
ANNESS, Charles G., born 6 Jun 1874.
ANNESS, Goldie F., born 4 Dec 1911 to mother Marg Graves.
ANNESS, Josephine, born 25 Jan 1924 to mother Loretta Godman.
ANNIS, Thomas R., born 8 Jan 1917 to mother Loretta Godman.
ANNMENAN, Thomas, born 28 Dec 1911 to mother Luoy Hardin.
ANTROBUS, Clifford E., born 17 May 1921 to mother Lencie Harris.
ANTROBUS, Clyde E., born 22 Jan 1919 to mother Leona Vice.
ANTROBUS, Everet, born 13 Mar 1919 to mother Mary Antrobus.
ANTROBUS, Harold W., born 1 Oct 1917 to mother Leona Vice.
ANTROBUS, Hazel, born 3 Oct 1919 to mother Mahola Willis.
ANTROBUS, Jou J., born 16 Jul 1908 to mother Cora Faulkner. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #172 46951.)
ANTROBUS, Randell L., born 16 Dec 1920 to mother Fannie Harris.
ANTROBUS, Ruby L., born 11 Sep 1921 to mother Anna Wedding.
ANTROBUS, William, born 24 Jun 1930 to mother Mary Antrobus.

APPLEGATE, Beverly Watson, born 8 Aug 1889.
APPLEGATE, Mildred B., born 16 Aug 1919 to mother Grace

ARD, Daisy B., born 25 Apr 1928 to mother Mary Wilson.
ARMSTRONG, Claud, born 6 Jul 1921 to mother Edna Fusk.
ARNOLD, female child, born Dec 1910, parents Rev. &
Mrs. E.K. Arnold.
ARNOLD, female child of William, born 12 May 1919 to mother Nannie Gray.
ARNOLD, Andrew Franklin, born 10 Feb 1888.
ARNOLD, Beatrice J., born 26 Oct 1925 to mother Alberta Perkins.
ARNOLD, Beulah, born 24 Aug 1911 to mother Carrie McNay.
ARNOLD, Carrie R., born 22 Aug 1918 to mother Carrie McNay.
ARNOLD, Catherine A., born 29 Jan 1916 to mother Catherine Applegate.
ARNOLD, Charles, born 2 Jun 1894.
ARNOLD, Charles H., born 14 Oct 1911 to mother Martha Howe.
ARNOLD, Clarence E., born 9 Jun 1912 to mother Maud Vastine.
ARNOLD, Clarence W., born 25 Aug 1929 to mother Nellie Dance.
ARNOLD, Danny Lee, born 9 May 1920 to mother Virginia Browning.
ARNOLD, Dorothy, born 11 Feb 1911 to mother Stella Whaley.
ARNOLD, Elias A., born 7 Mar 1913 to mother Mamie Gray.
ARNOLD, Elwood, born 29 Jun 1927 to mother Nellie Dance.
ARNOLD, Hallie, born 26 Dec 1913 to mother Carrie McNay.
ARNOLD, Helen R., born 25 Dec 1923 to mother Catherine Applegate.
ARNOLD, Jennie E., born 23 Sep 1916 to mother Lou Asberry.
ARNOLD, John Oscar, born 1 Oct 1880.
ARNOLD, Lucille, born 28 Apr 1914 to mother Nannie Ewing.
ARNOLD, Mary E., born 27 Apr 1913 to mother Lucy Wright.
ARNOLD, Nora E., born 29 May 1921 to mother Carrie McNay.
ARNOLD, Sarah E., born 12 Jan 1918 to mother Catherine Applegate.
ARNOLD, Thelma M., born 25 Jul 1908 to mother Ella Day. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #198 47987.)
ARNOLD, Tilden D., born 22 Apr 1917 to mother Ella Day.
ARNOLD, Virginia R., born 16 Dec 1915 to mother Effie Kindell.
ARNOLD, William M., born 29 Apr 1920 to mother Nellie Dance.
ARNOLD, Zadia B., born 11 Jun 1916 to mother Carrie McNey.

ASBURY, Guy R., born 1 Jun 1915 to mother Bessie Tunsauley.
ASBURY, Wallace, born 15 Oct 1883.
ASHCRAFT, Arthur C., born 16 Oct 1929 to mother Elizabeth Sharp.
ASHCRAFT, Barney, born 15 Aug 1891.
ASHCRAFT, Carlena, born 23 Nov 1913 to mother Mayme Marguette.
ASHCRAFT, Charles, born 9 Jun 1925 to mother Mary Sullivan.
ASHCRAFT, Charles Edwin, born 26 Mar 1890.
ASHCRAFT, Charles F., born 20 Nov 1914 to mother Clara Draper.
ASHCRAFT, Clarence, born 26 Nov 1914 to mother Clara Draper.
ASHCRAFT, Conley R., born 4 Jun 1926 to mother Nelly Yelton.
ASHCRAFT, Corine, born 18 Feb 1911 to mother Mary Sullivan.
ASHCRAFT, Dorothy H., born 12 May 1923 to mother Nellie Yelton.
ASHCRAFT, Dorothy L., born 14 Nov 1913 to mother Clara Draper.
ASHCRAFT, Dorthy L., born 29 Sep 1926 to mother Elizabeth Sharp.
ASHCRAFT, Frieda L., born 7 Sep 1926 to mother Leora Blagingame.
ASHCRAFT, Garnett L., born 17 Mar 1921 to mother Mary Sullivan.
ASHCRAFT, George E., born 24 Jun 1919 to mother Emma Lightfoot.
ASHCRAFT, Hazel E., born 24 Apr 1923 to mother Mary Sullivan.
ASHCRAFT, Hilda B., born 30 May 1917 to mother Edith Babb.
ASHCRAFT, John H., born 3 Jan 1916 to mother Mayme Marquett.
ASHCRAFT, Johnnie E., born 17 Jan 1928 to mother Elizabeth Sharp.
ASHCRAFT, Lena M., born 26 Dec 1918 to mtoher May Sullivan.
ASHCRAFT, Llano C., born 27 Aug 1917 to mother Charlotte McKinley.
ASHCRAFT, Mabel E., born 14 Apr 1921 to mother Nellie Yelton.
ASHCRAFT, Mary I., born 13 Oct 1911 to mother Clara Draper.
ASHCRAFT, Mary L., born 13 Jun 1925 to mother Elizabeth Sharp.
ASHCRAFT, Mary O., born 19 Apr 1918 to mother Nellie Yelton.
ASHCRAFT, Paul, born 20 Sep 1925 to mother Emma Lightfoot.
ASHCRAFT, Robert L., born 11 Sep 1920 to mother Emma Lightfoot.
ASHCRAFT, Rosa A., born 8 Nov 1912 to mother Aynes Sullivan.
ASHCRAFT, Wanda L., born 4 Aug 1925 to mother Leora Blasingane.
ASKEW, Mildred O., born 16 Dec 1915 to mother Marie Rouse.
ASKREN, John H., born 15 May 1922 to mother Mary Lang.

ATKINS, Charles L., born 18 May 1920 to mother Hattie Ford.
ATKINS, Charles O., born 28 Mar 1918 to mother Permulea Lovelace.
ATKINS, Joseph A., born 30 Jan 1911 to mother Permelia Lovelace.
ATKINS, Lucille, born 3 May 1914 to mother Permelia Loveless.
ATKINS, Robert E., born 26 May 1911 to mother Artie Smith.

AUCHTER, Charles H., born 23 Sep 1918 to mother Lillie Ott.
AUCHTER, Chester P., born 22 Nov 1927 to mother Estella Sullivan.
AUCHTER, Clarence E., born 18 Aug 1915 to mother Florence Sorrell.
AUCHTER, Claude T., born 11 Apr 1915 to mother Lilly Ott.
AUCHTER, Edna F., born 19 Apr 1919 to mother Florence Sorrell.
AUCHTER, Hilda C., born 26 Apr 1912 to mother Florence Sorrell.
AUCHTER, William E., born 29 Mar 1914 to mother Lillian Ott.
AUCHTUER, Nellie M., born 19 Apr 1924 to mother Lillie Ott.
AULICH, Cannell, born 26 Mar 1912 to mother Annie Browning.
AULICK, male child of Joseph, born 19 Feb 1919 to mother Blanche Warfford.
AULICK, male child of Henry, born 17 Jul 1929 to mother Louise Roller.
AULICK, Albert Everette, born 29 Nov 1878.
AULICK, Anna L., born 29 Mar 1927 to mother Louise Roller.
AULICK, Bernice L., born 2 Jun 1912 to mother Blanche Warfford.
AULICK, Dorathy, born 6 May 1914 to mother Annie Browning.
AULICK, Fay C., born 23 Oct 1911 to mother Rosa Aulick.
AULICK, Linden M., born 3 Sep 1912 to mother Annie Moore.
AULICK, Marvin K., born 18 Nov 1924 to mother Clarice Cummins.
AULICK, Mary L., born 17 May 1915 to mother Emma Moore.
AULICK, Mary R., born 23 Sep 1915 to mother Annie Browning.
AULICK, Omond W., born 12 Nov 1914 to mother Rosie Wyatt.
AULICK, Raymond T., born 19 Jul 1912 to mother Amanda Bishop.
AULICK, Shelby K., born 10 Jul 1921 to mother Rosa Wyatt.
AULICK, Thelma R., born 9 Sep 1915 to mother Annie Moore.
AUSTIN, Ardella A., born 14 Oct 1923 to mother Elsie Moore.
AUSTIN, Elenora R., born 15 Dec 1929 to mtoehr Mayme Ryan.
AUSTIN, Everett, born 28 Mar 1911 to mother Julia Collins.
AUSTIN, Homer J., born 3 Jun 1925 to mother Elsie Moore.
AUSTIN, Jackob W., born 14 Oct 1920 to mother Sussie Autroleus.
AUSTIN, James E., born 17 Jun 1925 to mother Mamie McCarty.
AUSTIN, James M., born 24 Feb 1919 to mother Julia Collins.
AUSTIN, John E., born 4 Nov 1923 to mother Helen Autrobus.
AUSTIN, Katherine L., born 9 Sep 1925 to mother Helen Autrobus.
AUSTIN, Mabel E., born 22 Jan 1922 to mother Unknown Antrobus.
AUSTIN, Mildred J., born 27 Mar 1919 to mother Mannie Ryan.
AUSTIN, Odella A., born 11 Jan 1928 to mother Elsie Moore.
AUSTIN, Ruth, born 3 Feb 1924 to mother Mamie Ryan.
AUSTIN, Virgil L., born 20 Jul 1913 to mother Julia Collins.
AUSTIN, William E., born 14 Oct 1921 to mother Helen Austin.
AUSTIN, Wilson E., born 26 Jun 1916 to mother Julia Collins.
AUSTIN, Winifred L., born 12 Feb 1917 to mother Mamie Ryan.
AUTHOR, Homer, born 13 Jul 1911 to mother Grace McClure.
AUTROBUS, Betty J., born 17 Oct 1928 to mother Leona Vice.
AUTROBUS, Thelma V., born 15 Aug 1918 to mother Lencie Harris.

AYERS, Raymond, born 1 Apr 1916 to mother Nannie Ayers.

*, **There were two entries in the birth index and two birth certificates issued - one is a correction to the original, erroneous record.