CABLER, William D., born 2 Apr 1915 to mother Anna Showalter.
CADY, Ernest, born 22 Oct 1917 to mother Anna Jacobs.
CAGHILL, Elmo W., born 17 Sep 1917 to mother Ada Wedding.
CAHILL, Anna J., born 5 Sep 1916 to mother Catharine Kelly.
CAHILL, Catherine P., born 21 Feb 1921 to mother Catherine Kelly.
CAHILL, James W., 18 Feb 1919 to mother Catherine Kelly.
CAHILL, Joseph F., born 12 Jan 1923 to mother Catherine Kelly.
CAHILL, Joseph J., born 2 Feb 1924 to mother Florence Kelly.
CAHILL, Kenneth S., born 31 May 1915 to mother Eartha Smith.
CAHILL, Louise, born 24 May 1928 to mother Nellie Vastine.
CAHILL, Mary M., born 18 Dec 1914 to mother Catherine Kelly.
CAHILL, Winford E., born 20 Apr 1913 to mother Mattie Smith.
CAIN, Aaron Mathew, born 16 Jan 1885.
CAIN, Geneva F., born 26 Feb 1916 to mother Cora Carlton.
CAIN, Stanley S., born 1 Sep 1906 to mother Francis
Harrison. (Delayed Birth Certificate #154 46228.)
CALBERT, Alice, born 20 Sep 1922 to mother Maria Cockayne.
CALVERT, Allie E., born 20 Sep 1922 to mother Marie Cockayne.
CALDWELL, male child, born Jul 1910, parents Mr. & Mrs.
Hort Caldwell.
CALDWELL, male child of Bernard, born 25 Jan 1930 to mother Christine Mulloy.
CALDWELL, Bernard Lee, born 28 Apr 1890.
CALDWELL, Bernice A., born 24 Jul 1924 to mother Christine Mulloy.
CALDWELL, Carmen L., born 30 Jul 1916 to mother Maggie Flynn.
CALDWELL, Carolyn F., born 28 Dec 1925 to mother Christine Mulloy.
CALDWELL, Dora A., born 27 Sep 1861, parents Mr. & Mrs.
A.L. Caldwell; born in Demossville.
CALDWELL, Edna N., born 30 Mar 1926 to mother Edith Brown.
CALDWELL, Elbert M., born 6 Jun 1913 to mother Ewina Gibson.
CALDWELL, Esther C., born 7 Nov 1924 to mtoher Shirley West.
CALDWELL, Eula M., born 17 Mar 1928 to mother Edith Brann.
CALDWELL, George R., born 9 Apr 1919 to mother Margaret Flynn.
CALDWELL, Harry L., born 19 Apr 1913 to mother Rosa Sargent.
CALDWELL, Helen L., born 14 Jul 1927 to mother Christine Mulloy.
CALDWELL, Jackie L., born 12 Feb 1930 to mother Edith Brown.
CALDWELL, James E., born 9 Aug 1911 to mother Maggie Flynn.
CALDWELL, Joe E., born 28 Jan 1922 to mother Minnie Dearborn.
CALDWELL, Katherine M., born 25 May 1923 to mother Minnie Dearborn.
CALDWELL, Mary E., born 19 Jan 1923 to mother Edith Brown.
CALDWELL, Melvin G., born 29 Sep 1899 to mother Rosa
Sargent. (Delayed Birth Certificate #160 46470.)
CALDWELL, Melvin J., born 6 Sep 1925 to mother Jesse Schofer.
CALDWELL, Natala L., born 20 Jun 1930 to mother Jesse unknown.
CALDWELL, Ora E., born 27 Jan 1898 to mother Mary Fisk. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #175 47070.)
CALDWELL, Robert E., born 1 Mar 1922 to mother Jesse Schafer.
CALDWELL, Robert V., born 30 Jun 1926 to mother Minnie Dearborn.
CALDWELL, Roy T., born 31 Sep 1913 to mother Lillian Schuholtz.
CALDWELL, Ruth F., born 30 Nov 1922 to mother Christine Meloy.
CALDWELL, Shirley M., born 4 May 1927 to mother Jesse Schafer.
CALDWELL, Wayne E., born 20 Apr 1929 to mother Jesse Schafer.
CALDWELL, William T., born 23 Jun 1919 to mother Inez Webb.
CALVIN, Addie C., born 16 Aug 1917 to mother Nora Taylor.
CALVIN, Clyde M., born 30 Sep 1925 to mother Florence Browny.
CALVIN, Helen L., born 24 Feb 1915 to mother Lottie Thornsberry.
CALVIN, Hellen L., born 18 Aug 1913 to mother Gertrude Browning.
CALVIN, Ira C., born 7 Sep 1920 to mother Nora Taylor.
CALVIN, Naomi F., born 6 Dec 1916 to mother Jessie Hamilton.
CALVIN, Susie E., born 4 Nov 1911 to mother Carrie Blackburn.
CAMM, Alva M., born 18 Feb 1914 to mother Mary Moore.
CAMPBELL, Amy F., born 5 Sep 1922 to mother Edna Bradford.
CAMPBELL, Anna W., born 5 Sep 1922 to mother Edna Bradford.
CAMPBELL, Bessie C., born 20 Feb 1919 to mother Edna Bradford.
CAMPBELL, Dorsey, born 18 Sep 1929 to mother Myrtle Hickman.
CAMPBELL, Edna M., born 7 Jul 1912 to mother Edna Bradford.
CAMPBELL, George S., born 16 Oct 1926 to mother Fay Ellis.
CAMPBELL, James E., born 4 Sep 1917 to mother Fay Ellis.
CAMPBELL, Lois J., born 7 Sep 1919 to mother Fay Ellis.
CAMPBELL, Marie B., born 24 Jan 1916 to mother Edna Bradford.
CAMPBELL, Mary L., born 30 Sep 1928 to mother to mother Fay Ellis.
CAMPBELL, Paul W., born 9 Jan 1923 to mother Bertha Campbell.
CAMPBELL, Robert E., born 23 Jul 1919 to mtoher Sylvia Flynn.
CAMPBELL, Ruby L., born 12 Jan 1922 to mother Sylvia Flynn.
CAMPBELL, Thomas William, born 24 Dec 1892.
CAMPBELL, Viola S., born 3 Sep 1905 to mother Stella
Jones. (Delayed Birth Certificate #213 48561.)
CAMPBELL, Wilma I., born 8 Sep 1927 to mother Elsie Babb.
CANN, Mary E., born 21 Sep 1919 to mother Essie Smith.
CANNON, Bernice, born 10 Jan 1920 to mother Jessie Denny.
CARLISLE, Edward Evans, born 8 Jun 1881.
CARLISLE, Fayanna M., born 12 Apr 1912 to mother Mattie Lilley.
CARLISLE, John D., born 21 Mar 1915 to mother Mattie Lillie.
CARLISLE, Logan John, born 19 May 1883.
CARLISLE, Lyle R., born 3 Sep 1913 to mother Lula Roberts.
CARLISLE, Malcolm, born 26 Jul 1913 to mother Mattie Lilley.
CARLISLE, Sylvia J., born 18 Dec 1916 to mother Stella Lilley.
CARNES, Ina L., born 9 Mar 1916 to mother Georgia Brooking.
CARNES, John E., born 24 Feb 1914 to mother Mary Mumm.
CARNES, Ruth P., born 27 Jun 1915 to mother Ellen Biddle.
CARNES, Sylvia M., born 18 Jan 1912 to mother Ella Riddle.
CARPENTER, Jackie L., born 11 Aug 1923 to mother Verlie Flaugher.
CARPENTER, Joanna, born 1 Sep 1925 to mother Verlie Flaugher.
CARR, Alta F., born 24 Feb 1929 to mother Thelma Wilson.
CARR, Annie C., born 30 Jan 1925 to mother Lina Schultz.
CARR, Arthur Donald, born 30 Jul 1874.
CARR, Catherine L., born 13 Feb 1925 to mother Mabel McLaughlin.
CARR, Estelle C., born 19 Jun 1923 to mother Lina Schultz.
CARR, Jaely W., born 22 Jan 1911 to mother Maggie Angel.
CARR, John H., born 19 Jan 1926 to mother Cecil Shercrombie.
CARR, Lula F., born 23 Dec 1925 to mother Magdaline Sorrell.
CARR, Marvin T., born 7 Feb 1930 to mother Cecil Abercrumbie.
CARR, Mary R., born 10 May 1915 to mother Cordie Black.
CARR, Nancy B., born 2 Sep 1912 to other Oliie Isabell.
CARR, Ruby L., born 1 Jul 1927 to mother Cecil Abercrombie.
CARR, Shirley E., born 5 May 1914 to mother Amelia Moore.
CARRIER, Craig, born 1 Jun 1927 to mother Edna Scott.
CARRIER, Virginia L., born 13 Jul 1920 to mother Edna Scott.
CARROLL, John, born 5 Feb 1913 to mother Mary Finley.
CARROLL, Mary R., born 22 Aug 1925 to mother Anna Gasser.
CARTER, Cecil H., born 22 Jan 1912 to mother Rosa Landrum.
CARTER, Georgina, born 8 Aug 1918 to mother Pearl Hanson.
CARTER, Joseph H., born 19 Apr 1917 to mother Pearl Hanson.
CASE, Christine, born 24 Dec 1923 to mother Arlie Tucker.
CASE, Ernest W., born 14 Feb 1920 to mother Cora Moore.
CASEY, Alice A., born 22 Mar 1920 to mother Edna Rankin.
CASEY, Elizabeth C., born 15 Jul 1920 to mother Eva Harding.
CASEY, Ernest, born 4 Jun 1921 to mother Edna Ramkin.
CASEY, George D., born 20 Jan 1923 to mother Edna Rankin.
CASEY, James M., born 27 Oct 1925 to mother Edna Rankin.
CASEY, Nancy J., born 21 Mar 1913 to mother Sara Fomash.
CASEY, William W., born 13 Nov 1912 to mother Bertie Marsh.
CASEY, Willie Cornelius, born 24 Mar 1888.
CASH, Elza Lucian, born 18 Oct 1896.
CASH, Ivan, born 1 Jan 1892.
CASH, Russell E., born 25 Oct 1900 to mother Nancy White. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #177 47136.)
CASH, Willie, born 28 May 1923 to mother Rose French.
CATRON, John C., born 28 Oct 1924 to mother Rosa Ketchum.
CAUDILL, James W., born 3 Mar 1917 to mother Goldie McMillin.
CAVANAUGH, Clifford C., born 25 Feb 1927 to mother Ella Swetman.
CAVANAUGH, Patricia E., born 27 Sep 1925 to mother Ella unknown.
CAVENDISH, Emma C., born 24 Nov 1919 to mother Marguerite Jackson.
CAVENDISH, Leonnah D., born 27 May 1918 to mother Margeret Jackson.
CAVENDISH, Raymond S., born 1 Nov 1915 to mother Maria Cavendish.
CAVENDISH, William A., born 13 Dec 1916 to mother Margeret Jackson.

CHALFANT, James F., born 28 Mar 1923 to mother Serenca Browning.
CHALFANT, Ruth E., born 16 Mar 1925 to mother Serena Browning.
CHAMBERS, Glenn M., born 26 Sep 1925 to mother Bertha Warner.
CHAMBERS, Max A., born 8 Sep 1918 to mother Bertha Warner.
CHANDLER, Helen, born 16 Oct 1912 to mother Elizabeth Wallace.
CHAPMAN, Alfred L., born 17 Nov 1926 to mother Irene Bobb.
CHAPMAN, Elbert E., born 1 Aug 1920 to mother Ivy Sharp.
CHAPMAN, Elvira R., born 16 May 1915 to mother Ivy Ship.
CHAPMAN, Harold E., born 8 Sep 1924 to mother Irene Bobb.
CHAPMAN, Richard S., born 27 Apr 1917 to mother Ivy Sharp.
CHAPMAN, Russell W., born 28 Jan 1912 to mother Ivy Sharp.
CHARLES, James W., born 26 Aug 1924 to mtoher Blanche Dougherty.
CHASTTEN, male child of Marion, born 29 Sep 1917 to mother Mary Williams.
CHATHAM, Florence, born 26 Mar 1913 to mother Susan Jordan.
CHATHAM, Oakley, born 3 Aug 1914 to mtoher Susie Jorden.
CHIFMON, Dorthy A., born 2 Aug 1919 to mother Clara Brockt.
CHIFMON, Mary J., born 4 Jul 1922 to mother Clara Braucht.
CHILDEN, Mary H., born 30 Nov 1917 to mother Maggie Blue.
CHILDS, Clara E., born 22 Mar 1920 to mother Linda Colvin.
CHILDS, Paul C., born 17 Jan 1906 to mother Carrie Conrad. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #181 47316.)
CHILDS, Reba A., born 20 May 1912 to mother Linda Colvin.
CHILES, Ashland Violette, born 30 Jul 1874.
CHILES, James Allen, born 5 Oct 1916 to mother Melinda Colvin.
CHILES, Raymond C., born 16 Jun 1914 to mother Linda Colvin.
CHILES, Reba A., born 20 May 1912 to mother Melinda Colvin.
CHILES, Ruby L., born 24 Nov 1922 to mother Malinda Colvin.
CHIPMAN, Ferd T., born 6 Sep 1925 to mother Clara Bracht.
CHOMBRO, John M., born 9 Jan 1921 to mtoher Bertha Worner.

CLABER, male child of William, born 17 Aug 1911, mother Hattie Lofollette.
CLARK, Adrian A., born 22 Dec 1917 to mother Lena Caldwell.
CLARK, Alice H., born 27 Oct 1917 to mother Bessie Tugandus.
CLARK, Austin LeGrand, born 1 Dec 1883.
CLARK, Evelyn F., born 7 Dec 1915 to mother Lena Caldwell.
CLARK, Francis K., born 25 Aug 1930 to mother Leona Clemons.
CLARK, George S., born 14 Sep 1915 to mother Nannie McKinney.
CLARK, Luello M., born 10 Mar 1928 to mother Vergie Shegel.
CLARY, female child, born Jul 1910, parents Mr. & Mrs.
Frank Clary.
CLAXINE, female child of Paxton, born 24 Nov 1915 to mother Beatrice Simpson.
CLAYCAMP, Mary E., born 10 Sep 1909 to mother Margaret
Claycamp. (Delayed Birth Certificate #211 48518.)
CLAYGALE, Roscoe, born 11 Jul 1921 to mother Alice Donaker.
CLAYJALE, Edward N., born 21 Dec 1919 to mother Alice Lonaker.
CLAYPALE, Clyde, born 6 Feb 1921 to mother Nannie Barenscortz.
CLAYPALE, Rosetta, born 19 Aug 1914 to mother Alice Lonaker.
CLAYPOLE, Anna R., born 20 Apr 1925 to mother Nannie Ravenscraft.
CLAYPOLE, Bealie Van, born 29 Nov 1896.
CLAYPOLE, Charles W., born 8 May 1922 to mother Nannie Barenseraft.
CLAYPOLE, Nancy E., born 19 Aug 1916 to mother Clara Stone.
CLAYPOLE, Roy E., born 10 Mar 1924 to mother Nannie Ravenscraft.
CLAYPOLE, Samuel K., born 16 Apr 1916 to mother Alice Lonaker.
CLAYPOOL, Carl F., born 21 Feb 1929 to mother Alice Lonaker.
CLAYPOOL, Joseph, born 15 Aug 1924 to mother Alice Lonaker.
CLAYTON, male child of Edgar, born 9 May 1916 to mother Icy Colvin.
CLAYTON, Alma E., born 3 Sep 1915 to mother Annie Clayton.
CLAYTON, Alva L., born 18 Jan 1916 to mother Daisy King.
CLAYTON, Delwar L., born 6 Nov 1912 to mother Daisy King.
CLAYTON, Donald M., born 15 Nov 1923 to mother Daisy King.
CLAYTON, Elsie M., born 27 Mar 1914 to mother Fay Coloin.
CLAYTON, Fountian Orville, born 4 Oct 1880.
CLAYTON, Freddie E., born 2 Oct 1901 to mother Mattie
Stephens. (Delayed Birth Certificate #180 47251.)
CLAYTON, Hersel I., born 20 Aug 1914 to mother Lela Kennedy.
CLAYTON, Leoma E., born 23 Apr 1918 to mother Rena Browning.
CLAYTON, Leslie E., born 29 Oct 1918 to mother Myrtle Borckbum.
CLAYTON, Luther, born 12 Jul 1912 to mother Annie Thornberry.
CLAYTON, Margaret, born 30 May 1915 to mother Maria Kennedy.
CLAYTON, Thomas K., born 19 Dec 1917 to mother Blanche Keith.
CLEMONS, Bernice L., born 21 Aug 1927 to mother Elizabeth Cass.
CLEMONS, Charley, born 2 Jan 1925 to mother Sarah Cass.
CLEMONS, Darcos R., born 15 May 1916 to mother Sara Cass.
CLEMONS, Emma F., born 20 Jul 1921 to mother Elizabeth Coss.
CLEMONS, Hildreth E., born 3 Aug 1917 to mother Elizabeth Cass.
CLEMONS, Lenard, born 19 Jun 1912 to mother Fannie Moore.
CLEVELAND, male child, born 6 Sep 1910, parents Mr.
& Mrs. Ed. Cleveland.
CLEVELAND, Anna M., born 1 Jun 1914 to mother Flora Wyatt.
CLEVELAND, Howard L., born 6 Jun 1914 to mother Sue Carter.
CLEVELAND, Ruth Elizabeth, born 7 Apr 1904 to mother
Sue M. Carter. (Delayed Birth Certificate #195 92149.)
CLEVELAND, William D., born 25 Jan 1930 to mother Neoma McGee.
CLIFFORD, Christine M., born 29 Jul 1915 to mother Bessie Lonaker.
CLIFFORD, Clay T., born 27 Oct 1927 to mother Ethel Fields.
CLIFFORD, Geneva L., born 4 Apr 1925 to mother Eunice Autrobud.
CLIFFORD, Hanson P., born 9 Dec 1924 to mother Martha Bailey.
CLIFFORD, Lounetta M., born 6 Aug 1920 to mother Bessie Louaker.
CLIFFORD, William S., born 9 Mar 1915 to mother Mary Robinson.
CLINE, Wilbur C., born 13 Aug 1917 to mother Janie Hobbs.
CLOE, William J., born 20 Aug 1912 to mother loncitta Godman.
CLOS, Earl J., born 10 Jun 1921 to mother Emma Mayes.
CLOS, Frederick E., born 9 Jan 1919 to mother Emma Mayer.
CLOS, John J., born 25 Sep 1919 to mother Myrtle Warner.

CNRDY, Wilma L., born 8 Aug 1923 to mother Myrtle Mockle.

COCHRAN, John E., born 17 Jul 1926 to mother Alice Hamilton.
COCKAYNE, Lavanghes B., born 2 Feb 1922 to mother Velma Craig.
COCKAYNE, Lester W., born 16 Dec 1929 to mother Pansy Redman.
COCKAYNE, Lillie M., born 20 Sep 1912 to mother Ida Sever.
COCKAYNE, Margie J., born 1 Feb 1926 to mother Pansy Redmoe.
COCKAYNE, Nellie E., born 1 Sep 1921 to mother Ida Severs.
COCKAYNE, Robert C., born 10 Jan 1926 to mother Velrna Craig.
COCKAYNE, Willa K., born 20 Aug 1924 to mother Ida Sievers.
COCKAYNER, Clarence D., born 22 Sep 1915 to mother Ida Sewer.
COCKENDORFEE, Clara, born 7 Oct 1911 to mother Annie Boone.
COCKENDORFER, Geneva L., born 27 Oct 1921 to mother Susan Smith.
COCKING, Albert H., born 16 Jun 1914 to mother Nannie Childers.
COCKING, John E., born 6 Jan 1912 to mother Nannie Childer.
COGHILL, male child of Thas, born 13 Jul 1917 to mother Ollie Hall.
COGHILL, Charlie K., born 17 Jul 1914 to mother Olie Hall.
COGHILL, Fred, born 10 Aug 1913 to mother Addie Wedding.
COGHILL, Gladys B., born 30 May 1911 to mother Ollie Hall.
COGHILL, Inn, born 30 Apr 1911 to mother Franny Fornash.
COGHILL, Raymond C., born 25 Jul 1918 to mother Allie Hall.
COGHILL, Robert W., born 9 May 1915 to mother Caddie Nabbing.
COGHILL, Tom, born 29 Sep 1884.
COLBERT, Margaret L., born 22 Feb 1920 to mother Marie Cockayne.
COLBERT, Reita, born 14 Aug 1916 to mother Marie Cockayne.
COLBERT, William E., born 9 Jun 1918 to mother Marie Cockayer.
COLBERT, William H., born 23 Jan 1923 to mother Georgia Davis.
COLDIRON, James L., born 8 Sep 1926 to mother Sarah Hicks.
COLE, Earnest W., born 1 Aug 1921 to mother Lillian Fouse.
COLE, Floyed E., born 25 Aug 1919 to mother Maggie Sexton.
COLEMAN, female child of Thomas, born 2 Apr 1930 to mother Julia Ritzler.
COLEMAN, male child, born Aug 1910 to Mr. & Mrs. Martin
COLEMAN, Aileen, born 3 Nov 1916 to mother Margaret Rourk.
COLEMAN, Catherine, born 2 Nov 1915 to mother Lula Garrett.
COLEMAN, Charles E., born 27 Jan 1912 to mother Lou Garrard.
COLEMAN, Elizabeth, born 2 Jul 1911 to mother Sarah Carmody.
COLEMAN, Ellen A., born 25 Jul 1921 to mother Ellen Burke.
COLEMAN, Emily, born 24 Dec 1912 to mother Margaret Rourk.
COLEMAN, Forest M., born 16 Mar 1912 to mother June Bolvia.
COLEMAN, Harry H., born 1 Apr 1917 to mother Lizzie Hume.
COLEMAN, Helen E., born 10 Oct 1914 to mother Julia Ritzler.
COLEMAN, John J., born 13 May 1919 to mother Ella Burke.
COLEMAN, Juanita, born 7 Aug 1904 to mother Lula Miller. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #195 47866.)
COLEMAN, Leslie M., born 7 Aug 1912 to mother Lillie Hume.
COLEMAN, Margaret M., born 2 Oct 1917 to mother Ellen Burke.
COLEMAN, Margret, born 20 May 1907 to mother Margaret
Rourke. (Delayed Birth Certificate #188 47582.)
COLEMAN, Martin W., born 15 Sep 1920 to mtoher Ellen Willen.
COLEMAN, Mary, born 29 Jun 1905 to mother Margaret Rourke. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #172 46954.)
COLEMAN, Mary C., born 8 Jun 1919 to mother Julia Ritzler.
COLEMAN, Mary F., born 2 Feb 1914 to mother Lulie Garrard.
COLEMAN, Mary H., born 15 Dec 1918 to mother Ella Miller.
COLEMAN, Mildred, born 17 Aug 1917 to mother Lou Garrett.
COLEMAN, Paul G., born 3 Oct 1924 to mother Ellen Burke.
COLEMAN, Theresa, born 7 Jun 1925 to mother Julia Ritzler.
COLEMAN, Wilbur H., born 2 Oct 1913 to mother Lizzie Hume.
COLEMAN, William B., born 12 Jul 1923 to mother Ellen Burke.
COLEMNA, Mildred C., born 24 Jan 1917 to mother Julia Ritzler.
COLGRORA, Wagdaline, born 24 Aug 1918 to mother Edna York.
COLGROVE, John W., born 18 Nov 1920 to mother Edna York.
COLGROVE, Mattha E., born 10 Jun 1923 to mother Edna York.
COLIN, Joseph H., born 21 Jan 1914 to mother Jessie Bowie.
COLLIER, Forest J., born 29 Oct 1924 to mother Ireine Cash.
COLLIER, Hallie M., born 13 Dec 1925 to mother Elsie Henry.
COLLIER, Harold C., born 24 Jun 1928 to mother Irene Case.
COLLIER, Harry W., born 14 Mar 1920 to mother Rosa Christwell.
COLLIER, Nellie F., born 1 Dec 1914 to mother Fannie Browning.
COLLIER, Shelva E., born 24 May 1914 to mother Eva Wright.
COLLIER, Verna F., born 21 Jan 1911 to mother Eva Wright.
COLLIN, Elden, born 24 Nov 1916 to mother Fannie Browning.
COLLIN, Lewis F., born 17 Feb 1913 to mother Eva Wright.
COLLINS, Anna E., born 1 Sep 1929 to mother Eliza Courtney.
COLLIS, Gota F., born 7 Dec 1911 to mother Herril Browning.
COLOIN, Edwin E., born 27 Feb 1930 to mother Nedra Ramsey.
COLVIN, Buford A., born 10 Nov 1917 to mother Edith Caldwell.
COLVIN, Cecil E., born 13 May 1928 to mother Emma Cummins.
COLVIN, Charles Alpheus, born 12 Oct 1885.
COLVIN, Dorothy M., born 22 Dec 1919 to mother Lucy Rainey.
COLVIN, Edith L., born 15 Jul 1922 to mother Lettie Thornsberry.
COLVIN, Elva G., born 18 Feb 1927 to mother Nora Taylor.
COLVIN, Evelyn Ruby, born 28 Nov 1917 to mother Lucy Rainey.
COLVIN, Glada E., born 24 May 1919 to mother Edith Caldwey.
COLVIN, Glen M., born 27 Oct 1921 to mother Florence Browning.
COLVIN, Harry Rigg, born 31 May 1887.
COLVIN, Icey F., born 13 Feb 1924 to mother Jesse Bowie.
COLVIN, Ralph Wilson, born 11 Apr 1908 to mother Carrie
Belle McCarty. (Delayed Birth Certificate #186 90790.)
CONNELLY, Albert Wilson, born 8 Jan 1876.
CONOVOR, Charles R., born 1 Jun 1902 to mother Nora
Bonar. (Delayed Birth Certificate #166 46692.)
CONYERS, Goldie H., born 7 Mar 1910 to mother Mattie
Odor. (Delayed Birth Certificate #231 49318.)
COOK, Alice L., born 20 Jun 1905 to mother
Zora Payne. (Delayed Birth Certificate #237 49530.)
COOK, Burny Robert, born 23 Jul 1886.
COOK, Clarence Albert, born 22 Sep 1889.
COOPER, female child, born Oct 1910, parents Mr. & Mrs.
Robin Cooper.
COOPER, Elza W., born 21 Apr 1907 to mother Cora Simpson. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #226 49113.)
COOPER, Nellie M., born 17 Nov 1910 to mother Anna Cooper. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #224 49016.)
CORBIN, William Nicholas, born 11 Jul 1892.
CORNELIUS, Albert Walker, born 28 Oct 1884.
CORNELIUS, Arch Edward, born 15 May 1890.
COTTRELL, male child, born Oct 1910, parents Rev. &
Mrs. Ellis A. Cottrell.
COURTNEY, Alvin, born 12 Jan 1873.
COURTNEY, Andrew Jaction, born 1 Jul 1880.
COURTNEY, Arlingtton Barton, born 4 Jun 1896.
COX, Arthur Samuel, born 14 Feb 1882.