DAHENS, Marion W., born 19 Mar 1919 to mother Emma Smith.
DAHMS, Alpha, born 28 Apr 1917 to mother Gertrude Smith.
DAHMS, Bruno Christian, born 27 Jul 1893.
DAHMS, Chester L., born 9 Sep 1926 to mother Maggie Klaber.
DAHMS, Edna J., born 14 Sep 1922 to mother Gertrude Smith.
DAHMS, Edna L., born 8 Aug 1915 to mother Ethel Loomis.
DAHMS, Henrietta K., born 18 Jan 1928 to mother Margaret Klober.
DAHMS, Leona E., born 18 Jul 1906 to mother Gertrude
Smith. (Delayed Birth Certificate #214 48636.)
DAHMS, Mabel G., born 24 Jan 1920 to mother Emma Smith.
DAHMS, Robert W., born 28 Jul 1928 to mother Margaret Klaber.
DAHNS, Jackob F., born 14 Sep 1918 to mother Maggie Klaber.
DAILY, James C., born 9 Jun 1919 to mother Lucy Collins.
DALEY, Ben Francis, born 17 Apr 1882.
DANCE, Alberta, born 21 Sep 1923 to mother Annie Draper.
DANCE, Claude C., born 19 May 1925 to mother Flora Peebles.
DANCE, George A., born 27 Jan 1917 to mother Mary Nichols.
DANCE, Harold G., born 3 Feb 1914 to mother Mable Coist.
DANCE, Horace H., born 18 Nov 1927 to mother Mary Dance.
DANCE, Lucy E., born 13 Jun 1921 to motehr Mary Nichols.
DANCE, Marion F., born 4 Jun 1912 to mother Addie Ravenscraft.
DANCE, Nora I., born 21 Jun 1923 to mother Mary Nicholas.
DANIEL, Cheon M., born 25 Nov 1915 to mother Liza Skinner.
DANIEL, Donald W., born 21 Sep 1923 to mother Ann Skinner.
DANIEL, Edward R., born 18 Mar 1914 to mother Suzie Daniel.
DANIEL, Ernie F., born 22 Apr 1927 to mother AnnLiza Skinner.
DANIEL, Leona R., born 7 Jul 1912 to mother Bertie Shaw.
DANIEL, Nannie M., born 17 Jul 1920 to mother Susie Daniel.
DANIEL, Robert L., born 24 Jan 1919 to mother Susie Daniel.
DANIEL, Stanley B., born 18 Oct 1930 to mother Betrue Lawhorn.
DANIELS, Cecil W., born 28 Oct 1918 to mother Eliza Skinner.
DANIELS, Lucile, born 18 Mar 1913 to mother Anna Skinner.
DANIELS, Mildred R., born 13 Feb 1917 to mother Olive Stephens.
DANIELS, Robert K., born 19 Jan 1923 to mother Leora Yelten.
DANIELS, Ruth K., born 11 Dec 1921 to mother Elsie Sheeble.
DANIELS, Vehna R., born 26 Jul 1921 to mother Liza Spinner.
DANIELS, Wilbur, born 23 Oct 1926 to mother Stella Daniels.
DANIELS, Wilford, born 31 Oct 1917 to mother Leora Yelton.
DARGHTY, Marie, born 11 Nov 1913 to mother Julie Daughtry.
DARLINGTON, Aubrey E., born 12 Jan 1917 to mother Daisy Callice.
DARLINGTON, Evelyn I., born 25 Aug 1903 to mother Alice
Grant. (Delayed Birth Certificate #220 48860.)
DAUCE, James H., born 11 Mar 1919 to mother Mary Nichols.
DAUGHERTY, Alloria B., born 29 Aug 1920 to mother Maude Pettit.
DAUGHERTY, Alvin R., born 10 Aug 1916 to mother Jessie Delaney.
DAUGHERTY, Anna F., born 19 Sep 1916 to mother Julia Crawford.
DAUGHERTY, Beauford R., born 8 Oct 1917 to mother Vinie Wayland.
DAUGHERTY, Bernard L., born 30 Jul 1915 to mother Uind Wayland.
DAUGHERTY, Bernice E., born 31 Jan 1920 to mother Iris Bell.
DAUGHERTY, Chas, born 20 Sep 1914 to mother Jessie Delaney.
DAUGHERTY, Clarence K., born 8 Nov 1919 to mother Nora Bowling.
DAUGHERTY, Clyde A., born 21 Apr 1925 to mother Maudie Pettit.
DAUGHERTY, Coletta F., born 25 Jan 1924 to mother Minnie Wayland.
DAUGHERTY, Dora D., born 5 Feb 1917 to mother Effie Harmon.
DAUGHERTY, Earl B., born 3 Sep 1918 to mother Edna Johns.
DAUGHERTY, Ester, born 29 Dec 1922 to mother Maude Plettit.
DAUGHERTY, George Leo, born 4 Sep 1886.
DAUGHERTY, Harold B., born 18 Nov 1924 to mother Iris Bell.
DAUGHERTY, Harry B., born 30 Jun 1921 to mother Effie Harman.
DAUGHERTY, James H., born 13 Mar 1920 to mother Ruth Ridgway.
DAUGHERTY, James P., born 9 Oct 1913 to mother Effie Harmon.
DAUGHERTY, Lillian P., born 13 Dec 1915 to mother Mandie Pettit.
DAUGHERTY, Margaret R., born 5 Nov 1911 to mother Jessie Delaney.
DAUGHERTY, Mildred L., born 18 Jan 1925 to mtoher Florence Sheets.
DAUGHERTY, Ruth L., born 18 May 1927 to mother Shelley Cushman.
DAUGHERTY, Sergeas J., born 11 Dec 1915 to mother Ethel Stephens.
DAUGHERTY, Thelma M., born 6 Mar 1928 to mother Maude Pettit.
DAUGHERTY, Tressa L., born 5 Jun 1924 to mother Fern Draper.
DAVIDSON, Claude, born 23 Sep 1929.
DAVIDSON, Don C., born 18 Aug 1929 to mother Hazel Howard.
DAVIS, Claude F., born 27 Oct 1911 to mother Cora Smith.
DAVIS, Cora M., born 10 Aug 1913 to mother Cora Smith.
DAVIS, Desmond C., born 29 Dec 1911 to mother Lilly Clive.
DAVIS, Harold M., born 16 Oct 1930 to mtoher Nellie Fryman.
DAVIS, Howard N., born 11 Sep 1915 to mother Nellie Edwards.
DAVIS, Maonia D., born 24 Jun 1923 to mother Flonnda Publes.
DAVIS, Randall K., born 7 Apr 1913 to mother Minnie Mockbee.
DAVIS, Raymond A., born 11 May 1918 to mother Nellie Edwards.
DAVIS, Robert L., born 5 Apr 1925 to mother Ella Smith.
DAVIS, Ruth B., born 28 Dec 1912 to mother Francis Browning.
DAVIS, Vera V., born 3 Apr 1911 to mother Minnie Mockler.
DAWALT, male child of Lelond, born 6 May 1928 to mother Ora Caldwell.
DAWALT, Geneva, born 25 Sep 1926 to mother Ora Caldwell.
DAWALT, John F., born 19 Dec 1924 to mother Ora Caldwell.
DAWALT, Norma L., born 17 Mar 1930 to mother Orie Caldwell.
DAWALT, Leland B., born 5 Mar 1903 to mother Agnes Elliott. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #175 47070.)
DAWSON, Charles H., born 10 Nov 1916 to mother Bertha Feagan.
DAWSON, Dorothy E., born 18 Sep 1923 to mother Barby Montgomery.
DAWSON, Emma F., born 15 Jul 1920 to mother Jannie Montgomery.
DAWSON, John E., born 4 Jul 1925 to mother Jannie Montgomery.
DAWSON, Leta, born 14 Nov 1916 to mother Mattie Dawson.
DAWSON, Merril D., born 11 Apr 1920 to mother Barbry Montgomery.
DAWSON, Philip E., born 20 Oct 1914 to mother Bertha Feagan.
DAWSON, Verna M., born 7 May 1917 to mother Alma Montgomery.
DAY, Albert Parker, born 1 Dec 1873.
DAY, Betty L., born 15 Nov 1928 to mother Mabel Laffollette.
DAY, Carlis A., born 26 Jan 1920 to mother Bertha Sparks.
DAY, Charles F., born 10 May 1923 to mtoher Bertha Sparks.
DAY, Elnora R., born 26 Aug 1924 to mother Anna Blasurgains.
DAY, Grover C., born 16 May 1911 to mother Maggie Ingles.
DAY, Louise E., born 25 Sep 1920 to mother Katheryn Webb.
DAY, Mary B., born 24 Jun 1924 to mother Bertha Sparks.
DAY, Virginia, born 22 Sep 1925 to mother Effie Sparks.

DEAN, George T., born 7 Mar 1924 to mother Mattie Smith.
DEAN, Virgie, born 17 Nov 1927 to mother Mattie Smith.
DEARBONE, Elmer A., born 17 Feb 1911 to mother Violet Dearbome.
DEARBORN, male child, born Feb 1911, parents Mr. & Mrs.
Rufus Dearborn.
DEARBORN, Cora A., born 5 Sep 1923 to mother Violet Acton.
DEARBORN, DOnald H., born 27 Jun 1917 to mother Jane Tewell.
DEARBORN, Doris J., born 25 Oct 1921 to mother Jane Tevell.
DEARBORN, Eula G., born 5 Sep 1915 to mother Violet Acton.
DEARBORN, Jean, born 27 Sep 1926 to mother Janie Tewell.
DEARBORN, May N., born 4 Nov 1918 to mother Janie Tewell.
DEARBORN, Sarah L., born 2 Apr 1917 to mother Bessie Otzel.
DEARBORN, William F., born 19 May 1920 to mother Janie Tewell.
DEARBORNE, Carl E., born 14 Feb 1925 to mother Jamie Tewell.
DEATON, Burton P., born 17 Aug 1921 to mother Sarah Ely.
DEBRULER, Calvin Otis, born 15 Mar 1875.
DELANEY, male child of John, born 9 Mar 1926 to mother Velma Daugherty.
DELANEY, Alma F., born 2 Oct 1923 to mother Velma Daugherty.
DELANEY, Dorothy J., born 29 Dec 1924 to mother Velma Daugherty.
DELANEY, Elnora G., born 29 Mar 1925 to mother Mary Conroy.
DELANEY, Francis L., born 11 Feb 1930 to mother Grace Conroy.
DELANEY, Franklin C., born 27 Sep 1927 to mother Florine Daugherty.
DELANEY, Genevieve F., born 16 Feb 1929 to mother Florine Daugherty.
DELANEY, Helen L., born 3 Sep 1927 to mother Mary Conroy.
DELANEY, John E., born 1 Aug 1921 to mother Velma Daugherty.
DELANEY, Mary C., born 21 Jun 1921 to mother Mary Conroy.
DELANEY, Mary C., born 16 Aug 1922 to mother Velma Dougherty.
DELANEY, Mary M., born 6 Mar 1929 to mother Margaret Bonifield.
DELANEY, William B., born 16 Mar 1923 to mother Mary Conroy.
DELLEBERGER, male child of Frank, born 6 Feb 1917 to mother Marie Tinke.
DENCE, Ernest, born 1 May 1911 to mother Rosa Adams.
DENNIE, Melvin E., born 28 Dec 1921 to mother Pearl Bishop.
DENNIE, Russell L., born 25 Mar 1916 to mother Pearlie Bishop.
DENNIE, William J., born 8 Jun 1929 to mother Pearl Bishop.
DENNIS, male child of W., born 15 Dec 1928 to mother Minnie Price.
DENNIS, Andy, born 28 Apr 1884.
DENNIS, Iva F., born 28 Nov 1914 to mother Minnie Price.
DENNIS, Louise, born 11 Sep 1925 to mother Minnie Price.
DENNIS, Opal R., born 21 Dec 1916 to mother Minnie Price.
DENNY, Anna S., born 4 Aug 1917 to mother Edith Carter.
DENNY, Carrie R., born 29 May 1924 to mother Ethel McCandless.
DENNY, Dorothy D., born 28 Aug 1922 to mother Edith Carter.
DENNY, Edith M., born 7 Apr 1917 to mother Ethel McCandless.
DENNY, Joseph W., born 14 Sep 1919 to mother Edith Carter.
DENNY, Melvin W., born 7 May 1921 to mother Ethel McCandless.
DENNY, Mildred P., born 24 Feb 1927 to mother Ethel McCandless.
DENNY, Raymond E., born 10 Jan 1913 to mother Ethel McCandless.
DENTON, Alice E., born 24 May 1913 to mother Carrie Howe.
DEWALT, Jean, born 25 Sep 1926 to mother Ora Caldwell.

DICKERSON, Donald W., born 31 Mar 1921 to mother Mabel Goodal.
DICKERSON, Kline F., born 12 Mar 1919 to mother Mabel Goodal.
DICKERSON, Meredith W., born 31 Mar 1917 to mother Mabel Goodal.
DICKEY, Mollie, born 26 Aug 1911, parents Mr. & Mrs.
Word Dickey.
DICKSON, Dewey E., born 5 Oct 1924 to mother Rosie Cologron.
DIETZ, Wilfred H., born 20 Aug 1912 to mother Mary Cummins.
DIETZ, William P., born 8 Sep 1912 to mother Lena Chalfant.
DILLON, Ashel E., born 11 Aug 1913 to mother Georgia Biddle.
DILLON, Ermine L., born 14 Apr 1917 to mother Georgia Biddle.
DILLON, Frank, born 8 Aug 1890.
DILLON, Hilda A., born 11 Oct 1914 to mother Georgia Biddle.
DITTELBERGER, Harold L., born 6 Dec 1922 to mother Marie Fimke.
DITTELBERGER, Raymond, born 28 May 1929 to mother Marie Finke.
DITTLEBERGER, Bernard F., born 14 Jul 1919 to mother Marie Finke.
DITTLEBERGER, Henry M., born 15 Feb 1921 to mother Marie Finke.
DIXON, Margarett B., born 23 Nov 1916 to mother Anna Boseke.
DIXON, Ralph E., born 10 Apr 1915 to mother Anna Boreke.

DOAK, Dorothy D., born 1 May 1924 to mother Emma Grimes.
DOAN, male child of William, born 22 Nov 1915 to mother Leonada Cox.
DOAN, Clyde W., born 27 Nov 1913 to mother Lillian Cummins.
DOAN, Della L., born 7 Sep 1919 to mtoher Lillian Cummins.
DOAN, Donald F., born 9 Sep 1917 to mother Irma Belew.
DOAN, Eleanore M., born 5 Jan 1918 to mother Emily Bentle.
DOAN, Garnetta C., born 18 Aug 1927 to mother Carrie Marshall.
DOAN, Genevie, born 4 Jan 1921 to mother Irma Belew.
DOAN, Minnie, born 28 Sep 1926 to mother Lillian Cummins.
DOAN, Shirley F., born 9 Nov 1916 to mother Lillian Cummins.
DOAN, Vadis M., born 19 Aug 1913 to mother Grace Latimer.
DOAN, Walter Cleveland, born 12 Dec 1889.
DOAN, Wilma I., born 5 Aug 1924 to mother Irma Belew.
DOANS, Earl M., born 19 Sep 1916 to mother Lou Cox.
DOBBINS, Betty J., born 16 May 1925 to mother Helen Christler.
DONAHUE, Mabel E., born 1 Jul 1919 to mother Amy Pettit.
DONLEY, female child, born Sep 1910, parents Mr. &
Mrs. Dam Donley.
DONLEY, Hallie R., born 28 Aug 1910 to mother Emma Jett. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #255 50269.)
DONLEY, Ruby M., born 9 Jun 1921 to mother Emma Jett.
DONLEY, Woethery L., born 9 Mar 1918 to mother Laoma Jett.
DONNELLY, Nelly, born 6 Sep 1914 to mother Emma Jett.
DOOLEY, Helen M., born 12 Mar 1930 to mother Florence Hand.
DORLINGTON, John A., born 13 Aug 1918 to mother Daisy Callon.
DOTSON, male child of Jeremiah, born 16 Feb 1923 to mother Mary Howe.
DOTSON, Charles W., born 28 May 1925 to mother Clara Nickerson.
DOTSON, Jeremiah Jr., born 29 Jan 1911 to mother Elizabeth Howe.
DOTSON, Shelby L., born 6 Jan 1930 to mother Leola Ramsey.
DOTSON, Viola F., born 31 Mar 1921 to mother Mary Howe.
DOUD, Bernard B., born 18 Jan 1916 to mother Lydia Wonts.
DOUD, Harry W., born 16 Apr 1922 to mother Minnie Kendeals.
DOUD, Howard S., born 18 Jun 1922 to mother Lydia Works.
DOUD, Lena A., born 23 May 1911 to mother Lydia Works.
DOUGHERTY, Ada, born 8 Nov 1918 to mother Ruth Ridgeway.
DOUGHERTY, Allen W., born 29 Jul 1926 to mother Iris Bell.
DOUGHERTY, Anna L., born 24 Aug 1922 to mother Edna Johns.
DOUGHERTY, Cash Clay, born 15 Aug 1893.
DOUGHERTY, Cashius Clay, born 27 Aug 1892.
DOUGHERTY, Charles R., born 22 Dec 1924 to mother Ruth Ridgway.
DOUGHERTY, George T., born 12 Jul 1918 to mother Julia Crawford.
DOUGHERTY, Lawrence W., born 14 Jun 1918 to mother Maude Pettit.
DOUGHERTY, Rosetta B., born 19 Aug 1919 to mother Effie Harmon.
DOUGHERTY, Sarah A., born 26 Aug 1920 to mother Edna Johns.
DOUGHERTY, Teresa, born 6 Jan 1911 to mother Nannie Mains.
DOUGLAS, Charles N., born 8 Nov 1912 to mother Ethella Sparks.
DOUGLAS, Josephine E., born 21 Aug 1921 to mother Josephine Kirk.
DOUGLASS, Homer B., born 20 Apr 1911 to mother Stella Douglas.
DOWD, Anna K., born 1 Apr 1913 to mother Emma Gifford.
DOWNARD, Leona B., born 10 Jan 1903 to mother Julia
Bailey. (Delayed Birth Certificate #180 47276.)
DOWNING, Bernice L., born 29 Dec 1927 to mother Rachel Wolfe.
DOWNS, Thomas, born 23 Mar 1916 to mother Lizzie Murphy.

DRAPER, Carl G., born 23 Mar 1921 to mother Mand Courtney.
DRAPER, Charles G., born 24 Dec 1924 to mother Virginia Dunn.
DRAPER, Chester H., born 6 Jul 1911 to mother Maud Courtney.
DRAPER, Donald G., born 14 Jun 1922 to mother Marguerite Dunn.
DRAPER, Goldie M., born 4 Nov 1929 to mother Florence Brandt.
DRAPER, Joyce R., born 21 Jul 1927 to mother Maude Courtney.
DRAPER, William D., born 10 Nov 1925 to mother Ethel Courtney.
DREW, Junior, born 9 May 1930 to mother (unknown) Browfield.

DUCHER, Harry R., born 10 Feb 1914 to mother Anna Synder.
DUCKER, male child of Richard, born 5 Nov 1915 to mother Annie Snider.
DUCKER, Andrew, born 20 Oct 1923 to mother Daisy Leger.
DUCKER, Carrie, born 20 Aug 1917 to mother Daisy Logan.
DUCKER, Carrie M., born 15 Feb 1917 to mother Annie Schineider.
DUCKER, Everett, born 4 Dec 1902 to mother Martha Bonar. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #152 46146.)
DUCKER, Eugene W., born 6 Oct 1016 to mother Yuelta Jett.
DUCKER, George, born 12 Jun 1921 to mother Daisy Leger.
DUCKER, Gladys R., born 8 Apr 1925 to mother Anna Schneider.
DUCKER, Henry F., born 27 Sep 1919 to mother Annie Schneider.
DUCKER, John E., born 24 Sep 1919 to mother Yuelta Jett.
DUCKER, Leah O., born 5 Dec 1903 to mother Lenore Bonar. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #184 47419.)
DUCKER, Ruth A., born 2 Aug 1902 to mother Mary Trayler. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #227 49125.)
DUCKER, Thomas J., born 5 Jan 1923 to mother Yuelta Jett.
DUCKES, Marguerite I., born 23 Aug 1914 to mother Yuelta Jett.
DUER, Ruby M., born 13 Feb 1919 to mother Pearlie Bishop.
DULANEY, Marie I., born 15 Dec 1921 to mother Anna Kelly.
DUNAWAY, female child of Elmer, born 5 Jun 1917 to mother Clara Yelton.
DUNAWAY, Archie Porter, born 24 Oct 1879.
DUNAWAY, Dorothy M., born 25 Jul 1918 to mother Clara Yelton.
DUNAWAY, George B., born 28 Feb 1926 to mother Eva Gordon.
DUNAWAY, Leslie L., born 30 Apr 1911 to mother Norah Dougherty.
DUNAWAY, Ruby C., born 4 Sep 1921 to mother Eva Gordon.
DUNAWAY, Ruth E., born 15 Feb 1911 to mother Clora Helton.
DUNAWAY, Theodore, born 15 Jul 1917 to mother Eva Gordon.
DUNCAN, Charles O., born 28 Feb 1926 to mother Goldie Aschraft.
DUNCAN, James D., born 16 Nov 1924 to mother Goldie Ashcraft.
DUNCAN, James H., born 15 Aug 1907 to mother Sally Vice. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #194 47838.)
DUNCAN, Lula F., born 19 Mar 1929 to mother Goldie Duncan.
DUNN, female child of Joseph, born 19 Feb 1915 to mother Martha Abrerombic.
DUNN, Albert Luther, born 30 Jan 1891.
DUNN, Annie L., born 24 Apr 1914 to mother Mattie Godman.
DUNN, Betty L., born 10 Jun 1928 to mother Cora Fornash.
DUNN, Cora E., born 28 Sep 1929 to mother Cora Fornash.
DUNN, Ellis W., born 25 Nov 1919 to mother Irine Traylor.
DUNN, Ethel, born 30 Jul 1909 to mother Eliza Wilson. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #238 49589.)
DUNN, Floyd A., born 15 Oct 1917 to mother Siddie King.
DUNN, George E., born 11 Apr 1926 to mother Cora Tornash.
DUNN, James H., born 30 Oct 1929 to mother Margaret Little.
DUNN, James M., born 5 Mar 1916 to mother Stella Wilson.
DUNN, Kary L., born 7 Jan 1913 to mother Siddie King.
DUNN, Kenneth W., born 21 Jul 1930 to mother Lucia Dunn.
DUNN, Loretta B., born 30 May 1012 to mother Grace Martin.
DUNN, Lucy R., born 11 May 1913 to mother Martha Abercombie.
DUNN, Mary T., born 2 Mar 1912 to mother Mattie Godman.
DUNN, Nancy C., born 15 Jan 1921 to mother Cora Fornash.
DUNN, Raymond E., born 24 Feb 1925 to mother Edna Smith.
DUNN, Ruby M., born 3 Jul 1927 to mother Edna Smith.
DUNN, Shirley V., born 22 Sep 1918 to mother Sarah Fornash.
DUNN, Tom William, born 16 Sep 1893.
DUNN, Thurman C., born 23 Mar 1919 to mother Stella Wilson.
DUNN, Wallis L., born 20 Sep 1913 to mother Stella Wilson.
DUNN, William H., born 8 Jun 1924 to mother Cora Farnash.
DUNN, William N., born 23 Aug 1928 to mother Minnie Brownfield.
DUNSTALL, Clara G., born 22 Jun 1916 to mother Isabel Tobin.
DUNSTALL, William F., born 19 Aug 1917 to mother Isabelle Tobin.
DURHAM, Jesses N., born 16 Jan 1927 to mother Ora Covington.

DWYEN, Joseph A., born 6 Jun 1922 to mother Colletta Wagner.

DYE, Mary E., born 1 Dec 1920 to mtoher Vera Flaugher.
DYE, Nancy E., born 14 Nov 1923 to mother Vera Flawgber.
DYE, Virginia L., born 16 Oct 1927 to mother Vera Flaugher.